beijing sprirt

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“爱国”是“北京精神”的核心,是北京城市精神最深刻、最显著的特征, 源远流长,历久弥新。它体现了北京市民所具有的“天下兴亡、匹夫有责” 的爱国精神,讲政治、顾大局、树正气、重奉献的时代精神,展现了北京时 刻与民族命运紧密相连、心系国家发展、勇担时代使命的向心力与凝聚力。 "Patriotism" is the core of the spirit of Beijing, Beijing's most profound spirit of the city, the most significant characteristics of a long history, and timeless. It reflects the people of Beijing has the world rise and fall, everyone is responsible for "the spirit of patriotism, politics, and the overall situation, the tree upright, re-dedication of the spirit of the times, showing Beijing time is closely linked with the destiny of the nation, be mindful of national development bravely assumed the mission of the times, solidarity and cohesion.

五十五周年国庆首发邮票(2004 年发行) 【相关知识链接】该套邮票根据国旗、 国徽的标准尺寸等比制图,简洁明快, 无任何装饰,充分体现国旗国徽的庄 重。该套《国旗国徽》特种邮票,是 第一套标准国旗国徽邮票、第一套国 庆特票版张;是近年来国庆邮票中涨 幅最快的邮票之一。

55th Anniversary National Day starter stamps (2004 issue) Knowledge links The stamps are standard sizes according to the national flag, national emblem, geometric drawing, simple and clean, without any decoration, fully reflects the solemn flag national emblem. The set of special stamps of the National Flag National Emblem ", is the National Flag and National Emblem stamp of the first set of standards, the first set of National Day special votes in the sheet; is one of the fastest in recent years in the National Day stamps or stamps

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