Mengyanyu 732107 final jouranl

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STUDIO AIR Semester 1, 2017 Dan, Mengyan

Part A Conceptualisation Part B Criteria Design Part C Detailed Design


I am Mengyan Yu, a third year architecture student in the Universality of Melbourne.

When I was a child, I am really into drawing and always create some handwritings on the wall of my bedroom, and I formally learned traditional Chinese painting and sketch from my primary school to the end of secondary school. And I am also interested in Physics, therefore, when I chose my major; I straightforward decided to study Architecture. My favorite architect is Sejima, a Japanese female architecture; she designs wonderful curved architecture and always blurs the boundaries between peoples, environment and buildings. I love those light, beautiful, fluid design. For first year and second year, I have learned a lot from subject such as Digital Design and Fabrication, we made a 2nd skin on human body (figure1) ; in studio Earth (figuer2) I make a pavilion on Herring Island; and I design a boathouse in Studio Water (figure 3) . For this year, I hope I can learn more about the grasshopper to help me improve my design and computer skills, especially from Air studio.

Fig 2. Studio Earth

Fig1.Digital Design and Fabrication

Fig 3. Studio Water

Content A1.Design Futuring A2. Computation A.3. Composition/Generation A4.Conclusion A5. Learning Outcomes A.6 Appendix- Algorithmic Sketch Book




A1.Design Futuring

The world is finite, which means the world might be destroyed. The major reason of this condition is unsustainability. Unsustainability brings two major problems: first, if there is a solution to be carried it still takes a long time to change the condition; secondly, unsustainability can bring unpredictable situation to the habitation. For example, climate change might cause unknown weather condition such as heavy hail and damage the buildings, or public facilities. 1

What can design do? The design can slow the de-futuring by providing sustainable model for planetary habitation. Currently, the definition of design is not problem-solving but to redirect the situation. According to Fry, “design as a redirected practice able to take the diversity of humanity away from deepening the disaster of unsustainability toward the featuring character of sustain-ability�.


This point is feather supported by Dunne and Raby, they claimed that design is

not predict the future, but to find the potential future.


So design intelligent can be a tool which can help us make important judgment to the future therefore, design intelligent is a necessary skill for a designer.

1 Fry, Tony (2008). Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice (Oxford: Berg), p.5

2 Fry, Tony (2008). Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice (Oxford: Berg), p.15 3 Dunne, Anthony & Raby, Fiona (2013) Speculative Everything: Design Fiction, and Social Dreaming (MIT Press),p.2

A1.1 LOBLOLLY HOUSE Loblolly House, Kieran Timberlake Loblolly house was built by Kieran Timberlake in 2007 at Chesapeake Bay. It is a single residential house. The house is lifted on skewed wooden pillars so that it rests in the site without giving too much pressure on the ground (Figure1).1 Nowadays, most architecture are built from thousands of part in different manufactures which consumed a huge amount of time on transportation and assembly, and also cause unpleasant environmental side effects.

However, for this house, all components are off-site fabricated and ready-made which means during the design process, the designer has already consider and design the fabrication process; therefore, parametric modeling software was used to ensure that all fabricated components would fit together perfectly in the construction.


The concept “element of architecture” was really radical at the time this house constructed: the scaffold, the cartridge, the block and equipment, etc. Stephen Kieran said that, “The aluminum scaffold system, coupled with an array of connectors, provides both the structural frame and the means to connect cartridges, blocks and equipment to that frame with only the aid of a wrench.” 3 All those elements make the building process quicker and easier. All of those approaches achieve environmental ethic and this building is a representation I picked. In the past, we usually think that human is the center of the world, and we design lots of building which are damaging the nature. In other word, we are de-futuring. However, this architects start to think in the perspective of nature: the use of tree as footing to protect the earth; they use various technologies to achieve sustainability and the use pre-fabrication to minimize the damage of construction to the site. I Secondly, the building is easy to assembly which means that it is easy to change the location and to change the future. Personally, this building engages me that with this feature, by not be pinned to a location but instead is movable and therefore it can be adapted to different changes of the environment which means that the distance between architecture and human become closer. One day, the architecture might become a portable element in human’s life.

Figure1, Section shows the footings

Figure 2 , Pespective

1 Kieran, Stephen, James Timberlake, Barry Bergdoll, and Michael Stacey, Loblolly House (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2008), p.3

2 Kieran, Stephen, James Timberlake, Barry Bergdoll, and Michael Stacey, Loblolly House (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2008),pp. 4-6 3 Kieran, Stephen, James Timberlake, Barry Bergdoll, and Michael Stacey, Loblolly House (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2008),p.20

Figure 3, Loblolly House,

A1.2 Sendai Mediatheque

Toyo Ito & Associates, Sendai-shi, Japan

The main concept is to design of this building is flexible or an adaptable space for free flow of knowledge and information. To achieve this, he constraints the architectural elements down to three: The tube, the skin and the plate (figure1) . Each element is separated from each other, and from a high-efficient element in the building performance. The most radical designing in this building is the column. It shows how a column can maximize the building performance.

The thirteen irregular placed bundles of steel tubes are highly-computed. In other words, the computer helps the shape forming of the tubes. There are several functions of tubes firstly, to resist the force including torsion, seismic loads, and vertical load (figure 3). Secondly, the active climate control system is an-all air system (figure 2) and return through the tube. Thirdly, the tube can also lead the sunlight (figure 4) in to the inner space, which is achieved by sunlight tracking systems. Moreover, the elevators are also in the tubes. In conclusion, those columns can transfer the load; work as the media for the climate system, the light system, and the transportation system are all evolved in those tubes. 1

Sustainability technology is also applied to the building, such as passive climate control (Figure 5).2 In my opinion, the technology of sustainability is widely applied in the architecture and the technology will be more developed in the future. What inspires me the most is the multi-use of a structural element and uses in the architecture language. The high-resistance to the earthquake is also archived by those tube (dedicated calculated by computer). So in the future, the more elements can be multi-functioned such as the skin of the building can be utilized as place for planting trees... (Improve the environment) In the future, we cannot predict what will happen, so that the flexibility of space is important, we can use it as the needed (such as extreme conditions: the war, the disaster). Therefore for future possibility, the flexibility space and Multi-use architecture element should be explored.

