Yu mengyan 7332107 m1

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Measured Drawings 30mm 90mm

this object is composed by 18 sticks and the hight of each stick is 900mm. each stick actually is a cylinder, the top and bottom circles’ diameters are the same, 6mm. The sticks that i measured is dynamic, so i decide that measure three conditions of it. The first condition is when the sticks bond together and the diameters (which is measured from the plan view) and angles between each sticks are the smallest. It could be seen from the elevation, each stick has four pins on it and those positions are fixed.






the elevation of minimum expansion

the plan of minimum expansion

The deiameters of minimum and maximum expansion of sticks are 600mm and 4200mm respectively. So i choose 2100mm as the diameter of medium exapansion. Under this condistion, the hight of the object is 820mm and the outer diameter CD is 760mm ( the outer diameter is the bottom circle forms from the expanction,view from the top).

C B o A D


the elevation of midiumexpansion the elevation of medium expansion

AB=210mm CD=760mm the plan of mrdium expansion


The maxium expansion has the hight of 4800mm and the inner and outter diameter is 360mm and 900mm respectively( view from the top).


AB=360mm CD=900mm the plan of maximum expansion



the elevation of maximum expansion


the diagram shows that the relationships between angles and the hight of the object. the angles become larger, the hight of sticks become shorter.

in adition, form the top view, the circles which are under different expansion or contraction condition form concentric circles.


Digital Model Modeling Method: 1.draw a cyclinder 2. rotate is to the angle which i mesured 3. Polar array(commond: 9 items, 360 degrees). 4. draw another cyclinder which is located next to the first cyclinder i drew. 5. rotated and polar arry in the same way with step 3. From th top view, it acctually form concentric circles.

minimum expansion

elevation 6



medium expansion

maximum expansion

7 plan pespective elevation

Sketch Model

The most impressive system in the sticks is the pin joints. Those pin joints make the series of expansion and contraction possible. so i would like to make my model move by using pins. in addition, the sticks form lots of quadrilaterals and quardrilaerals are really flexible. as a result, i use pins and quadrilaterals as main element to form my model. In the red cycles show the connections of sticks and due to those pins connections,the model can contract and expand. from the below photo, the model contract and the volme of it also contracs.



To indiate the volume, i just simple overlay the sticks each by each. from the left photo you can see that the volume is pruduced under the first layer (the red lines )which is composed by four quadrilaterals.

iThis photo indicates the model contract and expand round a axis (the yellow line).


Sketch Design #1 Distance/GSR/SENSETIVE/PROTECTION

PLAN, the longest part is the front, because people feel most uncomfortable when someone or something is approch them.

When the control bar is pulled down by user, the distance might be shorter or longer, this can be controled y user. How does this respond to your personal space?

the back view.


People always feel unsafe when someone or something apporch them dircetly from the front , to avodi this, my design’s longest part is the front part; while the side part is longer than back part. in addition, the personal space is also accroding to the relationship, if user feel safe, they can make is shorter.

Sketch Design #2 silence,isolation

the front view

details, the ear cover can contract or expand due to the different users’ sizes. it actually a pyramid. the back view Material might be membrane which is good at sealability and membrane between the sticks which is the main How does this respond to your personal space? structue. Personal space might be invaded by sound,this design directly avoid noise. the longer part is to avoid the user to be marooned in the middle by two people who talking to each other, avoid the feeling of freezing.


Sketch Design #3 nonperson, no-eyecontact,dark

This part can also contract and expand ,due to the different sizes of users.

mian pins, make possible to lift the cover.

How does this respond to your personal space? The eye contact can invade personal space. So this design cover the eyes so the user cannot invade others’ personal space, in addition, the outer cube can make a feeling of non-human, so people might not pay attention on the user,the personal space is protected.


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