Vitas gate%20valves

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A Long Experience in Energy Equipment and one Goal: T h e C u s t o m e r ’s s a t i s fa c t i o n .

GATE VALVES Through Conduit: Slab and Expanding, Slab and Expanding API 6A, Fabricated Square and Round Body. Pressure Seal - Bolted Bonnet - Cryogenic.

Throught Conduit Gate Valves Slab and Expanding

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Design construction: API 6D - ANSI B16.34 Testing according to API 6D Marking according to MSS SP25 Fire safe design according to API 6FA-BS 6755 part2 Outside Screw and Yoke (OS&Y) Floating seats with grease injector design 8” Back seat design Special packing with lantern ring and double ball grease injector Electroless nickel plated slab gate and seat Vent and Drain valve Full stellited seats and slab on request Body Bonnet seal Spiral Wound (S.S. plus graphite) or RTJ Other design at request Valves are Full Bore or Reduced Bore Flanges according ANSI B16.5 for size 2” to 24” to ASME B 16.47 for size > 26” Butt Welding Ends according to ANSI B16.25 Face to face according to API 6D Suggested bevel gear operator for: DN ≥ 20” Class 150 - DN ≥ 14” Class 300 DN ≥ 10” Classes 600 and 900 - DN ≥ 8” Class 1500 DN ≥ 4” Class 2500 For pressure and temperature rating see material application

Valves are also available as expanding gate

Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation on request


VITAS reserves the right to change design without notice

Through Conduit Gate Valves are designed in accordance with the latest applicable revisions of API 6D for classes ANSI ISO, 300, 600, 900, 1500 and 2500. The design is refered to the international standard code and is applied to verify all components and connections of the valve. The design of the stem is checked by applying the highest traction load caused by the slab gate which wins the reaction of the seats during the opening of the valve at full design Dp and at design temperature. Technical Department has performed traction load tests on stems at the Mechanical Engineering University Department of Padova - Italy to verify the stem material yield value and maximum allowable load according to ASME II Part D. The seat ring are floating type-spring loaded to assure the contact with the slab gate in a way to provide an effective tight seal even at low differential pressure between inlet and outlet flange. The soft seat insert assures the primary sealing and the metal contact between slab and seats is the secondary sealing. Different soft seat materials required by Customer's specification are applied depending on the fluid process. The metal to metal seat is designed and manufactured on request for application either with aggressive and dirty fluid or when operation at very high temperature occurs. As an additional request, the Through Conduit Gate Valves are designed with the expanded slab with the addition of a relief valve in the body cavity. On request Through Conduit Gate Valves are fitted with emergency seals to restore sealing in the event of soft seal damage. The fire safe design, if required, includes a supplementary sealing gasket (graphite) to avoid leakages in case of fire and burning of the soft seal as per BS 6755 Part 2 and / or API 6FA.


With equal pressure throughout the valve and gate in closed position. An initial seal (1) is formed with the raised TFE ring on the faces of the seats. The seat inserts clean both sides of the gate each time the valve is opened or closed. Powerful springs assure sealing independent of high pressure, low pressure, or vacuum providing a constant contact during any type of operation.

➋ As line pressure (2) is applied to the valve, it acts on the gate, forcing it against the seat ring on the downstream seat, a seal is formed (a the beginning a TFE-to-metal seal, then metal-to-metal). The O-ring (3) prevents any downsteal flow at this point. An upstream seal is provided when body pressure is bled off. This is caused by the force of line pressure acting against the upstream seat (4) moving the seat against the gate and providing a tight TFE-to-metal seal at this point. At the same time, the O-ring (5) forms a tight seal with the seat and body.

➌ Valve automatically relieves itself of excessive body pressure.When body pressure exceeds line pressure, from such causes as thermal expansion, the upstream seat is forced back into its recess and the excess pressure in the body is bled between the seat and the gate into the line.

Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation on request


VITAS reserves the right to change design without notice

Throught Conduit Gate Valves Slab and Expanding Class ANSI 150 - Full Bore size inch A D C Travel H H1 L BW L RF V V1 Weight RF (Slab) Kg Weight BW (Slab) Kg

2 51 146 76 470 216 178 250 35 30

3 76 216 101 660 283 203 300 55 47

4 102 279 127 762 305 229 300 85 76

6 8 10 152 203 254 345 419 460 177 239 280 890 1103 1450 403 419 457 267 292 330 400 500 600 142 240 350 130 225 315

12 305 581 341 1680 502 356 600 460 430

14 337 635 373 1867 572 381 800 600 520

16 387 690 433 2037 610 406 800 730 615

18 438 765 486 2223 660 432 1100 900 820

20 489 851 537 1792 2449 711 457 600 1140 1050

22 540 1020 588 1942 2610 762 508 600 1700 1610

24 591 1035 639 2075 2874 813 508 600 2060 1960

26 635 1180 683 2182 3015 864 559 600 2300 2200

28 686 1230 734 2372 3256 914 610 600 2650 2480

30 737 1300 797 2490 3437 914 660 800 2900 2615

32 781 1400 841 2600 3591 965 711 800 3600 3270

34 832 1460 892 2690 3732 1016 762 800 4500 4220

36 876 1510 936 2890 3976 1016 813 800 5370 5010

40 978 1640 1038 3039 4227 1118 914 600 6800 6350

42 48 1022 1168 1730 1980 1097 1243 3282 3577 4528 4970 1168 1321 965 1118 800 800 7420 10420 6840 9700

34 832 1460 892 2690 3730 1625 800 7900 7300

36 876 1510 936 2890 3975 1727 800 8900 8200

40 978 1640 1038 3040 4225 1930 800 12800 12000

42 1022 1730 1097 3280 4530 2007 800 15000 14000

48 1168 1960 1243 3580 4970 2286 1000 22000 -

36 876 1510 926 2890 3975 2083 2099 800 15200 14350

40 978 1640 977 3040 4225 2388 800 18500 17400

42 1022 1730 977 3280 4530 2438 800 20600 -

48 1168 1980 1218 3865 5235 2794 800 28000 -

Class ANSI 150 - Reduced Bore size inch 3X2 4X3 A 51 76 D 146 216 C Travel 76 101 H 470 660 H1 570 760 Weight RF (Slab) Kg 30 62 Weight BW (Slab) Kg 25 58

6X4 102 280 127 762 880 70 53

8X6 152 345 177 890 990 135 105

10X8 12X10 14X12 203 254 305 420 460 581 239 280 341 1103 1450 1680 1303 1550 1817 200 280 385 170 245 345

16X14 337 635 373 1867 2131 535 485

18X16 387 690 433 2037 2290 632 563

20X18 438 765 486 2223 2432 880 765

24X20 489 851 537 2300 2449 1585 1345

32X24 591 1035 639 2874 2075 1780 -

40X36 876 1510 936 3976 2760 4750 -

Class ANSI 300 - Full Bore size inch A D C Travel H H1 L BW-RF V V1 Weight RF (Slab) Kg Weight BW (Slab) Kg

2 51 146 76 470 216 250 55 50

3 76 216 101 660 283 300 85 75

4 102 280 127 760 305 300 110 90

6 8 10 152 203 254 345 430 460 177 239 280 890 1100 1450 403 419 457 500 600 600 240 365 500 210 325 400

12 305 590 341 1680 502 800 750 615

14 337 646 373 1680 762 600 1050 900

16 387 710 433 1740 838 800 1480 1340

18 438 800 486 1825 914 600 2040 1885

20 489 910 537 1790 2450 991 800 2640 2420

22 540 1035 588 1940 2610 1092 800 3500 3200

24 591 1056 639 2075 2875 1143 600 4260 3950

26 635 1200 683 2180 3015 1245 800 4800 4450

28 686 1230 734 2370 3256 1346 800 5500 5090

30 737 1300 797 2490 3440 1397 800 6300 5770

32 781 1400 841 2600 3590 1524 800 7000 6440

24 590 1100 630 2417 3150 1397 1407 800 4930 4486

26 635 1205 675 2593 3350 1448 1461 800 6000 5680

28 686 1230 736 2370 3255 1549 1562 800 8100 7620

30 737 1375 780 2943 3671 1651 1664 800 7900 7340

32 34 781 832 1400 1460 831 882 2600 2690 3590 3730 1778 1930 1794 1946 800 800 11500 13100 10880 12380

Class ANSI 300 - Reduced Bore size inch A D C Travel H H1 Weight RF (Slab) Kg Weight BW (Slab) Kg

