Men's Passion #69 - June/ July/ August 2015

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Luxury Travel

Inspiring thoughts for destinations everywhere

IFCS 1st Half Kuwait Airways


















JUST A THOUGHT Dear Passionate Readers, Have you ever met Lilith? Or even heard of her? I frankly never knew she existed, not until a friend of mine brought her up in a conversation, and then, to my luck, a few weeks later I was attending a conference in Boston and I got the chance to literally lock eyes with her! So who is Lilith? Well, it seems that before Eve, there was Lilith! Obviously, she was not created out of Adam’s rib so she refused to be his subordinate. She had the audacity of claiming equality! For her rebellion, she was ousted from heaven and became a symbol of devilish powers that scare men, women and children! And now she is hanging on a wall in the Museum of Fine Arts - the Contemporary Art section, as defiant as ever, ready to pounce on her viewers! And that led me thinking... Are the women who exhibit independence and strength still being viewed as the Liliths!? Do they still instill fear in the Arab world? But fear of what? Fear of change? And change of what? Inequality? Let us all not forget, the same book that spoke of Lilith spoke of colored people as inferior beings that need to be dominated and domineered! Colored... I like that word.. and I often wondered about it too. Is white not a color? Oh, and the Lilith in Boston is pitch black with fierce colored eyes!! She’s definitely worth meeting if you are planning a US visit this summer! May you enjoy your travels this summer, and may we always acquire and share new knowledge. Till the next issue,

Zeina Mokaddam Managing Director

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ON THE COVER: June/ July/ August 2015 Why do we travel? What makes us up sticks, subject ourselves to bleary‐eyed early mornings, hideous flights and unsettlingly new diets? Why do some choose to flop somewhere hot whilst others subject themselves to privation in little visited inhospitable regions? For many it is seemingly simple, we have to. It’s in our blood, an itchy-­‐footed restless careless desire to up roots and see and do something new, to break the routine of life. In this edition we explore travel, and take inspiration from fellow travellers.

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Amera Al-Awadhi LEGAL CONSULTANT Khaled Al-Kandari Al-Kandari Law Firm PUBLISHED BY


Luxury Travel

Inspiring thoughts for destinations everywhere

ACTING MANAGING EDITOR Katia Abbas CONTENTS 16 Nasser AlQatami The Traveller

36 The Business of Travel The Business

20 Marie-Anne Benedetti Managing Director, Jumbo Travel

42 My Ideal Vacation with Sulaiman Al-Haji, Ahmed Shehab and Mohammed Rifai

24 Captain Ab dul Mohsen Al-Asfour Airline Pilot 26 Jumeirah Vittaveli A step into the paradise of Maldives 30 The Best of The Region’s Hotels The Finest

46 The Luxe Directory Our Global Top Ten 50 The Lifestyle of Kuwait Champions Brought to you by Acura


PH7 is a specialized publishing house based in Kuwait. Telephone +(965) 2572 0810 Fax +(965) 2572 0860 Website To maintain the desired quality of our publication, your contribution and feedback are welcomed. Please email your suggestions to For advertising, do not hesitate to contact For subscription, please email your details to PH7 wishes to state that the opinions expressed in MEN’S PASSION are those of the authors concerned and not necessarily those of the publisher. BPA Worldwide Consumer Publication Audit Membership Applied for September 2014.


THE LUXE REVIEW 62 Moath Al Ansari Motocross rider 64 Alison Shan Price A passion for theatre 66 Sheikha Majida Al-Sabah Artist 68 Raynald Aeschlimann Omega’s VP and Head of Inter national Sales 70 Les Voiles de Saint Barth Richard Mille congratulates the winners 71 IWC Schaff hausen Announces IWC Connect 72 Marc Allen Vice President of Jaquet Droz 74 Tissot Quickster Lugano Nautical cool

78 Thriller in the Ardennes Second, third and sixth for Porsche 919 Hybrids 80 Wörthersee GTI-Treffen Volkswagen Group’s party by the lake 86 Dolce & Gabbana Pre Fall 15 Men’s Collection 96 Gucci Men’s Collection – Prefall 2015 100 Hartmann First time in Kuwait 102 Tumi celebrates 40th anniversary 1975 capsule collection 104 Zeitgeist The spirit of the age

106 Events 75 A fascinating visit to NASA Our monthly round up of the Celebrates OMEGA’s dedication city’s goings-on to space 76 Acura Japan’s first luxury automobile



Nasser AlQatami Flight965

F is Nasser AlQatami’s travel-based follow-up to his first blog, which focuses on music. He launched the music blog and was delighted to see its readership grew fast. Moreover, his passion for travelling encouraged him to gather all the information of travel and put it to good use, as he already had the base of how to run and promote a blog.


Nasser AlQatami has traveled to more than 75 countries so far, however, he has some more in mind for this year. He recently made a move to Bangkok, saying “since there’s a lot to see on this side of the world”. As for his favorite destinations, Nasser said, “It’s hard to pick a favorite and I find that it changes with time. I have a special place for SubSaharan countries, but I also like bustling cities. It depends on the season, but I find that I am always attracted to beach destinations, especially ones that have good food and a thriving music scene.”

In Nasser’s Bucket List: There’s still so much to see. I still want to drive cross-country in the US – that would be amazing. I also want to go to Peru and Chile. I have read so much about them, but never got the chance to see them while I was in the region. Last - but definitely not least – Japan, Australia and East Timor.

He definitely has some memorable experiences from his trips around the world, and he said “To be honest, I have been jumping around so much that I have forgotten some of the experience but not entirely. From my experience, no matter how good the hotel, the destination is or the weather is, there’s only one thing that makes a trip – good friends. It might sound cliché, but after all this travelling, I found the company is what matters. You can be in the most awesome place on earth, but if you are not with the right people - it’s not worth it.” And for the criteria he uses to choose the hotels and destinations, he said, “Just like everybody else, I look at the guest photos and ratings first on TripAdvisor. Then, for some reason, I go straight to the bad reviews. I think I like to picture the worst-case scenario. If I have more questions, I e-mail out the hotel ahead of time, which I think is very useful – not only do you get answers but you have direct contact with a person in your hotel, should you wish to schedule excursions, restaurant reservations and such. Generally, I try to find the best location to whatever I am interested in that destination, but design is equally important. A hotel can make a trip.” Nasser believes that music goes everywhere he goes. Sometimes certain songs, or even whole albums, give him a certain feeling towards a destination. He added, “For example, Lenka’s music forever reminds me of the Wanderlust Hotel in Singapore with its rainbow pool or how one of Erykah Badu’s albums will always be imprinted in my head as complementary to southern Madagascar’s unusual and beautiful terrain.” For the destination he advises people to visit, Nasser believes that it really depends what kind of person you are and what you want to get out of your trip. He believes that these vacation days are precious, so he tends to stick to ones that have really hit the mark. He added “I recently went to Krabi in Thailand with some of my friends, it was good fun. I fell in love with Protobelo, Panama – a tropical lush bay that is as rich in culture as it is in wild fauna. Last year, I visited the mesmerizing French city of Toulouse and was surprised how much it had to offer in terms of attractions and food was delicious. I loved it and I definitely want to see more cities and towns in France and its countryside.”

What’s new for The blog has had a steady growth and I intend to keep it that way. It takes a lot of effort to have a full-time job, two blogs and a bunch of things to run. But, I always make sure to regularly update the blog and my Instagram accounts @flight965/ @nasque.

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‫ً‬ ‫بلدا حتى اليوم‪ ،‬إال أنه ينوي‬ ‫سافر ناصر القطامي إلى أكثر من ‪75‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫قائال‬ ‫مؤخرا إلى بانكوك‬ ‫القيام برحالت إضافية هذا العام‪ .‬وقد سافر‬ ‫«هناك الكثير لنستكشفه في هذه البقعة من العالم‪».‬‬ ‫وعند سؤاله عن وجهاته المفضلة‪ ،‬قال ناصر‪« :‬يصعب اختيار وجهة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫مفض لة واحدة‪ ،‬وأنا أعتقد أن خياراتي تتغير مع الوقت‪ .‬تروق لي‬ ‫ً‬ ‫أيض ا المدن‬ ‫تشدني‬ ‫ولكن‬ ‫الكبرى‪،‬‬ ‫الصحراء‬ ‫جنوب‬ ‫الواقعة‬ ‫البلدان‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫يتوق ف على الفصل من السنة‪،‬‬ ‫المزدحمة والنابضة بالحياة‪ .‬األمر‬ ‫سي ما تلك التي تقدم‬ ‫غالب ا ما أنجذب إلى الشواطئ‪ ،‬وال‬ ‫ولكنني‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫الطعام اللذيذ والموسيقى المميزة»‪.‬‬ ‫خاض ناصر القطامي تجارب ال تنسى من خالل رحالته حول العالم‪.‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫جزء ا‬ ‫كثيرا من مكان إلى آخر لدرجة نسيت‬ ‫تنق لت‬ ‫ويقول‪« :‬بصراحة‪،‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫من هذه التجارب وليس ّ‬ ‫كل ها‪ .‬ومن تجربتي الخاصة‪ ،‬يسعني القول‬ ‫ً‬ ‫جميال‪،‬‬ ‫ممي ًزا أو الوجهة فريدة أو الطقس‬ ‫ّإن ه مهما كان الفندق‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫يبقى األصدقاء والصحبة أجمل ما في الرحلة‪ .‬قد تبدو هذه الفكرة‬ ‫الكم من األسفار‪ ،‬أجد أن نجاح الرحلة‬ ‫مستهلكة‪ ،‬ولكن بعد هذا‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫يتوق ف بالفعل على الصحبة‪ .‬قد تكون في أجمل مكان على وجه‬ ‫األرض‪ ،‬ولكن إذا لم تكن برفقة األشخاص المناسبين‪ ،‬فال جدوى من‬ ‫السفر بالدرجة األولى‪.‬‬

‫وعند سؤاله عن المعايير التي يعتمدها الختيار الفنادق ووجهات‬ ‫الص ور التي ينشرها النزالء‬ ‫السفر‪ ،‬قال‪« :‬كأي شخص آخر أنظر إلى‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫وتصنيفات الفندق أو الوجهة على موقع ‪ .TripAdvisor‬ومن ثم‪،‬‬ ‫ولسبب ما‪ ،‬أنتقل مباشرة ألقرأ اآلراء السلبية‪ .‬أعتقد أنني أحب أن‬ ‫أتخيل أسوأ سيناريو‪ .‬وإذا أردت طرح المزيد من األسئلة‪ ،‬أرسل بريد‬ ‫ً‬ ‫جدا‪ ،‬فهي ال‬ ‫الكتروني مسبق إلى الفندق‪ ،‬وأعتبرها وسيلة مفيدة‬ ‫تمنحك األجوبة التي تبحث عنها فحسب بل تسمح لك بالتواصل‬ ‫المباشر مع شخص في الفندق إذا رغبت بترتيب مواعيد الرحالت‪،‬‬ ‫أو حجز طاولة في المطعم أو غير ذلك‪ .‬وبشكل عام‪ ،‬أحاول أن أجد‬ ‫الموقع األفضل الذي يتناسب مع الغرض من رحلتي‪ ،‬ولكنني أعتبر‬ ‫ً‬ ‫أيض ا‪ .‬فالفندق الجميل أساس لنجاح الرحلة‪».‬‬ ‫مهم ا‬ ‫التصميم‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫وأحيان ا ترتبط‬ ‫وبحسب ناصر‪ ،‬تقترن الموسيقى بمفهومه للسفر‪.‬‬ ‫معي نة بوجهة سفره‪ ،‬فيقول‪« :‬على سبيل‬ ‫أغان أو ألبومات‬ ‫عناوين‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫دوم ا بفندق فاندرلوست في‬ ‫المغن ية لنكا‬ ‫المثال‪ ،‬تذكرني موسيقى‬ ‫ً‬ ‫سنغافورة بحوض سباحته الملون بألوان قوس قزح‪ ،‬كما سيبقى‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫يكم ل‬ ‫وكأن ه‬ ‫مطبوع ا في ذاكرتي‬ ‫المغن ية إريكا بادو‬ ‫أحد ألبومات‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫المشاهد الجميلة وغير المألوفة لمناطق جنوبي مدغشقر‪».‬‬

‫وعندما سألنا ناصر القطامي عن الوجهة التي ينصح الناس بزيارتها‪،‬‬ ‫أجاب بأن الوجهة تعتمد على شخصية كل إنسان وما يسعى إليه‬ ‫من وراء رحلته‪ .‬وألنه يعتبر أن أيام اإلجازة ثمينة‪ ،‬يميل إلى اختيار‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫مؤخرا كرابي‬ ‫بحق لقضاء إجازاته‪ ،‬ويضيف‪« :‬زرت‬ ‫الوجهات الفريدة‬ ‫ً‬ ‫كثيرا‪ .‬ووقعت في‬ ‫في تايلند برفقة بعض األصدقاء‪ ،‬وقد استمتعنا‬ ‫ً‬ ‫غرام بورتوبيلو في باناما‪ ،‬وهو خليج استوائي وارث وغني بثقافته‬

‫ونباتاته البرية‪ .‬وفي العام الماضي‪ ،‬زرت مدينة تولوز الفرنسية‬ ‫الفاتنة وذهلت بالمعالم التي تزخر بها وطعامها ّ‬ ‫الل ذيذ‪ .‬أحببت هذه‬ ‫المدينة وأرغب من دون شك في زيارة المزيد من المدن والبلدان‬ ‫الفرنسية والمناطق الريفية الفرنسية‪.‬‬

‫مدونة ‪‬؟‬ ‫ما الجديد في‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫علم ا‬ ‫مستقرا‪ ،‬وأنوي الحفاظ على هذا النمو‪،‬‬ ‫نمو ا‬ ‫المدو نة‬ ‫شهدت‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫والتفرغ لبعض األمور األخرى‬ ‫مدو نتين‬ ‫أن العمل بدوام كامل‪ ،‬وإدارة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫المدو نة‬ ‫دائم ا على تحديث‬ ‫كبيرا‪ .‬ولكنني أحرص‬ ‫جهدا‬ ‫يتطل ب‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫وحساباتي على إنستاغرام ‪.i@ flight965/ @nasque‬‬

‫مشاريع على الئحة أمنيات ناصر القطامي‬ ‫ما زلت أرغب في رؤية الكثير من األماكن‪ ،‬وأرغب في اجتياز الواليات‬ ‫المتحدة األميركية بالسيارة‪ -‬فهذه تجربة رائعة‪ .‬كما أطمح لزيارة بيرو‬ ‫وتشيلي‪ ،‬فقد قرأت الكثير عن هذين البلدين ولكن لم أحظ بفرصة‬ ‫ً‬ ‫وأخيرا‪ ،‬أرغب في زيارة اليابان‬ ‫زيارتهما عندما قصدت تلك المنطقة‪.‬‬ ‫وأستراليا وتيمور الشرقية‪.‬‬


‫ناصر القطامي‬


‫مدو نته األولى ‪‬التي تركّ ز‬ ‫مدونة خاصة عن السفر لناصر القطامي وهي تلي‬ ‫‪‬هي‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫القر اء يتزايد بسرعة‪ .‬وحدا به شغفه‬ ‫وس ّر لرؤية عدد‬ ‫على الموسيقى‪ .‬أطلق ناصر القطامي‬ ‫مدو نته عن الموسيقى ُ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫للسفر إلى جمع كافة المعلومات حول السفر واستخدامها لغايات مفيدة‪ ،‬نظر ًا إلى أنه كان على دراية بأ سس إدارة‬ ‫المدو نات والترويج لها‪.‬‬ ‫ّ‬

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Marie-Anne Benedetti Managing Director, Jumbo Travel


umbo Travel is ranked as one of the top travel agencies in Kuwait and is owned and operated by Al Shaya Holding company. The agency deals with corporate business, and also has a department for holiday reservations, packages and travel business. The company has more than 100 employees in four branches in Kuwait, the main office in Kuwait city, and the others in Avenues Mall, Fahaheel area and Khaitan. The company also has travel desks in big corporations.


Marie-Anne Benedetti, the Managing Director of Jumbo Travel, has a passion for traveling, and that’s why she has been working so long in this field. We met her to get insight in to the travel business and for recommendations on where to go. For this summer, Marie-Anne suggests some destinations that we and our readers should consider visiting this year, and she said, “the euro is quite low, and a lot of people are requesting to travel to Europe and in specific the South of France including Nice and Cannes, the United Kingdom, Spain and Switzerland”. Austria, she says, is always a destination that is very much in demand because of the hotels and the weather. Turkey is also one of the very best destinations with an offer of many things from shopping, food, environment and Islam is the largest religion in the country as well. Moreover, the cruise trips are picking up tremendously because it is a very fantastic way to visit countries without packing and unpacking and there is a lot of cruising in the Mediterranean. Eastern European countries are good destinations – for example Slovania, Bosnia and north Europe is something new and people have started to get attracted to these places. Jumbo Travel offers luxurious packages as well as “tailor-made” ones, and they ensure the purpose of the holiday if it is for relaxation, honeymoon, family or friends and according to this they can guide the costumers so they understand their needs and we fulfill it. They also provide guidance for the custumers who are interested in shopping – she and her team offer advice on when is the best time for shopping and sales in France and United Kingdom. Jumbo Travel recently signed a partnership with Disney that provides a family-friendly escape, and now they have the exclusive contract with them for Kuwait. And for the advice they provide to the travelers to spend an unforgettable vacation, Marie-Anne said “Travel is about the eyes of the traveler, what they want and what they are looking for, I advise people to go and discover new places, now we are offering packages for Japan and adventurous packages.” Marie-Anne mentioned that the Kuwaiti market needs more professional touristic packages, and she added “though online bookings are available, people in Kuwait like to be pampered and seek for flexible packages that we offer.” According to Marie Ann Kuwaitis are well traveled, trendy and they know what they want, they have a good vision of the world which makes things easy and says she goes out of her way to offer them something special. And now they have a new generation that are looking for adventure. We asked her what was the most amazing experience she had during her trips, she said “an Ice Hotel in Finland. It’s a hotel that is built every year in November and it melts in April. They bring artists from around the world to build sculptures from the ice, they have a lot of suites and rooms with beds that are build from ice but everything is made of ice and when you sleep there the temperature is -5 degrees”.

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‫تتميز مديرة وكالة جامبو للسفر‪ ،‬ماري آن بينيديتي‪ ،‬بشغفها للسفر‬ ‫جدا‪ .‬وقد التقينا‬ ‫الذي دفعها للعمل في هذا المجال لمدة طويلة ً‬ ‫التعرف على منظورها لرحالت‬ ‫بالسيدة ماري آن بينيديتي من أجل‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫تمي ًزا‪.‬‬ ‫األكثر‬ ‫السفر‬ ‫وجهات‬ ‫حول‬ ‫األعمال والحصول على نصائح منها‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫بكل‬ ‫عددا من وجهات السفر التي ننقلها‬ ‫لهذا الصيف‪ ،‬تقترح ماري آن‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫«نظرا إلى أن سعر صرف اليورو منخفض‪،‬‬ ‫فتقول‪:‬‬ ‫األعزاء‪،‬‬ ‫أمانة إلى قرائنا‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫وتحديدا إلى جنوبي‬ ‫ثم ة طلب متزايد على رحالت السفر إلى أوروبا‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫فرنسا مثل مدينتي نيس وكان‪ ،‬وكذلك المملكة المتحدة وإسبانيا‬ ‫ً‬ ‫حاليا على السفر إلى النمسا‬ ‫«ثم ة إقبال كبير‬ ‫وسويسرا‪ .‬وتضيف‪:‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫لتميزها بفنادقها واألحوال الجوية‪ .‬وال تزال تركيا من أفضل الوجهات‬ ‫بما أنها تتوفر فيها عدد كبير من مراكز التسوق وتتميز بالمأكوالت‬ ‫ً‬ ‫وفضل عن ذلك‪ ،‬تشهد‬ ‫مسلم ا‪.‬‬ ‫والبيئة‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى كون البلد‬ ‫ً‬ ‫جدا باعتبارها طريقة رائعة لزيارة البلدان‬ ‫طلب ا‬ ‫الرحالت البحرية‬ ‫مزدهرا ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ثم إفراغها في ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ويتوف ر عدد‬ ‫كل محطة‪،‬‬ ‫الحقائب‬ ‫توضيب‬ ‫من دون عناء‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫تشك ل‬ ‫كبير من الرحالت السياحية في البحر األبيض المتوسط‪ .‬كذلك‬ ‫أم ا‬ ‫دول أوروبا الشرقية وجهة جيدة للسفر مثل سلوفانيا والبوسنة‪ّ .‬‬ ‫شمالي أوروبا فال يزال وجهة جديدة للسفر حيث بدأت هذه المناطق‬ ‫السي اح‪.‬‬ ‫عددا من‬ ‫تجتذب‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫مصم مة حسب الطلب‪ ،‬وتحرص‬ ‫عروض ا فاخرة وأخرى‬ ‫وتقدم جامبو‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫على استيفاء الهدف من اإلجازة سواء أكانت لالسترخاء أو لقضاء شهر‬ ‫العسل أو االستمتاع مع العائلة أو األصدقاء‪ .‬وبمعنى آخر‪ ،‬تسأل‬ ‫وتقدم لهم اإلرشاد الالزم حول وجهات‬ ‫الوكالة عن احتياجات عمالئها‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫السفر األنسب لهم‪ .‬كما ترشد العمالء المهتمين بالتسوق‪ -‬فتقدم‬ ‫السيدة ماري آن بينيديتي وفريقها النصائح حول الوقت األفضل‬ ‫للتسوق والحسومات في األسواق على سبيل المقال في فرنسا‬ ‫والمملكة المتحدة‪.‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫وقد ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫مالذا‬ ‫مؤخ ًرا اتفاقية شراكة مع ديزني التي تُ عتبر‬ ‫وق عت الوكالة‬ ‫حصري ا مع ديزني‬ ‫عقدا‬ ‫حالي ا‬ ‫مرح ا للعائالت واألصدقاء‪ ،‬وقد أبرمت‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫للعمالء في الكويت‪.‬‬ ‫وعند سؤالها عن النصائح التي تقدمها الوكالة للمسافرين من أجل‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫يتعل ق برؤية المسافر‪،‬‬ ‫قضاء عطلة ال تنسى‪ ،‬تقول ماري آن « السفر‬ ‫أي ما يريده من السفر وما يبحث عنه‪ ،‬لذلك أنا أنصح الناس بزيارة‬ ‫ً‬ ‫عروض ا وباقات للسفر إلى‬ ‫واكتشاف أماكن جديدة‪ ،‬وأصبحنا نقدم‬ ‫ً‬ ‫وعروض ا مميزة أخرى مليئة بالمغامرات‪».‬‬ ‫اليابان‬ ‫وذكرت ماري آن أن السوق الكويتي يحتاج إلى المزيد من الباقات‬ ‫السياحية االحترافية والمتخصصة‪ ،‬وأضافت «بالرغم من توفر إمكانية‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫يفض ل الوسائل األكثر راحة‬ ‫الحجز عبر اإلنترنت‪ ،‬ال يزال الشعب الكويتي‬ ‫نقدمها‪».‬‬ ‫ويبحث عن الباقات المرنة التي‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫متمرسين في السفر‪ ،‬ويتابعون ّ‬ ‫كل ما هو رائج‬ ‫ترى ماري آن أن الكويتيين‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫تمام ا ما يريدون‪ ،‬كما أنهم يتمتعون برؤية جيدة للعالم مما‬ ‫ويعرفون‬ ‫ً‬ ‫يسهل األمور‪ ،‬فمعهم تستطيع الخروج عن المألوف واقتراح العروض‬ ‫ً‬ ‫الكويتي ين يبحث عن المغامرة أكثر من‬ ‫فعل‪ .‬وجيل اليوم من‬ ‫المميزة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫تشويق ا خاضتها‬ ‫أي وقت مضى‪ .‬وعند سؤالها عن التجربة األروع واألكثر‬ ‫خالل أسفارها‪ ،‬أجابت «أقمت في فندق من الجليد في فنلندا‪ ،‬وهو‬ ‫عبارة عن فندق يتم تشييده ّ‬ ‫كل سنة في شهر نوفمبر ويذوب في شهر‬ ‫أبريل‪ .‬ويستقطب الفندق فنانين من كافة أنحاء العالم لبناء منحوتات‬ ‫واألسرة الصغيرة المصنوعة من‬ ‫كبيرا من األجنحة‬ ‫عددا‬ ‫ويضم‬ ‫جليدية‪،‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫الجليد‪ّ .‬‬ ‫كل شيء مصنوع من الجليد وفي وقت النوم تصل درجة الحرارة‬ ‫إلى ‪ 5‬درجات تحت الصفر»‪.‬‬


