Menopause Life Spring 2022

Page 1


Women Of Our Time

Celebrating Inspirational Female Role Models



& The Menopause



Chinese Medicine Hypnotherapy

Homeopathy and EFT



Open up your creative self

Amazing New Tasty Vegan breakfast shakes to help symptoms management







Jayne was promoted to Editor in Chief for Menopause Life in January 2022. Her passion for creative writing and lust for life is inspirational. She has a keen interest in women’s health after her own health issues several years ago.

As an Ambassador of the magazine & sponsorships, Christine is learning and guiding other women, as well as becoming her own expert in so many ways.




HEAD OF CREATIVE DESIGN Avril has more than 20 years’ worth of experience in Graphic Design, and we are thrilled to have her as head of our dynamic design team. She is also one of our muchvalued Brand Licensees and Menopause Champion.

And a very warm welcome to the Spring edition of Menopause Life.

I hope you like the new look!


s I sit down to my write my first Editor’s letter, I would like to start with what an honour it is to prepare this magazine for you. I have thoroughly enjoyed my first three months (what a whirlwind!!) and have learnt a lot from the articles that you are about to read! Here at Menopause Experts, we have been very interested in the buzz that surrounds open water swimming and the health benefits it affords women going through menopause. Turn to pages 16-17 and 18-19 to read more. Dinah will be writing regularly for us about her adventures. I feel so tempted but just need to pluck up the courage to take that first cold dip! It has become very clear to me whilst putting the magazine together, just how passionate many women are to help and support each other. From our writers who pen our articles to our brand licensees who are coaching and offering workshops, and of course Menopause Experts who provide the education and guidance in all things menopause. It is wonderful to know that such friendly and empathetic support is available. Another thing that struck me, is just how much many women see menopause as a transitional phase. Yes, we have our symptoms to deal with but hopefully, we are learning to reduce them. We have choices and we are taking control!! We can choose how we approach our menopause and we can choose how we live our lives. Often, it is a time when our children do not need us quite as much. My children left home last year, they are 26 and 24. Putting this magazine together has helped me so much in realising that this is a time for me and my husband to start the next chapter of our lives. There is just the two of us and our gorgeous cockapoo. We need to revisit who we were when we first met, maybe go on a few adventures, take stock and think about what we would like to do! I feel quite excited about this.

I do hope by reading the magazine, you can pull from it what you need as I have done. We have articles on Chinese medicine, hypnotherapy and homoeopathy. We aim to provide you with information and knowledge to choose what works for you, you may not find it the first time, but with knowledge comes the power to try something else. Following the survey on sex carried out by Menopause Experts, Dr Eloise Elphinstone writes about sex and the menopause. We also have an introduction to Tantra Sex, which we will continue throughout 2022, and the delightful Mel Byron provides us with a little light relief around this subject! We welcome Carleeka, who is the black face of menopause in America, she is looking at the differences in how menopause is talked about in America and the UK. As well as our regular features, we have launched our own Menopause Experts Book Club, see page 68 for reviews of a selection of new releases as well as our old-time favourites. Thank you to all our contributors for their work, it’s a pleasure working with you and thank you to our sponsors, we are grateful for your support and for helping us keep this publication free of charge for all to access. I would love to hear from you, let me know the articles you have enjoyed and if there are any topics you would like us to cover in the future. After all, this magazine is for YOU! With love

Jayne Snell Editor-in-Chief, Menopause Life Magazine Email:


A morning routine


Procrastination & exercise



10 A time to thrive 12 Inspirational Women Anthony Nolan 14 Women of our time 16 Swimming in the sea


18 Open water Swimming 20 International Days


22 Get fit and healthy




26 Chinese medicine 28 Introduction to Hypnotherapy


30 EFT for menopause 32 Homeopathy

HEALTH AND SEX 34 Core foundations 35 Nurture not torture your body 36 Menopause and vision



37 What is Tantra 38 Sex and the menopause 40 It’s going to be a bumpy night! 42 Knowledge not pads 44 Trust and understanding 45 Listen up dealing with loss 46 Trauma 48 Weight around the middle 50 The change and our skin









54 Brand licensee spotlight 56 Menopause in America

LIFESTYLE AND HOME 58 Midlife money makeover 60 Working in the police 62 Sustainable wardrobe 64 Fashion – Stepping into spring


66 Small pleasures 68 Menopause Experts book club 70 Wellness through creativity



72 Paris in the spring 74 How to buy the right plant 75 Home - Bring golden sunshine to your home


77 Make spring delicious


84 Our amazing sponsors


COMPETITIONS 41 WIN a Reverse Life bundle worth £130 62 WIN a 3 months subscription to Selaura









A Morning Routine By Karen Ramirez

Karen Ramirez of Sporting Sheroes talks to us about creating a morning routine to prep the asset (that's you, by the way!).


‘m preparing this article on the first day of the new year, and I’ll be honest, I’m struggling with the whole “New Year, New You” vibe swirling around me! Christmas 2021 didn’t go as planned. Thanks COVID! ...And “The Tooth Episode”! Instead of heading off for our usual family Christmas with my sister, I found myself trying to pull off Christmas for the rest of us with just 24 hours’ notice combined with a daughter revising for exams, a house too small for the number of people in it, a neighbour’s cat and a crazy dog! When I landed at New Year’s Eve it was all snooze, sofa, screens and sedentarism! 6


Unproductive. Unhealthy. Un-, well, un-me, really! I’m sure I wasn't the only supersulking sop! It’s OK to feel like this briefly, but we need to know how to pull ourselves out of it. That old adage you are your greatest asset is true. If you take care of that asset, it will hopefully serve you well physically and mentally - both now and in the future.

ENTER 'THE MORNING ROUTINE'! We all have a morning routine. If you don’t believe me, track the first six things you do each day. How’s this?

1. Hit 'Snooze', roll over. 2. Hit 'Snooze' again. 3. Just one more... 4. Visit the bathroom. 5. Make a cuppa. 6. Wake up children/let the dog out/decide what to wear.

How do you feel?

Still sleepy, a bit grumpy, head buzzing with chores for the day? I can’t take credit for devising this routine, but I 100% CAN vouch for it! It’s Hal Elrod’s “The Miracle Morning” which is based on committing to six “SAVERS” before 8am each day.

I can’t take credit for devising this routine,

but I 100% CAN vouch for it! The “SAVERS“ represent the following...



A minute or more of silence or meditation; I take 10 minutes and use the Headspace App.

Something non-fiction to add to your learning.


Scribing (journaling):

Neuroscience appears to confirm that affirmations help send the right message to the right part of the brain to achieve results.

Journaling is a common therapy that helps us get the “stuff” out of our heads helping to clarify our thoughts and emotions.


You can do just one minute of each a day!

Picture how you want your day to pan out; think of athletes visualising over and over again the perfect race/goal in training.

Exercise: Get moving! I had a coach who taught me the Anchor of Discipline-one thing you commit to no matter what; I do five sets of 10 sit-ups, press-ups and squats.

That’s six minutes to feel more in control, awake, energised, patient and productive! If you’re thinking “maybe One Day”, flip it to make today “Your Day One”? Let us know how you get on!

It’s Hal Elrod’s

“The Miracle Morning”


overcoming procrastination to get fitter! How mindfulness can help you make movement part of your life.

By Alison Bale

Mindfulness Coach


t some point or other, most of us have promised ourselves that we will get fitter.

You know that movement is good for you, but somehow the exercise habit does not take. Research shows, for example, that more than 60 percent of gym memberships go unused. Putting off doing something even though you know there will be negative consequences – otherwise known as procrastination – can make starting anything new difficult. And if you procrastinate regularly, you are in good company. Twenty percent of people are habitual procrastinators. You may procrastinate about getting fitter for lots of reasons. Other symptoms of menopause, such as insomnia and depression, can make finding the focus and the energy to move difficult. But if you can get started, exercise brings many benefits for the mind and body 8


• Perfectionism: avoiding self-

criticism by not starting in the first place.

• Judgement: concern about other opinions.

you • Experience: haven’t enjoyed exercise before.

you already • Fatigue: feel tired.

Taking care of yourself is not selfish. It is an

important part

of being able

to take care of anyone else.

How mindfulness can help

Mindfulness is about being aware of the present moment, without judging yourself. It helps you understand what and how you think, so you can direct your mind in ways that support you. It helps you to know yourself better. There are various attitudes of mindfulness that can help you get fitter.


Particularly of yourself. It is not helpful to berate yourself for not starting sooner, or not doing more.


Focus on activities you can enjoy doing, for their own sake. Without a particular goal in mind.


Starting to get fitter is often uncomfortable. Mindfulness can help you be accepting of discomfort, without being put off by it.

Let go

Let go of any notion that you must feel a particular way to get started. You can move, even when you do not feel like it.

Five ways to get started Your fitness journey is yours alone. Here are some ideas to help you get started and keep going.


Choose something you enjoy – you are more likely to keep with a fitness programme if you enjoy the activity. And think outside the box –dancing is just as much an exercise as running.


What fits with your life? Some people are better going to a class, others to working out in their own time. Pick an approach that is right for you, and that you can access easily. And build exercises into your life – take the stairs, park further from the supermarket, do heel raises while brushing your teeth.

3 4 5

Start small – five minutes a day, every day, then build from there. Make the goal manageable for you and you are less likely to have problems starting

Celebrate every small win – all movement counts. Pat yourself on the back for each extra step, particularly when you do not feel like taking it. Show yourself some kindness and compassion – some days you will fail. That is normal. Talk to yourself as your best friend would and start again tomorrow.



A time to



from one healthy

state to another . . .

By Alison Theaker

What is often forgotten when talking about menopause is that it is an important transition for women to decide how they want to move forward in their life. Menopause, when it is discussed, can be treated as an uncomfortable, messy process that just has to be “got through”.


e just know it’s going to be unpleasant, painful, and may involve a personality transplant. We may have heard about the hot flushes, mood swings, and weight gain.

Women live their lives from puberty with a veil of hormones that may obscure their true selves. What did you like to do when you were a child? Climb trees? Spin in circles? Write stories?

No wonder many women deny that they are peri-menopausal, that they declare they are just going to have a “positive mental attitude” and hope for the best.

At menopause, the caring hormones we have lived with from our teens disappear and we become the person we once were – just with forty years experience. It is often the time when women start a business, change their career, decide to go travelling or take up a new creative activity.

I started belly dancing in my 40‘s

But if we start with a plan in place to deal with those symptoms that we may reasonably expect to cope with, and what to do when they move beyond that and need correction, then menopause cannot just be survived, but be a time to thrive.



At the same time, there is an underlying fear about what is on the other side. It feels like an inescapable representation of ageing, of becoming old, dried up, a hag. We fear that our libido will disappear, that we will just end up as crazy cat ladies.

I started belly dancing in my 40s. At a dance camp where I had gone to recover from a marriage breakdown with my two small children, I was told that I was “a natural”. This was the first time that anyone had said this to me about any physical activity. Twenty years and a mountain of sequins later, I am still dancing. I taught a class in my hometown when I couldn’t find a professional teacher and I now dance with some of my ex-students.

In my 50s, I put on an art exhibition together with my husband and daughter. I am not a qualified artist –well, I have a GCSE We decided to make art from the plastic debris which washed up on the beaches near our Devon home. Something which we thought would be a one-off turned into a biannual event.

In my 60s I decided to start a Ph.D., building on my experience teaching in higher education as well as being a business mentor.

Post-menopause is a time for us to rediscover our true selves, and live life for ourselves, not for others . . .

What would this mean for you?



Rupert needed someone to save his life

You’d do anything to get your child home… Holly, Rupert’s mum

Unlock your lifesaving potential Every day, Anthony Nolan matches stem cell donors to people with blood cancer and blood disorders, and gives lifesaving transplants for people like Rupert. But we can’t save lives without your support. Find out more about Anthony Nolan – and how you can help save lives. Reg charity no 803716/SC038827 2828MC 0122




WOMEN Featured: Henny Braund MBE CEO of Anthony Nolan

What motivates you? I’ve always been motivated by new ideas and wanting to change things for the better. I love to work with people, discuss ideas, support them to find their ‘voice’, and to be able to do their best.

What has been the most defining moment of your life? From a personal point of view, my two children have defined my life so positively. Professionally, the most defining moment was in my early 20s on a visit to Wigan when I was a Personnel Officer at the Richmond Fellowship, a mental health charity. We visited the recently closeddown asylum which was in every way like a scene from some Hitchcock horror film, long corridors and hundreds of doors and then went to the Halfway house, a haven for five elderly women trying to live independently after a lifetime of being in an institution. I sat and joined their conversation where they were learning about money so that they could go and buy a pint of milk for themselves.

They didn’t know how to. I asked why they had been institutionalised - it was simple -most had had children out of wedlock and had been locked away for the rest of their lives. They had had no voice and the system hadn’t helped them. Their experience changed my life.

What is a day in the life of the CEO of Anthony Nolan like? It’s an amazing charity and I strongly believe that as a leader I’m only a custodian for a while so I’m very driven, I think I have a ‘hurry up’ gene. I have a lot of meetings and often they are about influencing change and listening. We have a lot of fun too and it can feel that you go from the sublime to the ridiculous.

How did it feel to receive your MBE?

I am delighted and humbled. It is a testament to all the amazing people I work with and all that they have achieved.

We love to champion inspirational women, who has inspired you the most and why? All women to be honest. I have met so many inspirational women in my life and I’m always amazed by their strength and ‘can do’ attitude. But thinking closer to home, I would mention Shirley whose campaign and love for her little boy, Anthony Nolan, led to the first register in the world and over a million lives saved nearly 50 years on.

I am also privileged to get to meet our wonderful donors, volunteers, supporters and partners (on Zoom at the moment!) who all help to save and improve the lives of even more stem cell patients.



Women Of Our Time

By Dee Murray

CEO of Menopause Experts Being 50 something in 2022 is very different from how 50 was experienced for our mothers and grandmothers. I often try to place myself in their shoes. How did they manage periods let alone menopause? And, you know, further back in time, we would have been burnt at the stake, because men thought we were witches and had gone mad!


ince the 2006 #metoo campaign launched by the amazing Tarana Burke, many women have since found a voice. Not only are they more able to speak openly about abuse, but the movement inspired and empowered women to start discussing issues, like menopause for example. Angela Griffin who features on our cover has been filming a pioneering comedy-drama called Dun Breedin’, which tells the story of a group of female friends, age 50+ who are all dealing with menopause. Written by Benidorm and Shetland star Julie Graham, it also stars Tamzin Outhwaite, Tracy Ann Oberman and Denise Welch. The 12 part miniseries consists of ten-minute episodes currently showing on YouTube. Angela said “It’s such a good script and great characters. It’s about a subject that is not particularly explored on TV very often and it’s done in a funny, light-hearted way.



This is my group of friends – this is literally where we are”. The cast hopes the show will be commissioned by a mainstream TV channel now that lockdown has ended. Our generation X has witnessed so much change. From the crazy hair-dos of the 1980s to the fast-moving Femtech industries creating billionaires globally. Menopause Experts Group falls into the world of Femtech as well as Healthtech, unheard of just a few years ago. More women are becoming multimillionaires and taking positions of power in government. Jacinda Arden the Prime Minister of New Zealand showed the world that she was not afraid to be seen as a caring leader and mother, during times of tremendous turmoil throughout the pandemic.

