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STUDIO AIR Semester 1, 2017 Dan, Mengyan

20_SECOND BILBAO, Lecture 3

Content Introduction A1.Design Futuring A1.1 Nature-centered / easy-installed design A1.2 Flexibility Space / Multi-use architecture element

A2. Computation A2.1 Spanish Pavilion A2.2 Centre Pompidou

A.3. Composition/Generation A3.1 ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010 A3.2 ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2014-2015

A4.Conclusion A5. Learning Outcomes A.6 Appendix- Algorithmic Sketch Book




I am Mengyan Yu, a third year architecture student in the Universality of Melbourne.

When I was a child, I am really into drawing and always create some handwritings on the wall of my bedroom, and I formally learned traditional Chinese painting and sketch from my primary school to the end of secondary school. And I am also interested in Physics, therefore, when I chose my major; I straightforward decided to study Architecture. My favorite architect is Sejima, a Japanese female architecture; she designs wonderful curved architecture and always blurs the boundaries between peoples, environment and buildings. I love those light, beautiful, fluid design. For first year and second year, I have learned a lot from subject such as Digital Design and Fabrication, we made a 2nd skin on human body (figure1) ; in studio Earth (figuer2) I make a pavilion on Herring Island; and I design a boathouse in Studio Water (figure 3) . For this year, I hope I can learn more about the grasshopper to help me improve my design and computer skills, especially from Air studio.


Fig 2. Studio Earth

Fig1.Digital Design and Fabrication

Fig 3. Studio Water


Algorithmic thinking means taking on an interpretive role to understand the results of the generating code, knowing how to modify the code to explore new options, and speculating on further design potentials. ------ Peters Brady


A 7

A1.Design Futuring The world is finite, which means the world might be destroyed. The major reason of this condition is unsustainability. Unsustainability brings two major problems: first, if there is a solution to be carried it still takes a long time to change the condition; secondly, unsustainability can bring unpredictable situation to the habitation. For example, climate change might cause unknown weather condition such as heavy hail and damage the buildings, or public facilities. 1

What can design do? The design can slow the de-futuring by providing sustainable model for planetary habitation. Currently, the definition of design is not problem-solving but to redirect the situation. According to Fry, “design as a redirected practice able to take the diversity of humanity away from deepening the disaster of unsustainability toward the featuring character of sustain-ability�.


This point is feather supported by Dunne and Raby, they claimed that design is

not predict the future, but to find the potential future.


So design intelligent can be a tool which can help us make important judgment to the future therefore, design intelligent is a necessary skill for a designer.

1 Fry, Tony (2008). Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice (Oxford: Berg), p.5

2 Fry, Tony (2008). Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice (Oxford: Berg), p.15 3 Dunne, Anthony & Raby, Fiona (2013) Speculative Everything: Design Fiction, and Social Dreaming (MIT Press),p.2


Le Corbusier,


A1.1 Nature-centered / easy-installed design Name: Loblolly House Architect: Kieran Timberlake Year : 2007 Loblolly house was built by Kieran Timberlake in 2007 at Chesapeake Bay. It is a single residential house. The house is lifted on skewed wooden pillars so that it rests in the site without giving too much pressure on the ground (Figure1).1 Nowadays, most architecture are built from thousands of part in different manufactures which consumed a huge amount of time on transportation and assembly, and also cause unpleasant environmental side effects. However, for this house, all components are off-site fabricated and ready-made which means during the design process, the designer has already consider and design the fabrication process; therefore, parametric modeling software was used to ensure that all fabricated components would fit together perfectly in the construction.


The concept “element of architecture” was really radical at the time this house constructed: the scaffold, the cartridge, the block and equipment, etc. Stephen Kieran said that, “The aluminum scaffold system, coupled with an array of connectors, provides both the structural frame and the means to connect cartridges, blocks and equipment to that frame with only the aid of a wrench.” 3 All those elements make the building process quicker and easier

Figure 2 , Pespective

Figure1, Section shows the footings

1 Kieran, Stephen, James Timberlake, Barry Bergdoll, and Michael Stacey, Loblolly House (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2008), p.3

2 Kieran, Stephen, James Timberlake, Barry Bergdoll, and Michael Stacey, Loblolly House (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2008),pp. 4-6 3 Kieran, Stephen, James Timberlake, Barry Bergdoll, and Michael Stacey, Loblolly House (New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2008),p.20


Figure 3, Loblolly House,

All of those approaches achieve environmental ethic and this building is a representation I picked. In the past, we usually think that human is the center of the world, and we design lots of building which are damaging the nature. In other word, we are de-futuring. However, this architects start to think in the perspective of nature: the use of tree as footing to protect the earth; they use various technologies to achieve sustainability and the use pre-fabrication to minimize the damage of construction to the site. I Secondly, the building is easy to assembly which means that it is easy to change the location and to change the future. Personally, this building engages me that with this feature, by not be pinned to a location but instead is movable and therefore it can be adapted to different changes of the environment which means that the distance between architecture and human become closer. One day, the architecture might become a portable element in human’s life.