Figure1, the major elements

Figure 2, Air system

Figure 3, Load transfer

Figure 4, Light system

Figure 5, Passive design

1 “Sendai Mediatheque”, Faculty Of Samfox, 2017 <> [accessed 3 August 2017] 2 “Sendai Mediatheque”, Faculty Of Samfox, 2017 <> [accessed 3 August 2017]

Figure 6, Sendai Mediatheque,

A2. Computation

Causing the de-futuring, there is a serious consequence if we do not redirect our pervious design. As the technology development and the formulation of design processes develop, “a new comprehensive domain of architectural theories” fades in.1 It is a combination area of science, technology, design and architectural culture. The use of digital devices allows people to produce desirable results in the field of architecture, like a human- computer Symbiosis.

The computation of architectural design has experienced a long history: It starts with the representation such as “a more fluid logic of connectivity”; while then, Migayrou states that the more important is the digital chain Which is more like computerization use computer to fabricate; and the free-form geometry is de-emphasized.2 This theory potentially influenced the design thinking and finally moves to the digital thinking.

Paramedic design is a,” upon logic of associative and dependency relationships between objects and their parts and whole relationships.” To achieve this, new software, such as Rhino and Grasshopper, are developed. This is the age of the emergence of research by design, which means the computer can help designers to do research-based experimental design, and more and more architecture are employed by these powerful digitally integrated performative designs, and the form is driven by performance. 3

There is an obvious transfer from computerization to computation. Computation provides more possibility for architectural design such as a new culture: digital materiality and combining with digital fabrication techniques. Digital Computerization also compresses the work-flow from designing to fabrication, and it also brings changes to production and construction process, like we might use robot to construct the buildings.

1 Oxman, Rivka and Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1 2 “Sendai Mediatheque”, Faculty Of Samfox, 2017 <> [accessed 3 August 2017] 3 “Sendai Mediatheque”, Faculty Of Samfox, 2017 <> [accessed 3 August 2017] 3 “Sendai Mediatheque”, Faculty Of Samfox, 2017 <> [accessed 3 August 2017]

A2.1 Spanish Pavilion EXPO 2010 SHANGHAI, Benedetta Tagliabue

Benedetta Tagliabue wants to show the culture connection between east and west culture, so that ancient craft of wicker baskets is adopted as an inspiration.1

The appearance and the volume-forming of pavilion are inspired by the wicker bas-

kets; therefore, the pavilion has a free-formed shape and complex spaces configuration. Consequently, there is an unprecedented challenge of realization of structural design.2

However, the design team used computation to help them form the

pavilion without any previous reference.

The detailed approach is that: they first built a model in computer but also do the physical model, and digital and physical model worked simultaneously which can gain more balanced solutions (Figure1) . The computer mainly focused on the finding the optimized geomertrization of the volume. For structure design, they used “a 3D gird of same spaced horizontal and vertical concentric tubes which would in turn support the wicker facade and structure of the building.”3

This approach was

specific calculated by computer and fabricated in physical model to check, the team run this method time after time. A precise solution is finalized by computation: The first group is formed by bars contained in horizontal planes, equally spaced at 1.2 m. The second group, the bars are contained in vertical concentric plans every 2.4 m.”4

The merger of two groups of

bars composed a complex facade and makes the pavilion in 3D.

In short summary, the computation rationalizes the free-form shape and find the best solution to the structure. It’s impossible to realize the Spanish Pavilion without the experimental digital models; the digital technology is quite essential.

Figure1, Different virtual models and physical models, DRAW THE SPANISH PAVILION FOR THE WORLD EXPO SHANGHAI 2010.

SPANISH PAVILION FOR THE EXPO SHANGHAI 2010.”, Revista De EGA. Issue New 18, P288-295. 8P., Issue 18, p288-295. 8p. (2011), p3 11 “DRAW Oxman,THE Rivka and Robert Oxman, eds WORLD (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; York: Routledge),p.1 SPANISH PAVILION FOR THE EXPO SHANGHAI 2010.”, Revista De EGA. Issue New 18, P288-295. 8P., Issue 18, p288-295. 8p. (2011), p4 12 “DRAW Oxman,THE Rivka and Robert Oxman, eds WORLD (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; York: Routledge),p.1 3“DRAW THE SPANISH PAVILION FOR THE WORLD EXPO SHANGHAI 2010.”, Revista De EGA. Issue 18, P288-295. 8P., Issue 18, p288-295. 8p. (2011), p7 1 Oxman, Rivka and Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1 SPANISH PAVILION FOR THE EXPO SHANGHAI 2010.”, Revista De EGA. Issue New 18, P288-295. 8P., Issue 18, p288-295. 8p. (2011), p7 14 “DRAW Oxman,THE Rivka and Robert Oxman, eds WORLD (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; York: Routledge),p.1

Spanish Pavilion, 2010,

A2.2 Centre Pompidou Metz, France, 2010, Shigeru Ban The design aims to create a museum which brings a deep impression for visitors and an enough space for exhibition.1 Therefore, excepting the space arrangement, a unique timber roof is designed.

The timber roof structure is composed by the hexagon hover and covers the entire space. There are two reasons for choosing hexagon: 1st , the hexagon has culture meaning to the French; 2nd the Chinse hat which has special woven configuration of timber which dixfferent layers of timber strips are connected without rigid connections;2 so instead, for roof, each member overlaps one another similar to bamboo wickerwork; therefore, a the roof will be light ,thin and longer span.3

To construct the roof successfully, the six layers of double-curved girders that were accurately pre-cut on a computer-controlled machines.4 The computation significantly improves the construction; not only reduce the labor but also minimize the errors.

Additionally, a number of experiments have been conducted. There are four major problems needed to solve: actions of snow, characteristics and effects of wind, and comfort in wind.


They build thousands of digital models and collect the data then

simulate in the both digitally and physically and after tests, an optimized shapes is formed (Figure1).

Personally, most of computation is used to fabricate and experiments to optimize the shaped of the building which can give a reasonable and sustainable design. The computation is a tool to achieve accuracy (both in design and construction) and simulate in extreme/unpredicted environment conditions. Consequently, computation is a vital technology for the architecture for now and future.

Figure1, Virtual models, Fabian, Scheurer, and Stehling Hanno, “Lost In Parameter Space?”

