Memory Box November Lookbook 2015

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Hol i dayBl ooms 99174SnowyScene 99182Poi ns et t i aRi bbon 99180Poi ns et t i aBor der 99251Sket chbookCr eat e 30011ShakerCi r cl eFr ames

F el i zNavi dad 98930F el i zNavi dadenGr ande 98949Gl eami ngBel l s 30056St i t chedBows 30061Di s t r es s edSnowdr i f tCol l age

PeaceonEar t h 99174SnowyScene 99234Chat f or dsWr eat h 99236Sket chbookPeace

AdventCal endar 98360Cl as s i cLowerAl phabet 98642AdventCal endarSet 99206WeWi s hYou 99263St i t chedHol l yLeaves 88531Di s t r es s edGr i d

Leti tSnow 99174SnowyScene 99255Gr apeVi neBor der 99270St i t chedLeti tSnow Ci r cl eFr ame 99273St i t chedSnowf l akeCi r cl e

Fr os t yScene 99219Count r yF enceOvalFr ame 99264Cor byOr nament 99278Fl ur r ySnowf l akeFr ame 30022Br anchi ngOut

J oyf ulSpr i gs 98913SweetCandyCanes 98923Gr andCandyCane 99226Pi neNeedl eTwi gs 99229Gar l andGr eener y 99232Fl or alSpr i gs 99242Sket chbookJ oy 99250Ber r yVi neBor der

Fr i endsi nt heF or es t 99214MamaandBabyDeer 99238Cas cadeEver gr eenFr ame 99240Ever gr eenTr i o 99243Si mpl eEver gr eenFr ame 99275Deeri nt heTr ees

Hol i daySwi r l s 99218Swi r lMaj es t i cSt ar 99245Leaf ySt ocki ng 30042St i t chedCount r yBor der 30046Count r ySt i t ches 30059Di s t r es s edAddi ngt onCol l age

99225Dr opOr namentLayer s 99279Newbur yOr nament Vi gnet t e 30019TagYou’ r eI tCi r cl es 30056St i t chedBows

Cr ys t alOr nament s

Thr ought heWoods 99185Woodl andOval 99247Sket chbookJ our ney 99272Daz z l i ngSnowdr i f tCor ner 99275Deeri nt heTr ees

Or angeChr i s t mas 98360Cl as s i cLowerAl phabetSet 99151Lar geCi t r usRound 99155Smal lCi t r usRound 99158Ci t r usLeaves 99161SourCi t r usWedges 99222Scat t er edSnowf l akeFr ame 30064WeWi s hYou

J oyeuxNoël 99034Peacef ulJ oyeuxNoël 30060Pi npoi ntSquar eLayer s 30065Pi npoi ntRect angl eLayer s

Baubl esandBows 99213Or namentCapsandHooks 99225Dr opOr namentLayer s 99262St i t chedGr aham Or nament 99266St i t chedOakl eyOr nament 99263St i t chedHol l yLeaves 30042St i t chedCount r yBor der s 30046Count r ySt i t ches 30056St i t chedBows

ng i t n u B s a m t s i Chr

30062MakeMer r y 30064WeWi s hYou 30065Pi npoi ntRect angl eLayer s

Hol i dayScr ol l 99250Ber r yVi neBor der 99262St i t chedGr aham Or nament 99279Newbur yOr nament Vi gnet t e 30042St i t chedCount r yBor der s 30046Count r ySt i t ches 88531Di s t r es s edGr i dSt enci l

Sof tCandl el i ght 99177Sket chShi ni ngSt ar 99224Pi neconeandGr eener y 99226Pi neNeedl eTwi gs 99227Tr i oofCandl es 99229Gar l andGr eener y 99232Fl or alSpr i gs 99250Ber r yVi neBor der 30058Pi npoi ntCi r cl eLayer s 30066Snowgl obeBas es

Al li sBr i ght 99244Mar t i ngal eBor der 30042St i t chedCount r yBor der s

AmberandGol d 99213Or namentCapsandHooks 99225Dr opOr namentLayer s 99235Bl i s s f ulBundl e 99264Cor byOr nament

Wi nt erMor ni ng 99251Sket chbookCr eat e 30011ShakerCi r cl eFr ames 30022Br anchi ngOut 30045Bi r dsofaF eat her 30061Di s t r es s edSnowdr i f tCol l age

Angel si nHeaven 99226Pi neNeedl eTwi gs 99246AChoi rofAngel s 99255Gr apeVi neBor der 99253Sket chbookI magi ne 30011ShakerCi r cl eFr ames

Snow Angel 99228LacyAngel Wi ngs 99230Embos s edAngel Wi ngs 30050Pi npoi ntScal l opedCi r cl es 30058Pi npoi ntCi r cl eLayer s

Lovel yBi r d 98658Mi niHol l yLeaves 99178Hol l yFl our i s h 99239Sket chbookLove 99250Ber r yVi neBor der 30011ShakerCi r cl eFr ames 30045Bi r dsofaF eat her

BeMer r y 98948Or namentBor derOut l i ne 98952Or namentBor derBackgr ound 30042St i t chedCount r yBor der s 30046Count r ySt i t ches 30062MakeMer r y

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