Bellows steel hoses

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Mento Hoses and Couplings Catalogue

5. Bellows/Steel Hoses/Teflon Hoses

Bellows / Steel Hoses / Teflon Hoses • • • • •

Tuboflex Stainless Steel Hoses MW22 Tuboflex Stainless Steel Hose, High Pressure HP52 Rubber expansion joints Model T-53 Material Description Teflon Hoses

5. 5-1 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-5


Mento Hoses and Couplings Catalogue

5-1. Bellows/Steel Hoses/Teflon Hoses

Tuboflex Stainless Steel Hoses MW22 Design

Material No.

MW 22 U 0 Corugated hose without braiding

MW 22 U 1 Corugated hose with one braiding

DN8 • DN300 MW 22 U 2 Corugated hose with two braidings

Autentic, stainless steel Hose (DIN 17441) Braiding (DIN 17440) AISI 316 L similar to AISI 304

Other materials available on request Temperature

DN Part Number 5100080 5100081 5100082 5100100 5100101 5100102 5100120 5100121 5100160 5100161 5100200 5100201 5100250 5100251 5100320 5100321 5100400 5100401 5100500 5100501 5100650 5100651 5100800 5100801 5101000 5101001 5101250 5101251 5101500 5101501 5102000 5102001 5102500 5102501 5103000 5103001

inch 5/16"

3/8" 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 8" 10" 12"

Type MW22U0 MW22U1 MW22U2 MW22U0 MW22U1 MW22U2 MW22U0 MW22U1 MW22U0 MW22U1 MW22U0 MW22U1 MW22U0 MW22U1 MW22U0 MW22U1 MW22U0 MW22U1 MW22U0 MW22U1 MW22U0 MW22U1 MW22U0 MW22U1 MW22U0 MW22U1 MW22U0 MW22U1 MW22U0 MW22U1 MW22U0 MW22U1 MW22U0 MW22U1 MW22U0 MW22U1

usable from -270 °C to +600 °C

Dimensions diameter Bend. radius Working pressure Internal External Single motion Several motion at 20 °C Weight d1 Tol. ± d2 d3 Tol. ± Rst Rb Pmax. ± 10% mm mm mm mm mm mm mm bar kg/m 12,5 0,3 14 90 12,0 0,06 8,0 0,2 14,6 0,4 24 90 160,0 0,21 16,7 0,5 24 100 180,0 0,36 15,9 0,3 17 100 10,0 0,13 10,2 0,2 18,0 0,4 29 100 130,0 0,30 20,1 0,5 29 125 160,0 0,48 19,2 0,3 20 120 8,0 0,16 12,9 0,2 21,3 0,4 34 120 110,0 0,38 22,8 0,3 26 140 5,0 0,19 15.9 0,2 24,9 0,4 44 140 85,0 0,43 27,0 0,3 32 160 3,0 0,23 19,8 0,2 29,1 0,4 53 160 65,0 0,52 33,0 0,4 38 180 3,0 0,29 25,1 0,3 35,1 0,5 64 180 50,0 0,64 42,0 0,4 47 210 2,0 0,39 31,7 0,3 44,7 0,5 79 210 40,0 1,02 52,0 0,4 59 240 0,8 0,60 40,7 0,3 54,7 0,5 98 240 40,0 1,36 63,0 0,5 72 280 0,8 0,76 49,9 0,4 65,7 0,6 120 280 45,0 1,63 80,0 0,5 90 330 0,7 0,97 65,0 0,4 82,7 0,6 150 330 26,0 2,04 97,0 0,6 108 460 0,7 1,47 80,0 0,5 100,6 0,7 180 460 29,0 3,45 119,0 0,6 131 530 0,3 1,81 100,1 0,5 122,6 0,7 218 530 20,0 3,89 145,6 0,7 189 800 0,2 2,58 124,9 0,6 150,4 0,8 315 800 20,0 6,00 173,2 0,8 216 1050 0,1 3,55 150,4 0,7 178,0 0,9 360 1050 23,0 8,28 227,0 0,9 281 1300 <0,1 4,75 200,7 0,8 231,8 1,0 468 1300 15,0 10,46 280,3 0,9 335 1700 <0,1 7,37 250,6 0,8 285,1 1,0 558 1700 8,0 13,62 333,1 1,1 389 2000 <0,1 8,82 300,6 1,0 337,9 1,2 648 2000 6,0 14,95