A1.2 Flexibility Space / Multi-use architecture element Name: Sendai Mediatheque Architects: Toyo Ito & Associates Location: Sendai-shi, Japan Project Year: 2001 The main concept is to design of this building is flexible or an adaptable space for free flow of knowledge and information. To achieve this, he constraints the architectural elements down to three: The tube, the skin and the plate (figure1) . Each element is separated from each other, and from a high-efficient element in the building performance. The most radical designing in this building is the column. It shows how a column can maximize the building performance.

The thirteen irregular placed bundles of steel tubes are highly-computed. In other words, the computer helps the shape forming of the tubes. There are several functions of tubes firstly, to resist the force including torsion, seismic loads, and vertical load (figure 3). Secondly, the active climate control system is an-all air system (figure 2) and return through the tube. Thirdly, the tube can also lead the sunlight (figure 4) in to the inner space, which is achieved by sunlight tracking systems. Moreover, the elevators are also in the tubes. In conclusion, those columns can transfer the load; work as the media for the climate system, the light system, and the transportation system are all evolved in those tubes. 1

Figure 2, Air system


Figure 3, Loa

Figure1, the major elements

Figure 4, Light system

2 “Sendai Mediatheque�, Faculty Of Samfox, 2017 <> [accessed 3 August 2017]


Figure 5, Pass



ad transfer

Figure 6, Sendai Mediatheque,

Sustainability technology is also applied to the building, such as passive climate control (Figure 5).1 In my opinion, the technology of sustainability is widely applied in the architecture and the technology will be more developed in the future. What inspires me the most is the multi-use of a structural element and uses in the architecture language. The high-resistance to the earthquake is also archived by those tube (dedicated calculated by computer). So in the future, the more elements can be multi-functioned such as the skin of the building can be utilized as place for planting trees... (Improve the environment) In the future, we cannot predict what will happen, so that the flexibility of space is important, we can use it as the needed (such as extreme conditions: the war, the disaster). Therefore for future possibility, the flexibility space and Multi-use architecture element should be explored.


sive design

2 “Sendai Mediatheque�, Faculty Of Samfox, 2017 <> [accessed 3 August 2017]


A2. Computation Causing the de-futuring, there is a serious consequence if we do not redirect our pervious design. As the technology development and the formulation of design processes develop, “a new comprehensive domain of architectural theories” fades in.1 It is a combination area of science, technology, design and architectural culture. The use of digital devices allows people to produce desirable results in the field of architecture, like a human- computer Symbiosis.

The computation of architectural design has experienced a long history: It starts with the representation such as “a more fluid logic of connectivity”; while then, Migayrou states that the more important is the digital chain Which is more like computerization use computer to fabricate; and the free-form geometry is de-emphasized.2 This theory potentially influenced the design thinking and finally moves to the digital thinking.

Paramedic design is a,” upon logic of associative and dependency relationships between objects and their parts and whole relationships.” To achieve this, new software, such as Rhino and Grasshopper, are developed. This is the age of the emergence of research by design, which means the computer can help designers to do research-based experimental design, and more and more architecture are employed by these powerful digitally integrated performative designs, and the form is driven by performance. 3

There is an obvious transfer from computerization to computation. Computation provides more possibility for architectural design such as a new culture: digital materiality and combining with digital fabrication techniques. Digital Computerization also compresses the work-flow from designing to fabrication, and it also brings changes to production and construction process, like we might use robot to construct the buildings.