‫ماري آن بينيديتي‬ ‫مديرة وكالة جامبو للسفريات‬

‫ّ‬ ‫وتشغلها شركة الشايع القابضة‪ .‬للوكالة‬ ‫تعد وكالة جامبو للسفر من أهم وأبرز وكاالت السفر في الكويت‪ ،‬تمتلكها‬ ‫خاصا لإلجازات وباقات السفر ورحالت العمل‪ .‬يعمل في الشركة أكثر من‬ ‫قسما‬ ‫عالقات عمل مع الكثير من الشركات وتملك‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫مائة موظف موزعين على أربعة فروع‪،‬في الكويت‪ ،‬والمقر الرئيسي للشركة في مدينة الكويت‪ ،‬ولديها فرع في مركز‬ ‫للتسوق وفرع في الفحيحيل وآخر في خيطان‪ .‬كما تملك الشركة مكاتب سفريات في شركات كبرى‪.‬‬ ‫األفينيوز‬ ‫ّ‬

‫‪22 23‬‬


Captain Abdul Mohsen Al-Asfour Airline Pilot


pilot’s job is one of the rarest professions in the world in terms of the number of pilots. Similarly, the number of airlines is relatively small when compared to other companies. Travelling is a joy cherished by only a few. Starting with boarding the plane, then travelling amid the clouds and roaming the countries of the world, one after the other, all add up to the beauty of travel and being on an airliner. Any trip is a unique experience leaving anyone with a lot of memories and adventures to tell about. For this issue, we have invited Captain Abdul Mohsen Al-Asfour to join us at MEN’S PASSION for stories of his passion for aviation and his joy when travelling.

In the beginning, Captain Abdul Mohsen tells us of the unparalleled thrill of travelling that he personally experiences. He had always adored travelling since his early years. He also had visited so many countries of the world before joining the aviation college in the USA. “Prior to joining the aviation college, I held a job as an assistant engineer in the Ministry of Electricity in Kuwait,” he said. “And I had set a plan to enroll in the aviation college; however, it was too expensive. So I decided to take a job for a certain period of time then to join the college. Indeed, I definitely made it,” he added.

office is in the air across the countries of the Globe without an exception. It is a quite distinctive profession. I call it the profession of freedom. I fly up high and move from one state to another for six consecutive days. Then, I have to days off. This is the usual routine, but it also depends on the number of flying hours.” As for his most frequently visited countries of the world, he tells us that he has almost visited all of the countries without exception. However, as a pilot on Kuwait Airways, Gulf countries are his most frequently visited in view of his daily turnovers to those destinations.

Captain Al-Asfour continues, “In 2010, I joined the aviation college in the States; I later moved to Iceland then to Greece in order to complete my obligatory flying hours in order to obtain the license, which is officially recognized in Kuwait. I joined Kuwait Airways work team at the end of 2013.”

Back in the training days, Captain Abdul Mohsen recounts how they used propeller fixed wing planes during aviation training, which he considers more pleasurable than commercial airliners.

As regards the number of flying hours on-the-job as a pilot, Captain Abdul Mohsen notes, “I had an interest in travelling since my early ages. I travelled the world east to west. The loveliest experience was when I visited Moscow, which I consider one of the most exceptional trips I had ever experienced. My advice to travel enthusiasts is for them to go to Moscow as it is endowed with beauty and extraordinary nature.” When mentioning his passion for airplane travel, Captain Al-Asfour says, “Being an airplane pilot is a free job as my

His top destinations are Moscow, Iceland and Istanbul. He adds that in order to elect a travel destination, one must set a primar y goal for the trip. This would only depend on the traveler’s personal inclination. Never theless, Captain Al-Asfour emphasizes on the impor tance of visiting new countries for fur ther insight and acquaintance with the cultures and civilizations of the world’s peoples. In 2012 Captain Abdul Mohsen Al-Asfour was the first Kuwaiti pilot to be named on the US FAA website as having met and exceeded their high educational, licensing and medical standards.


‫الكابتن عبد المحسن العصفور‬ ‫طيار‬ ‫كابتن ّ‬

‫تعد وظيفة كابتن الطائرة من أقل الوظائف في العالم عدد ًا من حيث عدد الطيارين وكذلك األمر بالنسبة لشركات الطيران‬ ‫التي يعتبر عددها قلي ً‬ ‫ال نسبي ًا بالمقارنة مع الشركات األخرى ‪ .‬وللسفر متعة ال يعرفها الكثيرون‪ ،‬ركوب الطائرة والسفر ما‬ ‫بين الغيوم والتجول بين بلدان العالم‪ ،‬واكتشاف حضارات وثقافات مختلفة جميعها عوامل تعزز جمالية السفر وركوب‬ ‫الطائرة وتجعل من أي رحلة تجربة متميزة تحمل الكثير من الذكريات والمغامرات‪ .‬وفي هذا العدد اخترنا أن ينضم إلى عدد‬ ‫مجلة ‪ MEN’S PASSION‬الكابتن عبد المحسن العصفور‪ ،‬ليحدثنا عن شغفه في عالم الطيران ومتعة السفر التي يمتلكها‪.‬‬ ‫في البداية أشار الكابتن عبد المحسن العصفور أن للسفر متعة خاصة‬ ‫بصفة شخصية لديه‪ ،‬ولطالما عشق السفر منذ سن صغير ةوسافر إلى‬ ‫عدد كبير من دول العالم قبل التحاقة بكلية الطيران في الواليات المتحدة‬ ‫األميركية‪ ،‬ويقول «قبل انضمامي لكلية الطيران كنت أعمل مساعد‬ ‫مهندس في وزارة الكهرباء في الكويت‪ ،‬وكان لدي خطة في أن التحق‬ ‫بكلية الطيران ولكن بسبب التكاليف الباهظة المترتبة لذلك قررت‬ ‫االختيار أن أمارس وظيفة لفترة معينة ومن ثم التحق بالكلية وبالفعل‬ ‫تمكنت من تحقيق ذلك‪”.‬‬ ‫ويتابع العصفور «التحقت بكلية الطيران في الواليات المتحدة سنة‬ ‫‪ ،2010‬ومن ثم انتقلت إلى ايسلندا ومن بعدها إلى اليونان‪ ،‬الستكمال‬ ‫ساعات الطيران المخصصة حنتى أتمكن من الحصول على الرخصة‪،‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫رسميا في الكويت وانضممت إلى فريق عمل‬ ‫وهي الرخصة المعترف بها‬ ‫الخطوط الجوية الكويتية نهاية عام ‪”.2013‬‬ ‫وعن عدد الساعات التي حلق بها في األجواء خالل وظيفته ككابتن طائرة‪،‬‬ ‫أشار الكابتن عبد المحسن العصفور « هواية السفر أمتلكها منذ الصغر‬ ‫حيث سافرت إلى عدد كبير من دول العالم من الشرق إلى الغرب وكان‬ ‫أبرزها موسكو والتي كانت من أجمل دول العالم التي قمت بزيارتها‪،‬‬ ‫واعتبرها من أكثر التجارب المتميزة وأنصح محبي السفر زيارتها عندما‬ ‫تسمح لهم الفرصة لذلك ألنها دولة تتميز بجمالها وطبيعتها‪».‬‬ ‫وعن شغفه في السفر بالطائرات‪ ،‬يقول الكابتن عبد المحسن العصفور‪،‬‬ ‫«وظيفة كابتن الطائرة هي وظيفة الحرية حيث أن مكتبي الخاص يكون‬ ‫في الجو‪ ،‬في جميع دول العالم دون استثناء‪ ،‬كما أنها مهنة مميزة‬ ‫ووظيفة الحرية كما أسميها‪ ،‬فأنا أحلق في األجواء وانتقل من دولة إلى‬ ‫ً‬ ‫أيضا‬ ‫أخرى على مدار ستة أيام متتالية ومن ثم يومين راحة وهذا يعتمد‬ ‫على عدد ساعات الطيران”‪.‬‬ ‫أما بالنسبة الكثر بلدان العالم التي زارها‪ ،‬يشير أنه بشكل تقريبي زار جميع‬ ‫دول العالم دون استثناء‪ ،‬ولكن بحكم وظيفته تعتبر الدول الخليجية من أكثر‬ ‫الدول التي زارها في العالم بسبب الرحالت اليومية التي تتجه إلى هناك‪.‬‬ ‫وأضاف الكابتن عبد المحسن العصفور أن التدريب على الطيران كان‬ ‫يتسخدم فيه طائرات المراوح والتي تعتبر أكثر متعة من الطائرات المدنية‪.‬‬ ‫وعن أفضل الوجهات التي ينصح محبي السفر بها زيارة موسكو‪ ،‬ايسلندا‪،‬‬ ‫واسطنبول‪ .‬وأضاف أن اختيار مكان السفر يعتمد على الهدف األساسي من‬ ‫الرحلة وبذلك يعتمد على رغبة المسافر نفسه إال أنه يشدد على ضرورة زيارة‬ ‫دول جديدة للتعرف أكثر على حضارات وثقافات شعوب العالم‪.‬‬ ‫في عام ‪ 2012‬تم ذكر اسم الكابتن عبد المحسن العصفور هو‬ ‫طيار كويتي يدرج اسمه على الموقع االلكتروني الخاص إلدارة‬ ‫أول ّ‬ ‫الطيران الفيدرالية األميركية حيث اجتاز التعليم العالي‪ ،‬الرخصة‬ ‫والمعايير الطبية‪.‬‬

‫‪24 25‬‬


Jumeirah Vittaveli A step into the paradise of Maldives


20 -minute boat ride from MalĂŠ International Airport brings you to Jumeirah Vittaveli. Whether for an intimate escape or an indulgent family retreat, Jumeirah Vittaveli offers unmatched diversity, subtle luxury and personalized exploration. Impeccable choice and seamless service shape the character of this resort paradise, where every detail has been meticulously crafted to inspire journeys of discovery and enjoyment. Nestled in a spot of astounding beauty and ideal for couples, families or small groups, Jumeirah Vittaveli brings personalized excitement to your holiday.


Guest Villas and Suites Jumeirah Vittaveli comprises 89 villas and suites each offering exquisite views of the Indian Ocean. With an individual foyer, all 36 stunning beach villas have spacious interiors, with a breathtaking open air shower. Outdoor day beds created for languorous relaxation by an individual pool. Lagoon Villa Lagoon Suite Set above the crystalline waters of the lagoon, all the seven exclusive suites are accessible by a traditional Dhoni craft. A sublime retreat of pure opulence, these havens are designed with individual outdoor covered terraces on stilts crafted with split-level wooden verandas that lead into the turquoise waters of the lagoon.

relaxed al fresco dining by the sea, or cocktails and culinary sophistication within themed interiors. Talise Spa With a selection of wellness programs available to choose from, theteam of traditional and alternative therapists will cater to every holistic need. Sports & Leisure For the love of fitness and well-being, set time aside to visit the Health Spa and Gym. Wander along sea facing trails of unsurpassed beauty; immerse yourself in the sea with snorkelling, canoeing, windsurfing and diving in some of the world’s rarest coral reefs.

Beach Suite

Family Activities

Comprising a two-bedroom duplex, a dazzling pool leads onto a vista of sun-kissed beach, mesmerizing waters and azure skies. Each Beach Suite has its own stunning rooftop terrace that is an idyllic spot for magical moments of unfettered peace.

All activities on the daily program are fun as well as educational; scheduled activities include: stingray feeding, water spor ts, treasure hunts, ar ts and crafts, understanding our neighbours – marine life and traditions of the Maldives, T-shir t painting and junior lifeguard/water safety sessions. The family/children’s pool is adjacent to the Kids and Teens clubs and is monitored by a life guard during hours of operation, providing peace of mind for the guests. The resor t also offers specific children’s menus in all three restaurants and throughout the in-room dinning menu. The resor t also provides a babysitting service.

Restaurants Jumeirah Vittaveli offers a wide variety of cuisine catering for every type of palate. Based on an appreciation of individuality and unique luxury service, our award-winning chefs maintain a culture of excellence in our three restaurants, whether for

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‫فيالت وأجنحة الضيوف‬ ‫يضم فندق جميرا فيتافيلي ‪ 89‬فيال‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫أم ا‬ ‫الهندي‪.‬‬ ‫المحيط‬ ‫على‬ ‫منها‬ ‫لكل‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫كل‬ ‫والبالغ عددها ‪ ،36‬فيوجد في‬

‫بمساحاتها الداخلية الفسيحة وحوض‬

‫وجناح ا مع إطاللة مميزة‬ ‫ً‬ ‫فيالت الشاطئ المبهرة‬ ‫وتتمي ز‬ ‫منها بهو خاص‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫استحمام‪.‬‬

‫فيالت البحيرة‬ ‫وتقع أجنحة البحيرة‪ ،‬البالغ عددها سبعة‪ ،‬فوق مياه البحيرة‬ ‫المتأللئة ويمكن الوصول إليها بواسطة قوارب «دوني»‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫بكل ما للكلمة‬ ‫التقليدية‪ّ .‬إن ها مالذ مفعم بأجواء من البذخ‬ ‫تم تصميم ّ‬ ‫تر اس خارجي مسقوف‬ ‫من معنى‪ .‬وقد ّ‬ ‫كل منها مع ّ‬ ‫مشي د على ركائز موصولة بشرفات خشبية يمكن الوصول منها‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫إلى مياه البحيرة ذات ّ‬ ‫الل ون الفيروزي‪.‬‬

‫جناح الشاطئ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫كل جنا ح من طا بقين و غرفتي نو م و حو ض سبا حة‬ ‫يتأ ّل ف‬ ‫مبهر ينفتح على أفق يعتنق بشمسه ا لبحر بميا هه ا آل سرة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ا لعا كسة زرقة ا لسما ء‪ .‬و ّ‬ ‫خل ب على‬ ‫تر ا س‬ ‫لكل جنا ح شاطئي ّ‬ ‫سطحه و هو ا لبقعة ا لمثا لية لقضا ء أ و قا ت حا لمة و سط‬ ‫سكو ن ال ا نقطا ع له‪.‬‬

‫ا لمطا عم‬ ‫تقد م المطاعم في جميرا فيتافيلي تشكيلة واسعة من‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫المأكوالت التي ترضي جميع األذواق‪ .‬هنا تحظى الفرادة‬ ‫ً‬ ‫أيض ا‬ ‫والمتمي زة بجانب كبير من األهمية وهنا‬ ‫والخدمة الفاخرة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫يسعى طهاتنا الحاصلون على جوائز للحفاظ على ثقافة من‬ ‫وتقد م المطاعم تجربة فاخرة في‬ ‫التمي ز في المطاعم الثالثة‪.‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫الطعام في الهواء الطلق بمحاذاة البحر أو ارتشاف الكوكتيالت‬

‫الذو اقة في‬ ‫باإلضافة إلى تقديم أفخم فنون الطهي واألطباق‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫أجواء وتصاميم داخلية تخدم مواضيع معينة‪.‬‬

‫منتجع تاليز الصحي‬ ‫عد ة برامج للعناية بكم حيث‬ ‫في المركز‪ ،‬يمكنكم االختيار من بين ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫المؤل ف من اختصاصيين في العالج التقليدي‬ ‫سيتول ى فريقنا‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫بكاف ة احتياجاتكم‪.‬‬ ‫والعالج البديل االعتناء بكم واإلحاطة‬

‫الرياضة والترفيه‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫صح تهم‬ ‫مم ن يحافظون على‬ ‫الل ياقة البدنية‬ ‫لمحب ي‬ ‫يمكن‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫الصح ية والمركز الر ياضي ‪.‬‬ ‫العناية‬ ‫مركز‬ ‫يارة‬ ‫لز‬ ‫وقت‬ ‫تخصيص‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫خط ته‬ ‫التنز ه قبالة البحر ليروا أبهى ما‬ ‫كما يمكن للنزالء‬ ‫الطبيعة من آيات الجمال ‪ّ .‬ات جهوا إلى البحر واختاروا من بين‬ ‫ر ياضات الغطس وركوب القوارب الصغيرة وركوب األمواج‬ ‫والغوص في أحضان إحد ى أندر الشعاب المرجانية في العالم‪.‬‬

‫األنشطة العائلية‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫كاف ة األنشطة الترفيهية في البرامج اليومية بطابعها‬ ‫تت سم‬ ‫ً‬ ‫أيض ا‪ .‬ومن بين األنشطة الثابتة على البرنامج‬ ‫المرح والتعليمي‬ ‫نذكر‪ :‬إطعام سمك الرقيطة وممارسة الرياضات المائية وألعاب‬ ‫والتعر ف على الكائنات‬ ‫البحث عن الكنز‪ ،‬وشغل الحرف اليدوية‪،‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫البحرية وتقاليد جزر المالديف‪ ،‬والرسم على القمصان‪ ،‬وجلسات‬ ‫التدريب على السالمة في الماء‪ /‬المنقذ الصغير‪.‬‬ ‫المخص ص للعائالت‪ /‬األطفال ناديي األطفال‬ ‫يتاخم حوض السباحة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫يتول ى مراقبته خالل ساعات‬ ‫ويخص ص له منقذ بحري‬ ‫والناشئة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫يوف ر المنتجع لوائح طعام‬ ‫يوف ر راحة البال للنزالء‪ .‬كما‬ ‫مم ا‬ ‫العمل ّ‬ ‫مخص صة لألطفال في المطاعم الثالثة وفي خدمة الغرف‪ ،‬عدا عن‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫أيض ا‪.‬‬ ‫يوف رها المنتجع‬ ‫خدمة مجالسة األطفال التي‬


‫جميرا فيتافيلي‬ ‫خطوة في جنة المالديف‬

‫مدة ‪ 20‬دقيقة فقط في رحلة على متن القارب‪.‬‬ ‫سيستغرق وصولكم إلى فندق جميرا فيتافيلي من مطار مالي الدولي ّ‬ ‫يقدم خيارات‬ ‫وسواء أكانت رحلة لقضاء وقت خاص وحميم أو لالنغماس في رحلة استجمام عائلية‪ّ ،‬‬ ‫فإن فندق جميرا فيتافيلي ّ‬ ‫يتميز بخياراته المثالية‬ ‫متنوعة ال مثيل لها وسط أجواء فاخرة وفي تجربة استكشاف شخصية‪ .‬فهذا المنتجع الفردوسي‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫تم تصميم ّ‬ ‫بجماليته رحالت االستكشاف والمرح التي يقوم بها الضيوف‪.‬‬ ‫كل تفصيل بعناية فائقة ليطبع‬ ‫وخدمته الراقية‪ .‬هنا ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫يقع الفندق في أحضان بقعة ذات جمال خ ّلاب تعتبر مثالية لألزواج والعائالت والمجموعات الصغيرة‪ .‬ستحفل عطلتكم في جميرا‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫لكل فرد منكم بال شك‪.‬‬ ‫المخصصة‬ ‫فيتافيلي باإلثارة‬ ‫ّ‬

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Three of the Region’s best Sheraton Dubai Creek Hotel & Towers


he world is on our doorstep, and whilst travel is essential for both body and soul sometimes it’s good to remember the gems we have close by. Here we take at look at our current favourite venues in three of the region’s best cities – Dubai, Muscat and Beirut. Dubai Sheraton Dubai Creek Hotel & Towers The first Starwood hotel to open in the UAE in 1978 – Sheraton Dubai Creek Hotel & Towers epitomizes the iconic Dubai Creek with added glory followed by an extensive US$50 million renovation completed in April 2014. Get away from city noises, celebrate Dubai’s heritage nooks, indulge your senses in Michelin-starred chef’s restaurants and immerse yourself in the outstanding view of the unique Dubai Creek and skyline. Illuminated by a thousand lights, the modern infrastructure of Dubai is sought after by travelers from all over and Dubai intends to retain its status in 2015 as the most popular travel destination for the MENA region. Even before Dubai was known for its breath-taking frame today, it is by the ‘Creek’ that the heart of the city lies. With its strategic location, idyllic guestrooms and impeccable taste, Sheraton Dubai Creek, known as “Lady of the Creek”, has an added advantage; offering magnificent views overlooking the trade waters of Dubai’s historic creek and famous skyline, magnified by its modern interpretation of classic design and ageless décor. Contemporary, yet with a residential and approachable feel, onboard with enhanced technology, the property strikes a brilliant balance of Old and New Dubai. The fully refurbished 268 guestrooms and suites offer the perfect setting of style and technology; the creek-view rooms and suites are always in demand for their panoramic view with ceiling high windows looking into the creek itself. TRIED AND TESTED MUST-DOs • A short walk to the Creek, leading to the dhow wharfage, transporting goods to and from Dubai for over 100 years • Spice, Gold and Textile Souks • Old merchant market of Al Bastakiya • Dubai Museum

• Dhow cruises along the creek; traditional to the glassenclosed Bateaux Dubai • Yacht Club • Golf Club • Cultural Tour led by residents of the Emirate • Access to Dubai Metro • Desert Safaris arrangements. You may also enjoy hours of restorative massages, the poolside and renovated gym, and the many eateries at the property itself.


