The development of the digital oscilloscope based on fpga

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Transactions on Computer Science and Technology December 2013, Volume 2, Issue 4, PP.69-76

The Development of the Digital Oscilloscope Based on FPGA Gang Luo1, Jie Peng2†, Lu Ma2, Fei Yuan2, Yuanyuan Mao2 1. Chengdu Technological University, Chengdu Sichuan 611730, China 2. University of Electronic Science & Technology of China, Chengdu Sichuan 611731, China †Email:

Abstract The system design is based on FPGA digital oscilloscope, using a unified and specified operational amplifier chip A/D converters, complete conditioning and collection, using Spartan-3E FPGA control chip with high-speed analog-digital high-speed data acquisition, storage and transmission, using SOPC embedded soft-core form. Seven-segment LED display block with on-board display of the input signal and the peak frequency value. Since program uses SOPC technology, soft-core processor and high-speed digital circuits integrated in a FPGA chip to form a programmable system on chip. Thus, the entire system has higher processing speed, flexible configuration, high reliability, and flexible change of scene. Keywords: Digital Oscilloscope; FPGA; SOPC; High-speed Acquisition; LED

1 INTRODUCTION The DSO, short for the digital storage oscilloscope, has been developed a new type of oscilloscope [1] with the development of the digital technology. Digital storage oscilloscope not only applies to the measurement of the repeated signal, but also applies to the detection of the single transient signal. Because the digital storage oscilloscope introduced the digital signal processing technology and storage technology, thus making its very effective for the recording store and researching analysis of the complex single transient signal. However, the traditional oscilloscopes are difficult to achieve. At present, the digital storage oscilloscope market mainly focus on foreign technology. With the development of digital storage oscilloscope, the Tektronix Company is in the lead, followed by the Agilent Company and the LeCroy Corporation. Such as the Tektronix TDS7000 series, the highest analog bandwidth is 4GHz , and the highest real-time sampling rate of 200GS / s [2], up to the storage depth of the 32 Mega-samples. But as a result of high price, digital storage oscilloscope lead to a large market space of the analog oscilloscope, especially in teaching experiments, and the analog oscilloscope are equipped with 20M or so. With the rapid development of high speed universal device, the A/D, FPGA, DSP, CPU and other high speed chip have obvious improvement on speed and integration, and the price of the device is also greatly reduced, which indicating the digital storage oscilloscope will have the greater popularity. Therefore, with the adopting of the most advanced integrated circuit element, as much as possible of the oscilloscope function, especially the digital processing function design is a very meaningful attempting on the highly integrated programmable chip.

2 THE DESIGN STRUCTURE DIAGRAM OF THE DIGITAL STORAGE OSCILLOSCOPE BASED ON FPGA According to the analysis of the system performance, the system design is mainly divided into the following five parts: the recuperating module of the front signal, signal acquisition module, FPGA control signal sampling module, storage and transmission module, the real-time display and storage module of the data signal [7]. As shown in figure 1. - 69

The signal recuperating circuit conduct front-end waveform signal processing by adopting high-speed op-amp AD811. The high-speed A/D device use of the TLC5510 chip of the TI company, of which highest sampling rate up to 20MSa / S . FPGA adopted NEXYS2 device can conduct internal FIFO structure and satisfy the temporary storage of the sampling signal. Single chip microcomputer controls FPGA by using soft core which leads to conducting sampling and transmission, and conduct the real-time display of the waveform signal by controlling the LED.


3 THE MODULE DESIGN OF THE OVERALL CIRCUIT 3.1 A/D Front-end Signal Processing and A/D Circuit Module According to the sampling theorem, when f s  2 f in , namely, the A/D sampling rate is greater or equal to twice the signal frequency f in , it can only reconstruct waveform without distortion [4]. In order to meet the requirement of the input voltage in the range of the A/D measurement, it must carry on the front-end signal processing of the input signal, namely, the signal disposal. This design conducts an appropriate voltage offset and amplifies for sampling signal by sampling of high-speed op-amp AD811, then inputs into the TLC5510’s simulation input after it via the RC low-pass filter, which completes signal acquisition front-end processing. The AD811 can handle up to 140MHz bandwidth of the signal, the minimum setup time is 25 ns, and power supply noise is only 1.9nV / Hz , which is very suitable for using in this design. Due to the demand of the A/D relied on the signal power is too high, this design carries out on the power supply filtering by adopting  type filter network. The measured results indicate that power supply ripple is very small, which has reached the requirement of the design.


