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Global Girl Project A network of girls who recognise their intrinsic power as change makers and are inspiring and motivating each other towards, individual, What does your business do? Global Girl Project is an international NGO that runs leadership programs for disadvantaged girls from developing countries. We work with the often forgotten girls around the world, mobilising them to create the change that they want to see in their communities, through social action inititiaves.

world. There didn’t seem to be enough training and education

Why did you start this business? I started Global Girl Project because I saw a gap in what was being offered to poor girls throughout the developing

around leadership for our girls or opportunities for girls throughout the developing world to connect with each other and mobilise each other for change. Also, as a girl my own power was not celebrated. I didn’t know how powerful I was until much later in life, and I feel that it’s so important for our girls to connect with their own intrinsic power as girls and realise that they can use this power and voice to create change in their communities. Estimated impact so far?

We measure impact in two main ways. Founder

Inspire | Connect | Empower


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