The Collectors’ Edition A salute to the refined and inquisitive in society
In theory, it is impossible to combine a perpetual calendar with a moon-phase display also indicating the constellation of the moon, earth and sun without impairing legibility of the watch.
The Richard Lange Perpetual Calendar “Terraluna” combines
The opposite side showcases a horological innovation: Lange’s patent-
mechanical complexity with remarkable functionality. Apart from
ed orbital moon-phase display. It reproduces the moon phases with
hours, minutes, and seconds, the dial features four precisely jump-
extreme precision and shows the ever-changing constellation of the
ing calendar indications that are always unambiguously legible.
moon relative to the earth and the sun. The display tracks the synodic
Morad Yousuf Behbehani · Salhiya Mall – Ground Floor · Kuwait · Tel. + 965 2242 1945 ·
But only in theory.
The patented orbital moon-phase display
month of the moon so faithfully that if the watch runs without inter-
of the movement. The calibre L096.1 is endowed with a patented con-
ruption, it has to be corrected by one day only after 1058 years. In the
stant-force escapement. It controls the enormous power stored in the
centre of the display, the earth rotates about its own axis once a day.
twin mainspring barrel and assures consistently high precision dur-
The fixed position of the sun is occupied by the balance on the edge
ing the power-reserve period of 14 days.
Tod’s Boutique • Kuwait: Salhiya Complex - Prestige - The Avenues
JUST A THOUGHT Dear Passionate Readers, Building a legacy ‌ Have you ever thought of the journey? Just imagine with me. It starts with a passion That evolves into a dream That materializes through hard work That is tested by hardships That evolves through perseverance and patience That transforms into a vision To be passed on to the next generation Who has to believe in it Live it Breathe it Be it So they may persevere when tested When the world shakes around them So they may retain the vision When the present is blurry and the future is unknown Now think of all these brands that celebrate their centennials and some almost bi-centennials‌ Now imagine with me what all these generations had to go through from economic to technological to political to social upheavals and transformations And we complain!?! Visionaries build legacies beyond the status of today To the visionary in all of us, Till next issue,
Zeina Mokaddam Managing Director
K U WA I T C I T Y S A L H I YA C O M P L E X TEL. 22996535 i n f o @ d i n a r- t r a d i n g . c o m
ON THE COVER: March 2016 Collectors. Amongst the most passionate men and women in society. Their passion is an inspiration to the rest of us. Art, watches, coin, automobiles – this is just the beginning. They each have their own reasons for collecting – sometimes it is to make money, but more typically it is for the pure love of their interest. We’re all collectors; it’s one of the activities that define the refined and inquisitive in society. For some, however, it becomes a major part of their life. We salute their passion.
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Amera Al-Awadhi LEGAL CONSULTANT Khaled Al-Kandari Al-Kandari Law Firm PUBLISHED BY
The Collectors’ Edition
CONTRIBUTORS Zeina Al-Ayoub (PR) MaryAnn D’Silva (PR) Cityscape (Real Estate)
A salute to the refined and inquisitive in society
14 Raed Al-Ashi The Coin Collector
24 The Al-Sabah Collection And the Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah
18 Kuwait Watch Club Abdulrahman Al Shehab
30 Mostapha Makhseed The Automobile Collector
20 Lucia Topalian Dar Al Funoon
34 Sandra Button Chairman of Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance
PH7 is a specialized publishing house based in Kuwait. Telephone +(965) 2572 0810 Fax +(965) 2572 0860 Website To maintain the desired quality of our publication, your contribution and feedback are welcomed. Please email your suggestions to For advertising, do not hesitate to contact For subscription, please email your details to PH7 wishes to state that the opinions expressed in MEN’S PASSION are those of the authors concerned and not necessarily those of the publisher. BPA Worldwide Consumer Publication Audit Membership Applied for September 2014.
Porsche 718 Boxster T he ne w mid- e n g i n e ro a d s t e r wit h a fo ur-c y l i n d e r e n g i n e
42 P o rs c he Ge ar i n g Up F o r L e Ma n s 919 Hy br id t it l e d e f e n d e rs i n t h e WE C a nd a t L e M a n s
6 6 Over seas VC ’s uni q ue p ersp ect i ve on t he worl d 70
7 2 H ackett Rai nb ow Essent i al s
And re a s B a re i s M a na g ing D ire c t o r o f M c L a re n A ut o mo t iv e Mi d d l e E a s t & A f ri c a
M c La re n’s Cl e a n S w e e p M c La re n 650S G T 3 s e c u re s his t o r ic win on L i q u i M o l y B a t h u rs t 7 6 12 Ho ur de bu t
Bespoke Mulliner F e a t ure s ma k e d e b u t i n F ly ing S pur
50 Yo ur P rius is t h e F u t u re A His t o r y o f I n n o v a t i o n a nd P ro g re s s 52 M e rc e d e s - AM G G L E 6 3 E ffic ie nc y mee t s p e rf o rm a n c e 54
Reverso Ce le br a t ing 5 5 y e a rs o f N a t i o n a l P r ide a nd 25 y e a rs o f L i b e ra t i o n
56 P a te k P hilip pe ’s Ne w 5 5 2 4 Ca la t r a v a P ilot Tra v e l T i m e 58 Glo b e m a s te r T he wo r ld’s f i rs t m a s t e r c hro no m e t e r 61
Slim d’Hermès P ur it y in m o t i o n
62 Flo a t thro ugh t i m e a n d s p a c e Ra do unv e ils t w o n e w l i g h t n e s s - ins pire d t imep i e c e s 64
Untamed and Exotic T he Uly s s e N a rd i n R o y a l P y t h o n S k e le t o n To urb i l l o n S h o w c a s e s a D e s ig n E v o l u t i o n
Tod’s Men’s Collection S p ri ng/ S ummer 2016
Backstage at Paul Smith Ind ep end ent comp any, i nd ep end ent mi nd Made To Measure As An Art Form From C or nel i ani
7 8 TU MI S p ri ng/ S ummer 2016 Men’s C ol l ect i on 8 0 K u wait Yach t Sh ow 2016 Wrap 8 2 C r u ise in to Spr in g Royal C ari b b ean Int er nat i onal 8 4 E xplore H on g K on g A S eri es O f P ri vat e C urat ed Tours 8 6 Z eitgeist P unk t MP 01 88
C h r istie’s at 10 The 10t h anni versary of C hri st i e’s auct i ons i n t he Mi d d l e East
9 2 Hisham A. Alsager Cardiac Center b y A Gi A rchi t ect s 9 4 Global I n vestmen t Ou tlook 2016 9 8 E ven ts
© 2016 TUMI, INC.
NICO ROSBERG Global Citizen
Grand Avenue • The Avenues • 22200596/7
Raed Al-Ashi The Coin Collector
uwait is home to a lively and growing band of coin collectors. The nation’s Philatelic and Numismatic Society is enjoying something of a renaissance – last year was the centenary of the opening of the first post office in Kuwait – and the heightened profile has inspired fresh interest in coins and stamps. For every new collector, however, there are measurably more who have been collecting for many years. One such is Raed Al-Ashi. Today one of the most renowned in the region, he’s been collecting since he was 15 years old.
“It’s a history of a currency, but it’s also the history of a people and a country”.
“Collecting coins has been a good way to learn history. The history of our neighbors and of this region”, he says. Initially beginning his collection in an unstructured way, he focused on easily collectible coin from nations of the region including Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iran and Iraq. His was a typical teenage boy’s fascination with foreign lands, and an interest easily expressed through one of the most common commodities in our ever y day life – coinage. “I enjoyed comparing the dif ferent approaches to coinage. Coins ultimately have only one use – to pay for things. But it’s interesting how each countr y works hard in reflecting itself and its character through the coins it circulates”. As his collection grew, it was necessar y for him to develop a focus. Today he focuses on old and rare coins. He sources additions to his collections today in a ver y 21st centur y way – through the Internet. This is easy, convenient and (through his network of favored dealers) reliable. However, through his years of collecting he has acquired quite some renown. As one of Kuwait’s leading collectors he is of ten approached by dealers keen to share their new ‘finds’ with him. Perhaps his most unusual source for new additions is a man, who he chooses not to name, but who is a ‘detectorist’. Armed with a hand-held metal detector, Raed’s source scours the ground in areas of likely interest, and for whom ever y ‘ping’ of his detector literally brings an aler t to the possibility of buried treasure. “He knows where my interest lies, and if he discovers something that he thinks will be of interest to me, we’ll meet. He’s not a collector. He has no interest in coins as pieces of histor y, but he’s key to discovering some ver y special pieces”, he recalls.
Raed has put his knowledge and experience to extremely good use – he’s written and published a book looking at the histor y of coinage in Palestine. It is a detailed tome – and ever y coin featured is a coin from his own personal collection. With a histor y stretching back to Roman times, an added irony is that, currently, Palestine does not have its own currency. “I looked at the histor y of Palestine’s currency from these early Roman days, through Byzantine times, the Ottoman era, the British Mandate and of course on to its occupation by Israel. It’s a histor y of a currency, but it’s also the histor y of a people and a countr y”. A harmless and engaging hobby it is, but today it is not without controversy, Raed laments. “Recently it has become problematic to bring coins into Kuwait”, he repor ts. “Frequently I am stopped by Kuwaiti customs and questioned”. Their concerns are perhaps not so much in regard to the source, but to the intent. Raed is able to explain the coins are par t of his personal collection – not commercial commodities. Many of his pieces hold considerable value – and he could be considered in the same way an ar t dealer. In the same way gallerists must declare items they impor t to sell, he must be careful to do the same. The fact is that Raed is not a dealer; he remains purely an empassioned collector. Keen to add the right pieces to his collection, and enthusiastic about sharing his knowledge. Although his collection is private, the Kuwait Philatelic and Numismatic Society hold occasional public exhibitions – to which Raed is only too happy to loan par ts of his collection out to. It’s wor th keeping an eye on the local press for the next one. A histor y revealed through items as common as currency is something ever yone finds easy to relate to.
14 15
إ نه تا ريخ عملة ، يضا تا ريخ شعب و أ ّمة . لكنه أ ً
يقو ل ا لعشي أ ن « جمع ا لقطع ا لنقد ية كا ن و سيلة جيد ة ّ لتعل م ا لتا ر يخ ،و أ عني بذ لك تا ر يخ ا لبلد ا ن ا لمجا و ر ة و هذ ه ا لمنطقة » . ّ ّ يرك ز منظ مة ،و كا ن بد أ ا لعشي مجمو عته بطر يقة غير على قطع ا لنقد ا لتي يسهل ا لحصو ل عليها من د و ل ا لمنطقة كا أل ر د ن و لبنا ن و سو ر يا و إ ير ا ن و ا لعر ا ق .كا ن شغفه في ا لبد ا ية شغف مر ا هق عا د ّي با لبلد ا ن ا لغر يبة ّ تمك ن من ا لتعبير عنه بسهو لة بو ا سطة أ حد أ كثر و ا أل مو ر ا نتشا ًر ا في ا لحيا ة ا ليو مية . . .ا لقطع ا لنقد ية . ا ّ لمت بعة ا لمنا هج مختلف بمقا ر نة أ ستمتع « كنت فعلي ا ا لنقد ية ا لقطع َت صلح ا لنقد ية . ا لقطع لصب ً ّ أل مر و ا حد فقط ،و هو ا لد فع .لكن ما يستد عي ا ال هتما م هو ا لمجهو د ا لذ ي تبذ له كل د و لة لكي تعكس ا لقطع ا لنقد ية ا لمتد ا و لة صو ر تها و ميز ا تها » . مع تو ّس ع مجمو عته ،تر ا ء ت ضر و ر ة تركيز هذ ه ا لهو ا ية ، ّ يرك ز على ا لقطع ا لنقد ية ا لقد يمة و ا لنا د ر ة . و أ صبح ا ليو م جد ا إل ضا فة قطع أ صبح يستخد م ا ليو م و سيلة معا صر ة ً جد يد ة إ لى مجمو عته :ا إل نتر نت .تُ عتبر هذ ه ا لو سيلة سهلة و منا سبة و حتى مو ثو ق بها ( في ما يتعلق بشبكة ا لتجا ر ا لذ ين ا عتا د على ا لتعا مل معهم ) . ا كتسب ا لعشي على مر ا لسنين يتقر بو ن منه ما ،و أ صبح ا لتجا ر ّ نظر ا أل نه « مكتشفا تهم » ا لجد يد ة ، ً ا لجمع في ا لكو يت .أ ّم ا أ غر ب مو ا ر د أ ال ُي فصح عن ا سمه و لكن يقو ل أ جهزة كشف ا لمعا د ن » .
شهر ة كبير ة إ لى حد لكي يعر ضو ا عليه ُي عتبر من أ بر ز هو ا ة ّ يفض ل لد يه فهو َر جل أ نه « ها و ي ا ستخد ا م
يتجه ز هذ ا ا لمصد ر بجها ز محمو ل لكشف ا لمعا د ن ّ و يبحث ا أل ر ا ضي في ا لمنا طق ا لتي من ا لمحتمل أ ن ً بحث ا عن ا لمو ا قع ا لتي ستجعل ا لجها ز تكو ن مهمة ، مشير ا إ لى إ مكا نية و جو د كنز مطمو ر. ير ّن ، ً ً شيئ ا يهم ني ،لذ ا نلتقي حين يكتشف « ا لجها ز يعر ف ما ّ تهم ه ا لقطع قد يثير ا هتما مي .هو ليس ها و ي جمع و ال ّ
ا لنقد ية لقيمتها ا لتا ر يخية ، جد ا » . بعض ا لقطع ا لمميزة ً
د وره
أ سا سي
ال كتشا ف
جيد ا – لقد كتب ا ستخد م ر ا ئد معر فته و خبر ته ا ستخد ا ًم ا ً و نشر كتا ًب ا حو ل تا ر يخ ا لنقد في فلسطين ،و هو كتا ب مفص ل – و كا فة ا لقطع ا لنقد ية ا لمعر و ضة في ا لكتا ب ّ نظر ا لتا ر يخها ا لذ ي يعو د مصد ر ها مجمو عته ا لخا صة . ً لعصر ا لر و ما ن ،يا لسخر ية ا لقد ر أ ّن ه ليس لد ى فلسطين ا ليو م عملة خا صة بها . « ا ّط لعت على تا ر يخ عملة فلسطين منذ عصر ا لر و ما ن و ا ال نتد ا ب ا لعثما ني و ا لعهد ا لبيز نطي ا لعصر و أ ثنا ء طبع ا حتى ا ال حتال ل ا إل سر ا ئيلي .إ نه تا ر يخ ا لبر يطا ني و ً عملة ،لكنه أ ً يض ا تا ر يخ شعب و أ ّم ة » . ّ مسل ية و آ منة ،لكنها أ صبحت أ ً يض ا تُ عتبر هذ ه ا لهو ا ية مثير ة للجد ل ِ ،و ً خر ا فق ا للعشي « .أ صبح من ا لصعب مؤ ً لب ا ما يو ِق فني عنا صر إ د خا ل قطع نقد ية إ لى ا لكو يت .غا ً ا لجما ر ك ا لكو يتية ال ستجو ا بي » . ّ تترك ز مخا و ف ا لجما ر ك بشكل أ سا سي على ا لمصد ر، ال يفس ر ا لعيش لعنا صر ا لجما ر ك أ ن ا لقطع لني ة . ّ بل على ا ّ سلع ا للبيع . تنتمي لمجمو عته ا لخا صة و أ نها ليست ً لكن ا لعد يد من هذ ه ا لقطع ذ و قيمة عا لية و يمكن ا عتبا ر ا لعيش بمثا بة تا جر تحف فنية .تما ًم ا كما يتو جب على أ صحا ب ا لمعا ر ض ا لتصر يح عن ا لقطع ا لتي يستو ر د و نها للبيع ،هو أ ً يض ا يجب أ ن يقو م با أل مر عينه . جر ا ،بل هو بكل بسا طة ها و ي إ ال أ ن ا لعيش ليس تا ً متحم س إل ضا فة ا لقطع ا لمنا سبة إ لي جمع شغو ف ، ّ مجمو عته و لمشا ركة معر فته مع ا آل خر ين . ر غم أ ّن مجمو عة ا لعشي شخصية ،إ ال أ ن ا لجمعية ّ تنظ م أ حيا ًن ا عر و ًض ا ا لكو يتية لهو ا ة ا لطو ا بع و ا لعمال ت عا مة ال يتر د د ا لعشي عن إ قر ا ض أ جز ا ء من مجمو عته ِم ن ا لجد ير مر ا قبة ا لصحف ا لمحلية لمعر فة لها ،لذ ا لمقب ل .أل ن ا لجميع قا د ر على ا ال هتما م تا ر يخ ا لعر ض ا ِ با لتا ر يخ حين ينعكس في أ غر ا ض شا ئعة كا لعملة .
رائد العشي
هاوي جمع القطع النقدية
تتواجد في الكويت مجموعة نشيطة ومتنامية مِ ن هواة جمع القطع النقدية .تشهد الجمعية الكويتية لهواة أول مركز بريد في الكويت الطوابع والعمالت ً نوعا من النهضة -احتفلت العام الماضي بالذكرى المئوية الفتتاح ّ أدى تسليط الضوء على الجمعية إلى توليد المزيد من االهتمام بالقطع النقدية والطوابع .لكن ال يجب أن – وقد ّ أن مقابل كل هاوي جمع جديد ،ثمة عدد كبير من هواة الجمع الذين يمارسون هذه الهواية منذ سنين ننسى ّ لما أنه بدأ بممارسة هذه طويلة .رائد العشي هو أحد هؤالء األفراد ،ال بل هو أحد أبرز هواة الجمع في المنطقة ،عِ ً الهواية حين كان في الخامسة عشرة من العمر.
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Kuwait Watch Club Abdulrahman Al Shehab
ollecting is a luxury. It’s not essential to life. But it’s the sign of a well-rounded and equitable life when we do collect. Variously it reflects a desire to acquire knowledge and a fascination for the finest, the rarest and sometimes purely the quirkiest. It can be a lonely existence – hours of research, more hours of introspective appreciation, and further still pondering the next purchase. When opportunities for collectors to meet do present themselves they must be carefully crafted, and delivered with good reason. Through the establishment of the Kuwait Watch Club, Abdulrahman Al Shehab has delivered aficionados of timepieces with the ideal opportunity to share knowledge and to learn more.
