2012 Memphis Women's Tennis Yearbook

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Memphis Tennis


2012 Tigers


2012 Review


A Global Roster.......................................2 Coaching Philosophy.......................... 3-9 Privilege Mentality..................................4 Growth Mindset......................................5 Fitness/Nutrition.....................................6 Base Game/Yellow Light.........................7 Weapons/Green Light.............................8 Momentum Management.......................9 World University Games......................10 Lady Tiger Lifestyle...............................11 Conference USA....................................12 Big East Bound......................................13

Review.....................................................46 Season Results..................................47-49 All-American Championships.............50 USTA/ITA Regionals............................51 C-USA Championships........................52 NCAA Championships.........................53 Award Winners......................................54 ITA Rankings.........................................55

Memphis Facilities 14-22


The Racquet Club of Memphis......15-18 Athletic Facilities...................................19 Athletic Training Room........................20 Strength & Conditioning......................21 Academic Center...................................22

Memphis History


Coaching Staff


National Rankings...........................24-25 Conference Honors...............................26 Academic Honors............................27-28 M Club Hall of Fame.............................29

Roster................................................35-37 Tigers.................................................38-44


Memphis Athletics................................57 Memphis All-Access.............................58 BeAMemphisTiger.com........................59 Tiger Traditions.....................................60 Athletics Hall of Fame..........................61 City of Memphis..............................62-63 University of Memphis...................64-65 Notable Alumni...............................66-67 University President..............................68 Athletic Director....................................69

PROJECT MANAGER/GRAPHIC DESIGNER Brandon Kolditz VIDEOGRAPHERS Allison Schatell, Brad Pope, Darby Dunnagan, Christopher T. Duty, Arreon Parks, Running Pony, Marty Deull ASSISTANCE Bob Winn, Jennifer Rodrigues, Lamar Chance, Mark Taylor, Tammy DeGroff, Preston McClellan, Adam K. Moussa PHOTOGRAPHERS Joe Murphy, Lindsey Lissau, Carolyn Andros. Photos of Tom III by Scott & Christy Forman. The image of Graceland is used by permission, Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. Special thanks to the Memphis Convention and Visitors Bureau.

Lee Taylor Walker..................................31 Mark Finnegan.......................................32 Jordan Smith..........................................33


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University of Memphis

T h e 2011-12


t e n n i s t e a m i s t r u ly g l o b a l in its reach, with the av e r a g e d i s t a n c e f r o m


to each


hometown stretching over




c u r r e n t r o s t e r f e atu r e s p l ay e r s f r o m a s c l o s e a s

117 m i l e s a n d a s 9,431. It‚s

a s f a r a w ay

a group from diverse

societies forming one


f a m i ly .

2012 W o m e n ‚ s T e n n i s R o s t e r N a m e C l a s s H o m e t o w n D i s t a n c e A n d r e a A r q u e s -G a r c i a J r . A l i c a n t e , S p a i n 4,748 M i l e s Courtney Collins J r . F u lt o n , M i s s . 117 M i l e s K e l ly G r ay J r . M u r f r e e s b o r o , T e n n . 211 M i l e s A ly s s a H i b b e r d F r . S o r r e l l , T a s m a n i a 9,431 M i l e s S t e f a n i e M i k e s z S o . B a r d o w i c k , G e r m a n y 4,710 M i l e s M a r i ya S l u p s k a S r . Kiev, Ukraine 5,512 M i l e s T i ff a n y W e l c h e r r -S r . C l a r k s v i l l e , I n d . 519 M i l e s

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a championship

p l ay e r t a k e s a h o l i s t i c a p p r o a c h t h at f o c u s e s o n f o u r major areas: mental, phy sic al, tec hnic al and tactic al.


a p l ay e r r e a c h e s t h e c o l l e g e level, we believe this pyramid i s t h e m o s t e ff e c t i v e w ay t h at she can maximize her potential f r o m t h e b o tt o m u p .



w h at w e f o c u s o n i n t h e s h o r t and long term of each of our p l ay e r ‚ s i m p r o v e m e n t .

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b e l i e v e h av i n g a p r i v i l e g e m e n t a l i t y

s tar t s with vol unteering and serving others.


through feeding the

homeless, visiting

Hospital or stories, all

St. Jude Children‚s

r e a d i n g i n s p i r at i o n a l o f t h e s e t h i n g s h e l p c r e at e

a b e tt e r p e r s p e c t i v e o n l i f e a n d l e a d s t o m o r e g r at i tu d e f o r t h e o p p o r tu n i t i e s a n d g i ft s e a c h p l ay e r h a s b e e n g i v e n .


should lead t o good s tewardship

and a true enjoyment of practice and competition.

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A Grow th Mindset

b e l i e v e s i n t h e t r ut h

t h at p e o p l e a r e n o t b o r n w i t h t a l e n t , b ut r at h e r t h at t a l e n t a n d s k i l l a r e developed.


belief leads to a focus

o n e ff o r t , l e a r n i n g a n d r e p e t i t i o n .


also encourages the individual to

embrace challenges, accept criticism and learn from others‚ success.

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e v e r h i tt i n g a t e n n i s b a l l

i n c o l l e g e , a p l ay e r mu s t f i r s t t a k e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r t h e w ay s h e fu e l s a n d t r e at s h e r b o d y .

G at h e r i n g i n f o r m at i o n i s t h e f i r s t s t e p ; a p p ly i n g i t i s t h e m o r e d i ff i c u lt a n d c r u c i a l s t e p . O u r strength and conditioning program f o c u s e s d a i ly o n p r e h a b i l i t at i o n exercises, protecting the major j o i n t s a n d mu s c l e s u s e d i n t e n n i s , quickness and explosive drills and strength and endurance exercises.

L a s t ly ,

it is impor tant

to recover through stretching a n d r e h a b i l i t at i o n e x e r c i s e s a n d t r e atm e n t .

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Es tablishing

a base g ame requires focusing on the two

n e c e s s a r y fu n d a m e n t a l s i n b e c o m i n g a s o l i d p l ay e r w i t h o ut weaknesses: movement and ball striking.


first priority

is footwork—working on shot recognition, split step, movement, bal ance and recovery.


second priority is

h i tt i n g — e s t a b l i s h i n g h i g h s h o t t o l e r a n c e o f a l l s h o t s , no unforced errors and discipline and endurance with all shots.


this level demands countless hours of

e x e r c i s e s a n d r e p e t i t i o n o f t h e s e c o n d s e r v e , r e tu r n s a n d net g ame.


t h e e n d o f t h i s l e v e l , a p l ay e r h a s l e a r n e d

h o w t o n o t b e at h e r s e l f .

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i n v o lv e s t h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f t w o

p r i m a r y s t r e n g t h s a p l ay e r c a n u s e i n d i c t at i n g p l ay a n d t a k i n g m at c h e s a w ay f r o m h e r opponent.

T h r o u g h o ut

the previous levels,

t h e p l ay e r s a n d c o a c h w i l l l e a r n w h i c h t w o should be most focused on based on the abilities shown thus far.


of weapons/

strengths include: serve, forehand, speed, b a c k h a n d , n e t g a m e , d r o p s h o t , va r i e t y a n d angles.

A ft e r

t h i s l e v e l , a p l ay e r w i l l h av e

two weapons to impose on her opponent.

