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As you enjoy this new season, take a few minutes to observe nature around you. Nonhlanhla Mazibuko


Beginnings are

a lovely time to reflect on where you are and how far you have come.

The beginning of spring is upon us, the mood is looking up, the sun is out more often, trees are blossoming, there’s a general shift in the mood all around. One thought that often comes to me during this time, is how timely nature is in renewing itself. Every year the cycle remains the same, the same process every year prepared for the betterment of the very earth. Many would agree that spring; the season of new life is their favourite. As the smell of fresh flowers fills the air, the warmer nights come in, the shedding of winter clothing - everything about spring shouts dainty walking about, a new bounce in your step.

Yet, who notices that the dead leaves are gone from where they used to lie?

Who takes a second to ponder on the tree that once seemed dead but is suddenly budding beautiful blossoms?

Who takes a moment to reflect on the healthy transition that came from the dreadful winter?

Winter receives a bad reputation with some as it can be considered somewhat dull. It is the one season associated with death. The chirpiest sounds of morning birds are suddenly replaced by chilly frost and icy winds. Nothing about winter seems appealing and many might subconsciously claim it is unnecessary. Yet, without winter there cannot be spring. I often reflect on the pandemic as a winter, a dreadful season that everyone tries to wish away.

For many of us, it took loved ones, one after the other. It took away our freedom, introducing us to a life we are not accustomed to. Leaving us isolated from family, our fellow countrymen and the rest of the world. Personally, I think the worst thing about this winter is the effect it has had on my mental health. It seems like we’re experiencing one trauma after the other. Just

as we began to grieve the death of freedom as we knew it, academics and work changed drastically needing us to adjust to this new normal. Then suddenly, people were passing, losing family members so often it almost became a norm. But there is nothing normal about death.

Grieving became something we had to do while catching up with the rest of the world, because unfortunately, the world waits for no one, not even a pandemic. Mental health, though a trendy topic, is not always a priority when dealing with such trauma. With the rise of the vaccine a new dawn is upon us, maybe not quite spring yet, but definitely the dusty winds of August helping us fan some of the unpleasant memories away.

In the midst of seasonal changes, adjusting to the pollenated air and trying to keep some allergies at bay, I am reminding myself to pause. To stop, take stock of my mental health; be thankful for how far I have come, be truthful to myself. Sometimes in the rush, we may deceive ourselves into believing that we’re fine because everybody else seems to be doing fine.

Taking a moment to reflect on the true state of my mental health and to be okay with the idea of not being one hundred present fine. I often find myself listening to Christian lofi music which creates a safe space for me to mentally process some thoughts and traumas. I am a sucker for silent peaceful music which allows my thoughts to come to the while also creating safe boundaries to keep myself from falling into a dark hole of negativity.

The sun is not too far out, things will soon settle into a norm again. And when they do get normal, I want to know that I will be

surface. As I listen to myself, I am mindful to interrogate certain thoughts, get to the root of negative emotions, and take captive of them as they form. I remind myself of who I really am and write it down in a notebook for when I forget in future.

ON difficult days when I cannot find anything positive to say to myself, I pull out my notebook with all my affirmations and allow the positive to outweigh the negative.

This creates a safe space for my thoughts to flow freely, normal too. A normal that transcends this winter we find ourselves in. As you enjoy this new season, take a few minutes to observe nature around you. Allow nature to heal you as you journey through this phase, no matter what it may be for you.

Here’s a link to my favourite lofi playlist:


May it bless you as it has blessed me

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