MentHer Magazine October 2021 - Mental Health Month Edition

Page 34


CLIENT ATTRACTION What Does Your Ideal Customer Order At Starbucks? By Shanel Evans


ow can you attract ideal clients if you don’t know who those clients are? Hang on -- I don’t just mean something generic like “females, age 25-40, living in a major city” That’s only scratching the surface. We MUST know who our “ideal audience” really is .

• What’s their Starbucks drink? Or do they prefer to go to a local coffee shop?

• Where do they live? No, not just the city • Do they live in an apartment, a house, or with roommates? • What do they like to do for fun? • How do they spend their free time? • Are they single, married, divorced, dating? • Do they have pets or kids? • What are their goals

and aspirations? • What is their favorite social media channel? • What are their political leanings? ALL of this plays into marketing to them. Because the truth is -- if you don’t know who you are selling to -- I mean REALLY selling to . . . you won’t sell at all. Which can mess with your mental mindset. Imagine speaking in a language that attracts your dream client who is willing to pay for your services?

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