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“As dead flies cause even a bottle of perfume to stink, so a little foolishness spoils great wisdom and honour” - Ecclesiastes 10:1


There is nothing more painful in life than to see a person take all that has been gifted to them and waste it away because of ignorance, foolishness, selfishness, and greed. This can best be explained as follows: “Ignorantia juris non excusat or ignorantia legis neminem excusat” this is a legal principle holding that a person who is unaware of a law may not escape liability for violating that law merely by being unaware of its content. In the same way, this legal requirement would hold in our daily lives. In Matthew 25:14-30; the parable of the talents and the three servants speaks exactly to the above. A master leaving on a long journey entrusts his servants with his property. The servants do not have an idea of the day of his return thus they need to work as hard as possible with integrity to prepare for their masters’ return because therein lay their reward. So it is with us as leaders in this world and or our various capacities. We need to be trustworthy, take risks, work hard, act justly and all with humility for our reward as diligent leaders will manifest whether it’s in our life time or through those whose lives we have impacted. We can’t wait for someone to confer that leadership upon us, we are to assume our leadership roles in all stages and spheres of our lives.

The moment you took your first breath, that is the moment your purpose started. The rest is up to you – whether you have a willing heart and spirit to receive it or making earthly excuses as to why you can’t take up your rightful place as a leader and do what you’re called to. You have to live with the decision. We are all leaders, no matter how big or small that scope may be – the value that you place on your leadership depends on you. You set the tone on how others should value you as a leader. The truth is that it doesn’t matter what others think or say, what matters is that you seize your assignment with a heart of gratitude and with stewardship make a difference to the people around you. The mistake that many of us make, is comparing ourselves with other people. “Surely I cannot be a leader; because I have not amassed as much fame as Oprah Winfrey, I do not have the lightning speed of Allyson Felix, I am not a celebrated actress like Viola Davis, I am not as beautiful as Janet Jackson, I am not graceful as Misty Copeland and neither do I possess the agility of Simone Biles. My life has no purpose. These people and others seem to know what their leadership skills are and where to execute them”. This is all a lie! Here is the truth, leadership comes from wisdom. Wisdom is attained through knowledge formulated from our truth learnt from the past – regardless of how painful it may be. Once you have a good understanding and appreciation of your knowledge then you are on your way to a truly divine revelation which is your present truth and thus making your wisdom most relevant. Give yourself access to bloom and unlock your potential. Be open to learning, teaching and growth. It comes with pain, but the rewards are incredible. Pain and adversity are a powerful way of life to unlock the leader in you. You only need to be willing and open to embrace the journey. You stand up straight and fight. Fight from a position of victory because the mere fact that you are still breathing means that there is a lot more in store for you to attain and to give. A leader’s mental aptitude requires a tremendous amount of emotional resilience and fortitude. There is a saying: “You ought to serve with your gift – if your gift breaks the camel’s back, then it is murder most foul”. Change your attitude today imbued with victory. Initiate an intense future filled with adventure.

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