11 “Centre Oxman, Rivka and Robert/ Oxman, eds Architects”, (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1 Pompidou-Metz Shigeru Ban Archdaily, 2014 <> [accessed 9 August 2017] 12 “Centre Oxman, Rivka and Robert/ Oxman, eds Architects”, (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1 Pompidou-Metz Shigeru Ban Archdaily, 2014 <> [accessed 9 August 2017] 13“Roofing Oxman, Rivka andPompidou Robert Oxman, (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1 [accessed 9 August 2017] | Centre Metz”,eds Centrepompidou-Metz.Fr, 2017 <> 14 Fabian, Oxman, Scheurer, Rivka andand Robert Oxman, eds “Lost (2014). of the Digital Architectural in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1 Stehling Hanno, In Theories Parameter Space?”, Design., 81 (2011), 74 <> 15“Roofing Oxman, Rivka andPompidou Robert Oxman, (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1 [accessed 9 August 2017] | Centre Metz”,eds Centrepompidou-Metz.Fr, 2017 <>

Centre Pompidou,

A.3. Composition/Generation

At nowadays, more and more architecture can write a code in software and can use computer to achieve certain aims. Using those custom tools involved in the design process, the purpose is to consider computation as a true method of design for architecture. 1 The role of the computation is critical and irreplaceable, especially in the area of simulation, construction or even art form of the design.


For example, computation allows effective operations of multi-disciplinary investigation and simulations. In week 3 lecture, a generative design process based on the behavioral response of the birds, and a result is different categorized behavior such as separation, alignment and cohesion. Without computation, it is impossible to find out this generative design.

For A3.1 and A3.2 will provide two specific architectural examples for generative approaches in the design

1 Oxman, Rivka and Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1 2 Oxman, Rivka and Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1

A3.1 ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010 In 2010, the Institute for Computational Design (ICD) and the Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) designed and constructed a temporary research pavilion. The most innovative is that the design is depends on the material characteristic. In common sense, the material in architecture is to determine the color, the texture or create phenomena. However, in this design, the design is depend on the materiality. For this project, the physical behavior and material characteristics directly decide the computational generation of form .1 According to the ICD, The structure is entirely based on the elastic bending behavior of birch plywood strips (Firgure1). The strips are robotically manufactured as planar elements, and subsequently connected so that elastically bent and tensioned regions alternate along their length. 2

Additionally, the computational design model is based on inputting the plywood behavioral feature in parametric principles. That is, finding the relationships between forces, shapes of the plywood and then input in a parametric ways. (Firgure2, 3) To achieve this, thousands of physical experiments are conducted. 3 Finally, there are 6400 lines of code in the entire computational process of all geometric information and outputs data for structure design and fabrication with a with a 6-axis industrial robot. 4

In my opinion, the computation gives an accurate measurement of geometry and extends the material possibility. However, it also means the limitation to the design form, which I think the form of Architecture is essential, and the computation might let a limitation of the form in the case like Research Pavilion. I think in the future, the computation will be developed and be more perfect.

Figure1, Force study,

Figure 3, Detailed Solution for each element

Figure 2, Results for layers and joints, 1 Oxman, Rivka Pavilion and Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theories the Digital in Architecture (London; [accessed New York: Routledge),p.1 1“ICD/ITKE Research 2010”, Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, 2010 of <> 10 August 2017] 1 Oxman, Rivka Pavilion and Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theories the Digital in Architecture (London; [accessed New York: Routledge),p.1 2“ICD/ITKE Research 2010”, Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, 2010 of <> 10 August 2017] 1 Oxman, Rivka Pavilion and Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theories the Digital in Architecture (London; [accessed New York: Routledge),p.1 3“ICD/ITKE Research 2010”, Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, 2010 of <> 10 August 2017] 1 Oxman, Rivka Pavilion and Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theories the Digital in Architecture (London; [accessed New York: Routledge),p.1 4“ICD/ITKE Research 2010”, Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, 2010 of <> 10 August 2017]

Research Pavilion 2010,

A3.2 ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2014-2015 This case also proposed by Institute for Computational Design (ICD), while is quite different by the Research pavilions 2010. This project mainly investigates the construction method controlled by computer which inspired by the water spider and use robots to fabricate. The design team pays a detailed attention to the water spider (Agyroneda Aquatica), and results a lightweight fiber composite shell forms a pavilion with unique architectural qualities; the reason why they chose the water spider is that it can make fiber-reinforced structures in a highly material-effective and functionally integrated way. 1 For parametric purpose, pattern and design principles were carefully investigated and then input to the robots.

Causing the variation in the stiffness of the pneumatic formwork, there is a sensor installed on the robot and “current position and contact force is recorded via an embedded sensor system and integrated into the robot control in real time.”2 Therefore, there is a step of huge development of construction, the computation make more possibility of “robot control codes” construction method (Figure2). The ICD claimed that, “the processes are relevant for applications in architecture, as they do not require complex formwork and are capable of adapting to the varying demands of the individual constructions.”3 This shows that, in future, the computation will also help to improve the construction directly in the real world, not only on the model in the software.

Compare those two examples, I think the computation generation has a huge potential to change the architecture industry (as the two cases show that during the four years (2011-2015), the computation generation has improved a lot and also in different fields), maybe one day, whole design process might be automated and be more comprehensive.

Figure1, Computation System,

Figure 2, Robot invoved in the Construaction ,

1“Research Pavilion 2014-15”, Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, 2015 <> [accessed 10 August 2017] 1 Oxman, Rivka and Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1 1 Oxman, Rivka and Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1 2“Research Pavilion 2014-15”, Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, 2015 <> [accessed 10 August 2017] 1 Oxman, Rivka and Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1 3“Research Pavilion 2014-15”, Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, 2015 <> [accessed 10 August 2017]

Research Pavilion 2014-2015,

A.4. Conclusion

In short conclusion, I think the study of computation or algorithmic thinking changes my attitude to the digital design. The most important thing is the new definition of design is based on computer technologies, especially the presidents in the A2 and A3, refreshing my knowledge; I realize this is a new era to use the algorithmic thinking to design and also be a skilled designer is critical. It is also a chance to actualize my expectation to future by those digital technologies. Finally, the design is always changes with the development of technologies, and I need to be prepared at any time.

A.5. Learning outcomes

This part inspires me a lot for the study in the Air studio. I think those three parts is hooked up, the first part let me know the way of thinking; I need to put my design in future and according to the A2, I realize the computation can help me realize the future; A3 most impresses me causing I first know the computation can work so brilliant, and computer can direct evolve in the design and fabrication process. For the rest study, this section also teaches me think start from the different aspects of computation like materiality or constructibility. I also hope I can use the intelligent robot aim in the Fab-lab. For my previous work, if I really want to them be perfect, I think I will do lots of experiments and input data in the computer, write parametric code to optimize forms and make them more reasonable.