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is the finishing touch

o n m a x i n g o ut a p l ay e r ‚ s potential.


e n t a i l s a p l ay e r

learning when the right times are to use


g ame and when

the right times are to focus on

Weapons. There

are cer tain

predetermined score counts w h e r e a p l ay e r mu s t i m p o s e her strengths on the opponent.


o t h e r t i m e s , b a s e d o n w h at

ju s t h a p p e n e d t h e p r e v i o u s p o i n t o r g a m e s , a p l ay e r mu s t u s e t h at i n f o r m at i o n t o k n o w w h e t h e r i t i s b e tt e r t o r e ly o n her her the

Base Game or to impose W e a p o n s /S t r e n g t h s . A t completion of this level,


p l ay e r w i l l h av e a l l t h e t o o l s , b ut m o r e i m p o r t a n t ly , s h e w i l l know when to use them.

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Past Tigers

at t h e

World University Games

S i va n A b a l l i (2007) — T r a c k , I s r a e l E a r l B a r r o n (2001) — M e n ‚ s B a s k e t b a l l , U SA L o r e n z e n W r i g h t (1995) — M e n ‚ s B a s k e t b a l l , U SA E d H a mm o n d s (1974) — T r a c k , U SA

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Courtney Collins was selected to be one of nine collegiate tennis players from across the country to represent Team USA at the World University Games in Shenzhen, China, in August 2011. Collins joined four others from USC, UCLA, and Texas to make up the women’s roster.

University of Memphis

Boston, Mass.

Malibu, Calif.

When they’re not at The Racquet Club, the Lady Tigers are traveling around the country to face some of the nation’s top programs, while visiting a wide array of cities in the United States. In recent years, studentathletes have journeyed to spots such as New York, N.Y., Tucson, Ariz., Boston, Mass., and Orlando, Fla., for tournaments and dual matches. At Memphis, traveling is seen as an opportunity to take on top talent, experience unique and interesting places and bond with your tennis family.

Sedona, Ariz.

Orl ando, Fl a. 2012 Tigers Women’s Tennis Yearbook Page 11

University of Memphis

After marking its 15-year milestone during the 2009-10 season, Conference USA is still going strong. From the beginning, dedication to excellence has been the league’s guiding principle and remains today a common thread for a promising future. C-USA is home to 12 nationally prominent, traditionrich members in East Carolina, Houston, Marshall, Memphis, Rice, SMU, Southern Miss, Tulane, Tulsa, UAB, UCF and UTEP. This combination enhances men’s and women’s programs that are immersed in athletic success and academic prowess. Together, we are committed to excellence, integrity and leadership in athletics, academics and in our communities.

Memphis was the hos t site of the 2012 C-USA W o m e n ‚ s C h a m p i o n s h i p s .

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Feb. 8, 2012 – a day that will go down in University of Memphis history and also a moment that will be long-remembered by Tiger Nation. In an 11 a.m. (CT) press conference, University President Shirley Raines and Athletics Director R.C. Johnson announced the Tigers athletics program was moving to the Big East Conference beginning in 2013. With that announcement, the roars of Tigers fans could be heard coastto-coast. Two days later (Feb. 10), the Big East welcomed Memphis to the conference in a big New York City way with video boards proclaiming “Memphis Tigers - Welcome To The BIG EAST!” in Times Square. The video boards, located on the corner of 46th and Broadway, ran the Tigers’ welcome message for 30 seconds every hour on Feb. 10.

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University of Memphis

The sign at the front says it all: The Racquet Club of Memphis is the official home of Tiger Tennis. The Tigers moved into the facility in October of 2009 and have called the Mid-South’s premiere tennis facility home ever since. It rivals the finest clubs in the country with 186,000 square feet of facilities, including six top-of-the-line, post-tension system hard courts and 11 indoor courts. If you’re a tennis player, it’s tough to find a better place to practice and play.

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Oh, the luxuries of being a Tiger. Between practices and matches, Tiger netters now have an exclusive space that allows them to work hard and play hard off the court. The state-of-the-art player lounge, known as the “Tiger Den,” features a training room, study area, kitchen, private locker rooms, racquet stringing room and offices for the coaching staff. The striking den boasts four 48-inch, big-screen televisions which allow student-athletes to study film of their performances on the court or simply kick back on the leather couches and relax while watching television or playing on the most popular gaming systems.

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The Lady Tigers may be settled into their new home, but plans to enhance and expand are in the works. The final phase of renovations at The Racquet Club is set to begin soon and will consist of sprucing up the outdoor courts with an outdoor plaza complete with refreshment stand and tables, along with the addition of covered grandstand seating that will help fashion a top collegiate tennis environment.

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The Racquet Club of Memphis plays host to the ATP Regions/Morgan Keegan Championships and the WTA Cellular South Cup events every February. In recent years, tennis pros such as Andy Roddick, Tommy Haas, Venus Williams, Maria Sharapova, James Blake, Anna Kournikova, Lleyton Hewitt, John Isner and Melanie Oudin have played in their respective events in the Bluff City.

M a r i a S h a r a p o va

The Racquet Club of Memphis is the only private club in the world to host a professional men’s and women’s combined indoor event.



ATP/R e g i o n s /M o r g a n Keeg an Championships Venus Williams

W TA C e l l u l a r S o ut h C u p

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T o mm y H a a s University of Memphis

Mike Rose Soccer Complex

F l a utt G o l f C e n t e r

The Racquet Club


L i b e r t y B o w l M e m o r i a l S t a d i um

Elma Roane Fieldhouse


F e d E x F o r um T i g e r S o ft b a l l C o m p l e x

Murphy Track

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University of Memphis

The University of Memphis athletic training staff is second-to-none when it comes to ensuring that U of M student-athletes receive quality care in the areas of athletic injury, rehabilitation and preventative care. The goal of the sports medicine department is not only to care for the injuries, but also to assist the studentathletes in preventing injuries from occurring.

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University of Memphis

Like many U of M student-athletes, the tennis players have the opportunity to train at the Billy J. Murphy Complex, which is situated on 140 acres and is located south of the main campus on Getwell Avenue. The Tiger weight room is a 10,500-square-foot facility that features the latest in strength training equipment. Women’s tennis also uses the indoor and outdoor turf fields, as well as the pool at the Student Recreation and Fitness Center on a regular basis. This season, the program worked directly with graduate assistant Kevin Smart, a member of the athletic strength team who aids in and facilitates the design and implementation of the Tigers’ lifting, speed and conditioning programs.

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The University of Memphis’ Center for Athletic Academic Services (CAAS) is dedicated to the academic and personal development of all Tiger student-athletes. Its mission is to provide support services to ensure that U of M student-athletes succeed in the classroom and obtain undergraduate degrees. “W e

are here to support the

s tu d e n t - at h l e t e a n d e n s u r e t h at t h e y a r e a s s u c c e s s fu l in the cl assroom as they are i n c o m p e t i t i o n .”

Dr. Joe Luckey Director of Athletic Academic Services

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A ft e r

e a r n i n g ju s t o n e t e a m


ranking and one doubles ranking in the program‚s first

Lady Tigers


years, the

Courtney Collins 2011 Polls Ranked..................................... 8/11 Highest Ranking................No. 106 (3/15) Season Ending Ranking............... No. 116

posted back-to-back

banner seasons in the rankings.