Like many of us, Abdulrahman combines his passion with a life already full with a demanding career. Immersed in establishing and growing a business in the F&B sector, his love and appreciation of watches provides a diversion and escape from commercial pressures. Keen to share his passion with others, he’s following the model of the already successful Dubai Watch Club and established a local version here. “We’re still in our early phases”, he says, “but we’ve quickly generated a lot of interest, which shows me that there is a need for a club such as this in Kuwait”. It’s a club in a truly contemporary expression of form. No physical presence or constitution, instead its and online and organically growing ‘membership’ is driven by the desire to share a single passion. “We’re getting the ball rolling by opening ourselves up and gauging the specific interests of members. A key element will be our regular updating of stories and information via social media”, Adbulrahman stresses, adding “then we’ll move on to occasional meetings with guest speakers. The formation of the Kuwait Watch Club has already caught the attention of the nation’s finest watch retailers. They’ve enquired about participation, and why wouldn’t they given the number of well-heeled members and their potential spending power. For now though, Abdulrahman is adamant that the club will remain devoid of commercial bias. “We’ll retain independence, we’ll stay non-profit and non-commercial” he adds. Preserving the purity of its mandate will be essential to the continued successful growth of the club. Indeed, it will reflect the purity of intent that he sees within the watches he, himself, collects. “I’m a Panerai-man”, he admits. He favors the brand for their focus on simple design. Timelessness. To him, every watch is an assemblage of its parts. from the strap to the crown, across to the face and the engravings and markings, every piece he owns he knows intimately. “I buy after giving great thought to the pieces”, he tells us. And he buys to keep. For some collectors the aim is in buying to sell. Their collections become commodities. In his case, and in fact in the vast majority of collector’s cases, he buys to keep.
There’s a route into collecting that follows a familiar path, he explains the process: “The first factor to be considered is the buyer’s budget. Buy what you can afford, but buy to the maximum of what you can afford. Choose the best – it’s something you’ll never regret. you’ll need to decide whether you’re collecting purely as a hobby, or whether you’ll do it with a commercial element. This will influence your choices in the next stages. Focus on a brand. If it’s for your own collection – go for a brand you appreciate. It has to resonate only with you. If you’re adding a commercial element you need to choose something others desire – and then you’ll need to work harder than the rest in order to find that ‘somethingspecial’ which others may overlook. you’ll need to be unique. Variety is the spice of life. Set a tone for your collection. I’ve done that, even across the Panerai range. The styles look overtly similar – but the variety is in the details. This is the hallmark of a true collector. Be selective. Always. Quality will always win out over quantity. It’s preferable to have four rare and special watches than 14 commonplace pieces. But above all, acquire knowledge at every step along the way. Talk to dealers – they are an invaluable source of contemporary information. And the internet too – but be careful because this is open to abuse by commerciallyminded companies who will skew stories to suit their own ends. Advice online is rarely of provenance”. And this is where we come back to the premise of the Kuwait Watch Club. Beyond its online life, it will provide real-world opportunities for collectors to meet. It will provide time for a sharing of the passion – and for an exchange of knowledge. The first meetings will feature guest speakers who will discuss their particular area of expertise – all to the benefit of members. If you’re a collector yourself, you might like to jump onboard the Kuwait Watch Club train just as it’s pulling out of the station. If the success of the Dubai Watch Club is anything to go by, Adbulrahman’s decision to bring the concept to Kuwait will prove a timely choice, and one the nation’s collectors will surely not want to miss. Follow Abdulrahman on Instagram @kuwaitwatchclub
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Lucia Topalian Dar Al Funoon
rt is perhaps the most subjective of fields amongst the world’s collectors. But this is neither the time nor the place to open a discussion on what constitutes good art, nor is it for us to assess the voracity of the global art market and it’s often seemingly headlong charge into the realms of stratospheric pricing. Instead we’re looking for tips to create an art collection of enduring value, with gallerist and collector Lucia Topalian.
A resident of Kuwait since 1976, Lucia – Lucy to her friends – left her home country of Lebanon during the early period of the civil war. Kuwait was to be a temporary refuge, just until things calmed down at home. 40 years later, she is one of the most celebrated pillars of Kuwait’s art society. She’d already developed a love of and affinity for art during her early life in Lebanon, and spent much of her time in the company of local artists – collecting art and paying in installments when that’s what the extent of her finances demanded. Today, she still recommends a similar approach to collecting and tells us, “where a new collectors is unsure of himself, or the market, the best advice I can give is to go to as many exhibitions as possible to find out what style, subject, media and form he likes”. Quickly laying the foundation to a well-curated collection of her own, it became a passion that would transform her life when in 1994, in partnership with long-time friend Sheikha Hissah Saad Al Sabah, she opened a gallery – Dar Al Funoon. Over the years she’s hosted the region’s most renowned artists, and also works from the world’s highest regarded artists. She’s also shown perceptive support of many young and upcoming artists. This is a sentiment that runs through to her advice for collectors too. “If buying art is for speculation, it is always good to buy young artists who do promise a future in the art market - and then buy as many as you can afford.” Ultimately, her key piece of advice is that it is important for a collector to “buy what he likes, otherwise he will end up with works that he is not prepared to hang on his wall. In a few years if the works appreciate in value, then he has works he likes and at the same time has been proved to have made a good investment”.
A typical collecting strategy she recommends is best illustrated through the example of an investor who buys the works of 10 young artists. It’s not unreasonable to assume that some will grow handsomely in value eventually, while others will fetch what might at least be considered ‘good’ value. If just 1 of the artists reaches stardom then we will all be congratulating them for having made a great, even visionary, investment. The truth here is that to have one out of ten achieving stardom and therefore high value is a slim chance – but it is the opportunity of such an occurrence that drives every investor in emerging artists. For collectors of all levels of experience, invariably their gallerist is their best friend. And Lucy, of course, wholeheartedly agrees; “It is best to buy from the galleries, the gallery will do the first investigation, will control the quality of the works and also control the price”. She’s quite right. A relationship formed with a gallerist at an early stage, can pay dividends as your collection builds. Remember, it’s not in any gallery’s interest to sell you a badly advised piece of art – they want you to come back for more. Her recommendation is to only buy from auction if the piece is rare and the artist has passed away, or if the works are from an early stage’s career of the artist and difficult to find in the market. Auctions are fun, and do provide an opportunity to buy often hard to come by works, but the days of picking up unknown pieces by world-famous artists are long gone. The Dar Al Funoon has a year-long series of exhibitions. You can find out more at Visit during an exhibition, and for sure you’ll meet Lucy. Visit outside of an exhibition and you’ll still find an engaging collection of art to discover, together with (more likely than not) a freshly brewed istikana of tea, and the luxury of time and space to listen and learn.
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ّ يلق بها أ صد قا ؤ ها لو سي -بلد ها لبنا ن غا د ر ت لو سيا - ستقر ت في ا لكو يت منذ في بد ا ية ا لحر ب ا أل هلية و ا ّ ا لعا م .1 9 7 6كا نت ا لخطة ا أل سا سية تقضي بأ ن تلتجئ إ لى ا لكو يت مؤ ً قت ا إ لى أ ن تهد أ ا أل و ضا ع في بلد ها ا أل م . بعد ا نقضا ء 4 0عا ًم ا ،ها هي ال تز ا ل في ا لكو يت . حب ها و َم يلها للفن في بد ا ية كا نت سبق و ا كتشفت ّ عمر ها في لبنا ن و قضت معظم و قتها بر فقة فنا نين تقس ط و ا لفنية ا لتحف تجمع و كا نت محليين ، ّ ا لد فعا ت حين يقتضي و ضعها ا لما لي ذ لك . ال تز ا ل حتى ا لتحف ا لفنية ، ا لجد يد و ا ً ثق ا نصيحة أ سد يه ا لمعا ر ض من و شكل يحب » .
ا ليو م تو صي با لطر يقة ذ ا تها و تقو ل أ نه « حين ال يكو ن ها و ي من نفسه أ و من ا لسو ق ،فإ ن إ يا ها هي أ ن يقصد أ كبر عد د و مو ضو ع نو ع أ ّي ليكتشف
لجمع ا لجمع أ فضل ممكن و و سط
َ شك لت لو سيا بشكل سر يع مجمو عتها ا لخا صة ا لتي ً سيغي ر شغف ا تعتني بها و أ صبح جمع ا لتحف ا لفنية ّ حيا تها ،إ ذ ا فتتحت عا م ،1 9 9 4با لتعا و ن مع صد يقتها ا لقد يمة ا لشيخة حصة سعد ا لصبا ح ،معر ًض ا با سم د ا ر ا لفنو ن . في ا لفنا نين أ بر ز ا لسنو ا ت مر على ا ستضا فت ا لمنطقة ،كما و تتعا مل مع أ ر قى ا لفنا نين ا لعا لميين . من للعد يد لمتبص ر ا د عمها لو سيا قد مت هذ ا و ّ ّ ا لفنا نين ا لشبا ب و ذ و ي ا لمو ا هب .كما و أ نها تنقل ا لفنية . ا لتحف جمع لهو ا ة نصا ئحها في إ حسا ًس ا « إ ن كا ن شخص ما ير يد شر ا ء تحف فنية للمنا فسة ، فمن ا لمنا سب أ ن يشتر ي تحف فنا نين شبا ب ذ و ي مستقبل و ا عد في سو ق ا لفن ،بأ كبر كميا ت ممكنة » . ا لتي ا لر ئيسية ا لنصيحة إ ّن ا لمطا ف ، نها ية في تعطيها لو سيا هي أ نه من ا لمهم أ ن « يشتر ي ها و ي يحب ه ،و إ ال سيجد نفسه ُم حا ًط ا بتحف فنية ا لجمع ما ّ ّ يتمت ع با لنظر إ ليها .بعد مر و ر بضع سنو ا ت ،في لن حا ل ا ر تفا ع قيمة ا لتحف ،سيعني ذ لك أ نه يملك تحف ا يحبها و لكن أ ً ً يض ا أ نه قا م با ستثما ر منا سب » .
يمكن للجمع نمو ذ جية ا ستر ا تيجية لو سيا تقتر ح تو ضيحها بو ا سطة مثا ل ا لمستثمر ا لذ ي يشتر ي أ عما ًل فنية لعشر ة فنا نين شبا ب .يمكن أ ن نفتر ض أ ن بعض كبير ا في قيمتها مع ا لو قت ، ا لتحف ستشهد ا ر تفا ًع ا ً في حين أ ن غير ها لن تتخطى ا لقيمة « ا لجيد ة » .إ ن بلغ أ حد ا لفنا نين فقط ا لنجو مية ،سيقو م ا لجميع بتهنئة ا لمستثمر على هذ ا ا ال ستثما ر ا لر ا ئع و ذ و ا لر ؤ يا .في ا لو ا قع ،ليس من ا لمحتمل أ ن يبلغ فنا ن و ا حد من ّ فن ه ، أ صل عشر ة ا لنجو مية و با لتا لي أ ن تر تفع قيمة لكن إ مكا نية حصو ل ذ لك هي ما يد فع با لمستثمر ين و ّ ا لصا عد ين . ا لفنا نين ال ستهد ا ف يعتبر جميع هو ا ة ا لجمع من كا فة مستو يا ت ا لخبر ة أ ن صا حب معر ضهم هو أ عز أ صد قا ئهم .تو ا فق لو سي على ذ لك من كل قلبها « :من ا أل فضل شر ا ء ا لتحف ا لفنية من ا لمعا ر ض ،أل ن ا لمعا ر ض تقو م بأ ّو ل تحقيق و تتحكم بجو د ة ا أل عما ل ا لفنية و أ ً يض ا با لسعر » .لو سي ّ حق .يمكن للعال قة مع أ صحا ب ا لمعا ر ض في على ّ كل ما ا لمر ا حل ا أل و لى أ ن تنتج أ ر با ًح ا لهو ا ة ا لجمع تو ّس عت مجمو عتهم .ال يجب أ ن ننسى أ ّن ه ليس من مصلحة ا لمعر ض أ ن يبيعك تحفة فنية غير منا سبة ، أل نه ير يد ك أ ن تعو د و تشتر ي غير ها . تو صي لو سي با لشر ا ء من ا لمز ا د ا ت فقط في حا ل كا نت في ا أ و في حا ل كا نت ا لتحفة نا د ر ة أ و كا ن ا لفنا ن متو ً ا لتحف من ا لمر ا حل ا أل و لى من مسير ة ا لفنا ن و كا ن ّ مسل ية إ ّن ا لمز ا د ا ت من ا لصعب إ يجا د ها في ا لسو ق . و تمنح فر صة شر ا ء تحف فنية يصعب عا د ة ا لحصو ل عليها ،لكن ال تتو قع شر ا ء تحف مجهو لة لفنا نين لمي ا ،أل ن تلك ا أل يا م قد و ّل ت . مشهو ر ين عا ً يقد م د ا ر ا لفنو ن سلسلة ّ يمكن ا لحصو ل على مز يد .d a r a l f u n o o n - k w . c o m
من من
ا لعر و ض طو ا ل ا لعا م . ا لمعلو ما ت على مو قع
حتم ا ِب لو سي .عند عند ز يا ر ة أ حد ا لعر و ض ،ستلتقي ً ا لز يا ر ة خا ر ج فتر ة ا لعر و ض ،ستجد مجمو عة أ ّخ ا ذ ة من ا لتحف ا لفنية مع كو ب شا ي سا خن و متعة تخصيص ا لو قت و ا لمكا ن لال ستما ع و ا ال ستكشا ف .
لوسيا توباليان
دار الفنون
ً ّ نقاشا اآلن موضوعية العالم .لكننا لن نُجري لعل الفن أكثر المجاالت الشخصية فيما يتعلق بهواة الجمع ّ نقيم َ وتسرعه الظاهر في تحديد أسعار باهظة ش َره سوق الفن العالمية حول ما ُيعتبر تحفة فنية جيدة ولن ّ ّ عوضا عن ذلك ،إننا نبحث عن نصائح لتشكيل مجموعة تحف فنية ذات قيمة راسخة مع لوسيا للتحف الفنية. ً توباليان ،صاحبة معرض فني وهاوية جمع تحف فنية.
22 23
The Al-Sabah Collection And the Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah
oday the Dar al-Athar al-Islamiyyah is an organization of global renown, one with a yearround program of local and international activities built around the al-Sabah collection. Having firmly established Kuwait on the international map of art and scholarship and rekindled, in this corner of the modern Arab world, a spark of the intellectual, creative and scholarly interaction which once lit the great Muslim centers of learning of the past.
At its heart beats the dreams of two people: Sheikh Nasser al-Sabah al-Ahmad Al Sabah, a Kuwaiti infatuated with the beauty of Islamic art since his school days and his wife, Sheikha Hussah al-Salem Al Sabah. In the mid-1970’s, they began to collect, traveling widely to buy Islamic art objects on the international market, relying largely on their personal taste. They bought their first piece - a 14th-century Mamluk enamel-worked glass bottle - in London in 1975. Within eight years, the couple assembled what is now widely acclaimed as one of the finest contemporary collections of Islamic art in the world. A collection which is both comprehensive in terms of periods and schools represented, and which contains works that any major museum would be proud to own.
al-Fann: Art from Islamic Civilisation from The al-Sabah Collection Kuwait From April 2016, the Amricani Culture Centre will host a remarkable exhibition with more than 350 objects that present the full bredth of art from the Islamic world from the perspectives of geography, chronology and media. Curated by Italian curator Giovanni Curatola, the exhibition has travelled to Vienna, Austria, Milan and Rome, Italy and Seoul, South Korea. It is coming home to Kuwait to help celebrate the countr y’s position as Capital of Islamic Culture and will be on display at the Amricani Cultural Centre for one year.
1. M a s h r a b i y a w o r k w a s t h e f o c a l p o i n t o f t h i s g a l l e r y. I n t h e c e n t r e i s a l a t e 16 t h – e a r l y 17t h c e n t u r y p i e r c e d s a n d s t o n e s c r e e n ( j a l i ) f r o m N o r t h e r n I n d i a , c a r v e d b y m a s o n’s m e a n s ( L N S 10 5 S ) . B e h i n d t h e c e n t r e p i e c e a r e t h r e e w o o d e n s c r e e n s ( L N S 4 0 W, L N S 41 W a n d L N S 51 W a ), p r o b a b l y f r o m M o r o c c o , m a d e i n t h e l a t e 14 t h c e n t u r y. 2 . L N S 10 R i s a s p e c t a c u l a r 18 t h c e n t u r y Persian chahar bagh carpet that is rarely displayed because it is 9. 25 metres long and 3.8 metres wide.
For more information on al-Fann: Ar t from Islamic Civilisation from The al-Sabah Collection Kuwait, please visit w w w
24 25
3. Peeking through the centre arch is LNS 26 R, a woolen double medallion carpet, densely filled with f l o r a l m o t i f s . To t h e r i g h t i s a pair of wooden shut ters o r c u p b o a r d d o o r s ( L N S 24 0 W a b ), c r e a t e d i n E g y p t i n t h e l a t e 14 t h – e a r l y 15 t h centur y; to the lef t is a limestone tombstone with naskhi script inscriptions from the 14 t h centur y Iranian world.
4. This galler y featured Islamic calligraphy found on stone, ceramics, tex tiles and wood. The large object in the centre of the galler y is a wooden cenotaph with thuluth inscriptions (LNS 8 W ) f r o m 14 t h – 15 t h c e n t u r y Tu r k e y ; t h e s m a l l e r o b j e c t (LNS 35 W ) is a master fully car ved wooden box that held a thir t y-volume m a n u s c r i p t o f t h e Q u r ’a n , with inscriptions in both thuluth and naskhi, created in the East Iranian world in l a t e N o v e m b e r 13 4 4 .
Image s 1 - 4 we re taken at the al- Fann: A r t from Islamic Civilisation from The al- Sabah Colle ction Kuwait exhibition h e l d a t t h e S c u d e r i e d e l Q u i r i n a l e i n R o m e f r o m 2 5 J u l y – 2 0 S e p t e m b e r 2 015 . B e f o r e o p e n i n g i n R o m e , t h i s e x h i b i t i o n w a s d i s p l a y e d i n M i l a n , I t a l y, V i e n n a , A u s t r i a , a n d S e o u l , K o r e a .