Furthermore, we have seen women take the helm in countries like Iceland, Moldova, Lithuania, Kosovo, Greece, Finland, Denmark, Slovakia, Ethiopia, and even Barbados. Living proof that women are so needed and wanted in positions of power. And, furthermore, we should never be underestimated. When I stop and consider how many female role models have inspired me during my lifetime, they would include Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, and outside of politics British actresses like Dame Judi Dench, Jenifer Saunders, Gwyneth Paltrow, and even the likes of Katie Piper, The Duchess of Cambridge and of course our beautiful Queen Elizabeth II.

The far-reaching and often emotional women’s movement can be felt around the world, and we must not stop now. We have the right to happiness and contentment in our lives, and we are not here just to provide all of our nurturing skills needed throughout motherhood, we are far more than the sum of our parts. Long may this continue, and let’s see just how far we can all go as women, and as human beings as we establish the belief that we can be who we want to be, and can make changes to everyone’s lives including our own!



Pictured: Mandy Appleyard

By Mandy Appleyard It was on a blustery Christmas morning, as the rest of Britain was putting a turkey in the oven or opening presents in front of a cosy fire, that my friends and I walked into the North Sea for a bracing, breath-stopping swim.

I am not alone in my newfound love of outdoor swimming. People are taking to Britain’s seas and lakes, rivers and lochs in record numbers – even in the chilling waters of winter. This trend is in part down to the fact that it’s a simple, low-cost way to enjoy the great outdoors, with fantastic physical and mental well-being benefits. For me, wild swimming is all about the invigoration of exercising in a natural and challenging environment. It’s fun, it costs nothing, it keeps your mind in the moment, and it fires you with energy for the rest of the day. 16


Suspension in water also helps alleviate the constant pressure placed on our bones and muscles in normal life.

No wonder then that The Outdoor Swimming Society’s membership grew by 36% in 2020 and Britain saw a surge in the formation of swimming groups across the country – among them the Bluetits Chill Swimmers in Wales, who gained 8,000 new Facebook followers in one year. The science certainly stacks up, with wild swimming linked in several studies to lower stress levels and a greater feeling of contentment. Experts say that plunging into cold water can relieve anxiety by promoting the release of the happy hormones, dopamine and serotonin, and creating an endorphin rush that raises mood and heightens the senses. Studies also suggest that cold water swimming reduces inflammation which is linked to conditions such as arthritis, high blood pressure and depression.

It’s also a meditative experience: swimming in cold water makes you focus on your breathing, immerses you in the humbling power of nature, and keeps you in the here-andnow. When your breath is snatched away from you by the cold, when you can feel your limbs turning icy, your thoughts are never on that pressing deadline at work or the hiccup in your family life that’s been niggling you all week.

It’s just you and the swim, everything else becomes irrelevant


alkers on the beach in Filey Bay, Yorkshire clearly thought we were mad – four people dressed in next-to-nothing bobbing up and down in the waves in the depths of winter, screaming with exhilaration as the freezing sea swamped us.

It’s just you and the swim, everything else becomes irrelevant.

Mother Nature is never fiercer than when you’re outdoor swimming.

For those of us living a sedentary life largely indoors, perhaps hunched over a computer for work or slumped in front of the telly at the end of a tiring day, the exhilaration of

Of course, it’s not for everyone and it is not without its risks: anyone contemplating it should read up on those risks and, if they are in any doubt, seek medical advice.


For those of us who love it, outdoor swimming is an exciting new hobby that stimulates the senses and sets us up for the day. On Christmas Day, post-swim, we warmed ourselves on the beach with mince pies and hot chocolate laced with Bailey’s -a beautiful close to our festive experience of Britain’s newest craze.

Review by Christine Stobbart Brand Ambassador, Menopause Experts I opted for the bright red with grey lining and couldn’t be happier with the colour. Very fashionable, although may be seen as less cool if not seen with one whilst out wild swimming. I adore mine as it oozes quality, from its waterproof exterior to feeling warm and snug inside. Admittedly due to the winter weather I have only worn it for wild blustery dog walking along the seafront, watching those allweather swimmers who are a lot braver than myself. Yes, I have already found it a home in the camper, so it will certainly be put to its best use for changing from sea dipping, paddle boarding and general messing around on road trips. I have no doubt it will become a family favourite.

GET CHANGED. STAY WARM. The original outdoor change robe, dryrobe® is an open water swim essential. The unique combination of a durable waterproof outer shell and superwarm synthetic lambswool lining ensures you stay protected from the elements while drying off quickly when keeping warm out of the water. Made with 100% recycled fabrics and sealed with a PFC-free water-repellent treatment, it will keep you dry all day. The dryrobe® Advance is a versatile piece of kit, providing warmth and outside changing wherever your adventure takes you. Perfect for wild swimming, surfing, camping, and even dog walking. It’s easy to use, keep it in the car and it will be your go-to kit on a cold morning or chilly evening. To check out the full range of dryrobe® products, visit



Endorphins By Dinah Sershi


Founder of the Natural Wellbeing company


6 degrees so it’s not quite ice swimming yet; we have to wait for the temperature to drop below 5 degrees to call ourselves ice swimmers, which of course we want to because it sounds cool (excuse the pun).

I have been swimming here through the seasons for almost six years and aside from the positive effects of being in cold water, it is the open water swimming community that creates a magic to the experience that ensures my return to the lakes year after year. Today the temperature is around

We are generally considered a mad bunch by those who have not experienced the euphoria of a cold water swim and understandably so. Why would anyone believe that a sub-ten-degree dip would be anything other than a slightly traumatic experience? But here we are, January 1st excited to be swimming and starting the new year in a way that feels, for us, to be a good omen for 2022.

y friends and I are in great spirits as we head down to the lake on this beautiful bank holiday morning. The sky is a clear, bright blue and there is an optimism shining as brightly as the sun as we bless the start of the new year with a swim at the Shepperton winter lake.



Some of us wear our swimming costumes and others are in winter wetsuits but aside from one or two very experienced cold water swimmers, we all wear gloves, booties, and hats to keep our extremities warmer for longer. As we swim throughout the year, our bodies have adapted to the declining temperature, and we all have a good gauge on how long we can stay in the water. My friends and I usually swim at a gentle pace for around 15 minutes. I love entering the water, feeling the first wave of euphoria, and chatting to my friends as we swim a shortened circuit of the lake. Conversation and cold water are a very bonding experience. And as we exit the water, the endorphins, glorious January weather, and friendship have ensured a perfect start to the new year. During the winter, there are fewer lakes open, so I am thrilled to have discovered two new spaces to swim this year. The first, hidden amongst trees and out of view, is a beautiful lake in Bedfont, West London. Legend has it that this old quarry is 200 metres deep and there is a double-decker bus at the bottom that is used for simulated rescues. What lies beneath is probably one of the most common fears that a new open water swimmer has. I remember my first lake swim very well dipping each body part into the cold water and regretting all the amphibian horror movies I had watched as a teenager! However, after five minutes my swimming nerves eased and trepidation had been replaced with a deep sense of euphoria and peace and I had fallen in love with open water swimming.

with beautifully illustrated books enticing me with secret lakes, stunning waterfalls, and pirate coves. I am excited to journal these adventures and hope to share stories, tips and recommendations which I hope will inspire a few to discover the joy of open water swimming.

Dinah Sershi is a mum of two, management consultant, kinesiologist, coach, mindfulness, and yoga teacher.

Links to the lakes

I have also discovered the joy of swimming in the Thames at Teddington. The mid-week swim has become my much needed recharge from sitting at a desk all day. My friends and I are all in our 50s and experiencing menopause in many different ways. These swims are our therapy. We chat, laugh, and sympathise as we immerse ourselves in the beauty and healing power of water. This year, my goal is to enjoy many open water swimming trips. My bedside table is stacked MENOPAUSE LIFE SPRING 2022



wareness days are very important to charities, they allow them the opportunity to raise awareness, educate people and sometimes raise additional funds.

Below are just a few relating to health and wellbeing (of us and our planet) that are coming up during March, April, and May.

Days 9th March - No smoking day

You may want to lend your support to one of these worthwhile causes or make some changes to improve your health and wellbeing.

Each year, at least 15,000 heart and circulatory disease deaths are attributed to smoking. To find out more about the damage smoking does to your health, the benefits of quitting smoking, and positive things you can do to help you quit, visit the BHF website.

Marie Curie’s Great Daffodil Appeal

Sunday, March 27th Mothering Sunday

Marie Curie’s Great Daffodil Appeal has been raising awareness and funds since 1986.

Celebrated on the 4th Sunday during Lent

Every March, millions of people across the UK show their support for Marie Curie simply by giving a donation to wear a daffodil pin. Without this generosity, thousands of families across the UK wouldn’t be able to make the most of the precious time they have left together.

Ovarian Cancer Awareness month (World Ovarian Cancer Day May 8)

When a woman is diagnosed at the earliest stage, her chance of surviving ovarian cancer for five years or more doubles from just 46 percent to more than 90 percent. Nearly half of GPs mistakenly believe symptoms only present in the later stages of the disease, and less than a third of women in the UK are confident they know the symptoms. Target Ovarian Cancer is working to raise the profile of ovarian cancer and educate GP’s in early diagnosis.

8th March - International Women’s Day The theme for 2022 is #Break The Bias. It’s where we imagine a gender-equal world, free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women’s equality. Collectively we can all #Break the Bias. Sounds pretty awesome to us here at Menopause Experts!



The history of Mother’s Day –celebrated on the 4th Sunday in Lent. From about the 16th century, it was a tradition for families to attend a church service, in their nearest Church or Cathedral, known as their ‘Mother’ church. It was a rare occasion for families to gather as one, members of the family who worked on that day were often given the day off so they could attend. As time went by, servants and apprentices were still given the day off, but instead of going to their ‘Mother’ church, they would spend time with their mother and families. Queen of the Feast The 4th Sunday in some Christian traditions was known as the ‘Sunday of the five loaves’ or ‘Refreshment Sunday’, as it is thought to be the day in which Jesus fed 5,000 people despite only having 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes. Traditionally, after church, families would enjoy a roast dinner of either lamb or veal, and Mum would be made Queen of the Feast. Families would also enjoy freshly baked Simnel cakes, made of two rich fruity layers and decorated with 11 balls of marzipan, to represent the 11 disciples (not including Judas). Mother’s Day is the 3rd most popular ‘celebration’ to buy greeting cards, behind Christmas and Valentine’s Day. Nowadays, Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate our mums and to say thank you for their love and care, through acts of kindness.

April - Stress Awareness Month

22nd April - Earth Day

Held every April since 1992 to increase public awareness about both the causes and cures.

Over 1 billion people worldwide now participate in Earth Day activities each year.

According to the Mental Health Foundation, 74% of UK adults have felt so stressed at some point over the last year they are overwhelmed or unable to cope. What can you do?

They do this to promote awareness for the health of our environment, making it the largest civic observance in the world.

• • • • •

Talk openly about stress with friends, family, and colleagues (also helps to reduce stigma). Share your coping tools, if something has worked for you, share it as it may help someone you care about. Treat those experiencing stress and anxiety with compassion and empathy. Be kind. Take time out of your day to relax or do something you enjoy. Menopause Life is full of helpful tips. When you are stressed or anxious, it is vital you look after yourself. Make time to relax and say NO to requests that are too much.

You can read more by visiting the official Earth Day website.

MAY - National Walking Month Over the past couple of years, access to green spaces has been more important than ever. We all know that enjoying the great outdoors is beneficial for our mental and physical health. During May, you are encouraged to get outside more, improve your wellbeing, and maybe raise money for charity.

21st May - World Meditation Day Meditation is a discipline that calms and focuses the mind, it helps us cope with the demands of everyday life and specific challenges. It is very beneficial for perimenopausal and menopausal women.

LaFemmeVerte is a beautiful, new, natural skincare brand, created by twin sisters Louise and Sara especially for women in midlife, menopause and beyond. The LaFemmeVerte skincare range uses only premium natural ingredients that really target the skin concerns associated with this transformative stage of our lives ~ dullness, dryness, rosacea, hyper pigmentation (age spots), acne, fine lines and wrinkles.

There are three beautiful fragrances to choose from ~ Geranium Rose & Petitgrain, Grapefruit & Bergamot, and Frankincense & Vetiver.

The beautiful essential oils across our three different fragrance ranges have been carefully selected for their aromatherapeutic benefits in uplifting mood and calming anxiety. Diplomas in Natural and Organic Skincare Formulation mean that natural intuition and a love of botanicals is complemented by cosmeceutical science.


Natural skin care products created by women for women to care for your skin and wellbeing, in midlife, menopause and beyond

Gift yourself this Mother’s Day with 15% off your first order at For samples, go to

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Get fit and healthy while supporting your community Fitness With Curves When we talk about changes, the range can be open and cover sectors of all kinds; seasonal, personal, physical... but despite their diversity, they all agree on a key and necessary point for success: wanting to change. This spring at Curves, we combine exercise and commitment, in an initiative that seeks to motivate not only to take better care of ourselves but also to learn to take care of others. From 14th – 31st March, Curves Clubs will be running a Food Drive to help the local community in times of difficulty. It’s an initiative that seeks to motivate new and existing members to give a helping hand to those most in need while improving their own health and fitness.

It is simple to participate Each new member will help their local community by donating food and in return will pay no service fee when joining*. Any contribution is valid, with the only condition being that the food is nonperishable to avoid waste. 22


Anyone willing to participate, regardless of their interest in becoming new members, are welcome to join the cause and turn individual actions into a great common goal.

Why Spring is just the right season for your Well-being Spring is not only a beloved season for its proximity to summer, the rise in temperatures or the farewell to constant darkness. This time of the year brings with it an endless list of benefits. Seasonal fruits and vegetables provide a greater amount of antioxidants that help fight diseases like cancer. For example, a cup of strawberries contains more than 100mg of vitamin C.

Another factor to highlight is the famous Vitamin D. Not only does it help improve the functioning of the nervous system and keep bones healthy, but Vitamin D can be especially important during menopause. Furthermore, an epidemiological study suggests that higher vitamin D intake, and maintaining adequate vitamin D levels, are associated with a lower risk for early menopause. This spring, be the change you want to see in yourself, and in the world. Because when we share, everything becomes doubly better. For more information about Curves, visit our website or contact your local club.




The Importance Of This Powerful Mineral By Pauline Hill

Magnesium is a powerful mineral, vital to everyone’s general health and wellbeing. It is also a complex mineral, involved in more than 300 chemical reactions in the body. 24


It impacts everything – from how well we sleep to bone health and brain function. However, despite its importance to our overall health, scientists estimate that the majority of the population (60% +) may be magnesium deficient.

It’s hard to pinpoint, exactly. Because very small amounts of magnesium reside in the blood there is not a reliable blood test that can show magnesium deficiency –which makes diagnosis difficult.

Of particular significance for our readers –maintaining optimum levels of magnesium can help ease common menopause symptoms and support quality of life before, during, and after menopause. (Personally, I was keen to learn more about this mighty mineral and understand how it may improve my sleep and relieve painful muscle cramps.)