2011, C o u r t n e y C o l l i n s



t h e f i r s t s i n g l e s p l ay e r i n p r o g r a m

Courtney Collins 2012 Polls Ranked................................... 10/10 Highest Ranking..................No. 27 (3/27) Season Ending Ranking................. No. 33

history to earn a ranking.

Five Tigers

35 2012‚ s p o l l s . S t e f a n i e M i k e s z , M a r i ya S l u p s k a a n d T i ff a n y W e l c h e r j o i n e d Collins in the singles poll and W e l c h e r a n d A ly s s a H i b b e r d w e r e ranked in doubles. made a t o tal of

appearances in

T i ff a n y W e l c h e r & A ly s s a H i b b e r d

Courtney Collins

Stefanie Mikesz 2012 Polls Ranked..................................... 9/10 Highest Ranking................... No. 51 (1/3) Season Ending Ranking................. No. 95 Mariya Slupska 2012 Polls Ranked..................................... 9/10 Highest Ranking..................No. 70 (2/16) Season Ending Ranking................. No. 90 Tiffany Welcher 2012 Polls Ranked..................................... 2/10 Highest Ranking................No. 117 (2/28) Season Ending Ranking......................NR ITA NATIONAL DOUBLES RANKINGS Sabrina Lindemann/ Monica Gonzalez-Gordo 2003 Polls Ranked.......................................... 1 Highest Ranking..................No. 31 (9/11) Season Ending Ranking......................NR Alyssa Hibberd/Tiffany Welcher 2012 Polls Ranked..................................... 9/10 Highest Ranking..................No. 28 (2/28) Season Ending Ranking....................... 64

Stefanie Mikesz M a r i ya S l u p s k a 2012 Tigers Women’s Tennis Yearbook Page 24

University of Memphis


February 2003 January 3, 2012 January 24, 2012 February 2, 2012 February 16, 2012 March 6, 2012 March 13, 2012 March 20, 2012 March 27, 2012 April 3, 2012 April 10, 2012 April 17, 2012 April 24, 2012 April 30, 2012 May 29, 2012

No. 75 No. 68 No. 64 No. 59 No. 55 No. 60 No. 55 No. 51 No. 55 No. 57 No. 56 No. 64 No. 55 No. 59 No. 60

As a team, Memphis posted the most prolific season in school history in 2012. The Lady Tigers entered the spring season ranked No. 68, marking the first time the U of M has appeared in the season-opening poll. The Lady Tigers reached a program-best No. 51 on March 20, 2012, and spent all but one week in the rankings. The U of M finished the season as the 60thranked team, marking the first time in program history that the Tigers ended the season in the polls.

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Courtney Collins

led the most

C-USA NEWCOMER OF THE YEAR Mariya Slupska 2011 Tiffany Welcher 2012

d e c o r at e d t e a m i n p r o g r a m

2012, w i t h f i v e Lady Tigers earning a t o tal o f s e v e n a c c o l a d e s . A ly s s a Hibberd, Stefanie Mikesz, M a r i ya S l u p s k a a n d T i ff a n y Welcher teamed with Collins history in

Marlene Dirnstorfer

t o s u r pa s s t h e t h r e e awa r d s

2011 a n d 1993 (G M C ) s q u a d s . S i x d i ff e r e n t Lady Tigers, including three from this season‚s team, earned by the

Ashley Murdock

h av e e a r n e d at l e a s t t h r e e conference honors:

Christina L a d y m a n (4), S a b r i n a L i n d e m a n n (3), A s h l e y M u r d o c k (3), C o u r t n e y C o l l i n s (3), M a r i ya S l u p s k a (3) a n d T i ff a n y W e l c h e r (3).

ALL-CONFERENCE USA 1ST TEAM Courtney Collins 2011 Courtney Collins 2012 ALL-CONFERENCE USA 2ND TEAM Christina Ladyman 1998 Christina Ladyman 1999 Christina Ladyman 2000 Christina Ladyman 2001 Sabrina Lindemann 2002 Monica Gonzalez-Gordo 2003 Sabrina Lindemann 2003 Ashley Murdock 2008 Ashley Murdock 2008 Courtney Collins 2010 Ashley Murdock 2010 Stefanie Mikesz 2012 Mariya Slupska 2012 Tiffany Welcher 2012 ALL-CONFERENCE USA 3RD TEAM Elenore Dickinger 1999 Sabrina Lindemann 2000 Monica Gonzalez-Gordo 2002 Marlene Dirnstorfer 2004 Mariya Slupska 2011 Alyssa Hibberd 2012

Courtney Collins

ALL-C-USA DOUBLES THIRD TEAM Alyssa Hibberd/Tiffany Welcher 2012 ALL-GREAT MIDWEST CONFERENCE Jeannie Gambino 1992 Natalie Johnson 1993 Dawn Norrey 1993 Tina Puhalo 1993

Christina Ladyman

M o n i c a G o n z a l e z -G o r d o

M a r i ya S l u p s k a

2012 Tigers Women’s Tennis Yearbook Page 26



University of Memphis

B e i n g a t e n n i s s tu d e n t - at h l e t e at the University of Memphis is all


a b o ut f i n d i n g a b a l a n c e b e t w e e n t i m e d e d i c at e d t o t h e c l a s s r o o m , t h e c o u r t a n d s o c i a l s e tt i n g s .

2012 L a d y T i g e r s


found success

on the court and in the cl assroom.

C o u r t n e y C o l l i n s , K e l ly G r ay a n d A ly s s a H i b b e r d a l l w e r e n a m e d C -USA A c a d e m i c M e d a l i s t s f o r a c h i e v i n g a GPA o f 3. 75 o r higher. This is the third-straight t i m e C o l l i n s a n d G r ay h av e e a r n e d the honor.

Kristin Chamberl ain

K e l ly G r ay

Christina Wieser Dara Toulch

2012 Tigers Women’s Tennis Yearbook Page 27

Kirsten Stewart Lucy King Kirsten Stewart Lenka Beranova Lucy King Kate Borthwick Laura Hughes Sabrina Lindemann Laura Hughes Sabrina Lindemann Laura Hughes Sabrina Lindemann Marlene Dirnstorfer Rebecca Garner Sabrina Lindemann Marlene Dirnstorfer Rebecca Garner Christina Wieser Marlene Dirnstorfer Christina Wieser Dara Toulch Christina Wieser Kristin Chamberlain Marjorie Ondeck Dara Toulch Robyn Jones Andrea Arques-Garcia Courtney Collins Kelly Gray Courtney Collins Kelly Gray Courtney Collins Kelly Gray Alyssa Hibberd

1996 1997 1997 1998 1998 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2005 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2009 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012

University of Memphis

I n 2012, t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f Memphis women‚s tennis program

C-USA SCHOLAR-ATHLETE Sabrina Lindemann Christina Wieser

continued its strong tradition of excelling in the cl assroom.

I n a d d i t i o n t o h av i n g t h r e e C -USA A c a d e m i c M e d a l i s t s , b o t h C o u r t n e y C o l l i n s a n d T i ff a n y Welcher were named to the C o n f e r e n c e USA A l l - A c a d e m i c Team. This is the second-straight year Collins has earned the accol ade.

C-USA ALL-ACADEMIC TEAM Christina Wieser Courtney Collins Courtney Collins Tiffany Welcher

Christina Wieser

at h l e t e s mu s t b e a va r s i t y

the ac ademic year.


