Remarkable You

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RemaRkable you

Revisiting love, RegRets & celebRations

Rhonda kemp

Chapter Titles You Hearts What Could Have Been In the Beginning Forgiveness Celebrations What’s Missing Memories Dreams Acceptance


You The thought of you whispering to me and leaning into me with total trust makes me

You were most hurt by

Some things that made you unique were

A few things you hated the most

A clear memory of us being us is


God gave me you because he knew I needed


too often, I wish I would of

instead You made me extremely proud when you

You ate these foods as much as you could

You were very content when

You were extremely capable when you

You were able to overcome


You did not give up when


made you happy

You always called me You needed extra attention when

You wanted to grow up to be

You were always so appreciative of

If I could go to your favorite place, I would go to

Your greatest accomplishment was

You lived life


I used to come into your room and watch you sleep and think

More about you…


You Your favorite flower was

favorite TV show

favorite movies favorite foods favorite places Things you sometimes ignored

Most people saw you as

The best advice you ever gave me was

You felt most alone when

You knew me best because

What made you unique among other things was


You did not give up when you

The person or thing you most trusted was

You were most content when

You were wise to

Clearly, you needed

If you would have been famous, you would have been most like

If anyone had reason to be jealous of you, it would have been because

Your best attribute, in your mind, was

and your worst, 6

You wanted to be

more than anything else Hearing your friends describe you, I realize I did not know

about you You were always appreciative of

The thing you hated the most was

One of the saddest things I ever heard you say

More about you…


You You used to blame me for

You were most fearless when you

Your biggest criticism of me was

You changed me when you

No one will ever be like you because

The part about your life that says…well lived is

Your best ideas were


Something that I know about you that no one else does

Your favorite thing to do at Christmas was

I made your birthday special each year by

You felt isolated when

You needed more of my attention when

One way you were like me

The world lost many things when you passed but the one that I think of most is


One of the saddest times I saw you go through was

I should have given you

One of my favorite photos of you

One way that you helped others was

Your favorite hobby was You could always make me laugh when you

If I were describing you to a stranger, I would say

I could see your true heart whenever you


More about you…


If I had to list just 10 things I miss, they would be:  1)









10) 12

RemaRkable you this inteRactive gRief jouRnal is wRitten to allow the ReadeR a foRmat to say some things they may not have said and to Reminisce about things they did. allowing them to exploRe who the peRson that they have lost, Really is to them. a thoRough account of theiR life and what made it special. this can be used as a guide to wRiting out unsaid woRds and completing thoughts about the loved one that’s passed. this inteRactive jouRnal will be used to pRompt and tRiggeR memoRies that will make you, the ReadeR, smile thRough teaRs as you Recall events and chaRacteRistics of youR cheRished loved all ages and stages of theiR life. you may leaRn moRe about youRself and youR Relationship with youR loved one thRu this walk back thRough youR life, and the life you lived togetheR. this jouRnal allows you to be vulneRable to what you’Re feeling and youR loss. ouR memoRies of a loved one aRe in ouR subconscious mind. afteR that peRson has left us those memoRies can become veRy vivid. i have composed this jouRnal to shaRe the memoRies and moments i have had in my 7 yeaR jouRney of missing my daughteR, lacy. if it will help someone who is sinking in theiR gRief and have a need to feel, if only foR a moment, that they aRe not completely alone, then i have done what i intended to do. my daughteR died fRom an opioid oveRdose at the young age of 30. the fact that she died is bad enough but how she died makes it haRd foR people to bRing heR name up to me. i miss talking about heR and so i began jouRnaling sentences, things i would say to heR now and things that i wish i would have said when she was with me, physically. Rhonda kemp is an authoR, wife and motheR. this jouRnal was Encode: 9781737636700 51999 PU MAG 80 NBAR .0104 BWA -0.0010 inspiRed afteR losing heR daughteR lacy to a tRagic death, REMARKABLE YOU almost 7 yeaRs ago. she enjoys yoga pilates & tRavel. she lives in deRby, kansas and spends as much time as possible with heR family and close fRiends.

ISBN 978-1-73763-670-0


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