What are the sources of Magnesium? Ironically, our modern diets are not capable of providing us with sufficient quantities of this essential mineral. In fact, magnesium levels in our water and food are half what they were a hundred years ago. Therefore, we need supplementation to address these shortfalls.

What common health conditions benefit from Magnesium? Such is the complexity of the mineral it is crucial to so many aspects of our health: Low energy and fatigue. Magnesium is a key mineral in the enzyme processes that convert food into energy. Individuals with low levels tire quickly.

Insomnia. The inability to sleep may also be linked to magnesium deficiency. Magnesium can ease common sleep disruptors, such as nighttime muscle cramps, as well as decrease the level of the stress hormone, cortisol. Bone Health. The body requires magnesium to support the absorption of calcium into the bone.Research has indicated that magnesium supplements may be of great value in both the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Anxiety, Nerves & Irritability. Magnesium works with calcium for the optimal function of the nervous system. A deficiency can result in symptoms of anxiety and irritability. Cramps & Spasms. Magnesium is essential for proper muscle function. Painful cramping at night and irritating twitches are often the first signs of magnesium deficiency.

What supplements can you take? And here the complexity continues! There are different forms of magnesium that have varied therapeutic actions within the body.On top of that, some supplements are taken orally, in tablet or powder form. Others are applied topically as an oil spray or lotion. For example, for my concerns, I take Magnesium Chloride in an oil spray. It is applied topically and recommended for use for localised pain associated with arthritis, restless legs syndrome, and generalised muscle pain. Without a doubt, the full range of options are too numerous to cover within this article. It is important to talk to a GP or pharmacist who will advise on the best magnesium supplement to take for each individual concern.

Pauline writes a (non-commercial) blog My Menopausal Skin Stories




Chinese Medicine How can Chinese medicine benefit you during perimenopause? By Jo Darling


re you looking for natural support during perimenopause? Then maybe Chinese medicine can help.

You might be surprised to know it’s the world’s oldest and most widely used, it’s a medical system and it’s more than just herbs and acupuncture. Chinese medicine offers support for all aspects of perimenopause through ‘Yang Sheng’ translated as the nourishment of life. It includes advice on types of foods that can help, suggestions on the right kind of exercise for you, lifestyle recommendations, and specific acupressure points that can help for certain issues.

Harnessing the power of ancient wisdom Chinese medicine looks at you as a whole. It pulls together your health issues, like parts of a jigsaw, to get the full picture. It ascertains the root of the issue and treats that to help ease any imbalance. Perimenopause can throw up a wide variety of issues, there’s no such thing as a ‘standard’ menopause experience and that’s where Chinese medicine can be really helpful. Issues such as anger, pain, PMT, brittle nails ,and vivid dreams would suggest one diagnosis, whilst urinary incontinence, weak knees & back, and loss of motivation would indicate another.



Emotions are important too There is no separation between the mind and the body and increasingly we’re acknowledging this in the west too. How often have you been really stressed mentally and found your shoulders up around your ears creating tension and making you feel worse? And how about if you’re worried about something, how that zaps your energy?

These are issues that begin as mental stresses that manifest through the body bringing about physical illness.

Rest well. Sleep is critical to our wellbeing. Getting enough quality sleep enables our minds and body to recharge.

Top Yang Sheng Tips for Perimenopause

Take the last hour before bed calmly and quietly, don’t get involved with over-stimulating activities and try to be asleep before 11pm.

The term ‘yang sheng’, in Chinese refers to the adage ‘live well, live long’

Try to do all things in moderation (including moderation!), overwork will affect your health as will too much sex, too much exercise or anything that puts a strain on your body.

It’s a remarkably simple recommendation that you should nourish yourself to have a full, healthy long life. The principles are simple. Eat well. Pay attention to what you eat but also how you eat. Eat your biggest meal in the morning, finish eating before you feel full, eat regularly –breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Eat mindfully while you sit and don’t eat when you’re stressed. Enjoy and savour your food, eating the best you can afford.

Menopoised© Menopause Magnet RRP £45

Menopoised© harnesses the power of Chinese medicine to help you have a positive menopause naturally. Using ancient wisdom for modern menopause we created our heroine product the Menopoised Menopause Magnet, a first of its kind, acupuncture inspired, safe, effective and side-effect free. Placed on an acupuncture point traditionally used for clearing heat, it is recommended by health professionals and changing women's lives across the globe. If you’re suffering from hot flushes and night sweats, Menopoised© can help. In trials, the Menopoised Menopause Magnet, was shown to help over 80% of our participants by reducing the intensity and/ or frequency of their hot flushes and night sweats within a week of use.

Embrace Cool Aromatherapy Oil 10ml RRP £19

Harness the power of Chinese medicine - Ancient wisdom for modern menopause. ® This cool blend releases the natural essences of wise Clary Sage, calming and balancing Geranium, refreshing Lemon and Cooling Peppermint to help take the edge off those moments of feeling overwhelmed and overheated. Thoughtfully created and lovingly blended to refresh, restore and reduce your heat.

Take time for yourself and be in nature. Whether that’s a walk on the beach, the woods or open green space, find time to just be. Find joy. Make your heart sing whether that’s literally singing, with others or in the shower, gardening, being with a pet, or playing a game.

FREE PRIZE DR AW For a chance to win Menopoised© Menopause Magnet and Embrace Cool Aromatherapy Oil 10ml please email: The draw will take place on 6th June 2022. Giveaway Terms & Conditions By entering the promotion you agree to disclose your details for the purposes of despatching your prize and publicly announcing a winner upon an acceptance. This information will be shared by ME group to the promoter, with possible future publicity. This also indicates your agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions. No responsibility can be accepted for entries not received for whatever reason. You must be 18 or over to enter. Winners will be selected at random. Any defamatory disclosure on the competition or elsewhere, whether related to or irrelevant to the promotion will be excluded from the winners’ selection processes. There is no entry fee or purchase necessary to enter and purchasing any item will neither lower nor boost your chances of winning. There is no cash alternative and the prize cannot be transferred in any way, but the winner can refuse the prize if they so wish.


mind & body

By Elaine Neale

Clinical Hypnotherapist & Psychotherapist It’s tempting to see our physical and mental health as separate and distinct, but the truth is that they’re not. The way we think or react to events causes our bodies to respond in kind.

That’s great if there is a physical threat to respond to but not great if you’re anxious and frustrated because of demands from work, kids, caring responsibilities, maybe you’re not feeling great or sleeping well – and you’ve still got to put the bins out!

That’s great if we’re thinking about or doing something that we enjoy because It’s important to realise that mind and we get all the good stuff such as body will react positively or negatively serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin released and we feel great! Did you know that in kind to all our thoughts, not just something that’s happening now We all know that with exercise the way we think but also things we think about we get a shot of feel-good influences the way past and future, good or bad. endorphins too. But what if it’s not the good, positive stuff that’s on our mind? Well, then our mind can work against us.

we feel?

Not just mentally and emotionally but how we feel physically as well?

When that’s happening our body still reacts in kind only this time we get stress hormones such as adrenaline, cortisol, etc. released, prompting feelings of anxiety, low mood or depression, anger, or fear.

Our stress response kicks in. Our mind thinks it’s doing us a favour by preparing us for fight or flight – self-preservation in the face of a threat or emergency.



The long-term effects of stress can be damaging mentally and physically without the added elements of any perimenopausal symptoms you may be having.

As a Solution Focused Hypnotherapist, I have never had a woman turn up for an appointment and say “I’m perimenopausal and need some help to cope better” but there have been many who sit down and talk about how their anxiety has gone through the roof, are having panic attacks, or are feeling low even though they have a lovely life, home, family and job. That’s usually followed by something like “I don’t know why I’m feeling like this now, nothing’s happened.” Perhaps nothing

sudden has happened but we know that hormonal fluctuations can affect us in many ways, including anxiety and self-esteem. That’s why it’s so important to take steps to reduce our anxiety. Many forms of therapy can help you reduce anxiety and different therapy types work for different people. So how do you choose the right therapy for you? The key things are that you’re ready to make changes, to find the therapy approach that resonates with you and a therapist you’re comfortable with. If you’re interested in hypnotherapy the best way to find a therapist is via professional associations, such as the Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapists (AfSFH), National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH), or Complementary & Natural Healthcare.

Useful Links AfSFH:


CNHC: Council (CNHC) as registered therapists must holdanaccredited qualification, adhere to codes of ethics and continued professional development



EFT For Menopause By Caroline Measures Women’s Therapist


he Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or “tapping” is an excellent tool for helping us through the peri-meno years. It works quickly and effectively to reduce anxiety, release stress, and boost feelings of wellbeing and calm. EFT is a relatively modern therapy but has its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Think of it as acupuncture without the needles or similar to acupressure, but with a greater emphasis on the mind-body connection. It works by having you tap lightly on certain points on the hands, head, face, and upper body. Before you begin, it’s good to take note of how you’re feeling on a scale of 0-10 where 10 is totally stressed out or anxious and 0 is completely neutral. Very often, someone who starts at a high 8 or 9 on the scale can come down to a 2 or 3 in just one round of tapping. For others, a few rounds are enough to get rid of any unhelpful feelings and install a



great sense of comfort instead. It is normal to put whatever is bothering you into words during an EFT session to help fire up those neurons and get ready to short-circuit the old mind-body connection. By contacting the problem, tapping can help to neutralise the brain’s usual negative response. For example, if you can’t get to sleep and are starting to feel panicky and angry about it, your body will go into fight or flight mode making it even harder to drop off. By tapping on the EFT points (see the following page) and repeating statements such as, “even though I can’t get to sleep, I choose to deeply and completely love and accept myself” and “even though I feel so tired, I choose to love and forgive myself anyway”, you send calming messages to the brain to let go of the negative emotion and help switch from the sympathetic nervous response into the parasympathetic response, which is the one that helps us to rest, heal and restore.

EFT is an incredibly flexible tool as you can use it to help with practically anything! Try tapping on the collarbones if you’re feeling upset and feel the levels of emotion come down with each breath. Once you’re familiar with the technique, you can use it to manage anxiety, release anger, induce relaxation and sleep, dissolve fear and panic, and so much more. Tapping is something that you can do by yourself and once you’ve learned how to do it, you’ve got the skill for life. However, I always recommend finding a good therapist to work with if your issue is more complex or if you’d prefer to have someone guide you through it. EFT is just one of the tools in my therapy kit and I tell clients that it can be like peeling an onion. We lift off layer after layer of emotional history as we work through the issues and it’s good to have a professional on hand to keep you on track and help you to manage anything that comes up.

EFT is an incredibly flexible tool as you can use it to help with practically anything! Try tapping on the collarbones if you’re feeling upset and feel the levels of emotion come down with each breath.



Navigating menopause naturally

with homeopathy By Sarah Davison

y the time I was in my mid-forties, I had spent seven years in international sales and 14 years as a corporate innovation consultant. The pressure of work, together with mothering a toddler, caused me (I now realise with hindsight) to crash into perimenopause.

On the edge of burnout, I went to a homeopath. I was so impressed with the results, that I decided to make a passion into a profession and graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Homeopathic Medicine in 2012. I now work as a Natural Menopause Expert, helping women relieve symptoms of peri/ menopause both in-person and online.

Homeopathy can be used to relieve symptoms at all levels - physical, mental and emotional, chronic and acute, viral and bacterial.

Scientific evidence for homeopathy Another misconception about homeopathy is that there is no scientific evidence for it. By the end of 2020, 140 gold-standard trials of homeopathic treatment for 86 medical conditions had been published in peer-reviewed journals. The results differ little from those of conventional medicine, as you can see below.


Natural Menopause Expert & Homeopath

On the edge of burnout, I went to a homeopath.

What is homeopathy? Homeopathy is the second most popular system of medicine in the world, with over 200 million users. It’s a common misconception that it involves herbs and supplements when it’s something quite different. It does use natural substances, but they are ‘potentised’ through serial dilution and shaking. These ‘remedies’ stimulate your innate self-healing mechanism, using a similar principle to vaccination.

140 RCTs of homeopathy (end of 2020)

Positive Negative




1128 systematic reviews of RCTs of conventional medicine

Mary’s perimenopause story “I feel like I’m getting back to me again” When she was 43, Mary came to see me about her perimenopause symptoms. She was struggling with rage and suicidal feelings before her period. She had been on antidepressants for several years. Her hormonal migraines were now happening throughout the month. She was anxious about her work, and often weepy. She was bingeing on sweets and had frequent night sweats. In Mary’s case, her liver had been compromised by several medicines prescribed 20 years earlier for acne, including the contraceptive pill, antibiotics, and an acne drug called Roaccutane. The result: 20 years of hormonal migraines and PMS. Then all her symptoms intensified in perimenopause because a healthy liver is essential to a smooth transition. The first thing I did was detox her liver homoeopathically. After 10 days, she emailed me saying, that after breaking out in rashes and boils (a sign of the liver detoxing), her skin returned to normal, and “I just feel like I’m getting back to me again.”

Three months into homeopathic treatment… Her partner said,

It’s been like living with a different person! She halved her antidepressants and stopped bursting into tears She was no longer raging or suicidal before her period Her confidence at work improved Her sugar cravings disappeared She had fewer night sweats Her migraines became a thing of the past In future editions, I will share more about homeopathy for peri/menopause, specific symptoms, as well as stories of women I have treated.



CORE FOUNDATIONS Perfecting Your Breathing Technique

By Victoria Smith


he first place to start on the road to a healthy core is to pay attention to how you breathe! Yes, this does sound a little crazy, however, the diaphragm plays an important role in core stability and pelvic floor function and is often a big piece of the puzzle that is missed. Here’s a simple way to check your breathing technique. First, find yourself a comfortable place to lie down, place a pillow under your knees and head, and allow yourself to relax. Next, place your hands gently around your ribcage. Take a couple of big breaths in and out, noting the direction of how your hands move as you breathe in. Do they move straight up? Or do they move up but also out to the side? The correct technique is for your ribs to move up AND out to the side as you breathe in but it’s very common to find yourself breathing in a different pattern.



The good news is that with practice, you can start to learn how to breathe laterally (out to the side). The icing on the cake is that this type of breathing is not only important for a healthy core, but it can also be used to aid relaxation or as a way of helping to manage stress. So, get yourself back into your comfortable, relaxed position using your pillows.

Hands back gently around your ribcage and take a deep breath in through your nose - however this time instead of allowing your ribs to move straight up, feel the air in your lungs expanding your ribs out into your hands. (Instead of using your hands, another way is to gently wrap and lightly hold a towel or scarf around your ribcage. Some people find this gives greater feedback). Your breath in should take around 4-6 seconds. Now your lungs are full, hold your breath for a few seconds, noticing how calm and relaxing this feels.

Then let the breath go in a way that feels more comfortable to you. This could be out through your nose, or imagine you are gently blowing out through a straw. Try and aim for around 6-8 seconds for your breath out. You may need to practice this a few times before you master it! Once you feel happy with your technique, try and do 10 repetitions. On your final breath out, let your ribs settle down into a relaxed position and return to a shallower more normal pattern of breathing but still with a slight movement of your ribs out to the side. Remain in this relaxed state for as long as you want to! This breathing exercise can also be performed throughout the day (you don’t have to be lying down for it to work) and due to its stimulation of the vagus nerve, it can have a hugely positive impact on stress, anxiety, and general well-being.