3.2 The FPGA Internal RTL Circuit Structure FPGA using NEXYS2 instrument [8], and its crystal vibration frequency up to 50MHz , and the plate uses 16Mbytes high-speed SDRAM and 16Mbytes Flash ROM, enable it to fully compatible with an embedded processor.


Because the data of FPGA is lost without power-fail, it will not saving code after burning off electric. However, we need to add configuration circuits, which are shown in figure 3. 1)

MCU soft core controlling FPGA sampling, display and data storage

The FPGA internal circuits include real-time sampling circuit, the equivalent sampling circuits, sampling way selected circuit, equal precision frequency measurement circuit, the embedded processor core and other ancillary logic circuit, etc. Due to the sequential sampling principle, once the first trigger event comes, it immediately collects the first sampling point, and puts it in the storage. A second trigger is used to start a timing system, and the timing system will produce a very small time delay t . After the t time delay, it will be again to collect the second sampling point. The time resolution of the display memory is equal to the small delay time t , its value directly reflects the sampling rate of the equivalent sampling. When a third trigger event arrives, the timing system produces 2t delay time. Collecting the third sampling point after this delay time, and proceeding according to this rule. That is to say, the first sample point is on the left of the screen, and then the vary sampling points in turn form a waveform which displays to the right. The equivalent sampling rate is: Δf. In this design, t  5ns , namely, the equivalent sampling rate is 200M. It is derived from the 4 times frequency of the FPGA internal phase-locked loop[9] (PLL). Equivalent sampling circuits include PLL module, A/D sampling sequence controller module and FIFO memory module. The FIFO memory module and real-time sampling circuit FIFO are Shared each other and they are used interchangeably by data selector. MCU is the main core in this design, it is mainly responsible for the commanding FPGA sampling and making the sampling data storage into memory, and calling the drawing program so that display sampling signal. When any touch screen buttons is pressed, according to the value of the pressed key, it turns into corresponding processing subroutine, the overall application process is shown in figure 4. 2)

Parameter measurement

Signal peak-to-peak value measurement: is actually the measurement between the maximum and the minimum of the sampling data, namely, how many points between their values? and then converting points into the actual voltage value. Specific algorithm is as follows: MCU loading A/D sampling data from the FPGA is divided into four times[3], - 71

the first three times, it reads 80 data every time, the last time, it reads16 data, a total of 256 data. To solve the largest value and minimum value after it reads out every times, put it as the next maximum value and minimum value to be read. After four times, it can choose the largest value and minimum value of the 256 data. The maximum value minus the minimum, you can get the points of their difference. Because the vertical resolution is 150mv / div , it can calculate peak-to-peak value according to the following formula, i.e. v pp  max  min / 255 / 8 A


Among them, Max is the maximum of the waveform data, Min is the minimum of the waveform data, A is the vertical resolution, unit is mv / div .


Signal frequency measurement: the signal frequency measurement method of the design adopted the hardware design measurement. Namely, the input waveform via Schmidt trigger changes into a standard square wave, and the input to the single chip timer/ counter, then using a timer timing, the meter method of the frequency counter conduct the frequency measurement of the input signal [10]. MCU T0 is set to counter work way (for 16-bit counter, counter initial value is set to 0), T1 is set to the timer work way (for16-bit counter, interrupt once every 4ms ). Then it calculated the frequency values according to the following formula, i.e. Frequency  T0count TH 0  65536  65536  TL0

Among them, T0count is count times of the T0 , T H 0 is high eight value of the T0 , T L 0 is low eight value of the T0 , The software flow chart are shown in figure 5.

4 SINE WAVE GENERATOR HARDWARE DESIGN 4.1 The Design of the Single Chip Microcomputer Minimum System This design uses AT89S52 single chip micro- computer as main control chip. Single chip micro- computer minimum system consists of a single-chip microcomputer and reset circuit. The frequency of the oscillation circuit mainly depends on the crystal oscillator frequency, and the average crystals frequency can choose between 1.2 12MHz , and we adopt 12MHz crystal vibration in this design. Capacitor C1, C2 can choose between 5  30 pf , and the size of the capacitor has a tiny influence on oscillation frequency, which can play a role in frequency fine tuning. Power on reset is that the single-chip turn on power supply and the single-chip microcomputer is reset. Resistance capacity parameters of the reset circuit is usually adjusted by the experiment, and the circuit parameters C is generally 22f , R1 take 1k , but it offer enough high level pulse on the RST / Vpd end, make SCM can reliable on the automatic reset.