Mento Hoses and Couplings Catalogue

5-2. Bellows/Steel Hoses/Teflon Hoses

Tuboflex Stainless Steel Hoses, High Pressure HP52 Design

Material No. DN6 - DN16

MW 22 U 0 Corugated hose without braiding

MW 22 U 1 Corugated hose with one braiding

MW 22 U 2 Corugated hose with two braidings

Autentic, stainless steel Hose (DIN EN 10028-7) Braiding (DIN EN 10088-3) 1.4404 (similar to AISI 316 L) 1.4301 (similar to AISI 304)

Other materials available on request Temperature

DN Part Number 5130060 5130061 5130062 5130080 5130081 5130082 5130100 5130101 5130102 5130120 5130121 5130122 5130160 5130161 5130162

inch 1/4"





Type HD 52 U 0 HD 52 U 1 HD 52 U 2 HD 52 U 0 HD 52 U 1 HD 52 U 2 HD 52 U 0 HD 52 U 1 HD 52 U 2 HD 52 U 0 HD 52 U 1 HD 52 U 2 HD 52 U 0 HD 52 U 1 HD 52 U 2

usable from -196 °C to +550 °C

Dimensions diameter Bend. radius Working pressure Internal External Single motion Several motion at 20 °C Weight d1 Tol. ± d2 d3 Tol. ± Rst Rb Pmax. ± 10% mm mm mm mm mm mm mm bar kg/m 10,1 0,3 25 140 40,0 0,10 6,0 0,2 12,2 0,4 30 190 330,0 0,26 14,3 0,5 30 190 440,0 0,42 12,8 0,3 32 180 35,0 0,14 8,0 0,2 14,9 0,4 40 230 220,0 0,30 17,0 0,5 40 230 320,0 0,46 15,9 0,3 38 220 32,0 0,23 10,0 0,2 18,0 0,4 45 250 200,0 0,43 20,1 0,5 45 250 325,0 0,63 18,7 0,3 45 250 30,0 0,31 12,0 0,2 20,8 0,4 55 300 200,0 0,58 22,9 0,5 55 300 300,0 0,84 24,4 0,3 58 300 20,0 0,43 16,0 0,2 26,5 0,4 75 350 150,0 0,73 28,6 0,5 75 350 250,0 1,03

When ordering please specify: • • • • • • •

Type of hose [MW...] Hose material Nominal diameter [DN] Total length [GL] Number of braiding (Type and material) Working pressure Working temperature

Please take reduction factors for the permissible pressure and bending radius through increased temperature or dynamic stress from the catalogue sheet 'Design of metal hoses'. Steel expansion joints: On request


Mento Hoses and Couplings Catalogue

5-3. Bellows/Steel Hoses/Teflon Hoses

RubberModel expansion T-53 joints Model T-53 T-53 is a low convolution bellow compensator with good sound deadening properties for structure-and liquid- borne noise. It joints isjoints characterized by a very high expansion capability particularly in Willbrandt Willbrandtrubber rubberexpansion expansion the angular plane.

Model ModelT-53 T-53

T-53 T-53isisa alow lowconvolution convolutionbellow bellowcompensator compensator Construction with withgood goodsound sounddeadening deadeningproperties propertiesfor forstructure-and structure-and Low convolution rubber bellow with reinforcing inserts and integral liquidliquid-borne bornenoise. noise. rubber profile ( thus - sealing without additional gaskets ) to suit the ItItisischaracterized characterizedbybya avery veryhigh highexpansion expansioncapability capability particularly particularlyininthe theangular angularplane. plane. swivel flanges.

The flanges are drilling to DIN PN 10 standard with through holes. Other specifications in acc. with DIN, ANSI, BS. Low Lowconvolution convolutionrubber rubberbellow bellowwith withreinforcing reinforcing Special flanges are also available. inserts insertsand andintegral integralrubber rubberprofile profile( (thus thus- -sealing sealing Construction Construction