A.6 Appendix- Algorithmic Sketch Book

Geo-Cool with Surface1

Geo-Cute with Surface2

Geo-Dangeours with Surface 3

6 KPI’S Safety Comfortability Appearance

Cool Geometry

Wearablity Flexibility Fabrication Possibility

Safety Comfortability Appearance Wearablity

Cute Geometry

Flexibility Fabrication Possibility

Safety Comfortability Appearance Wearablity Flexibility Fabrication Possibility

Dangerous Geometry


"Centre Pompidou-Metz / Shigeru Ban Architects", Archdaily, 2014 <


Dunne, Anthony & Raby, Fiona (2013) Speculative Everything: Design Fiction, and Social Dream

Fabian, Scheurer, and Stehling Hanno, "Lost In Parameter Space?", Architectural Design., 81 (20

Fry, Tony (2008). Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice (Oxford: Berg),pp.5-15

"ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010", Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, 2010 <

" ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2014-15", Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, 2015 <

Kieran, Stephen, James Timberlake, Barry Bergdoll, and Michael Stacey, Loblolly House (New Yo

"Roofing | Centre Pompidou Metz", Centrepompidou-Metz.Fr, 2017 <http://www.centrepompid

/490141/centre-pompidou-metz-shigeru-ban-architects> [accessed 9 August 2017]

8, P288-295. 8P., Issue 18, p288-295. 8p. (2011), pp.3-7

ming (MIT Press),p.2

011), 74 <>

58> [accessed 10 August 2017]

=12965> [accessed 10 August 2017]

ork: Princeton Architectural Press, 2008), pp.3-20> [accessed 9 August 2017]

Content B.1. Research Field B.2. Case Study 1.0 B.3. Case Study 2.0 B.4. Technique: Development B.5. Technique: Prototypes B.6. Technique: Proposal B.7. Learning Objectives and Outcomes

Criteria Design


B.1. Research Field

Strips and Folding are chosen for Part B study. The Strips and folding can be defined as an algorithmic technique and it can transform a single surface into a volume. In other words, the folding is depends on the strips; the more complex strips generate more dynamic, three-dimension volumes. Personally, I prefer fluid, and organic shapes, so I choose this as my precedent; I think there is a huge potential to explore in this field.

There are many different techniques for organizing folds, such as parallel, intersection or overlapping. Accompany with those techniques, the external shapes or forms or the internal space will be changed. Additionally, for materiality and fabrication, the strips might be a frame and then folding facade can be gained by assign materials to the frame; the rigid material such as concrete can be possible be a curve, soft style. On the other hand, if a design is purely use the folding strips, the shadows and light effect is irreplaceable.

The Seroussi Pavilion,

Loop_3 - Co-de-iT,

Archipelago Pavilion,

B.2. Case Study 1.0 The Seroussi Pavilion, Biothing Thin strips raising from the ground towards an attraction point cast notable patterned shadows, which change throughout the day and also it provides a sense of movement when passing through the space.1 Additionally, the Logics of attraction/repulsion were computer in plan and then lifted via a series of structural micro-arching sections through different frequencies of the sine function.

Biothing is a lab which investigates structure started from particular linkages between various disciplinary and technological nodes, therefore creates relationships which in turn serve as a transformative tissue for the design process itself. The Seroussi Pavilion by Biothing is structure described as grown from self-modifying patterns of vectors based on Electromagnetic Fields.2

1. ”Seroussi Pavilion |Biothing -”. 2017. <> [accessed 22 August 2017] 2. ”Seroussi Pavilion |Biothing -”. 2017. <> [accessed 22 August 2017]




Species1is to export the basic code like change the input data for field line. Species 2 uses the spin force instead of point c ume by loft or extrude interpolate line in different direction.



charge. Species 3 is to export the field charging by adjust details like graph mapper; Species 4 is to create mesh or vol-

Export Basic Code

Positive the motion of Move

Increase the range of Vector Z

Graph Mapper Type Sine

Increase Decay of Spin

Graph Mapper Type Sine Summation

Increase Strength of Spin Force/ Merge Point Charge Field

Export Field Charging

Species 3

Change to Spin Force

the Unit of Graph Mapper Unit x 1:0 to 1:10

Merge Field with Force Spin and Point Charge

Drag the curve in X and Z pla

Export Mesh&Voume

Force Spin

Species 4

Graph Mapper Shapes

Export Spin Force

Species 2

Species 1

Exploration Matrix

Arc Between Field Line and Interpolate Line

Loft Interpolate Line in Z Direction

Loft Interpolate Line in X Direction

Extrude in Z Direction




Increase the Decay of Point Charge

Increase Decay to Point Charge

Increase the division of curve

Smooth Mesh

The Spin Force

Graph Mapper Type Perlin

the Unit of Graph Mapper Unit x 1:0 to 1:0.01

Metal Ball

Increase the Decay of Spin Force

BiArc Between Field Line and Interpolate Line

Change the direction by use Vector Y instead of Vector Z

Pop up 3D and 3D Delaunay

Arc between Field Line and Interpolate Line

Pop up 3D and 3D Delaunay

BiArc Between Field Line and Interpolate Line

Rotate Mesh on Interpolate Line

B.3. Case Study 2.0 Archipelago Pavilion, Chlmers University

This project is designed and built in collaboration between Chalmers University of Technology and Röhsska Museum of Design in Copenhagen. Structure provides shaded seating inside and creates private spaces around it to place existing chairs and tables. This pavilion is generated by computation used software Grasshopper and Rhino.1

As images shows that, the design process is engaged from the 3 main streams of strip and generate space from them. Also, those strips define the outline of material, therefore, it’s more convenient to fabricate the pavilion directly through computation process. For more details, 133 pieces of 2 mm thick laser-cut were joint together with 1535 joints with a total of 3640 bolts holding it together. 2 According to the university, “The intricate web of spaces resembles clusters of small islands in an


archipelago. “ 3 The perforation on the roof spreads out an organic pattern which is inspired by the trees.

Therefore, the design intent for this project is to design algorithm pavilion which can provide shading and comfortable space for visitors to have a rest; the connections between each steel sheets are easy and can be quickly assembled ; therefore, the whole process is quick and simple. The strips and folding shapes of this design quiet attract me so i chose this as my case 2.0.

In my 5 key performance Indicator, the most success parts of this project are fabrication and the logic of the strips. However, the connection part of this project is bolt and seems to be boring; personally, i hope i can design a connection method become a design feature.