And to complement your adventures into nature, resistance-based training, from bodyweight exercises to more advanced weight training in the gym, is vital. It keeps your joints and bones strong, helps to maintain as much muscle mass as possible, and reduces the risk of weight gain and obesity.

y mum would have been in her early fifties then, and if I’d known then what she was really talking about - the impact of menopause - I would have listened a lot harder. The fact is, nobody gives you a heads-up when you’re in your twenties and thirties, about the devastating effects menopause can have on your body and mind. And my mum was not the greatest teacher, the word ‘menopause’ was never uttered once!

No more burpees and box jumps ladies, just building a body to keep you strong.

Nurture not Torture your Body

One of the biggest problems I see with many women who write to me is they’re trying to ‘punish’ their way out of any symptoms they are experiencing. They see the weight go up on the scales or their favourite pair of jeans start to feel tight around the waist and they spiral into ‘I need to exercise harder... eat less’. Your body doesn’t need to be chastised, it needs love, compassion and kindness.

Helping Women Put ‘ME’ Back Into Menopause

You don't have to spend countless hours in the gym, run a marathon every week, or crush yourself trying to keep up with the young ones down at your local CrossFit box. Too much stress on the body eg. a lot of high impact and too much exercise will reduce any chance of this. When it comes to exercise walking is ideal because it’s an all-rounder, good for the heart and soul.

By Sally Bolton

Founder of Eat Train Love

You also can’t ‘diet’ your way out of menopause. The last thing your body needs right now is more stress from restricting foods, shake diets or anything else which deprives it of what is essential. Think nurture, not neglect. Try homemade, non-processed meals which include a portion of protein with every meal (to keep the muscles happy), plenty of fibrous fresh vegetables and some fruit (to fill your belly up), and throw in a sensible helping of good carbohydrates and some healthy fats (to keep it tasty). The bottom line is your body needs you, now more than ever, so show it the love it deserves because it’s got you this far in life already!

Keeping your cortisol levels balanced is so important during this transition period. Getting outside in the fresh air and being in nature is one of the best ways to reduce your stress levels and fill up on your serotonin and dopamine, two of your happy hormones which make you feel good. MENOPAUSE LIFE SPRING 2022


Menopause & vision By Louise Furby

OU Y D I D ? W O N K Menopause can affect your eyesight?


’ve needed specs since I was in my early 40’s but since turning 48 - and getting deeper into perimenopause - I have noticed a rapid deterioration in my eyesight. Lucky for me I work in an opticiansI So what causes this and how we can help improve our vision during this stage of life? The reduction in estrogen and other changes in our hormone levels can cause a few eye problems, from dry-eye which is easily treated with suitable eye-drops, to cataracts and glaucoma. The latter conditions are more common in both men and women as they age, but women going through menopause are believed to be at a further increased risk. Menopausal women will often complain of blurred vision too, which can be caused by hormonal changes affecting



their tear quality or the clarity of the natural lens inside their eyes. These visual problems can be more noticeable at night. If you are experiencing this problem, try using a light to brighten your surroundings (we’ve all used our iPhone torch to see a menu more clearly in a restaurant right!?) this technique works because it prevents any peripheral light from reaching the retina, so this improves vision. And there are some other, easy remedies available too, including eye-drops to lubricate the eye (pop into your local optician to see their range), plus supplements such as omega-3 or vitamin A. But the best way to aid your vision is to keep your regular sight test appointments to make sure you are wearing glasses or contact lenses with the correct prescription. Your prescription determines the strength of the lenses in your specs and defines which lenses work best for your eyes to improve your sight. Ensuring you are wearing an up-to-date prescription suitable for your sight requirement and your lifestyle needs is the best possible way to help improve your eyesight. If you have an older prescription, you might experience some discomfort, but it will not cause damage to your eyes.

Another way to help improve your vision is getting a great night’s sleep. Easier said than done when facing uncontrollable night sweats, busy minds, and menopause-generated insomnia attacks, so increasing your magnesium intake is an option to help improve your sleep. Your natural level of magnesium reduces as you get older and magnesium helps activate neurotransmitters responsible for calming the body and mind. (See our article on magnesium, page 24, 25) Of course, we all know that making little changes to your diet and lifestyle can help in countless ways, and that’s true for our vision too. Eating a healthy, balanced diet by avoiding processed foods, refined sugars, and junk food can benefit your eyes as well as the rest of your body. Whichever way you “view” it, deteriorating eyesight is all part of aging. Unfortunately for some of us, menopause can exacerbate these normal agerelated changes, so any small modifications to help improve your vision during menopause is certainly worth a try.

What is

TANTRA? By Angie Hallsworth King

For many people, this can seem intimidating and an immediate turn-off, even if your initial curiosity was ignited, Tantra can seem out of touch with reality and obscene. I’ve been asked many times, with raised eyebrows and a cheeky wink, ‘Is tantra all about sex?’ swiftly followed by ‘Do you have to spend 12 hours having sex like Sting said himself and Trudy Styler do?’ ‘Because if that’s what Tantra is, I don’t have the time for that?!’ Frankly, I’m not surprised it appears that way with all the hype and negativity it receives. My reply is always ‘no it’s not all about sex, it is inclusive of sex, most importantly love and intimacy because it’s healing and so good for you!' In future issues, I’ll be revealing just how you can become intimately happier! Tantra is described as the knowledge of love, which is the ‘science of life’ itself. The word Tantra means to weave, I think of it as weaving our energetic vitality with mindful/spiritual practices and physical/sexual connection together.

Its foundation is the flow of energy, known as Chi or Prana, our life force. It is a positive, 5,000 years old proven methodology that enhances our existence and is fast becoming recognised as a credible holistic approach to life and love. Tantric practices have many health benefits for menopausal issues, Tantra sees this stage of life as a time to emerge reborn. A way to experience through unlimited pleasures, more life joy than you ever knew possible. Instead of looking upon menopause as the end of something, we can positively move forward into the 3rd stage of a women’s life known as the ‘Sage Years’ believing in ourselves as wise women who are revered in eastern cultures, instead of feeling apprehensive for the future. Tantra encourages a holistic, enthusiastic way forward, if we are willing to put in a little effort and make positive changes, we can step into this era with increased self-esteem, selfacceptance, self-love, freedom, ecstatic love, and would you believe it, an amazing sex life too! For many women and couples, Tantra can help heal what seems broken just at a time when life can appear at its lowest and libido is through the floor.


is described as the



f you search for Tantra on the web, you will find a plethora of information, it can appear hyper-sexual, highly spiritual, and sometimes quite quirky and mysterious.

which is the


I hope that after reading this, I have accomplished a brief explanation of Tantra, sparked your interest for more information and you have developed an enthusiasm to explore some tantric practices.

I will be providing a comprehensive guide for people who want more out of life, not less. Sharing with you how surprisingly beneficial Tantra can be for all relationships and why Tantra works well to enhance your life in more ways than you could ever dream possible. Moving forward, I look forward to bringing you lots of tips, tools, exercises, energy work, and sexual advice. With much Love and Happiness.




& The Menopause By Dr. Eloise Elphinstone




eing in a good relationship is associated with a range of positive outcomes including better health and wellbeing, reduced rates of anxiety and depression, and higher self-esteem. There is also evidence to suggest that a strong and healthy relationship can strengthen your immune system and even lengthen your life. Women can live up to a third of their life following menopause. Changes around menopause can lead to changes in a woman’s sex life, both positive and negative. It is therefore important for a woman to anticipate and recognise this to get the help and support she needs to ensure that it does not have an impact on her or her relationship. Some women report enjoying sexual intercourse more around menopause, as they are less worried about getting pregnant and have fewer childcare duties. However, during perimenopause and menopause, the reduction in estrogen and testosterone can lead to changes in a woman’s body and sexual desire. Women may experience a reduction in libido, reduced sensitivity to touching, and being less easily aroused. In addition, the lower levels of estrogen can lead to sleep disturbances, hot sweats, bladder leakage, anxiety and depression, and dry vaginal walls, all of which may affect sexual intercourse. A recent study conducted by Menopause

Experts sadly found that, whilst premenopausal women were having sex on average twice a week, that dropped to twice a year after menopause and some stopped sex entirely. This should not be the case, as there are options and solutions out there. Sex and relationships are often not easy topics to talk about and many couples don’t realise other couples are going through the same dilemmas and issues. Good communication is key and couples in established relationships can often find ways around these challenges. Whilst it may be more difficult for women starting new relationships during menopause, there are options to help, and it can be worth talking about this with your GP. Sometimes psychosexual counselling can be important to help rebuild a relationship if you are struggling, and you can be referred for this by your GP.

Our Guide, The Calmer Sutra Menopause Experts link to our ‚sex and the menopause survey‘ results, along with our guide to ‚The Calmer Sutra!‘




a e b o t g n i ti ‘s go ? t h g i n y p bum

By Mel Byron

Speaking Skills Coach and Comedian I’ll tell you the big question on my mind. Why don’t those sex toy companies advertise on the old movie channels? I mean, switch on the latenight dating programmes full of young people with impossibly huge lips (they’re born that way, right?) and every ad break features couples squealing with delight as they open an array of discreet brown boxes. Presumably, those squeals are but the overture to the euphoric three-act opera about to come. You don’t get that with the black and white films. I think we should. Isn’t that what Bette Davis meant when she said ‘Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night’? Apparently not if you’re menopausal or over forty-five.



Either these advertisers think we don’t do ‘it’ anymore or we can’t shop online without our glasses, hearing aids, and a strong overhead light close by. Actually, those are the preferred props for hankypanky these days. I know there’s nothing pretty to see, but you like to know you’re doing it with the right person. I’m kidding about the hearing aid. I’m still unsure about denture etiquette, though. In or out?… as the actress said… Quotidien props aside, I actually think it’s nice to make your own entertainment. Like in the eighties, before Netflix. I suggested we really branch out and get creative. How about, he said, a whole new repertoire of positions named after the City of London’s skyscrapers. Well, I think we’d all be on board for The Gherkin, if somewhat nervous about The Walkie Talkie. As for The Shard, you cannot be serious! Did somebody mention The Cheese Grater?

Or we could just forego the whole enterprise and buy peppermint shower gel. A friend of mine swears by it, but detractors say lemon is the way to go for that really special tingle. Now, hold on, all you keyboard warriors poised to point out the risks of putting anything soapy ‘down there’. Ladies, ladies, given that our nethers have been subject to so much friction over the years, surely some occasional liquid green ‘happy soap’ can’t do any harm. Good heavens, some of us have had actual small humans make their debut performances through that, let’s face it, ill-suited stage door. Those companies that sell things that buzz and whirr really need to be targeting us. Now that the little cost centres have left home, there’s more disposable income, and we can make all the noise we want, well into the night. Yes, yes, yes, we can.

Not having offspring, my plans haven’t changed. Except the three-act opera is as likely to be a minute waltz these days. Who has time? I’ve got a lot of old movies to watch.

The ones where the stars were obliged to leave one foot on the floor in bedroom scenes. That’s the position my husband dubbed the BT Tower.

The actual building doesn’t rotate anymore, but maybe there’s a device someone could sell me that does. I’ll check the ads on TV tonight.





NOT PADS By Sarah Gaddle Pelvic Floor and Matwork Pilates Coach

Many women accept incontinence as normal! They slip in a pad and do nothing to fix the problem. It’s like sticking a plaster on a wound. There are lots you can do to improve this and often incontinence can be completely reversed!! The pelvic floor is a band of muscles in the pelvis with three exits, the anus, vagina, and urethra. These muscles need to be strong enough to stop things from leaking out and flexible enough to let things in. The pelvic floor is connected to the deep abdominal muscles and the diaphragm. The muscles contract and relax with every breath. If you are asthmatic, in pain, or stressed your breath is usually restricted and consequently, your pelvic floor won’t be getting a proper workout and will never fully relax. This can also be the case if you have had abdominal or pelvic surgery, suffer from IBS or Endometriosis, or have super tight abs!!



A tight pelvic floor that doesn’t relax properly can leak and often cause pelvic pain. The other issue could be a loose pelvic floor. Childbirth is the main cause of this, but other factors include lifting heavy weights, menopause where the lack of estrogen causes the muscles to weaken, reduced collagen, hysterectomy, plus anything that puts excessive pressure on the pelvic floor over a period of time, including bodyweight! But these are muscles and muscles can be trained. If they are too tight they need to be relaxed first and if they are weak they need strengthening. In my experience, most women have both issues going on. A visit to a Women’s Health Physio can help you find out what’s going on with you.

Here are some things you can do to help yourself. First, make sure you are breathing well. Lie on your back with bent knees and breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth.

As you breathe in you should feel your ribs expand in all directions and the extra air should cause your tummy to gently lift. Imagine the breath going all the way down to the pelvis. As you breathe out your tummy should lower and chest contract. (This is great to do as you fall off to sleep). Become conscious of how you are breathing throughout the day. Good posture is essential for breathing. Pelvic floor contractions or Kegels are great for feeling the connection with the pelvic floor, but if your pelvic floor is tight this could make the problem worse and if it is painful please stop!! To do an effective contraction, lie on your back or side with your knees bent. Take a breath in and as you exhale draw up through your back passage as though you are stopping yourself from passing wind. Relax your face and shoulders and don’t clench your buttocks and tummy!

Easier said than done, I know. It takes practice. Hold for 1 second then relax completely. Do 10 of these. Then repeat 10 times, holding for 5-10 seconds. Don’t hold your breath. Always ensure you relax completely between squeezes. Often the relaxing is the hardest part. Don’t leave it out!!!


1 2 3 4 5

Reduce stress. Try practicing mindfulness, yoga/ pilates, and/or meditation Talk to your GP about using vaginal estrogen

Eat a healthy, balanced diet with lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Do pelvic floor exercises every day but concentrate more on relaxing!

Use a footstool under your feet when visiting the toilet to put less strain on the pelvic floor muscles.



Can you learn to TRUST AGAIN? By Dr Sheila French

Wellbeing and Mindfulness Coach

Trust is defined as having confidence and reliance on a person. Trust is important in any relationship whether it’s with a close partner, a family member, or a friend. We feel safe and secure in a trustworthy relationship, it is the foundation on which to build a long-lasting relationship.


lose relationships need openness, honesty, and transparency. We need to feel we can be true to ourselves creating an openness where you can tune into each other without shame, ridicule, or embarrassment. It is comforting to know that someone has our back no matter what happens, and we too have theirs.

So what can you do? You may want to forgive the person who has broken your trust. Be honest with the individual and tell them how hurt you are. You must communicate with them so that they understand how devastated you feel. You may be able to accept an apology and rebuild that trust together over time.

Sometimes our trust gets broken, and we find it difficult to trust again. It is perfectly valid for you to feel negative, hurt, and insecure. Also, for you to decide whether you wish to trust that individual again. However, it is also important to note that we all make mistakes, we sometimes go down the wrong path. We humans are imperfect creatures. Now I am not suggesting you allow anyone to walk all over you. In fact, if someone constantly breaks your trust, then sadly, friend or partner it is better for you to let them go.

