When Should You Go Commando?

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When Should You Go Commando? Well, you must have heard a lot about people talking of reasons, advantages as well as disadvantages of going commando. However, have you ever read a full-fledged article on times and situations when you should go commando? This one does! The article clearly states that men’s underwear is an essential part of clothing and should definitely be worn for the right appeal, personality, looks and enhancement; but there are times when you should just stay without one. This article talks about the situations and times when you should commando to make the right impression and put forward your point of view. 1. While sleeping: Any normal person needs the few hours when they can let their skin and the privates breathe free. That definitely does not mean it is mandatory, but the ones who are quite passionate about their intimate health. When you sleep without any men’s underwear style like men’s briefs or boxer brief underwear; your skin rejuvenates (when you moisturize it well and take care of the shaft). Hence, this is the first situation where it is okay to go commando. However, you can opt for men’s boxers that are loose and provide no support for the sleepwear. 2. Relaxing at home: It is the weekend and you are already very exhausted after the long week with hectic work schedules that have taken a toll on you. Now is the time to feel free and relax with some extra comfortable clothes and no underclothing. You just need to keep one thing in mind that visitors might not like the way you hang out at home if they find you in that situation, so make sure to buckle up when expecting someone and the rest of the time you can free ball. 3. When the idea is to get laid: You are planning for a romantic

evening at home with your partner. Make sure you are fully prepared. Nice ambience, candles, room freshener, sinful delicacies to add what’s needed for the mood and the right clothes. Going commando might just shoo-off your partner if she’s not well prepared. Hence, either you wear something sensual (and minimal) like men’s thong underwear (and strip it off when she’s ready) or just go commando (if she knows what you’re up to). These are the times when you can consider going commando, but there are situations where you should think twice or probably thrice before avoiding your male undergarments. 1. When the idea is to make a mark: Whether it is a board meeting or a place where looking best is the only option you have; free-balling is the worst option. In fact, mens enhancing underwear is what men prefer because it provides a bigger bulge and the right visibility down there.

2. When you go shopping: A very wrong place to go commando is when you plan to shop. Shopping clothes without wearing

anything might put you or the one who’ll buy the same pair of shorts or trousers in trouble. After all, if someone asked you to wear the pants that the other guy had worn and had stain marks, would you wear them or even buy them? So, don’t do something like that with any other. There’s time for everything; for going commando as well as for wearing appropriate men’s underwear. Choose wisely and make the lasting impression.

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