The University of Memphis athletics program began in the fall of 1912 and has over the past century established itself as a competitive program in virtually every facet of intercollegiate athletics. It is rewarding to look back on all that was accomplished, while recognizing that our greatest achievements are yet to come. As the next chapter of Tigers Athletics begins, we believed that it was absolutely paramount that a new strategic plan be created to address our journey as a new comprehensive member of the American Athletic Conference in 2013. This formulated the process to create a strategic plan by seeking input and feedback from our various constituencies and major stakeholders. Our work was a focused and interactive engagement with different individuals, organizations, community leaders and numerous “Tiger Nation” supporters and alumni. We conducted five “Town Hall” meetings and received hundreds of verbal and written responses to our open forum questions. To all of you who took the time and effort to engage with us: Thank you!
Over the past seven weeks, my staff and I disseminated all the data, and created this working document we present to you today. This plan is our unified effort to address and build upon all the input we received.
The University of Memphis Department of Athletics recruits and develops a diverse population of highly- skilled student-athletes, coaches and staff to compete at the pinnacle of NCAA collegiate athletics. We strive to be recognized as a leader in excellence, diversity, inclusion, leadership and personal accountability. Our commitment is to provide a culture where our student-athletes can thrive in academics, athletics and society in an environment of uncompromising integrity. In doing so, we dedicate ourselves to create the best possible opportunities for our student-athletes to succeed in the classroom and in the arena of competition.
The opportunity that awaits our student-athletes is a challenging one, and together we must provide those who compete for the University of Memphis the best opportunity to succeed. I eagerly welcome your incredible support and passion; and challenge all of us, together, to make this moment in time one that will change the future of Tiger Athletics forever.
Go Tigers Go! Regards,
INTEGRITY AND EXCELLENCE: Our goals, strategies and decisions are founded
on the principles of integrity and honesty. We openly embrace and work in unison following the rules and regulations of the University of Memphis, the Tennessee Board of Regents, our Conference affiliation and the National Collegiate Athletic Association. We are dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the classroom, in competition and as ambassadors in the community.
COURAGE AND LEADERSHIP: We will always have the courage to “do the right thing” and demonstrate individual and collective responsibility as role models and leaders within our diverse community.
TRUST AND TRANSPARENCY: We will strive to say what we mean and do what we say; being trustworthy in all actions, the significant and small.
“O UR GUID ING P RINC IP L E S” Tom Bowen Director of Athletics
¾¾ To develop and maintain a highly-competitive and sound athletic program, reaching a standard of achievement in athletics consistent with our purposes as a university and the excellence of our institution. ¾¾ To employ coaches and staff members who exhibit high standards of integrity and ethical behavior, including good sportsmanship and a desire to assist studentathletes in reaching their academic potential.
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¾¾ To function responsibly and with accountability in all our initiatives, programs and operations, which includes providing equal treatment and opportunity for student-athletes, coaches and staff, in employment and in all athletic programs and activities.
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A C A D E MIC E XC E L L E NC E Our highest mandate is to educate and graduate our studentathletes, while facilitating continued growth in their personal skills, career development and citizenship.
S TRA TE GIE S ¾¾ Immerse student-athletes into the academic life of the university, facilitating the transition from high school to college through teaching academic and personal skills necessary for academic success. ¾¾ Facilitate continuing development of academic skills, assuring APR scores, GSR averages and team academic goals continue to exceed benchmarks. ¾¾ Create four/five year graduation timelines for each individual student-athlete. ¾¾ Facilitate continuing development of personal skills and career development. ¾¾ Provide distinctive learning experiences that foster lifelong success and involved citizenship.
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A THL E TIC E XC E L L E NC E Win championships and qualify for postseason competitions.
S TRA TE GIE S ¾¾ Improve operational resources for our sports programs comparable with the American Athletic Conference and national level standards. ¾¾ Develop sport-specific competitive objectives, including recruiting plans and processes. Annually review and evaluate each head coach’s performance and program success. ¾¾ Cultivate resources to allow coaches to recruit championship-caliber student-athletes through “Team Behind the Teams” Enhancement Fund. ¾¾ Enhance student-athlete performance by providing exceptional services in strength and conditioning, sports medicine, equipment, facilities management and health services.
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GENDER EQUITY, DIVERSITY, COMPLIANCE AND GOVERNANCE Promote the principles of gender equity, diversity, ethical conduct, transparency and integrity through education and multiple streams of communication. S TRA TE GIE S ¾¾ Ensure that gender equity and respect for diversity are fundamental components of the organization’s overall strategic plan and daily operations. ¾¾ Develop a culture of shared responsibility, commitment and compliance for the rules, policies and procedures of the University of Memphis, Tennessee Board of Regents, NCAA, the American Athletic Conference and Title IX. ¾¾ Require a commitment to ethical and transparent operations for all staff and coaches. ¾¾ Develop our Sportsmanship and Civility Video for all sporting events and sport support groups. ¾¾ Provide educational opportunities for department staff members to enhance their knowledge and sensitivity to the importance of diversity, gender equity and Title IX.