‫تسليط الضوء على أفضل الفنادق في المنطقة‬ ‫فندق وأبراج شيراتون دبي كريك‬

‫العالم وما فيه يقف على عتبة بابنا‪ .‬ففي حين ُيعتبر السفر ضرور ًيا للجسد والروح‪ ،‬قد يفيدنا أحيانًا أن نقف لحظة ونتذكّ ر‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫حاليا في أجمل مدن هذه‬ ‫المفضلة‬ ‫مما نخال‪ .‬دعونا نلقي نظرة على بعض المعالم‬ ‫ً‬ ‫أن أجمل ما سخّ ره اهلل لنا قد يكون أقرب ّ‬ ‫وتحديدا دبي‪ ،‬ومسقط‪ ،‬وبيروت‪.‬‬ ‫المنطقة‪،‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫دبي‬ ‫فندق وأبراج شيراتون دبي كريك‬ ‫في العام ‪ ،1978‬افتُ تح فندق وأبراج شيراتون دبي كريك في اإلمارات‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫األول لسلسلة فنادق ستاروود في البلد‪،‬‬ ‫المت حدة ليكون‬ ‫العربية‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫جمال‪ .‬وبعد سنوات‬ ‫يجس د روعة خور دبي ويزيده‬ ‫اسمه‬ ‫يدل‬ ‫كما‬ ‫وهو‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫الحقة‪ ،‬خضع هذا الفندق ألعمال تجديد واسعة النطاق بلغت كلفتها‬ ‫‪ 50‬مليون دوالر أميركي ُ‬ ‫نهائي ا في أبريل ‪.2014‬‬ ‫وأنجزت‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫حواس ك في‬ ‫ودل ل‬ ‫واحتف بتراث دبي‪،‬‬ ‫ابتعد عن ضجيج المدينة‪،‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫مطاعم حائزة على نجمة ميشالن‪ ،‬وانغمس في مشاهد آسرة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫وخط األفق‪.‬‬ ‫ومنقطعة النظير لخور دبي‬ ‫تعج البنية التحتية لمدينة دبي‬ ‫في مكتنف األضواء والنباريس‪،‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫بزو ارها القادمين من كل بقاع األرض‪ ،‬وهي تطمح ألن تحافظ‬ ‫الحديثة ّ‬ ‫استقطاب ا في منطقة الشرق‬ ‫لسنة ‪ 2015‬على لقبها كالوجهة األكثر‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫وحت ى قبل أن تُ عرف دبي بمشاهدها التي‬ ‫األوسط وشمال إفريقيا‪.‬‬ ‫تخلب األنفاس اليوم‪ ،‬لطالما كان «الخور» هو القلب النابض الذي‬ ‫ترنو إليه المدينة بأسرها‪.‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫فيطل‬ ‫أم ا فندق شيراتون دبي كريك‪ ،‬المعروف باسم «حسناء الخور»‪،‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫بغرفه المبهرة وذوقه الرفيع‪ ،‬وله ميزة ينفرد بها وهي إطاللته على‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫وخط األفق‪ ،‬وما يصاحب ذلك‬ ‫األخ اذ لمياه خور دبي العريق‬ ‫المشهد‬ ‫من تصاميم كالسيكية بلمسة معاصرة وديكور أزلي‪.‬‬ ‫يم حي شعور الضيف ّ‬ ‫بأن ه في‬ ‫ولكن في هذه األجواء المعاصرة‪ ،‬ال ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫التام‬ ‫التوازن‬ ‫من‬ ‫إطار‬ ‫في‬ ‫الحديثة‬ ‫محاط ا بالتكنولوجيا‬ ‫راحة منزله‪،‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫والالفت بين ما كانت عليه دبي في األمس وما هي عليه اليوم‪.‬‬ ‫لتقدم تجربة‬ ‫تم تجديدها بالكامل‬ ‫يتضم ن الفندق ‪ 268‬غرفة‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫وجناح ا ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫مثالية في األسلوب والتكنولوجيا الحديثة‪ .‬وبطبيعة الحال‪ ،‬يزداد‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫والممتدة نوافذها‬ ‫المطل ة على الخور‬ ‫الطلب على الغرف واألجنحة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫حت ى السقف لتعزيز الرؤية‪.‬‬ ‫تفو ت القيام باألنشطة التالية‪:‬‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫وصول إلى مرفأ مراكب الداو حيث‬ ‫سيرا على األقدام إلى الخور‬ ‫• نزهة‬ ‫ً‬ ‫يتم نقل البضائع من دبي وإليها منذ أكثر من ‪ 100‬سنة‪.‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫• سوق التوابل والذهب واألقمشة‪.‬‬ ‫• سوق البستكية القديمة‬ ‫• متحف دبي‬

‫‪30 31‬‬

‫• نزهات بحرية بمراكب الداو على طول الخور؛ أو النزهة التقليدية‬ ‫بسفينة باتو دبي الزجاجية‪.‬‬ ‫• نادي اليخوت‬ ‫• نادي الغولف‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫سك ان اإلمارات‬ ‫• جولة ثقافية يديرها مرشدون من‬ ‫• ركوب مترو دبي‬ ‫• سفاري في الصحراء‬ ‫ً‬ ‫أيض ا بقضاء بضع ساعات في جلسة تدليك عالجية‪،‬‬ ‫قد تستمتع‬ ‫الم عاد تأهيله بمحاذاة بركة السباحة‪ ،‬أو في‬ ‫الرياضي‬ ‫النادي‬ ‫أو في‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫المتوف رة في الفندق نفسه‪.‬‬ ‫المطاعم الكثيرة‬


Muscat Chedi


here the majestic Al Hajar Mountains meet their luminous reflection in the serene waters of the Gulf of Oman, the Chedi Muscat rises amidst an elegantly landscaped twenty-one acre garden oasis with 158 Omani influenced guestrooms and villas.

This sublime yet central location equally suits leisure and business travellers while six distinct restaurants, a just opened thirteen-suite Balinese spa, three swimming pools, including the 103-metre Long Pool, 400-square metre health club plus two executive meeting rooms enhance Muscat’s considerable cultural attractions. Facilities at The Chedi Muscat are utterly comprehensive. Nine venues whisk our guests around the culinary world, from the Mediterranean and the Middle East to Southeast Asia and India. Dine casually with bare feet in the sand, under starry Arabian Nights or more formally under European chandeliers. Add sparkle to any meal with Omani jewellery from our treasure chest of a boutique where exquisite local artistry is elegantly displayed alongside resort wear and handcrafted keepsakes under soaring Islamic style arches. Should outside realities require your attention in the intimate Business Centre at the Serai wing that stays open for your convenience. • The club lounge E CLUB LOUNGE - the Club Lounge is an exclusive and private retreat that features an extensive library in a double height, awe-inspiring setting. • Business Centre - for both business and leisure travellers that need to stay connected during their stay, the Chedi Muscat offer a 24-hour Business Centre. • The Boutique - for a unique shopping experience, visit The Boutique located just off the main lobby area of the hotel. Housed in a cosy enclave, complete with Islamic-style arches and high ceilings, it offers a full range of carefully selected, handpicked items. • Spa & Fitness - this 800 square meter relaxation and fitness haven, the largest spa in Muscat, offers the personalized, discreet service of the region’s finest wellness professionals. Balinese therapies, Indian Ayurveda and indigenous rituals are amongst the highlights on the spa’s comprehensive menu, delivered in thirteen meditative spa suites that combine dramatic Omani architecture with calming Asian interiors.


‫مسقط‬ ‫شيدي‬

‫حيثما تلتقي جبال الحجر الشامخة بانعكاسها المتأللئ في مياه خليج ُعمان الساكنة‪ ،‬يزهو فندق شيدي مسقط بأ ّبهته وسط‬ ‫فدانًا‪ ،‬وفيه ‪ 158‬غرفة وفيال ذات طابع ُعماني أصيل‪.‬‬ ‫منسقة‬ ‫واحة‬ ‫وممتدة على واحد وعشرين ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬

‫نائي ا‪ ،‬وهو مالئم للمسافرين‬ ‫موقع الفندق مهيب من دون أن يكون‬ ‫ً‬ ‫في رحلة عمل أو بهدف المتعة والسياحة‪ ،‬وفيه ّ‬ ‫ست ة مطاعم‪ ،‬ومنتجع‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫جناح ا‪ ،‬وثالث برك سباحة من بينها‬ ‫مؤل ف من ثالثة عشر‬ ‫اندونيسي‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ممتد على ‪ 400‬متر مربع‪ ،‬إضافة‬ ‫ي‬ ‫صح‬ ‫وناد‬ ‫أمتار‪،‬‬ ‫‪103‬‬ ‫بطول‬ ‫بركة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫إلى غرفتي اجتماعات‪ ،‬وكل ها تضفي قيمة إلى المعالم الثقافية‬ ‫والسياحية لمسقط الجميلة‪.‬‬ ‫باختصار‪ ،‬يمكن القول إن المرافق في فندق شيدي مسقط شاملة‪.‬‬ ‫الزوار وتعريفهم على األطباق‬ ‫تسعة مطاعم مفتوحة الستقبال‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫العالمية‪ ،‬من المطبخ المتوسطي‪ ،‬إلى الشرق أوسطي‪ ،‬وجنوب‬ ‫ً‬ ‫إم ا االستمتاع‬ ‫شرق اآلسيوي‬ ‫وصول إلى الهندي‪ .‬وبوسع الضيوف ّ‬ ‫بتجربة تناول الطعام وهم حفاة األقدام على رمال الشاطئ تحت‬ ‫مرص عة بالنجوم في ليلة عربية ساحرة‪ ،‬أم في أجواء ذات طابع‬ ‫سماء‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ثري ات أوروبية فاخرة‪ .‬وإلضفاء البريق إلى أمسية‬ ‫رسمي أكثر تحت ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫العشاء‪ ،‬بوسع السيدات االختيار من مجموعة ُح لي ُع مانية من‬ ‫مدب بة من‬ ‫متجر رائع للحرف المحلية والمعروضة بأناقة تحت عقود‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫فن العمارة اإلسالمية‪ ،‬إلى جانب القطع التذكارية المصنوعة باليد‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫وبعض الملبوسات‪ .‬وفي حال كان العالم الخارجي ال يزال يستحوذ على‬ ‫مفتوح ا‬ ‫انتباهك‪ ،‬يبقى مركز األعمال في جناح السراي في الفندق‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫بكل احتياجاتك‪.‬‬ ‫لإلحاطة‬ ‫ويضم‬ ‫• مقهى «إي كلوب الونج»‪ -‬هو مقهى والونج حصري وهادئ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫مكتبة مهيبة من طابقين‪.‬‬ ‫مخص ص للمسافرين ألغراض العمل أو السياحة‬ ‫• مركز األعمال –‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫يقدم فندق‬ ‫ويرغبون في االتصال بأحبائهم خالل فترة إقامتهم‪ .‬لهؤالء‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫مركزا للتواصل يفتح على مدار الساعة‪.‬‬ ‫شيدي مسقط‬ ‫التسوق‪ْ ،‬زر متجر «ذا بوتيك»‬ ‫• متجر «ذا بوتيك» – لتجربة فريدة في‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫مدب بة وعالية‬ ‫الواقع خلف ردهة االستقبال في الفندق‪ ،‬أسفل عقود‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫فن العمارة اإلسالمية الجميل‪.‬‬ ‫السقف من ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫لكل َم ن يبحث عن‬ ‫• المنتجع الصحي والنادي الرياضي ‪ -‬هو المالذ‬ ‫االسترخاء أو اللياقة البدنية‪ ،‬حيث ّأن ه أكبر منتجع صحي في مسقط‬ ‫يقدم العالج فيه طاقم‬ ‫مرب ع‪.‬‬ ‫ويمتد على مساحة ‪ 800‬متر‬ ‫بكاملها‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫من أفضل المحترفين في مجال العالجات األندونيسية‪ ،‬واأليورفيدا‬ ‫يقدمها المنتجع الصحي في‬ ‫الهندية‪ ،‬والممارسات المحلية التي‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫أجنحته الثالثة عشرة التي تجمع بين العمارة العمانية المذهلة‬ ‫والتصاميم الداخلية اآلسيوية التي تبعث على الهدوء والطمأنينة‪.‬‬

‫‪32 33‬‬


Le Gray Hotel Beirut Modern Classic and Contemporar y Chic


mong luxury hotels in Beirut, Le Gray is a contemporary-classic hotel as stylish as the Beirut itself that stands out with its location in the historic downtown district. By day, the Mediterranean sparkles in front with the peaks of Mount Lebanon in the distance. By night, Beirut’s joie de vivre spills out of near by Gemmayze’s neighborhood restaurants. Le Gray Beirut is member of the Leading Hotels of the World, with an exclusive service and a maturity signé Campbell Gray. Le Gray brings the individuality of the Campbell Gray Hotels to the heart of the Middle East, after award- winning Antigua bolthole, Carlisle Bay.

The design concept of Le Gray hotel Contemporary chic, sophisticated, Le Gray counts 500 art pieces of arts in many shapes and mediums hand selected by Gordon Campbell Gray from different cities of the world such as Cuba, Addis Ababa, France and Beirut. The Floral Panel is designed by Féerie Florale, commissioned to French artist Valerie Boy that is designed with white spray painted metal wall with fret cut flowers with a laser cutter, backlit with Led lights, curved walls, cast resin with metallic bronze matt finish manufactured in sections and shipped over from the UK. Each section was made individually to fit the curve and had to link in seamlessly with the following pieces: Le Gray hotel offers cool, modern interiors, with 87 wonderfully spacious rooms and sensational suites, exciting restaurants, all accompanied by warm and highly professional service. The outstanding facilities are completed by the chic Gordon’s Café, the tranquil and delightful Pure Gray spa, the high-tech gym and the Board Room. Beirut Central District is the smart downtown district, which has been the subject of a wonderful restoration, and is close to some of the best shopping and entertainment in the city. Wow Factors at Le Gray • Indigo on the Roof, the glamorous rooftop restaurant, with wraparound views a large terrace and a menu of modern classics. • Gordon’s Café, vibrant all day café serving light breakfast, fresh salads, organic dishes, fresh fish, homemade pasta and English afternoon tea with homemade tarts. • Pool Lounge - indoor and outdoor seating Light and healthy dishes, fresh juices and smoothies • Cherry on the Rooftop - At sunset our Pool Lounge puts on the evening attire and gets ready to join Beirut’s nightlife. Aimed at

attracting a young and stylish crowd, Cherry on the Rooftop is a lounge-bar with plenty of comfortable red and white couches, superb innovative cocktails, sharing platters and light bites and wonderful music! • PureGray Health Club and Spa - Six treatment rooms including one for couples, and a wet treatment room. Natura Bissé products. Gym with state-of-the-art equipment, built-in TV and personal sound systems. Hair and beauty salon.


‫بيروت ‪ -‬فندق لو غراي‬ ‫كالسيكية حديثة وأناقة معاصرة‬

‫من بين الفنادق الفخمة التي تز ّين مدينة بيروت‪ ،‬يبرز “لو غراي” بمزيجه الكالسيكي والمعاصر وبأناقته التي تتماشى‬ ‫المتوسط نها ًرا وكأ نّها تر نّم‬ ‫تاريخيا‪ .‬تتألأل مياه‬ ‫سيما من حيث موقعه في الوسط التجاري العريق‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫مع هذه المدينة وال ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫الجميزة‬ ‫حي‬ ‫أما ليلا‪ ،‬تجد حياة السهر النابضة في مطاعم‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫طر ًبا على نغمات قمم الجبال المحاذية لها في األفق‪ّ .‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫مميزة من توقيع كامبل غراي‪ .‬وبعد‬ ‫ويقدم خدمة‬ ‫المجاور‪ .‬فندق لو غراي عضو في اتّحاد الفنادق الرائدة في العالم‪،‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫منتجع كارليسل باي الحائز جوائز في جزيرة أنتيغوا‪ ،‬يعود لو غراي ويكشف عن فرادة فنادق كامبل غراي‪ ،‬وهذه‬ ‫المر ة في مكتنف منطقة الشرق األوسط الساحرة‪.‬‬ ‫ّ‬

‫يضم الفندق ‪ 500‬تحفة فنية‬ ‫يتمي ز الفندق بتصميم أنيق ومعاصر‪،‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫شخصي ا‬ ‫متنوعة األشكال واألحجام‪ ،‬وقد اختارها غوردن كامبل غراي‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫من المدن المختلفة التي زارها حول العالم مثل كوبا‪ ،‬وأديس أبابا‪،‬‬ ‫وفرنسا‪ ،‬وبيروت‪.‬‬ ‫وع هد بتنفيذها إلى‬ ‫ُص ّم مت واجهة الزهور على يد فيري فلورال‪ُ ،‬‬ ‫الفنانة الفرنسية فاليري بوي‪ ،‬وهي عبارة عن جدار فوالذي مطلي برذاذ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ويتخل له نقش األزهار المحفورة بالليزر‪ ،‬ومصابيح بتقنية ‪،LED‬‬ ‫أبيض‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫الم ّ‬ ‫صن ع‬ ‫وجدران منحنية‪ ،‬والراتنج المصبوب مع البرونز غير الل ماع ُ‬ ‫وتم تنفيذ‬ ‫والم ستقدم من المملكة المتحدة‪.‬‬ ‫على شكل قطع فردية‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫وتكم ل بانسيابية‬ ‫الجدار‬ ‫انحناءة‬ ‫مع‬ ‫لتتالءم‬ ‫منفصل‬ ‫كل قطعة بشكل‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫باقي قطع األحجية‪:‬‬

‫وتتمي ز غرفه وأجنحته‬ ‫يزخر لو غراي بتصاميم داخلية من الطراز الحديث‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫تقدم مطاعمه تجربة‬ ‫الثمانية والسبعون برحابتها وأجوائها الحميمة‪ ،‬كما ّ‬ ‫ذواقة مصحوبة بخدمة راقية‪.‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫وهذا ليس ّ‬ ‫يكم لها مقهى غوردونز‬ ‫الممي زة‬ ‫كل شيء‪ ،‬فهذه المرافق‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫المتطور‬ ‫الرياضي‬ ‫والنادي‬ ‫لالسترخاء‪،‬‬ ‫غراي‬ ‫بيور‬ ‫ومنتجع‬ ‫كافيه األنيق‪،‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫للغاية‪ ،‬وقاعة االجتماعات‪.‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ذكي ا‬ ‫مركزا‬ ‫َو َس ط بيروت أصبح اليوم بعد ترميمه بهذا الشكل المذهل‬ ‫ً‬ ‫التسوق ووجهات‬ ‫لهذه المدينة‪ ،‬وهو قريب من بعض أفضل متاجر‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫الترفيه في العاصمة‪.‬‬

‫عناصر االجتذاب في فندق لو غراي‬ ‫راق على السطح وله إطاللة‬ ‫• مطعم «إنديغو أون ذا روف»‪ ،‬وهو مطعم ٍ‬ ‫بزاوية دائرية على المدينة‪.‬‬ ‫ويقدم الفطور‬ ‫• مقهى «غوردونز كافيه»‪ ،‬وهو مقهى نابض بالحياة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫الخفيف‪ ،‬والسلطات الطازجة‪ ،‬واألطباق العضوية‪ ،‬والسمك الطازج‪،‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫المحض رة في البيت‪.‬‬ ‫المحض رة في البيت‪ ،‬والشاي والحلويات‬ ‫والباستا‬ ‫وتتضم ن فسحة داخلية وخارجية للجلوس واالستمتاع‬ ‫• بركة السباحة‪،‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫باألطباق الخفيفة والصحية‪ ،‬والعصائر الطازجة والمخفوقات‪.‬‬ ‫• «تشيري أون ذا روفتوب» – عند المغيب تلبس ردهة بركة السباحة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫لتتحض ر لحياة السهر في بيروت‪ .‬يجتذب هذا البار‬ ‫حل تها المسائية‬

‫‪34 35‬‬

‫رائع ا ّ‬ ‫تلف ه األرائك البيضاء‬ ‫جوا‬ ‫والزوار الشباب حيث‬ ‫النزالء‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫يقدم لهم ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫المقب الت الخفيفة‪،‬‬ ‫والحمراء‪ ،‬والكوكتيالت اللذيذة المبتكرة‪ ،‬وأطباق‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫والموسيقى الساحرة!‬ ‫‪.‬‬ ‫ست غرف للعالج ومن بينها واحدة‬ ‫ويتضم ن‬ ‫• مركز بيور غراي الصحي‪،‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫للمتزوجين‪ ،‬إضافة إلى غرفة للعالج تحت المياه‪ .‬يستخدم النادي الصحي‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫المعدات‪،‬‬ ‫فيتضم ن أحدث‬ ‫الرياضي‬ ‫النادي‬ ‫ا‬ ‫أم‬ ‫بيسيه‪.‬‬ ‫ناتورا‬ ‫منتجات‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫لكل شخص‪ .‬ولم يغفل المنتجع‬ ‫وجهاز تلفزيون مدمج مع أنظمة صوت‬ ‫عن توفير صالون للعناية بالشعر والجمال‪.‬‬


The Business of Travel

JLL’s Hotels & Hospitality Group Middle East Hotel Intelligence Repor ts for the key markets of Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Doha, Jeddah and Riyadh


mid strong international appetite for hotel assets in the Unites States, Western Europe and Asia Pacific, the Middle East and Africa region continues to witness solid hotel development activity and destination building. The UAE is expected to retain its status as the region’s main tourist hub with active and differentiated strategies being implemented in other countries in the region such as Saudi Arabia, Oman and Qatar. Hotel assets continue to be favoured by sophisticated investors and require the right level of professional expertise whether internal or third party provided.