Monica Gonzelez-Gordo (3rd team) Sabrina Lindemann (3rd team) Marlene Dirnstorfer (2nd team) Marlene Dirnstorfer (2nd team)


l e tt e r w i n n e r a n d h av e a g r a d e

3. 50

2007 2011 2012 2012


T o b e h o n o r e d i n d i v i d u a l ly a s a n I TA S c h o l a r - A t h l e t e , s tu d e n t -

p o i n t av e r a g e o f at l e a s t

2003 2007


tigers were

2012, Collins, Welcher, Andrea ArquesG a r c i a , A ly s s a H i b b e r d , K e l ly G r ay a n d M a r i ya S l u p s k a . e l i g i b l e f o r n o m i n at i o n i n

Sabrina Lindemann

Andrea Feichtinger

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Laura Hughes Christina Ladyman Laura Hughes Sabrina Lindemann Marlene Dirnstorfer Andrea Feichtinger Rebecca Garner Sabrina Lindemann Marlene Dirnstorfer Andrea Feichtinger Christina Wieser Andrea Feichtinger Andrea Feichtinger Dara Toulch Christina Wieser Kristin Chamberlain Dara Toulch Kristin Chamberlain Sarah Irvin Robyn Jones Dara Toulch Andrea Arques-Garcia Courtney Collins Kelly Gray Dara Toulch Courtney Collins Kelly Gray

2003 2003 2004 2005

2001 2001 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2005 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011

University of Memphis

Women‚s Tennis M Club Hall




Became the first woman to compete on a men’s athletic team in the United States… Went undefeated as part of the No. 1 doubles team…Won the title at the No. 5 spot in the Men’s Tennessee Intercollegiate Championship in 1963.

1992 S t a c y S e a m a n s -M u z i i (1980-83) 1997 B o n n i e D o n d e v i l l e F a r l e y * (1963-65) 2000 A n n i k a E w a l d s o n (1987-89) 2005 C h r i s t i n a L a d y m a n (1998-01) *O n ly F e m a l e

t e n n i s p l ay e r t o p l ay o n t h e m e n ‚ s t e a m


Christina Ladyman

B o n n i e D o n d e r v i l l e -F a r l e y

S t a c y S e a m a n s -M u z z i i

Ended her career with a 100-45 record in singles play and a mark of 63-58 in doubles…A member of the Dean’s List for six semesters. CHRISTINA LADYMAN

Completed her career ranked second on the singles victory chart and earned All-Conference USA honors in each of her four seasons (1998-2001)…Came to Memphis to follow in the footsteps of her late father, Henry, also a M Club Hall of Fame honoree. STACY SEAMANS-MUZII

Lettered each of her four years and never played below the No. 3 position… Received virtually every honor offered at Memphis, including the Elma Roane Award for being the top senior female student-athlete.

Annika Ewaldson

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In his fifth year at Memphis, he guided the Lady Tigers to their first full season with a national team ranking and had the program’s first NCAA Individual Championships qualifier in junior Courtney Collins…The Lady Tigers also made their deepest run at the Conference USA Championships, advancing to the semifinals where they were edged 4-3 by eventual tournament champion Tulsa… Helped oversee the move to the Tigers’ new practice and playing facilities at The Racquet Club of Memphis…A two-time graduate of the University of Memphis (undergraduate and graduate degrees)…As a player, was part of the men’s tennis program’s highest ranked doubles team at the time, teaming with Ben Stapp to rank No. 12 in the country in doubles (a mark passed by James Spence/Alex Jago with Walker as their assistant coach in 2006).

Lee Taylor Walker´s Coaching History

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Is in his fourth overall season as an assistant coach with the Tigers tennis programs (men’s & women’s)…A former U of M tennis player from 2003-04, Finnegan has also served as an assistant coach with the Tigers men’s tennis team (2008-Present)…Directs the Lady Tigers’ international recruiting efforts that helped land freshman Alyssa Hibberd (Tasmania, Australia), who played No. 1 doubles for Memphis this past season…Finnegan already has a long history of developing collegiate tennis players, including coaching his alma mater’s men’s and women’s programs, his time with the Cliff Drysdale Tennis Center in Key Biscayne, Fla., and a stint at the Point Clear Tennis Club.

Mark Finnegan´s Coaching History

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University of Memphis

Smith is completing his first year as a volunteer assistant coach with the Lady Tigers tennis program after playing for the men’s tennis program from 2007-11… With Smith in the lineup, the Tigers had their highest winning totals of head coach Paul Goebel’s career, finishing with 14 wins in 2008-09 and 16 in 2010-11 (since surpassed by 2012 team)…Smith teamed with David Henry to rank No. 47 in the ITA in doubles play…The former No. 1 singles player for the Tigers sported a 12-23 singles record and a 49-26 doubles record with two ITA Summer Circuit tournament championships in doubles…In addition to his work with the Lady Tigers tennis program, Smith works at The Racquet Club of Memphis.

Jordan Smith´s Coaching History

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University of Memphis

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University of Memphis

Head coach Lee T ay l o r W a l k e r


assembled a global ros ter of talented t e n n i s p l ay e r s .


season‚s roster is a t r u e m e lt i n g p o t w i t h t h r e e p l ay e r s f r o m the

U n i t e d S t at e s


i n t e r n at i o n a l p l ay e r s

S pa i n , T a s m a n i a , Germany and the Ukraine. from





Andrea Arques-Garcia



Alicante, Spain/Canastell HS

Courtney Collins



Fulton, Miss./Itawamba Agricultural HS

Kelly Gray



Murfreesboro, Tenn./Siegel HS

Alyssa Hibberd



Sorrell, Tasmania/Rosny College

Stefanie Mikesz



Bardowick, Germany/Berufskolleg Halle Westf.

Mariya Slupska



Kiev, Ukraine/Tyler Junior College

Tiffany Welcher



Clarksville, Ind./Alabama

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University of Memphis


Andrea A r q u e s -G a r c i a


Courtney Collins


5-6 Alicant e, Sp ain

5-7 F ult on, Miss.

Mur f r e e s b o r o , Te n n .

Was 3-2 in dual singles play, including a 1-0 mark at No. 5 and a 2-2 mark at No. 6…Teamed with Alyssa Hibberd for a 1-1 mark in dual season doubles, including a 1-0 mark at No. 3 doubles…Named to the Tiger 3.0 Club in the fall of 2011.

Qualified for the 2012 NCAA Individual Singles Championships as the C-USA Automatic Qualifier… Ranked as high as No. 34 in the ITA singles rankings…Posted a mark of 15-3 in dual singles play, including a 10-3 mark at No. 1…Teamed with Kelly Gray to go 12-4 in dual season doubles play, including a 10-4 record at No. 3…Named the C-USA Player of the Week one time (2/28).

K e l ly G r ay 5-6

Was 13-6 in dual season singles play, going 9-6 at No. 6, 3-0 at No. 5 and 1-0 at No. 4…Teamed with Courtney Collins to go 10-4 in dual season doubles and 2-0 in other dual match doubles contests at 1 and 2…Named to the Tiger 3.0 Club and the Dean’s List in the fall of 2011.

FR SO SR A ly s s a Hibberd 5-7 Sor r e ll, Tasman ia Was 13-6 in her first collegiate dual season in singles…Was 10-6 at No. 5 singles and 3-0 at No. 4…Teamed with Tiffany Welcher atop the Lady Tigers’ doubles lineup and posted a mark of 9-4 at No. 1…Also teamed with Andrea ArquesGarcia, Courtney Collins and Stefanie Mikesz to add four more dual doubles wins to her total.