without withoutadditional additionalgaskets gaskets) )totosuit suitthe theswivel swivelflanges. flanges. The Thedata flanges flangesare aredrilling drilling totoDIN DINPN PN1010standard standardwith with le operating electrical Hardness through throughholes. holes. bar °C Bellow bar °C ResistanceReinforcing Shore A Permissible operating data electrical Hardness Other Otherspecifications specificationsininacc. acc.with withDIN, DIN,ANSI, ANSI,BS. BS. 10 16 70 60 Ω Material Cover (outer) bar Colour Core (inner) °C bar °C bar °C Resistance Shore A Special SpecialCode flanges flanges are are5*10 also alsoavailable. available. 10 CR Nylon CR 16 70 5*10 Ω 60 12 70 Gray 10 90 60 7*10² Ω Details Details forModel Model T-53 T-53 Redfor EPDM Nylon EPDM 16 50 12 70 10 90 7*10² Ω 60 12 70 10 80 Core 60 Cover Reinforcing 5*10³ ΩReinforcing Cover Permissible Permissible operating data electrical Hardness 60 Bellow Bellow Core Yellow NBR Nylon CR 16 50operating 12 data 70 10 electrical 80 5*10³Hardness Ω Material (outer) (outer) bar bar °C °C bar bar °C °C bar bar °C °C Resistance Resistance Shore ShoreAA Colour ColourCode Code (inner) (inner) Material 10 10 CR CR Nylon CR 1616 7070 6060 Grey Grey Suitabel for vacuum up to 0.8 barNylon abs., without CR support ring (2 m suction) 5*10 5*10 ΩΩ Suitable for vacuum up to 0 bar abs., with support ring ( 10 m suction) Movement absorption EPDM EPDM Nylon Nylon EPDM EPDM 1616 5050 1212 7070 1010 9090 7*10² 6060 Red Red 7*10² ΩΩ ax + ax lat +/- ∠ +/- ∅ C NBR Nylon Nylon CR CR 1616 5050 1212 7070 1010 8080 5*10³ 6060 Yellow Yellowmm NBR 5*10³ ΩΩ mm mm ° mm

2 2 4 4 4 6 6 8 0 2 2

10 10 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

Suitabel Suitabelfor forvacuum vacuumupuptoto0.8 0.8bar barabs., abs.,without withoutsupport supportring ring(2(2mmsuction) suction) Part Suitable Suitable vacuum 0bar barabs., abs.,with with supportring ring( 10 (Bellow 10mmsuction) suction) 20 forforvacuum 15 upuptoto0 20 65 support

Number 15 20 Bellow Bellow 20 15 BL ∅A 20 20 BL 15 ∅A mm mm DDØ20 Ø 20 1/4-150#-xxx 15 T-53-1 mm mm 20 15 20 130 130 8181 3232T-53-1,5-150#-xxx 20 15 20 130 130 8686 4040T-53-2-150#-xxx 20 15 20 130 130 9696 5050T-53-2,5-150#-xxx 20 15 15 130 130 110 110 6565T-53-3-150#-xxx 20 15 10 130 130 122 122 8080T-53-4-150#-xxx 20 15 10 130 142 142 100 100 130 T-53-5-150#-xxx 130 170 170 125 125 130 esigns B150 +T-53-6-150#-xxx C) 130 130 196 196 150 T-53-8-150#-xxx 130 130 256 256 200 200 flexible component, T-53-10-150#-xxx 130 130 306 306 250 250 will always try to 130 130 356 356 300 300 T-53-12-150#-xxx use of its reaction

20 DN DN20

onstructive measures aining or anchor the compensator, extension of the

Movement absorption DN BL ØA Flange ANSI 150 Lbs. ax + ax - lat +/- ang 74 Flange Flange ANSI ANSI 150 150 Lbs. Lbs. Movement Movement absorption absorption mm D Ø LK Ø Ø d N S mm mm mm ° 86 - lat lat+/+/- ∠∠+/+/- ∅∅CC mm mm mmaxax++ axax-mm 105 LK LK118 ØØ ØØdd NN SS mm mm mm mm mm mm °° mm mm 32 130 81 117,5 88,9 M12 4 12 30 30 30 30 mm mm mm mm mm mm 137 40 130 86 127 98,4 M12 4 12 30 30 30 30 117,5 117,5 88,9 88,9 M12 M12 44 1212 1010 2020 1515 2020 6565 166 50 415 14 2020 30 747430 30 30 127 127 98,4 98,4 130 M12 M12 9644 152,41212120,6 1010 M16 2020 15 192 65 130 415 14 2020 30 868630 30 25 152,4 152,4 120,6 120,6 M16 M16 11044 177,81414139,7 1010 M16 2020 15 252 177,8 177,8 139,7 139,7 M16 M16 12244 190,51414152,4 1010 M16 2020 15 15 14 2020 30 105 105 80 130 4 30 30 25 304 190,5 190,5 152,4 152,4 130 M16 M16 14244 228,61414190,5 1515 M16 2020 15 15 16 2020 30 118 118 100 8 30 30 20 354 228,6 228,6 190,5 190,5 M16 M16 88 1616 1515 2020 1515 2020 137 137 125 130 170 254 215,9 M16 8 16 30 30 30 20 254 254 215,9 215,9 M16 M16 88 1616 1515 2020 1515 2020 166 166 150 815 18 2020 30 192 30 30 15 279,4 279,4 241,3 241,3 130 M20 M20 19688 279,41818241,3 1515 M20 2020 15 192 200 815 20 1515 30 252 30 30 10 342,9 342,9 298,4 298,4 130 M20 M20 25688 342,92020298,4 1515 M20 2020 15 252 250 12 30 30 5 406,4 406,4 361,9 361,9 130 M24 M24 306 1212 406,42222361,9 1515 M24 2020 1515 22 1010 30 304 304 482,6 482,6 431,8 431,8 130 M24 M24 356 1212 482,62222431,8 1515 M24 2020 1515 22 1010 30 354 354 300 12 30 30 5

