Little-Known Facts About Anxiety
A large part of the population must be aware of the mental health disorder – Anxiety – and the associated psychological symptoms of the same. However, the percentage of people who are aware of the physical symptoms of anxiety is very less. Being the best psychiatrist in Bhopal, we are going to introduce you to a couple of physical symptoms of anxiety through this post today. So, without wasting any time, let us have a look at them in brief: Shaking, redness of the skin, excessive sweating, nausea, etc. are some of the most common physical symptoms of anxiety. But, people going through chronic anxiety disorder, such as a panic attack, social anxiety, experience more intense and persistent physical symptoms. These persistent and intense physical symptoms of anxiety are nothing less than a serious ailment. At times, people with chronic anxiety disorder misunderstand their condition with some heart problems, chronic migraines, or other health problems. Physical Symptoms of Anxiety 1. Dizziness Dizziness is a condition where a person goes into a semi-faint state of mind. They feel life as if there is no earth under their feet, and they are going to hit the ground any time soon. In most cases, such a condition occurs in a crowd or an open space. Such people get terrorized by
stumbling, falling, or losing consciousness in a public place, which makes their head spin even more and fuels their condition of anxiety. One should immediately see a psychiatrist in Bhopal in such cases. 2. Chest pain More often than not, the physical symptoms of anxiety and heart attacks appear to be similar, such as acute chest pain, rapid heart rate, and shortness of breath, and so on. Hence, a considerable number of individuals start running for their lives, call an ambulance, and irritate physicians when no signs of a heart attack get found out. 3. Digestive disorders Our brain and the intestines are linked to each other through nerve fibers. The alarm signal that our brain sends out rapidly gets into the gastrointestinal tract and manifests itself in somatic diseases. People with chronic anxiety disorder often experience the digestive disorder, abdominal tremors or mild nausea, abdominal cramps, diarrhea or vomiting, constipation, appetite disorders, peptic ulcer, irritable bowel syndrome, and much more. 4. Difficulty breathing Being the best psychiatrist in Bhopal, we would like to let you know that the condition of chronic anxiety creates trouble in breathing. It can manifest itself in different ways: from hyperventilation and rapid breathing to suffocation and lack of air.