2012 Tigers Women’s Tennis Yearbook Page 36

Stefanie Mikesz

M a r i ya Slupska


5-9 Kiev, Ukraine

Led Memphis with 18 singles victories in dual season play… Was 10-2 at No. 4 singles and 5-0 at No. 3…Was also 3-1 at No. 2…In doubles, teamed with Mariya Slupska for a 13-3 record at No. 2 and a 4-0 mark at No. 1…Also played one doubles match at No. 3 with Alyssa Hibberd to add another victory to her doubles win total.

Finished second on the team with 17 dual season singles victories…Was 3-0 at No. 1 singles, 5-4 at No. 2, 7-0 at No. 3 and 2-0 at No. 4…Picked up wins over ranked opponents with wins over No. 106 Christina Ngo of Georgia Tech, 6-3, 6-1, No. 116 Lindsay Graff of Princeton, 4-6, 7-5, 6-3 and No. 83 Karla Bonacic of Kansas State, 2-6, 6-2, 6-1…Teamed with Stefanie Mikesz for a 17-3 mark in doubles play, including 4-0 at No. 1 and 13-3 at No. 2.

B ar d ow ic k , G e r many

University of Memphis

SR Head Coach Asst Coach VC T i ff a n y Welcher

L e e T ay l o r Walker

5-8 Clar k sville, Ind. Posted a 13-5 mark in singles play, including a perfect 3-0 record vs. C-USA foes in regular-season play… Was 3-1 at No. 1 and 2 singles, 5-2 at No. 3 and 2-1 at No. 4…Picked up one win over a ranked foe with a 6-1, 4-6, 6-2 victory over No. 44 Maho Kowase of Georgia…Teamed with Alyssa Hibberd atop the Lady Tigers’ doubles lineup to post a 9-4 mark at No. 1…Named the C-USA Player of the Week one time (4/10/12).


Finneg an

Jordan Smith

Head Coac h F if t h Season

Assis t ant Coac h

Vol u nt e e r A s s is t ant

F our t h Season

First Season

In his fifth year as the head coach of the Lady Tigers, he guided the program to its highest ITA national ranking (No. 51 on March 20th)…Has coached three different players to seven All-C-USA honors, including three-time honoree Ashley Murdock and two-time honoree Courtney Collins…Has also coached players to three C-USA All-Academic Team honors…Under his guidance, junior Courtney Collins became the first Lady Tiger to break into the ITA singles rankings and earn an individual bid to the NCAA Championships.

Is in his fourth overall season as an assistant coach with the Tigers tennis programs (men’s & women’s)…A former U of M tennis player from 2003-04, Finnegan has also served as an assistant coach with the Tigers men’s tennis team (2008-Present)…Directs the Lady Tigers’ international recruiting efforts that helped land freshman Alyssa Hibberd (Tasmania, Australia), who played No. 1 doubles for Memphis this past season…Finnegan already has a long history of developing collegiate tennis players, including coaching his alma mater’s men’s and women’s programs, his time with the Cliff Drysdale Tennis Center in Key Biscayne, Fla., and a stint at the Point Clear Tennis Club.

Smith is completing his first year as a volunteer assistant coach with the Lady Tigers tennis program after playing for the men’s tennis program from 2007-11…Smith teamed with David Henry to rank No. 47 in the ITA in doubles play… In addition to his work with the Lady Tigers tennis program, Smith works at The Racquet Club of Memphis.

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University of Memphis

Jr 3L 5-6

Came to Memphis from Alicante, Spain, and Canastell High School…Improved her career singles mark to 26-33 with a 6-8 record in fall singles and a 3-2 mark in spring dual singles… Her dual singles record included a 1-0 mark at No. 5 singles and a 2-2 mark at No. 6… Improved her doubles record at Memphis to 21-29 with a 1-2 mark in the fall and a 1-1 record in the dual season…Teamed with Alyssa Hibberd for one match at No. 2 doubles and one at No. 3…Named to the C-USA Commissioner’s Honor Roll (fall 2011, spring 2011)…Named an Arthur Ashe Sports Scholar (2011)…Majoring in Pre-Nursing.

Andrea Arques-Garcia´s Career Statistics

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University of Memphis

Jr 3L 5-7

Improved to 62 singles wins with a 12-3 mark in the fall and a 15-3 record in the spring…Is now 62-21 in singles and 54-33 in doubles in three seasons as a Lady Tiger…Advanced to the semifinals of the singles draw in the USTA/ ITA Ohio Valley Regionals…Also advanced to the consolation finals at the ITA Regional… Became the first Lady Tiger in program history to break into the national singles rankings… Was 10-3 at No. 1 singles during the spring… Became the first Lady Tiger to qualify for the NCAA Individual Championships, receiving the C-USA automatic bid as the highestranked singles player in the league…Major is Interdisciplinary Studies.

Courtney Collins´ Career Statistics

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University of Memphis

Jr 3L 5-6

Went 13-6 in dual singles to improve her Memphis singles record to 33-39 overall… Bounced back from a first round loss in the ITA Ohio Valley Regional to advance all the way to the finals of the backdraw…Closed the spring dual season on a seven-match winning streak in doubles, including an 8-1 win at No. 3 doubles in the C-USA Championships semifinal match against Tulsa…Majoring in Logisitics/Supply Chain Management.

Kelly Gray´s Career Statistics

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University of Memphis

Fr 1L 5-7

Appeared in four doubles championships in the fall, including the ITA/Ohio Valley Regional and a doubles title at the UTC/Steve Baras Fall Classic…Was 12-3 in doubles in the fall…Also had a solid singles campaign in the fall, posting a 13-6 mark and advancing to the semifinals at the June Stewart Invitational… Picked up her first career singles win over a ranked player at the Memphis Invitational, downing No. 90 Courney McLane of Alabama 6-4, 6-1…Was 13-6 in dual season singles to finish her freshman campaign with a singles mark of 26-12...Was also 27-9 in doubles for her freshman campaign, teaming with senior Tiffany Welcher to break into the national poll, ranking as high as No. 28 in the country in the spring…Major is undeclared.

Alyssa Hibberd´s Career Statistics

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University of Memphis

So 2L 5-9

Improved her career singles record to 46-13 with an 18-3 spring dual season mark…Was 10-2 at No. 4 singles, 5-9 at No. 3 and 3-1 at No. 2…Was 9-1 in final 10 singles matches of the year…Teamed with Mariya Slupska for a 13-3 mark at No. 2 doubles…Mikesz improved to 39-17 in career doubles at Memphis…Was the only unseeded singles player to advance to the main draw quarterfinals at the ITA Ohio Valley Regional…Upset No. 31 Bryann Boren, the No. 1 seed of the draw, at the Dick Vitale Clay Court Classic in the round of 16…Also advanced to ITA Regional quarterfinals in doubles…Major is undeclared.