Tie Tiebar bar(Standard (StandardDesigns DesignsBB++C) C) Tie bar (Standard Designs B + C) Since Sincethe therubber rubberbellow bellowisisa asoft softflexible flexiblecomponent, component, under underpressure pressure the thecompensator compensator always always trytrytoto Since the rubber bellow iswill awill soft flexible move moveininthe theaxial axial direction direction because becausethe ofofitsits reaction reaction component, under pressure compensator force. force.Use Useneed needtotobebemade madeofofconstructive constructivemeasures measures will always try to moverestraining in the axial direction in inthe the piping(roller piping(roller bearing, bearing, restraining ororanchor anchor points) points)ororofof bare bare directly directlyon onthe thecompensator, compensator, because oftietie its reaction force. Use need to in inorder order totoensure ensure that thatany anyover-extension over-extension ofof the the be made of constructive measures in the bellow bellowisisavoided. avoided.

piping(roller bearing, restraining or anchor points) or of tie bare directly on the compensator, in order to ensure that any over-extension of the bellow is avoided.

Model T-50 DNV approval


Mento Hoses and Couplings Catalogue

5-4. Bellows/Steel Hoses/Teflon Hoses Material Description Material Description Abbreviation (colour code)





Good heat resistance and suitable for alkaline waste water, compressed air terpolymer (oil free) and chemicals, weather-resistant, good gastightness except for hydrocarbon. Temperature range -35°C up to +130°C Not suitable for oils or fatty media.


Oil and fuel quality, also suitable for gases, solvents and fats. High abrasion resistance. Temperature range -20°C up to +90°C (120°C) Not suitable for steam and hot water.


Oil and fuel quality, also suitable for gases, solvents and fats and LPG acc. to DIN 51622. High abrasion resistance. Temperature range -20°C up to +90°C Not suitable for steam and hot water.


Oil and fuel quality, also suitable for gases, solvents and fats. High abrasion resistance. Temperature range -40°C up to +90°C (120°C) Not suitable for steam and hot water.

red Perbunan® NBR

yellow Perbunan® NBR

orange Perbunan® NBR

yellow LT HNBR

Acrylnitrilebutadieneyellow-blue-yellow rubber

Oil and fuel quality, also suitable for gases, solvents, fats, cooling water and sea water. High abrasion resistance. Temperature range -20°C up to +90°C (120°C)

Perbunan® NBR


Foodstuff quality in accordance with RAL guidelines, good for pulps, fats, flours, juices and wines. Temperature range -20°C up to +90°C

Chlorosulfonated polyethylen

Chemical resistant quality for acids, bases and lyes. Temperature range -20°C up to +130°C See resistance lists for specific temperatures.

Chloroprene rubber

Water quality, weather-resistant, suitable for some small groups of lyes as well as compressed air and lightly oil-related media. Temperature range -25°C up to +90°C


Diluted hydrochloric acids, animal and herbal oils and fats, Hydraulic fluids (HFD-R and HFD-S) Temperature range -40°C up to +200°C


Good heat resistance, suitable for alkaline waste water, compressed air (oil free), chemicals and special hydraulic oils, weather-resistant. Temperature range -30°C up to +90°C Drinking water quality in accordance with KTW-Guidelines.


Good heat resistance, suitable for alkaline waste water, compressed air (oil free), chemicals and special hydraulic oils, weather-resistant. Temperature range -25°C up to +150°C


Particularly suited to high temperatures. Good resistance to chemicals and oils, combustibles and solvents. Temperature range -20°C up to +150°C Not suitable for ketones and chlorine.

white CSM

green Neoprene® CR

grey SI

none Butyl® IIR

red or blue Butyl® IIR-D

red/blue Viton® FPM

lilac PTFE


Polytetrafluorine- Total resistance to all media. ethylene Temperature range -50°C up to +230°C Not suitable for alkali metals in molten state and reaction-formed amides.

