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The Book Every Leader Needs to Read

Lessons from leading business minds and thought leaders


For our world to survive, and thrive, we need people who can lead the way to a better future for everyone, be that in corporate, government, or society in general.

What we need is great leadership – not mediocre leadership; and an attitude of ever-learning, growing and developing. Business leaders have a financial and moral obligation to uplift the people of this country. A narrow focus on profit won’t achieve that, but a culture that puts people first can.

We need ethical leaders, visionary leaders, empathic leaders, courageous leaders, forward-thinking leaders, transformational leaders, humancentric leaders, purposeful leaders, curious leaders.

This book is the antidote to the lack of mentorship, and is the resource for the saying: ‘When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.’ Incorporating the collective leadership wisdom for both the leaders of tomorrow and for the leaders of today, The Book Every Leader Needs to Read is full of lessons, insights, pep talks, advice and direction for building your own style and approach to great leadership, and not shy away from the ecstasy (and sometimes agony) of becoming a significant leader.

If you are striving for excellence as a leader, get your pen and notebook ready, start reading and make notes from the thousands of hours of lived experiences, and list what you can start doing, right now, to craft the art of leading.



In the eight years of her coaching career, Tumi Sibanda has come to recognise a monster that has held society hostage for generations. This monster has and still keeps many people stuck in a loop of unfulfilling relationships, stagnant careers, stunted businesses and toxic existence. The monster is characterised by an internal battle with a constant feelings of inadequacy that makes people live their lives from the belief that they are not enough. In You Are Enough, Tumi Sibanda introduces the readers to this monster. She openly shares how the monster shows up and how it takes over the lives of individuals and ultimately influences society. To show you that you are not the only one battling inadequacy, Tumi Sibanda shares her own encounter with the monster, from how it ran her life on auto pilot, to how she ultimately won the battle against this monster and took charge of her own life. She also shares stories by people who have also emerged victorious against this monster. Whether you are a professional, a business owner, a CEO, a leader in society, a parent, a teacher, a lover or a friend, this book will get you to pause and reflect on how you may be engaged in an unending dance with the monster without knowing it. As well as how you may be enabling this monster to pass on from generation to generation. The practical tips shared in this book are designed to help you become aware of your chains and to break the chains to start living from the knowing that you are enough.

About the Author:

Tumi Sibanda, founder and Managing Director at Coaching For Dreams, is an attorney who turned to entrepreneurship. She is a Life and Business Coach with a client list spanning from professionals, entrepreneurs, leaders and teams, whom she dedicatedly assists to transition to their next level of growth. She is an inspirational speaker, thought leader and seasoned writer. She is the author of My Voice Through My Eyes.

Shift your mind and make yourself great again

Sarah Wamala Andersson

The book demonstrates a new way of thinking about power. It is about mindset being everything and the source of true power, happiness and well-being. The book provides you with seven keys how to shift your mind to become more powerful, become more conscious, live in abundance and to make yourself great again. It is about taking possession of your mind and your thinking pattern to create the life that you want. It is about becoming a creator and not a victim. The book provides you with philosophical insights and wisdom to understand how your mind works, to take possession of your thinking pattern and how you can live in abundance.You will get access to the seven keys how to shift your mind and change your thinking pattern to become more powerful, more conscious and change your reality - to live in abundance and consciousness. You will ultimately make yourself great again!The uniqueness of this book lies in the scientific approach used to summarize vital philosophy and huge volumes of scattered wisdom - based on a holistic perspective to transform life.

This is your opportunity to reclaim your inner power to get freedom, happiness, fulfillment and well-being.

Become a better version of yourself and increase humanity!

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