Chiheb Ben-Mahmoud, Executive Vice President – Head of Hotels & Hospitality Group, Middle East & Africa at JLL, said: “While Dubai hotels ADR’s and occupancy rates have been declining, their levels remain strong and healthy and can be expected to improve the competitive position of the city compared to other competing and established destinations in Europe and Asia. Dubai continues to strengthen its position as a leading tourism destination in the Middle East due to its ease of access, quality branded hospitality offering, modern infrastructure, leisure and entertainment options and safe environment. Long term hospitality development in Dubai has been bolstered by the vision of H.H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, for Tourism for 2020, supported by the planning and implementation efforts of DTCM.” Mr. Ben-Mahmoud continued: “More generally, the Middle East and Africa region continues to witness strong hotel development interest with differentiated and diverse strategies, supported by strong infrastructure programmes as well as niche and specialized hospitality offerings such as heritage, boutique and retreat hotels.” Summary highlights, 2015 Hotel Intelligence Reports for key Middle East Markets: • The trend of Dubai being seen as a global business and leisure destination should continue in coming years, backed by the government’s pro-tourism initiatives. Investors are confident in the potential of the UAE, especially Dubai and Abu Dhabi as they

have implemented ambitious growth strategies. Dubai leads the tourism and hospitality market and has plans to attract 20 million tourists annually by 2020 leading up to the World Expo. Dubai hospitality has shown competitiveness adjustments, resulting in lower ADR’s and occupancy rates which remain at healthy and strong levels. Abu Dhabi hospitality is witnessing positive recovery amid a stabilization of the supply and the growing impact of the leisure and entertainment sectors. • Due to the nature of Doha’s room supply which is heavily skewed towards luxury properties, Doha is able to yield high average room rates for the region; however they have been under pressure and decreasing since 2008. This pressure will be compounded further by the 15,400 new rooms in the pipeline which represent a doubling of total stock in the coming years. Development of leisure tourism will remain critical to the long term tourism growth in Doha particularly beyond the 2022 FIFA World Cup event. • Demand may be affected in the coming months by the decrease in oil prices since KSA’s economy is largely based on oil exports. Moreover, the numerous new entrants to the market will affect performance and we expect average rates to decline further during 2015. The development pipeline is promising with many international brands planning to open in the second largest city in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which will increase the current number of rooms by 75%. Although Riyadh is already home to major international brands, there is a strong pipeline of hotels under development which will impact performance levels across hotels.


‫قطاع السفر‬

‫تقرير مجموعة الفنادق والضيافة في جون النغ السال عن المعلومات حول فنادق الشرق األوسط في األسواق الرئيسية لدبي‬ ‫وأبوظبي والدوحة وجدة والرياض‬

‫في ظل اإلقبال العالمي الكبير على امتالك األصول الفندقية في الواليات المتحدة أوروبا الغربية وآسيا والمحيط‬ ‫ً‬ ‫نشاطا كبير في تطوير الفنادق وبناء الوجهات الجديدة‪ .‬ومن‬ ‫الهادئ‪ ،‬التزال منطقة الشرق األوسط وأفريقيا تشهد‬ ‫المتو ّقع أن تحافظ اإلمارات العربية المتحدة على مكانتها كمركز سياحي رئيسي في المنطقة بفضل استراتيجيات‬ ‫أيضا في المنطقة كالمملكة العربية السعودية وسلطنة ُعمان وقطر‪ .‬وال تزال‬ ‫ناشطة وفريدة تطبق في دول أخرى‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫المفضلة لدى كبار المستثمرين وهي تتطلب مستوى ال يستهان به من الخبرة المهنية سواء‬ ‫األصول الفندقية هي‬ ‫المحلية أو التي يوفرها طرف ثالث‪.‬‬

‫و في هذ ا ا لسيا ق‪ ،‬يقو ل شها ب بن محمو د‪ ،‬نا ئب ا لرئيس‬ ‫ا لتنفيذ ي و رئيس مجمو عة ا لفناد ق و ا لضيافة لمنطقة‬ ‫ا لشرق ا أل و سط و أفر يقيا في جو ن النغ ال سا ل إ نه «فيما‬ ‫معد الت ا إل شغا ل في‬ ‫ترا جعت أ سعا ر ا لتعرفة ا ليو مية و‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫فناد ق د بي‪ ،‬ال تزا ل تحافظ على مستوى قو ي و سليم و من‬ ‫تحس ن ا لمكا نة ا لتنافسية للمد ينة با لمقا رنة‬ ‫ا لمتو قع أ ن‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫مع ا لمد ن و ا لو جها ت ا لمنافسة ا أل خر ى في أ و روبا و آ سيا‪.‬‬ ‫و تستمر د بي بتعز يز مكا نتها كو جهة سيا حية را ئد ة في‬ ‫ا لشرق ا أل و سط بفضل سهو لة ا لو صو ل إ ليها و جو د ة ا لضيافة‬ ‫و ا لبنية ا لتحتية ا لحد يثة و خيا را ت ا لترفيه ا لمقد مة في بيئة‬ ‫آ منة‪ .‬وإ ن تطوير قطا ع ا لضيافة في إطا ر جهو د طويلة ا أل مد‬ ‫في د بي يند رج في صلب رؤية ا لسيا حة لعا م ‪ 2 0 2 0‬لصا حب‬ ‫ا لسمو ا لشيخ محمد بن را شد آ ل مكتو م‪ ،‬نا ئب رئيس‬ ‫د و لة ا إل ما را ت و رئيس وزرا ئها و حا كم إ ما رة د بي‪ ،‬ا لتي جا ء ت‬ ‫مد عو مة بجهو د ا لتخطيط و ا لنفيذ من جا نب د ا ئرة ‪ ‬ا لسيا حة‬ ‫و ا لتسويق ا لتجا ري ‪ ‬بد بي »‪.‬‬ ‫و تا بع ا لسيد بن محمو د‪ « :‬بشكل عا م‪ ،‬ال تزا ل منطقة ا لشرق‬ ‫كبير ا با لتطوير ا لفند قي‬ ‫ا أل و سط و أفر يقيا تشهد ا هتما ًم ا‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ا لقو ي مع ا سترا تيجية متميزة و مختلفة بد عم برا مج بنى‬ ‫تحتية قوية و خد ما ت ضيافة متخصصة كا لفناد ق ا لتا ر يخية‬ ‫و ا لفناد ق ا لصغيرة ا ألنيقة و فناد ق ا ال ستجما م»‪.‬‬

‫الخطوط العريضة في تقرير المعلومات عن الفنادق للعام‬ ‫‪ 2015‬لألسواق الرئيسية في الشرق األوسط‪:‬‬ ‫• هذ ا ا ّ‬ ‫يمي ز د بي كو جهة عا لمية لأل عما ل‬ ‫الت جا ه ا لذ ي با ت‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫يستمر في ا لسنو ا ت ا لمقبلة مد عو ًم ا‬ ‫و ا لترفيه يجب أ ن‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫تشج ع ا لسيا حة‪ .‬فا لمستثمرون و ضعو ا‬ ‫بمباد را ت حكو مية‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ثقتهم في إ مكا نا ت د و لة ا إل ما را ت‪ ،‬و ال سيما إ ما رتي د بي‬

‫‪36 37‬‬

‫و أ بو ظبي ا للتين طبقتا ا سترا تيجيا ت نمو طمو حة‪ .‬و تتصد ر‬ ‫د بي سو ق ا لسيا حة و ا لضيافة و لد يها خطط با جتذ ا ب ‪2 0‬‬ ‫سنوي ا بحلو ل ‪ 2 0 2 0‬و صو ً‬ ‫ال إ لى معرض إ كسبو‬ ‫مليو ن سا ئح‬ ‫ًّ‬ ‫ا لد و لي ‪ .‬و قد كشف قطا ع ا لضيافة في د بي عن تعد يال ت‬ ‫معد الت‬ ‫أد ت إ لى ترا جع أ سعا ر ا لتعرفة ا ليو مية و‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫تنافسية ّ‬ ‫ا إل شغا ل مع بقا ئها ضمن مستويا ت جيد ة و سليمة‪ .‬أ ما‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ظل‬ ‫بي ا في‬ ‫قطا ع ا لضيافة في أ بو ظبي فيشهد‬ ‫تعافي ا إ يجا ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ا ستقرا ر ا لعرض و ا ألثر ا لمتزا يد لقطا ع ا لترفيه‪.‬‬ ‫نظر ا لطبيعة معرو ض ا لغرف في ا لد و حة و ا لتي تعتمد‬ ‫•‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫تمك نت ا لد و حة من‬ ‫بشكل رئيسي على ا لمنشآت ا لفخمة‪،‬‬ ‫معد الت إشغا ل ا لغرف‪ ،‬و ّ‬ ‫لكن ها‬ ‫رفع متو ّس ط ا لمنطقة في‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫تعا ني من ا لضغط و تترا جع منذ ا لعا م ‪ .2 0 0 8‬و سيزد ا د هذ ا‬ ‫لي ا‪ ،‬ما سينتج‬ ‫ا لضغط مع ‪ 15,4 0 0‬غرفة جد يد ة يتم بناؤ ها حا َّ‬ ‫عنه تضا عف ا لمعرو ض ا إل جما لي للسنو ا ت ا لمقبلة‪ .‬ويبقى‬ ‫سي ا لنمو ا لسيا حة على‬ ‫مر ا أ سا ً‬ ‫تطوير ا لسيا حة ا لترفيهية أ ً‬ ‫ا لمد ى ا لطويل‪ ،‬و ال سيما بعد ا نتها ء فعا لية كأ س ا لعا لم‬ ‫في كرة ا لقد م سنة ‪.2 0 2 2‬‬ ‫• قد يتأ ثر ا لطلب في ا أل شهر ا لمقبلة بز ياد ة أ سعا ر ا لنفط‬ ‫بما أ ن ا قتصاد ا لمملكة ا لعر بية ا لسعو د ية يعتمد بشكل‬ ‫كبير على صاد را ت ا لنفط‪ .‬كما أ ن ا لغرف ا لجد يد ة ا لتي‬ ‫ستد خل إ لى ا لسو ق ستؤثر على ا أل د ا ء و من ا لمرتقب أ ن‬ ‫يترا جع متو ّس ط أ سعا ر ا لتعرفة أ كثر خال ل ا لعا م ‪ .2 015‬كما‬ ‫أ ن جهو د ا لتطوير و ا عد ة مع سعي عال ما ت تجا ر ية عا لمية‬ ‫أ ن تفتح في ثا ني أ كبر مد ينة في ا لمملكة مما سيز يد عد د‬ ‫تضم‬ ‫ا لغرف ا لحا لية ا لمتو ّف رة بـ ‪ .75%‬و صحيح أ ن ا لر ياض‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ثم ة عد د‬ ‫حا ًّ‬ ‫لي ا عال ما ت تجا ر ية عا لمية في ا لقطا ع ا لفند قي‪ّ ،‬‬ ‫كبير من ا لفناد ق قيد ا لتطوير مما سيؤثر على مستوى أد ا ء‬ ‫كافة ا لفناد ق ‪.‬‬


Abu Dhabi


Tourism: 3.4 million tourists visited Abu Dhabi in 2014, up 24% from 2013 and surpassing the 3.1 million visitor target for the year. A similar trend was experienced in passenger traffic at Abu Dhabi International Airport.

‫ أي ما يعادل‬،2014 ‫ مليون سائح في سنة‬3.4 ‫ زار أبوظبي‬:‫السياحة‬ ‫ وهذا الرقم يفوق‬،2013 ‫ مقارنة مع العام‬24% ‫زيادة نسبتها‬ ‫ ولوحظ ّات جاه‬.‫ مليون زائر في السنة‬3.1 ‫المستوى المستهدف وهو‬

Demand: Local and regional markets are still leading the demand in Abu Dhabi which is gradually increasing its volume of leisure visitors from a predominantly corporate demand led market.

‫ ال يزال الطلب على األسواق اإلقليمية والمحلية في‬:‫الطلب‬ ‫تزايد ا في عدد‬ ‫ حيث تشهد هذه األسواق‬،‫الصدارة في أبوظبي‬ ً ‫تدريجي ا بعد أن كان الطلب بهدف األعمال‬ ‫زو ارها بهدف الترفيه‬ ّ ًّ .‫يسيطر على السوق‬

Supply: As 2014 came to a close, Abu Dhabi had 138 graded hotel establishments with a total of 25,433 rooms and serviced apartments. Total supply is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.5% between 2015 and 2018.

‫ مؤسسة‬138 ‫تضم‬ ‫ كانت أبوظبي‬2014 ‫ عند نهاية العام‬:‫العرض‬ ّ ّ ‫المتوق ع أن‬ ‫ ومن‬.‫ غرفة وشقة مفروشة‬25,433 ‫فندقية تحوي‬ ‫ بين‬10.5% ‫مجم ع قدره‬ ‫ينمو إجمالي العرض بمعدل نمو سنوي‬ ّ .2018‫ و‬2015

Performance: RevPAR kept growing in 2014 with a further 4% increase to $107. This growth was made possible by the 8.4% increase in occupancy despite a decline in average rates which are still under pressure.

‫) بالنمو في العام‬RevPAR( ‫ استمر العائد على الغرفة المتوفرة‬:‫األداء‬ ‫ وجاء هذا النمو‬.‫ دوالرات‬107 ‫ ليصل إلى‬4% ‫ مع زيادة بنسبة‬2014 ‫معدل اإلشغال على الرغم من‬ ‫ في‬8.4% ‫على خلفية االرتفاع بنسبة‬ ّ .‫مستمرا‬ ‫يزال‬ ‫ال‬ ‫الذي‬ ‫تراجع أسعار التعرفة تحت الضغط‬ ً

.‫مماثل في حركة المسافرين في مطار أبوظبي الدولي‬


Dubai Tourism: Preliminary 2014 estimates indicate nearly 12 million tourist arrivals in the emirate, registering an 8% growth over 2013. The upward trend reaffirms Dubai’s efforts to achieve its 20 million visitor target for 2020. Demand: In 2014, passenger traffic at DXB rose 13.5% to 70.5 million. The second half of 2014 witnessed challenges from some of the key source markets due to geo-political situations in these countries and the wider Middle East Region.

‫دبي‬ ‫ مليون‬12 ‫ وصول حوالي‬2014 ‫ أشارت التقديرات األولية للعام‬:‫السياحة‬ ً ‫ ويؤكد هذا‬.2013 ‫مقارنة بالعام‬ 8% ‫نموا بنسبة‬ ًّ ‫سائح إلى اإلمارة ما شكل‬ .2020 ‫االرتفاع على جهود دبي بتحقيق هدف العشرين مليون زائر بحلول‬ ‫ ارتفعت حركة المسافرين في مطار دبي الدولي بنسبة‬،2014 ‫ سنة‬:‫الطلب‬ ‫ وشهد النصف الثاني من السنة تحديات‬.‫ مليون‬70.5 ‫ لتصل إلى‬13.5% ‫من بعض األسواق الرئيسية بسبب األوضاع الجيوسياسية في بعض‬ .‫البلدان وفي منطقة الشرق األوسط ككل‬

Supply: At the end of 2014, Dubai had 413 graded hotel establishments with a total of c. 65,000 rooms, up 3,500 compared to 2013. Supply has grown at a CAGR of 5% over the last 5 years. Total room supply is expected to grow 12.5% per annum between 2015 and 2018.

‫ مؤسسة فندقية‬413 ‫ كانت دبي تضم‬،2014 ‫ في نهاية‬:‫العرض‬ ً 56 ‫بمجموع غرف يصل إلى‬ ‫ غرفة إضافية‬3,500 ‫ألف ا أي ما يوازي‬ ً ‫ في‬5% ‫ وازداد العرض بمعدل نمو سنوي مجمع قدره‬.2013 ‫مقارنة مع‬ 12.3% ‫ ومن المتوقع أن ينمو العرض بنسبة‬.‫السنوات الخمس األخيرة‬ .2018‫ و‬2015 ‫في السنة بين‬

Performance: After witnessing the highest performance in 2013 since 2009, RevPAR declined 2.3% in 2014. Average rates remained under pressure as the market became more competitive with additional supply and a softening of demand from key source markets.

‫) أعلى أداء في سنة‬RevPAR( ‫ بعد أن شهد العائد على الغرفة المتوفرة‬:‫األداء‬ ‫ وبقيت المعدالت‬.2014 ‫ في العام‬2.3% ‫ تراجع بنسبة‬،2009 ‫ منذ‬2013 ‫تحت الضغط بما أن السوق أصبحت أكثر تنافسية مع زيادة العرض وتراجع‬ .‫الطلب في األسواق الرئيسية‬

38 39




Tourism: Tourist arrivals in 2014 reached 2.8 million, 8% more than in 2013 and steadily growing at 14% per annum since 2009. Most of the tourists come from neighboring countries, mostly GCC, which represented 40% of total arrivals.

‫ أي‬،‫ مليون‬2.8 ‫ إلى‬2014 ‫ وصل عدد السياح القادمين سنة‬:‫السياحة‬ ‫نموا‬ ‫ ويشهد هذا العدد‬.2013 ‫ بالمقارنة مع‬8% ‫ما يعادل زيادة بنسبة‬ ًّ ً ‫ ويأتي معظم السياح من دول‬.2009 ‫ في السنة منذ‬14% ‫بمعدل‬ ‫ثابت ا‬ ّ ّ .‫ من إجمالي الواصلين‬40% ‫ويمث ل الواصلون من دول الخليج‬ ،‫مجاورة‬

Demand: Demand in Doha is mostly driven by business travel that represents three quarters of arrivals. Qatar Airways is a major facilitator for the increase in tourist arrivals and it has experienced a steep growth in business over the last few years.

‫ يعتمد الطلب في الدوحة بشكل رئيسي على رحالت العمل‬:‫الطلب‬ ‫ وللخطوط الجوية القطرية‬.‫التي تستحوذ على ثالثة أرباع الواصلين‬ ‫دور حيوي في تسهيل وزيادة عدد السياح الواصلين إلى البلد وقد‬ ً ‫مرموق ا في أعمالها في السنوات‬ ‫نمو ا‬ ‫شهدت الشركة بالفعل‬ ًّ

Supply: At the end of 2014, there were approximately 13,900 hotel rooms in Doha, most of them in the upscale to luxury segments. January 2015 saw several openings with 700 rooms entering the market, bringing the total supply to nearly 14,600 hotel rooms.

‫ غرفة فندقية‬13,900 ‫ضم ت الدوحة حوالي‬ 2014 ‫ في نهاية‬:‫العرض‬ ّ ‫ افتتاح فنادق‬2015 ‫ وشهد شهر يناير‬.‫معظمها من الشريحة الفخمة‬ ‫ غرفة جديدة إلى السوق وارتفاع المعروض إلى‬700 ‫عدة مع دخول‬ .‫ غرفة‬14,600 ‫حوالي‬

Performance: Although average room rates have been on the decline since 2008, they reached USD180 in 2014. Doha is a well performing market in the region with occupancy reached a solid 73.6%. RevPAR benefited from this occupancy uplift, and reached USD135 in 2014.

‫ وصل‬،2008 ‫ مع أن متوسط أسعار تعرفة الغرف يتراجع منذ‬:‫األداء‬ ً ‫سوق ا ذات أداء جيد في‬ ‫ وتُ عتبر الدوحة‬.2014 ‫ دوالر سنة‬180 ‫إلى‬ ‫ واستفاد العائد‬.73.6% ‫معدل اإلشغال إلى‬ ‫المنطقة بحيث وصل‬ ّ ‫) من هذه الزيادة في اإلشغال حيث‬RevPAR( ‫على الغرفة المتوفرة‬ .2014 ‫دوالرا سنة‬ 135 ‫بلغ‬ ً

.‫القليلة الماضية‬



My Ideal Vacation

Sulaiman Al-Haji


hether you plan to travel on a yacht, plane, car or train, and whether your trip with family or friends, the point of your choice of travel depends on a specific criteria.

Bags shown are from HARTMANN


We met with Sulaiman Al-Haji, a big fan of traveling who seeks to explore the world around him through his travels which may reach more than 12 trips per year, to tell us about his favorite tourist destination around the world. Where is your ideal holiday destination? There’s many places that would be ideal, however it all depends on one’s current state of mind. So if I were to choose it would be Lake Como, Lago di Como in Italy.

Where would you stay?

‫ سيارة أو قطار‬،‫ طائرة‬،‫سواء كنت تخطط للسفر على متن يخت‬ ‫ وجهة اختيارك‬،‫وسواء كانت سفرتك مع األهل أو األصدقاء‬ ‫التقينا مع سليمان حجي‬.‫للسفر تعتمد على هذه المعايير‬ ‫وهو مولع بالسفر ويسعى الستكشاف العالم من حوله من‬ ‫ رحلة سنوي ًا‬12 ‫خالل سفراته التي قد تصل إلى أكثر من‬ .‫ليحدثنا عن وجهته السياحية المفضلة حول العالم‬ ‫ما هي وجهتك المفضلة لقضاء إجازة؟‬ ‫ ولكن كل هذا‬،‫هناك العديد من األماكن المثالية حول العالم‬ ‫ وأنا سأختار قضاء العطلة في‬.‫يتوقف على الهدف من الرحلة‬ .‫ الغو دي كومو في إيطاليا‬،‫بحيرة كومو‬

Casta Diva Resort.

‫ما هو الفندق أو المكان الذي ستختاره؟‬ .‫منتجع كاستا ديفا‬

How would you get there? In order to get there, I would fly Emirates Airlines to Milan and would spend one night in the vibrant city to soak up some Italian city life. Then I would take a train from the Milano Centrale (Station) and head to Lake Como.

Who would be your perfect travelling companion? Lake Como is the perfect family destination and I wouldn’t recommend otherwise.

‫ما هي الوسيلة التي ستختارها للوصول إلى المكان؟‬ ‫ أختار طيران اإلمارات إلى ميالنو‬،‫من أجل الوصول إلى هناك‬ ‫ ثم أود‬.‫وسأمضي ليلة واحدة في هذه المدنية النابضة بالحياة‬ .‫أن أستقل القطار المركزي من ميالنو والتوجه الى بحيرة كومو‬

‫من ستختار ليكون مرافقك في الرحلة؟‬ .‫بحيرة كومو هي الوجهة العائلية المثالية وال أنصح بغير ذلك‬

What would you do when you get there?