Whilst learning to trust again, keep some boundaries in your relationships. Only let people in close to you over time as trust builds. Be wise with who you confide in, not everyone can keep their thoughts to themselves. You probably shouldn’t trust anyone who talks badly about others. Use your intuition, pay attention to it. Does this person have some of your values such as kindness and thoughtfulness? Surround yourself with people who have the same qualities as yourself, people who know they can trust you.

But don’t let that broken trust hinder you and your future life. It will take time to trust again, but it can be done. Most of us put up our guard to protect ourselves from being hurt again. If we hold onto that mistrust then it will damage future friendships and relationships, what is important is to pick yourself up and dust yourself down. Not easy I know, but don’t spend your life mistrusting others as if you do you are likely to be missing future happiness. What we need to do is grow and learn from the experience. 44


Finally, you have the power to choose who you bring into your life. The true challenge is to accept and learn from the experience and to hold a belief that you will be okay and able to trust again.

Listen UP! Supporting friends when they’re dealing with loss

By Maria Bailey



don’t know about you but in the past when someone has told me they have lost someone close, I will admit I’ve been filled with dread, and have mustered an awkward ‘I’m sorry for your loss.’ I genuinely didn’t know what to do or say, so I used to try and avoid the subject, as much as possible. And that’s not because I was being a bad friend, I just didn’t have the knowledge or tools to support them. Through my training, I have learned one of the kindest ways to support someone grieving - an emotion you can feel for any kind of loss, including bereavement - is very simple: listen.

Here are a few pointers:


Just listen This kind of listening goes beyond the normal listening you’d do in an everyday conversation. It can feel a bit uncomfortable and takes practice. We’re so used to having two-way conversations, that when someone opens up to us about their innermost feelings, the temptation is to respond. Don’t. Being silent is fine.


Be ‘in the moment’ There are so many distractions around us. Avoid looking at your phone, computer, tv, or anything that can take your attention away from the conversation that might stop you from listening. Being in the present moment also means not allowing your own thoughts to drift away from what they’re telling you.

In a normal conversation, you might be thinking about what to say next. In this instance, you don’t need to. Just concentrate on what the other person is telling you and don’t interrupt. The odd nod of the head, or ‘ah ha’ is alright every now and then, to ensure they know you’re still awake and listening!


Grievers need to be heard, not fixed Remember the ‘not fixed’ bit because although their heart might be shattered into a thousand pieces, and the temptation might be to try and offer solutions, nothing you can do can change what’s happened. They need the ‘what’s happened’ and how they’re feeling to be acknowledged.

may have been through a similar experience, avoid saying that you understand, or comparing it to a loss you’ve been through, as it can detract from that person’s grief, especially if your loss is perceived to be worse than their experience.


Emotions Reassure them it’s ok and natural to cry. Again, it’s not particularly comfortable to watch someone in pain but know you are helping them by just being there and letting them articulate their feelings. You may find that having been a safe person to talk to, they may come and talk to you again. It’s normal for grieving people to want to share their story multiple times. They’re not going over it looking for answers from you, just a patient and listening ear. If you do feel you get to a point where they seem to be stuck in their grief, it’s alright to signpost them to professional support.


Comparison All grief is as unique as the relationship that person had with the person who has died. Although you MENOPAUSE LIFE SPRING 2022


By Lady Kendal Jogger

Lady Kendal Jaggar – known in the industry as LKJc is an advocate for Mental Health Awareness and Well Being. LKJ strives for excellence as a Freelance Current Affairs News Reporter, Travel Journalist, Travel Writer, Published Author and World Critic.


t the age of 25, my body was forced into a significant life-changing “Acute Trauma” situation. I found myself in the darkest depths of despair, my body was completely exhausted, I was physically, emotionally, and mentally broken. I had suffered immensely with mental health issues throughout my adolescence and into adulthood due to my reproductive system and suffering physical abuse at school due to my Doctor prescribing the contraceptive pill to help control my periods. I underwent 11 laparoscopies, 5 separate ovarian cyst removals, 1 molar pregnancy, 1 natural birth, and 1 ectopic pregnancy. However, a change in my reproductive system was about to destroy me. I lost my 2nd child in the third trimester, I needed an emergency hysterectomy and my ovaries removed, 46


this led to the onset of early menopause at the age of 25. I was placed on HRT for a year. My mental health was at a self-destruction level. I felt worthless, useless. I had no control over my emotions, I had become erratic, irrational, cruel, and quite honestly not a person to be around. I continued to seek out this behaviour as my mind began constantly playing with my emotions. I wanted to destroy and inflict as much pain as possible so my mind would self-destruct, finally eliminating me from the world in which I lived.


As I felt the pain leave my body, was it possible I would finally be at peace? As I began to draw towards the light, the feeling of warmth encapsulated me, then I heard the words, “Go back, go back it‘s not your time, you will heal, it was not your fault.” As the light began to disappear, I awakened to another vicious dream, again drenched in a hormonal night flush. As I woke, I believed I was going to heal, I was not going to be either a victim or survivor, I was going to be a voice. I knew I had to deal with this Acute Trauma that was nearing the level of Chronic Trauma. We have a journey, we have a life, we are not worthless. We have gone through a life-changing experience, Menopause is real! It is how we deal with it and empower ourselves to stand, no matter what, and become a new regenerated Human.

I created for myself a visual to support my mental health, colour coding my umbrella to protect me on the ferocious stormy days, by connecting and reaching out to individuals or therapeutic sources who could help me with a “Trigger Episode”. My umbrella to this day is always with me, as I became an advocate for Mental Health and Mental Health Awareness, with my invisible hand to offer support to others as we free our minds, using our voice to support and an ear to listen. Coding is a simple strategy. The colours reflect what type of support I need, from simple breathing methods, meditation, walking and enabling my body to inhale the beauty around, or a relaxing bath and the sounds being played like a flowing river, to close friends, family, and a wider spectrum of people and support.

We have a journey, we have a life, we are not worthless. LKJc

To anyone currently suffering from menopause please reach out, breathe, and know you are not alone. As spring is now upon us, we awaken to a beautiful journey of positivity, joining our invisible hands to support each other.



‘Why do we suffer from weight , gain around the middle? It’s so frustrating at midlife when sudden weight gain, usually around the middle manifests. And more annoyingly is that our usual weight loss toolkit doesn’t work anymore! Why does this happen? At perimenopause, our metabolism changes largely due to fluctuating estrogen. We become more insulin resistant as estrogen dips which means we need more insulin to process sugar in our diet, which leads to more of the storage hormone. The hunger hormone ghrelin also increases at perimenopause, so hunger and cravings increase too! Often this weight appears around our middle. This central weight starts to interfere with our hormones; it starts to produce its own estrogen and inflammatory markers. This is why getting rid of this central fat is SO hard at perimenopause because of these estrogens – the body thinks, I want to keep hold of this extra estrogen in light of falling levels, which makes it even harder to lose. So what can we do? My focus for weight loss at midlife is always to focus on more nutrient-dense foods that will help spark up our energy levels and our thyroid, help us sleep better so we feel more energised and are likely to move more. If we wake up feeling exhausted, we’re much more likely to reach for carbs and caffeine. Protein and beneficial fats (omega 3 and 6) are so



important at perimenopause to help lose this stubborn weight. They give us a dripfeed of energy and help us to feel satisfied – they anchor our hunger. Eating refined carbs (like bread, rice, cakes, pasta, etc) is like pouring petrol onto the energy fire – the flames burn super bright and then get much smaller – cue more cravings for carbs. Whereas protein and beneficial fats are like putting coal onto the fire – the flames burn for longer and kick out more heat. This helps to ‘crowd out’ those cravings. Phytoestrogens are important here – they trick the body into releasing these fat stores which are producing estrogen. They are very weak ‘estrogen-like’ compounds found in foods such as soya (tofu, tempeh, miso, edamame beans, organic soya yoghurt - stay away from high sugar ones) as well as ground linseed, alfalfa, fennel, brassicas, sage, red clover tea.

Here are 7 top tips to start your day:

1 2

Drink hot water and lemon on waking.

Fasting - exercise first thing in the morning after your hot water and lemon – this will help with fat burn.

3 4

Drink caffeine only with breakfast. We advise you to drink decaf tea and coffee.

Enjoy a protein-rich breakfast (include more protein and beneficial fats in every meal). Try low sugar granola with organic soya or coconut yoghurt with berries. Bircher with rolled oats, almond or oat milk, cinnamon, grated ginger, figs or blueberries, 2 tablespoons of ground linseed. Eggs any which way. Shakshuka. Kedgeree. Avocado with grilled mushrooms and tomatoes. Scrambled tofu. Green smoothie. Soups.

5 6

Increase your phytoestrogens.

Leftover lunches are useful as minimal effort and you are still benefiting from the nutrients from the food you cooked the night before.


Fasting overnight for 12-14 is very beneficial for the digestive system, to help normalise blood sugar and give everything a rest. It is also great for weight loss and insulin sensitivity.

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and our skin

e all know that the changes we experience during “The Change” vary from person to person - but pretty much everyone will notice a change in their skin. And as your largest, most visible and one of your hardest-working organs (to put it simply, skin envelopes us in a protective barrier, assists in regulating our body temperature, and acts as our main sensory organ), your skin really deserves some attention during this time.

How is my skin changing? In short: when your oestrogen levels reduce, your collagen and elastin levels decline; and the epidermis and dermis - the elastic and inner layers of your skin - become thinner. These changes can cause dryness, itchiness, wrinkles and thinner skin. Eek!

A simple change: how you wash How you wash is enormously important for your skin, and here at Mission Pebble, we know our cleansers (or let’s get technical: surfactants). In our youth, our skin is better armed to cope with a cheap and cheerful, strongly scented shower gel - and such products do indeed impart



a feeling of ‘cleanliness’. But as well as cleaning your skin surface, a well formulated product should also care for your upper skin layer and deliver active ingredients to your skin cells. This is so important when your oestrogen levels are no longer supporting your skin in the way they used to. Harsh surfactants strip your skin of natural oils, causing additional dryness, irritation and redness - and so will age the skin even further. We wash every day (don’t we?), so why have this attritional effect on our skin when caring cleansing needn’t cost the earth? At Mission Pebble, we have carefully formulated our cleansing, soap-free and pHneutral “Pebbles” with natural oils to maintain the health of the skin’s natural lipids and to create a luxurious, fragrant yet skin-friendly lather. Luxury without the price tag, and in strong contrast to the many brands out there that simply fill cheap liquid surfactants with strong perfume, which impart a sense of ‘luxury’ but actually do your skin no favours. We are proud that our Pebbles have been dermatologically approved for sensitive skin - and during our consumer trials before launch, all 50 of our panellists agreed that the Pebbles felt soothing upon use.

We would love for you to try our Pebbles to see if they suit your changing skin.

And your hair? YES! We have formulated our cleansing Pebbles to work just as well as traditional shampoo! We shouldn’t forget that an effective shampoo must wash both scalp and hair, and your scalp is, of course, skin. Shampoos that focus only on the marketing claims they can make about your hair can leave your scalp flaky and itchy. And when it comes to washing hair, much of the same principles apply as to washing your skin. Just like its effect on our skin, a reduced level of oestrogen can thin the hair, and so a good shampoo should seek to clean without relying on overzealous and damaging surfactants and include caring oils to re-fat the protective coat of the hair.

And your good mood? YES YES! Self-care and our personal rituals can be an easy and effective way of managing the emotional ups and downs caused by hormonal fluctuations.

And you can add to that the sense of pride in making a change that is positive to our planet: our Pebbles are made in Britain and are plastic free. On a more nuanced note, and in contrast to liquid hair and body washes that are generally at least 80% water, our Pebbles do away with this redundant water which is pointlessly transported from manufacturer to consumer (sometimes from across the globe! Think of the transport waste!). Why not embrace “The Change” by making a positive change with Mission Pebble?

The Mission Pebble Team

CLEAN HAIR & BODY. CLEAN CONSCIENCE. We’re a small British brand on a big mission and we’d love your help to spread the word. You will receive a £0.50 credit to your account for each and every person that signs up for a free trial using your personal referral link. No complex points, just hard currency. Help us eliminate plastic from the bathroom. #MISSIONPEBBLE


Read about why we think Pebble is a solution without compromise.

A CARING, LUXURIOUS WASH DAY AF TER DAY Pebbles are designed to fit perfectly into the palm of your hand to massage and stimulate your skin whilst gently removing unwanted pollutants and dead cells. Each Pebble will create a rich and moisturising lather whilst releasing beautiful fragrance for one person for a week.





The plastic free alternative to shower gel and shampoo, which doesn’t compromise on luxury Massaging, moisturising and dermatologically approved luxury cleansing bars for hair and body. Delivered free to your door each month, with no plastic and no waste. British made and designed to reduce your environmental impact, whilst still delivering the feel good factor. Sometimes one small change of habit can make all the difference. Let’s make that change one Pebble at a time.



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Read The Story Behind The Shakes… Designed and developed by Founder Dee Murray, our MenoShakes are specially formulated to help alleviate menopausal symptoms, such as Hair Loss, Skin Irritation, Muscle & Strength Loss, Weight Gain, Brittle Nails, and many more relating to peri and post-menopause. Dee sadly experienced 40% hair loss due to perimenopause and understands how this impacts women. Hair loss and changes to the skin are very common as hormones decrease, and this can lead to a lack of confidence, which then in turn adds to increased anxiety. MENOPAUSE LIFE SPRING 2022 53

BRAND LICENSEE S P O T L I G H T Harvinder Badhan Harvinder joined Menopause Experts in January and is based in Nairobi, Kenya.

impressed with how informative and organized the site is and how comprehensive and easy to search for topics using the search engine.

Harvinder started having menopause symptoms when she was about 48 years old but didn’t realize what she was going through (a common story!).

Now she is a Brand Licensee, she has gained confidence from the brand licensee menopause training.

Heavy periods, migraines, sadness, irritability, and some hot flashes. When she visited her gynaecologist she didn’t receive any information other than she needed to look after her health during this time, but no help as to how! Therefore, Harvinder decided to train to become a Wellness Coach and came across Menopause Experts during her search for ways to support women with their wellbeing journey. She found the training site platform extremely useful, by now she had already been through her toughest phase and wasn’t experiencing many symptoms. However, she wished she had had access to the education and known how she could have helped herself more during her difficult times. She was immediately 54


This combined with her passion to help other women like her understand menopause better will empower them to take their health into their own hands and not to feel alone and confused but to take charge and transform their lives. Her workshops will bring women together to share similar issues, have some fun, embrace the changes they are going through and discuss sensitive issues in a safe space. There is so much to explore and include in the workshops, such as cookery, meditation, mindfulness, and yoga, some of which Harvinder already offers as a wellness coach. She also wants to target younger women so they understand what stages they might go through later in their lives and be prepared for Perimenopause.

She has had a wonderful response from women in Nairobi and will also offer online workshops in the future, as well as plans to present workshops for corporate clients. Exciting times ahead! Details of future workshops in Nairobi can be requested by emailing:

BRAND LICENSEE S P O T L I G H T Deanna Pizits Deanna joined Menopause Experts in December 2021 and is based in Alabama, United States of America. After selling her boutique fitness studio in 2016, Deanna started a health and wellness blog, Well and Worthy Life in 2017. She first began the blog to share her experiences on her health journey. After a few months, it was apparent that Well and Worthy Life would become way more than a blog. In January 2018, Deanna enrolled in the Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN) to become a certified Health coach. At that time Deanna was 52 and in the full throes of perimenopause. As she experimented on herself and worked with clients, she quickly realized there was not enough information out there about menopause. It was not being talked about. As she worked with her clients, she heard the same thing, “I feel like I am the only one going through this.”