Stefanie Mikesz´s Career Statistics

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University of Memphis

Sr 2L 5-9

Capped her two-year Lady Tigers career with a 48-14 record in singles and a 37-20 mark in doubles…Picked up a win over No. 119 Madeleine Geibert of Nebraska in the pre-qualifying round of the ITA/Riviera AllAmerican Championships…Advanced to the quarterfinals in both singles and doubles at the ITA Ohio Valley Regional…Won the singles title at the Dick Vitale Clay Court Classic…Picked up two wins over ranked singles opponents in the spring, defeating No. 116 Lindsay Graff of Princeton in three sets and No. 83 Karla Bonacic of Kansas State in three sets…Picked up one win over ranked doubles foes, teaming with Stefanie Mikesz to defeat No. 37 Antal and Casares of Vanderbilt…Majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies.

Mariya Slupska´s Career Statistics

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University of Memphis

r-Sr 1L 5-8

Won the doubles titles at Middle Tennessee and UT Chattanooga to open the fall…Then teamed with Alyssa Hibberd to post Memphis’ best finish at the ITA Regional, advancing to the doubles championship match…Also appeared in the doubles finals of the June Stewart Invitational…Capped her one-year Lady Tigers career with a 21-11 mark in singles and a 26-7 mark in doubles…Having already received her undergraduate degree at Alabama, she is working on her master’s degree in Liberal Studies at Memphis.

Tiffany Welcher´s Career Statistics

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University of Memphis

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University of Memphis

The University of Memphis women’s tennis team reached unprecedented success in 2012, recording a 16-5 record and hauling in numerous postseason awards. Lee Taylor Walker guided the Lady Tigers to their first preseason ranking, and the U of M remained in the polls for all but one week of the campaign, finishing the season ranked No. 60. Courtney Collins, a two-time AllConference USA first team singles honoree, became the first Lady Tiger in program history to be selected to participate in the NCAA Women’s Tennis Singles Championships.

S e n i o r s T i ff a n y W e l c h e r a n d M a r i ya S l u p s k a

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University of Memphis

MATCH 1 - JANUARY 15, 2012

M a r i ya S l u p s k a

Browlee O. Jr. Tennis Center

Nashville, Tenn. Miami (OH)


#68 Memphis


MATCH 2 - JANUARY 20, 2012 Governors Tennis Center

Clarksville, Tenn. #68 Memphis


Austin Peay


MATCH 3 - JANUARY 22, 2012 Bill Moore Tennis Center

Atlanta, Ga. #68 Memphis


#13 Georgia Tech


MATCH 4 - FEBRUARY 10, 2012 South Regency Tennis Center

Dayton, Ohio #59 Memphis


Wright State


MATCH 5 - FEBRUARY 10, 2012

MATCH 6 - FEBRUARY 12, 2012

Western Tennis & Fitness Club

Cincinnati, Ohio

MATCH 7 - FEBRUARY 18, 2012

Butler Outdoor Courts

University Club

Indianapolis, Ind.

Memphis, Tenn.

#59 Memphis


#59 Memphis


Middle Tennessee






#55 Memphis


2012 Tigers Women’s Tennis Yearbook Page 47

University of Memphis

Courtney Collins

MATCH 8 - FEBRUARY 24, 2012 Lindsey Hopkins Indoor Courts

Athens, Ga. #53 Memphis


#6 Georgia


MATCH 9 - FEBRUARY 26, 2012

Currey Tennis Center Nashville, Tenn. #53 Memphis


#18 Vanderbilt


MATCH 10 - MARCH 3, 2012 Dick Savitt Tennis Center

New York, N.Y. Memphis


#65 Columbia


MATCH 11 - MARCH 7, 2012

Jadwin Gymnasium Princeton, N.J. #60 Memphis


#49 Princeton


MATCH 12 - MARCH 15, 2012

MATCH 13 - MARCH 15, 2012

MATCH 14 - MARCH 18, 2012

Skyhawk Varsity Courts

Skyhawk Varsity Courts

Martin, Tenn.

Martin, Tenn.

Body 1st Tennis & Fitness Cent

Manhattan, Kan.

#55 Memphis


#55 Memphis


#55 Memphis


Murray State


UT Martin


#67 Kansas State


2012 Tigers Women’s Tennis Yearbook Page 48

University of Memphis

T i ff a n y W e l c h e r

MATCH 15 - MARCH 30, 2012 Dwight Davis Tennis Center

St. Louis, Mo. #55 Memphis


Saint Louis


MATCH 16 - MARCH 31, 2012

University Courts Carbondale, Ill. #55 Memphis


Southern Illinois


MATCH 17 - APRIL 6, 2012

USM Tennis Courts Hattiesburg, Miss. #57 Memphis




MATCH 18 - APRIL 7, 2012

USM Tennis Courts Hattiesburg, Miss. #57 Memphis


Southern Miss


MATCH 19 - APRIL 15, 2012

MATCH 20 - APRIL 20, 2012

Case Tennis Center

MATCH 21 - APRIL 21, 2012

Dunavant-Wellford Tennis Center

Memphis, Tenn.

Tulsa, Okla.

#56 Memphis


#26 Tulsa


Dunavant-Wellford Tennis Center

Memphis, Tenn.



#64 Memphis


#64 Memphis


#26 Tulsa


2012 Tigers Women’s Tennis Yearbook Page 49

University of Memphis

Four Tigers were invited to play in the 2011 ITA/Riviera All-American Championships. Junior standout Courtney Collins advanced to the second round of the qualifying draw and senior Mariya Slupska advanced to the second round of the prequalifying draw.

K e l ly G r ay


a d va n c e d t o t h e s e c o n d

2011 R i v i e r a /ITA A l l -A m e r i c a n C h a m p i o n s h i p s Q u a l i f y i n g S i n g l e s a ft e r d e f e at i n g Virginia‚s Maria Fucillo. round of the

Collins and doubles-partner Kelly Gray joined Slupska and partner Stefanie Mikesz in the pre-qualifying doubles draw. Both duos advanced to the second round before bowing out of the tournament.

Stefanie Mikesz M a r i ya S l u p s k a 2012 Tigers Women’s Tennis Yearbook Page 50

University of Memphis

T i ffa n y W e l c h e r a n d A ly s s a Hibberd finished runner-up i n t h e US TA/ITA R e g i o n a l s d o u b l e s d r aw .

All seven Lady Tigers participated in the main draw of the USTA/ITA Ohio Valley Regionals, posting an overall team record of 28-13. Alyssa Hibberd and Tiffany Welcher advanced to the championship match of the doubles draw. Courtney Collins and Kelly Gray dropped their opening doubles match before advancing to the finals of the back draw. Collins, who reached the semifinals of the singles draw, was joined in the quarterfinals by Mariya Slupska and Stefanie Mikesz. Andrea ArquesGarcia claimed victories in both of her pre-qualifying draw matches to reach the main event.

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University of Memphis

M a r i ya S l u p s k a g r a b b e d a t w o - s e t w i n at N o . 3 s i n g l e s i n C-USA S e m i f i n a l s a g a i n s t T u l s a .

2012 Tigers Women’s Tennis Yearbook Page 52

For the first time in program history, Memphis advanced to the semifinals of the Conference USA Women’s Tennis Championships. As the No. 4 seed, the U of M defeated No. 5 seed Marshall 4-0 in the quarterfinals to advance to the semifinals against top-seed Tulsa. In a hard-fought match at the Dunavant-Wellford Tennis Center at MUS in the Bluff City, Memphis fell to 26th-ranked Tulsa 4-3.

