Places to Inspire Thoughts to Comfort

I began thinking about this book many years ago and finally decided to create it.
You will see many photos I have taken, some poetry I have written, and some poetry by others.
For this work, I have used primarily churches, cemeteries, stained glass pictures, flowers, waterfalls, mountains, streams and rivers. These are the things that speak to me, especially when I am going through difficult times.
I have always loved country cemeteries and those of small towns. My parents and one sister are buried in a small town cemetery that is so beautiful. We also put ashes from another sister there. I love going there, especially in the fall, when it is blazing with color from old maples. For me, cemeteries are places that remind me of those who have gone before us. They remind me to honor life, for it is a fragile and fleeting gift.
This book is dedicated to the memory of those whose lives have impacted mine, those who loved me and have given me hope and comfort. Many have walked the path of grief with me.
We all go through times of trouble in life.
We all suffer loss and have disappointments. We all need someone to go alongside us.
My heart is broken now as I grieve the loss of one of my sisters, Frankie. She impacted my life in many ways and I will miss her always. But her love goes on and always will. In time, the pain will lessen, and I can remember her with joy.

The paths we take when we are in God’s hands will always lead us Home.