5k 1.Grozdanic, Lidija. 2017. “Archipelago Parametrically Designed Pavilion - eVolo | Architecture Magazine”, <>[accessed 22 August 2017] 2.Grozdanic, Lidija. 2017. “Archipelago Parametrically Designed Pavilion - eVolo | Architecture Magazine”, <>[accessed 22 August 2017] 3.Grozdanic, Lidija. 2017. “Archipelago Parametrically Designed Pavilion - eVolo | Architecture Magazine”, <>[accessed 22 August 2017]

go Pavilion,

ago Pavilion,

key Performance Criteria

1.Fabricability 2.Logic 3.Usage Potential 4. Development: 5.Aesthetic


both decide the direction in the field Point of Chagre

Point Charge Field

Merge Field Field Line

CURVES of the Shapes of the three Branches

Divide Curve

decide what general shapes will be generated in the field

the strips go

Bake Curves

Interpolate line Interpolate line





the strips go d

Adjusted cuvres in Rhino

Divide Curve


Straignt Loft Op


Divide Curve

Generate logic basic 2D line according to the field


e Motion

Graph Mapper Conic

Graph Mapper Conic

ive Motion

Convert the 2D line into 3D, and bake the strips in to Rhino

decide what individual strip section shapes


Construct Plane





Orient the connection according to the strips and loft the surfaces

Record process matrix

This matrix is record the process of creating case-study project; it shows different try and different input in grasshopper and ba

Different try to the start curves, which can decide the field line directions and the shapes.

Different try to the graph mapper, to decide the curv

Different try to the rotate the curve in correct orientation, to find the most similar to the case study.

ake the linework. The linework picked in square outline shows the best version. (Note: this matrix is not linear)

ves direction in 3D.

Different loft option.

Final outcome

The similarity of final outcomes and the reverse engineered case study 2.0 is the direction and the shapes of strips. The most different i

case study is the application of field in grasshopper; The strips generated by field cannot be formed artificially. It shows the beauty of

is the interaction of three branches of strips. In the case study, the interaction parts are liner while mine is more random. What i most like in this

f computer technology , therefore , i hope i can further develop it in B5.

B.4. Technique: Development

This part aims to design with grasshopper, by using the algorithm built in B3 and add or combine the new grasshopper code to form some new, unpredictable outcome. And use outcomes to answer the design brief of studio that is make a wearable architecture. Therefore, there are four matrix in B4 which 50 species entirely.

Species 1 First try, poor performance

1.Change point charge to spin force

6. Change the step of field line, N=200

2. Merge spin force and point charge


3. Decay =6 of

8. Lunch Box, Spa

This spices poorly performs, causing it actually limited and stick to the original code i have written in the B2; therefore, i think i need of the boring outcomes.

Fabricability Logic Usage Potential Development Aesthetic

f Spin Force

ace Truss, U/V=10

4. Change the step of field line, N=1000

9. Lunch Box, Diamond Panels, U/V=10

5. Change the step of field line, N=400

10. Lunch Box, Triangle Panel U/V=10

to change the entirely shapes of the curves to achieve what i wanted put on the body. I hope i can reach something surprises me instead

Species 2 Start from changing original curves

1.Change original curves more symmetric

6. Loft


2. Bi-arch between interpolate lines TE=X,TS=Y

7. Hexagonal Structure,A=1

13. Smooth Mesh, S=10

3.Change v

8. Hexagonal S

12. Smooth

As the first species, it is shown a limitation which due to the start curves and points, therefore, for species 2, i change the original curves a

and clear logics between lines. For human body, each item can be a single component and connect to each other form a big surfac

vector direction, TE/TS=Y


h Mesh, S=35

Fabricability Logic Usage Potential Development Aesthetic

4. Adjust graph mapper,Bezier, Perlin

9. Space Truss,U/V=10

5. 2D truss between interpolate line, N=10

10. Diamond Panel, U/V=5

Point Charge Field Changed two curves

Merge Field Field Line

Divide Curve Circle

Figure1, the new grasshopper code

and make it more symmetric (shown in the figure 1). Compare to the species 1, this one has high fabricability causing it has more regular


Species 3 Spin Force

1. Adjust graph mapper,Bezier, Perlin

5. Adjust graph mapper, Conic

10. Quad Panel

2.Change Field as Spin Force

6. Increase unit of graph mapper

11. Pipe, R=1



This iteration is a sub-branch from the species 2, when i adjust the graph mapper i accidentally formed. As same as the species 2, this s


. Pipe, R=5

Fabricability Logic Usage Potential Development Aesthetic

3.Change Field as Spin Force

8. Flatten and Loft curves

13.Diamond Panel

2. Adjust the motion of move, T=5

9. 2D Truss

14.Smooth Mesh, S=20

species is easy to fabricate and high-logic, while for me, it’s low aesthetic causing i prefer more organic, irregular shapes.

Species 4 The charge points are on the curves

1.chage original curves and set point charge on them

7. Adjust the motion of move, T=5

13. Draw a grid as start curves

2. Set points on Rectangular as start points of Point Line

8. Pipe NO.5, R=1

14. Pipe, R=1

3. Spin Force

9. Pipe NO.6, R=1

15. Graph Mapper, Parabola

To make it more drama, i use four curves as base therefore, it becomes more complex thus hard to fabricate. However, i think th

Fabricability Logic Usage Potential Development Aesthetic

4. Add Curves, change value for field , D=35,C=10

10. Pipe NO.7, R=1

16. Increase start curves, try to archive a patten

5. Graph Type, Bezier

11. Decrease the number of line, then tube

6. Graph Type, Parabola,create an enclosure

12. Increase radius of tube, R=5

17. Box Morph a sphere

his species is most aesthetic, the skeleton and organic forms shows the beauty of electromagnetic Fields.

18. Orient a sphere

Final Outcome


This object is my favorite iteration, causing the fluidity is elegant and also forms a patten. It is formed by two compo

part looks like shell. It is easy to inlay the skeleton part; therefore, each object can be inlaid and connected, to form a

Fabricability Logic Usage Potential Development Aesthetic

Top View

onents, first part looks like bone or skeleton and the second

a large surface that can be worn (shown in the collage).