University of Memphis

Courtney Collins earned the first berth to the NCAA Championships in program history. The Fulton, Miss., native finished the regular-season ranked No. 33 in the ITA rankings. Collins drew fourth-ranked Robin Anderson (UCLA) in the opening round. Anderson proved to be a tough draw for Collins, as she fell 6-3, 6-0 to the Bruin.

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University of Memphis

Courtney Collins M a r i ya S l u p s k a

Stefanie Mikesz

A ly s s a H i b b e r d

Courtney Collins headlined five Lady Tigers that earned postseason honors in 2012. Collins, the 2012 ITA Ohio Valley Cissie Leary Award for Sportsmanship recipient, is a two-time honoree for both All-CUSA first team singles and C-USA All-Academic Team. Tiffany Welcher was the C-USA Newcomer of the Year and earned a spot on the allconference singles second team. Mariya Slupska and Stefanie Mikesz joined Welcher on the singles second team. Freshman Alyssa Hibberd earned a nod to the third team singles, and Hibberd and Welcher were named to the third team as doubles partners.

T i ff a n y W e l c h e r

A ly s s a H i b b e r d / T i ff a n y W e l c h e r

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University of Memphis

The University of Memphis had its name smattered throughout the ITA rankings this season, recording several milestones along the way. The program started the spring season ranked No. 68 in the country, was ranked in all but one poll this season and reached a programbest No. 51 on March 20. Courtney Collins led four singles players in the poll, with Stefanie Mikesz, Mariya Slupska and Tiffany Welcher also earning rankings. The doubles tandem of Tiffany Welcher and Alyssa Hibberd spent the entire season in the doubles poll, reaching a program-high No. 28 along the way.

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University of Memphis

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University of Memphis

On the field, Memphis student-athletes continue to compete with the best in the nation. Among the recent highlights, the football team has gone to five bowl games since 2003, and the women’s soccer team has won five-straight Conference USA Championships. The Tigers men’s basketball team has reached the NCAA Sweet 16 in four of the last six seasons, and made the Elite Eight three times during that span. The baseball team received an invitation into the NCAA Tournament in 2007, while the softball team reached its first NCAA Regional in 2011. Men’s tennis received its first NCAA invite in 2012. Men’s golf earned its first C-USA Championship in 2012 and third NCAA Regional invite in the past five years, and women’s basketball earned a trip to the 2011 and 2012 WNIT. Courtney Collins became the first Memphis women’s tennis player to reach the NCAA Tournament in 2012. The men’s soccer team won the C-USA Championship in 2004.

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University of Memphis

With the advance of technology, it isn’t hard to get a behind-thescenes look at the Memphis tennis program. From Facebook, to Twitter, to YouTube, instant access is only a mouse click away. The Tigers’ official home page, GoTigersGo. com, allows fans to read player bios and releases and get up-to-date news, scores and schedules for all U of M sports. Memphis Tiger Vision (or UofMTV) also allows subscribers to watch several live Memphis sporting events throughout the year and also offers free content such as coaches’ shows. As new social media avenues emerge, the Tigers’ presence continues to grow with access on FourSquare, GooglePlus, Pinterest and Instagram.

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University of Memphis

Want to learn more about Memphis athletics in general and Tigers tennis specifically, then go to BeAMemphisTiger.com. The website, designed for prospective student-athletes, has information about what’s going on now with the current teams in addition to the history of the athletics program at Memphis. Go to BeAMemphisTiger.com and hear us roar!

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University of Memphis

The University of Memphis´ official school colors of Blue and Gray were selected in the early 1900s. The colors were chosen in an effort to show unity in a nation that was still recovering from the effects of the Civil War. The student body thought that by picking the colors of the North and the South, the school would show a togetherness among all students. For over 35 years, the sideline mascot for the University of Memphis has been the Bengal Tiger. TOM III, the current Tiger mascot, attends all Tigers football home games, and he can also be found at many other University events throughout the year as a powerful and majestic symbol of Tigers athletics. TOM III travels in style in a custom-designed, climatecontrolled trailer, always with police escort.

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University of Memphis

Three Memphis

w o m e n s t e n n i s a l um n i

A n f e r n e e “P e n n y ” H a r d a w ay / U n i v e r s i t y o f M e m p h i s Athletics Hall of Fame. They are S t a c y S e a m a n s -M u z z i (1992), A n n i k a E w a l d s o n (2000) a n d C h r i s t i n a L a d y m a n (2005). B o n n i e D o n d e r v i l l e F a r l e y (1997) i s a l s o h o n o r e d i n t h e H a l l o f F a m e a n d i s t h e o n ly f e m a l e t e n n i s p l ay e r t o p l ay o n t h e m e n ‚ s t e a m . are honored in the

2012 Tigers Women’s Tennis Yearbook Page 61

The Anfernee “Penny” Hardaway/ University of Memphis Athletics Hall of Fame opened on August 30, 2011. The facility is located at 570 Normal Street and became the centerpiece of the new Athletic Office Building addition. Over 6,200 male and female letterwinners have been identified since the school first opened its doors in the fall of 1912, and the photographs of more than 4,000 of those student-athletes were collected for one of the four interactive databases. Memorabilia was gathered from many of the more than 400 inductees in the M Club Hall of Fame. The facility is open on weekdays from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.

University of Memphis


A ut o Z o n e P a r k

Beale Street

O r p h e um T h e at e r

Peabody Hotel

The Sporting News as “ T o p 50 S p o r t s C i t i e s C o u n t r y ,” M e m p h i s i s a l a r g e



one of the



metropolitan cit y with a homet own feel.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Nothing but the Truth, 2008 The Open Road, 2008 Soul Men, 2008 Black Snake Moan, 2007 In the Valley of Elah, 2007 Walk Hard, 2007 Forty Shades of Blue, 2005 Hustle & Flow, 2005 Walk the Line, 2005 21 Grams, 2003 Cast Away, 2000 The Rainmaker, 1997 People vs. Larry Flynt, 1996 The Client, 1994 The Firm, 1993 Silence of the Lambs, 1991 Great Balls of Fire, 1989 Mystery Train, 1989

Civil Rights M u s e um

From its big-cit y industries such as F e d E x a n d t h e M e m p h i s I n t e r n at i o n a l A i r p o r t t o i t s f a m i ly - f r i e n d ly r e c r e at i o n a r e a s s u c h a s S h e l b y F a r m s and the Memphis Zoo, our city boasts all the amenities you would expect in a cit y with over one million residents, while retaining the c harm and down-t oearth feel of a small town.

2012 Tigers Women’s Tennis Yearbook Page 62

University of Memphis

MEMPHIS FACTS • • • • • • • •

S TAX M u s e um

Considered the “Home of the Blues” and the “Birthplace of Rock ´n Roll,” the city of Memphis´ musical roots run deep. However, music is just a chapter in the history, as well as the future, of the city located in the heart of Mid-America. Beale Street, located in the heart of downtown, has rapidly become the entertainment center of Memphis and visitors and locals alike enjoy the food and music offered in the various establishments. Beale Street meets the Mississippi River at Tom Lee Park, site of the annual Beale Street Music Festival. The weekend-long event is just a part of the month-long Memphis in May International Festival that also includes the World Championship Barbecue Cooking Contest and the Sunset Symphony.