‫ما هي األنشطة التي ستقوم بها في المكان؟‬

You can enjoy various restaurants in town and afterwards take a walk down the lake. A delicious restaurant to dine in is Lo Storico. Another recommendation would be to enjoy the fairy tour around the beautiful Lake of Como. For a change, you can always catch a train and head to Lugano which falls in the southern part of Switzerland.

‫ كما يمكن‬،‫يمكن ز يارة العديد من المطاعم في المدينة‬ ‫ أما بالنسبة‬.‫التمتع بجولة على األقدام أسفل البحيرة‬ ‫ كما يمكن االستمتاع في‬.»‫للمطاعم أنصح ب «ولو ستر يكو‬ ‫ ومن أجل التغيير يمكن‬.‫جولة خرافية جميلة حول بحيرة كومو‬ ‫حجز تذكرة على القطار المتوجه إلى لوغانو والتي تقع في‬ .‫الجزء الجنوبي من سويسرا‬

What essentials would you pack?

‫ما هي اللوازم الضرورية التي ستحرص على توضيبها‬ ‫في حقيبة السفر؟‬

Deo, shaver, cologne, jeans, shirt, blazer, shorts, swimshorts and a lot of t-shirts!





What would you choose to read? (and would it be in print, or digital) Definetely digital! I read headline news mostly about sports and the latest updates related to sports.

What is your choice of vacation music?

،‫ كولونيا‬،‫ماكينة حالقة‬ .‫والعديد من القمصان‬

‫ماذا ستختار للقراءة؟‬ ‫األخبار‬




‫المطبوعات على األجهزة‬ .‫ومعظمها عن الر ياضة‬

‫ما هو اختيارك الموسيقي خالل العطلة؟‬

Anything that would leave a memory behind and I would also pick up on some local music to add to my own music library.

‫ وأود أن اختيار أيضا بعض‬،‫أي شي ء من شأنه ترك ذكرى‬ .‫الموسيقى المحلية إلضافتها لمكتبتي الموسيقية الخاصة‬

What would you seek to bring back to Kuwait with you?

‫هل هناك شيء معين ستحرص على شرائه في طريق‬ ‫العودة إلى الكويت؟‬

I without a doubt would bring back mozzarella and some authentic olive oil.

.‫دون أدنى شك الموزار يال وبعض ز يت الز يتون األصيل‬

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Ahmed Shehab

It is not easy to choose the place where to spend your summer vacation, and for many people their choice on the place the holiday based on several thoughts. Ahmed Shehab shared with us his experience in travel and how to choose the places, hotels others. Where is your ideal holiday destination? North European countryside with scenic routes. Where would you stay? Traditional family owned hotels in towns on the route. How would you get there? Arriving via KLM, I pickup an AMG and hit the road. Who would be your perfect travelling companion? My father, the best trip planner ever! What would you do when you get there? Half the sights are right in front of me as I drive through some of the most beautiful routes in Europe.

‫ليس من السهل اختيار مكان االجازة الصيفية حيث أن‬ ‫العديد من األشخاص يقع اختيارهم على مكان قضاء‬ ‫ حدثنا المهندس أحمد‬.‫العطلة بناء على معايير عدة‬ ‫شهاب رضا عن تجربته في السفر وكيفية اختيار األماكن‬ .‫والفنادق وغيرها الكثير‬ ‫ما هي وجهتك المفضلة لقضاء إجازة؟‬ .‫ ذات المناظر الخالبة‬،‫دول أوروبا الشمالية‬ ‫ما هو الفندق أو المكان الذي ستختاره؟‬ .‫الفنادق التقليدية التي تعود ملكيتها للعائالت في المدن‬ ‫ما هي الوسيلة التي ستختارها للوصول إلى المكان؟‬ .AMG ‫ وسأقود مرسيدس‬،‫طيران الخطوط الجوية الملكية الهندية‬ ‫من ستختار ليكون مرافقك في الرحلة؟‬ .‫ فهو أفضل منسق للرحالت‬،‫والدي‬ ‫ما هي األنشطة التي ستقوم بها في المكان؟‬ .‫المناظر الخالبة ستكون أمام عيني عندما أقود في مختلف طرقات أوروبا‬

What essentials would you pack? My motorsport jacket and my smartphone.

‫ما هي اللوازم الضرورية التي ستحرص على توضيبها في حقيبة السفر؟‬ . ‫سترتي الر ياضية وهاتفي‬

What would you choose to read? As I am driving all the time, I am always reading the speedlimit signs. While taking a break I read the food ingredients labels.

‫ماذا ستختار للقراءة؟‬ ‫ ولذلك ما سأقوم بقراءته عالمات الحد‬،‫خالل رحلتي سأقود كل الوقت‬ .‫ وخالل االستراحة سأقراء المكونات الغذائية للمأكوالت‬.‫األقصى للسرعة‬

What is your choice of vacation music? Fairouz. What would you seek to bring back to Kuwait with you? Italian designer clothes and the car I traveled in.

‫ما هو اختيارك الموسيقي خالل العطلة؟‬ .‫فير و ز‬ ‫هل هناك شيء معين ستحرص على شرائه في طريق العودة إلى الكويت؟‬ .‫التسوق واألزياء االيطالية والسيارة التي استخدمتها في السفر‬


Mohammed Rifai

Skydiver Mohammed Rifai, a big fan of travel, has travelled around the world to practice his hobby, and doing so he has discovered new countries and cities. To get to know more about the tourist in him, and to learn his favorite parts, we met him and had the following conversation.

‫ فهو يقوم‬،‫المظلي محمد الرفاعي من محبي السفر‬ ‫برحالت حول العالم لممارسة هواية القفز المظلي‬ .‫التي اشتهر بها وليستشكف دول ومدن جديدة‬ ‫ التقينا‬،‫لنتعرف أكثر عن وجهته السياحية المفضلة‬ .‫به وكان الحوار التالي‬

Where is your ideal holiday destination? Switzerland.

‫ما هي وجهتك المفضلة لقضاء إجازة؟‬ .‫سوسيرا‬

Where would you stay? Apartment.

‫ما هو الفندق أو المكان الذي ستختاره؟‬ . ‫شقة‬

How would you get there? I prefer direct flights, since there is no direct to Switzerland, I usually take the shortest duration. Other than that my favorite airline is Qatar Airlines. I mostly use a car there for transportation, but also trains and cable cars . Who would be your perfect travelling companion? I would be content with a quiet place, nice weather, and a friendly environment. What would you do when you get there? Skydiving, base jumping, paragliding, hiking, rock climbing, water activities too. What essentials would you pack? My sky and base equipment, my laptop, my camera, and mobile. These are the most important things in my travel everything else I can buy from the there. What would you choose to read? Not big fan of reading, but I usually take my Holy Book of Quran with me to read in my spare time, on my iPad. What is your choice of vacation music? House Music, Trance. What would you seek to bring back to Kuwait with you? I’m big collector of magnets, I have a full wall of magnets, so every where I go I buy wall magnets of the places I visit.

‫ما هي الوسيلة التي ستختارها للوصول إلى المكان؟‬ ‫ ولكن ألنه يوجد رحلة مباشرة إلى‬،‫بشكل عام أفضل الرحالت المباشرة‬ ّ ‫المفض لة‬ ‫ والخطوط الجوية القطرية هي‬.‫سويسرا أختار الرحلة األقصر مدة‬ .‫ وفي العادة أستخدم سيارة النقل في البلد والقطارات والتلفريك‬.‫لدي‬ ‫من ستختار ليكون مرافقك في الرحلة؟‬ .‫ طقس جميل وأجواء صديقة للبيئة‬،‫مكان هادئ‬ ‫ما هي األنشطة التي ستقوم بها في المكان؟‬ ،‫ المشي لمسافات طويلة‬،‫ القفز بالمظالت‬،‫ قاعدة القفز‬،‫القفز المظلي‬ .‫وتسلق الصخور واألنشطة المائية‬ ‫ما هي المستلزمات الضرورية التي ستحرص على توضيبها في‬ ‫حقيبة السفر؟‬ ‫ الكاميرا‬،‫معدات القفز المظلي والقفز بالقاعدة وجهاز الكمبيوتر المحمول‬ .‫والهاتف الجوال‬ ‫ماذا ستختار للقراءة؟‬ ‫ لكن يمكن خالل الرحلة قراءة القرآن الكريم على‬،‫أنا لست من محبي القراءة‬ .‫جهاز اآليباد‬ ‫ما هو اختيارك الموسيقي خالل العطلة؟‬ .‫موسيقى الهاوس والترانس‬ ‫هل هنا ك شي ء معين ستحرص على شرائه في طريق ا لعودة‬ ‫إ لى ا لكويت؟‬ ‫ وذلك في‬،‫ ولدي جدار كامل من المغناطيس‬،‫أنا من هواة جمع المغناطيس‬ .‫كل مكان أذهب إليه أقوم بشراء مجموعة منها‬

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The Luxe Directory Top Ten


f, like us, you hanker after something a little less run-of-the-mill when travelling, take a look through our list of current favourites. Here’s where we choose to stay – across all four corners of the world.



1. Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel An intimate 85 casita luxury hotel, Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel is located in the sprawling Andean style village, with a secluded 12 acres of exquisite beauty. Located near the mystical “cloud forest”, the hotel is just a stone throw away from the terraced hills, towering mountains and the famous Machu Picchu citadel. Renowned for their tireless work preserving and protecting the flora and fauna of Peru, Inkaterra has also developed their “Spectacled Bear Sanctuary” at Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel, a place to protect rescued bears that have been negatively treated by humans. 2. Dolder Grand With its 176 luxurious rooms and suites, exquisite cuisine, a spa encompassing 4,000 square metres, generous banqueting and seminar facilities and a remarkable art collection, the Dolder Grand is a member of the Leading Hotels of the World, and Swiss Deluxe Hotels. The Hotel’s elevated location between pulsating city and invigorating nature provides a magnificent view of the city of Zurich, the lake and the Alps. From 2004 to 2008, the City Resort was fully renovated and converted by the London architects Foster and Partners.

‫ فندق إنكاتيرا ماتشو بيتشو بويبلو‬.1 ‫يتمي ز هذا الفندق برفاهية تغمر كامل غرفه الخمس والثمانين التي‬ ّ ‫ ويقع الفندق في قرية مترامية األطراف‬.‫بالحميمي ة واأللفة‬ ‫تتسم‬ ّ ‫فيمتد على مساحة‬ ،‫تمام ا كأي مكان في أرجاء سلسلة جبال األنديز‬ ّ ً ‫ ويقع الفندق بجوار‬.‫فد ًان ا وال يمكن وصفه إال بجماله اآلسر‬ ّ 12 ‫«غابة الغيوم» الساحرة بغموضها وال يبعد سوى مسافة قصيرة عن‬ .‫المدرجة والجبال الشاهقة وقلعة ماتشو بيتشو الشهيرة‬ ‫التالل‬ ّ ‫وقد قامت سلسلة فنادق إنكاتيرا بجهود حثيثة لحماية الحياة‬ .‫ وذاع صيتها في هذا المجال‬،‫البرية من حيوانات ونباتات في البيرو‬ ‫ومحمي ة دببة األنديز التي‬ ‫كما أنشأت فندق إنكاتيرا ماتشو بيتشو‬ ّ .‫تؤم ن حماية الدببة التي يتم إنقاذها من سوء معاملة البشر لها‬ ّ

‫ فندق دولدر غراند‬.2 ‫يقد م‬ ‫ باإلضافة إلى مطعم‬،‫فاخرا‬ ‫وجناح ا‬ ‫ غرفة‬176 ‫يضم الفندق‬ ً ّ ً ‫ متر‬4,000 ‫ ومركز استجمام يمتد على مساحة‬،‫الذو اقة‬ ‫األطباق‬ ّ ‫ ومنشآت معدة إلقامة‬،‫ ومأدبات تغص بمختلف األصناف‬،‫مربع‬ ‫ كذلك يحوي الفندق مجموعة مميزة من األعمال الفنية‬.‫الندوات‬ ‫عالمي ا والفنادق السويسرية‬ ‫وهو عضو في اتحاد الفنادق الرائدة‬ ً ‫ يقع هذا الفندق على مرتفع ما بين‬.)‫الفاخرة (سويس ديالكس‬ ‫المدينة النابضة بالحياة والطبيعة الخالبة مع إطاللة آسرة على‬ ً ‫ وقد خضع منتجع‬.‫أيض ا‬ ‫مدينة زيورخ وعلى البحيرة وجبال األلب‬ ‫ لعملية إعادة تأهيل‬2008‫ و‬2004 ‫ بين عامي‬City Resort(( ‫المدينة‬ ‫وتجديد شاملة من تنفيذ مكتب فوستر آند بارتنرز للهندسة‬ .‫المعمارية في لندن‬



‫‪ .3‬مزرعة إنكاتيرا أسيندا أوروبامبا‬

‫‪3. Inkaterra Hacienda Urubamba‬‬

‫افتُ تحت المزرعة في أبريل من العام الجاري‪ ،‬وأول انطباع عنها هو أنها‬ ‫تستوحي منظورها المعماري من تصاميم البيوت المحلية في المنطقة‬ ‫مع شذرات من الطابع االستعماري التقليدي لتخلق في تصاميمها الداخلية‬ ‫مفهوم ا من «الرفاهية في جبال األنديز»‪ .‬أما مفهوم المزرعة (أسيندا) فيرتبط‬ ‫ً‬ ‫بزراعة الذرة والمسماة باللغة المحلية ‪ ،choclo‬فالذرة هنا المست حدود‬ ‫القداسة في عيون المجتمع المحلي على مدى آالف السنين‪ .‬وتهيمن‬ ‫على مفاهيم التصميم الداخلي للمزرعة المواد المحلية المستخدمة وأجواء‬ ‫الراحة والفنون والتصاميم‪ ،‬وبوسع الضيوف االختيار بين أربعة خيارات من‬ ‫الغرف الفارهة مع مناظر خالبة لجبال األنديز في كل منها‪.‬‬

‫‪Having opened its doors in April this year, Inkaterra‬‬ ‫‪Hacienda Urubamba draws architectural vision from the‬‬ ‫‪local country state home designs of the region, combined‬‬ ‫”‪with a traditional colonial flair to create an “Andean luxury‬‬ ‫‪interior design concept. The Hacienda concept is inspired‬‬ ‫‪by the traditional “choclo” (corn) farming that has been‬‬ ‫‪sacred to the local community for thousands of years.‬‬ ‫‪Local materials, comfort and art & Design are at the heart‬‬ ‫‪of the Hacienda’s interior design concept and guests‬‬ ‫‪can choose from four luxury room options, each offering‬‬ ‫‪spectacular views of the Andean mountains.‬‬

‫فندق «يتمان» هو أحد الفنادق الفاخرة التي يرتبط اسمها بالنبيذ وقد‬ ‫افتُ تح في سبتمبر من العام ‪ .2010‬يقع الفندق فوق قبو بورت التاريخي‬ ‫للنبيذ في مدينة فيال نوفا دي غايا بمقاطعة بورتو على ضفة النهر‬ ‫المقابلة للمنطقة من المدينة التي صنفتها اليونسكو على الئحة التراث‬ ‫العالمي‪ .‬كما يبعد مسافة قصيرة بالسيارة عن وادي دورو‪ .‬يضم الفندق‬ ‫تراس خاص لكل منها‪ .‬أما اإلطاللة البانورامية على‬ ‫‪12‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫جناح ا و‪ 70‬غرفة مع ّ‬ ‫فدانات من‬ ‫مدينة بورتو ونهر دورو فتخلب األنفاس‪ .‬كما تحيط بالفندق ‪ّ 3‬‬ ‫فدانات‪ ،‬إضافة‬ ‫الحدائق الخاصة المنبسطة على مساحة إجمالية تبلغ ‪ّ 7‬‬ ‫إلى برك سباحة كبيرة خارجية ومغلقة‪ ،‬وحانة ديكس للنبيذ التي تستقبل‬ ‫ضيوفها على مدار الساعة وتقدم مأكوالت سريعة‪ .‬كما يحتضن الفندق‬ ‫ً‬ ‫يقدم‬ ‫حاصل على نجمة ميشلين ومركز استجمام «فينوتيرابي»‬ ‫مطعم ا‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ونادي ا للصغار‪.‬‬ ‫بالنبيذ‪،‬‬ ‫عالجات‬ ‫ً‬

‫‪4. The Yeatman‬‬

‫‪ .4‬فندق يتمان‬

‫‪46 47‬‬


‫‪Luxury wine hotel, The Yeatman opened in September 2010 and‬‬ ‫‪is located in the historic Port wine lodge area of Vila Nova de‬‬ ‫‪Gaia, Porto, directly across the river from the UNESCO world‬‬ ‫‪heritage area of the city and a short drive from the Douro Valley.‬‬ ‫‪It has 12 suites and 70 rooms all with a private terrace, each‬‬ ‫‪providing spectacular panoramic views over the city of Porto‬‬ ‫‪and the river Douro. The hotel has 3 acres of private gardens set‬‬ ‫‪within a 7 acre site, indoor and outdoor infinity pools, 24 hour‬‬ ‫‪Dick’s wine bar with informal menu, a Michelin Star restaurant,‬‬ ‫‪a Vinothérapie® Spa by Caudalie and Kids Club.‬‬


5. Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica Nestled on the banks of the Made de Dios river in the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest, Inkaterra Reserva Amazonica is the perfect retreat from the modern world and ideal for those wishing to submerge themselves in the beauty of the rainforest. Guests can explore and discover the beauty of the region with a range of jungle treks and boat trips, unveiling some of the jungle’s magnificent wildlife. Bird watching is plentiful, with many rare species thriving in the natural environments. For the really adventurous, a Treetop Canopy Bridge allows you to access the canopy of the forest, and see first hand some of the Amazon’s rarest species. 6. Nira Alpina Situated at the upper end of the spectacular Engadin valley, perched on the highest point of Surlej, Nira Alpina is is just five kilometres from St Moritz. Boasting a private access to the Corvastch cable car station, the hotel provides true ski in - ski out access, the fist hotel in the ski domain to do so, and connects guests quickly to the finest sking in the region. The cutting edge design ensures that all 70 rooms feature a sundrenched balcony or terrace with floor to ceiling windows offering spectacular views of the Engadin mountains. 7. Badrutt’s Palace Badrutt’s Palace Hotel is a celebration of style, sports, cuisine and fashion, with discreet service and traditional elegance evoking an atmosphere of pampered luxury for all. An ideal destination in both winter and summer, the hotel is located in one of the most challenging ski areas in the world and offers a host of summer Alpine activities. Badrutt’s Palace Hotel boasts 157 guestrooms and 37 suites with stunning views of the Swiss Alps. The hotel is a member of Leading Hotels of the World, Swiss Deluxe Hotels and Swiss Historic Hotels.

‫ محمية إنكاتيرا األمازونية‬.5 ‫يقع فندق محمية إنكاتيرا األمازونية على ضفاف نهر مادي دي‬ ‫وي عتبر المالذ األفضل‬ ُ ،‫ديوس في غابة األمازون المطرية في البيرو‬ ‫ ّإن ه بال شك المكان المثالي‬.‫بعيد ا عن ضوضاء عالمنا الحديث‬ ً ‫ هنا‬.‫للراغبين في االنغماس في أحضان الغابة المطرية وجمالها‬ ‫يستطيع الزوار استكشاف رونق المكان واستطالع أرجائه أثناء رحلة‬ ‫ أو من خالل رحالت القارب هناك للتعرف‬،‫مشي في الغابة هنا‬ ٍ ‫ والغابة تزخر بمغامرات‬.‫على خبايا الحياة البرية المهولة في الغابة‬ .‫تضم أنواع نادرة كثيرة في موائلها الطبيعية‬ ‫مشاهدة الطيور كونها‬ ّ ّ ‫ يمكنهم الوصول إلى النباتات‬،‫ولعش اق المغامرات الحقيقيين‬

‫العليا في الغابة عبر الجسر العلوي المعلق في أعالي األشجار‬ .‫ومشاهدة عدد من أندر أنواع الطيور في األمازون بأم العين‬

‫ فندق نيرا ألبينا‬.6 ‫يقع فندق نيرا ألبينا في أعالي وادي إنغادين الخالب ويجثم‬ ‫ وهو يبعد عن مدينة سان‬.‫عند أعلى نقطة في قر ية سورليج‬ ً ‫يؤم ن الفندق طر‬ ‫يق ا‬ .‫مور يتز مسافة خمسة كيلومترات فقط‬ ّ ّ ،‫خاص ا للوصول إلى محطة كورفاتش لعربات نقل المتزل جين‬ ً ّ ‫التزل ج‬ ‫يقد م تجربة رفيعة في‬ ‫وهو الوحيد في المنطقة الذي‬ ّ ً ّ ‫ وتتميز كافة‬.‫مباشر ا إلى منحدرات التزلج‬ ‫ووصول‬ ‫يوف ر‬ ‫حيث‬ ً

‫ بتصميم حديث يسمح ألشعة الشمس‬70 ‫الغرف البالغ عددها‬ ‫بالتغلغل إلى داخلها من خالل الشرفة أو التراس كما تعطي‬ ‫النوافذ الممتدة من السقف وحتى األرض إطاللة على المناظر‬ .‫الخالبة لجبال إنغادين‬

‫ قصر بادروت‬.7 ‫يزهو فندق قصر بادروت بتصميمه ورياضاته ومطبخه وأسلوبه‬ ‫جو من األناقة التقليدية التي تبعث على‬ ‫وخدمته الراقية في‬ ّ ‫ ُي عتبر الفندق وجهة مثالية في الصيف‬.‫الرفاهية والدالل للجميع‬ ‫والشتاء على السواء ويقع في إحدى أكثر مناطق التزلج صعوبة‬ ،‫ كما يستضيف الفندق أنشطة جبلية صيفية‬.‫في العالم‬ ‫جناح ا مع إطاللة مبهرة على جبال‬ 37‫ غرفة للنزالء و‬157 ‫ويضم‬ ً ‫ ينتسب الفندق إلى اتحاد الفنادق الرائدة‬.‫األلب السويسرية‬ ‫عالمي ا والفنادق السويسرية الفاخرة (سويس ديالكس) والفنادق‬ ً .‫السويسرية التاريخية‬


‫دليلكم إلى الرفاهية‬ ‫الفنادق العشرة األوائل‬

‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫حاليا‪ .‬إليكم‬ ‫المفضلة‬ ‫باالطالع على الئحة وجهاتنا‬ ‫تفضلوا‬ ‫إذا كنتم مثلنا تسعون إلى كل ما هو متميز أثناء السفر‪،‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫اختيارنا اإلقامة في أصقاع العالم األربعة‪.‬‬