The indicated temperatures relate to flexible applications. In rigid applications lower temperatures can be used. For pressure and expansion details please refer to the type descriptions. For chemical resistance please see our resistance tables.


Mento Hoses and Couplings Catalogue

5-5. Bellows/Steel Hoses/Teflon Hoses PĂĄgina: 1/1

Teflon Hoses 1 Braids Composition: • Inner tube: smooth tube in PTFE. Fine thickness. Resistant to fire, chemically inert. Suitable for food use according to FDA norm. • Reinforcement: stainless steel AISI 304 braid. Working temperature: From -70 °C to +260 °C. Part Number


Ă˜ in Ă˜ out

Working Working Burst Burst pressure pressure pressure pressure ubo interno: tubo liso en PTFE. Espesor fino. Resistente al fuego, inerte. Apto (bar) * (psi) * quĂ­micamente (bar) (psi) ara uso alimentario segĂşn norma FDA. 2030T-03V70 3/16"AISI 4,8304.7,4 200 2900 800 11600 efuerzo: malla en acero inox 2030T-04V70 1/4" 6,35 9 175 2537 700 10150 e -70Âş C a +260Âş C. 2030T-05V70 5/16" 7,9 10,8 150 2175 600 8700 2030T-06V70 3/8" 9,5 12,4 135 1957 540 7830 2030T-08V70 1/2" 12,7 15,7 120 1740 480 6960 n Ă˜ ext PresiĂłn5/8" de PresiĂłn de PresiĂłn Peso 2030T-10V70 15,9 19,1 100 de PresiĂłn 1450 de Radio 400 de 5800 trabajo trabajo rotura rotura curvatura (kg/m) 2030T-12V70 19(psi) 22,2 90 1305 360 5220 (bar)3/4" (bar) (psi) (mm) 2030T-16V70 1" 25,4 29,3 65 942 260 3770 8 7,4 200 2900 800 11600 35 0,069 * At temperature: 20 °C










































Teflon Hoses 2 Braids











Part Number

Weight (kg/m) 0,069 0,870 0,127 0,145 0,212 0,260 0,321 0,450


0,127 3DJH

Composition: 3770 270 0,450 • Inner tube: smooth tube in PTFE. Normal thickness. Resistant to fire, chemically inert. Suitable for food use according to FDA norm. • Reinforcement: two braids of stainless steel AISI 304. Working temperature: From -70 °C to +260 °C.

Ă˜ in Ă˜ out

Working Working Burst Burst pressure pressure pressure pressure QQHU WXEH VPRRWK WXEH LQ 37)( 1RUPDO WKLFNQHVV 5HVLVWDQW WR ILUH FKHPLFDOO\ LQHUW (bar) * (psi) * (bar) (psi) LWDEOH IRU IRRG XVH DFFRUGLQJ WR )'$ QRUP 2033T-04V70 1/4" 6,35 10,5 365 5292,5 1100 15950 HLQIRUFHPHQW WZR EUDLGV RI VWDLQOHVV VWHHO $,6, 2033T-05V70 5/16" 7,9 12,7 300 4350 900 13050 RP ž & WR ž & 2033T-06V70 3/8" 9,5 14,3 285 4132,5 850 12325 2033T-08V70 1/2" 12,7 17,6 280 4060 750 10875 2033T-10V70 5/8" 15,9 21 235 3407,5 700 10150 Q ‘ RXW :RUNLQJ %XUVW %XUVW %HQGLQJ :HLJKW 2033T-12V70 3/4" :RUNLQJ 19 24,1 200 2900 600 8700 3UHVVXUH SUHVVXUH SUHVVXUH SUHVVXUH UDGLXV NJ P

2033T-16V70 25,4 31,5 150 2175 450 6525 EDU 1" SVL




* At temperature: 20 °C


Bending radius (mm) 35 45 50 55 70 130 190 270

es de carĂĄcter orientativo y puede ser modificada sin previo aviso. DICSA no se hace responsable de una incorrecta utilizaciĂłn del producto, salvo las referentes a defectos de fabricaciĂłn.

Impreso el: 11/04/2015 a las 00:17

Bending radius (mm) 45 50 55 70 130 190 270

Weight (kg/m) 0,174 0,230 0,268 0,372 0,507 0,609 0,813


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