5 . G r o u p o f t e n l u x u r i o u s s p o o n s m a d e , v a r i o u s l y, o f c o r a l , m o t h e r o f p e a r l , i v o r y, t o r t o i s e s h e l l , h o r n , c o c o n u t shell and wood, with silver and copper elements in late 18 t h c e n t u r y Tu r k e y ( L N S 10 2 W a - j ) 6. This is the earliest known Islamic example of a brass planispheric astrolabe (LNS 36 M). It was made in Iraq, p r o b a b l y i n B a g h d a d a n d i s s i g n e d a n d d a t e d 3 15 C E .
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7. Folio of a sumptuous and famous manuscript of the Qur’an, with text in ‘eastern Kufic against an elaborately decorated ground (LNS 63 MS a), made in the late 11th – early 12th century in the East Iranian world. 8. The logo for the al-Fann: Art from Islamic Civilisation from The al-Sabah Collection Kuwait is this 12th century composite bodied ceramic crenallation made in Iran (LNS 189 C), featuring a half palmettes design in ‘bevelled style’.
9. This exhibition features a section on the jeweled arts and includes Mughal pieces, like this mid-17th century white jade, gold, steel and jewel encrusted dagger and a similarly decorated 18th century scabbard (LNS 13 HS), that were not shown as part of the Treasury of the World: Jewelled Arts of India in the Age of the Mughals. 10. Made in Syria in the 8th century, this ivory box (with a missing lid) is beautifully carved with scrolling vines (LNS 18 I).
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Mostapha Makhseed The Automobile Collector
e’s one of the nation’s best-known and most well connected automobile collectors. Instrumental in the creation of Kuwait’s vintage car museum and its Concours d’Elegance, Mostapha Makhseed is one of our ‘go-to’ men when it comes to all matters in the field of classic cars – historic as well as contemporary.
“His Highness Sheikh Nasser is the biggest supporter of the classic car community. He founded the museum, as well as hosted the Concours d’Elegance car shows in Kuwait...”
When did your passion for cars begin? My passion for cars and motorbikes started back when I was 16. I always had a thing for classic cars, even when I was a kid. It was always the older rather than newer cars that caught my eye. What was the first car you bought? My first car ever was 1967 Chevrolet Camaro RS. I bought it when I was just 16, even before I even got my drivers license.
What has the Kuwait Historical Car Museum added to the sphere of collecting in the country? The Kuwait car museum is considered a landmark in Kuwait as it put the country on the classic car world map. As you know, it now is a home to a lot of presidential cars and cars that represent Kuwait’s rich history. For this reason, it sees a lot of international visits. The museum not only gathers the older classic car people, but also the younger generation, and it is now a reference for all car enthusiasts. What advice would you give to someone keen to start a collection? What should they look for in their first model?
What do you currently own? I currently have a 1933 Mercedes Benz 290 Pullman Limousine; 1966 Mercedes Benz 250 SE Coupe; 1967 Chevrolet Camaro SS; 1994 Porsche 964 3.6; 1966 Chevy Nova SS; 1967 Pontiac GTO; 1969 Aston Martin DBS; 2006 Aston Martin Vanquish S; 2012 Aston Martin Virage; 2009 Porsche 997 GT2. Some collectors buy only ‘pristine’ examples of automobiles, you often search for examples in need of restoration. I often search for rare classic European cars to restore, because I enjoy working on them, especially because of how fragile and detailed the cars are. I also enjoy the body designs and shape of them. How are things in Kuwait for collectors today? Is there a thriving community? Kuwait’s classic car scene is the biggest in our region; the hobby is not new to us so you could say it’s a mature market. The market for these cars is growing as well, as we are witnessing a rise in demand for rare classic cars.
My advice is to keep an eye on international auctions. But far as what car or what model to go with, I cannot answer this question. This depends on the person himself. For me personally, I prefer the 50s era. What’s on your ultimate wishlist? Which model would you most like to add to your collection? My wish is to have my own museum, filled with my dream cars. Some of my dream cars include 1964 Aston Martin DB5; 1955 Mercedes Benz 300 SL Gullwing; 1969 Lamborghini Mura SV; 1965 Ferrari 250 GTO; 1956 Porsche 356 A Roadster. Actually, the list goes on and on..!
“...and he always has been the godfather of classic cars in Kuwait, and always will be.”
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سمو الشيخ ناصر ّ جماعة السيارات الكالسيكية .قام بتأسيس المتحف واستضاف مسابقات الكويت للسيارات الفارهة ...Concours d’Elegance
سؤ ا ل :متى
هو أكبر مؤ ّيدي
سؤ ا ل :ما هي ا لقيمة ا لمضا فة و ا لتقليدية؟ و ا لقديمة ا لتا ريخية
با لسيا را ت؟
بد أ شغفي با لسيا ر ا ت و ا لد ر ا جا ت ا لنا ر ية حين كنت في ا لسا د سة عشر ة من ا لعمر .لطا لما كا ن لد ّي ميل ً طفل .كا نت تجا ه ا لسيا ر ا ت ا لكال سيكية ،منذ أ ن كنت ا لسيا ر ا ت ا لقد يمة تلفت نظر ي أ كثر من ا لسيا ر ا ت ا لجد يد ة . سؤ ا ل :ما كا نت أ و ل سيا رة ا شتريتها؟ أ ّو ل سيا ر ة لي كا نت شيفر و ليه كا ما ر و أ ر أ س .1 9 6 7 قمت بشر ا ئها بعمر ا لسا د سة عشر ة فقط ،قبل أ ن أ حصل على ر خصة ا لقيا د ة حتى . سؤ ا ل :ما ذا تملك ا ليو م من سيا را ت؟ لي ا مر سيد س بنز 2 9 0بو لما ن ليمو ز ين طر ا ز لد ّي حا ً 1 9 3 3؛ مر سيد س بنز 2 5 0أ س إ ي كو بيه طر ا ز 1 9 6 6؛ شيفر و ليه كا ما ر و أ س أ س طر ا ز 1 9 6 7؛ بو ر ش 3 , 6 9 6 4 طر ا ز 1 9 9 4؛ شيفي نو فا أ س أ س طر ا ز 1 9 6 6؛ بو نتيا ك جي تي أ و 1 9 6 7؛ أ ستو ن ما ر تن د ي بي أ س طر ا ز 1 9 6 9؛ أ ستو ن ما ر تن فا نكو يش أ س طر ا ز 2 0 0 6؛ أ ستو ن ما ر تن فير ا ج طر ا ز 2 0 12؛ بو ر ش 9 9 7جي تي 2طر ا ز .2 0 0 9 سؤ ا ل :ال يشتري جد ا » في « نظيفة ً للترميم . تحتا ج
بعض هو ا ة ا لجمع سو ى حين أ نك تبحث عا دةً عن
سيا را ت سيا را ت
أ بحث عا د ًة عن سيا ر ا ت أ و ر و بية كال سيكية نا د ر ة تحتا ج أل نها خا صة عليها ، با لعمل أ ستمتع أل نني للتر ميم ّ هش ة و أل نها مليئة با لتفا صيل .كما و أ نني أ حب تصميم ا لهيا كل . و شكل سؤ ا ل :ما هو و ضع هو ا ة ا لجمع في ا لكو يت ا ليو م؟ هل هنا ك جما عة متنا مية؟ ُي عتبر مجا ل ا لسيا ر ا ت ا لكال سيكية في ا لكو يت ا أل كبر با لنسبة جد يد ة ا لهو ا ية هذ ه ليست ا لمنطقة . في لنا ،لذ ا يمكن ا عتبا ر ا لسو ق ا لكو يتية نا ضجة في هذ ا تتطو ر و نشهد ا لمجا ل .كما و أ ن سو ق هذ ه ا لسيا ر ا ت ّ لي ا ا ز د يا ًد ا في طلب ا لسيا ر ا ت ا لكال سيكية ا لنا د ر ة . حا ً
ا لسيا را ت
نظر ا يتي ا ، ُي عتبر متحف ا لسيا ر ا ت في ا لكو يت معلم ا كو ً ً ً أل نه أ عطى للكو يت مكا ً نة عا لمية في مجا ل ا لسيا ر ا ت يضم ا لمتحف أ صبح تعلمو ن ، كما ا لكال سيكية . ّ ّ تمث ل غنى تا ر يخ ا لكو يت ، سيا ر ا ت ر ئا سية و سيا ر ا ت لهذ ا نر ى ا لعد يد من ا لز ّو ا ر من مختلف أ نحا ء ا لعا لم . ال يجذ ب ا لمتحف أ شخا ًص ا كبا ًر ا في ا لسن فقط ،بل جيل ا لشبا ب أ ً محب ي جع ا لجميع يض ا ،و قد أ صبح مر ً ّ ا لسيا ر ا ت . سؤ ا ل :ما هي نصيحتك لشخص يريد أ ن يبدأ مجموعة سيا را ت؟ ما ا لذي يجب أ ن يبحث عنه؟ نصيحتي هي أ ن ير ا قب ا لمز ا د ا ت ا لد و لية .لكن ال يمكنني أ ن أ ّ عل ق على خيا ر ا لسيا ر ة أ و ا لطر ا ز ،أل ن ذ لك ّ شخصي .أ نا أ فض ل سيا ر ا ت ا لخمسينا ت . خيا ر ّ سؤ ا ل :ما هي أ منيتك ا لكبيرة ؟ و ما ا لتي تتمنى إ ضا فتها إ لى مجموعتك؟
ا لسيا رة
أ منيتي أ ن يكو ن لد ّي متحف خا ص بي أل مأل ه بسيا ر ا ت أ حال مي .بعض هذ ه ا لسيا ر ا ت هي أ ستو ن ما ر تن د ي بي 5طر ا ز 1 9 5 4؛ مر سيد س بنز 3 0 0أ س أ ل غا لو ينغ طر ا ز 1 9 5 5؛ ال مبو ر غيني مو ر ا أ س في طر ا ز 1 9 6 9؛ فير ا ر ي 2 5 0جي تي أ و طر ا ز 1 9 6 5؛ بو ر ش 3 5 6آ ي ر و د ستر طر ا ز .1 9 5 6هذ ه بعض ا أل مثلة فقط !
...كما لطالما
كان وسيبقى عراب ّ
السيارات الكالسيكية
مصطفى مخصيد هاوي جمع السيارات
ً نتيجة لدوره الرئيسي في تأسيس وأيضا ذو أكبر شبكة عالقات. هو أحد أبرز هواة جمع السيارات في الكويت ً متحف السيارات التاريخية والقديمة والتقليدية ومسابقة الكويت للسيارات الفارهةُ ،يعتبر مصطفى مخصيد المرجع لكافة المسائل المتعلقة بالسيارات الكالسيكية والتاريخية والمعاصرة.
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Sandra Button
Chairman of Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance
andra Button is well known and much liked by those who met her in Kuwait in her role as judge at Kuwait’s Concours d’Elegance. Aside from her role as Chairman of Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, she, along with her husband Martin, are knowledgeable collectors. There can be few people quite so well acquainted with the world’s leading automobile collectors. We met, to learn a little more about how she combines her role at Pebble Beach with her passion as a collector.
As a collector and also Chairman of Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance, many would say you’ve got the per fect job. What are the highlights of the role for you? I would agree that I’m pretty fortunate. Cars and the car world have brought so much to me! As you note, cars are at the core of my work; I get to organize a car event that brings much of the world right to my doorstep. At the same time, cars have directly provided a way for me to see much of the world; I travel constantly to participate in automotive tours and rallies and celebrations, and to view the automotive collections of enthusiasts wherever they live. What I love most about cars and the concours is the community that is drawn to these things, the community that results from our shared interest. Cars bring the world together. MP: As a collector, what do you first look for in an automobile when considering adding it to your collection? Well, first and foremost, I think a car has to be driveable—that is its primary purpose, after all, I and my husband, Martin, do drive our cars. We’ve collected many different cars over the years, and we’ve bought these cars for different reasons. Perhaps it’s the history, or the marque, or the lines of a car that compel us to buy it.
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1955 Ferrari 857S Scaglietti Spyder - Les Wexner, New Albany, Ohio. Photo by Steve Burton. Courtesy of Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance.
But we do drive them all. We drive some on rallies or tours, and we drive others around our area, or simply to and from the store. If we don’t like driving a car, we won’t keep it. And as Chairman of Pebble; what are the key criteria for accepting an entry? You must find yourself turning away as many exceptional automobiles as you’re able to accept. Regrettably, yes, each year we have to turn away more exceptional automobiles than we can accept—and that’s not easy. It is dif ficult to tell someone with a great car “no.” But of ten we are looking for ver y specific cars, and we are always seeking to showcase each car in the ver y best light and to tell a stor y. Perhaps we want the first or last example of a marque or model, or the first car to make use of a new technology, or the car that best exemplifies a cer tain styling cue, or the car that won a par ticular race. We also have to constantly think about each class as a whole and our show field as a whole; we need to make cer tain that the whole is pleasing and is balanced. So, yes, we of ten have to turn away great cars. Thank fully, we may be able to say yes to them at some other time. We will reconsider a car if it is authentic and exceptional, it has been well preser ved or well restored, and it fits within the parameters for our classes in a given year.
You’ve travelled the world in pursuit of your passion, and seen many fine automobiles in many wonder ful locations. What discoveries have surprised you? What gave you the biggest “Wow, I wasn’t expecting to see that here” moment? I was initially shocked to spot a stunning pair of early Napiers at the Cartier Concours in Mumbai. In retrospect, I shouldn’t have been surprised; India has many fantastic cars, and although some of them have been tucked away for years, and the concours is drawing more of them out to be shared with others each year. The organizers of that concours, and the collectors there, have devoted a lot of time and effort to that show—and the quality of the cars clearly highlights their efforts. If we can turn to your own collection for a moment – what do feel as you walk amongst them? Different models deliver different emotions? Every car that Martin and I own gives me a singular feeling and bears singular hopes and memories. For a time we owned an early Lenawee, and it often required a bit of fiddling and fussing, but once going, it willingly soldiered on even when we asked too much of it. It once delivered us across the finish line at the London to Brighton Run in a blaze—and I do mean that literally; it was on fire! It was always a rather gritty ride (it threw oil and mud
everywhere), but when I sat atop it, I could easily envision what things were like in early automotive days, and I was glad for that vision. Our 1937 Jaguar SS100 is quite the opposite; it’s a delightful ride that never gives us a worry. It starts, it stops, it hugs the road, it turns on a dime—and it’s comfortable too. It’s a keeper. Then there’s our 1972 Ferrari 365 GTC/4, which delivers a sound that simply can’t be beat. A quick rev of the engine and there’s no doubt that I’m coming or going, and everyone knows it. That car wants to be the center of attention whenever I’m behind the wheel—and it always is. Each of our other cars is distinct in its own way. A difficult question, but if you could keep only one car from your collection which would it be and why? We spent years saving and searching for a Vintage Bentley, and we now own a 1929 Bentley Big Six with a wonderful original convertible opera coupe body, so that automobile would be very hard to part with now.
Which automobiles do you look at today and see as collectible classics of the future? Several manufacturers like McLaren, Bugatti and Ferrari are creating new models in limited numbers that make them quite collectible, and concepts and prototypes from even the larger manufacturers may be of interest. Pininfarina is still creating one-off bodies, as are several other custom body builders. And cars are still making history on road and track. From that perspective, early prototypes of the Tesla and some autonomous vehicles might also be of interest, as might some F1 cars. What can we expect to find to excite us at August’s 2016 Pebble? This year we’re celebrating the centennial of BMW, the 50th anniversary of the Ford GT40 1-2-3 victory at Le Mans, the historic marque of Delahaye, the styling creations of Chapron, and Bizzarrini.
The 2015 Tour d’Elegance Poster features DuPont automobiles tracing the Monterey Coast. Poster art done by the distinguished automobile artist Barry Rowe.
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Fifteen minutes notice. The start of the 2015 Tour d’Elegance
Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance Once each year in August about 200 of the most prized collector cars and motorcycles in the world roll onto the fairway of what is often called the best finishing hole in golf — the famed eighteenth at Pebble Beach Golf Links. Tire meets turf and transformation occurs: the stage is set for one of the most competitive events in the automotive world. The occasion is the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance. Originally a small social event paired with a road race through the pine and cypress forests of Pebble Beach, the Pebble Beach Concours has grown into the topranking collector car competition in the world. People from all over the globe come to compete in or simply witness and enjoy the Concours here at Pebble Beach. The Concours is not a contest of speed, but of elegance. Automobiles and motorcycles are judged for their historical accuracy, their technical merit and their style—and the best garner reward and recognition.
We know good causes are close to your heart, and through the Pebble Beach Charitable Trust close to $20 million has been raised for charitable organizations. Can you tell us a little about this, and who has benefitted? We’re proud to note that the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance has now raised over $21 million for worthy charitable organizations. This past year alone we raised over $1.9 million. Over time, our specific charitable recipients have varied from groups fighting medical issues like cancer and heart disease to groups such as the Boys & Girls Clubs, helping children in need. For over 40 years we’ve partnered with the Pebble Beach Company Foundation, and that now serves as our primary charitable partner; through the Foundation we are able to distribute much-needed funds to about 100 worthy charities annually. The Foundation’s primary focus is on helping youth to succeed, and that starts with literacy and education. Which automobile would be the ultimate acquisition for you? What’s an automobile collector’s ‘Holy Grail’? I’ve often thought that I wouldn’t mind a mighty Bentley once driven to a glorious victory by one of the Bentley boys, so I’d love a Bentley team car—and it would pair nicely with the Bentley we now have. Of course, in terms of style and driveability (or grunt!), I should probably opt for an Alfa Romeo 8C. Again, I like cars that look great, but I also want them to have more than a bit of grit. I want them to go!
THE LUXE REVIEW Our exclusive guide to the finest from the spheres of horology, automobiles, style, travel, design and much more. In the Luxe Review we look at the best, and meet the people that are making it happen.
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Porsche 718 Boxster The new mid-engine roadster with a four-cylinder engine
years after the first Boxster made its debut, Porsche is restructuring its midengine roadsters. With the introduction of new versions of its two-seater convertible, Porsche continues the tradition of four-cylinder flat engines used in the 718 mid-engine sports cars that won numerous races back in the 1950s and 1960s.
