Architectural Landscape Organization of Tourist Cities in China

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Economic Management Journal August 2015, Volume 4, Issue 3, PP.42-46

Architectural Landscape Organization of Tourist Cities in China Salavat Shabiev 1 Department of Architecture, South Ural State University, 454080, Russia Email:

Abstract The article deals with the current problem in field studies of architectural landscape organization of tourist cities Suzhou and Zhouzhuang in China. Levels of the general construction plan and the individual components of the landscape, such as the relief, soft cape and water areas, are investigated. The results of the earlier urban field studies in Europe, America, Australia, Asia and many others countries are presented. The results show that the structures of the cities are split by river channels, which allows to organize additional hiking tours by floating facilities within a year and to improve the ecological environment. This is facilitated by favorable climatic conditions with warm climate, which also helps to make gardens with artificial stone structures and reservoirs. The gardens have paths made of small pebbles and stone slabs forming the national ornaments and small architectural forms. Arch bridges are constructed through the river channels and some building facades have vertical gardening. Temples, pagodas and other structures distinguish their traditional Chinese architectural style with curved roof coatings. The ancient Chinese cities of Suzhou and Zhouzhuang have highly artistic microlandscape. This is unique feature of Chinese cities known as landscape art has brought them the international fame. Keywords: Architectural Landscape; China; Suzhou; Zhouzhuang; Tourist Town

Being invited to read a series of lectures on architectural landscape organization we made some field studies of Beijing and Shanghai as well as two other famous tourist cities of Suzhou and Zhouzhuang. With a population of over 24 million people these two ancient cities situated near the largest metropolis of Shanghai have a number of outstanding features specific for tourist cities in China. The theoretical framework is based on the results of field studies made in Australia (Sidney and Melbourne), Canada (Vancouver), Austria (Vienna), Italy (Rome, Florence and Venice), the UK (London), Turkey (Istanbul), Finland (Helsinki and Tampere), the Czech Republic (Prague) and in other countries where modern architectural and urban methods were used. As a result a large amount of analytic and reference material has been collected, systematized and theoretically generalized. We delivered some scientific lectures at the universities in Vancouver, Melbourne, London and Istanbul. The purpose of the field studies is to examine architectural and landscape features of the tourist cities in China. According to this purpose the main task is to determine the common factors of the man-made and natural environment formation in the cities. Methods of the field studies with photo and video survey of Chinese tourist cities together with the study of Internet resources and comparative analysis of other cities are used to complete the task. China is one of the most ancient countries in the world that has many tourist cities with unique culture, history and architecture. A tourist city differs from other cities by its unique sightseeing attractions, comfortable traffic facilities 1

Author’s contact information: Salavat Galievich Shabiev, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of South Ural State University, doctor of Architecture, professor.e-mail: 2 In 2014 the author was appointed as the first advisor of the Committee Head of Foreign States at the Shanghai Society of Landscape Architects and awarded with a special Certificate of Recognition. - 42

and developed tourist infrastructure. Tourist cities in China have their own distinctive architectural and landscape features compared to similar cities in other countries. The distinction is seen in an urban planning, specific characteristics of the basic natural components of the landscape, such as the relief, gardening and water areas interrelated with the environment. It generally contributes to the sustainable development of tourist cities and surrounding areas. The unique architectural style of buildings and structures with curved edging of roofs coatings is the main attractive feature of Chinese architecture. Highly artistic microlandscape is a specific feature of Suzhou and Zhouzhuang cities. This peculiarity of garden art of Chinese cities has brought them the international fame. The analysis of the general town planning scheme in both cities shows that they are split by river channels cutting across at different angles. This allows organizing additional tourist routes by watercrafts and also helps to improve the ecological situation in the cities. The criterion for ecological purity of river channels is a large amount of fish of different species. Warm climate in these cities contributes to the efficient use of channels as a tourist attraction. For example, in such a big tourist city of China as Suzhou with population of more than 6 million people and the city area of more than 8 thousand square kilometers the average minimum atmospheric temperature is above freezing. Geographically it is in the south latitude of 30. Favorable climatic conditions contribute to active development of tourist business throughout the year. The ancient city of Suzhou located about 100 km southwest of Shanghai is situated on the Grand Canal. The abundance of channels lets us draw a parallel between Suzhou and the famous tourist city Venice in Italy. Architectural and landscape analysis of many other cities showed that they arenot only tourist attractions, but also business and industrial centers as well. Thus, Suzhou is also an important center for silk production in China [1]. Suzhou is famous for its stone bridges over the river channels and gardens with unique architectural planning and landscape peculiarities (Fig. 1)3. For example, Chzhochzhenyuan garden with plenty of reservoirs is situated in the north-east of the city, Lyuyuan garden having multi-style parts is located in the north-west of the city [1]. The study showed that natural landscape in Suzhou is in harmony with man-made structures, e.g. numerous bridges across the river channels, temples and pagodas built in the national architectural style. The most popular tourist attraction is the arched bridge Baodaytsyao across the Grand Canal in China. The most famous temples are Syuanmyaoguan situated in the city center and Nanshan in the northwest and the socalled pair pagodas in the east of the city.



