3 minute read

Vision and Purpose Ntsiki Mkhize SPOTLIGHT Global Girl Project

Global Girl Project

A network of girls who recognise their intrinsic power as change makers and are inspiring and motivating each other towards, individual,


What does your business do?

Global Girl Project is an international NGO that runs leadership programs for disadvantaged girls from developing countries. We work with the often forgotten girls around the world, mobilising them to create the change that they want to see in their communities, through social action inititiaves.

Why did you start this business?

I started Global Girl Project because I saw a gap in what was being offered to poor girls throughout the developing world. There didn’t seem to be enough training and education around leadership for our girls or opportunities for girls throughout the developing world to connect with each other and mobilise each other for change. Also, as a girl my own power was not celebrated. I didn’t know how powerful I was until much later in life, and I feel that it’s so important for our girls to connect with their own intrinsic power as girls and realise that they can use this power and voice to create change in their communities.

Estimated impact so far?

We measure impact in two main ways.

The first is the direct impact that we see on our girls, and the second is the impact that our girls’ initiatives have on their community members. We create our impact through the ripple effect that is created by the power of our young leaders who then go into their communities as role models and changemakers. So we have worked with around 200 girls and then each of them have run their own initiatives in their own countries and on average impact 100 community members each so 20,000 community members globally. You can go to our website to read our impact report

What keeps you going?

What keeps me always pushing forward is that if I am asking my girls to be their strongest, most powerful and compassionate selves, then I need to be their role model and do it myself. I am their example and they will be the example for others, so I always need to do my best, regardless of the obstacles.... my girls are watching. And I see such change within them and their communities, through our programming, and with so many more girls to reach we need to keep going, mobilising more and more girls.

Where do you operate?

We currently run our programming in Haiti, Afghanistan, South Africa,

Cambodia, Jordan, Rwanda, Sri Lanka and Nepal and we are expanding into India in May 2021.

How / where can people sign up for your programme, buy your product/service/ register with you

Right now we are actually running a totally epic virtual race around the world, covering the 17.623 miles between all of our partner countries in a fundraising race called Global Girls Run the World. We are raising $17.623 to run our next cohort of the Blended Learning Leadership Initiative with 60 more girls and 6000 more community members. So come and join us, in celebration of IWD and Women’s History Month and help us to Move. Mobilise. Make a difference as we collectively race around the world.

Go to www.globalgirlproject.

org/run-the-world to get more info and register as a fundraiser and start moving for the month of March!

New Programs

We are launching a new online platform called Global Graduates Connect, which will be a place where all of our graduates can go to connect with the rest of our girls, learn more about leadership, healthy relationships, gender issues around the world, education and much more. We are creating a network of girls throughout the developing world who are mobilising and inspiring each other for change.

How do we connnect with your organization?

facebook.com/globalgirlproject twitter.com/GlobalGirlProj instagram.com/globalgirlproject Linkedin: Global Girl Project


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