1 Oxman, Rivka and Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1 Oxman, Mediatheque”, Rivka and Robert Oxman, (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.2 2 “Sendai Faculty Of eds Samfox, 2017 <> [accessed 3 August 2017] Oxman,Mediatheque”, Rivka and Robert Oxman, eds (2014). of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.3 3 “Sendai Faculty Of Samfox, 2017Theories <> [accessed 3 August 2017]


Gehry, Frank. Sketch of Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao


A2.1 Spanish Pavilion EXPO 2010 SHANGHAI Benedetta Tagliabue Benedetta Tagliabue wants to show the culture connection between east and west culture, so that ancient craft of wicker baskets is adopted as an inspiration.1

The appearance and the volume-forming of pavilion are inspired by the

wicker baskets; therefore, the pavilion has a free-formed shape and complex spaces configuration. Consequently, there is an unprecedented challenge of realization of structural design.2

However, the design team used computation

to help them form the pavilion without any previous reference.

The detailed approach is that: they first built a model in computer but also do the physical model, and digital and physical model worked simultaneously which can gain more balanced solutions (Figure1) . The computer mainly focused on the finding the optimized geomertrization of the volume. For structure design, they used “a 3D gird of same spaced horizontal and vertical concentric tubes which would in turn support the wicker facade and structure of the building.”3

This approach was specific calculated by computer and fabricated in

physical model to check, the team run this method time after time. A precise solution is finalized by computation: The first group is formed by bars contained in horizontal planes, equally spaced at 1.2 m. The second group, the bars are contained in vertical concentric plans every 2.4 m.”4 The merger of two groups of bars composed a complex facade and makes the pavilion in 3D.

In short summary, the computation rationalizes the free-form shape and find the best solution to the structure. It’s impossible to realize the Spanish Pavilion without the experimental digital models; the digital technology is quite essential.

1 “DRAW THE SPANISH PAVILION FOR THE EXPO SHANGHAI 2010.”, Revista De EGA. Issue 18, P288-295. 8P., Issue 18, p288-295. 8p. (2011), p3 Oxman, Rivka and Robert Oxman, edsWORLD (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1 2 “DRAW THE SPANISH PAVILION FOR THE EXPO SHANGHAI 2010.”, Revista De EGA. Issue 18, P288-295. 8P., Issue 18, p288-295. 8p. (2011), p4 1 Oxman, Rivka and Robert Oxman, edsWORLD (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1 3“DRAW THE SPANISH PAVILION FOR THE WORLD EXPO SHANGHAI 2010.”, Revista De EGA. Issue 18, P288-295. 8P., Issue 18, p288-295. 8p. (2011), p7 1 Oxman, Rivka and Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1 4 “DRAW THE SPANISH PAVILION FOR THE EXPO SHANGHAI 2010.”, Revista De EGA. Issue 18, P288-295. 8P., Issue 18, p288-295. 8p. (2011), p7 1 Oxman, Rivka and Robert Oxman, edsWORLD (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1


Spanish Pavilion, 2010,

Figure1, Different virtual models and physical models, DRAW THE SPANISH PAVILION FOR THE WORLD EXPO SHANGHAI 2010.


A2.2 Centre Pompidou Metz, France, 2010 Shigeru Ban The design aims to create a museum which brings a deep impression for visitors and an enough space for exhibition.1 Therefore, excepting the space arrangement, a unique timber roof is designed.

The timber roof structure is composed by the hexagon hover and covers the entire space. There are two reasons for choosing hexagon: 1st , the hexagon has culture meaning to the French; 2nd the Chinse hat which has special woven configuration of timber which dixfferent layers of timber strips are connected without rigid connections;2 so instead, for roof, each member overlaps one another similar to bamboo wickerwork; therefore, a the roof will be light ,thin and longer span.3

To construct the roof successfully, the six layers of double-curved girders that were accurately pre-cut on a computer-controlled machines.4 The computation significantly improves the construction; not only reduce the labor but also minimize the errors.

Additionally, a number of experiments have been conducted. There are four major problems needed to solve: actions of snow, characteristics and effects of wind, and comfort in wind.


They build thousands of digital models and collect the

data then simulate in the both digitally and physically and after tests, an optimized shapes is formed (Figure1).

Personally, most of computation is used to fabricate and experiments to optimize the shaped of the building which can give a reasonable and sustainable design. The computation is a tool to achieve accuracy (both in design and construction) and simulate in extreme/unpredicted environment conditions. Consequently, computation is a vital technology for the architecture for now and future.

