Institutional plan VHL University of Applied Sciences 2022-2025

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Core values

IMPLEMENTATION: THIS IS WHAT THE NEXT STEP LOOKS LIKE For the future of Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences, this strategy is only the first step. The real work must now begin: realising the objectives in the spirit of our vision. We implement the strategy as follows: First, the implementation process will reflect the character of our vision. Despite the corona pandemic, we made every effort to work together and involve as many internal and external people and groups as possible in strategy development. We were convinced that the process should match the content. So: dare to set ambitious goals together. We also organise the implementation process in a way that suits the organisation we have in mind. That means three things: 1. Partners. We translate vision into action together. Help us become the very best possible Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences. We use the strategic goals as a touchstone for our policies, priorities, and the way we work. If we see several perspectives, we make decisions together. The best way to translate this vision into our policy is through consultation with lecturers, students and external partners, with professors, management and the services. We will stay in close contact with student representatives (such as the OPCOs) to continue to discuss whether we are on the right track and on the same page. 2. Learn. The implementation is an opportunity to learn. Let's hold each other accountable and work together to find the best ways to keep an open mind. 3. Choices. Ambitious goals will be met in a stable environment. There are a number of points on which the basis could be strengthened, so that we all know where we stand. Those choices require ownership and responsibility from all of us.


Secondly, much remains to be specified. This Institutional Plan mainly outlines the basic principles and broad outlines. The specific objectives in the strategy section are intended in part to provide an example of how the strategy might be developed. For the 2022 policy plans, this means that each unit is asked to translate the vision and strategy into consequences for its own group. We must seek a balance between internal organisation and looking outwards to where the transitions will take place. A steering group will help translate this Institutional Plan into the daily reality of each group, which also ensures coherence. Many people contributed to the process. There is a wealth of examples of concrete goals and ideas for the policy plans. This information is available in an ordered format and reviewing it in detail is highly recommended when making policy plans. Third, it means we need others. We are serious about our ambitions. But these are impossible to achieve without partnerships with other parties. This Institutional Plan must not become an exclusively internal document. It is certainly intended as an invitation to parties that recognise themselves in our ambitions. Governments, businesses, NGOs, other educational institutions, citizens and other players in the regions are warmly invited to become or remain participants, to make a difference in schools, for the new generation of students, and for the earth that is so dear to us all.

Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences Institutional Plan 2022-2025

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