‫‪ .8‬فندق نيرا كاليدونيا‬ ‫بعيد ا في ربوع منطقة غالوسيستر باليس بين‬ ‫ينأى الفندق بنفسه‬ ‫ً‬ ‫الشوارع المرصوفة بالحجارة والهندسة المعمارية النيوكالسيكية‬ ‫لمدينة نيو تاون في إدنبرة‪ .‬ويجمع «نيرا كاليدونيا» الفخامة التي‬ ‫حميمي ة‬ ‫يجدها النزالء في فنادق الخمسة نجوم ّإن ما في مكتنف‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫مر تاريخه‬ ‫البيت الريفي المريح وهدوئه‪ .‬واستضاف الفندق على ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ضيوف ا مثل جون ويلسون وهو صديق الشاعر ويليام ووردسورث‬ ‫والذي كان شخصية أدبية فذة في إدنبرة في القرن التاسع عشر‪.‬‬ ‫يضم الفندق ‪ 28‬غرفة ما زالت تحافظ على اإلفريزات واألشغال‬ ‫الجصية األصلية ذات الطابع المبهر‪.‬‬

‫‪ .9‬فندق نيرا مونتانا‬ ‫افتتحت مجموعة فنادق ومنتجعات نيرا أحدث فنادقها الفاخرة‬ ‫وهو نيرا مونتانا‪ .‬يقع الفندق في بلدة التويل الفاتنة عند سفح‬ ‫جبل مون بالن على مقربة من منحدرات التزلج ودروب المشي‬ ‫في جبال األلب السويسرية‪ .‬يستوحي الفندق في تصميمه‬ ‫طراز المنازل التقليدية في الوادي وهو مؤلف من ثالثة طوابق‬ ‫واستُ خدم في بنائه الخشب والحجارة وأنظمة توفير في استهالك‬ ‫الطاقة‪ .‬هو عضو في فنادق ديزاين ذات العالمة التجارية‪ ،‬كما ّأن ه‬ ‫الوحيد بتصنيف خمسة نجوم في التويل في قلب وادي أوستا‪.‬‬

‫‪ .10‬منتجع شانتي موريس‬ ‫يحفل منتجع شانتي مور يس بأناقة ا لتصميم كما يفخر‬ ‫بمركز ا الستجما م فيه و ا لحاصل على جو ا ئز‪ .‬يقع ا لمنتجع‬ ‫حول جون رملي و مرجاني شبه دا ئري با لكاد المسته أقدا م‬ ‫ا لبشر على ا لساحل ا لجنوبي لجزر مور يشيوس على مقر بة‬ ‫من بلدة سانت فيليكس ا لو اد عة‪ .‬يتأ لف ا لمنتجع من ‪61‬‬ ‫ً‬ ‫فدان ا من ا لحدا ئق‬ ‫فسيح ا ويمتد على مساحة ‪3 6‬‬ ‫وجناح ا‬ ‫فيال‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ليرح ب با ألزو ا ج و ا لعا ئالت ويستضيف‬ ‫ا الستو ا ئية ا لعطرة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫حفالت ا لزفاف وأشهر ا لعسل ‪.‬‬

‫‪48 49‬‬

‫‪8. Nira Caledonia‬‬ ‫‪Tucked away on Gloucester Place amongst the cobbled‬‬ ‫‪streets and striking neo-classical architecture of New‬‬ ‫‪Town, Edinburgh, Nira Caledonia combines the luxury‬‬ ‫‪of a top five star hotel with the intimacy and peace of a‬‬ ‫‪cosy townhouse. Once the home of John Wilson, a friend‬‬ ‫‪of Wordsworth and hugely famous literary figure in early‬‬ ‫‪19th Century Edinburgh, the 28-bedroom hotel features‬‬ ‫‪stunning original cornicing and plasterwork‬‬ ‫‪9. Nira Montana‬‬ ‫‪Nira Montana is the latest opening from luxury hotel group‬‬ ‫‪Nira Hotels and Resorts. Situated in the picturesque town‬‬ ‫‪of La Thuile, at the foot of Mont Blanc, the new property is‬‬ ‫‪just steps from the ski slopes and hiking trails of the Italian‬‬ ‫‪Alps. Built in the style of the valley’s traditional houses,‬‬ ‫‪the three-storey hotel is constructed of wood and stone,‬‬ ‫‪uses energy saving systems and is a member of Design‬‬ ‫‪Hotels. Nira Montana is the only five star hotel in La Thuile‬‬ ‫‪in the heart of the Aosta Valley.‬‬ ‫‪10. Shanti Maurice‬‬ ‫‪Shanti Maurice is a boutique lifest yle resor t with‬‬ ‫‪an award-winning spa, located around a pristine‬‬ ‫‪hor seshoe coral sand cove on the largely untouched‬‬ ‫‪south coast of Mauritius, near the small town of St‬‬ ‫‪Felix. Comprising of 61 spacious suites and villas,‬‬ ‫‪Shanti Maurice is spread across a 36 -acre landscape‬‬ ‫‪of fragrant tropical gardens, and warmly welcomes‬‬ ‫‪couples, families, weddings and honeymoons.‬‬


The Lifestyle of Kuwait Champions One-on-One with

Hamad Al-Dalali Abdulaziz Al-Najdi Brought to you by Acura

Photographed By:

Khalid Al-Saleh


PHOTOSHOOT Under the patronage of Sheikha Mashael Al Duaij Al Sabah; manager of Kuwait Speed Racing team (KSR), the team has been able to amass numerous awards on the regional and international scene - on each occasion raising the flag of Kuwait. Of course this level of success doesn’t come easy, it is the fruit of planning, commitment, resilience and loyalty by their manager and each and every member of the team.



Three or four times a week, the team dedicates their time in the garage; this is where their technical skills and know-how help in getting the best performance out of their jet skis.


PHOTOSHOOT After fine-tuning, testing is required.


PHOTOSHOOT Training to become a champion goes beyond a healthy and active lifestyle. You’d be surprised what the KSR team has to go through, from strict diet regiment to physical exercise to training through virtual tournaments and practicing on the virtual curves of the ocean



THE LUXE REVIEW Our exclusive guide to the finest from the spheres of horology, automobiles, style, travel, design and much more. In the Luxe Review we look at the best, and meet the people that are making it happen.

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Moath Al-Ansari Motocross Rider


oath Al-Ansari has achieved a lot during his life as a motocross rider in Kuwait. He has dedicated his life to this sport - a specialized form of motorcycle racing held on off-road circuits. Moath has won numerous awards, including the Bahrain Motocross Championship in 2010, Qatar Championship in 2013 and the Qatar Enduro in 2014. He also participated in Switzerland in a local competition as well as in the 2013 California Championship and the Arab Championship in Tunisia. His most recent achievement was to win the Kuwait Championship this year.


“When I first star ted”, Moath told us, “it wasn’t a ver y easy challenge for me, especially since my family were not accepting of the idea at first. With my accomplishments, they were able to realize a different and new view of this spor t and have now become my biggest suppor ters. My family, my mother, my far ther, and my wife are all proud of all of my achievements so far”. I n r e g a r d to h i s f u t u r e p l a n s , h e i n te n d s to s t a r t h i s ow n b u s i n e s s w h i c h w i l l f o c u s o n b e i n g a t r a i n i n g a c a d e my f o r m o to c r o s s s o t h a t h e w i l l b e a b l e to g i ve a h e l p i n g h a n d to t h e o t h e r t a l e n t s i n Ku wa i t s o t h a t t h ey a r e a b l e to i nve s t i n t h i s s p o r t . T h i s w i l l a l s o b e a b l e to s e r ve a s a l e a r n i n g ex p e r i e n c e f o r t h e p e o p l e t h a t s i m p l y wa n t to k n ow m o r e a b o u t i t s i n c e h e w i l l b e a b l e to p r ov i d e a l l t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s

to i nve s t i n s u c h a g r e a t s p o r t . “ Fu r t h e r m o r e”, M o a t h c o n t i n u e d , “ I wa n t to t a ke p a r t i n t h e m a n a g e r i a l i s s u e s a n d t h e n e e d s to c ove r w h a t t h e p e o p l e wa n t to k n ow a b o u t , h e a r a b o u t , a n d l e a r n a b o u t . I p l a n to h e l p t h e s p o r t g r ow i n Ku wa i t b e c a u s e i t i s s o m e t h i n g t h a t I h ave b e e n f o r t u n a te e n o u g h to d e d i c a te my l i f e to a n d i t wo u l d b e a n h o n o r f o r m e to h e l p t h e o t h e r p e o p l e t h a t wa n t to g e t i n to t h i s s p o r t . T h e r e i s a l o t of h i d d e n t a l e n t i n Ku wa i t w i t h a l l t y p e s of s p o r t s a n d o t h e r s k i l l s , j u s t o n e of w h i c h i s M o to c r o s s”. “L astly, I would like to thank the suppor ter s for this season – the Bassel Salem Al Sabah Club, Pirelli Tyres Kuwait and Husqvarna Kuwait Motorcycles”.

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Alison Shan Price A passion for theatre


lison Shan Price, an art-savvy life-enthusiast, raised amidst artistic parents and theatre pundits, participating in theatre since an early age of 5, has come a long way - CEO and founder of One World Actors Centre Kuwait (OWAC), a renowned theatre, production and training center. Alison is a licentiate and an associate actor of the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA); soon to play a leading role in an upcoming show; MEN’S PASSION conducts a one-onone with this enigmatic personality.

MEN’S PASSION: How did your passion for theatre evolve? ALISON SHAN PRICE: I was only 5 when I would accompany my mother, a doctor of theatre, to the radio studio and the theatre; I would take part in shows as a baby and by 18 I toured with the National Youth Theatre Co. and knew this is it. I have been directing for over 20 years, I am also a physicist and I firmly believe scientists are createers as scientific disciplines are required for an artist; a concept helps create the vision and through realizing that vision in planning and practice an artist can create the reality. MP: When planning a show what is the most important aspect? ASP: Definitely the ‘audience’. We research what you would like to see, what you would be willing to give up your free time for? We want to give you a memory to invigorate your senses. MP: Having worked with prominent artists, with a multicultural exposure, how has that affected you? ASP: We are international artists from different countries with a collective aim to create a fusion of our cultures and show that creative collaboration can exist between nations. I have lived in Kuwait for over 30 years; learnt from the oldest and youngest; learnt from the East what is not realised in the West; learnt about Time and above all about relationships. I have had the pleasure to work with exceptional talent. Emmy Award winner Adam Darius, USA, annually conducts master-classes here, having taught James Dean, Kate Beckinsale and Kate Bush; BBC World Service described him as “one of the most exceptional talents of the 20th century”. Dr. Joyce Mordecai, UK, Eleni Rebecca, Wales, Dr. Diana Sfeir, Lebanon, Hooda Shawa, Palestine and Kuwait, Dr. Adriana Severin, Romania, Olwyn McCollin, Barbados, Jumel Carvajal, Phillipines, Anna Karadimittova, Bulgaria, Kazimir Kolesnik, Finland, international composer


Harriet Bushman and CAMCO Global Events - Wiz Arora of India are heavily involved as consultants in our projects. We are honoured to have the support of Oscar winner Dame Judi Dench for our One World Shakespeare Festival and are delighted to work with outstanding national talent of Kuwait such as Yousef Al-Nasser of Kuwait, a professional actor, director, photographer and musician who has been with us since the age of 5. MP: How many shows have you done, and your favorite? ASP: Since beginning KAST in 1998, 54 plays, some 3 to 4 times, Shakespeare itself 16. My favorite show was the Middle East premier of Andrew Lloyd Weber’s EVITA last December starring soprano Oana Severin of Romania and Hamad Al-Jenaie of Kuwait with Mike Ricketts, Music Director and Richard Bushman, Orchestral Director. MP: Highlights to watch out for? ASP: This summer, following the National tour, we will be presenting the World premier of the bilingual ‘Antigone - an Arabic Tragedy’ on the World stage at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival UK. The show is based on Sophocles’ ‘Antigone’, by Jean Anouilh, starring Dr. Diana Sfeir (Arabic) and Eleni Rebecca (English). The tour in Kuwait culminated in performances at the Amricani Cultural Centre as part of the DAI 20th Cultural Season. The show charts the final hours in the life of a young Arabic woman, Antigone, who is given strength by a Celtic girl of the same name living 2000 years before her. Both girls refuse to give up the right to honour their people in war regardless of the threat of severe punishment. We are very grateful to our platinum sponsors Al-Ghanim Industries and Silver Sponsor Crowne Plaza Hotel for making it possible for 14 actors from Kuwait for the first time to UK.

“I have learnt that it’s not about the person; it’s the

idea that makes us unique.” Says Alison, “Art is Science with Spirit.” MP: A special thanks to… ASP: To our wonderful team and our sponsors and supporters who enable the Arts in Kuwait to continue. If I had to choose one special person it would be my father. He passed away two years ago and is very much missed. He was a patriarch and loved by everyone I am truly thankful for his support and unconditional love. MP: Message. ASP: Be original. Only then will you be true to yourself. Alison Shan Price remains humble and true to her art. The photographer brings out the performer in her, as she poses charmingly naturally; you can see that right in this moment she is at home and where she belongs.

This will be followed by two productions in Kuwait; ‘Ikara’ a play produced by popular playwright Hooda Shawa of TAQA Productions; a tale of myth and mythology set in 100 BC on Failaka Island and the Oscar winning musical, the Middle East premier of Sondheim’s ‘Into the Woods’ with a 15-piece orchestra conducted by Richard Bushman and Musical Director Olwyn McCollin. In 2016, we will present our annual One World Youth Theatre production in BACCH, One World Shakespeare Festival and the new TAQA show ‘Freya’ about Freya Stark; British explorer, travel writer, specialist in oriental languages and poltical agent in WWII who lived in Kuwait for many years. I was honoured that Hooda Shawa asked me to take the role of Freya and work once again with wonderful musical director Harriet Bushman. MP: New projects you are considering ASP: We have been working with ‘1001 Inventions World Tour’ training presenters in Arabic and English and look forward to exciting developments. Our directors and educators at Bayt Lothan Cultural Centre have tremendous plans for LAMDA Exams programmes, tours and short films in different languages.

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Sheikha Majida Al-Sabah


heikha Majida Al-Sabah decided to showcase her art work for the first time in Abolish 153 Group Exhibition at Capkuwait, this campaign is committed to abolish article 153 of Kuwait’s penal code that sanctifies the murder of female kin and treats it as a misdemeanor.

When asking why she decided to exhibit at this time, she mentioned “Simply I believe I am ready! It took me 7 year s to get to know ever y thing about ar t, from modern ar t histor y to famous modern ar tist’s techniques and methods, I painted hundreds of paintings just to get things right and once this achieved then it’s time for it to be revealed. I did not take the step of showcasing my ar t earlier because star ting a family at a ver y young age along with my business involvement and social obligations drew me away from the process of finding myself through ar t but I always look at the bright side of things, and used my experienced mature mind as an advantage.” She added, “The passion towards art in general and “painting” in particular is the way I see an art in any beautiful object I lay my eyes on, and I try to find out how was it made, a car, a piece of furniture, or even a simple cup. Paintings in particular has distinctive effect on the painter and also on the viewer, a painting can talk to you, can change your mood, and if you try to go deep between the artist’s lines you can get secret message.” Concerning the category she puts herself in as an artist, she said, “I consider myself a maximalist artist, I like to saturate an art work with information, more than it can physically handle. I mostly use collages along with various mediums I can get my hand on. We always work on simplifying our lives, but why should we simplify our dreams? I consider creating art like a dream, a fantasy, the more elaborate it is, the more vivid the dream becomes.” For the first interaction with art and the time when did she decided to paint, she mentioned “My first paintings was in my high school I was just experimenting with medias and practicing brush strokes, then I was drone away from that, and found myself going back to it again for just one reason, the silence when practicing the act of painting, I needed silence, it tames those thoughts flying in your brain, it organizes them. The process of creating an art piece brings answers to my endless questions in a very spontaneous way, those answers bring calmness and enlightenment, it’s like a meditation to me.”


For the source of inspiration, Sheikha Majida said, “I am against the idea of dragging myself somewhere to get inspired, inspiration comes when your mind is encouraged, and it can even come from that colorful bouquet on your coffee table. You don’t need to go anywhere to get inspired, you can get inspired by a piece of paper and I had this inspiration by chance and I myself a taught artist I reached a point where I understand everything about art and painting, how to be different with a unique style, though every style in this world is already taken, but you need to add your own feeling, and it happened with me by a coincidence while I was helping my daughter with a project, when I took a glimpse on the floor I discovered that this is the art.” She added, “As soon as I stroke the first move when starting a painting I feel that it’s responding to me, a deep conversation occurs, leading me to an unknown path, I enjoy that moment of not knowing where and how it will end.” And if the traveling influences her work, Sheikha Majida mentioned, “Of course! The minute a person shifts places he subconsciously changes his reactions according to his surroundings, but you have to notice those feelings and acknowledge them to benefit from. I highly notice it in New York City, the amount of positive vibes I get from its streets is sensational, and I visit the Museum of Modern Art. And for me it’s all about the culture and the best places that inspires me in terms of colors and culture is China, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and Hong Kong even if it’s a cosmopolitan city but it still has this merge between the traditional and model.” I don’t have the chance to travel a lot I travel two times per year I go to galleries virtually, every week I pick up a spot in the world and I live it whenever I go to any kind of city and the last trip was to Singapore I didn’t go to any culture and I was not inspired and it was a dead city and I decided to visit the modern galleries and there is art every place in the world.” For the future projects, she said “A solo show is the next move, I strongly believe it stretches the artist muscle, it allows you to present your work in its fullest context. I am in the process of creating a complete collection, the answers to the questions asked will draw my direction and I’m planning to showcase it in an unconventional way.”

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Raynald Aeschlimann Omega’s Vice President and Head of International Sales


MEGA’s Vice President and Head of International Sales, Raynald Aeschlimann visited Kuwait city along with OMEGA brand ambassador, the renowned Bollywood actor and producer Abhishek Bachchan. They participated in the official opening of Morad Yousuf Behbehani’s third mono-brand OMEGA boutique at 360 Mall.


Raynald Aeschlimann, Swiss citizen, graduated with a degree in economics and an MBA from the University of St. Gallen. He was appointed to the Swatch Group’s Extended Group Management Board in 2013. Mr. Aeschlimann has been Vice President and International Director of Sales, Retail and Distribution at Omega SA since 2001. He joined Omega in 1996 as Sales and Marketing Project Manager, he was also Brand Manager of Omega and Blancpain Spain in 2000 and has been the Group Coordinator for the Swatch Group’s Indian subsidiary since 2010. Mr. Aeschlimann is on the Executive Board of the Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry FH. We took time out with Switzerland-based OMEGA Vice President and Head of International Sales Raynald Aeschlimann for you.

Tell me a bit about yourself and what you do at Omega. I have been working with Omega for almost 20 years. My main job is to make sure that our products are wellrepresented and well-distributed. When we started 20 years ago, the brand was not in the best state; our mission was to recreate the whole environment and marketing strategies, in addition to opening new stores and exploring new markets.

What can you tell us about the Kuwaiti market? It is a great pleasure being here. Omega has a relationship with its customers, but between us as headquarters in this part of the world, there is a great deal of emotions and affection. We have worked with Behbehani for almost 80 years, for us, it is very important to have the right link between the end users and us.

In your perspective, how did you contribute to the legacy of Omega? Mr. Hayek saved the watch-making industry in the 70s and 80s, it was a terrible phase. It was a stage where people were selling old fashioned watches for the last 50 years, when the quartz revolution – created by the Swiss – came, they were not on the forefront of technology; they were in a good comfort zone. When Mr. Hayek created the Swatch, he was the first to create a small world that can be worn around the wrist – this is the main factor behind the success of all the watch brands, not only us.

“A small world around the wrist” – I like this phrase, why is it a “small world”? Well, if you think of it, for us as men, we probably have nothing except for our sunglasses that can express your personality. Some people buy certain watches because they believe that they deliver the right message and can be the ideal symbol.

We know that the taste of Middle East customers can be different from the taste of European and American customers. How does the growth of the Middle East market influence the collection? People are totally aware and well-informed of the product they buy everywhere. The appreciation towards a fine watch is probably the same everywhere. In the GCC and particularly in Kuwait, there is a high level of awareness of the brand and this is important. We always make sure to maintain a high level of communication with our clients in order to touch upon their feedback.

Do you plan to launch more boutiques in Kuwait? When you open a new store, you celebrate the brand. It is good to have a boutique as a platform for not only selling, but also communicating with the clients. A third boutique in Kuwait is a milestone – it’s a sign that our brand is doing ver y well.

Besides expansion and the celebration of a third boutique, is communication with clients important? This is probably one of the biggest achievements, for me, in being there and making sure this happens – it is all about this – we have to listen to our clients. We have a significant DNA and we think it is important to keep in touch and maintain a high level of communication.

In regards with your brand ambassadors, George Clooney, Cindy Crawford, Nicole Kidman and Abhishek Bachchan, how do you select the faces of the brand? They are there because they are part of the family – we have been coherent and they have a deep interest in the brand. They are all good inside, they are true to the brand and this is what makes all of our ambassadors great representatives. In a watch industry, it is important to remain coherent and consistent in all that we do.