1 “Centre / Shigeru Archdaily, <> [accessed 9 August 2017] 1 Oxman,Pompidou-Metz Rivka and Robert Oxman,Ban edsArchitects”, (2014). Theories of the2014 Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1 2 “Centre / Shigeru Archdaily, <> [accessed 9 August 2017] 1 Oxman,Pompidou-Metz Rivka and Robert Oxman,Ban edsArchitects”, (2014). Theories of the2014 Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1 3“Roofing Centre Pompidou Metz”, eds Centrepompidou-Metz.Fr, 2017 <> [accessed 9 August 2017] 1 Oxman,|Rivka and Robert Oxman, (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1 4 Fabian, and Stehling Hanno, In Parameter Design., 81 (2011), 74 <> 1 Oxman,Scheurer, Rivka and Robert Oxman, eds“Lost (2014). Theories ofSpace?”, the DigitalArchitectural in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1 5“Roofing Centre Pompidou Metz”, eds Centrepompidou-Metz.Fr, 2017 <> [accessed 9 August 2017] 1 Oxman,|Rivka and Robert Oxman, (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1


Centre Pompidou,

Figure1, Virtual models, Fabian, Scheurer, and Stehling Hanno, “Lost In Parameter Space?”


A.3. Composition/Generation

At nowadays, more and more architecture can write a code in software and can use computer to achieve certain aims. Using those custom tools involved in the design process, the purpose is to consider computation as a true method of design for architecture. 1 The role of the computation is critical and irreplaceable, especially in the area of simulation, construction or even art form of the design.


For example, computation allows effective operations of multi-disciplinary investigation and simulations. In week 3 lecture, a generative design process based on the behavioral response of the birds, and a result is different categorized behavior such as separation, alignment and cohesion. Without computation, it is impossible to find out this generative design.

For A3.1 and A3.2 will provide two specific architectural examples for generative approaches in the design

Brady. ‘Computation Works: The Building Architectural 83, Routledge),p.1 2,p10 11 Peters, Oxman, Rivka(2013) and Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theoriesof ofAlgorithmic the Digital inThought’, Architecture (London;Design, New York: Brady. ‘Computation Works: The Building Architectural 83, Routledge),p.1 2,p11 12 Peters, Oxman, Rivka(2013) and Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theoriesof ofAlgorithmic the Digital inThought’, Architecture (London;Design, New York:


20_SECOND BILBAO, Lecture 3


A3.1 ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010 In 2010, the Institute for Computational Design (ICD) and the Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) designed and constructed a temporary research pavilion. The most innovative is that the design is depends on the material characteristic. In common sense, the material in architecture is to determine the color, the texture or create phenomena. However, in this design, the design is depend on the materiality. For this project, the physical behavior and material characteristics directly decide the computational generation of form .1 According to the ICD, The structure is entirely based on the elastic bending behavior of birch plywood strips (Firgure1). The strips are robotically manufactured as planar elements, and subsequently connected so that elastically bent and tensioned regions alternate along their length. 2

Additionally, the computational design model is based on inputting the plywood behavioral feature in parametric principles. That is, finding the relationships between forces, shapes of the plywood and then input in a parametric ways. (Firgure2, 3) To achieve this, thousands of physical experiments are conducted.


Finally, there are 6400 lines

of code in the entire computational process of all geometric information and outputs data for structure design and fabrication with a with a 6-axis industrial robot. 4

In my opinion, the computation gives an accurate measurement of geometry and extends the material possibility. However, it also means the limitation to the design form, which I think the form of Architecture is essential, and the computation might let a limitation of the form in the case like Research Pavilion. I think in the future, the computation will be developed and be more perfect.

Figure1, Force study,

Research 2010”, Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, <> 10 August 2017] 11“ICD/ITKE Oxman, Rivka and Pavilion Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theories2010 of the Digital in Architecture (London; New[accessed York: Routledge),p.1 Research 2010”, Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, <> 10 August 2017] 12“ICD/ITKE Oxman, Rivka and Pavilion Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theories2010 of the Digital in Architecture (London; New[accessed York: Routledge),p.1 3“ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010”, Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, 2010 <> [accessed 10 August 2017] 1 Oxman, Rivka and Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1 Research 2010”, Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, <> 10 August 2017] 14“ICD/ITKE Oxman, Rivka and Pavilion Robert Oxman, eds (2014). Theories2010 of the Digital in Architecture (London; New[accessed York: Routledge),p.1


Research Pavilion 2010,

Figure 2, Results for layers and joints,

Figure 3, Detailed Solution for each element


A3.2 ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2014-2015 This case also proposed by Institute for Computational Design (ICD), while is quite different by the Research pavilions 2010. This project mainly investigates the construction method controlled by computer which inspired by the water spider and use robots to fabricate. The design team pays a detailed attention to the water spider (Agyroneda Aquatica), and results a lightweight fiber composite shell forms a pavilion with unique architectural qualities; the reason why they chose the water spider is that it can make fiber-reinforced structures in a highly material-effective and functionally integrated way.