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Establish a culture of fiscal accountability through transparent and strategic financial decision-making, proper resource allocation and management; and operate as a positive, efficient and effective component of the University of Memphis.
S TRA TE GIE S ¾¾ Develop a comprehensive annual budget process that is inclusive of participation by coaches, staff members and strategic partners; establish an annual review and approval process with University personnel.
¾¾ Establish a priorities list from our programs and department through annual meetings in order to provide championship-level performance opportunities for all programs.
¾¾ Provide reliable and timely information internally and externally regarding financial performance, budget and encumbrance information and relevant revenue/ expenditure dashboards.
¾¾ Build and maintain relationships with internal and external customers to include coaches and staff, strategic partners, University personnel, alumni, local corporate partners, donors and Ambassadors.
¾¾ Strive for open and accountable communication with our constituent base regarding all financial matters.
¾¾ Ensure a long-term process for creating and balancing the budget through prudent financial decision-making practices. Develop efficiencies and revenue growth opportunities with comprehensive strategic business decisions.
¾¾ Develop a working, zero-based resource allocation process that focuses on the management of available and future funds; focus on strategic expense management, cost accounting functions and realistic revenue opportunities.
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RE VE NUE GE NE RA TIO N Pursue capital donations for the University of Memphis “Empowering the Dream” Campaign, and develop resources for the transition as a new comprehensive member of the American Athletic Conference. S TRA TE GIE S ¾¾ Restructure advancement operations and principles to maximize fundraising, stewardship and outreach. ¾¾ Develop a comprehensive plan to increase philanthropic giving; significantly increase number of donors. Improve donor retention and move donors to higher giving levels of philanthropy over the next three years. ¾¾ Re-create the promotion of the Tiger Scholarship Drive to alumni, graduates, former student-athletes and the City of Memphis and surrounding communities in Shelby County in collaboration with marketing leadership. ¾¾ Increase fundraising support during the next three annual cycles, while focusing on philanthropic messaging in all materials.
all head coaches an increase in recruiting and operating expenses. Create standards for donations, designating a single development staff member to oversee and facilitate all “Team Behind the Teams” initiatives. ¾¾ Name a planned giving program: “Tigers Forever,” assuring stability and honoring donors’ commitments to a long-term investment. ¾¾ Create the “Foundation of Champions” Campaign, engaging potential donors of under $500 and thus increasing Tiger Scholarship members. ¾¾ Identify Department of Athletics’ facilities for outside usage and formulate policies and procedures for usage to produce new streams of revenue.
¾¾ Develop and implement the “Team Behind the Teams” Enhancement Fund that provides
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C O MMUNIC A TIO N A ND C O MMUNITY E NGA GE MEN T Create a dynamic, comprehensive Marketing Plan to engage students, alumni, former student-athletes, the city of Memphis and surrounding communities through expanded media outlets, events, direct mail and volunteer opportunities to develop a loyal Tiger Nation and ensure maximum attendance at all athletic events. S TRA TE GIE S ¾¾ Develop a staff of marketing professionals who will lead the Department of Athletics into a dynamic culture of promotion and excellent customer service.
¾¾ Cultivate a program for University of Memphis students to serve volunteer and internship placements within the athletic department.
¾¾ Enhance game-day experiences through marketing and promotional activities designed to engage the existing fan base and to draw new fans to the University.
¾¾ Enhance social media presence to reach college-age and broader alumni fan base.
¾¾ Increase the visibility of University of Memphis Athletics through “Branding Memphis.” License new and innovative products to our fan base. ¾¾ Develop internal technology capability for improved communications and community awareness.
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¾¾ Provide a positive customer service experience for all fans through our ticket office. Commit to utilize the latest technology to best serve our customers. ¾¾ Engage student-athletes, coaches and staff through Memphis community volunteer opportunities.
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MA STER FACI LI TY P LAN Develop athletic facilities through the campus Master Plan review process with the Tennessee Board of Regents approval.
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Provide quality spectator, competitive and practice facilities including ancillary offices, locker rooms and support areas.
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¾¾ Require all new student-athletes to attend mandatory Center for Athletic Academic Services (CAAS) orientation program prior to the start of their initial semester at the University of Memphis.
¾¾ Communicate with students after their athletic eligibility has been exhausted, including working with the M Club and any former athletes who inquire about completing his/her degree.