Final Outcome


From the perspective view, it is easy to show how this iteration develop from the origin. The main ideal is to explore with the fo

use the points on the curves as the input points of charge filed; while the original version only use a point as the input and on the graph mapper to gain the section shapes of each strip in iteration, which is more dynamic and complex.


orce field, and form the 3D organic curves. The iteration

nly forms a single branch of curves; additionally, adjust

Fabricability Logic Usage Potential Development Aesthetic

I use my favorite iteration forms a wearable object on human body. Each component is precisely connect to each other (shown in the collage).

In my imagination, in the future, the world will be highly digitalized, therefore, it is possible to transfer the data from the computer to the human brain or vice versa. So the computer helps people think more comprehensive and efficient. My design composed by cable which transfer the data ; different color of cable shows various status or types of data transfer. The material use transparent plastic with high elasticity. Additionally, the fabrication method could be automated or 3D print.

B.5. Technique: Prototype

As a group, we decide do Alex design instead of mine, causing my design is hard to fabricate, therefore, we fabricate three prototype in different method. In this part, the fabrication process of three prototype will be presented and recorded.

Start Point



1. The iteration we choose to fabricate.




The frame component


The section part which the opening is too small to lacer cut so we abandon this method.


The Basic Panel component


The Section component, each opening is equal to thickness of material; Using waffle connection method.


Unroll surface, and the connection is generated by grasshopper so that each component can be inlaied.

Alternative unroll surface, which the etch lines on the surface can increase the bending capacity of the material and sewing with each other.

Material Test Box board 1.8mm

Polypropylene 0.6mm

Polypropylene 0.6 mm with surface etch

Conclusion: the most hard material is boxboard so the waffle connection method use this material. Compare the Polypropyle connection.

ene with or with out etch line, the etch one is more soft and more plastic so we sew them toghther other one is use the inlay

Process All connection is generated by Grasshopper,we write new code. And we choose laser cuttiing as the fabrication method.

Laser cutting on boxboard,each segment is marked and then align in order.

Follow the mark, assembly them to the base.

Laser cutting on Polypropylene,each segment is marked and then align in order

Inlay each rectangular connection

Overlap each component

Use needle leads transparent string through the hole

Waffle connection

Inlay connection

Sew connection

Final outcomes

Waffle connection model

Inlay connection model

Sew connection model

The shapes is not we desired causing the direction of etch line on the m

B.6. Design Proposal

We get feedback after mid-semester presentation, which back to fabricate my iteration which is more interesting and more challenge. This part will demonstrate the design proposal which inspired by Phillip Beasley; mainly focus on the fabrication.



“The project transformed the Canada Pavilion into an artificial forest made of an intricate lattice of small transparent acrylic meshwork links, covered with a network of interactive mechanical fronds, filters, and whiskers.”1


7 Hylozoic Ground. Venice

Biennale, Italy - 2010




Figure 2, HYLOZOIC GROUND section

Figure 3, Connection detail

1.Inc., Philip. 2017. “Philip Beesley Architect Inc.”, <> [accessed 14 September 2017] 1.Inc., Philip. 2017. “Philip Beesley


minato Festival - Toronto, Canada - 2011

7 Hylozoic Ground Collaboration: Cambridge Galleries - Camgridge, Canada - 2011

8 Hylozoic Ground Collaboration: Cambridge Galleries - Camgridge, Canada - 2011

9 Hylozoic Ground Collaboration: Cambridge Galleries - Camgridge, Canada - 2011

9 Epiphyte Spring installation view. China


Figure 4, Connection detail


Academy of Art, Hangzhou - China 2015. 6 Sargasso: Luminato Festival - Toronto, Canada - 2011 PHILIP BEESLEY ARCHITECT INC. / LIVING ARCHITECTURE SYSTEMS GROUP

Figure 4, SARGASSO

“The environment within the sweeping atrium of the Santiago Caltrava’s Allen Lambert Galleria made a canopy that slowly shifted and floated above

minato Festival - Toronto, Canada - 2011


10 Sargasso: Luminato Festival - Toronto, Canada - 2011 the city. The canopy formed a forest-like hovering field, kin to primitive life-forms within dense jungles and ocean reefs.”1



Both of the project is a huge mesh composed by small component. it is similar to the field charge. In other words, there is a center and other strips extend from that center; the center is the connection in those two project, which show in the figure 3 and figure 4; each connections are hang to each other . In those two projects, a quadrangle panel at center are used to connection , at each edge, there is a small opening for interlocking the strips. i think the principle of this connection can apply to my iteration and it is easy to fabricate the connection such as this, which can be achieved by lacer cutting. More details show in the sketch for design proposal.

1.Inc., Philip. 2017. "Philip Beesley Architect Inc.", <> [accessed 14 September 2017]

B7.Learning Outcome

The studio is aim to design a wearable architecture on human body, through the whole process, I learnt how to apply computer technology to achieve the aim. What most impress me is the fabrication process, grasshopper can make the fabrication process easier; we can easy to correct the data in Grasshopper.

What I think the computer mosh helpful is that the computer can help me to form something automatically. For example, I mainly use the field in Grasshopper to generate the strips. The strips are generated according to the filed which is result of nature force. So I cannot form the strips like that manually, computer can; it shows me the beauty of computer which also means the computer can help me a lot in design. At beginning, I think computer cannot help us to design, however, when I have done the research and exploration in Part B, it helps a lot. For Part C, I hope I can further design and fabricate with computer, the grasshopper.

B.8. Appendix - Algorithmic Sketches


1.Inc., Philip. 2017. "Philip Beesley Architect Inc.", <

Grozdanic, Lidija. 2017. “Archipelago Parametrically Designed Pavilion - eVolo | Architecture Magazine”, < http://w

Seroussi Pavilion |Biothing -”. 2017. <> [accesse

ndex.php> [accessed 14 September 2017]>[accessed 22 August 2017]

ed 22 August 2017]

Content C.1. Design Concept C.2. Tectonic Elements & Prototypes C.3. Final Detail Model C.4. Learning Objectives and Outcomes


Detailed Design


C.1. Design Concept

C.1.0. Work flow This work flow shows the entire process of the part C.