Population of Tennessee: 6,296,254 Population of Memphis: 1,288,506 Visitors to Graceland: 600,000+ Annual Average Climate: 61.9 January Average: 41.2 July Average: 81.2 Precipitation: 48.6 inches yr Elevation 331 ft above sea level

Memphis Zoo

S u n S tu d i o Gracel and 2012 Tigers Women’s Tennis Yearbook Page 63

University of Memphis

P resident Dr. Shirley C. Raines F ounded 1912 as West Tennessee State Normal School C ampus S ize 1,607 acres and 237 buildings at eight sites O perating B udget $439 million L oc al E conomic I mpact $1.43 billion E nrollment - F all 2011 Total: 22,725 Undergraduate: 17,966 Graduate: 4,340 Law School: 419 Full-Time: 68% Part-Time: 32% Men: 38% Women: 62%

For a century, the University of Memphis has been a catalyst for progress in the city of Memphis, the state of Tennessee and the surrounding Mid-South region. From its inception as a normal school dedicated to the education of public school teachers to its role today as an educator of technologically-savvy graduates who face a complex world, the University of Memphis has always fulfilled its current mission while looking forward to and planning for its future. Exceptional students from Tennessee, from every other state in the nation and from almost 100 countries around the world choose to attend the University of Memphis. They come here on the recommendation of their major professors at European universities; they come here to study subjects that are offered nowhere else; they come to study alongside men and women who are recognized and respected throughout the academic and scientific communities as foremost in their fields. McWherter Library

2012 Tigers Women’s Tennis Yearbook Page 64

University of Memphis

Ever f orward-l ooking, the University of Memphis is

Wilder Tower - Home to

poised to enter one of its most

the center

historic and productive periods.



Athletic Academic Services

t h e f a c u lt y a n d s t a ff w e

h av e i n p l a c e , t o o u r a l um n i and benefact ors, our



The Memphis campus is the safest university in a metropolitan area in the state of Tennessee

All academic buildings on the main University of Memphis campus have wireless Internet access

University of Memphis students can choose to study abroad at 165 institutions in 45 countries

The University of Memphis was ranked as one of the country’s most environmentally responsible colleges by The Princeton Review.

Eighty-eight percent of U of M students received some type of financial aid, resources or scholarship during the 2009-10 year totaling over $219 million.

a s s e t s ” h av e n e v e r b e e n m o r e willing, able and generous i n t h e i r e ff o r t s t o b u i l d a n a c a d e m i c e n v i r o n m e n t t h at m a k e s a l i f e - l o n g i m pa c t o n t h e y o u n g m i n d s at t h e




A d m i n i s t r at i o n B u i l d i n g

H um p h r e y s S c h o o l


F e d E x I n s t i tut e of Technology

L aw

2012 Tigers Women’s Tennis Yearbook Page 65

University of Memphis

Fred Thompson Actor and Former U.S. Senator


Dixie Carter Actress

Robert N. Clement Former U.S. Congressman Larry D. Cox Pres./CEO of Memphis International Airport Bernice Donald Judge, Federal District Court William B. Dunavant Jr Chairman of Dunavant Enterprises Wink Martindale Television Personality

Lynda Mead Shea Miss America 1960

Pat Kerr Tigrett International Fashion Designer

Johanna Edwards National Bestselling Author Dr. W.W. Herenton Former Mayor, City of Memphis

Eric Jerome Dickey Best-Selling Author

Dean Jernigan President/CEO of Storage USA and Founder of the Memphis Redbirds Steve Cohen U.S. Congressman

David Kustoff U.S. Attorney for the Western District of TN Craig Leake Television Producer

John Dye Actor

R. Brad Martin Former Chairman of the Board/CEO, SAKS Inc. Ken May President/CEO of FedEx Kinko’s Phillip H. McNeill, Sr. Chairman/CEO of Equity Inns, Inc. Michael Jeter Actor

Vicki Roman Palmer Vice President/Treasurer of Coca-Cola Ann L. Pugh Judge, Shelby County General Sessions Court

William Sanderson Actor

Kellye Cash Miss America 1987

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Barbara Walker Hummel Miss America 1947

Bill Rhodes President/CEO of AutoZone Inc.

University of Memphis


Isaac Bruce, NFL 1994-2010 Four-Time NFL Pro Bowl

Dave Anderson MLB 1983-92 Vincent Askew NBA 1987-90

Charlie Lea, MLB 1980-88 1984 MLB All-Star Tyreke Evans, NBA 20092010 NBA Rookie of the Year

Earl Barron NBA 2003Rodney Carney NBA 2006-

Keiron “Sweet Pea’ Shine Harlem Globetrotters

Chris Douglas-Roberts NBA 2008Larry Finch Memphis Head Coach 1986-97 Stephen Gostkowski NFL 20062009 NFL Pro Bowl Penny Hardaway, NBA 1993-2008 Four-Time NBA All Star

Tamika Whitmore, WNBA 1999-2009 2006 WNBA All-Star

Derrick Rose, NBA 20082011 NBA MVP

Chad Harville MLB 1999-2006 Larry Kenon NBA 1973-83 Keith Lee NBA 1985-89 Mark Little MLB 1998-2004 Mike McKenzie NFL 1999-2009 Elliot Perry NBA 1991-2002

Lou Graham, PGA 1963-85 1975 U.S. Open Winner

DeAngelo Williams, NFL 20062010 NFL Pro Bowl

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Dan Uggla, MLB 2006Two-Time MLB All Star

Andre Turner NBA 1986-92 David Vaughn NBA 1995-99

University of Memphis

Described in The Memphis C o mm e r c i a l A p p e a l a s “ p o w e r fu l , p r e p a r e d a n d p e r s o n a b l e ,” D r . R a i n e s has become known for her e ff e c t i v e w o r k i n b u i l d i n g p r o d u c t i v e pa r t n e r s h i p s o n a n d o ff t h e c a m p u s .

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Dr. Shirley C. Raines became the 11th president of the University of Memphis on July 1, 2001. She is the first woman to hold the presidency of the University, which was founded in 1912. Previous to her appointment at the University of Memphis, Dr. Raines was Vice Chancellor for Academic Services and Dean of the College of Education at the University of Kentucky. While at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., she received the Distinguished Faculty Member award and has received two research awards from the Eastern Educational Research Association. She is the author of 14 books and numerous journal articles and is widely regarded as an expert in teacher education and early childhood education.

University of Memphis

D u r i n g h i s t e n u r e , R.C. J o h n s o n h a s c r e at e d ’ the Athletic Director s Honor Roll, the Tiger Schol arship Fund Board of Directors and the Athletic Director’s Ambassador’s Club. The Ambassador’s Cl ub, whic h s tar ted with t w o m e m b e r s i n 1997, has reached an all-time high of 4 4 members under Johnson. A significant revenue source for Tiger Athletics, members of the Ambassador’s Club pledge t o c o mm i t $500,000.

R.C. J o h n s o n


R.C. Johnson came aboard in February of 1996 and immediately set forth in bringing U of M Tigers athletics into national prominence. In his 16-year tenure, the dynamic administrator has built Tigers athletics into a nationally-recognized program that has participated in five bowl games, 14 postseason men’s basketball tournaments and six C-USA soccer championships. Under Johnson’s direction, donations to the department have risen steadily and more than $7 million has been raised each of the last three years. After serving as an athletic director for 33 years, Johnson will retire in June. Tom Bowen was named as his successor at a press conference in April.

Priscill a Presley

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University of Memphis

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