Another architectural and landscape attraction attraction is Dzhouchzhuan, the first Chinese village on the water with several classic courtyards and ancient bridges. The symbol of Suzhou is Pagoda Temple Yun-yang in the northwestern part of the so-called ÂŤTiger HillÂť [1]. - 43

The field studies show that the river channels in Suzhou are situated along the streets and in most cases intersect at right angles. However, some river channels intersect at acute angles or have picturesque configuration that considerably enlivens the architectural landscape of the urban area. The width of river channels is small. It is convenient for the development of the pedestrian traffic between the opposite banks and water tourism routes. This does not disharmonize the architectural landscape of historic center of Suzhou (Fig. 2). Architectural structure of Suzhou channels in the north-south and east-west directions forms the landscape and compositional structure of the city making a convenient transport and pedestrian link between its functional areas. The vertical walls of river channels are made of masonry and planted in some parts. There are some roads and sidewalks separated from each other by green lawns as well ascycling driveways along the channels. The parks including all the components of the landscape - relief, gardening and water areas as well as small architectural forms - are made for tourists. Entrances to the parks are designed in Chinese architectural style (Fig. 3). Freestanding trees on pedestrian sidewalks have perimeter landscaped areas with benches for recreation. There are many small architectural forms made of different materials and decorated with national patterns in the parks (Fig. 4).





Small trees are planted in special tubs and can be easily transferred from one place to another. Landscaped pedestrian footpaths covered with fine pebble increase the level of comfort in the parks. The pebbles fixed on a solid base form drawing with the national ornamentsand have revitalizing effect through the massage of pedestrians’ feet. Slopes along the footpaths are reinforced by «breathing» flat stone tiles preventing the pollution of horizontal sections by rain and soil spraying in dry weather. There are artificial waterfalls in urban parks that create attractive architectural and landscape environment (Fig. 5). - 44

Special tourist attractions are multi-arched bridges. Many launches and boats shuttle with tourists on-board under them. Architectural and landscape elements in Suzhou, one of the most comfortable and landscaped cities in China, are well perceived in the day and at night time. It was established that the areas under the multi-level traffic flyovers as well as their vertical structures are planted with trees. Traffic flyovers will help to decrease the volume of vehicle exhaust gases from the car engines at the street crossings. A small tourist town Zhouzhuang situated 30 km from Suzhou with the area of 82 square kilometers has a population of almost 100 thousand people. It has favorable climatic conditions characterized by positive atmospheric temperatures throughout the year [1]. It gives the possibilities for the development of tourism including river channels tours (Fig. 6). The field studies of the architectural structure in Zhouzhuang show that the urban planning structure is embayed by river channels along which low-rise buildings are erected in traditional Chinese architectural style with curved roof coatings. This creates a unique architectural image of the ancient city complemented by numerous bridges (Fig. 7). The most famous among them is Shuangqiao, a twin bridge, consisting of Shidetsyao and Yunantsyao bridges - the symbol of the city Zhouzhuang. Shidetsyao Bridge has arched form, while Yunantsyao Bridge has a rectangular structure. The bridge built in the late 16th - early 17th centuries have been preserved and nowadays it is a popular tourist attraction. Zhouzhuang is a well landscaped and planted town that has artificial stone structures with waterfalls in the parks. This improves the aesthetic quality of the landscape area organization and improves the microclimate. Large-scale ornaments of colored flag stones are arranged on the large horizontal sections of recreational areas, which create the color emphasis on the tourist routes. The banks of channels without adjacent buildings are decorated with vertical masonry or have slopes to water which are made of large blocks of stone to serve boating tourists. Some of the buildings along the channels have vertical gardening on their walls enhancing the environmental benefits. Narrow streets in Chinese style and narrow channels with bridges reflecting in water create the unique architectural and landscape tourist town image (Fig. 8).


The most picturesque parts of the channels are those that have branches in different directions from the main water area with changing reflections of environmental buildings when moving on boats and watercraft. Fuantsyao Bridge is another famous old bridge built in the 14th century. On the opposite sides of this arched bridge there are two towers with small food and souvenir shops. There are also towers, pagodas, family residence complexes and other facilities in Zhouzhuang, which define the architectural look of this ancient Chinese city [2]. The most famous family residence of Shen built in the 18th century is located in the southern part of Zhouzhuang. - 45

This family residence includes courtyards, wharf with slope down to the water, area for entertaining, living rooms and recreation rooms. In the 15th century another residence of the family Zhang was the central part of the city. The residence has several yards and many rooms and the main hall with river flowing under it [2]. Both family residences are close to each other and are linked by waterway in meridian direction. Thus, the field studies of the architectural and landscape organization of tourist cities in China - Suzhou and Zhouzhuang – reveal the specific methods of man-made and natural landscapes formation. The study of the general urban planning shows a unique structure of the cities embayed by river channels that are popular tourist routes. The study of the components of the landscape such as relief, gardening and water areas determines the originality of their application in organic connection with the surrounding buildings erected in traditional Chinese architectural style with curved roof coatings.


URL: (reference date: 12.01.2015)


Zhouzhuang - East Venice [electronic resource]. URL: (reference date: 12.01.2015)

AUTHORS Salavat Shabiev, was born on 11 May, Shabiev Salavat Galievish, born on 11 May, 1948 in Bashkir, is a professional architect specializing in architecture. Shabiev majored in the architecture of residential and public buildings faculty at the Sverdlovsk Institute of Architecture from 1968 through 1974. Shabiev has got the Candidate’s degree of Art (thesis defened in 1984 in Moscow Architectural Institute) and the Doctorate degree of Art (thesis defened in 1993 in Moscow Architectural Institute). He obtained the titles of Docent and Professor in 1990 and 1994 respectively. In addition, he was honored architect of Bashkiria in 1998 and honored architect of Russia in 2007 and in the same year he got the Medal of the Order "Merit for the Fatherland" II degree. Now he is working in South Ural State University as the Head of the Department of Architecture (since 1987) and the Dean of Architectural Faculty (since 2002).

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