Deanna took a deeper dive into more courses on Hormone Health, Gut Health, and Emotional Eating through IIN. As she learned more, she decided she needed to focus on perimenopause and menopausal women and talk more about this. In February 2021 she launched her first program The Balance Wellness Method for women in their 40’s, 50’s, and beyond struggling with feeling their best at this stage of their life. In 2021 over 150 women went through the program. The feedback Deanna got helped fuel her passion for helping women on their menopause journey. When she first learned about becoming a Brand License for Menopause Experts, she knew this would be a perfect fit with her business, enabling her to help her clients thrive during these years. With the additional training and support from Menopause Experts, she is looking forward to creating more conversation about Menopause and how this time of our lives can be the BEST time.

Earn Extra Income, while Changing Women's Lives. Click here to find out more.



Menopause in America Carleeka Katrina Basnight-Menendez the black face of menopause in America.


enopause in America, is it different than in other countries or the same?

As a menopausal woman living in America, menopause is not mainstream in the media and not the hottest topic that most women even want to have. One thing for certain is that whatever region of the world you are in menopausal women are there as well. I don’t believe that menopause is different from country to country but the perspectives, cultures, lifestyles and a woman’s experience at this stage of life can vary. Often many women experience some of the same symptoms, which weight gain, hot flashes and vaginal dryness seem to be a few of the top ones. Yes, there are many more but not every woman will share those symptoms. Menopause is definitely not a one size fits all! One thing that is heard all the time is that it is a taboo topic. I agree, because if I mention that I am having a hot flush in the line at the grocery store if a woman can relate, she agrees and if she can’t she comments, “I don’t even want my name mentioned with the M-word”. I find it mind-boggling that so many women are afraid of menopause.

in their mid-forties or at the average menopause age of 51. Guess what, I was only 30 when I became a menopausal woman. Yes, and I had no guidance, no community, and no support. I felt alone in the MENO world to try and figure this new normal on my own and it’s been a journey. Nevertheless, other factors play a part in the experiences that women have, such as diet, physical activity, socioeconomic status and more. All those factors play a role in one’s quality of life. However, one step towards making menopause a more normalized topic is seeing the work and advancements that other countries are making. We can learn and glean from each other to make strides and changes to rebrand how menopause is discussed, how legislation and government can support the initiatives towards women’s health as well. Although some countries are ahead of the game with the changes they are and have implemented, from the workplace, healthcare and more, America is on board where women are speaking up and not being silent about menopause. There is still so much more to be done, but I believe with women uniting we are surely changing the narrative of menopause one woman, one community, one employer at a time.

From my own experience, it was not talked about in school, college, church or even hospital health fairs. The notion of ageing or being considered a midlife woman is daunting for many women. Once again, the perspectives of life play a vital part in how one will embrace this next transition. It’s amazing how some see it as almost I FIND a death sentence where their sex life, IT MINDrelationships, and entire life is OVER. Now, BOGGLING don’t get me wrong some hormonal changes are going on, but a woman can THAT SO thrive even in menopause.



I don’t equate menopause with old age, because every woman that reaches menopause, like myself, for instance, is not


SYMPTOM MANAGEMENT Menopause Experts is now selling alcohol-free sparkling wines and CBD oil in their online shop. CLICK HERE TO VISIT symptom management

Lowering our alcohol intake will significantly reduce negative menopause symptoms like hot flushes, night sweats, brain fog, and forgetfulness.

CBD oil can help ease and manage symptoms of peri-postmenopause.



The 8 Areas To Focus On By James Biggs Pensions Expert

As I re-read my first article for this awesome magazine in the winter of 2021, I felt proud to be part of the journey at Menopause Experts. I even got a high five from my wife. She has become my sounding board for future articles. To help you quickly assess the content of this piece, I have kept it simple by targeting eight areas of consideration for those planning a mid-life financial MOT. For the avoidance of doubt, the target audience for this is women between 35 and 55.


Have a plan – lots of different studies show that having a plan is essential in every aspect of life. Money is no different. So, whether it be planning for a wedding, a big trip, the dream house, paying off debt, or helping your kids get on the property ladder, you are likely to be more successful by following a well-thoughtout plan. Make a plan about money. Write it down. Stick to it. Review it when the inevitable life curveball hits you.

need close attention. I was shocked to recently learn that in around 70% of cases, this subject has not been considered in a divorce. Some legacy employersponsored benefits, like final salary pensions, can be worth hundreds of thousands of pounds. Divorce protection for women is real and enforceable. Sadly, there are no protections on asset sharing for a separating couple who are not married. Think and talk about this too.



Consider your financial independence – think about your exit strategy if your partner ups and leaves, or even worse if he or she dies. Don’t let ‘the man’ run the money. Take an interest in debt, savings, the mortgage, pensions, and all workplace benefits. Pensions, in particular,



Embrace your pension – in my last article (winter edition), I talked about the main reasons women’s pensions are lesser in value when compared to a man. One of the reasons is life expectancy. As a man with a wife four years younger than me (which fits a UK trend) and

knowing that men die before women (factually true, the gap is around 3 years), there is a real prospect that my wife will need 7-8 years’ more money than me. This requires her

pension to be larger – not smaller! In any event, the ostrich approach must end – don’t pull your head out of the sand near retirement and hope to be ok. Use your workplace pension planning tools to run some income predictions.


Talk to your partner about spending and debt – this is a big potential flashpoint. The subject of spending, debt, loans and the mortgage process can be genuinely tricky to talk about openly and honestly. You must find a safe environment to do so.


Consider the ‘what ifs’ – by this I mean, what if I die or was long term sick. What insurance protection might I need. How can I procure them safely and cheaply? Then ask the same questions about your partner. The answers are likely to be vastly different. I am not just talking about life insurance to cover the mortgage.


Family – your kids especially. Have you got a savings strategy for weddings, college, getting on the property ladder, and all the other unexpected calls upon the bank of mum and dad?


Allowances –I am keen to focus on three areas where some thinking may be needed at varying points on your income trajectory. If your income is zero, you can still pay into a pension and get tax relief. This is a clever way to keep your funding going if the childcare role falls to you. Also, in a married partnership, you may pass a % of your personal allowance to your partner so that his or her income-tax-free allowance rises above the current level of £12,570. If your income is close to £50,000, you may want to sacrifice more into your pension so that child benefit may still be claimed. Tread carefully here. Some big retrospective tax demands have been issued to unsuspecting people, where the income rises higher than this threshold, but the child benefits claim continues. Finally, if your income drifts above £100,000 by promotion or bonus, consider sacrificing

some once more into your pension. The tax rate between £100,000 and £125,140 is a whopping 60%. Sacrificing earnings into a pension can save you 60%.


Use the free resources – advice is not cheap and less than 10% of us pay for a financial adviser to help us with our money-related planning. That leaves the rest of us using our gut instinct, free resources available through the workplace (like the pension portal or the flex platform) and taking advantage of the great ‘MoneyHelper’ free guidance service delivered by the government – also known as The Money and Pension Service (MAPS). The teams delivering this are excellent and the support extends to debt counselling too. It is FREE and much under-used!

I hope this helps you focus your thinking. We at EBC are committed to supporting financial wellbeing in the workplace, so get your employer to talk to us about how we might be able to support you and your colleagues too.



WORKING IN THE By Anne Marie Brindley My menopause at work journey was not a particularly smooth one, but when I began to recognise the symptoms I was suffering, the whole situation became easier as I was able to seek help. And here I want to share with you my journey working within the Police Service, whilst navigating the effects of menopause. At the age of 41, I began to have mood swings and everchanging symptoms of heavy periods, dreadful night hot flushes, and severe lack of sleep. Sometimes, I was only getting around two hours of sleep per night. I would wake up exhausted and this was causing a cumulative effect of a whole host of symptoms. I didn’t realise that I was probably already a long way into my perimenopause journey. My monthly cycle went from 6 weeks to 4 weeks, to 2 weeks back to 5 weeks, and then over the next two years, I began missing monthly cycles altogether. 60


I suffered really heavy and very irregular cycles and spotting, so my GP sent me for womb biopsies and ultrasound scans. These all came back clear, but my symptoms just got worse. Although I was a serving Police Officer at the time, I was also a qualified teacher, training new recruits. I would stand in the classroom teaching for some 5-6 hours a day. I felt ill and exhausted most days and this was further compounded by the fact that with every hot flush, I felt as though I was going to keel over as I was so light-headed and heavylegged. I repeatedly attended my GP on numerous occasions whereby I was given medication that was ordinarily

prescribed to regulate blood pressure to see if it would help with the hot flushes. I was also given three different lots of anti-depressants, none of which did anything at all for my low mood or hot flushes. My GP openly admitted that they get very little training in menopause. I was finding every day a complete struggle and I didn’t know how I could possibly carry on working and nearly quit on three occasions. However, after undertaking training that allowed me to recognise my own symptoms and speaking with my Occupational Health Department, I was pleasantly surprised to find how supportive they were. They offered to reduce my hours in the working day and look at other measures, should I be having a really bad patch. I aired my concerns to my GP regarding my mother’s history of suffering from endometrial cancer and asked if it would be safe for me to receive HRT.

They couldn’t give me a straight answer. I ended up undertaking training courses and wellness qualifications to try to understand more myself and it helped a little but I wanted to hear confirmation from a trained medical professional. It was at this time I sought specialist advice and paid privately. I was given the information I needed and that was, I would be at no more risk of getting endometrial cancer than someone who drinks excess alcohol or who is overweight. I have been taking Oestrogen, progesterone, and testosterone for women and have to say it has completely changed my life, it’s the best thing I have ever done and I will be continuing with this regime.

I’m thankful to say I now feel much better and I wish I had received personal support for coping with the crippling effects of day-to-day existence earlier. I have found that just simply having someone to talk to who understands can really help.

I was finding every day a complete struggle and I didn’t know how I could possibly carry on working and nearly quit on three occasions. However, after undertaking training that allowed me to recognise my own symptoms and speaking with my Occupational Health Department, I was pleasantly surprised to find how supportive they were.

I now listen and help women on a personal level going through symptoms of menopause as I feel it’s extremely important for them to get the true picture and to understand that they are not alone in their journey.

The more we are informed around menopause and can recognise our symptoms, the better equipped we are to begin asking for help, which is where Menopause Experts training came in very useful for me. And education to workplaces and managers is essential too. I was one of the lucky ones who did get workplace support and what a huge difference it made. I know many ladies who are not so lucky. We need to change this. In my opinion, education around this subject for all concerned is so important.

I completely lost my zest for life and was completely overwhelmed and I know plenty of women in the same boat.

whilst navigating the effects of menopause. MENOPAUSE LIFE SPRING 2022


Emma ‘Shoe’ Reed Personal stylist + Founder of Styling You Well talks to us about...

How to create a more planet-friendly wardrobe that you love wearing.


o you have an overflowing wardrobe of clothes, but feel like you have nothing to wear or are bored of what you do have? This is a very common issue for many women who on average wear only 30% of their wardrobe most of the time, which leaves a whopping 70% of barely or never worn items hanging unworn. According to resale and rental fashion platform Endless Wardrobe the value of clothes hanging in UK wardrobes that have never been worn equates to roughly £30 billion. I’m a personal stylist who works with women to transform their style and confidence. For more than a decade I’ve been decluttering womens’ wardrobes and the most common issue I come across is that many women just don’t know what suits them and have no idea what their personal style is. Shopping for their wardrobe is a chore and impulse purchase mistakes are regularly made. Items are often bought with no consideration to how they will work with other wardrobe items or even if they suit, flatter or fit properly. Steve Creed - Director of Business Programmes at WRAP says to address this huge 62


challenge “We all need to learn to value our clothes more.” I couldn’t agree more, but I think for clothes to be valued more and for longer, they need to be truly loved in the first place. If we create our wardrobes in the same way we approach decorating a room in our homes, I believe fewer mistakes would be made and we’d love and value what we buy more. Most of us plan when redecorating our homes. Before buying anything, we first decide on the colours we love, plan the functionality and style of furniture needed and choose accessories like lampshades and rugs to compliment the colour and style of the room. We would probably also buy sample paint pots to help decide on the final colours, before buying the amount of paint needed for the entire room. I recommend following the same approach and methodology for creating your personal style and wardrobe. It’s all about planning the looks, colours, and styles, working out what you really love, and creating a wish list of what you need before buying anything. By planning your wardrobe this way, you will be more focused and make conscious decisions when you buy anything for it.

Before any purchases are made, it’s vital to have a declutter and edit of what you already have, to end up with a capsule collection. This should be made up of only the pieces that suit and fit, that you truly love and feel great wearing. I suggest editing in sections, so you don’t feel overwhelmed or give up mid declutter with a huge pile of stuff everywhere. Sort everything into piles including ditch or sell. By ditch I mean to give to a friend, charity shop, or textile recycling bank. Make sure you only give the items to charity that are in very good condition. Charities must pay to dispose of items not suitable for resale, so check carefully before donating your items. If there’s a piece you love but it doesn’t fit properly, consider taking it to a tailor to have it altered or even re-designed. For example, a long coat could be shortened turning it into a jacket, or a dress converted into a skirt and top. Once you’ve ditched the items you don’t love or don’t fit you can start ‘shopping’ in your wardrobe to create an array of ‘new’ outfits.

Experiment by putting together pieces in a different way and using accessories, which is a key way to update an ‘old’ outfit. Note down if there are any key missing pieces and create a wish list, which you can shop for in slow time. Instead of impulse or panic shopping, you can now shop for your wardrobe consciously. Conscious shopping is more enjoyable because you have focus and you won’t make mistake purchases - better for your conscience, bank balance, and the planet. MENOPAUSE LIFE SPRING 2022


STEP INTO SPRING It can be tempting to break out the shorts and t-shirts at the first hint of warm sunshine, only to be caught out by cool mornings and evenings. Here’s a selection of some of our favourites for the new season.

