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When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need .

Kholeka Mkhize - Dietitian

echnology has become part and parcel of every woman’s lifestyle; there’s basically nothing we do without technology these days. Tech has contributed to many efficiencies in life, but has also made life more fast paced. This even in the way we order and consume food all the way up the production chain to how food is made (grown and processed). Conventional food production has quickly been replaced by advanced technological use of more precise robotic machinery to better our lives

and improve convenience. These modern methods of food production have also slowly replaced human labour in the industry and lead to job losses that have affected lots of household’s employment and income of the older generation. On the other hand, it has created a new category of employment in the technology industry which supports the new generation and

progression of lifestyle. It has made life easier for women as carers of the family especially with household chores such as; cleaning, washing and cooking which through automation have become quicker, more effective and time saving, so one can spend more time with family. However, the downside of technology is that it interferes with that family time, as more people spend their time on social media and barely communicate with people physically around them.

HOW HAS TECNOLOGY AFFECTED NUTRIENT INTAKE Food technology is part of food science that deals with the production, preservation, quality control, research and development of food products. The modern industry is participating in more research to improve the quality

and shelf life of food, however some of the preservatives, colouring and additives end up contributing to illnesses. Food eaten in this tech era is more processed and increased

processing also affects the nutritional value of the food.

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