In a few words, what would you say to aspiring Omega watch collectors? When you start getting into the watch-collecting passion, it is a fantastic way to spend your time because if you were a car fan you are still not a car collector yet. Car collecting is very difficult and requires space, whereas watch collectors can have as many watches as possible. What’s unique about Omega is that it is one of the best investments because of most of the Omega watches were iconic and made history, besides, the real watch collectors keep their watches because they like them; they like to look at their watch and like to wear it. Interviewed by Yasmine Bandar

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Les Voiles de Saint Barth Richard Mille congratulates the winners


es Voiles de Saint Barth came to an end on 18th of April, after a week of breathtaking sailing. As the principal sponsor of the event, Richard Mille was delighted to present the trophy to the winner George David, businessman and owner of the Maxi Yacht Rambler 88. The Swiss watch manufacturer introduced at the same time a 50-piece-limited edition of the RM 60-01 Flyback Chronograph Regatta, in the colours of Les Voiles de Saint Barth. Over 1,000 yachtsmen and women from 20 different nations participated in the 2015 Voiles de St Barth. The 56 teams aboard the most prestigious yachts were sponsored by the French skipper Loïck Peyron, the most recent winner of the Route du Rhum and Sailor of the Year 2014. The sailing conditions were favorable around the Caribbean islands. The competitors made the most of a good breeze of 15 to 18 knots and slight seas around St. Barth. These conditions proved beneficial for some and difficult for others, creating surprises and a few changes in the rankings. George David, winner of the 2010, 2011 and 2012 editions, won for a fourth time in the Maxi Yacht class. His boat, designed by architect Juan Kouyoumdjian, was launched in early December and pushes the boundaries of technology to make it a record-breaker. Richard Mille presented the Voiles de Saint Barth trophy to George David. The children of the YB Afraid Foundation (created by Yohan Blake, Jamaican sprinter and brand partner of Richard Mille, which helps improve the lives and security of young Jamaicans) presented the winner with the ultimate prize – a Richard Mille RM 60-01 Regatta Flyback Chronograph. This automatic watch has been conceived and designed for open sea racing and is has a titanium rotating bezel with integral compass. The week of competition also saw the team on board Sorcha, owned by Peter Harrison, CEO Richard Mille Europe, Middle East and Africa; take an honorable second place in the CSA Spinnaker 0 class. This boat was easily recognizable by its sublime spinnaker sporting a linedrawing of the RM 60-01 Regatta. As principal partner of Les Voiles since its first edition, Richard Mille is delighted to be associated with its renewed success which further establishes the brand’s importance in the nautical world. The brand has already confirmed its role as principal partner for the 7th edition in 2016.


IWC Schaffhausen Announces IWC Connect


ontinuing the company’s long tradition of engineering innovation, Swiss luxury watch manufacturer IWC Schaffhausen is announcing the launch of a new device: IWC Connect. This intelligent tool, which will be embedded in the straps of mechanical timepieces from IWC, is designed to give wearers control over certain devices connected to the Internet of Things (IoT) and provide fully fledged activity tracking. The idea behind this new innovation is to enable owners of IWC timepieces to control their connected environment directly from the wrist while also maintaining the integrity of a handcrafted mechanical timepiece.

Engineered to be integrated into the straps of IWC sports watches, beginning with the Big Pilot’s Watches, the IWC Connect answers the needs of discerning customers by providing a high-quality luxury design solution: it not only tracks the wearer’s activities, but also allows them to interact with connected devices in their environment (IoT). “Seeing that many of our customers and brand ambassadors are wearing connected devices alongside their IWC watches, we chose to work with a like-minded digital technology company to develop an elegant, aesthetically complementary solution that eliminates the need to have additional devices on the opposing wrist to your IWC,” explains Georges Kern, CEO of IWC Schaffhausen. “But, and this is essential, we do not touch our beautiful watches – an ‘IWC’ stays a mechanical handcrafted timepiece. We’ve engineered an intelligent design solution which perfectly integrates and underlines our product worlds.” With a clear focus on technology and development, the Swiss watch manufacturer IWC Schaffhausen has been producing timepieces of lasting value since 1868. The company has gained an international reputation based on a passion for innovative solutions and technical ingenuity. One of the world’s leading brands in the luxur y watch segment, IWC crafts masterpieces of haute horlogerie at their finest, combining supreme precision with exclusive design. As an ecologically and socially responsible company, IWC is committed to sustainable production, suppor ts institutions around the globe in their work with children and young people, and maintains par tnerships with organizations dedicated to climate and environmental protection.

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Marc Allen

Vice President of Jaquet Droz “Luxury is having a collection of various options a watch for every occasion”


aving turned 40 years old a couple of years ago, Marc Allen is Vice President of Jaquet Droz for the Swatch Group; the world’s biggest Swiss watches producer. Originally he joined the group fifteen years ago and has worked across three different brands. For the past seven years he has been with Jaquet-Droz which is among their top brands in terms of price positioning along with Blancpain, Breguet.

Tell us more about your job at Swatch Group. I manage the sales of these brands in the world. Today, Jaquet Droz is present in about 55 countries in the world. We have a limited production so we cannot develop our network and develop new markets so we take it step by step. My job is to manage the sales of these brands worldwide.

It has been a long journey with watches; did you always have a passion for watches? I come from the region of watch-making in Switzerland. My grandfather had his own company for producing components for the watch industry. My father was the head of production for Omega for many years, and later started his own company for designs and brand identity. So I was basically born into the field.

Do you remember the first watch you received? Of course, it was a Swatch. I was 6 years old. I could not read back then, but I had a watch.

Did you appreciate the concept behind wearing a watch around your wrist at such a young age?


Of course. Today I have a twin who is 7 and they got their first Swatch watches when they about 6 years old.

Tell me about the philosophy of Jaquet Droz. Jaquet Droz is one of the oldest Swiss brands because it was established in 1738 by the Jaquet Droz family. They not only produced watches but also a brilliant creation that is, the automata. When the brand was brought by the Swatch Group in early 2000, it was to take the entire DNA we offer today in our products to derive it from the history of producing the automata. The automata is a sophisticated machine that produces music played by a puppet. The designs are inspired by the automata that is initially created by Jaquet Droz.

Where does the inspiration come from in terms of design? Everything is linked to our history. Jaquet Droz was producing designs with different decoration and colors; it all comes from the DNA of the brand. The 8 shape that we have in almost all of our watches, for example, comes from an original pocket watch produced by Jaquet Droz in the 18th century. The idea is really to take something from our history and adapt it to the current needs to produce modern watches with a dash from the past.

Looking at the details of the watch, I think your female clients would hold more appreciation to the design than men. I think this is true, I also believe that watch collectors in general will appreciate this watch. At the end of the day, the people who buy this watch will not wear it every day; it is more to keep it safe as an investment or show it off. We did sell some to women, however.

How long does the process of producing a Jaquet Droz watch normally take? It is a difficult question to answer because there are several stages through which a watch undergoes. Let’s say you have people who are in charge of producing the case, while others are responsible for the dial, others working on the movements. What I can tell you is that only make a watch per month, but through 20 craftsmen.

How many watches do you produce overall yearly? Around 3,000.

That’s not a big number... It’s not, but it is a growing number. I joined the brand in 2008, in that particular year, we did 1,000 pieces. We also aspire to increase the production capacity – we moved to a new factory in our headquarters which will allow us to increase the production.

Our watches are manufactured by skillful and talented people who are not easy to find today, and this is another point to consider when it comes to limiting our production.

When was the last collection launched? We just finished our BASELWORLD event which is our biggest event in the watch industry and it took place in mid of March; it is the time of the year where we present our new creations. We have developed a few new lines this year and we are introducing new products in all price ranges. Our brand is very high end, so we strive to consolidate what we have and improve it.

What is your assessment of performance in the GCC market?



I have to say that it really depends on the country. A country like Kuwait, for example, is very stable – it is growing but it’s stable. If you compare it with Dubai, which is the biggest market for watches in the region, it has its ups and downs. Kuwait, Qatar and KSA are stable markets our clients are mostly locals. The key for watch business is to develop the local business and not to rely on the touristic business.

Aside from the brand, what is your idea of a luxurious watch? I guess what is important in a watch is the relation you have with it. I cannot say that “this is the watch” because it is only personal and it depends on the mood. For me, it is important to have the choice of wearing what you like to wear on a daily basis. Luxury is having a collection of various options a watch for every occasion.

How many watches do you have? I have 30 watches.

You love to travel, how does it influence you? It is important for us to travel around and feel the interest of people towards watch making. I was impressed to touch the passion of people here in Kuwait with their level of knowledge. They are really into watches and they asked me very specialized questions. It is always a pleasure to meet the people and feel the passion. Part of my job is to carry the feedback to Switzerland in order to be as close as possible to our clients. I like travelling because we go to very exceptional places. Normally, our brand is distributed in the best cities and the nicest malls. I personally enjoy switching the culture and getting exposed to the mix of cultures.

What’s your motto in life? I would say it is to stay positive in all possible situations, to be motivated and to respect people, to listen to people and to be open to the world.

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Tissot Quickster Lugano Nautical cool


arning its fashion stripes is the Tissot Quickster Lugano, a wonderfully understated addition to the sporty Quickster family. Still featuring the uncluttered dial Tissot fans love, a striped nautical-inspired NATO strap pays tribute to the beautiful lake of Lugano, while the deep blue aesthetic calls to mind long, sunny days by the water. It offers the possibility of changing bracelets depending on the mood or the outfit with a blue base bracelet with white lines or visa-versa or even an all blue version. This special piece shares its beauty with Switzerland - Tissot’s homeland – and its subtle design means it can be worn for any occasion, so you can take a little bit of Lugano with you everywhere you go.

Spor t y detail The Tissot Quickster Lugano may be inspired by hazy summer days, but the details are reassuringly familiar. A spor ty face proudly features the bold number 12, reminding wearers just how much prestige Tissot awards to their timekeeping. Young trendsetters will also love the unique and edgy bezel design which allows the dial to be more easily admired, while an aluminium ring adds a cool edge. Simple, straight hands are the ideal complement to a design that per fectly marries functionality with stylish design. Features • • • • • • •

Swiss Made Quartz movement with battery end-of-life (EOL) indicator Diameter: 40mm three hands and 42mm chronographs 316L stainless steel case Scratch-resistant sapphire cr ystal Water-resistant up to a pressure of 10 bar (100 m / 330 ft) 3 synthetic straps with standard buckle


A fascinating visit to NASA Celebrates OMEGA’s dedication to space


ringing together nearly 200 guests from around the world, OMEGA proudly relives its history of space exploration with a special tour of NASA in Houston. Ever since the first moon landing in 1969, OMEGA has been a trusted partner in space exploration. The Speedmaster, in particular, has become an enduring icon. As the first watch ever worn on the moon, it has accompanied astronauts on all six lunar landings, solidifying its reputation as the integral link between OMEGA and NASA. In celebration of this rich backstory, OMEGA proudly joined NASA for a special tour of the Space Centre and Mission Control on May the 12th this year, where guests were treated to a truly unique experience. One particular highlight was the opportunity to relive the famous line “Houston, we have a problem”, sent by the Apollo 13 mission 45 years ago. It was, in fact, the Speedmaster watch that played a major role in helping the Apollo 13 crew return safely to Earth when their onboard instruments were shut down to save power. For this invaluable support, OMEGA received the Silver Snoopy Award, the highest honour a nongovernmental entity can receive from NASA. Following the tour, OMEGA President Stephen Urquhart, along with Astronauts General Thomas Stafford and Captain James Lovell, engaged in a captivating Q&A session led by Lily Koppel, author of the book “The Astronaut’s Wives Club”. Beyond the support of the Apollo 13 mission, one guest asked how the OMEGA watches were used in-flight. General Stafford responded, “Accuracy was so important, every move we’d make was calculated. The watch was an integral part of all of our activities.” Captain Lovell recounted the frightening tale of his Apollo 13 experience sharing, “it was necessar y to maneuver without the use of our equipment, we had to burn the engine for 14 seconds in order to cour se correct so we used the watch to time the burn of the engine and return safely.” When one guest inquired about the tests needed to pass inspection, Mr. Urquhar t responded, “the Speedmaster was not developed specifically for space travel, however, when NASA was looking for an official watch, the OMEGA Professional Speedmaster already had all the functions they needed.”

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Luxury, crafted through years of research, innovation and technological advancement


stablished three decades ago as the first Japanese luxury car brand, Acura, the luxury division of Japanese automaker Honda, maintains its place as a leader in the luxury performance automobile market. The brand’s standout feature is the combination of technological innovation with world-class performance, contemporary design and luxury. Histor y shows that Acura not only redefined the luxur y car, it permanently changed the luxur y marketplace from a slow evolution among a handful of brands to fierce competition between many. Al Mulla International Auto Trading, the exclusive dealer for Acura in Kuwait, has launched the brand here with the largest and most advanced Acura Center in the world. Today, Acura boasts the strongest, most extensive product line in the division’s histor y. The Acura brand appeals to customers whose sense of prestige comes not from traditional status symbols, but from the true sense of being ahead. The 2015 Acura TL X An all-new midsize spor ts sedan, developed under the theme of ‘Red Carpet Athlete,’ the all-new TL X is designed to deliver a unique and compelling blend of spor ts-sedan athleticism and premium (red-carpet) luxur y refinement, while delivering on Acura’s ‘Synergy Between Man and Machine’ product direction – characterized by vehicles that per form “at the will of the driver” with intuitive, exhilarating and confidenceinspiring driving dynamics. To achieve its dual mission of even sharper spor tssedan per formance and increased luxur y refinement, the TL X employs a host of new technologies, including two new, high-output direct-injected i-V TEC engines; two advanced new transmissions, including the world’s first automotive Dual Clutch Transmission with torque conver ter; and the latest iterations of Acura precisionhandling technologies – Precision All-Wheel Steer (P-AWS), and Agile Handling Assist (AHA). These new technologies, in combination with its all-new body and chassis design, help define the TL X as the most dynamically advanced Acura ever produced; quick and responsive in spor ty driving, stable and sure-footed in higher speed maneuvers, calm and quiet during longdistance cruising.


Powertrain At the heart of the TLX’s athletic sports-sedan performance capabilities are two new power trains, both utilizing directinjection, i-VTEC valve trains with variable cam phasing, and low-friction technologies to deliver higher output and more linear and responsive power delivery, as well as to garner class-leading fuel-economy ratings. The directinjected 2.4-liter DOHC i-VTEC in-line 4, producing a peak 206 horsepower and 182 lb.-ft. of torque, is mated to an allnew 8-speed Dual Clutch Transmission (8DCT) with torque converter, the world’s first transmission of this type to be paired with a torque converter. Featuring Sequential Sport Shift, closely spaced ratios, ultra-quick shifts and automatic rev-matching downshifts, the 8DCT gives the 2.4-liter TLX an aggressively sporting yet refined feel. The torque converter provides exceptionally smooth operation in stop-and-go situations, plus it offers off-the-line torque multiplication for substantially improved initial acceleration that a DCT alone cannot equal. Body and styling The TLX’s new chassis, power trains and precision-handling technologies are wrapped in a lithe new exterior design with taut body surfaces, dynamically sculpted fender arches, and purposeful character lines. Acura’s signature Jewel Eye™ LED headlights, standard on all models, lend the TLX an advanced and bright-eyed appearance while producing superior down-the-road illumination. Its LED lighting theme carries through to the LED-accented side mirrors, LED taillights and LED license plate illumination. Interior The TLX’s spacious five-passenger interior is designed and engineered to underscore the ‘Red Carpet Athlete’ development theme of the new TLX, providing a high degree of refinement, luxury comfort and technological sophistication while supporting an exhilarating driving experience. Highend premium elements include a soft-touch, one-piece instrument panel upper cover, alloy and wood-grain accents, and available Milano leather seat trim. The TLX offers an abundance of available luxury features and technologies, including heated and ventilated front seats, Bluetooth® ,Smart Entry/Push Button Start keyless access system, Acura Navigation System with 3D view, and a 7-inch On Demand Multi-Use Display™ (ODMD) touch screen, located in the center console, controls these and other features, and, with its contextual menus, displays relevant items while minimizing instrument panel clutter. All TLX models come equipped with Siri Eyes Free technology that when paired with a compatible iPhone, allows the driver to use the features of Siri using familiar voice commands. Additional standard and available luxury features includes one-touch turn-signals and power windows, power driver and front passenger seats, GPSlinked automatic climate control, color Multi-Information Display (MID) with turn-by-turn guidance, LED accent lighting, HD Radio®, Pandora® and Aha™ integration, and HDMI and USB connectivity.

The 2015 Acura MDX The 2015 MDX is the third generation of Acura’s seven-passenger luxury performance SUV, the first to be developed from the ground up using an all-new, purpose-built platform (body and chassis) fully optimized for the needs of today’s luxury SUV buyers. The new MDX, offers a higher level of luxury, quietness, comfort and prestige in a vehicle that performs “at the will of the driver” with intuitive control and exhilarating dynamic performance. Developed on the image of an “Executive Family Jet,” the 2015 MDX is sleek and refined, prestigious and powerful, and designed to deliver on the unique performance and functional needs of the luxury SUV driver and passengers, be they kids or clients. In designing the new MDX, Acura engineers focused on three core values: class-leading fuel economy ratings; new levels of prestige and luxury comfort; and top-level safety performance. At the same time, they sought to further enhance the MDX’s dynamic performance while maintaining its core appeal – the family-friendly, seven-passenger cabin and nimble, midsize SUV exterior size and appearance. Powertrain The 2015 Acura MDX is powered by an all-new direct-injected 24-valve 3.5-liter i-VTEC V-6 engine with Variable Cylinder Management™ (VCM™), producing 290 horsepower and 355N-m @4500 rpm of torque. Employing a 6-speed automatic transmission with Sport Mode and Sequential Sport Shift Paddle Shifters, the new MDX will be offered in both Super Handling All-Wheel Drive™ (SH-AWD™) featuring Acura’s new Agile Handling Assist technology. While achieving even higher fuel economy ratings, the MDX remains a true driver’s SUV with enhanced dynamic performance, including quicker acceleration, more responsive braking and even more precise steering feel. Body and Styling The 2015 MDX body applies more than 55 percent advanced lightweight materials – including high strength steel, aluminum and magnesium – resulting in a vehicle that is both more rigid and lightweight. Measuring 4935mm in overall length, 1960mm in overall width (excluding door mirrors), 1730 in overall height, and riding on a 2820mm wheelbase the new MDX boasts an “Executive Aero Sculpture” exterior design that lends it a sleek, tailored and sophisticated appearance. The aerodynamic body design helps the MDX achieve a more than 17 percent improvement in aerodynamic efficiency, making it one of the most aerodynamic and fuelefficient luxury SUVs on the road. Interior Equally adept at carrying clients and kids, the new MDX boasts a luxurious and versatile interior. The revised body dimensions and new, more compact multi-link rear suspension, combined with innovative new technologies on the second-row seats, significantly improve thirdrow access and all-around passenger comfort. With a single press of the illuminated One-Touch Walk-In button, the second-row seats automatically fold and slide to their forward-most position. The secondrow seats now feature a four-position recline and a new Extended Slide capability that provides six inches of total fore-aft seat adjustment for optimal balance between second- and third-row legroom. Rear cargo capacity is also improved and includes a new under floor storage area.

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Thriller in the Ardennes


Second, third and sixth for Porsche 919 Hybrids

fter an action packed six-hour race in Spa-Francorchamps, the trio of Romain Dumas (France), Neel Jani (Switzerland) and Marc Lieb (Germany) came second at round two of the FIA World Endurance Championship (WEC). This is a repeat of the season’s opening race in Silverstone. Timo Bernhard (Germany), Brendon Hartley (New Zealand) and Mark Webber (Australia) had started from pole position, dropped back due to a penalty and a technical failure, but fought their way back to finish third. The third Porsche 919 Hybrid with Earl Bamber (New Zealand), Formula One driver Nico Hßlkenberg (Germany) and Nick Tandy (Great Britain), that was being entered for the first time, started second but lost ground because of an accident which was followed by a stop for repairs. They recovered after dropping to the back of the field to finished sixth.


How the race went for car number 17: Hartley took the lead from pole position. Just before he was due to hand over the car to Bernhard after 23 laps, he locked the brakes before the bus stop chicane and used the escape road to get back onto the track. He was given a 15 second stop and go penalty, which saw the car drop back to second place, before a damper change during the driver change to Webber after 47 laps cost even more time. Webber managed to improve to third during a double stint. After 95 laps Hartley took over, refuelled after 119 laps and handed over to Bernhard after 137 laps. Bernhard came in for his final stop for fuel after 161 laps and finished third. How the race went for car number 18: Lieb improved from third on the grid to second right after the start and stayed there. After 22 laps he handed over to Jani, who moved up to first place when the sister car received a stop and go penalty. Dumas got in the car after 46 laps and extended the lead to 27 seconds. After 94 laps Lieb returned to the car and re-joined the race in second. He had a strong fight with BenoĂŻt TrĂŠluyer for the lead, which changed several times. After 133 laps he handed over to Jani. He had his last splashand- dash after 157 laps and finished the race in second place. How the race went for car number 19: Tandy started second and was third after lap one. On lap seven a misunderstanding led to an accident with one of the works Porsche 911 RSRs, and required a stop for repairs. After 32 laps HĂźlkenberg took over the car in ninth position for a double stint. After 80 laps Bamber got behind the wheel for the first time. He refuelled after 104 laps and handed over after 128 laps to Tandy, who picked up fresh tyres for the left hand side at his last stop for fuel after 152 laps before he finished sixth.

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Wörthersee GTI-Treffen Volkswagen Group’s party by the lake


hroughout four days in May, the otherwise quite unremarkable (and not quite pretty) Carinthian village of Reifnitz on the southern shore of Austria’s Wörthersee, is transformed in to the global focus for GTI aficionados. Its narrow streets pulse to the beat of Wolfsberg metal, and it’s not at all for the faint of heart.


Having begun in 1981 as a small meet organized by a group of GTI owner s and modder s keen to show of f and share their V Ws, the Wör ther see GTI-Tref fen (L ake Wör ther GTI Meeting) has grown annually and now at tracts the world’s biggest collection of GTIs and their enthusiasts. Such success for an enthusiast’s V W event inevitably at tracted the interest of the brand, and over recent year s the Volkswagen Group has increased its suppor t and raised the impor tance of Wör ther see even higher – the group uses the show to reveal new concepts and additions to the GTI-family, as well as bringing its group cousins, including Audi, Skoda and SE AT, along to the par t y.

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In 2015, Volkswagen topped all previous 33 Lake Wörthersee GTI events with the double world premiere of two breathtaking Golf GT models planned for the near and medium-term future: the Golf GTI Clubsport and the Golf GTE Sport. As a concept car, the Golf GTE Sport with its carbon body, a completely new cockpit design, an “electric propshaft” and a powerful 295 kW / 400 PS plug-in hybrid drive shows what is possible when designers and engineers catapult the GT idea a long way into the future. By contrast, the Golf GTI Clubsport from Volkswagen – also presented as a concept car – offers a glimpse at the 195 kW / 265 PS anniversary model which will mark the 40th birthday of the Golf GTI. The tuned and extensively individualised “Clubsport” will be introduced on the market in early 2016.