Slouchy Mum jeans for maximum comfort with a tapered leg and turn up hem to flatter! Wear with heels or with loafers for a casual look. Available in a selection of colours and lengths, from Sosander. £49.00



A beautiful jumpsuit in an uplifting blue animal print in a relaxed and comfortable fit, with a tie belt waist to define your shape. Wear with trainers or heels. Available from Whistles. £129

For the cooler days and evenings this relaxed fit grey duster coat is a lovely addition to your wardrobe. Available from River Island. £38

These high waisted beige wide-leg trousers with side slip pockets are perfect for daytime with trainers, in the office or can be dressed up for a dinner date! Available from River Island. £40

Elevate your normal flip flips and treat yourself to a pair of Ipanema’s. Featuring an oversized metallic mirrored heart, they really are gorgeous! Available from Ipanema. £18

Ideal for Spring evenings when there is a slight chill, this relaxed fit jumper is ideal for layering. Contains recycled materials and 9% wool for warmth. Lilac is an on-trend colour for Spring. Available from Marks & Spencer. £25 Beautiful florals make this pretty blouse a star wardrobe staple. Pair with your favourite jeans for an eye-turning smartcasual look. Part of the S.E.W range available from Monsoon, £60

A gorgeous maxi print dress with long sleeves. The classic wrap shape and tie waist to flatter all shapes and sizes. Perfect for that special occasion. Available from SilkFred in sizes 6-18. £55

Beautiful azure blue ribbed knit finish jumper with oversized buttons. Available from Monsoon as part of the S.E.W range, their commitment to seeking ecofriendly fashion. £55

A stunning dress, available in many colours. Features a V neck fitted bodice, a full skirt with pockets (we love pockets!) and fully lined. Designed and produced in the UK. Available from The Pretty Dress Company. £129

Enjoy a relaxed look with this pure, responsibly sourced cotton midi dress. Made from durable denim, with a tie waist for a flattering shape. Available from Marks & Spencers. £39

Registered with The Vegan Society, these trainers with their beautiful pearl detail will see you through Spring and Summer. Available from Kurt Geiger. £99



Small Pleasures By Lizzie Nelson

Ah, Spring! Season of renewal. Season of change and small pleasures. Originally from Kent, I currently live in Chicago. Today it is -21ºC and the snow on the ground will stay, piled up by the roadside, dirtying unpleasantly for a couple more months. The rule of thumb is to not plant anything outside until Memorial Day, which is the last Monday of May. I must endure seeing my UK pals flaunting their blossoms and daffodils while I am still knee-deep in the white stuff. When that first legitimate warm day comes, I will be champing at the bit to start planting. Spring and pleasant temperatures last a few short weeks before the long-burning Summer with the mosquitoes, the threat of tornadoes and oppressive humidity. But I don’t mean to grumble, the Summer has its pleasures; I enjoy the rhythmic rattle of the cicadas in the trees

because if I close my eyes, I can imagine that I’m in the Mediterranean. And the summer storms are thrilling, and not to make you jealous, we have hummingbirds! I find that I attach the change of season to my own lifecycle and, far from an inevitable march to Winter, year on year, the wheel turns with fresh opportunity, and I sense a reawakening each Spring. I move through midlife finding small pleasures everywhere, free yet priceless gratification all about me. Is that a sign of ageing? Or is it contentment? Or are women just jolly good at noticing the details? We understand the rhythm of things because we live with cycles of nature and that inevitable deadline to our fertility. We are acutely aware of the new, and our pleasures become more wholesome as we age. So very much unites us, I hope this poem resonates.




The child I was took earthy pleasure, out and about, immersed in nature. Never minding what the weather, a welly-booted, muddy creature, bramble scratched and dirty nails, stomping through the woodland trails. Crashing breathless through the door, Marmite, squash, then out for more with clicking tongue, imaginary reins galloping off in daydream games. The girl I was caught her reflection, and chased a magazine perfection. Stepping out in clinging lycra, (jacket choice: a leather biker). Aware of stirring male attention; a whistle or a vulgar mention. Legs as brown as brown could be, tanned in oils of factor three! In and out of love by breakfast, a Sony Walkman for a necklace, dancing rebel, wild and reckless.

The woman I am is easy to please; a day planting flowers, herbs and seeds, turning my face to the kind Spring breeze. The anticipation of good food, books and music that colour mood. The cool satin-soft of my dog’s ears, moments without encroaching fears. A warming mug in chilly fingers, belly laughing with chums that lifts and lingers. Period dramas on repeat, then early to bed in fresh laundered sheets. Benign, small pleasures in my control; tiny things that make me whole. Lizzie Nelson is the author of Fair to Piddling: A Journey Through Midlife in Humorous Verse.


book club W

elcome to our new book club. Here at Menopause Experts, the team love to ‚lose‘ themselves in a good book. We encourage you to put the kettle on, make yourself a hot drink, get comfy and immerse yourself in a good book We have included some new releases as well as some of our all-time favourites. Thank you to Paula from Waterstones for her help with the new releases



by Honoree Fanonne Jeffers

by Radkika Sanghani

A breath-taking and ambitious debut novel that chronicles the journey of multiple generations of one American family, from the centuries of the colonial slave trade through the Civil War to our own tumultuous era, by a prizewinning poet Released in the States in Autumn 2021 to huge critical acclaim, and chosen by Oprah’s book club, this has been widely picked as one of the biggest US debuts of the year. A family saga that is just as brilliant as it is necessary, just as intimate as it is expansive. An outstanding portrait of an American family and in turn, an outstanding portrait of America.’ - Angie Thomas ‘Epic… It just consumed me‘ Oprah Winfrey, Oprah Book Club

A love story with a difference, 30 Things I Love About Myself is the unforgettable story of Nina Mistry, who finds herself accidentally locked in a prison cell on the night of her 30th birthday, where she discovers a tatty little selfhelp book that will inspire her to take a long hard look at her life, who she really is and what she wants - and to put into action a self-love journey like no other! ‘Funny and charming.’ – Pandora Sykes


From the author of Writers and Lovers comes a sparkling collection of ten short stories focused on the hopes, dreams and heartaches of her beautifully drawn characters. ‘Each masterful story reminds us that King is one of our finest cartographers of the human heart.’ - Esquire. ‘Five Tuesdays in Winter moved me, inspired me, thrilled me. It filled up every chamber of my heart. I loved this book.’ - Ann Patchett




by Tessa Hadley From the bestselling author of Late in the Day and The Past comes a compulsive new novel about one woman‘s sexual and intellectual awakening in 1960s London. ‘A dizzying plot twist will have you racing through the pages, but ultimately it’s Hadley’s characters that you’ll remember: their follies, failings, joys and desires are captured with such acuity and empathy that you truly live alongside them.’ – The Mail. ‘She has such great psychological insights into human beings, which is rare. She is one of the best fiction writers writing today.’ - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie




by Ann Swanson

A must-read for anyone looking for a modern take on spirituality. The author explores the beauty and calm that can be experienced by focussing on the present moment. His core message is that as humans we are unconsciously focussed on the past or future which causes stress and anxiety. By disassociating ourselves from our mind, freeing ourselves from our ego we can become liberated from the pain and suffering we inadvertently cause ourselves. The book will guide you in the steps to present moment consciousness by focussing on the breath, the energy in one’s body, mindfulness, tuning in to the silence around you, and acceptance of what is.

Published in 2019, Ann Swanson’s Science of Yoga explores the physiology of 30 key yoga poses. By looking in-depth into each pose, from every angle, readers gain a deeper understanding of how the asanas affect different muscles, bones, and joints. Easy to understand descriptions and intricate full-colour illustrations help bring to the interior of the body to life. The book also delves into recent scientific research into the benefits of yoga, including how it can help lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation, and prevent age-related brain changes.

Reviewed by Carole Guilloer, Brand Ambassador, Menopause Experts.

PEACE IS EVERY STEP by Thich Nhat Hanh

Thich Nhat Hanh was a Vietnamese Thièn Buddhist monk and prolific writer of over 100 books on mindfulness and Buddhist teachings. Peace in Every Step (1990) explains how awareness of our body and mind through conscious breathing can help us find peace and happiness. Using anecdotes from his own colourful and well-travelled life, Thich Nhat Hanh helps readers understand how the most mundane tasks or annoying distractions can be transformed into moments of mindfulness. Reviewed by Jo Hutton (Happy Yoga, Newcastle)

Reviewed by Jo Hutton (Happy Yoga, Newcastle)


by Mary Reynolds

Mary Reynolds beautiful book encapsulates the connection between our souls, bodies and minds and…our gardens. Her creativity that allowed her to become the youngest garden designer, to be awarded a gold at the Chelsea flower show in 2002 takes us into a new realm of possibilities. This book is enchanting as it is inspirational. A beautiful bedside book that I pick up and put down when I need to feel grounded to the earth. She almost makes me believe that fairies exist, or at least a greater power comes from the earth. With so much negativity in the world right now, I thoroughly recommend this wonderfully uplifting read. Reviewed by Dee Murray, CEO and Founder, Menopause Experts

We would love to receive your book reviews of an old favourite or something new. Hopefully, we can include them in a future edition Please send to




How to use creativity as a tool to express, explore and enjoy life!

By Bronwyn Romain

Mind-Body and Creative Wellness Educator, Creative4Life

Stop! Before you

say you do not have a creative bone in your body, hold up!


his article is not about producing instagrammable (is that even a word?) posts or products that you share with the world or try to make a living from. You do not have to have any artistic ability whatsoever to benefit from mindfully engaging in simple creative activities for wellbeing. You do not need expensive equipment, or a studio, or art lessons. Just a pen and paper, a small amount of time and an open mind is a great start! You along with every other human on this planet are a unique, creative being. Allowing yourself to tap into this incredible gift, without worrying about being judged or not being good enough, can open a whole new way of expressing, exploring and enjoying life.


We can freely express the emotions we are feeling using a variety of creative modalities. When done regularly this is hugely beneficial for all women at every stage of life, the years of menopause being no exception.



Sometimes we don’t have the words to express ourselves or we know that if we unleash on those around us we may do lasting damage to relationships, when within a short time we may feel and see things differently. Creativity provides a non-verbal way of getting what is inside the mind-body, out, in a tangible, tactile form providing a positive way of releasing thoughts and emotions.


Creativity can help us explore who we are, how we came to be who we are and who we want to be. For example, creative expression can help us to visibly present who we are today – our beliefs, our values, our influences, our wellbeing, our place and our connection with this world, including nature. We can also creatively explore our history: how did we come to hold the beliefs and values that we live by? What influences and experiences have made us who we are? Finally, we can use creativity to envision who we want to be, are there changes that we need or would like to make? Visibly planning and actioning our dreams is not only beneficial for mind-body wellbeing but is also challenging and fun!




Sewing Room

Due to the stress of modern living women are constantly in the human stress response - what I call 4F mode: fight, flight, freeze or fawn. This strongly affects the way we feel, the way we behave, our overall wellbeing and our enjoyment of life. Taking part in creative activities and learning how to think creatively provides a pleasurable escape for the mindbody. When we create we engage the parasympathetic system (the system in our body that tells us everything is ok right now, you are safe, be calm). It is during these moments that we can feel truly at peace with ourselves and the world around us, we can unlock blockages and experience what it is like to be our authentic, best self. There is so much more to learn and enjoy when we incorporate creativity into our everyday life! I would love you to join me on a journey to find your Wellness through Creativity!


The birds and the beads



BEAUTIFUL INSIDE AND OUT All of your items will come beautifully wrapped in tissue paper, packed in bubble wrap and packaged in a box.

I started making bird toys 8 years ago due to the lack of choice and being creative also had a positive effect on my mental well being. I now share my designs so all small birds can have a beautiful work of art in their cage. MENOPAUSE LIFE SPRING 2022


email: Mobile: 07827297616

Paris in the Spring By Chloë Ivy Lily Bell


re you bursting for a break to suit a family-fun trip, a romantic couple’s getaway or a few days away with friends? Paris has a lot to offer, and its cosmopolitan nature will ensure you’ll find something to spark your interest, no matter what you enjoy. Comfort is key to start your welldeserved holiday, so why not check into one of Paris’ many boutique hotels. Treat yourself to a spa afternoon, facial or massage as a reward for all that hefty unpacking or get out into the city and lost in its lively streets straight away. Make sure you grab your camera and get shots of (arguably) the most famous landmark of the city, The Eifel Tower. Head up to the top, which is a massive 300 metres off the ground and enjoy magnificent views over the cityscape. A picnic in the gardens of the Eiffel Tower is a wonderful way to take in the atmosphere and admire the Tower. Roam the streets when your feet are back on solid ground and get your caricature drawn with a backdrop of the river Seine. The side streets of Paris are full of the most wonderful smells coming from the many bakeries, will you be tempted? Why not jump on a luxurious river cruise before heading to dinner and sampling



some traditional French delicacies, frogs legs and snails amongst other delicious offerings? If you’ve got kids (or are just adventure seekers at heart) then book tickets for Disneyland Paris and enjoy meeting all your favourite characters, the thrill of the rides and the grin-inducing atmosphere. Just an hour’s drive or 40-minute train journey from the centre of Paris, Disneyland is a must if you’re looking for an adrenaline-filled day out. Had enough of all that adventure and want to take in some aweinspiring works of art the next day? Head to the Louvre art gallery where you can witness the famed Mona Lisa painting up close and gaze at the array of impressive work on exhibition. Afterwards, fall into one of the many Parisienne cafes surrounding the Louvre and enjoy hot chocolate, delicious coffees, and croissants as well as many other delights. Amble down to see the amazing Arc de Triomphe, another of Paris’ magnificent landmarks which has been standing since 1836. Marvel at its sheer height as it towers above you and take in the history, learning of its past and how it pays respect to all the French soldiers who lost their lives in the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars.

After you’ve snapped your photos and learnt about the history, grab a coffee and waltz down the Champs-Élysées, a swanky street dedicated to designer brands. If that still hasn’t hit the shopping spot, then head to the ‘Galeries Lafayette’ on Boulevard Haussmann. This shopping centre boasts some incredible architecture expertly decorated halls. If all that walking has got you hungry, you’re in luck, check out some of Paris’ main attractions perfect for foodies; the Charolais beef fillet at La Poule Au Pot is incredible. Le Cadoret, Le Saint Sebastien, Racines and Le Rigmarole are also French favourite spots to try out, enjoy a mouth-watering meal with a glass of something sophisticated as you gaze out onto the twinkling lights of the surrounding city. There’s plenty to get stuck into during your stay in Paris, so no matter what you enjoy, there’s something for everyone.


ankering for a break that’s just as rich in culture as its mouthwatering pasta dishes? Want to drink in spectacular sights like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Coliseum, and the beauty of Venice?

If you want somewhere a little more authentic, Pizza e Mozzarella, Piccolo Buco and PizzaRé are highly spoken of and serve fantastic dishes for you to enjoy.

Look no further, Italy could be your next sunsoaked mini-break.

However, if you’re looking for somewhere other than the capital to check out, then why not think about Pisa?

Italy is a popular destination for avid travellers and boasts plenty of cultural hotspots. But before you get jotting down your must-see sights, think about which part of Italy you’d like to jet off to.


There’s Rome, the bustling capital which offers many sights to tick off your travel bucket list. Why not check into one of the many rustic, characterbrimming hotels just outside the centre and enjoy being surrounded by delicious local eateries. When in Rome, make sure you check out the Coliseum, the largest amphitheatre ever built, as it has some fantastic stories hidden inside its walls. The Trevi Fountain, one of the most famous fountains in the world, is also another highlight. You can watch the sparkling waters and throw in your coins to make a wish.

Italy is famous for its Aperol spritz cocktail, or if you fancy something cooler, how about delving into their thousand choices of gelato.

Just three hours and 45 minutes away from Rome, Pisa is closer to the sea, so you can visit the local Marina di Pisa to soak up some sun. Pisa itself is famed for its tower, already leaning when it was completed in 1372. Pisa is more than just its leaning tower, this rich, cultured town was the birthplace of astronomer, physicist, and engineer Galileo. If you want some stellar photos to show your friends back home, then head to Venice for its pretty canals and lack of roads. If you want to escape the usual gridlocked commute to work, then Venice is the perfect place to head for a relaxing break. The floating city has many sights to marvel at. Head to the top of St Mark’s Belltower at sunset to capture some incredible snaps of the city, visit the iconic Doge’s Palace, a Venetian Gothic masterpiece, or enjoy a well-deserved tipple on the terrace of the Fondaco Dei Tedeschi. Wherever you decide to visit Italy, you won’t be disappointed, just make sure your camera is at the ready!