4.2 The Waveform Signal Producing Part of the Circuit Design The basic principle producing part of the waveform signal: the P1 port of the single-chip microcomputer outputs a digital signal, then the digital signal becomes continuous current signal [15] through the DAC0832. The negative input terminal of the first stage operational amplifier connect DAC0832 Lout1 end, and the positive input terminal connect Lout 2 end. The reason for adopting two stage operational amplifiers is that it can realize inverting function, and it can appear the positive and negative value of the waveform. For example, when the vref  5v , the range of the output voltage of the A1 is 0—5v. When Vout1  0v , Vout 2  5v . When Vout1  2.5v , Vout 2  0v . When Vout1  5v , Vout 2  5v . The range of the output Vout 2 : 5v  5v . The relationship with Vout 2 and the reference voltage: Vout 2  digitalcode  128 / 128 Vref .


The general power supply voltage of the D/A has special requirements, and the choice of the power supply voltage should meet the certain width of the WR strobe, usually at least 500ns . However, when Vcc  5v , it should also meet the requirements. For example, when Vcc  15v , the pulse width of the WR needs only at least 100ns , at this point, this is the best working state to the device. It ensures that the data entered a valid time status shouldn’t be less - 73

than 90ns , otherwise, it will latch fault data. The power voltage of the operational amplifier is generally selected 15v . The waveform generation circuit diagram is shown in figure 6.

5 THE SINE WAVE GENERATOR DESIGNING SOFTWARE FUNCTIONS Systems using an external interrupt, and two timer interruption[4]. The outputs of the sine wave and triangle wave are achieved by the look-up table method, and it changes the frequency by changing the output time interval of the adjacent data points and the count of the output waveform cycle. Pulse output based on a single I/O is assigned "1" and "0", and it achieves the change of the frequency by changing the high or low level dual time of the I/O output. The keyboard is a independent interrupt keyboard. Software can through the discriminator of the button, and it calls different buttons service subroutine so that realizing the output of the waveform.



Sine wave output

Wait for key

Key is pressed

Check number of key

Triangle wave Output function

Sine wave output function



As is shown in figure 7, it is the total flow chart for the D/A converter. Final, checking buttons, outputting triangle wave or sine wave functions. When the flag  1 , keys is valid. After the initialization, it output 24Hz sine wave. Press the sine wave button, the system will output about 100Hz sine wave, the flow chart as shown in figure 8. Firstly, turn off the timer T0 , open the timer T1 . Then display subroutine value. The finally, according to the process, it will return when output frequency s  5 .

6 THE CONCLUSION This topic adopting SOPC technology, using of the MCU soft core processor embedded in the FPGA, and combined with hardware circuit design completed the research and design of digital oscilloscope, and realized the main functions of the digital oscilloscope. Including trigger synchronization, real-time/equivalent two ways, under the two ways, it produces the single/continuous sampling mode and the equal precision frequency measurement/duty ratio. Better to complete the function of the most of the digital storage oscilloscope. In the process of debugging, sometimes, it can appear too high measured peak and frequency error values, and it may be the part problem of the - 74

operation amplifier. However, this design is only suit for single channel input. For the dual channel or multi-channel input signal, we should add high-speed electronic switch and other devices in the input end. The input signal range of the design is 100Hz to 20KHz , signs will change if it is greater than this value, and it needs to improve in the later work.


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Institute of Technology. He received the

research student in the department of Automation Engineering,

degree of BS in Mechanical Design and

University of Electronic Science & Technology. His main

Manufacture Engineering from Changchun

research interest is embedded system design, electrical control.

University of Science and Technology in


1991 and the Master degree in Electrical


Gang Luo is a Professor in the Chengdu

Jie Peng, born in Hunan Province, China. Now he is a Master

Lu Ma graduated University of Electronic Science &

Control Engineering from the UESTC in 2005. His present interests are embedded system design, electrical control, and FPGA design. - 75



research student in the department of Automation Engineering,

ent of Automation Engineering, University of Electronic Science

University of Electronic Science & Technology. His main

& Technology. His main research interest is the embedded syste-

research interest is Fault-Tolerance Routing and Power on NOC.

m design.

Fei Yuan, born in Sichuan, China in1988. Now, he is a Master

Yuanyuan Mao, He is a Master research student in the departm-

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