Can you spot the differences between mens briefs and trunks? Well, the story of men's underwear started around 7000 years ago. that's when they felt "we should cover our private parts" and in the year 1991, historians found a single piece of cloth called loincloth which got derived from the narrow waistband from which amuletic and decorative pendants were hung. Egyptians used to wore this style of underwear made out of woven material, wrapped around the waist and tied either in the front or belted. It happened from about 3000 BCE. Coming back from 3000 BCE, After loincloth, a garment was evolved that was triangular connected with strings and made out of linen which is now called as Gstring. Things got better after 1925 as Jacob Golomb, the founder of the venerable boxing equipment company Everlast begun to change structures for the trunks worn by pugilists. Speaking about the history of men's brief,This form of underwear was first sold in the year 1935 on January 19 by Coopers, Inc. in Chicago, Illinois at Marshall Field's department store. They named the new underwear the "Jockey" since it offered a comparative level of help as the athletic supporter. The fashioner of the new style was allegedly motivated by a postcard he had gotten from a companion visiting the French Riviera portraying a man in an extremely short, perfectly sized swimsuit.