The newly developed engine with turbocharging result in the 718 Boxster developing 300 hp (220 kW) from 2.0 litres of engine displacement. The 718 Boxster S, on the other hand, now produces 350hp (257 kW) from 2.5 litres of displacement, using a turbocharger with variable turbine geometry (VTG). Porsche is the only manufacturer to offer VTG technology in production cars with petrol-driven engines, both in the 911 Turbo and in the 718 Boxster S. The two Boxster models feature a considerable power gain of 35 hp (26 kW) compared to their predecessors. Thanks to the new turbo engines, efficiency has been improved, resulting in up to 13 per cent lower fuel consumption.
Emphasising the car’s dynamic look, the side profiles now include independently styled wings and side sills, alongside larger air inlet panels with two fins and doors without handle recess covers. The Boxster S features new 19-inch wheels as standard, whilst 20-inch wheels are available as an option.
The new chassis tuning and stronger brakes facilitate passionate and sporty driving. The exterior design of the new 718 Boxster was also completely revised. The interior now houses a newly designed dash panel that includes the latest generation of Porsche Communication Management (PCM), with a state-of-the-art touchscreen as standard as well as the optional navigation module.
Sportier tuning of chassis for greater agility
Efficient turbo power from four cylinders The launch of the new 718 Boxster generation represents the first time since the late 1960s that Porsche is again implementing sports cars with four-cylinder flat engines, which combined with turbocharging results in torque being significantly boosted. The 2.0-litre engine of the 718 Boxster has a maximum torque of 380 Nm (+ 100 Nm), available from 1,950 rpm to 4,500 rpm. The 2.5-litre engine of the 718 Boxster S produces 420 Nm (+ 60 Nm) over a speed range of 1,900 rpm to 4,500 rpm. When equipped with Porsche Doppelkupplungsgetriebe (PDK) and Sport Chrono Package, the 718 Boxster sprints from zero to 100 km/h in 4.7 seconds (- 0.8 seconds), with a top speed of 275 km/h. Featuring the same options, the 718 Boxster S reaches the 100-km/h mark in 4.2 seconds (- 0.6 seconds) and has a top speed of 285 km/h. The Porsche turbo concept boosts driving performance whilst improving fuel economy at the same time. With the optional PDK, the NEDC fuel consumption value for the 718 Boxster is 6.9 l/100 km (- 1.0 l/100 km) and 7.3 l/100 km (- 0.9 l/100 km) for the 718 Boxster S. Both models come with a sixspeed manual transmission as standard. PDK now features fuel-saving virtual gears. New design emphasises sharpened profile Thanks to a range of new design highlights, the 718 model line is recognisable at first glance. The front end of the roadster has a wider appearance which incorporates larger cooling air intakes, a distinct result of the new turbo engine concept, as well as newly designed bi-xenon headlights with integrated LED daytime running lights. Now available as an option are LED headlights with four-point daytime running lights.
The 718 Boxster’s rear features a wider appearance, owing to the redesigned accent strip, with integrated Porsche lettering. The entirely redeveloped tail lights are distinguished by the three-dimensional LED technology and four-point brake lights.
In regards to its driving dynamics, the new roadster emulates the original 718 sports cars. The car’s completely retuned chassis enhances cornering performance. Its electromechanical steering system, which is now configured to be ten per cent more direct, results in the 718 Boxster becoming more agile and easier to steer, both on the race track and in everyday traffic. Minus ten and minus 20: Porsche Active Suspension Management For both models, the Porsche Active Suspension Management (PASM), with a ten millimetre lower ride height, is now available as an option. In addition, the S-version can be equipped with the PASM sport chassis, resulting in a 20 millimetre lower ride height. The active chassis, which has also been retuned, offers a broader spread between long-distance touring comfort and dynamic sporty stiffness. Extensive Sport Chrono Package for dynamic driving experience Similar to the new 911, the optional Sport Chrono Package which comprises of three settings: Normal, Sport and Sport Plus, now also features the ‘Individual’ programme setting. When also equipped with PDK, the Sport Response Button is available to the driver to configure the responsiveness of the engine and PDK to be very direct. Porsche Communication Management as standard Awaiting the driver in the cockpit of the 718 Boxster is the upgraded interior with new elements, such as the instrument panel and all-new PCM unit, featuring mobile phone and audio interfaces, as well as Sound Package Plus with 110 watts of audio power. As an option, PCM can be extended further with the navigation module, operated with voice control. The new Porsche 718 Boxster models are available for order now. First deliveries in Kuwait can be expected to take place in May this year.
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Porsche Gearing Up For Le Mans 919 Hybrid title defenders in the WEC and at Le Mans
fter the successful 2015 season when it took overall victory in Le Mans and won the constructors’ and drivers’ World Championship titles, Porsche finds itself in the role of the title defenders in 2016. Accordingly, the two Porsche 919 Hybrids with around 900 hp will carry the starting numbers 1 and 2. This was confirmed during a press conference in Paris by the Le Mans organisers, the Automobile Club de l’Ouest (ACO), and the FIA World Endurance Championship (WEC).
Team Principal Andreas Seidl said: “Competing with the starting numbers 1 and 2 is an honour and a challenge at the same time. We expect even stronger competition in 2016, but still want to be able to fight for race victories and try to defend our titles. In February our intensive test and training programme kicked off in Abu Dhabi.” For Porsche’s third season since the return to the highly sophisticated top category of Le Mans prototypes, the cutting-edge 919 Hybrids have been significantly developed with the basic chassis structure and the powertrain concept remaining the same. Fritz Enzinger, Vice President LMP1: “Independently from our sporting targets, our most important task is to gather knowhow for Porsche for future technologies. The WEC’s unique efficiency regulations, with the huge technical freedom, is the right platform for the company to develop and test innovations for road going sports cars.” Back in November, Porsche announced the driver line-up that goes back to 2014 would remain unchanged: World Champions Timo Bernhard (Germany, 35), Brendon Hartley (New Zealand, 26) and Mark Webber (Australia, 39) will share the number 1 car. The number 2 sister car will be in the hands of Romain Dumas (France, 38), Neel Jani (Switzerland, 32) and Marc Lieb (Germany, 35). By offering exceptional technical freedom, the regulations for Class 1 Le Mans Prototypes (LMP1) place strong demands on engineers. The hybrid system of the 919 combines cuttingedge downsizing turbo technology with efficient fuel direct injection for the two-litre, four-cylinder combustion engine, and uses a lithium-ion battery to store electricity from two different energy recovery systems (brake energy from the front axle and exhaust energy). The 919 Hybrid produces a system with power of almost 900 hp and provided Porsche with many important inspirations for the development of future road-going sports cars. The latest example is the 800-
volt technology for the purely electrical powered Mission E concept car. The high voltage technology allows for extremely short charging times. The four-door concept sports car will go into production at the end of the decade. Alexander Hitzinger, Technical Director and responsible for the 919 Hybrid: “After having built an entirely new 919 for the 2015 season, this time we keep the same chassis structure. Therefore there wasn’t an exact roll-out day for the new car, actually we change the car step by step to the 2016 specification. According to our simulation, the rule changes in terms of fuel consumption and fuel flow should cost us about four seconds per lap in Le Mans. We cannot estimate yet to what extent we can make up for that by improvements in other areas of the 919 Hybrid, or if that is even possible.” From a historical perspective, the WEC picks up the tradition of the sports car world championship from the 1960s to the 1980s. After Formula One, the WEC is the world’s most important racing series on track. In 2016 it has nine rounds held in nine different countries. The season’s highlight is the Le Mans 24-hour race in France, where Porsche holds a record of 17 overall victories. The other eight races are six hours long. The campaign kicks off in Silverstone (UK, April 17) and Spa-Francorchamps (Belgium, May 7). After Le Mans (June 18/19) the German round of the championship is at the Nürburgring (July 24). New to the calendar is the race in Mexico City (September 3), followed by Austin (Texas, U.S., September 17), Fuji (Japan, October 16), Shanghai (China, November 6) and the finale in Bahrain on November 19. It was the opportunity for innovative technology that encouraged Porsche to return to top-level endurance racing. The total tally after 16 races for the Porsche 919 Hybrid since its debut in 2014 is: 12 pole positions, seven race wins with four of them being one-two results, five fastest race laps, two World Championship titles (manufacturers’ and drivers’). In 2015, no car other than a 919 made it onto the front row in qualifying.
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Andreas Bareis Managing Director of McLaren Automotive Middle East & Africa
oining McLaren Automotive in 2012, Andreas Bareis established the standalone Quality division, which has since been rolled out to all activities within the business. The relentless business drive for continuously improving the quality in product and services, alongside the approach to listen to customers, has since resulted in fault reductions and improved customer satisfaction.
Based in Bahrain in his new role as MD for Middle East and Africa only since January, he was in Kuwait to celebrate the release of the new Sport series, specifically the 570S. We sat down with him to learn more about the importance of this new addition to the family and his goals for the future. What helped you decide that this was the right time to make a move to the region? For the past three years, I’ve spent my time at McLaren working hard on improving the quality of our production, and during this time we’ve also introduced the new family – the Sport Series – a new attraction to the McLaren brand. Part of my role was to be very close to the sales and marketing activities – these have long been my passions, alongside quality. For me, being out in the market was the next step. The key attractiveness of this region is that the Middle East is one of the most strategic areas for McLaren. In addition, I love the difference in culture here too. I’m German, I lived for ten years in the UK, and now adding that experience to this makes for a more rounded vision of McLaren in the global market. This is an important aspect, because the McLaren approach to customers is intensely one-on-one. You’re right. And it’s an approach I personally favor too. Earlier today I had a twenty-minute conversation with a McLaren customer – in fact this is not unusual. Without this direct interaction we could not build up our detailed customer and regional profiles. We’re at a scale, and at a level of connectivity with our customers, where we can and we do react to a wave of customer wishes. We’re very open on such things – it helps inspire and give direction to future projects.
McLaren’s Formula One program has always been of critical importance to the image of the roadcars. What level of interaction is there between the two sides? Our heritage is derived from racing. It’s a great profile. Although today we are two separate entities, there are opportunities for us to work together. For example, at last year’s Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, we offered special hospitality packages enabling customer to get as close to the F1 team as is possible today. We’ll do something similar for 2016’s Bahrain Grand Prix too. What do the first deliveries of the Sports Series add to the marque’s offer in the region? It’s a very positive impact, but it has brought with it one massive challenge – we cannot deliver the cars quickly enough to satisfy our customers! It’s a nice position to be in – but we really don’t like to disappoint customers. This region is different from Europe, for example, where customers are happy to place deposits and wait. Here there’s a habit of customers expecting to be able to buy on demand. We’re working hard with the retailers to shorten the time, and as we have a long inventory of pre-orders in the region placing the Middle East sits at the top of the list as production gets shipped. How important is McLaren globally?
Very. The Sport Series has taken McLaren to another level. In 2015 we produced 1,650 cars, and now with the addition of the Sport Series we’re looking at around 3,700 for 2016. More than double last year. Yet another challenge for us to meet.
Who is going to buy the 570S over the R8 and 911 Turbo? Exclusivity is our key selling point, alongside the performance. For example, Porsche: in the past they delivered on exclusivity, but today you’ll see them everywhere. Even having doubled our production numbers for the brand, we’re still small and exclusive. Combine this with class-leading performance, and we offer something no one else can. You have a close relationship with your dealers in the region. What’s the value to McLaren of selecting the right commercial partner? They are the experts in their particular country. We make cars; there’s no way we can be as close to the market as they are, they’ve earned their experience over decades. We rely on their experience and network. Our partner in Kuwait, Ali Alghanim, they know the market, they have contacts within what we’d like to think is our sector in the market. They look after clients; they’re renowned for this. From an after-sales perspective Ali Alghanim is one of our very best partners. You’re still in your early days in the region, but what are your aims as MD of the Middle East and Africa? To set McLaren as an established brand in Kuwait and the region. I want everyone who decides to buy a supersports car to think of McLaren first. Another high challenge – but we don’t just push the performance envelope of our cars, we push the performance envelope of ourselves too. The April edition of MEN’S PASSION our annual The Automotive Edition, and in it you can expect a very special look at McLaren’s 570S.
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McLaren’s Clean Sweep McLaren 650S GT3 secures historic win on Liqui Moly Bathurst 12 Hour debut
he 2016 Liqui Moly Bathurst 12 Hour has been won by the McLaren 650S GT3 of customer team Tekno Autosports in one of the hardest fought battles in the history of the event. On its debut outing at the iconic Mount Panorama, the 650S GT3 claimed the clean sweep over the course of the weekend with pole position, fastest lap, overall race win and a new lap record. The trio of Alvaro Parente, Shane Van Gisbergen and Jonathon Webb triumphed in the battle of strategies which saw five different manufacturers lead the race over the 12 hours.
A record-breaking qualifying session saw the four examples of the 650S GT3 qualify within the top six, with pole position in the Pro-Am class for customer team Objective Racing and overall pole position and a new lap record for Van Gisbergen and the Tekno Autosports team. Starting in the dark, the race set off at a quick pace with Van Gisbergen’s #59 650S GT3 retaining the lead and setting a strong pace in the opening stint. From here, the racing built on the excitement and expectations shown in the qualifying, and ensured the crowds were kept guessing right up until the chequered flag fell.
the gap to the chasing pack without taking any risks, crossing the line with a winning margin of 1.276 seconds.
In clear air and with no traffic, Van Gisbergen opened up a strong lead in his opening stint, setting a new official course lap record of 2m 01.567s. The pitstop strategy saw the #59 650S GT3 maintain a top six position over the following few hours, with Factory Driver Parente and Tekno team owner Webb both ran consistently quick laps as the temperature increased. An electrical systems reset briefly brought the sprint to the flag to a halt on the start / finish straight, but the car was quickly back up and running with minimal time lost. The hard-charging second stint by Parente saw the Portuguese driver in the slipstream of the podium positions, and Webb maintained position before handing over to Van Gisbergen in P4 for the final stint. A wellcalculated strategy call from the pitwall optimised the various Safety Car periods and a late drive through penalty, and the final call for fuel ensured that minimal time was lost and ensured the #59 lost the least amount of time, leapfrogging the leaders as they were forced to stop for fuel to ensure they would reach the finish. As the clock reached 12 hours, Van Gisbergen managed
The two 650S GT3 Pro-Am entries both led the highly competitive class with Objective Racing pushing for the overall race lead with the #11 car as the sun rose over the mountain. Contact with the barrier brought an early end to the team’s race in but not before showing the true potential of a well set up car around the 6.213km circuit. The Darrell Lea / Keltic Racing #37 650S GT3 also proved itself to be a contender for the overall podium, running as high as second. With experience of the track and racing a McLaren at the Bathurst 12 Hour previously, the trio of father and son Tony and Klark Quinn alongside Craig Baird ran a clean race and bold strategy to build a four lap advantage in the Pro-Am class before an unforced error pushed the car off track and unable to rejoin.
All four of the 650S GT3s were in contention at various points, with the #60 car of Bell, Davison and Watson running P3 before the charge was brought to an unforced end after sustaining damage when one of the chasing pack misjudged an overtaking manoeuvre. The damage was quickly repaired by the Tekno Autosport pitcrew, and despite losing four laps to the leaders, the team managed to recover to finish P9 overall.
The result, at one of the world’s toughest endurance events, marks the continued success for the 650S GT3 which has become a true contender at the highest levels of GT racing across the world.
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Bespoke Mulliner Features make debut in Flying Spur
ulliner, Bentley’s in-house coach-building division, is revealing its latest range of bespoke creations for the Flying Spur, enabling Middle East customers to personalise the fourdoor luxury sedan to an even higher level.
For the first time in the region, the Flying Spur can now be specified with a refrigerated bottle cooler between the rear seats, Mulliner quilted leather, sterling silver atomisers and hide-trimmed stowage boxes. This new range of personalisation options are but a few of the limitless possibilities a customer can find with Mulliner, and further enhance the Flying Spur’s reputation for unparalleled luxury and refinement for both work and relaxation. Available with either a 4.0-litre V8 or mighty 6.0-litre W12, the Flying Spur offers immense performance to complement its class-leading comfort and refinement. Geoff Dowding, Director of Mulliner explains “Mulliner offers customers the opportunity to personalise their car over and above the one million plus combinations already available to them. Creating bespoke features is about understanding our customer needs and requirements and the Flying Spur is a perfect outlet for us to interpret their ideas.” Mulliner Refrigerated Bottle Cooler A luxuriously appointed refrigerated bottle cooler is now available in the Flying Spur for the first time. Rear-seat passengers will find storage for a sparkling drinks bottle in a canted position, a bottle stopper and two bespoke flutes, all secreted behind frosted glass with bright chrome detailing. The flutes – designed so that the base of the glasses mirror the design of a Mulsanne’s 21” 5-spoke Sports alloy wheel – can also be placed in specially designed flute holders in the centre console armrest, for secure storage between sips. When not in use, the bottle cooler and glasses can be stowed and concealed, with the fifth seating position reinstated. Each refrigerated bottle cooler is made to order, hand built
and trimmed in the Mulliner workshop in a process that takes highly skilled artisans 15 hours. Sterling Silver Atomisers Elegant and convenient, Mulliner has redesigned the doors of the Flying Spur to accommodate hallmarked silver atomisers. These sterling silver items can be used to spray a fine mist of water or perfume, delivering fragrance or refreshment for rear seat occupants. Each atomiser is highly polished and housed in a dedicated compartment within the interior trim of the rear door, for discreet and secure storage when not in use. Hide-Trimmed Stowage Boxes The centre console in the Flying Spur can now be specified with a hand-crafted rear stowage compartment. This luxurious yet convenient feature includes a watch holder and an area for the secure stowage of cufflinks, coins and the like. Inside, Mulliner suggests the compartment is trimmed with an unexpected burst of colour – for example, Mandarin ‘Hidden Delights’ hide. Inspired by the tradition of Savile Row tailoring, this contrast colour showcases the extent of customer personalisation offered by Mulliner. Mulliner Signature Quilting Mulliner’s Signature Quilt Pattern can also now be applied to the Flying Spur’s centre console, creating a subtle yet eye-catching visual enhancement. The technically complex pattern can also be specified for the seat bolsters and door panels, for a luxurious and cosseting effect.