After that, grab some lunch at one of the many delightful cafes, jump on the metro, and head to Vatican City, home of the Catholic Church. There you can marvel at the fantastic architecture, stunning Sistine chapel with Michelangelo ceiling, and appreciate the importance of the surroundings to many people worldwide. Looking for an alternative place to check out in Rome? Have a wander down to the Capuchin Crypt where you can visit the museum and take in the history and hauntingly beautiful surroundings. If you’re looking for some familiar sights to hit up, Rome has an Ice Bar similar to the one in London and its branch of the Hard Rock Café where you can grab dinner and sip on tantalising cocktails.





ello, I’m Sally Tierney from Yorkshire Garden Designer. I’m a horticulturist and garden designer and I’ve been helping people create delightful gardens for the past 25 years. The first step in creating a beautiful garden is to assess the starting point and to do that, I have a good look at the existing planting. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve seen plants in the wrong place. Or the wrong plants that would never stand a chance of survival in that setting. Many times, the owners know they’ve put the wrong plant in the wrong place but only with the benefit of hindsight, once they see the plant get too big, not grow enough or just die. We’ve all done it – gone to the garden centre and seen a plant with a beautiful flower or leaf and allowed temptation to get the better of us. I’ve done it too, even with the benefit of 25 years of horticultural know-how behind me, so I know how easy it is to do. A classic example I’ve seen many times is that of the misplacing of a rhododendron. They are beautiful plants that have a variety of stunning flowers that vary from white, pink, purple and red making them a rightly popular plant. However, rhodies need a particular type of soil to look their best (ericaceous, for those who’d like to know) and without it, the leaves will eventually turn a sickly yellow colour and the plant will fail to thrive. So, the next time you find yourself buying a plant, there is one easy thing I’d like you to do if you can catch yourself before paying for it – READ THE LABEL. Although plant labels vary from place to place, they will almost always tell you



the basic facts about the plant. Firstly, it will give you its botanical name and tell you what sort of plant it is i.e. tree, shrub or perennial. Although this might not mean anything at this stage, it is vital information if you want more information at a later point. The label will also tell you if it is suitable for shade, sun or semi-shade, what sort of soil it needs to grow (as in the case of the rhododendron), where in the garden you should plant it for best results, how big it will grow to (an essential piece of information, in my opinion) and whether it is hardy enough to survive the winter. Many labels will also tell you how many years it will take the plant to get to its full height, when the flowering/fruiting period is and how best to care for it. Labels won’t tell you everything and are no substitute for experience, but they are an excellent place to start and will be able to help you avoid buying a plant that is too big, requires a lot of care or is too tender to survive the winter before you’ve parted with your money. They will also help you to enjoy the plant in the long run because it is growing well and looking as beautiful as you’d hoped.

Happy gardening!

As we step into Spring why not bring a little bit of golden sunshine into your home. A decorative table lamp with a filigree cutout metal base in a stunning distressed gold finish with a contrasting white inner. The lamp comes complete with a white fabric shade. The Lighting Company. £202.50

Our Editor has picked some of her favourite pieces.

Set of 3 framed prints, providing gorgeous warm colours. Available from Made. £175

Large ceramic candle with a luxury White Tea & Pomegranate fragrance with a distinct design from Fired Earth. Available from Wax Lyrical. £32

80cm gold starburst round mirror. Available from La Redoute. £85 Plaza gold contemporary clear glass lounge coffee table. Available from Picture Perfect Home. £167

Round glass and gold metal tray – Available from Maisons Du Monde. £27.50

Spring bloom scatter cushion in lemon, 43cm x 43cm. Available from the Millshop online. £19.95 Silk hydrangea arrangement in a highquality fishbowl, available in 2 sizes, (30cm or 40cm). Timeless, elegant, and realistic. Available from Ambience Deco JM. £180 (40cm)

Cute velvet bench seat in mustard, perfect under a window. Available from Woods Furniture. £59.99






SPRING BREAKFAST Menopause Experts Homemade granola


½ cup Almonds

½ cup Cashews

½ cup Pumpkin seeds ½ cup Sesame seeds ½ cup Walnuts

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 or 2 tsp cinnamon (depending on your taste) ½ tsp salt

2 tbsp almond butter

2 tbsp melted coconut oil ½ cup dried cranberries

½ cup unsweetened coconut flakes Optional – raw cacao nibs Preheat oven to 150 degrees C. Mix almonds, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and walnuts in one bowl. In another bowl mix cinnamon, salt, almond butter, and coconut oil. Pour over the nut mixture and combine. Spread in a single layer on one or two baking trays. Bake for 15 minutes. Add the cranberries and coconut flakes and bake for a further 10 minutes, watch carefully that the cranberries and coconut do not burn. Allow to cool completely. Add raw cacao nibs if using and store in a glass air-tight jar. Serve with natural yoghurt, grated fresh apple, pears, berries (your choice) and a drizzle of honey if required. Add flaxseeds or chia seeds for further health benefits. Experiment making with your favourite nuts, seeds, and dried fruits.

Almonds, cashew nuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflowers seeds and walnuts are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and zinc and can help to ease menopause symptoms





LUNCH Butternut squash and red lentil soup 2 tbsp olive oil

2 onions, diced

2 garlic cloves, minced

1-inch fresh ginger grated 2 tsp cumin

¼ tsp chilli flakes

1 x 400g tin tomatoes 750ml veg stock 300g red lentils

1 small/medium butternut squash, peeled and cubed Salt and Pepper

Add the oil to a large pan and gently sauté the diced onion until soft and opaque (do not brown). Add the garlic, ginger, cumin, and chilli flakes and cook for 1 minute. Add the tomatoes, lentils and vegetable stock. Bring to the boil, then turn the heat down to a simmer, cover with a lid and cook for 30 minutes (make sure the butternut squash is soft). Add extra water if needed.

CHEESE SCONES 225g self-raising flour

Make a hole in the middle of the mixture and add enough milk to give a soft and firm dough.

Blitz the soup until thick and smooth.

½ + ¼ tsp mustard powder

Add the milk gradually to ensure you do not add too much.

Serve topped with yoghurt and cheesy scones

55g chilled butter, in cubes

Pinch of salt

1 tsp baking powder

120g mature cheddar, grated 90-100ml milk

Red lentils are a phytoestrogen and are rich in iron and folate. As we know phytoestrogens are an essential addition to our diets when menopausal. Butternut squash is rich in vitamin A, essential for healthy skin, teeth and bones and also high in fibre so can help with constipation, which may be a symptom of menopause

(save 1tbsp to glaze) Heat the oven to 180 degrees. Prepare a baking tray with parchment paper. Sift the flour, salt, ½ tsp mustard and baking powder into a large bowl. Add the butter and combine with fingertips until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Add 100g of cheese and mix to combine.

Flour a flat surface and roll the dough out until 2cm thick. Cut out the scones with an 8cm cutter, add them to the prepared baking tray. Add 1/4tsp mustard powder to milk for the glaze and brush the tops of each scone with a little milk and a sprinkling of remaining cheese. Bake for 15-20 minutes until golden brown and cooked through (To test, tap the bottom, it should sound hollow.)



EVENING MEAL (here at Menopause Life we are spread across the UK and we each call our evening meal something different! Lunch, Dinner, Tea, Supper are all options!!!)

Mediterranean Chicken Skewers 4 chicken breasts (preferably organic), 1-inch chunks 2 garlic cloves, minced 2 tsp dried oregano 2 tsp paprika

2 lemons, juiced 2 tbsp olive oil

1/8 tsp Himalayan pink salt

1 large red and green pepper, cut into 1-inch pieces Plum tomatoes

Place the chicken chunks in a large bowl. Add the garlic, oregano, paprika, lemon juice and olive oil. Season with salt and pepper and mix to combine. Leave for up to one hour to marinate in the fridge. Thread the chicken onto skewers, alternating with pieces of pepper and plum tomatoes. Heat the grill to medium-high and grill for 5 minutes on each side, or until the chicken is cooked through. Serve with a tomato and olive salad, and tzatziki. Tzatziki – mix 200g natural Greek yoghurt (organic), 1 grated cucumber (squeeze out excess water), a handful of chopped fresh mint, 1 small garlic clove (crushed) and season with salt and pepper.



Always try and choose organic when you can. By doing so you are helping provide more natural conditions for farm animals, and reducing the levels of antibiotics, hormones and pesticides being passed through the food chain.

SOMETHING SWEET! Something sweet after a meal is allowed, remember it’s all about balance. Keep these in the freezer for when you ‘need’ that something sweet. Oh, and they are great for helping with menopause symptoms because of the dates and the dark chocolate! Win-win.

200g pitted soft Medjool dates 2 tsp almond butter (or other nut or seed butter) Pinch of fine-grain sea salt 100g dark chocolate 1tsp coconut oil

To decorate - Chia seeds or raw cacao powder. Process the pitted dates in a food processor to make a sticky paste. Add the almond butter and salt and process until combined. The mixture will be very sticky. Put the mixture in a bowl and freeze uncovered for 10 minutes. Line a tray with parchment paper. Lightly wet your fingers and shape the caramel into approximately 20 small balls, place on the tray and put the tray in the freezer for 10 minutes to firm up. In a small saucepan melt the chocolate and oil over a low heat and stir until smooth. Remove the caramel balls from the freezer and roll each ball into the melted chocolate one at a time, using a fork. Allow any excess chocolate to drop back in the pan and place the balls on the lined tray. Add a small sprinkling of chia seeds or cacao powder. Freeze the balls for at least 20 minutes. These taste best straight from the freezer and will soften at room temperature. MENOPAUSE LIFE SPRING 2022


In The News At Menopause Experts HQ we are always busy keeping up to date with the latest news and research regarding all things menopause. It is our mission to keep on raising awareness of Menopause, whether that be by conducting our own research and studies or contributing to and discussing what is happening in the news. We have featured on news programmes, contributed to radio shows and discussions, and featured in multiple newspapers and magazines. Below is a selection of our activities during the past 3 months.


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Free Training We supply our education free of charge, because we want all women to feel educated regardless of financial status. Our Founder Dee Murray qualified in the 1990s as an advanced psychotherapist and is recognized as a leading light in human behaviour.

Education allows women to feel uplifted, empowered, and more confident once they know what is happening biologically and psychologically."

Her award-winning programmes have become known as comprehensive support to women going through hormonal change. She will tell anyone who will listen how important information and education is, not only for physical wellbeing but perhaps just as important psychologically.

What do we cover during training?

She believes that good mental wellbeing forms the bedrock that supports physical health. Education prevents feelings of helplessness as Dee explains: "A close friend of my mother decided to end her life at only 54, after suffering severe bouts of depression and anxiety associated with menopause. The suicide rate in women's midlife has been increasing over the last few decades, so I decided when I experienced perimenopause myself, to bring about change to 'the change' and remove the stigma and taboo that is now seen as old-fashioned.

We believe in making things as simple as they can be. So with that in mind, we have tried not to use too many clinical words or expressions, however, it is important that you understand quite a bit about the biology of the female body.

Once you understand what is happening, everything else falls into place. You'll discover what estrogen is, why we need it, and how many other hormones contribute to our health like progesterone, and even testosterone! We also investigate the pros and cons of HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) and other ways to best manage symptoms, through diet and lifestyle as well as clinical intervention where needed. In some cases both natural remedies and/or HRT are appropriate. However, many women cannot (for a variety of reasons) have HRT. You will learn about what happens within the brain during perimenopause (the lead-up to not having periods any longer). PLUS We include information on exactly what the three stages of menopause are, and how you can better understand where you are in the menopause journey.




Sponsors Online Supplement Store

Women’s Fitness Club LaFemmeVerte is a beautiful, new, natural skincare brand, created by twin sisters LouiseSkills and Sara especially&for women in Speaking Coach midlife, menopause and beyond.

Comedian The LaFemmeVerte skincare range uses only premium natural ingredients that really target the skin concerns associated with this transformative stage of our lives ~ dullness, dryness, rosacea, hyper pigmentation (age spots), acne, fine lines and wrinkles.

Skincare for women

There are three beautiful fragrances to choose from ~ Geranium Rose & Petitgrain, Grapefruit & Bergamot, and Frankincense & Vetiver.

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Online Hosiery Company

The world’s warmest, most versatile change robe

Menopause Resourses for Women and Men

Menopause Learning For Women & Men menopauseexperts

Thank you We are grateful to all of our sponsors for making this possible.

Reach over 1 million amazing women Sponsor Us!


To sponsor Menopause Life CLICK HERE MENOPAUSE LIFE SPRING 2022 Advertising Terms Menopause Life Magazine is published quarterly. The Editor welcomes written contributions, which can be supplied, via email to Opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of Menopause Experts Group and does not endorse any advertisement that appears in this magazine or it’s websites. The publisher does not accept liability for loss or damage to any item or materials contributed to the magazine. No material published may be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the publisher. All advert submissions have the right to be reviewed by our design team, and will only be published if they meet design standards. All pictures, artwork and editorial contributions become the immediate copyright of the publisher and may be used in other editions or media within the Menopause Experts Group portfolio unless a written instruction is given prior to submission. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2021 MENOPAUSE EXPERTS GROUP LIMITED


EFT For Menopause

Alison Bale Mind Insight

Dr Eloise Elphinstone The Women's Health GP

James Biggs Employee Benefitts

Sarah Gaddie Pilates Coach 0282857745153/?ref=share

Alison Theaker Live Life For Me

Carleeka Katrina Basnight-Menendez

Physio Led Hip Programme

Maria Bailey Grief Specialist

Jo Darling Menopoised

Lady Kendal Jagger

Elaine Neale Happy Hypnotherapy

Karen Newby Nutrition

Caroline Measures Women's Therapist

Emma Shoe Styling

Sarah Davison Thrive Homeopathy

Lizzie Nelson Fair To Middling

Sally Bolton Eat Train Love

Bronwyn Romain Creative 4 Life


Sally Tierney Yorkshire Garden Designer

Angie Hallsworth King Intimately Happier

Dr. Sheila French Mindfulness Coach



Earn Extra Income, while Changing Women's Lives. Help women better understand and manage menopause through workshops & events. Face-to-face, or online.

TRAINING & EDUCATION We provide accredited trusted education to women and men, companies, and even clinicians. You can sign up for our free menopause training online, attend workshops or other events.

Join the world’s fastest growing community supporting women going through hormonal change, at any age.


The training is for everyone


Menopause Experts Group Revies 170

Incredible & Exciting Opportunities

18 Jan 2022

The training is for everyone. It should get to every corner of this world and make it a better place, indeed!

4 Jan 2022

An important service, delivered with warmth 17 Sept 2021

Thank you for making time to explain Menopause. It is really helpful and excellent represented. It made me positive and inspired me to never give up. We can help women to understand Menopause.

Dee and the team at Menopause Experts do amazing work in supporting women and in educating all (men and women) about Menopause. As very much their target audience, even I have learnt so much about what is going on in my body (and my brain!). Lovely, warm people providing an important service.

Thank you for making time to explain...

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