For parametric purpose,

pattern and design principles were carefully investigated and then input to the robots.

Causing the variation in the stiffness of the pneumatic formwork, there is a sensor installed on the robot and “current position and contact force is recorded via an embedded sensor system and integrated into the robot control in real time.”2 Therefore, there is a step of huge development of construction, the computation make more possibility of “robot control codes” construction method (Figure2). The ICD claimed that, “the processes are relevant for applications in architecture, as they do not require complex formwork and are capable of adapting to the varying demands of the individual constructions.”3 This shows that, in future, the computation will also help to improve the construction directly in the real world, not only on the model in the software.

Compare those two examples, I think the computation generation has a huge potential to change the architecture industry (as the two cases show that during the four years (20112015), the computation generation has improved a lot and also in different fields), maybe one day, whole design process might be automated and be more comprehensive.

Figure1, Computation System,

Pavilion 2014-15”, 2015 <> [accessed 11“Research Oxman, Rivka and Robert Oxman,Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, eds (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1 12“Research Oxman, Rivka and Robert Oxman,Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, eds (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1 Pavilion 2014-15”, 2015 <> [accessed 13“Research Oxman, Rivka and Robert Oxman,Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, eds (2014). Theories of the Digital in Architecture (London; New York: Routledge),p.1 Pavilion 2014-15”, 2015 <> [accessed

10 August 2017] 10 August 2017] 10 August 2017]


Research Pavilion 2014-2015,

Figure 2, Robot invoved in the Construaction ,


A.4. Conclusion In short conclusion, I think the study of computation or algorithmic thinking changes my attitude to the digital design. The most important thing is the new definition of design is based on computer technologies, especially the presidents in the A2 and A3, refreshing my knowledge; I realize this is a new era to use the algorithmic thinking to design and also be a skilled designer is critical. It is also a chance to actualize my expectation to future by those digital technologies. Finally, the design is always changes with the development of technologies, and I need to be prepared at any time.

A.5. Learning outcomes This part inspires me a lot for the study in the Air studio. I think those three parts is hooked up, the first part let me know the way of thinking; I need to put my design in future and according to the A2, I realize the computation can help me realize the future; A3 most impresses me causing I first know the computation can work so brilliant, and computer can direct evolve in the design and fabrication process. For the rest study, this section also teaches me think start from the different aspects of computation like materiality or constructibility. I also hope I can use the intelligent robot aim in the Fab-lab. For my previous work, if I really want to them be perfect, I think I will do lots of experiments and input data in the computer, write parametric code to optimize forms and make them more reasonable.



A.6 Appendix- Algorithmic Sketch Book

Loft with 2 curves

Geo-Cool with Surface1

Geo-Cute with Surface2

Geo-Dangeours with Surface 3


My Favorite one is use Box Morph to arrange the geometry on the lofting surface, it results in interesting looking and really dynamic. For the rest study in this semester,it will also be a good tool to be explored.

6 KPI’S Safety Comfortability Appearance Wearablity

Cool Geometry

Flexibility Fabrication Possibility

Safety Comfortability Appearance Wearablity Flexibility

Cute Geometry

Fabrication Possibility

Safety Comfortability Appearance Wearablity Flexibility Fabrication Possibility

Dangerous Geometry



"Centre Pompidou-Metz / Shigeru Ban Architects", Archdaily, 2014 <


Dunne, Anthony & Raby, Fiona (2013) Speculative Everything: Design Fiction, and Social Dream

Fabian, Scheurer, and Stehling Hanno, "Lost In Parameter Space?", Architectural Design., 81 (2

Fry, Tony (2008). Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice (Oxford: Berg),pp.5-15

"ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010", Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, 2010 <

" ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2014-15", Icd.Uni-Stuttgart.De, 2015 <

Kieran, Stephen, James Timberlake, Barry Bergdoll, and Michael Stacey, Loblolly House (New Y

"Roofing | Centre Pompidou Metz", Centrepompidou-Metz.Fr, 2017 <http://www.centrepomp


m/490141/centre-pompidou-metz-shigeru-ban-architects> [accessed 9 August 2017]

18, P288-295. 8P., Issue 18, p288-295. 8p. (2011), pp.3-7

ming (MIT Press),p.2

2011), 74 <>


458> [accessed 10 August 2017]

p=12965> [accessed 10 August 2017]

York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2008), pp.3-20> [accessed 9 August 2017]


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