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Your Prius is the Future A History of Innovation and Progress
he Prius was the world’s first mass-produced hybrid, appearing on the market in Japan in 1997 and sold globally in 2000. The Prius has constantly evolved to meet every challenge and stay at the forefront of hybrid technology. The history of the Prius since its debut in 1997 is a fascinating one and showcases the enormous strides taken in developing an iconic vehicle for our times.
The new Prius that you will be seeing—and probably driving in 2016—will be the fourth generation. It’s a truly exciting development in the series. The first generation Prius stunned the automotive world. But that was just the start with more exciting developments on the horizon. The second generation Prius arrived in 2003. It was completely redesigned to be larger, with improved aerodynamics and even better fuel economy. The third generation in 2009 built on previous achievements in every aspect, taking advantage of continuous research and world-class technology. When the fourth generation Prius was unveiled in September of 2015, it not only offered significantly improved fuel economy in a more compact package and attractive design, but it was lighter, roomier and performed even better than previous models. So, the Prius just gets better and better. And the world has recognized its advantages. Over 3.5 million satisfied customers have put their faith in the Prius to make it the world’s most popular hybrid. Combining a gasoline engine and an electric motor, this vehicle benefits from the best features of both. The batteries, made more compact to hide under the rear seats, are continuously charged when braking and decelerating—so you don’t need to plug in a power cord as you would with electric-only vehicles. And, of course, you also don’t have to stop for gasoline as much as you would with a conventional gasoline vehicle. The new Prius offers superb energy efficiency. What’s not to like? Prius Energy Monitor provides a real-time display of the energy flow through the hybrid system Amazing Fuel Economy Building firmly on the environmentally friendly credentials of its predecessors, the new Prius model’s fuel economy reaches an outstanding 40.8 km/litre which is more than 20 percent better compared to the previous model, and makes it superior to any other hybrid vehicle in its class. As Chief Engineer Kouji Toyoshima explains, “This is something that we accomplished through incremental improvements, with each new innovation contributing to the overall result”. As part of this process, every feature had to evolve—not only the hybrid system, but also the engine and aerodynamics. The hybrid system was extensively re-engineered. Both motors now incorporate an innovative rolling-coil structure. The control systems have been completely revised down to the smallest components. The vehicle is lighter, more compact and has better performance. The thermal efficiency of the 1.8-litre gasoline engine is better—40 percent compared to about 20 to 30 percent for ordinary gasoline engines. The new Prius retains its distinctive triangular silhouette but the peak of the roof has been moved forward; it is not only more attractive—it delivers improved
aerodynamics. The drag coefficient is better too, achieving a distinctly world-class level of 0.24. Hybrid system combining a 1.8-liter engine and electric motor delivers outstanding fuel economy of 40.8 km/litre which is more than 20 percent better compared to the previous model TNGA = Fun to Drive The new Prius is the first vehicle developed using Toyota New Global Architecture (TNGA), which aims at modularizing in addition to integrating development and manufacturing, allowing more time for design. Using this system, the skeletal structure of the Prius was improved with an increase in torsional rigidity of more than 60 percent compared to previous models, maximizing the performance of the suspension for better control and a quieter, more stable ride. TNGA offers not only improved handling, but also enhanced overall driving performance and fuel economy—not to mention more attractive styling. TNGA sounds pretty technical. To really understand it, you have to drive a new Prius. Get behind the wheel, step on the accelerator— and you will be surprised. You get an instant response—swift and seamless acceleration with the electric motor shifting automatically to the gasoline engine at a certain speed. It’s smooth, quiet and powerful. TNGA puts the fun back into driving in a way you never imagined was possible. High-rigidity body based on the TNGA concept provides faithful handling, as well as excellent comfort and quietness Ever Better The Prius has always been at the forefront of automotive evolution. Even its name, “Prius” is derived from “prior” in Latin—which means “coming before”. The Prius is always the first, in every way. The fourth generation Prius is a world beater—the culmination of almost two decades of experience and development. To paraphrase Chief Engineer Toyoshima: “It was relatively easy for Usain Bolt to run a hundred meters in 10 seconds—it was quite another thing for him to break the world record with a 9.58 second dash. Coming first requires huge effort. But if you keep on working at it, you can achieve it. That’s our philosophy in developing the Prius, “Ever better.” The analogy is a good one. The new nose-down Prius even looks like a runner in the starting blocks. And it performs like a top-class sprinter, too. The challenges to the Prius were many—but overcome with Toyota’s famously relentless Kaizen development process. The result is a vehicle that not only provides great fuel economy, but is also fun to drive. It gets your pulse racing. Drive the new Prius and you will feel the difference. This is the cutting edge. A better way to the future. It will change your perception of what an eco-friendly car should be like to drive and to look at.
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Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 Efficiency meets performance
ollowing the introduction of the new nomenclature, the evolution of the successful MercedesBenz ML 63 AMG is now called the Mercedes-AMG GLE 63. The AMG 5.5-litre twin-turbo V8 engine is even more powerful than before: in addition to the basic variant developing 410 kW (557 hp), there is also the highly sporty S-Model to choose from, which is rated at 430 kW (585 hp). The chassis was completely revised to deliver even better driving dynamics and agility.
The new DYNAMIC SELECT transmission modes promise maximum individuality. For the hallmark AMG Driving Performance, the throttle response of the engine and the shift times of the transmission are now on a new, even sportier level. The power SUV also has a more dynamic look than before, which is underscored by the characteristic AMG family face featuring A-wing and twin-blade radiator grille. “The new GLE 63 is a true AMG performance car and its arrival in Kuwait has been much anticipated. From its luxurious interior furnishings to its sports car agility and versatile off-road capability, this model demonstrates undisputed on-road dominance,” said Michael Ruehle, Chief Executive Officer, A.R. Albisher & Z. Alkazemi. Whether it be technology, design or equipment – the new Mercedes-AMG GLE 63 fascinates in many facets while offering maximum driving performance. The unique driving experience and superior product quality are tangible in every detail. The successful balance between high comfort, sportiness and breathtaking performance produces pure emotion. Authentic driving dynamics are characterised by the agile throttle response, short shift times and – a trademark typical of AMG – the distinctive engine sound. The strong heart of the new GLE 63, the AMG 5.5-litre V8 biturbo engine, is now even more powerful. The increase by 24 kW (32 hp) to 410 kW (557 hp) delivers significantly improved performance, with the GLE 63 accelerating from 0 to 100 km/h in 4.3 seconds (ML 63 AMG: 4.8 seconds). The power output of the S-Model has increased by a further 20 kW (28 hp) to 430 kW (585 hp) to allow acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h in 4.2 seconds. Despite the increased power output and improved acceleration, fuel consumption remains at the level of the previous model. The AMG 5.5-litre V8 biturbo engine thus demonstrates its high efficiency. The different output and torque of the two engine variants are the result of a higher maximum boost pressure. The S-Model features an additional integral charge-air cooler in the left-hand wheel housing. Both models benefit from the favourable aerodynamic positioning of the engine oil cooler in the front section. Regardless of which output the customer chooses, the 8-cylinder engine, which is assembled according to the philosophy of "one man, one engine", can be visually upgraded if desired with a carbon-fibre engine cover. The engine badge bearing the engine technician's signature is a typical AMG hallmark of utmost precision and production quality.
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Reverso Celebrating 55 years of National Pride and 25 years of Liberation
aeger-LeCoultre’s pursuit to kindle the imagination and add prowess to craftsmanship is represented in the Reverso watch, where, with a touch, the case swivels to reveal hidden wonders. Now, Jaeger-LeCoultre takes the idea of a personalized masterpiece further, with the launch of a Limited Edition Collection of two unique Reverso watches. The Limited Edition Collection is intended to mark two special occasions in the rich history of Kuwait.
The first of these is the Limited Edition 55 Grande Reverso 976 Steel (Q3738420); a masterful expression of illustrious watchmaking created to mark the 55th National Day of Kuwait, observed each February 25th. Yet another fine example of the rich Reverso heritage, this timepiece features a distinguished green dial, with the numbers in white. A clever surprise is the ‘55’ in place of the usual 5, with these numbers picked out in scarlet. On the back the watch features a sophisticated and subtle engraving to commemorate the 55th anniversary of Kuwait’s liberation. The watch is issued in a limited edition of 55 pieces. The second is the Limited Edition 25 Grande Reverso 976 Pink Gold, an enduring and admirable celebration of the 25th anniversary of the liberation of Kuwait, which is held each February 26th. The legendary reversible watch continues the noteworthy horological standards of the Grande Maison, standing out with its striking green dial. The numbers on the face feature in white, except for the representative ‘two’ and ‘five’, which are picked out in scarlet contrast. On the back, an elegant and timeless engraving on the Cradle marks the unique occasion, with the back on the swivel case left blank for personalization. The model is issued in a limited edition of 25 pieces. As an iconic timepiece, Reverso traces its heritage back to 1931 when it was first designed for its functional aspect of a reversible case (ideal for the tough demands of a polo game or for those who want a little extra case protection). From its very inception, Reverso has enchanted with its concealed surprises: the unexpected facet of a customized, tailor-made design (either engraved, lacquered, enameled or set with gems), or a complexity such as found in the duoface or duetto concepts. In 2016, Reverso celebrates 85 years of history in setting the standard in elegant and polished performance with its pure and refined lines, its artisanal craftsmanship and unique lineage of collections that are as surprising as they are sophisticated. On this occasion, Mr. Ali Morad Behbehani, the President of Behbehani Group, said: “The National day and the Liberation Day has a special meaning for Kuwait and for me, as we have special celebrations that take place on 25th and 26th of February every year. However this year, I am thrilled to witness the launch of two special editions for this occasion by the Grande Maison from Jaeger-LeCoultre”. Marc de Panafieu, Brand Director added: “We at Jaeger-LeCoultre are proud and delighted to join in Kuwait’s celebration of historically significant events with our Limited Edition timepieces. Not only are these watches going to bear witness to these very special occasions; in time, it is our hope that they become a symbol of enduring memories that will be handed down to future generations.”
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Patek Philippe’s New 5524 Calatrava Pilot Travel Time
he Calatrava Pilot Travel Time with a large white gold 42-mm case and the ingenious dual timezone mechanism revives Patek Philippe’s illustrious heritage in aviators’ watches. With its luminous hands and numerals, the eminently legible blue dial is reminiscent of classic cockpit instruments.
Reference 5524 Calatrava Pilot Travel Time Self-winding mechanical movement. Caliber 324 S C FUS. Dual time zone mechanism indicating local and home time. Local and home day/night indication in apertures. Local date by hand. Sweep seconds hand. Blue varnished dial, gold applied numerals with luminescent coating. Calf leather strap, Vintage Brown, clevis prong buckle. Sapphire-crystal case back. Water resistant to 30 m. White gold. Case diameter: 42 mm.
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The world’s first master chronometer
reated in the true spirit of OMEGA, the Globemaster houses the brand’s most advanced mechanical movement and features a design inspired by early Constellation models that represent horological expertise and OMEGA’s legacy of precision and outstanding performance. Each watch is certified through a series of independent tests – a revolutionary process that establishes a new quality standard in the watch industry.
OMEGA’s history influenced the Globemaster’s caseback, where a medallion has been stamped with an image of an observatory, representing the precision awards that the watchmaker received during the famous chronometer observatory trials. Eight stars in the sky above the observatory symbolize the most important precision records that OMEGA set and, reflecting how the brand’s commitment to quality has endured, the stars also signify the eight METAS-certified criteria that a timepiece and its movement must pass in order to receive Master Chronometer status.
card that includes an identification number which they can use to see how their watches performed on each test. This documentation is proof that the watch has been certified by METAS. 1999 The first practical new watch escapement to be invented in some 250 years, the Co-Axial escapement, was launched in the calibre 2500 . 2007
Two design features that define the Globemaster are also its dial, which is created in a style that watch collectors have long referred to as a pie-pan dial, and the “fluted” bezel, an element that has decorated several famous Constellation watches.
The OMEGA Co-Axial calibre 8500 was the first of the brand’s exclusive Co-Axial movements to be created in-house.
Master Chronometer
The brand introduced the anti-magnetic silicon balance spring in its exclusive OMEGA Co-Axial calibres.
In December of 2014, OMEGA held a press conference together with the Swiss Federal Institute of Metrology (METAS) to announce a new watch certification process that would become active in 2015. The Globemaster is the first watch to be tested and approved according to this new process, which, in addition to measuring the performance of the watch in daily wearing conditions, ensures that it functions properly when exposed to strong magnetic fields up to 15,000 gauss. Any watch brand can submit its watches for these METAS-approved tests in order to receive Master Chronometer standing, a label that at once makes a statement about the quality of not only the mechanical movement but also of the watch itself. Before the watch is exposed to the magnetic field and its performance is measured according to the criteria approved by METAS, the movement must pass the tests established by the Contrôle Officiel Suisse des Chronomètres (COSC). Along with their watch, customers will receive a certification
2013 The OMEGA Co-Axial calibre 8508 becomes known as the world’s first truly anti-magnetic mechanical movement. 2014 Anti-magnetic technology is industrialised and incorporated into mechanical movements for men’s and women’s watches, starting with the new OMEGA Master Co-Axial Calibre 8500. 2015 OMEGA introduces a series of eight tests certified by METAS that measure the precision of a watch and its movement during and after exposure to 15,000 gauss. Watches that pass the tests receive Master Chronometer standing.
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The eight criteria that are measured during the certification process are: 1. AVERAGE DAILY PRECISION OF THE WATCH This test runs over 4 days and checks the daily precision of the watch in real life wearing conditions. The watch is initially placed in six different positions and two alternating temperatures, then exposed to magnetism of 15,000 gauss, then demagnetized, then finally checked again in the same differing positions and temperatures. For each step, a photograph is taken of the watch and checked 24 hours later for accuracy against UTC time. 2. FUNCTION OF COSC-APPROVED MOVEMENT DURING EXPOSURE TO 15,000 GAUSS MAGNETIC FIELD This test examines the movement of the watch only, placing it in two different positions, and subjecting it to a magnetic force of 15,000 gauss. During a time of 30 seconds in each position, the functioning of the movement is audibly checked using a microphone. 3. FUNCTION OF WATCH DURING EXPOSURE TO 15,000 GAUSS MAGNETIC FIELD This test is similar to the second. On this occasion, instead of just the movement being tested, the entire watch is subjected to magnetic fields of 15,000 gauss, with the functioning being checked by way of audio. In today’s modern world, magnetism is all around us, in places such as tablets, phones, hairdryers and even the metallic clasps of women’s handbags. Mechanical watches without anti-magnetic innovation can suffer long-term effects in their accuracy when exposed to these magnetic fields. 4. DEVIATION OF DAILY PRECISION AFTER EXPOSURE TO 15,000 GAUSS MAGNETIC FIELD This test works out the average deviation of the watch between day 2 and 3 of the first test. The result shows the daily precision of the
watch before and after exposure to a magnetic field of 15,000 gauss. 5. WATER RESISTANCE This test submerges the watch underwater, gradually applying more pressure up the point of the stated water resistance. For certain watches, it also goes beyond. This ensures that each watch is properly tested for underwater conditions. 6. POWER RESERVE This test checks the power reserve of the watch by taking pictures at the beginning and end of the expected limit. Checking any deviation again, this proves that each watch functions accurately for its stated time. For wearers, it’s valuable to know that, even after a weekend on the bedside table, your watch will still be performing well. 7. DEVIATION OF RATE BETWEEN 100% AND 33% OF POWER RESERVE This test puts the watch in six different positions, similar to each side of a dice. With the watch at full power, the watch spends 30 seconds in each position, with average precision recorded by way of audio . The power reserve is then reduced by two thirds and checked again, to ensure that precision is kept even when the watch is not at full power. 8. DEVIATION OF RATE IN SIX POSITIONS This test is similar to the previous test, and checks for any deviation in the running time when the watch is placed in six different positions, similar again to each side of a dice. With 30 seconds in each position, the results are recorded through audio. By placing a watch in different positions, we can ensure a watch’s performance no matter what the wearer is doing, whether it’s sitting at a desk or actively playing sport.
Elite Chronograph Classic A legendary calibre joins the Elite collection
n the wake of the success achieved by the Elite 6150 model, the Manufacture Zenith is enriching the same collection with a new chronograph equipped with the prestigious El Primero movement. In a subtle blend of classicism and modernity, the Elite Chronograph Classic beats at the high frequency of El Primero Calibre 4069. Its finely curved 42 mm steel or rose gold case frames a restrained dial featuring engraved hour-markers and slender leaf-type hands.
Its pulsating heart is a legend. Its pure, restrained design epitomises contemporary elegance according to Zenith. Beating at the rapid pace of El Primero Calibre 4069, the Elite Chronograph
Classic model features taut lines conveying timelessly understated
elegance. This apparent simplicity conceals a wealth of perfectly mastered expertise expressed through each distinctive detail. Pure, Flowing Lines Available in stainless steel or pink gold versions, the ultra-thin 42 mm-diameter case features a characteristic pebble shape, enhanced by a fluted crown and rectangular pushpieces. Its flowing curves are underscored by ergonomic lugs ensuring a
perfect fit on the wrist. The case is water-resistant to 50 metres
and its alternately polished and sandblasted back is fitted with a transparent sapphire crystal enabling one to admire the fascinating mechanism of the El Primero Calibre 4069 and its openworked oscillating weight, adorned with the Zenith star. On the display side,
the silver-toned dial provides hours, minutes, small seconds and chronograph indications, swept over by slim facetted hands. The
cambered sapphire crystal, glareproofed on both sides, ensures
optimal legibility, while a stylised hour-markers engraved on the domed dial create a trompe l’oeil depth effect. Pure Performance! Fire beneath the ice! While the Elite Chronograph Classic displays a deliberately restrained appearance, its heart beats
to the frenzied pace of a speed-racing machine, the legendary El Primero movement. A direct descendant of the world’s most precise series-made chronograph produced by Zenith in 1969, the
automatic El Primero Calibre 4069 perpetuates the key assets of its legendary heritage: its integrated column-wheel construction and its exceptional rhythm of 36,000 vibrations per hour guaranteeing
tenth-of-a-second precision. A rubber-lined alligator leather
strap secured by a triple folding clasp sets the ultimate touch of refinement to the Elite Chronograph Classic, a timepiece designed for refined aesthetes‌ with a fiery temperament!