1. Design Concept

Part B exportation : Strip and Folding Future concern : Air pollution

Body Analysis: shoulder , neck , chest the curvature of those

Sonic -Mosquito plug in Find out basic line acco

2.Grasshopper Technology

Strip and Folding : Using the strips generated in

Shortest Walk plug in : Create artificial lung acc

Print single Prototype

3D printing

Use this 3D

3.Fabrication Methodology Silicon Model Lacer Cut

Casting silico

Precise structure an

Skeleton, rib forms Design Scenario: Sacrificial lungs filter the polluted air Sacrificial lungs

body part effects the shapes of the entire volume, and the application of grasshopper

ording to the human body. Volume; wearable

n Kangaroo; apply point charging on those strips in 3D

cording to the lungs’ structure

3D Print

element, to test the connection TESTING, EXPERIMENT

D print to form a module

on model and test the materiality

nd connection designs are required

Final Model

C.1.1 Design Concept

It is widely known that the air pollution is one of the most human-made disaster in the world, and it will cause a significant damage to human body in the future. It is reported that, the air pollution directly leads the lung disease, such as Asthma, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), and even lung cancer. As our exploration in the part B, we use strips and folding technique to generate a bone, rib form, which inspired us the following scenario. We design a skeleton which can hold a pair of sacrificial lungs in front of chest and extends on the shoulder. In our imagination, in future, the sacrificial lungs can absorb the dirty air firstly, then the clean and fresh air can be transferred into the body; once the fake lungs are entirely polluted, people can dispose them and buy new lungs in the store and install them in the skeleton system. Consequently, the entire system looks like a new bone system with new lungs without skin. Therefore, people do not use their moth to breathe, they use the product we deign to survive under the severe air pollution

1.PSR. <> [accessed 29 September 2017]

image resource: Alex, 2017

C.1.2. Sonic- Mosquito plug-in

Figure1. The flow direction according to 45 degree.

Figure 4. The flow direction according to 90 degree.

Figure 2 . Pick up lines version

Figure 2 . Pick up lines version

1.“Sonic 4 GH | Studio Smuts�. 2017. <!prettyPhoto[Gallery]/7/> [accessed 22 October 2017]

Sonic grasshopper plug-in is used to find out the basic lines of field line . Sonic components are now part of Mosquito Sonic is a Grasshopper plug-in suite that currently contains 1.

Figure 3 . Pick up lines version 2.

the following components: Refract Square Root Target Rays + Surface Rays and Flow. Flow can calculate the flow of lines via the path of least resistance down a sloped surface.(eg. Water runoff).1 It is important to make the more tree-denominational therefore, the whole design can be worn. So Flow component is chosen to find out the based lines. Different versions of strips are generated, next part, grasshopper code will be applied on those basic lines.


Figure 2 . Pick up lines version 4.

C.1.3. Form Finding This matrix shows the different forms according to different basic lines. The one highlighted is the satisfied version.

C.1.4. Satisfied Version

image resource: author, 2017



Logic Function Wearability



This species is simpler and might be easy to fabricated and we think simpler one also means more logical; also the aesthetic aspect still keeps the bone characteristic. For wearbility and fabircability is unknown, we need to do prototype to test it. But we are confident of this species cause other criteria is quite high.

C.2. Tectonic Elements & Prototypes

C.2.1.1 Core construction element


After a close look at digital model, a group of strips which surrounding a point is chosen as a core element. It’s foun

is the same but fold in different directions. Therefore, it is easy to produce the same element with high-flexible the

can be easy-bend. Consequently, we can bend the same element to make the physical model as similar as the

nd that each groups

erefore, the element

e digital model.

Core element

C.2.2.1 Prototype 1 Casting Silicon Rubber

At beginning, we try to use the silicon rubber to generate a mold according to the 3D-printing model. Once a mol

is used, both of them are high-flexibility. The Silicon Rubber is hard to demould and there is a problem with the 3d-

3D Model

1. 3D-printing model.

4. Separate the silicon and the model. At this time, it’s hard to separate causing the curvature 3D-printing model is too high.

ld is generated, resin can be poured again and again. So BANANA SKIN SILICONE RUBBER and F115 FLEXIBLE POLYURETHANE

-printing. We think we can direct use the 3d-printing to make a mold.

2. Pour the BANANA SKIN SILICONE RUBBER in to container.

3. Demould time: 2+ hrs.

5. The mold is broken; But we still poured the resin

6.The resin is hard to fill the mold causing the mold is too complicated. Therefore, the final outcome is fail.

C.2.2.2 Prototype 2 3D-Print mold version1

At this time, after the first try, we think the we can make mold two parts so it is easy to separate the mold and p way like a cap.

1. We pour the resin into the mold through the opining.

3D model shows the detials inside the surface

4. Demodule the mold, too sticky to separate.

pick up the resin. However, there is a problem that the resin stick those two parts, therefore, we think we can change a

2. Pour into the resin into the connection mold.

3. Shake the mold , to ensure the resin flow fully.

5. The resin is totally stack into the mold.

6. The final outcomes. The core element is fail however ,the connection is successfully, therefore, the simple geometry can be more easier shped.

C.2.2.3. Prototype 3 3D-Print mold version 2

The result is also not good. But this time casting is successful. The result is too soft to form. In addition, this method

1. The 3D-printing mold, same principle as previous one.

2. Small hole on the top, resin can be poured through this hole.

5. Pour the resin.

6. First try, the result is too soft.

d is quite time consumption, it time to change the direction.

3. When the cap of the mold is open.

4. Seal two parts by clay .

7. Second try, the result is good and can shape up. However, It still too soft to form an ideal shape; additionally, it is also fragile.

C.2.2.4. Prototype 4 laser cutting

image resource: author, 2017

3D Model

image resource: author, 2017

Laser cutting template

At this time, we think we change the direction. As in the Part B, we use 0.6m Polypropylene to bend causing it is high-flexible. So we try to use this material and extrude the digital model instead of pipe, to generate the 2D surface. As a result, we design a connection method such as waffle connection, interlock, to convert 2 dimension surface into 3 dimension.

After assembling

Connection Details Interlock


part A




insert Interlock connection diagram

This diagram only shows one strips connect to the part A; actually, there12 strips connect to the part A. L > l, therefore, the strips can be successfully insert into part A.

image resource: author, 2017

Connection Details Waffle Connection


part A


part B



Opening for strip

Waffle connection diagram

This diagram shows how part A connect to the part B, the connection method is waffle connection. There are totally four support elements. Additionally, there are 24 openings while only 12 strips. The purpose for that is we can choose opening of which strips go through to adjust the entire appearance of the entire component; therefore, we can make the physical model as similar as the digital.

image resource: author, 2017



1. No force apply

2. Press slightly

Similarity to digital model

1. Reverse

2. Bend slightly

3. Press hard

3. Bend hard

4. Twist

4. Maximal bend

C.3. Final Detail Model/ Drawings

C.3.1.1. Final form finding (cooperate with fabrication)


Combinaate with prototyp

method, try to be maxima

Form Finding in Part C

Fabricability Logic Function Wearability Aesthetic

pe: finding the connection

al similar to the initial form.