Golf GTE Sport • Plug-in hybrid sports car. With the Golf GTE Sport presented as a world premiere at the legendary GTI event at Lake Wörthersee, Volkswagen is transferring the GT tradition to the future. The high-tech Golf that is largely made of carbon is powered by a total of three motors – combined in a plug-in hybrid drive with system power of 295 kW / 400 PS. The concept car breaks down traditional barriers between road and motorsport vehicles. Its progressive hybrid system in combination with the high-tech all-wheel drive, a lightweight body, optimum aerodynamic downforce, precision running gear based on the design of the current Golf GTE, a new motor racing cockpit (including visualisation of the racing line) and an unusual seating concept (two monocoque-like interior areas) enable breathtaking performance on the racetrack. At the press of a button, however, the concept car is able to cover a distance of up to 50 kilometres on electric power alone and hence with zero emissions. Golf GTI Clubsport • 40 years of “GTI” – the anniversary model. Next year the Golf GTI will celebrate its 40th birthday. Volkswagen will mark this historic event with a progressive special edition: the new Golf GTI Clubsport. The inventor of the “GTI” is thus continuing the big tradition of GTI anniversary models: exclusive special editions also marked the 20th, 25th, 30th, and 35th birthdays. On 14 May 2015, Volkswagen presented the Golf GTI Clubsport as a closeto-production concept car at Lake Wörthersee. With power output of 195 kW / 265 PS and approximately 10 per cent higher temporary peak output thanks to a boost function, the launch of the Golf GTI Clubsport as the most powerful GTI ever to enter series production is planned for early 2016. The anniversary model will not only enter the market with an extremely powerful engine, it will also have a customised interior and extensive body modifications.

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Audi launched innovative technology and concentrated power at the Wรถrthersee Tour 2015, and the premium car brand also presented the latest race cars, performance cars and production models to its fans along with a very special highlight: the TT clubsport turbo. This technical concept car combines a powerful TFSI engine with an electric biturbo. This means that it leaves its competitors in the dust after only a few meters.

Au di T T clu bs por t tu r bo conc ept at t he Au di s t and


Wide add-on parts, a powerful rear wing and a power output of 441 kW (600 hp) – the Audi TT clubsport turbo impresses with its power and design. The inspiration for the show car came from the successful Audi 90 IMSA GTO of the late 1980s. “The electric biturbo signifies a new dimension in driving enjoyment; it boosts sprinting ability and torque and enables high peak power,” explains Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hackenberg, Audi Board Member for Technical Development. “In our TDI engines, we are close to production readiness with this technology. We are now presenting it in a TFSI – here too, we are the first automaker in the world to do this. For our fans at Wörthersee, we have packaged the electric biturbo in a very sporty show car.” The Audi TT clubsport turbo has a power-boosted 2.5 TFSI engine with very impressive performance data. From 2,480 cc of displacement, the five-cylinder engine produces 441 kW (600 hp) of power and 650 Nm (479.4 lb-ft) of torque. More than 600 Nm of torque are available between 3,000 and 7,000 rpm. This means that it produces 176 kW (240 hp) and 260 Nm (191.8 lbft) per liter of displacement. Power is transferred via a manual six-speed transmission. Thanks to systematic lightweight design, the TT clubsport turbo show car has an unladen weight of just 1,396 kg (3,077.7 lb). The car completes the standard sprint from 0 to 100 km/h (62.1 mph) in 3.6 seconds, and its top speed is 310 km/h (192.6 mph). The TT clubsport turbo plays out its big advantage over the first few meters of a sprint. Its electrically driven compressor lets it cover up to 16 meters (52.5 ft) within the first 2.5 seconds – which is six meters (19.7 ft) further than a comparable car without this innovation. That is a difference of around one and a half car lengths. Electric thrust: additional compressor assists the turbocharger at lower revs The big advantage of an electrically powered compressor: It revs up to maximum rpm rapidly and without any perceptible delay, and it continues to boost charge pressure when too little drive energy is left in the exhaust gas for the conventional turbocharger. This operating principle makes it possible to design the conventional turbocharger more specifically for high charge pressures and consequently for high engine power – the eTurbo consistently assures spontaneous response and powerful sprints from low engine speeds.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Hackenberg, Member of the Board of Management of AUDI AG, Technical Development; next to Audi TT clubsport turbo concept

The effect is impressive. The 2.5 TFSI engine builds up its tremendous power without any perceptible delay. This power is available in any situation – whenever the accelerator pedal is pressed. In an acceleration duel, the TT clubsport turbo effortlessly pulls away from a counterpart with an equally powerful engine but no electric biturbo.

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Dolce & Gabbana Pre Fall 15 Men’s Collection


wo important components throughout the F/W 15 collection are the bee and the crown. They were chosen for the symbolism each of them represents.

Dolce & Gabbana presents their Men’s Pre Fall Collection which showcases fashion sporty looks and beautiful sartorial suits. The sartorial portion takes inspiration from American and Italian cinema from the 50s and 60s, a classic silhouette which is perfectly fitted to a man’s body. The crown is one of the featured motifs of the new Dolce&Gabbana collection for men. Whether printed or embroidered with velvet, crystals or braid they not only enliven every garment, but represent the new and distinctive symbol of menswear. Emblem of fame, excellence, elegance and power since centuries, the crown also evokes the virtues of courage, resourcefulness and strength. Presented since antiquity to victorious Roman generals and to the heroes and athletes of the Olympic Games.


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Images courtesy of Dolce&Gabbana. In Kuwait at Dolce & Gabbana, Prestige, The Avenues. Telephone 22200584

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Men’s Collection – Prefall 2015


he Gucci man’s love for aristocratic sports has its way with the Prefall 2015 Collection. From horseback riding to hunting and aviation, his wardrobe takes inspiration from the great outdoors for late summer and early fall. Signature outerwear plays a key role in a season where sartorial style and jet-set attire seamlessly come together.

Silhouette and materials Layered outfitting. A retro fox-hunting look characterizes the red coat in tricotine, while jersey peacoats take inspiration from countr y quilts for subtle mélange stripes. New must-have jackets in deerskin take their cue from the horse-jockey uniform, elsewhere equestrianinspired silk bombers and jackets feel as lightweight as scarves. An indie vibe translates into jacquard pullovers with a folk feeling – to wear underneath militar y-style outerwear with red contrast collars or the aviator jacket complete with shearling. Collegiate-inspired blazers, in raw-edged jersey or wool felt, make a victorious statement when worn with denim shir ts or jeans featuring a variety of washes. Colors and prints E a r t hy c o l o r s evo k i n g r u g g e d l a n d s c a p e s . I vo r y, k h a k i , c y p r e s s g r e e n , f u e l b l u e , n av y, to b a c c o, b a r n r e d a n d c a r d i n a l. Tr u e to t h e s e a s o n’s s p o r t y s t y l e , t h e c o l l e c t i o n’s p r o t a g o n i s t i s a n e q u e s t r i a n p r i n t – a n e w l y r e p r o d u c e d p a t te r n f r o m G u c c i’s wo r l d of r i d i n g i c o n o g r a p hy. Accessories Utilitarian luxur y. The ultra-functional backpack undergoes the ar tisanal treatment. Worn on the shoulders or held by its blackened Bamboo handle, this new classic is a multipurpose leather bag designed as the per fect travel companion. Meanwhile, the crossbody leather messenger bag or the nylon tote and pouch provide an athletic accent. Monkstrap and laceup shoes utilize shiny leather for a polished touch. Casquette de marin caps and printed pocket squares make for distinctive details.


rugged landscapes. Ivory, khaki, cypress green, fuel blue, navy, tobacco, barn red and cardinal.” “Earthy colors evoking

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“Collegiate-inspired in


raw-edged jersey and wool felt.”


“True to the season’s sporty style,

protagonist is an equestrian print.”

the collection’s

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Hartmann First time in Kuwait


artmann, the definitive purveyor of the finest quality luggage and leather goods, has been the chosen brand by many a sophisticated traveller since its inception in 1877. The sophisticated range of Hartmann products showcasing stylish forms and refined details is now available in Kuwait, much to the delight of the prestigious clientele taken by the brand’s elegant styling and intelligent functionality. Now discerning travellers in Kuwait may appreciate, peruse and indulge in the elegance and timelessness of Hartmann’s luxury collection.

The quality craftsmanship, engineered precision and savoirfaire of stylish carrying bags have become the stalwarts behind the revered reputation of Hartmann. Duly committed to quality and the heritage of its American luxury-travel past, Hartmann is a brand not only renowned for design innovation, product performance and luxurious fashion-oriented luggage but also one which anticipates the evolving needs and styles of the discriminating excursionist. From the stylish, yet practical trunks, to iconic Pullmans accompanying the wellheeled aboard steamliners and railways; to the first aircraftbespoke three-piece luggage wardrobe created to 747 cabin specifications in the 1970s, Hartmann has always combined elegance with technical function. It is this enduring tradition of excellence that has garnered the brand a following of luminaries like the First Lady Frances Cleveland, who possessed a honeymoon wardrobe trunk in 1886, and Ian Fleming who immortalized the brand in his 1954 novel Live and Let Die leading to the Hartmann Skymate case, toted by Roger Moore in the film of the same name. Designed to endure the journeys of their owners, Hartmann employs a long history of quality combined with modern day technology to create luggage ideal for a variety of travelers. 2015 has seen the introduction of Hartmann 7R range, a brand new premium luggage collection which was created as an ode to the restless gene 7R, a genetic deviation that occurs in 20% of the population, and is responsible for risk taking behaviour. It is this gene that makes us explore new places, new ideas and new opportunities. This commitment to design and product innovation was recognized recently when the Hartmann 7R

collection won a coveted Red Dot ‘Best of the Best’ Award. Targeted at the high-end market segment, the made in Europe collection was developed to explore new techniques and materials whilst pushing the boundaries of lightness and strength. The range was specifically designed with a restless breed in mind: entrepreneurs, risk takers, explorers, intelligent, and well-travelled people who want to change the world. To make the strongest luggage, the shells are sculpted into a reptile pattern scale made from Curv® material for outstanding protection and scratch resistance, which also adds to the visual strength of the case. Through very advanced and innovative mould construction the shells made out of Curv material boast fully recessed zippers, integrating the PU covered zipper for a soft touch, secure look and ultimate water resistance. Finally, advanced wheel technology ensures convenient travelling and seamless maneuverability when on the road with smooth rolling, silent wheels. Spring wire steel wheels provide excellent strength and resistance whilst innovative technology ensures there is minimal impact to the shell and wheel housing by leveraging the flexible spring wire when in transit. The Hartmann 7R collection is the first of many high quality luggage collections to be released in Europe. As part of their commitment to the highest standards of quality, every Hartmann product is endorsed by a Lifetime Worldwide Warranty. Hartmann is now available at following Samsonite stores: Al Hamra Luxury center 22270242 I The Avenues 22597730


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Tumi Celebrates 40th Anniversary With 1975 Capsule Collection


UMI is proud to celebrate 40 years of design excellence and outstanding product innovation with a collection aptly titled “1975”. This exclusive new commemorative collection embodies the meticulous craftsmanship, technical innovation and functional superiority that TUMI is renowned for and pays homage to 1975, its founding year.

Designed in America for Global Citizens everywhere, this American-made, limited-edition collection is crafted from natural full grain American cowhide leather inspired by the variety TUMI imported from South America in the early years and TUMI‘s signature ballistic nylon. Collection styles include an International Carry-On, Slim Brief, Rucksack Backpack and Square Duffel. Each style bears a special limited-edition embossed number.



ZEITGEIST Good design, where form and function come together so exquisitely, should always be celebrated.

This month Men’s Passion features some of the most desirable and well executed products that define the times in which we are living.

A combination of sustainability and design. The BMW i Collection.

BMW i stands for inspiring design, pioneering mobility, and an understanding of premium that defines itself strongly by sustainability. The new BMW i collection continues with this approach and provides functional products made with sustainable materials in the innovative BMW i Look. Whether it’s a jacket made of recycled materials, or a tablet case with olive-leaf tanned leather applications, the BMW i Collection offers just the gem for every taste. The connection between sustainably obtained materials and the BMW i design is evident in the BMW i Hooded Jacket. This multi-functional jacket is made of 100% organic cotton and recycled materials. With its roomy pockets and soft hood, it is ideally suited for sports and leisure activities. Dynamic lines in bright Electric Blue and colored surfaces in gray melange and white echo the design of the plug-in hybrid sports car BMW i8. One suitable combination possibility is the tapered BMW i T-shirt with a V-neck in the women’s version and a round neck for men. Both T-shirts are made of 100% organic cotton. The responsible use of raw materials can also be seen in the BMW i Cap, which is made of 100% cotton. The grey cap with blue quilting seams has an understated visor made from environmentally friendly cardboard and can be fitted to individual head shapes with the help of an adjustable metal clasp.


I n a d d i t i o n to t h e j a c ke t , T- S h i r t s , a n d c a p, t h e c o l l e c t i o n o f fe r s u s e f u l a c c e s s o r i e s f o r eve r yd ay u s e . T h e B M W i D r i n k i n g B o t t l e i s m a d e o u t of t i t a n i u m , w h i c h i s n o t o n l y ve r y l i g h t , b u t a l s o ex t r e m e l y d u r a b l e . A n i n te g r a te d s i eve f o r f r u i t s o r o t h e r f l avo r d i s p e n s e r s m a ke s i t e a sy to e n r i c h t h e wa te r w i t h f l avo r. W i t h i t s p r a c t i c a l c a r r y i n g s t r a p a n d c a p a c i t y of 75 0 m l , t h e d r i n k i n g b o t t l e i s t h e ideal companion for the road. Whether indoor s or outdoor s, the BMW i Bluetooth Speaker provides the right enter tainment. With a bat ter y life of six hour s and a convenient carr ying case in felt look, the speaker ensures mobile music joy. A nd if the bat ter y is empt y, the Bluetooth Speaker can be charged problem-free with solar energy and the BMW i Solar Charger. As with the entire BMW i Collection, the BMW i Tablet Case and the BMW i Mobile Phones Cases are not only st ylish, but also sustainable. In these items, the mix of recycled PE T bot tles in felt look and olive - leaf tanned leather applications underline the combination of resource - conser ving materials and clever design. The sof t, hypoallergenic material protects the sensitive display against moisture and dir t and sits comfor tably in your hand. The BMW i Desk top Organizer, coated with high- grade stainless steel, is a nice detail for the desk. Its rubber bot tom protects sur faces from scratches while its lining in felt look made from recycled materials hugs any object – whether scissor s, pens, or ruler s. For lover s and collector s of model car s, the BMW i Collection of fer s a ver y special piece: The BMW i8 Miniature Model on a scale of 1:18. With openable gullwing door s, rubber tires, seat belts made of genuine seat belt material, flocked trunk and leg areas, and functioning steering, it corresponds to the original in detail almost on a scale of 1. These and other products from the BMW i Collection are available now at and at selected BMW retailer s.

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May Al-Noori at Dar al Funoon

Kuwait gallery Dar al Funoon recently hosted the opening of artist May Al-Noori’s ‘Hawaa’ exhibition. May Al-Noori started painting during her childhood and at a later stage, when she decided to paint professionally, she sought the guidance of Tamam Al Aklal. In order to master the different media and techniques, Al Noori began taking workshops all over the world, and has had numerous solo exhibitions in the Gulf, Levant and North African countries. Her subjects are women in the modern world yearning for independence. The exhibition continues through to 7th May at the gallery located at the Behbehani Compound, Al Watiyah.


Palestinian Culture Exhibition

The Palestinian Culture Center held the first of its two annual exhibitions for 2015 at Bayt Lothan during the last week of April. The show included a large selection of textile-based traditional handmade cross-stitch as well as pottery from Hebron, posters and books about Palestine in English and Arabic. It aspires to reaffirm the Palestinian national identity through its handicrafts and support education and families.

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Al Mulla and Behbehani Motor Company Launches The New 2015 Chrysler 300

With roots that include the breakthrough 1955 and 2005 models, the new 2015 Chrysler 300 - the big, bold American sedan with world-class levels of sophistication, craftsmanship and technology - takes the nameplate’s style and sophistication to new levels, highlighting six decades of ambitious American ingenuity through iconic design proportions and inspired materials, world-class quality and craftsmanship, best-in-class 31 mpg (7.59 L /100km) highway fuel economy, plus class-exclusive innovations - including a state-of-the-art TorqueFlite eight-speed transmission (now standard on every model), all-new, segment-exclusive 7-inch (177.8mm) full colour driver information display (DID) and the newest generation Uconnect systems.

“The new 2015 Chrysler 300 builds on its 60-year legacy of delivering world-class performance, elegance, sophistication, technology and craftsmanship - a combination that can only be found in our big, bold and proudly American rear-wheeldrive sedan,” said Oscar Rivoli, General Manager at MBMC. “Beyond its head-turning iconic proportions and even more commanding Chrysler front-end and grille, the new 300 is designed to reward business executives by delivering classexclusive technologies, premium appointments and levels of quality of sedans costing considerably more.”

Al Mulla & Behbehani Motor Company (MBMC), the sole distributor of Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep®, Ram and Mopar® in Kuwait launched the new 2015 Chrysler 300 at a media event held at Salwa Sabah Al Ahmad Theater & Hall.

The new 2015 Chrysler 300 sedan arrives to the market with unmistakable styling and world-class engineering, quality and technology that is designed to exceed expectations in the demanding premium segment.

Heritage-inspired styling combined with world-class execution make the new Chrysler 300 stand apart from the competition


Al Hajery 2015 Cup

Mohamed Nasser Al Hajery & Sons last month launched its first equestrian tournament the “Al Hajery 2015 Cup” to enhance and further promote the country’s deep-rooted tradition of horse riding and passion for the sport. This event took place on April 23& 24th2015 at the Kuwait Riding Center where a ver y professional jur y assessed Kuwaiti and expat horseriders for their outstanding per formance. Valuable awards and prizes amounting to more than KD15,000 were distributed to winners of all categories.

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Brand Ambassador Abhishek Bachchan opens OMEGA Boutique in 360 Mall of Kuwait

OMEGA brand ambassador, the renowned Bollywood actor/ producer Abhishek Bachchan, visited Kuwait city along with OMEGA’s Vice President and Head of International Sales, Raynald Aeschlimann. They participated in the official opening of Morad Yousuf Behbehani’s third mono-brand OMEGA boutique at 360 Mall. The GCC market is an important segment for OMEGA and the Kuwaiti watch connoisseurs contribute significantly to the success of the industry in the region. The Kuwait retail market has long been a favourite for manufacturers of upscale watches and high-end jewellery who have firmly set their sights on this oil-rich Northern Gulf state. The Kuwaitis have a tradition and appreciation for luxury goods and have helped spur the growing interest in prestige watch brands. Abhishek Bachchan and Raynald Aeschlimann were joined by Ali Morad Behbehani, President of Morad Yousuf Behbehani Group and H. E. Etienne Thévoz, Swiss Ambassador to Kuwait for the ribbon-cutting ceremony while the guests were welcomed with

canapés and cocktails. The evening was attended by OMEGA collectors and fans members of the Behbehani family, watch connoisseurs, and special guests including ambassadors and other foreign dignitaries. Among them were the Indian Ambassador to Kuwait, Sunil Jain. Abhishek Bachchan reiterated his commitment to OMEGA and spoke highly of the brand’s superior designs legacy and its passion for the sophisticated craft of watchmaking. Mr. Bachchan said, “I am pleased to know that OMEGA has added one more boutique to its locations for Kuwaiti watch-lovers. The discerning Kuwaiti watch-buyer will benefit greatly from the offerings at the new OMEGA boutique at 360 Mall”. Raynald Aeschlimann added, “We are very happy to extend the number of boutiques in Kuwait with the opening of the new one at the 360 Mall. Kuwaiti shoppers are well acquainted with some of the best brands in the world and we are looking forward to sharing our full range of products with them in this true `house of OMEGA’.”


Hassan Optician Co. is proud to present DESIO “Two Shades of Grey”

The Desio Sensual Beauty Lenses collection meets the new demands of the modern market. For the first time, both men and women are presented with a newly created line of prêt-à-por ter lenses. Desio™ has created sophisticated and elegant unique designs that give any eyes a natually colored, yet completely transformed ef fect. Desio contact lenses are the first niche product in the optical market. The passion found in traditional Italian design is inspired by the natural shades found in the earth and sea. These unique shades enhance the essence of those who wear them. The desire to enrich our everyday life, yet sustain our natural beauty is the creative force behind Desio. The Desio line is the first in the world that aims to reach male customers striving for a distinctive appearance. Our modern, sophisticated client blends pride and charm. He is the type of man that yearns to possess something

innovative, yet relies on the traditional. He is driven by the desire to be unique. Hassan Optician Co. of fer a unique palet te of colors ranging from warm and sensual caramel t o d e t e r m i n e d g l a c i a l b l u e s . W i t h c o l o r, w e c a n harmonize the energies between body and soul. A woman will never cease to tr y new color s that b r o a d e n t h e v i s i o n s h e h a s o f h e r s e l f. S i m p l e g e s t u r e s l i ke p u t t i n g o n l i p s t i c k o r a d d i n g a n accessor y such as a colored lens complete her f e m i n i n e a n d c h a r m i n g i m a g e . A m a n , h o w e v e r, chooses color as a determination of his personal taste. The eye is the mirror to his soul. The talented designers of the Desio line offer discerning and demanding clientele the utmost in creative and attractive sought-after color lenses. With this new and sophisticated image, Desio™ is poised to meet the demands of a growing market, even in economic difficulty.

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Gold Reflection by Rose Morant

Rose Morant, born in Paris in 1963; based in Hong Kong, was hosted by Kuwait’s Dar al Funoon during May. Following ethnological and social studies, Rose Morant entered the creative side of fashion and simultaneously traveled extensively throughout Asia. She became a creative supplier to the very best European luxury brands due to her expertise of Asian crafts and skills. Research and development have been her primary activities for the last twenty years parallel to having her own accessories brand Rose Morant in Paris. Her very deep interest in traditional savoir-faire and techniques led her to patiently revive ancestral crafts that were disappearing, giving her a rare specialization and highly appreciated know-how.

In 2012, Rose Morant star ted to create contemporar y ar t pieces - sculpture, furniture and jewelr y. Her work is nourished by her long experience and intimate knowledge of materials and rare techniques. Materials are at the hear t of her work - lacquer, gold leaf, metal, wood, fabrics, precious stones, flower powder... She is also constantly driven to giving new life to secular materials, whatever they might be, by putting them into new dimensions. Scale is also a central preoccupation in her work - a bracelet can be just a bracelet or become a monumental sculpture, assuming new dimensions. New monumental sculptures are in progress.



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