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Slim d’Hermès Purity in motion
lim d’Hermès inspires a cadence based on pure, restrained lines. From the design of the case to the outline of the numerals, the collection sets the pace for a return to the quintessence of the watchmaking art. The Manufacture collection now welcomes models paying tribute to the saddlery and leather-crafting expertise of the Maison.
As Philippe Delhotal, Creative Director of La Montre Hermès, points out: “The collection was born from encounters between the Maison, designers and artisans. The singular blend of contemporary and classic elegance embodied in Slim d’Hermès expresses the essence of Hermès.” Graphic arts and horological skills meet and mingle in perfect harmony in a quest for aesthetic purity. The inhouse expertise is expressed through the dial, the case and the ultra-thin Manufacture calibre. The exceptionally understated lines are accentuated by the slenderness of the case, while the design of the lugs forms a right angle. Their momentum extends right the way to the spring bars around which the strap appears to coil. The result is the epitome of extreme simplicity, striking the perfect balance between rigorous discipline and visual equilibrium. Hermès debuted the collection in 2015 with a Slim d’Hermès Manufacture driven by an ultra-thin H1950 movement and a Slim d’Hermès Perpetual Calendar – both measuring 39.5 mm in diameter – as well as 32 mm and 25 mm ladies’ models. Ladies are now also treated to a Slim d’Hermès Manufacture 39.5 mm version, equipped with an ultra-thin movement and enlivened by alligator straps in vibrant colours – sapphire blue, elephant grey, geranium, cassis or simply black – while featuring versions set with white diamonds. An opaline silvered dial lights up the Slim d’Hermès Manfuacture dedicated to women. In the gemset version, 66 white diamonds delicately frame its circumference. For men, the model is enhanced by new shades with a slate grey dial and matching elephant grey alligator strap; while a matt indigo strap complements the hue of the Slim d’Hermès midnight blue. Crafted in the Hermès leather workshops, these straps stem directly from the saddlery and leather-making expertise cultivated by the Maison.
Float through time and space Rado unveils two new lightness-inspired timepieces
wiss watchmaker Rado is proudly unveiling its first creations from the 2016 Baselworld collection: the Rado True Open Heart. Relaunched with a new streamlined edge just last year, the Rado True family has been given yet another beautiful twist with two new pieces in Rado’s lightnessinspired collection for 2016.
Limited to just 500 individually marked pieces, the True Open Heart is crafted in either matt black or polished white high-tech ceramic and features the clean, light lines of the Rado True family. The beautifully decorated Swiss movement is framed by stylized cutouts in the dial, lending the piece an airy, spacious feel and giving the wearer a glimpse into the enigmatic mechanics within. An ultrafine mother of pearl layer floats over the dial like a veil, subtly exposing the mysterious innerworkings of the watch below. Timeless, weightless The shimmering colours of the True Open Heart’s delicate, razorthin mother of pearl dial change along with the lighting conditions and angle of view. Like an aurora borealis on your wrist, the diaphanous 0.6 mm dial evokes feelings of weightlessness, as if floating through time and space. Beneath this sheer iridescent layer is a sight to behold: the bare naked movement, or literal heart of the watch, effortlessly glides and twirls, powering what is both a precision instrument and an object of beauty. A walk on the light side Housed in the brand’s signature monobloc case, the Rado True Open Heart offers all the benefits of a watch crafted from Rado high-tech ceramic. Engineered from ultra-fine zirconium oxide powder, high-tech ceramic is an incredibly light material: At 25% lighter than steel by volume, it is among the lightest materials used in luxury watchmaking. In addition to its remarkable lightness, ceramic adapts to the wearer’s body temperature almost immediately, so it will never feel too hot or too cold against the skin. Smooth and lightweight, it floats on the wrist, becoming an extension of the wearer. Although its light weight may suggest otherwise, high-tech ceramic is impressively hard and durable. With a hardness rating of around 1,200 Vickers, high-tech ceramic is nearly five times harder than steel (250 Vickers) while being only a fraction of its weight. As a non-metallic material, high-tech ceramic is also gentle and hypoallergenic, meaning it can be worn by anyone with metal allergies or sensitive skin. The Rado True Open Heart: an ode to luxury, lightness and comfort.
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Untamed and Exotic The Ulysse Nardin Royal Python Skeleton Tourbillon Showcases a Design Evolution
he Ulysse Nardin Skeleton timepiece is a transparent beauty, where the inner workings become the art form. It shares its fluid network of positive and negative space intertwined ever so delicately with its wearer. The seemingly infinite maze of individual movements, parts and bridges are reduced to essential composition and masterfully reinterpreted into a rare piece of work. The Royal Python Skeleton Tourbillon takes the beautiful complexity of its predecessor to an entirely new level.
Natural, free-flowing light passes through the timepiece, creating radiant luminosity. Silicium technology and an in-house-developed flying tourbillon honor the mechanics of the collection, featuring a silicium balance spring, anchor and escapement wheel. Hand-painted movement bridges dotted with rubies reveals the skill and sensibility of the artist, while exhibiting the wondrous world of
Ulysse Nardin’s métiers d’art. A python strap finishes the snakeskin-inspired aesthetic of the entire timepiece. Lush like the jungle, this “call of the wild” timekeeper is as original in style as it is in makeup. A limited edition of 18 pieces in rose gold 4N, the Royal Python Skeleton Tourbillon presents a fearless character intended for the uninhibited at heart.
Overseas VC’s unique perspective on the world
acheron Constantin is reinventing one of its iconic collections, Overseas. Created in a spirit of casual elegance and practicality, five new models (12 references) equipped with Manufacture movements – including three new calibres – embody the new generation of self-winding timepieces inspired by the spirit of travel. All models, whether in steel or gold, from the simplest to the most complicated, bear the Hallmark of Geneva and are fitted with easily interchangeable bracelets/ straps, a guarantee of comfort anywhere in the world. Alongside watches featuring simple displays (hours, minutes, seconds, with or without date), the collection also comprises chronographs and ultra-thin timepieces.
A bit of history
Design signature
From the late 19th century onwards, timepieces embodying remarkable breakthroughs in terms of anti-magnetism and water-resistance were the first steps towards sports-oriented watches from the Maison. A model created in 1885 was designed to withstand magnetic disturbances thanks to the incorporation of palladium, gold and bronze components. In 1898, Vacheron Constantin presented a water-resistant pocket watch capable of withstanding extreme conditions. The formal characteristics of its sturdy case heralded the design of contemporary sport watches.
Flowing, ergonomic lines, subtle light effects and delicate finishes place the new Overseas models firmly within a timeless yet distinctly contemporary aesthetic universe. The curves of the case ensure seamless integration with the bracelet or strap, a feature that is both technically sophisticated and aesthetically pleasing. The six-sided bezel and the fluted crown with its grooves evoke the Maison design codes.
The 1930s saw the emergence of steel “form” watches distinguished by screwed-down bezels and casebacks, as well as by unbreakable sapphire crystals. The technical attributes and the sporty appearance of these timepieces were confirmed through an aesthetic approach combining a “form” case with a 10-sided case topped by a round disc. This trend was reinterpreted several decades later, during the 1970s, by various iconic models including the famous “222” presented in 1977 to mark the 222nd anniversary of Vacheron Constantin. This sport watch was fitted with a screwed-down bezel and caseback guaranteeing water-resistance to 120 metres. Designed to suit an active lifestyle, it inspired the 1996 creation of the first Overseas models, powered by the spirit of travel and openness to the world. This remarkably technical collection soon became a touchstone for the Maison. Its dynamic lines, its signature bezel and its solid caseback adorned with a depiction of the famous Amerigo Vespucci three-masted ship are an open invitation to travel the seven seas. Vacheron Constantin has gradually developed the identify codes of this line over the years, such as the metal bracelet introduced in 2004 and featuring a motif evoking the Maltese cross brand emblem. In 2016, the new-wave, Hallmark of Geneva-certified Overseas is casting anchor in the 21st century.
The rounded, polished and satin-finished opening dips towards a refined dial topped by a sapphire crystal glareproofed on both sides. Coated with a translucent blue, silver-toned, rosy beige or grey lacquer – depending on the model – that intensifies the depth effect, the dials alternate between sunburst, snailed and velvety finishes. The gold luminescent facetted hands and hour-markers echo the gold frame surrounding the inner bezel ring, while the Arabic numerals ensure optimal readability. The screwed-down caseback fitted with a sapphire crystal reveals a 22K gold oscillating weight adorned with a wind rose, a universal symbol indicating the cardinal points for travelers, and adorned with sandblasted, polished and finely grained finishes. Comfort and user friendliness: self-winding calibres, water-resistance and interchangeable bracelets/straps In keeping with the travel spirit, Overseas timepieces meet practical demands in order to guarantee their owner ideal comfort and user friendliness. They are equipped with mechanical self-winding movements ensuring a generous power reserve. Protected from magnetic disturbances by a soft iron ring, these calibres are endowed with remarkable precision and durability, while the case with a transparent and generally screwed-down caseback ensures water-resistance to 50 metres for the ultra-thin models, and to 150 metres for the others.
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The new Overseas models are all about modularity, with three types of easily interchangeable stainless steel or precious metal bracelets – complete with an easy-fit system for enhanced comfort – as well as leather and rubber straps. An ingenious interchangeability device for the bracelets/straps and the folding clasp, serves to secure them in place without any need for tools, while guaranteeing the same robustness as a fixed bracelet or strap. The Overseas bracelets/straps display remarkable finishes: the metal bracelets are domed and graced with a satinbrushed finish as well as polished interior angles evoking the half Maltese Cross motif; the rubber strap also bears a motif inspired by the same famous Vacheron Constantin emblem; while the alligator leather strap has a flat tip and a velvety nubuck lining accentuated by a micro-perforated effect, hence combining comfort & sporty aesthetics. The Hallmark of Geneva, a firm commitment for 130 years The new Overseas collection meets the demanding criteria of the Hallmark of Geneva, the prestigious label of quality and excellence instated in 1886. Standing for much more than just a certification of origin, it is issued by a neutral and independent official body. The Hallmark of Geneva rewards watches developed and assembled in Geneva according to extremely stringent criteria relating both to movement components and to the performance of the watch. Embodying a four-fold consumer guarantee of provenance, resilience, accuracy and expertise, the Hallmark of Geneva establishes high production standards serving to achieve the best possible results in terms of reliability and aesthetics, while ensuring respect for traditional hand workmanship as well as the transmission of these skills. Vacheron Constantin is its most loyal representative since 1901.
Tod’s Men’s Collection Spring/ Summer 2016
o r spring/summer 2016, the Tod’s collection for men applies the house philosophy of producing stylish, practical and relaxed design to a range of jackets, shoes and bags that illustrate the exceptional craftsmanship of Made-in-Italy.
Taking inspiration from the world of art and the craft of the artisan, the collection features hand-painted contrasting colour details – a look applied to the shoes and small leather goods, and also to outerwear. Of course, Tod’s is most famous for its footwear, and for spring/ summer 2016 there are a number of new developments in this area. Chief among them is the arrival of a new signature detail for the house: the Leo Clamp. This metal feature is found on the iconic Tod’s Gommino shoe and also on moccasins and loafers. A sturdy, geometric branded band, the Leo Clamp is produced through a process that involves traditional techniques of hot metal casting, thus demonstrating that Tod’s artisanal expertise is not limited to work with leather, but extends to the Italian tradition of fashioning metal, and, indeed, jewellery. Combining these two materials – leather and metal – is an art in itself, as the fine leather used on the shoe must not be damaged in the operation. Indeed, the Leo Clamp is treated with a special finish that not only gives it a particular shimmer, but also allows it to come into contact with leather without impairing it. As well as the Gommini that sport the Leo Clamp, other styles of the house’s signature shoe feature colour-block painted areas, and still others, woven leather uppers. The well-known Marlin Hyannisport style, a deck shoe named after a boat owned by John F Kennedy (and now in the possession of Diego Della Valle, President and CEO of Tod’s), takes a more urban approach this season, incorporating a polished edge, which enriches its celebrated rubber sole. Meanwhile, the Easy Urban styles highlight the craftsmanship that characterises the quality of Tod’s – five models range from a classic lace-up to a moccasin. Here, rubber and fine leather overlap for a new sport-style sole. The key bag for the season is the Eight Bag, which derives its name from its eight pockets – six internal and two external. Formal and sophisticated when closed, it opens out flat to function as a portable personal desk. There are two versions: precious leathers or crocodile models come in plain colours, while the calfskin style is in two-tone. When it comes to clothing, the emphasis is on a series of adaptable jackets. A blue suede field jacket – the Field Jacket
Art Colour – velvety and lightweight, features white stripes over seams and pocket borders, which are applied by hand with water colour paint once the garment has been finished. Horn buttons and an internal brushed-metal zip provide a double closing mechanism, while shirt-style cuffs add a point of difference. Similarly, the brown Pilot Jacket Painting is also distinguished by hand painting. Composed of stretch leather, a special material, smooth to the touch, this lightweight leather jacket with notch lapel and bellows pockets is inspired by the military world. A sporty, khaki-green cotton-linen field jacket with five front pockets and horn buttons personalised with the Tod’s logo is completely unlined (apart from the pockets, which are lined in 100% cotton). An internal nylon drawstring at the waist allows for a waisted silhouette. This model, called the Field Jacket – Military Cotton, does not feature hand painting, but instead offers a more classic look. All three of these jackets are versatile outerwear pieces that can be worn on a wide variety of occasions, both in the city and in the country, and on weekdays or weekends. A final style – the Washed Blazer – is more urban, a three-button, cotton-denim jacket. Blue, sporty, with a notch collar, two front pockets, horn buttons personalised with the Tod’s logo, visible stitching and a double vent at the back, it is a highly useful piece in any modern man’s wardrobe, smart enough for work, but relaxed enough for leisure. These Tod’s summer jackets for men epitomise the emphasis placed by the house on fine details and excellent engineering. Fabrics and materials are of the best quality, buttons are in horn and characterised by the Tod’s logo, zips are in brushed metal, and interior pockets provide practical places for the storage of wallets and mobile phones. Available at selected Tod’s boutiques, worldwide, from February 2016. In Kuwait at: Kuwait City – Salhiya Complex, Ground floor, Tel. +965 2407541 Kuwait City – Prestige, The Avenues, Tel: +965 22200661
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Hackett Rainbow Essentials
uintessentially British, the Hackett man has never been afraid of color when it comes to the warmer months of the year. For SS16, Hackett London offers a full rainbow of essentials. Cotton shorts, classic polo shirts with subtle Hackett branding and a new addition, this season, collarless linen shirts finish the line-up.
Lemon to cyan, sky blue to salmon pink, these colors all work per fectly teamed together and add a zingy hit of color to any man’s summer or holiday wardrobe.
a stylish cuff detail, button the polo shir ts up for a preppy feel or undo the collarless shir ts for that air of the exotic.
Roll the shor ts for a shor ter cropped length while adding
Roll on the sun to match these sar torial brights.
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Backstage at Paul Smith Independent company, independent mind
ith curiosity, simplicity, humour and an elegant oddness, Paul Smith has been dressing individuals from the start. For spring/summer 16, inspiration comes from independent minds.
Playing to their strengths, colour and print are key and suit shapes are refined but distinctive. The palette takes influence from David Hockney’s unmatchable eye for colour. Bolts of bright summer hues of blue, orange and green sit alongside mor tonal shades. A loose and painterly approach to print is a common thread and brushstrokes are woven into tailoring cloth. Photographic print, which has long been at the heart of Paul Smith, recurs throughout the collection. With no fixed silhouette for the season, every look is different but unified through tailoring, confident and positive use of colour and a free-spirited attitude.
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Made To Measure As An Art Form From Corneliani
he pursuit of excellence has always driven Corneliani’s approach, and nowhere is this expressed more keenly than in its Made to Measure service. It is based on Corneliani’s vast, proven experience and reflects the historic values – tradition, quality and modernity – which have shaped the brand’s identity, values it has adhered to with dedication and passion for over half a century. The home of the Corneliani Group is Mantua, a city steeped in art set in a truly enchanting landscape. A UNESCO World Heritage site since 2008 and Italian Capital of Culture 2016 it is famous for its pivotal role in the Renaissance, to which it owes its incomparably beautiful monuments. So much splendour certainly influences the tastes and sensitivities of anyone who works and lives there, and it explains the vocation for beauty of this family business. Brought up surrounded by harmony, the family is immersed in the idea that elegance is a question of substance over form, with the Made to Measure suit as its ultimate expression. Corneliani’s commitment to preserving hand-sewing and hand-finishing techniques – offset by cutting-edge technology and painstakingly detailed checks at every stage – is epitomised by the image of the needle and computer: an expression both of the brand’s identity and the identity of each individual customer. Not surprisingly, the byword for every Made to Measure garment is “personalisation”. Contemporary men seeking out their own style are increasingly aware of this: for what counts above all is the perfect fit, the key to the demeanour essential to elegance. The superlative quality of the materials and workmanship behind each garment require a very specific approach. Steeped in rigorous tailoring, it is closer to a work of art than a mere fashion piece. Choosing to create a Made to Measure garment is a source of pleasure and personal satisfaction, a process which results in something unique: a reflection and celebration of each man’s finest qualities. Taking time to select fabrics and details is a special occasion. Corneliani, which has always striven to mirror its customers’ tastes, provides the “Made to Measure” service in a selection of its multi and single-brand stores in some of the world’s most celebrated luxury shopping destinations.
The service includes a VIP lounge, with tailors and assistants on hand to ensure that the customer’s individual styles and requirements are met to the full. As befits the identity of the brand – renowned for its subtle sophistication and clean, tapered lines – Corneliani tailors unique, one-off garments. It is truly a multi-sensorial experience, one which begins with sight and peaks with the touch of the light, soft, smooth fabrics. The finest cashmeres, silks and linens, plus a selection of fabrics from the “Road to Excellence” project, guarantee unforgettable comfort and fit. Corneliani offers over 750 of the world’s most exquisite fabrics which come in a various combination of colours and weaves. Each fabric undergoes meticulous inspections, from checking ever y metre of cloth to ensure the finished product is free from defects to assessing the hand, colour, stability, workability and durability. Steps are also taken to stabilise the per formance of the fabrics during production: wool is steamed, while interlinings are dampened by hand with warm water and left to dr y naturally at specific temperatures.