Final Design for Fabrication

At this moment the fabricability and wearability is quite high. Cause it combines with the prototype, and the materiality.


Artificial Lung

Shortest Work Plug-in

Diagram 1, image resource:

A bronchus, is a passage of airway in the respiratory tract that conducts air into the lungs (shown in the figure1 ). So w

the lung, we pick up the bronchus in the lung; therefore, the artificial lungs can absorb the dirty air directly. We use the

work to form the structure. Diagram 2 shows how artificial lung works: the bronchus in the artificial lung absorb the d

the black arrow) and then filter the dirty air. Therefore, the clean air (mark as the blue arrow) is transfered into the rea

body. In the tube system is the blood which foster the artificial lung, keep it health. This will be illustrated more detailed

Make opening coordinate with single component

when we design

e plug-in Shortest

dirty air (mark as

al lung the to the

d later.

Dirty air Clean air Blood Diagram 2, image resource: author, 2017

C.3.1.3. Form Summary

Successful Iteration from Part B

Form Finding in Part C

Cast Study: Biothing Seroussi Pavillon


Sheet 2 of 2 2017.10.15

Sheet 2 of 2

Plug-in: Mosquito Flow




hortest Work Plug-in

Final System

Final Product Final Artificial Lungs

images resources: author,2107

C.3.1.4. Final System





Section AA'





Elvation Product Drawing Sample Engineer




Sheet 1 of 1

image resource: author,2107


Final System

Pespective 1

Pespective 2

image resource: author,2107

C.3.1.6. Function Each component is composed by strips, in this case, 1


according to the user’s body shape, we design 4 types of component in different shapes. Therefore, after assembling, they can protect the artificial lungs properly. The system is directly attached to the user’s rib, there-



fore, the blood in bone marrow will flow through the tubes in the system and then into artificial lung , which can maintain the lung healthy at least one month.

The artificial lung is grew up in our lab. It is directly connected to the lung in user’s body; it only works for filter



dirty air and transfer the clean air in to real lung. Usually, it renew monthly; but depends on the amount of lungs installed. Work principle shows in the image1.



Connect to the artificial lung and absorb the clean air.


Blood in bone marrow maintain the system and artifi-


cial lung health.



image resource: author ,2017



Image 4 resource: author,2017 Image1 resource: author,2017

Lung System


Dirty air Clean air Blood

Image2 resource: author,2017

Blood Cycle

Image3 resource:

Bone Structure

The blood vessels locate in the bone marrow (shown in the image3). we connect our bionic-bone structure to the rib. In other word, each component is plug in to the rib(shown in the image 4). Then , the blood transfer to the artificial lung and then to the body , so there is a blood cycle. The lung is only responsible to filter air, so it relies on 5

the system to keep health.

C.3.1.7. How To Install

image resource: Alex, 2017

C.3.1.8. Under future background

image resource: Alex, 2017

As we know , our product is customised. As mentioned before, each users will have different shape system. Each plug-in system company with a lung ; if the user wants, he can assign as many lung as he wants.

image resource: Alex, 2017

This image shows the exchange of lung . The lungs which is bright shows the lung is health ; the dark one shows it need to be replaced (which is polluted by dirty air).

C.3.2.1. Physical model making

Image 2: 3 model for model

Image 3 :Laser cutting 1 for body

As the prototype, we decide to use the same principle to build the final model. So, we laser-cut to fabricate the component (shown in the image1). As the concept of our deImage1:Laser cutting 1 for component

sign is to plug into the human body, (Shown in the image 2 and 3) we also do a surface to represent the body . The material is 0.38 mm Polypropylene which is thinner than the one in the prototype; therefore, the component is also become more flexible. There are totally 17 components, after bolting them on the surface , we overlap ending of each strips , then also bolt on the surface; therefore, a tree-deletional form is generated. Additionally, it can also most similar to the digital model. The lung is 3D prnted.

Image 4 :3D print Artificial Lungs

C.3.2.2. Component





There are four types of components, which differers in directions of strips. The purpose of this is to fit the body; different component needs different directions to connect with each other.

C.3.2.3. Install Process


Bolt Co

First, assembly each component, and bolt them on the surface.

3D print A

n Details


Artificial Lungs

Them, overlap each endings of compoents, to form the entire shape.


Final Model

Learning Ob

Object 1 inte

What is the d

dio, I also co technology.

Objective 2.

ming, algorit developed,

according to

Objective 3.

C.4. Learning Objectives and Outcomes

analytic diag

geometry, p

project good

Objective 4.

physical mod

Objective 5.

rigorous and

me a lot like

give me a ne

In summary,

additionally, maination.


errogating a brief by considering the process of brief formation in the age of pioneering enabled by digital technologies.

different of this studio is the studio highly cooperates with the digital technology, so when I consider the brief of the stu-

onsider how I use the grasshopper at the same time. However, it also a limitation, if everything connects to the computer

. developing “an ability to generate a variety of design possibilities for a given situation” by introducing visual program-

thmic design and parametric modelling with their intrinsic capacities for extensive design-space exploration; This ability is absolutely. I use the resources in LMS; additionally, I also explore online, for example, when I want generate some strips

o the lines, I research online, the grasshopper forum is quite useful.

developing “skills in various three dimensional media” and specifically in computational geometry, parametric modelling,

gramming and digital fabrication;This particularly improves in the Part C, our group highly improve the computational

parametric modelling and digital fabrication , for analytic diagramming, during our presentation, we do not illustrate our

d causing we do not provide enough diagram to explain our project. Therefore, I correct this in my journal.

developing “an understanding of relationships between architecture and air” through interrogation of design proposal as

dels in atmosphere; What I think “air” for me is the atmosphere of light, future. So, my deign is light and fictional.

. developing “the ability to make a case for proposals” by developing critical thinking and encouraging construction of

d persuasive arguments informed by the contemporary architectural discourse. Also, for each weeks’ readings, it inspires

e what the relationships between human and computer, Is it important to be a architect to work with technology? Also,

ew thinking way of generating the form.

I also develop the capabilities for conceptual, technical and design analyses of contemporary architectural projects;

, the capacity of using computer to help me design; But he computer is not almighty , I think the human brain is the do-

Reference 1.PSR. <> [accessed 29 September 2017]

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