MentHer Magazine October 2021 - Mental Health Month Edition

Page 11



Honouring My Relationship with Self

healthy, loving, and positive relationship with the self is the most profound gift one can harness, appreciate and enjoy. From the moment each of us are born onto the earth, we are in relation to and with many things. We are born into a cluster of relationships. Our role and position in this cluster determine how we relate to and engage with many people, things, places, situations and ourselves throughout our lives. We start off in our initial stages of life with a great deal of focus on our relationships with the external world and all the people who are in our lives. As we grow, we learn languages, beliefs, values, norms, rituals, behavioural patterns and assimilate the behaviours of those around us who we

relate to. Our personalities form and we start to have experiences that are forever imprints of how we relate to the world and life. A large part of our survival on this planet

is our ability to have a sense of belonging. Consequently, it is only natural that our first instincts are to want to focus on connections and relationships outside of ourselves so that we have a sense of being part of something. Through the experience of the cycles of life, we realise as we get older, as we experience life that; the relationship with self, self-growth and selfdevelopment are crucial pillars to enjoying life on earth a lot more. A healthy relationship with self, enhances the sense of belonging that each of us yearn for. It brings us to a space of experiencing love, purpose, joy, creativity, forgiveness, grace and peace. Taking time to develop self, nurture self and embrace self, enriches our relation to the environments, people, things,

Inspire | Connect | Empower


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