¾¾ Work with head coaches to implement academic policies for class attendance and other academic commitments as deemed necessary for the individual students, based on CAAS classification program and any diagnostic testing of studentathletes.
¾¾ Provide head coaches updates of their annual APR scores, GSR averages, team academic goals (including team GPA’s) and graduation status of all seniors who have exhausted their eligibility.
¾¾ Encourage individual and team recognition for academic awards.
¾¾ Gather additional contacts for job sharing and mentoring database, present opportunities to offseason student-athletes.
¾¾ Require all juniors to attend “Resume Boot Camp.”
¾¾ Departmental reorganization and classification: 2012-2013.
¾¾ Create online course “Preparing to Become a Professional”
¾¾ Develop annual budget process • Require formal meetings with coaches and staff: Begin Winter 2012 • Develop budget worksheet tool and priority list template • Compare monthly budget to actual reports for all units
¾¾ Include one representative from all teams in Team Leaders Council & Retreat. ¾¾ Offer speakers series for studentathletes, financial literacy speaker mandatory for all juniors and seniors. ¾¾ Continued development of a successful individual leadership program for all student-athletes and community engagement volunteer opportunities.
¾¾ Schedule monthly, quarterly and annual financial meetings with University personnel. ¾¾ Write Departmental Policies and Procedures: 2013. ¾¾ Require balanced annual operating budget: 2014-2015.
¾¾ Create annual budget card and coordinated presentation for various constituency groups: 2013-2014. ¾¾ Maximize and renegotiate contracts to the extent possible: Licensing, Merchandise, Nike, Media Rights and other strategic partners: Begin Fall 2012. ¾¾ Create comprehensive bonus structure for coaches and sportsupport staff members: 2015. ¾¾ Address any findings and recommendations from campus internal audits and Tennessee Board of Regents audits: 20122013.
¾¾ Develop long-term forecast and financial analysis: 3, 5, and 7 years. ¾¾ Develop financial data website as a part of 2014-2015. ¾¾ Complete annual Department of Education, NCAA, and Universityrelated financial reports. ¾¾ Conduct annual employee performance appraisals, setting the next year’s goals and expectations. ¾¾ Strengthen relationships with all units on campus.
A T H L ET I C EXCE LLENCE ¾¾ Recruit regionally, nationally and internationally. ¾¾ Develop strategic non-conference scheduling for all sports. ¾¾ Schedule a minimum of 50% home competitions for each sport.
¾¾ Require all sports programs to have at least one postseason appearance in a four-year cycle. ¾¾ Create long-term strategies for recruiting classes to be ranked in the Top 25.
G E NDER EQ UITY, DIV E R SITY, C O M P L I AN C E AN D GO V ER N AN C E ¾¾ Provide professional development opportunities for all staff members to strengthen performance and leadership skills, with special focus on the development of women and minorities in leadership positions. ¾¾ Provide equitable facilities, distribution of resources and support staff for all studentathletes.
¾¾ Support a professional staff tasked with the education, communication, monitoring and reporting to the governing bodies. ¾¾ Produce a compliance education video to share with boosters, donors, student-athletes, coaches and staff at meetings and events. ¾¾ Schedule annual compliance training for GA’s, student assistants, part-time workers, etc.
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¾¾ Update and distribute annually the departmental compliance manual in hard copy and electronic form to coaches and athletic department staff. ¾¾ Continue to upgrade technology for monitoring systems.
Annual Giving 2012-13.......................$7.0 million 2013-14.......................$8.7 million 2014-15...................... $8.0 million
Major Gifts 2012-13..........................$5 million 2013-14........................ $16 million 2014-15........................ $16 million
“Team Behind the Team” Sports Enhancement Fund 2012-13.......................... $750,000 2013-14.......................$1.0 million 2014-15...................... $2.0 million
Planned Giving 2012-15.......................$3.5 million
Scholarship Endowment Fund 2012-13.......................... $250,000 2013-14..........................$300,000 2014-15.......................... $350,000
C OM M U N IC A T ION S A N D C OM M U N IT Y IN V OL V E M E N T ¾¾ Build a brand strength marketing campaign regionally and nationally.
¾¾ Provide the best customer service to our constituents and our student athletes on a daily basis.
¾¾ Enhance Internship Program with various departments on campus.
¾¾ Create online suggestion box to upgrade game day experience and survey season ticket holders: April-May 2013.
¾¾ Pursue new technologies to upgrade online capabilities ¾¾ Allocate resources for technology and staff to focus on social media outlets and to constantly update and interact with fans.
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A Tennessee Board of Regents Institution • An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action University UOM090-FY1213/1M