Next decisions are made over the length, fit and shoulders, the size of the armholes, the waist, the trouser turn-ups and base, the style of the lapels, the real jacket sleeve buttonholes, buttons, stitching and linings. State-of-the-art software is then used to process all the information and produce a customised design. It takes a mere three weeks to realise the dream of a made to measure garment. Delivery is the last stage in a service so meticulous it is almost a rite. Staff at the boutiques make their last checks of the garment, which must match the specifications exactly, and are always ready to make any final tailored adjustments whenever they are required. This is the story of the supremely artistic suit which accompanies the cosmopolitan man on those very special occasions – or, why not, throughout every moment in life. It explains why Corneliani has a world-wide reputation, proving its passion and flair for interpreting true male elegance, rooted in the savoir faire at which Italian tailors excel like no others.
Most fundamental of all are the details, a question of sensitivity more than style. Never ostentatious, they emerge gradually as the exquisite features which set aside “Made to Measure” and the men who wear it: from buttons and stitching, linings and undercollars, to the inside label, handembroidered with the name of the person who desired that particular garment. It takes 548 top stitches and 27 manual procedures to make a jacket, all done by expert hands who have mastered the art of men’s tailoring after years of experience. It is the irreplaceable craft skills of Corneliani tailors which bring perfect garments to life, shaped around a structure which combines soft interlinings (made from camelhair and wool, horsehair, goat hair and cotton) with manual dexterity. Made from 100% natural cloth, the internal structure acts as the support for each part of the jacket, assembled using tacking and stitching alone. This is the cornerstone of the “sartorial construction” which gives the finished garment its stretch, softness and fit. Last but not least comes attention to style, from the classic to the contemporary. Constantly evolving, it is always a reflection of what the members of Corneliani’s “Made to Measure” club most desire. A series of careful choices must be made before the Made to Measure service is set in motion. Once measurements have been taken, individual volumes and shapes are looked at – shoulders, chest, hips, sleeves, body shape – and the customer’s specific needs and preferences are taken into account: a single- or double-breasted jacket, with or without side or central vents… and much more. Consideration is also given to the customer’s personal style and, last but not least, his cultural origins.
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TUMI Spring/ Summer 2016 Men’s Collection
he Spring/Summer 2016 Men’s Collection represents an entirely new level of sophistication in engineering and structural design. A clean, contemporary aesthetic and refined detailing set the standard for the Global Citizen’s premium travel experience.
The Arrivé collection, re-designed for Spring/Summer 2016, exemplifies TUMI’s spirit of innovation—revitalizing silhouettes and increasing functionality. All styles feature the highly durable HTLS Polyester® and include elevated leather trim and chrome hardware detailing, plus TUMI ID LockTM for added security against identity theft. Additionally, the Add-A-Bag strap will allow all brief and backpack styles to be easily and securely stacked on top of wheeled travel pieces. The Hamilton Slim Brief (255001), offered in classic Black and new addition Pewter, features an abundance of pockets for a laptop and tablet with extra space for documents and files. With polished chrome retractable handles, the user can access the bag without interference or carry the brief as a portfolio. Detachable shoulder straps also allow the user the versatility to wear the Hamilton over one shoulder. Chrome die-cut telescoping handles optimize strength without added excess weight on the Julius International Expandable 4-Wheel Carry-On (255060) and Rockford Wheeled Duffel (255063). The Harrison collection, launching this season, is a contemporary and elevated leather assortment offering the perfect balance between functionality and design. Both timeless and modern, the assortment features a clean/ streamlined aesthetic with smooth and supple leather in neutral Black and Brown. All business, day bags and accessory styles offer TUMI ID Lock for added protection against identity theft. The beautifully-crafted Madden Brief (63001) features a separate, padded compartment for a laptop and a spacious main compartment with interior pockets for a tablet, mobile phone and other accessories. The Bates Backpack (63011) is ideal for business and travel, with a roomy main compartment that has designated pockets for work and daily essentials, including a padded and quilted computer pocket. A large exterior front pocket allows for quick and easy access to smaller accessories.
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Kuwait Yacht Show 2016 Wrap
almiya’s Marina Crescent played host once again to the Kuwait Yacht Show. Now in its 4th edition, the 2016 show was the biggest and the best yet. A raft of regional premieres together with a number of local manufacturers and dealers showing at KYS for the first time proved to be among the highlights of this year’s show.
From the VIP opening event, through to its fourth and final day, this year’s Kuwait Yacht Show thrilled boat lovers and outdoor enthusiast alike. The biggest show of its kind in the country, the 4th edition further sealed Kuwait’s place on the annual marine show map. HIGHLIGHTS • The opening ceremony was a joint effort with the Kuwait Coast Guard, Kuwait Air Force and Maritime rescue mobilising all their resources to give KYS the beautiful backdrop of a 20 meter water fountain. • The headline of 2016’s 4th Edition was the 10 regional premieres. This year the Kuwait Yacht Show unveiled the Azimut Grande 95 RPH, Galeon 500 Fly, Azimut Atlantis 50, Azimut Atlanis 43, Searay 270 Sundeck, Boston Whaler 270 Dauntless, Suprema 44, Suprema 41, De Antonio 28, De Antonio 23. • Organized in coordination with the International Federation of Boat Show Organizers, the 2016 edition delivered a flow exceeding that of the previous three editions. • The number of participants was far bigger than any previous edition. • The value of the products exhibited was 25 to 30 percent higher than the previous editions.
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Cruise into Spring Royal Caribbean International
ith spring break just around the corner, there has never been a better time to take to the seas on board one of Royal Caribbean International’s luxury cruise ships. Whether you are looking to explore the stunning scenery of the Caribbean itself, the exciting cities of Far East Asia or something slightly closer to home with a trip around the Arabian Gulf, you are sure to enjoy a holiday of a lifetime.
“Spring time is one of the most popular times of the year for holidaymakers looking to take a 5-7 nights trip, or a weeklong sea voyage as we like to call it,” states Mohamed Saeed, General Manager Middle East, Royal Caribbean Arabia. “Travelling on board our ships offers all the amenities of a five star hotel and more, along with the opportunity to visit multiple destinations.” Whether you are a couple looking to indulge in a romantic getaway, a group of friends looking for a unique and memorable experience, or a family looking to spend quality time together, Royal Caribbean International offers access to some of the world’s most beautiful destinations whilst travelling in unrivalled luxury. Setting sail this springtime is the award-winning Oasis-class Allure of the Seas, which will whisk away sea-faring travelers from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to some of the Western Caribbean’s most captivating beach destinations, including Jamaica, the Cayman Islands and Mexico. The 1,187-footlong Allure of the Seas is home to Central Park, a fantastic al fresco space filled with an array of dining and entertainment options, and the AquaTheater, which comes alive at night with spectacular high-diving aerial performances. This is alongside a famed zipline where guests can get an exhilarating birds eye view nine decks high, and the first ever carousel at sea located in the centre of the Boardwalk. For something truly special, enjoy a 5-night China to Japan cruise onboard Royal Caribbean’s newest class of ship, Quantum of the Seas. This innovative cruise liner promises a truly unique trip through this majestic part of Asia, allowing guests to visit landmarks such as the temple of Beomeosa in South Korea and Nunobiki Falls in Kobe, Japan whilst experiencing the very best that Royal Caribbean has to offer on board. Take yourself to new heights and experience 360° views on the North StarSM, a new feature that ascends over 300 feet above sea level or unleash your competitive side on the bumper cars at SeaplexSM, the largest indoor active space at sea, before collapsing exhausted into the luxury of your newly designed stateroom. For a last chance to explore the rich heritage of the Middle East from a very different perspective, Splendour of the Seas will be sailing around the Arabian Gulf up until its last departure on March 28th. Leaving from Dubai, stops include both Abu Dhabi and Muscat. The impressive Vision-class Splendour of the Seas houses a huge array of amenities including a solarium, two swimming pools, four whirlpools, a rock-climbing wall and nine-hole miniature golf course amongst many others, offering a great alternative to the traditional staycation.
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Explore Hong Kong A Series Of Private Curated Tours
ith an unmatched location in the very heart of Hong Kong for over 50 years, Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong has always been renowned for providing guests with insider tips and information on the best ways to experience this exciting city. Together with its knowledgeable concierge team, the hotel has now launched private, curated excursions, so that guests can enjoy Hong Kong’s diversity, alongside local experts and tastemakers.
The list of guides, who are all local experts in their field, include an international travel photographer, a resident filmmaker, food writers and art connoisseurs. Each tour offers an interesting and insightful view of the city through the eyes of local residents. Examples of tours on offer include: Urban Photography Experiences A tailored photographic journey to discover architecture and geometry or document street life and street art around the city and its side alleys, and learn about perspective, shadows and movement, composition and background. Enlightened Walks A bespoke tour tailored to specific interests from a resident filmmaker, with a mix of enlightening facts, figures and trivia, together with fascinating observations into the lives of Hong Kong’s seven million inhabitants. Hong Kong Food Walks While the choice of ten award-winning restaurants and bars, means that guests can experience the best cuisine in Hong Kong without leaving the hotel, the city is also home to some of the most exciting local dining experiences in the world. Guests can join renowned local food writers on a culinary tour to discover the best of Hong Kong’s backstreets, food culture and local markets. Bespoke Art Walks As the official hotel partner for Art Basel show in Hong Kong, Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong works with established artists and fosters new talent year-round. These carefully curated art walks are led by art connoisseurs to discover the core of the city’s creativity. Journeys include strolling into some of Hong Kong’s most renowned contemporary Chinese art galleries; delving into the history of Hong Kong and Greater China through art and antiques; or going off the grid to uncover some of the city’s most cuttingedge art found in not-for-profit spaces. For guests with limited time who wish to discover the district around Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong for themselves, the hotel offers a walking map which highlights points of interest and architectural landmarks that are all within walking distance, which is available to guests by contacting the concierge. Costs and timing per tour vary. Email the concierge team at to make reservations for any of the local guided experiences upon booking a stay. Room reservations can be made by contacting the hotel directly on +852 2820 4202 or by visiting the Tempting Offers page on their website. The iconic Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong is the epitome of contemporary luxury combined with Oriental heritage. Having delighted guests with award-winning services and impressive facilities for over 50 years, it is a much-loved address for those seeking an exclusive sanctuary in the heart of this exciting city. The hotel’s spacious rooms and suites offer magnificent views of the famous Victoria Harbour and the city’s skyline. A collection of 10 outstanding restaurants and bars, including three with Michelin Stars, a Shanghainese-inspired holistic spa, an indoor pool and a 24-hour fitness centre, make Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong the quintessential “home away from home” for discerning leisure and business travellers alike.
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ZEITGEIST Good design, where form and function come together so exquisitely, should always be celebrated.
This month Men’s Passion features some of the most desirable and well executed products that define the times in which we are living.
Punkt MP 01
The Punkt phone, launched in February, lets you call and text. It also has nice buttons and is easy to hold. And that’s about it.
computer via USB cable and can be used with the same phone number as your smartphone, when twinned with your SIM card.
Punkt’s latest product, the MP 01, is a back-to-basics mobile phone. Launched at the London design festival in 2015, and designed by the British industrial designer Jasper Morrison, Punkt’s artistic director, the phone is a pared-down black affair with slightly raised, rounded buttons and a gently angled shape that makes it easy to hold.
There is a growing appetite and market for products and apps explicitly aimed at helping the user “shut off”. There’s the yetto-launch Kickstarter-backed Light Phone, a credit-card-sized phone “designed to be used as little as possible”. It only takes and makes calls, and works either on its own or in conjunction with your existing phone thanks to a simple call-forwarding app. Elsewhere, French company Lekki has been successfully selling “revamped” classic Nokia phones, while Microsoft relaunched the basic Nokia 105 in June.
But it’s the MP 01’s functional simplicity that sets it apart from today’s smartphones. Users can make and receive calls and texts, check a calendar for dates, store 3,000 contacts in the address book and leave themselves reminder notes on the home screen. And that’s it. Unlike the so-called brick or flip phones of yore, however, it can import phone contacts from a
But will a desire to rebalance our tech-mad lives translate into a $300 investment for what is essentially a second phone that only allows talk and texts?
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Christie’s at 10
The 10th anniversary of Christie’s auctions in the Middle East
his March Christie’s will celebrate 10 years in the Middle East, having set up its first regional office in 2006 in DIFC, what is now the centre of finance for the UAE. The 10th anniversary also signifies the 20th sale season of the auction house, which has played a pivotal role in not only establishing, but enhancing a platform to promote Middle Eastern art to a global audience.
“This auction was the first phase in our plan to develop a broader reach within the Middle East and exceeded our expectation in terms of the prices achieved and the incredibly enthusiastic response from our new clients in the region,” said Edward Dolman, who served as CEO of Christie’s International until 2011. Michael Jeha, Managing Director, Middle East said after the 2008 sale season: “Tonight clients from the Middle East competed with buyers from around the world at the highest level in order to secure these ‘must-have’ pieces, demonstrating that in the space of just under two years the Middle East art market has received the international attention it has long deserved.” Having played a part in nurturing the current established market, as part of the 10th anniversary, Christie’s is introducing a new sale to their format: Element of Style. For the first time in the Middle East, this sale will offer 60 handbags from Chanel to Hermès as well as a large selection of luxury items such as exquisite watches for ladies and men, a fine selection of limited edition fountain pens by Montblanc and revisited vintage trunks and luggage pieces from Louis Vuitton. The traditional painting sale held on March 16, will celebrate the best of Middle Eastern art by integrating a 40 lot strong section entitled ‘NOW AND TEN’, followed by ‘The Important Watches sale’ on March 15th with vintage, special edition and contemporary timepieces. In early April 2005, the first sales office - of any international auction house – was opened, and celebrated with an event in May 2006 to highlight international works, another first in the region. In every sale since, the support from artists and collectors from around the region and the rest of the world has ensured the auctions remained an important marker in the global art calendar. Since the first sale, Christie’s maintained market leadership in Middle Eastern art. “Christie’s has truly internationalized the market for the major artists from the region,” says Michael Jeha, Managing Director, Middle East. Jussi Pylkkänen, Global President Christie’s says “I clearly remember the moment just before our first auction in Dubai…..we all knew it was a risk. At the time there were only a handful of galleries in Dubai, none of the great Museums had been envisaged, we were even unsure if the auction concept and the bidding process would be embraced by our new clients. But what we did have was great art and that is always the secret wherever we do business.”
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The 20th sale season will be running from 15-17 March with a public preview exhibition starting on Sunday 13 March 2016. The Art Sale’s section ‘NOW AND TEN’ will be marking the decade of trading with art from the region by presenting a highly curated section, offering the best 40 works by leading Middle Eastern artist from private collections to be found in the market. The entire art auction on 16 March will be offering a total of 125 strictly selected works of art to endorse the artistic talents of the region. At the same time this reduced offering bears the highest pre-sale estimate of $8.5-12.0 million for the past 10 years, an indication of the strong developments of the regional art market as well as an evaluation of the international appreciation of art from the Middle East. The 40 lots offered in the section NOW AND TEN will be highlighted by a nearly 11 meter long and 3m high triptych, entitled Sarajevo by Omar El-Nagdi (Egyptian, b. 1931, illustrated above), painted in April 1992. A museum-masterpiece, Sarajevo, became part of the prestigious collection of Her Excellency Ambassador Francine Henrich in 1993 and is offered for the first time at auction with a pre-sale estimate of $400,000-600,000. The Sarajevo triptych is undeniably the most important and the most ambitious work produced by El-Nagdi in terms of complexity, monumentality, expression and subject matter. El-Nagdi, an Egyptian painter represents the slaughter of his Bosniak brothers in Sarajevo on the traditionally Christian format of the triptych, a theme that no other artist has ever dared to paint on such a vast scale. El-Nagdi’s Sarajevo is without doubt one of the most poignant depiction of the horrors of war ever painted since 1937, when Pablo Picasso realized his iconic piece Guernica. Café de Verre, Café Hajj Daoud, Café Palestine, Café Al Bahrein by Shafic Abboud (Lebanese, 1926-2004) is comprised out of 130 individually painted tempera on panels in 1990, all payimg tribute to the ‘cafés engloutis’ of Abboud’s beloved city, Beirut. Coming directly from the artist’s estate, these temperas used to hang on the wall of the artist’s own bedroom in his Parisian apartment where lived from 1977 until his death in 2004. Literally translated as the: ‘engulfed cafes’, the ‘cafes engloutis’ refer to the vanishing café-culture that had been widely popular in the Arab world during the 1950s and 1960s. These cafes were submerged by the civil war in 1975 and slowly disappeared along with the effervescent intellectual, political and artistic circles that had developed from them, at the core of Modern Lebanese art and literature (estimate $300,000-400,000).
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Hisham A. Alsager Cardiac Center by AGi Architects
edical buildings are usually perceived as spaces with negative connotations, specifically when referring to rehabilitation centers where patients stay for long periods of time. Therefore, in the design process of the Hisham A. Alsager Cardiac Center, AGi’s aim was to change this perception and to build a positive space, one that is able to act as a hub for social activity, rather than just a medical center.
