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Restoring balance with flower essences
Restoring Balance with Flower Essences
By Caroline Measures
Women’s Therapist & Flower Essence Advisor Wellness
You might already be familiar with Bach’s Rescue Remedy and take a few drops to calm yourself down when you’ve had a shock or are feeling anxious or overwhelmed? Or maybe the idea of flower essences is completely new to you? Either way, there is a whole world of high vibration essences out there to support you through menopause and at all stages of life.
The practice of using flowers and plants for physical, emotional and spiritual healing goes back thousands of years when they were a regular part of every healer’s toolkit, as well as taking centre stage in healing ceremonies and rituals. Their use as natural remedies in essence form was first recorded in Europe back in the 12th Century when sheets were placed over flowers at night to soak up the dew. The droplets were then squeezed out of the cloth and applied to people in need of healing on some level.
More recently in the 1930s, the UK’s Dr. Edward Bach formalised the process through his research into ‘borrowing’ the energetic pattern of a particular flower and its effect on people’s moods, health and wellbeing. He found that they worked on a subtle level to restore balance to a depleted system, which then allowed healing to take place. Essences can sometimes be confused with essential oils and you’d be forgiven for expecting them to have a beautiful perfume – they don’t! The drops are traditionally made by infusing pure spring water with flowers and sunlight. The ‘life force’ of the plant is transferred into the water, which we can then ingest in tiny amounts. The Mother tincture is diluted with more spring water and preserved usually with highgrade brandy or vodka, although you can also find some without alcohol if you prefer. Over the years, this art form has expanded to harnessing even more of Mother Nature’s amazing healing powers by creating essences from gemstones, sound, sacred sites and at different times of the year or phases of the moon. Bach’s flower essences are widely available in health food shops and online, but there are many other ranges to look out for. For example, I’ve trained with Findhorn Flower Essences (FFE) in Scotland and call them my ‘little bottles of magic’. They’re safe to use with children and animals too. Always check with a practitioner if you’re unsure of what to buy or how to use them. So, which ones would I recommend for the menopause years? There are so many to choose from, but here are my favourite combination blends from the FFE range: Clear Light uses Broom, Birch, Lady’s Mantle, Rose Alba, Scots Pine and Wild Pansy. It can help to soothe the mind and promote mental clarity on the days when there’s nothing but brain fog, confusion and forgetfulness! I recommended it to a client who was panicking at not being able to think straight to sort the washing into piles. The bottle helped immensely! Femininity includes Balsam, Holy Thorn, Elder, Sea Rocket, Scottish Primrose, Sycamore, Rowan and Lady’s Mantle. This little mix brings gentle loving balance when our cycles are changing and calms hormone-fuelled emotions when you feel like you’re on a rollercoaster and not having fun. Dreamtime does what it says on the tin. It’s an incredibly soothing blend of Scottish Primrose, Valerian, Lady’s Mantle, Grass of Parnassus and Birch that can help to calm things down ready for a good night’s sleep. So if you can’t switch off at night, this could be a good one for you! Sexual Integrity is another winner for the menopause years. As we get older, inevitably our bodies are changing and often our desires change too. This essence contains Balsam, Daisy, Globe Thistle, Holy Thorn, Elf Cup Lichen, Rowan and Scottish Primrose. It’s helpful for rediscovering tenderness and being open to love and intimacy. When I started working with essences, I favoured the combinations as they’re a kind of ‘done for you’ consultation. However, you can also choose to take single essences or mix and match your own blends with a bit of research into what they’re good for. To get it right the first time, though, a qualified practitioner will listen carefully to what you need help with and choose the right bottle or bottles to make up your own unique remedy. The drops can be taken directly under the tongue to be quickly and easily absorbed by the body or added to some water to be sipped regularly throughout the day. Some people feel the benefits straight away, for example with Rebalance (FFE) or Bach’s Rescue Remedy, both fast-acting to counteract stress, shock or a crisis. For others, the essences work away in the background, gradually restoring wholeness where it’s needed.