At this point, the first element to consider was the exterior of the building (including the volume and its materiality) as it is the first connection point between the patient, medical center and the environment. Instead of treating the general volume as a mere container of functions, AGi architects developed a proposal that is formally similar to one of social and cultural infrastructure. A sharp volume that contains two large red openings in the façade, these invite access to the building and suggests to the visitor what they will find inside. The stone clad façade provides the necessary protection for the harsh weather of Kuwait and ensures a highly sustainable performance with low maintenance. The anatomic scheme of the heart and its mechanism within the whole human body was used for the design of the project. The heart is the central muscle of the system, which pumps blood to nourish the rest of organs and cells within it. The heart is present in the design of the central atrium: a three storeys height red colored space onto which the waiting areas and circulations open to. Several courtyards provide the space with natural light to experience the spacious architecture, in contrast with smaller rooms that are usually found in this kind of buildings. Patients move to and from this central space (the source of light and life), as red blood cells do, and are received in the clinics and different departments to be put back in the circulatory system once re-oxygenated. Cardiovascular medicine, its basis, and even the aesthetic of its tools have been used to write an architectural script that allows us to propose a different kind of healthcare building, with an experiential attitude, that takes into account the specific needs of users (patients and workers) in trying to making their stay in the hospital as easier as possible. Clinics, grouped in three levels at the south part of the building, are disposed as small specialized self-managed cells (managed by one doctor and his team), and have three spaces: two exam rooms and one consult office, with their own waiting area. Each “cell” is organized between courtyards, providing all rooms with natural light, ventilation, and privacy for each one. Patients and workers access to the clinics from different ways to improve circulatory efficiency. Specialized rehabilitation areas (pool, gym, running track, etc.), research and administration services of the center are strategically placed at the north of the building, which allow them to open up to the exterior along the Kuwait bay, providing great views of the sea and high quality light conditions. Inside this cluster, the main physical activity spaces are double height in order to show up in the façade and “oxygenate” the experience.
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Global Investment Outlook 2016
n spite of an increasingly challenging global environment, global direct real estate investment continues to grow, signifying the appeal of property as an asset class. By Anna Amin, Editor, Cityscape magazine
What direction will commercial real estate investment take in 2016? This is the question we ask ourselves at the start of the year while looking back at some of the major trends that shaped the global real estate investment landscape in 2015. While it seems that the underlying trends of 2014 have continued throughout last year - namely the focus of the bulk of capital on global gateway cities and safe haven markets nevertheless some interesting developments have emerged in 2015 which will determine the direction of global capital flows in 2016. Global capital magnets According to Dr Richard Barkham, CBRE Global Chief Economist, the top 10 markets for global capital in 2015 were London, New York, Paris, Sydney, Hong Kong, Washington, Milan, Hawaii, Frankfurt and Munich. “This is a little different from the top markets in the long term namely: London, New York, Tokyo, Los Angeles, Paris, San Francisco, Washington, Chicago, Hong Kong and Boston,” Barkham says. Bruno Berretta, Senior Research Analyst, EMEA, Colliers International, agrees that the preferred destinations for global capital in 2015 have been global gateway cities and the larger, most liquid and transparent global property markets. He argues that these offer investors stable secure incomes and large lot sizes sought after by investors with large sums of capital to deploy, such as sovereign wealth funds. With regards to 2016, CBRE expect the long term favorites to attract the bulk of capital in 2016. “We sense that London will still be the dominant market, but not by as much as in the last few years. Global investor interest in continental Europe is very high,” Barkham says.
He adds that investors may worry that the strength of the dollar is making U.S. real estate more expensive, “but against this, the dollar is unlikely to depreciate in the near term, FIRPTA is being repealed for certain classes of investors, and U.S. growth has plenty of upside potential from lower gas prices. Investors in emerging markets may take a pause until the current economic headwinds have eased.” Colliers International’s Global Investment Outlook (GIO) survey predicts the markets of London, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sydney and German tier-1 cities to be global cross-border investors’ primary investment targets in 2016. The GIO surveyed over 600 investors across the risk spectrum from the Americas, EMEA and Asia-Pacific regions; the respondents collectively represent real estate holdings with total assets under management of around USD 1.5 trillion. European markets to watch in 2016 On the back of gradual economic recovery in Europe, a number of European markets are experiencing a comeback and investor interest in the continent is high. According to CBRE’s Richard Barkham, Spain and Portugal remain areas of opportunity while Central and Eastern European markets are producing good growth on the basis of very positive economics. “Our best projected returns, based the recent fall in values now stabilising, are in Russia though the economy has not yet stabilised and risks are high. Core European rental growth is picking up albeit pricing is keen. There is a lot of interest in the UK regional cities because of the movement of activity and take-up from high priced London,” Barkham comments.
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CBRE’s recently released survey of prime office rents around the world finds that the top ten cities are fairly stable, but EU cities are moving up the rankings. Office markets that are moving down are those that, in some way or other, are exposed to the energy market, Barkham says. According to Colliers, markets outside the core of Europe have been increasingly on the radar as their economies have recovered. “Firstly came Ireland, then Spain. Many think 2016 will be the year of Italy. Netherlands and parts of CEE are other markets to watch. Opportunistic capital will continue to seek opportunities in Portugal and Greece,” says Richard Divall, Head of Cross Border Capital Markets for EMEA, Colliers International. Emerging markets prospects 2015 has been a tough market for emerging markets. In the words of Colliers’ Bruno Berretta, “generally, economic volatility has penalised emerging markets. We’ve seen more capital chasing opportunities in tier-2 cities within established markets as opposed to money entering new ‘exotic’ destinations.” He mentions Seattle as an example of a U.S. tier-2 city which is attracting interest and which is seen as the new San Francisco due to its large corporate occupier base. Looking at emerging market opportunities, CBRE’s Barkham highlights Russia as “a good market for the contrarian” while mentioning India as an emerging market that is “bucking the trend on the back of service sector growth, lower interest rates and continued economic reform.” Lastly, Mexico is a low cost economy which is well structured and benefiting from U.S. growth, Barkham says. U.S. interest rates impact One of the major topics discussed in relation to global investment has been the U.S. interest rate which has seen its first hike at the end of last year. As for the property market
however, this is expected to have a minor impact, experts say. “[Our] survey tells us investors don’t expect any major impact, provided the increases will be gradual and limited. The first rate hike in December was largely expected and already backed into pricing. Like the financial markets, property investors don’t like surprises. Also, the increase should be seen more as part of a normalisation of monetary policy rather than the beginning of a new tightening cycle. We expect more volatility as rates go up, particularly in emerging markets and equities and bond markets. That will potentially reinforce the appeal of property as stable investment,” comments Colliers’ Berretta. CBRE expect between two and four rises in rates in the U.S. in 2016. “The current strength of the dollar suggests that rates will rise very slowly. As long as economic growth continues in the OECD and China, as we think they will, then U.S. rate rises such as they are in 2016 will have very little impact on global real estate investment,” says Barkham. “In most markets, even the expensive ones, spreads between cap rates and bond rates are still quite wide: this is attractive to investors. In addition to this we see rental growth picking up in the U.S. and in EMEA, this is also an attractive characteristic of real estate as an asset class,” Barkham further explains. Key challenges in 2016 According to Colliers’ Richard Divall, geopolitical risk is weighing heavily on strategy. “Investors fear that the economic and political landscape can change quickly. The economic slowdown and stock market jitters in China, the oil crisis, the terrorism threat and the migrant crisis are other things on investors’ minds,” he says. While CBRE do not see a hard landing in China, Barkham says that the firm sees negative economic news continuing
for a while. “This may cause investors to take a pause until the economic situation becomes clearer. We also think that there will be some sort of financial crisis in the emerging markets in the form of a default on hard currency borrowings. Again, this is not serious enough to derail the global economy, but it is quite negative for sentiment,” Barkham explains. The CBRE expert also mentions pricing and lacking supply as key challenges for real estate investors in 2016. “The rapid rise in the price of real estate in the global gateway cities in the last three years may give investors pause for thought. Finally there is the perennial problem of lack of stock. It may have been worsened in this cycle because many of the newer investors have very long time horizons and so do not tend to trade, once acquisitions have been made. Negative sentiment shocks and lack of stock are challenges,” Barkham says, adding that on the positive however, credit conditions are easing. Positives outweigh the negatives In spite of an increasingly challenging global environment, experts believe that direct real estate investment will continue to grow in 2016. “2016 has everything it takes to be another strong year for global property investment. In Europe, improving economic fundamentals, strengthening occupier markets and low interest rates will underpin growth in investment volumes. These could reach EUR 300bn, surpassing the pre-crisis peak of 2007,” says Colliers’ Berretta. In terms of regions, Colliers’ GIO finds that the global investment community is particularly bullish about the Americas and specifically the U.S., with 54% of respondents anticipating an increase in volumes. This figure drops only marginally for EMEA (48%). On the other hand, a majority of investors think volumes will decline in Asia Pacific (40%), although nearly 50% of investors from Asia Pacific think volumes can still go up in their region.
Barkham from CBRE shares the view about increasing global investment volumes for 2016 although he says they might not be quite as strongly as in 2015. “Investors from the oil economies may not be as evident as in recent years, but we think capital outflow from Asia will continue to grow. In addition, growth and the strength of the dollar gives U.S. investors plenty of motivation to invest and buying power. “There are some serious negatives in the global economy right now, but we think the positives just about outweigh them. There is plenty of capital, low interest rates and economic growth. These are good conditions for real estate investing,” Barkham concludes. 2016 will continue to see a highly competitive marketplace. Colliers predict that any intensification of global risks will likely accentuate the focus on core markets, a shift already underway. “Generally, in uncertain times, investors continue to follow fundamentals and trends in their investment decisions, with a particular focus on population growth and demographic shifts, urbanisation, changes in consumer spending patterns and the impact of technology on real estate in general,” the Colliers GIO concludes. This article is supplied by Cityscape Magazine.
Cityscape magazine is the Middle East’s leading monthly real estate investment title and is owned and published by Informa Middle East Limited. For more information, please visit Visit Cityscape Kuwait, the only international real estate investment event in Kuwait for buying your dream home.
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Chopard reveals the spirit of its Iconic Happy Diamonds Collection in an exceptional event in Kuwait.
Chopard together with partner Trafalgar have hosted a one-of-a-kind and original event to share the happy Spirit of its iconic Happy Diamonds Collection with their guests in early February. A unique and entertaining concept Ever since its creation, Chopard Happy Diamonds Collection has distinguished itself by the joyful swirl of precious dancing diamonds. Delicate and timeless, yet daring and modern, the Happy Diamonds Collection portrays independent personalities: seizing the moment and living their lives to the fullest, today’s young women are blessed with a contagious cheerfulness that makes them radiant. A new vision of Happy Diamonds Jewelry The latest Happy Diamonds jewelry collection was inspired by nature and represents pop art inspired flowers with a modern twist. The floral Happy Diamonds Collection comprises a pendant, ring and earrings in 18ct White or Rose gold. The playful spirit of the Happy Diamonds Collection is also found in the Happy Diamonds signature design watches where mobile and free of all settings, diamonds dance joyfully between two sapphire crystals.
The event at The Cap Gallery Chopard along with Trafalgar chose to welcome their guests in the renowned art gallery “Cap” located in Industrial Shuwaikh in Kuwait City. This “Contemporary Art Platform” is one of the biggest non-profit art centres in the Middle East region, for modern and contemporary art. It is in this universe completely immersed with modern art and design that Chopard gathered its guests and press members over one-of-a-kind animations including numerous entertaining games, props, instant photos that were enjoyed while guests delighted in exquisite cocktail bites and “happy” refreshments. Guests also enjoyed the happy music vibe, as a lively female DJ was guiding their dance steps, embodying the very feeling of freedom that surrounds the carefree spirit of this iconic collection.
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Toyota Prius Launch Embrace the Change, Drive Prius
Toyota ushers in a new era for hybrids with “A breakthrough that took more than a century”. Al Sayer Group along with Toyota debut the highly anticipated Prius Hybrid in Kuwait. Mohamed Naser Al Sayer, one of the Al Sayer Group Holding Companies held a press conference to unveil the all new Prius “The Future is Now”, pioneering hybrid from Toyota. Mr. Mubarak Naser Al Sayer, CEO Al Sayer Group Holding, welcomed delegates from Toyota Motor Corporation, which included Mr. Sugiyura Masayuki, the Assistant Chief Engineer, Mr. Yugo Miyamoto, the General Manager of Sales and Marketing, and Mr. Wada from the Middle East Division in Japan, Mr. Takayuki Yoshitsugu, Chief Representative, Mr. Tanigawa and Mr. Mohamed Assal, the Senior Marketing Manager from the Middle East and North Africa Regional Office in Dubai, along with representatives of the press and media at the event which was held at the Prestige Ballroom Grand Avenues. Speaking during the occasion Mr. Mubarak Naser Al Sayer CEO Al Sayer Group Holding said “We are going to introduce a new era of automotive technology – Hybrid and first one from Toyota as we unveil the Prius Hybrid. The Future is Now - the all-new fourth generation Prius marks a further advance in the history and achievements of Toyota’s hybrid power technology”.
BMW launches BMW Contemporary to unite and showcase Middle East artists and collectors The BMW Group is expanding its support of contemporary Art and Culture in the Middle East with the launch of BMW Contemporary, an exclusive initiative that aims to strengthen intercultural dialogues and spark curiosity and imagination. BMW Contemporary will unite artists and collectors from across the region to meet, discuss and share their bespoke collections with the public and bring to life their unique stories in a series of online episodes that will be featured across BMW Group Middle East’s social media channels throughout the year. The first episode, entitled “The Art of 7”, will see renowned Art Consultant and Curator Ali Khadra introduce Youssef Nabil, an internationally acclaimed Egyptian artist, and Sheikha Paula Mubarak Al Sabah, a high-profile art lover and collector residing in Kuwait. As the first host of the series, Sheikha Paula has allowed exclusive access to her stunning Kuwait Estate in which audiences will not only learn about her extensive collection but will immerse themselves into Youssef’s world of Egyptian Glamour, departure and loss. Commenting on the initiative, Christina Heidlberger, BMW Brand Management, Marketing Services and Event Manager for BMW Group Middle East, said: “The BMW Group has been involved in supporting various arts and cultural platforms for more the 40 years, with hundreds of initiatives taking place worldwide. Here in the Middle East, we are committed to fostering this association and actively seek opportunities to nurture and support regional talent. We believe that BMW Contemporary does just that. It is a great showcase of how creativity knows no boundaries, and we hope that each of the episodes’ artists spark interest and inspire people across the region.” Cultural commitment is an integral part of the BMW Group’s corporate culture. The company believes that unrestricted freedom is of the utmost importance, as much so for the art world as it is for ground-breaking innovations within business. “As a car company, we see many synergies with the Art & Culture world. We both strive for innovation, and creativity in many respects be it design or how we engage with our audiences,” continued Heidlberger.
The BMW Group focuses its cultural cooperations on jazz and classical music, modern and contemporary art, architecture and design.
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Startup Kuwait National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Challenge
Startup Kuwait National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Challenge launched February 2016 with 5 participating universities, namely KU, GUST, AUK, ACK, and BHCK. In February, March, April and May, Startup Kuwait would be inviting entrepreneurs (local, regional, international) and business leaders to share their experiences and attend the business plan competitions at each college (ending in April). During the National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Challenge, the best teams ideas will be chosen from different universities by the juries (local, regional and international) and then advance to compete nationally in May. Students participating in Startup Kuwait experienced a very productive month in February. The students attended a well-received workshop in regards to the essence of Startup Kuwait, and the importance of knowledge economy and entrepreneurship on macro and micro scales. The students also participated in the Idea Generation Workshop which gave them the opportunity to share and fine-tune their ideas and simultaneously receive feedback from their peers.
Mr. Nish Acharya Citizence Mr. Nish Acharya, CEO of Citizence and former lead advisor to President Obama on innovation and entrepreneurship, recently visited Kuwait for two weeks to support the Startup Kuwait program. During this period, Nish presented to students and faculty at all five universities participating in Startup Kuwait, including Kuwait University, BHCK, ACK, AUK, and GUST. Over 600 students discussed their entrepreneurial ideas, and were helped, through professional training exercises, to focus their ideas into actionable plans. For Acharya, the trip confirmed that Kuwait has tremendous entrepreneurial potential, and that with the proper training, entrepreneurship programs and support from mentors and investors, the region can launch many startups with global potential. Mr. Acharya stated his expertise and network commitment to the success of Startup Kuwait and his planned future visits during next few months. Moreover, as part of Startup Kuwait speaker series Mr. Essa Behbehani, the creator of Choowy Goowy shared his entrepreneurial expertise and the importance of turning setbacks to future opportunities with BHCK faculty and students.
Commenting on the progress of STARTUP Kuwait: Dr. Redha Behbehani The Global Center We are very pleased with the broader participation as the numbers of teams combined from paticipating universities are over 100+. Dr. Arezou Harraf BHCK Box Hill College Students were very inspired by the presentations and workshops held in February and BHCK looks forward to Startup Kuwait March activities and competition in April and May! Dr. Mohammed Elian GUST Reiterating GUST’s commitment to the development of Kuwait’s knowledge economy, Dr. Mohammed Elian, Dean of College of Business Administration at GUST pointed out that since 2007, GUST is conducting the Practicum in Business/MIS, which is a unique program aimed at equipping students with the tools needed to succeed on their entrepreneurial journey. He further said: “We are happy to support any initiative aimed at empowering our youth to become useful contributors to Kuwait’s economic and social growth”. Dr. Jin Wang AUK Dr. Wang, the Dean of the College of Business and Economics at the American University of Kuwait stated that AUK aspires to become internationally recognized for its mission-centered and market-relevant programs, innovative and experiential approach to teaching and learning. “We are excited to join the Startup Kuwait Competition and believe this will be an inspiring and exciting opportunity for our students to learn experientially about entrepreneurship from faculty, Kuwaiti entrepreneurs, and experts from around the world.” Dr. Sam Toglaw ACK Dr. Sam, Head of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit at ACK, explained that Since the launch of “Startup Kuwait”, ACK took proactive steps to incorporate the competition in some units taught in the degree program. Students were highly motivated to positively interact in this program particularly the idea generation workshops that were conducted during the last few weeks. The brilliant ideas received convey one message: “ACK has young entrepreneurs”.
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Spread the Passion 6 Years of Giving
Spread the Passion, the renowned not-for profit organization, celebrated its 6th anniversary, in Kuwait National Library’s theatre. The board of trustees, volunteers, youth groups and representatives from many social initiatives were invited to attend the event. Dr. Fatemah AlMosawi, founder of the organization, started by thanking everyone who supported last year’s journey of giving. Then, Spread the Passion honored individuals, voluntary teams and initiatives by handing out certificates to express their appreciation for the support the organization received. After that, a video of last year’s achievements was shown to the audience. Spread the Passion was established on 14th of Feb. 2010 with the aim to connect individuals to volunteering opportunities while developing their skills. The organization seeks to apply its slogan: “Make giving part of your living”, by promoting volunteering and civic engagement throughout the year with programs and activities for the community. @spreadpassion