3x2 51 146 76 470 570 70 65

4x3 76 216 101 660 760 95 86

6x4 102 280 127 762 880 105 78

8x6 152 347 177 890 1020 180 140

10x8 203 405 239 1103 1203 280 220

12x10 254 460 280 1450 1550 442 390

14x12 305 590 341 1680 1772 650 556

16x14 337 646 373 1867 1919 870 790

18x16 387 710 433 2037 2139 1190 1010

10 254 500 270 1067 1592 787 791 600 900 768

12 305 600 320 1201 1702 838 841 600 1135 1050

14 337 650 365 1483 1906 889 892 600 1700 1630

16 387 745 437 1735 2140 991 994 600 2360 2080

16X14 337 670 365 1867 1919 1575 1352

18X16 387 745 437 2037 2139 1850 1655

20x18 438 800 486 2223 2432 1540 1355

24x20 489 910 537 2300 2599 2310 2040

Class ANSI 600 - Full Bore size inch A D C Travel H H1 L BW-RF L RTJ V V1 Weight RF (Slab) Kg Weight BW (Slab) Kg

2 51 146 76 470 292 295 300 65 53

3 76 216 101 660 356 359 300 110 102

4 102 200 110 756 432 435 400 156 132

6 152 335 170 1050 559 562 400 296 270

8 203 421 220 1340 660 664 800 650 570

18 438 846 460 1827 2426 1092 1095 600 2776 2470

20 489 910 539 1790 2600 1194 1200 600 4200 3890

22 540 1020 590 1940 2610 1295 1305 600 5500 5180

Class ANSI 600 - Reduced Bore size inch A D C Travel H H1 Weight RF (Slab) Kg Weight BW (Slab) Kg

3X2 51 146 76 470 570 80 68

4X3 76 216 101 660 760 128 120

6X4 102 280 110 762 880 195 155

Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation on request

8X6 152 347 170 890 1020 355 300

10X8 12X10 14X12 203 254 305 396 555 620 220 270 320 1103 1450 1680 1203 1550 1772 545 925 1165 405 810 1110

20X18 438 800 460 2223 2432 2425 1885

24X20 489 910 539 2300 2599 3500 2950


VITAS reserves the right to change design without notice

Throught Conduit Gate Valves Slab and Expanding Class ANSI 900 - Full Bore 6 152 380 208 1070 610 613 1100 530 310

8 10 203 254 420 590 225 305 925 1235 - 1740 737 838 740 841 1100 600 970 1300 620 1190

ØV 12 305 685 372 1220 1790 965 968 600 2000 1810

14 324 765 408 1480 2090 1029 1038 600 2600 2370

16 375 850 478 1650 2330 1130 1140 600 3200 2880

18 425 950 520 2020 2740 1219 1232 800 4000 3320

20 473 1060 568 2370 3140 1321 1334 800 5100 4250

24 572 1190 657 2945 3850 1549 1568 800 9450 8120


size inch 3 4 A 76 102 D 222 286 C Travel 120 146 H 725 800 H1 L BW-RF 381 457 L RTJ 384 460 V 500 800 V1 Weight RF (Slab) Kg 160 290 Weight BW (Slab) Kg 145 265

Class ANSI 900 - Reduced Bore 3x2 51 152 85 495 610 120 105

4x3 6x4 8x6 10x8 12x10 14x12 76 102 152 203 254 305 222 286 381 465 590 685 120 146 208 225 305 372 725 802 1070 1308 1448 1575 874 956 1270 1500 1740 1790 160 250 400 688 1150 1625 145 180 300 540 971 1270

16x14 337 765 408 1816 2090 2290 2020

18x16 375 852 478 1930 2330 2915 2570

20x18 425 950 520 2464 2740 3710 3384

24x20 473 1060 568 2921 3140 5765 5160


size inch A D C Travel H H1 Weight RF (Slab) Kg Weight BW (Slab) Kg

Class ANSI 1500 - Full Bore 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 76 102 146 194 241 289 314 362 407 457 495 222 286 380 485 610 710 790 890 990 1090 1195 120 146 196 244 291 355 395 460 500 552 603 725 800 1160 1080 1225 1310 1465 1640 2010 2450 2620 - 1520 1765 1815 2110 2350 2780 3300 3520 470 546 705 832 991 1130 1257 1384 1537 1664 1943 473 549 711 841 1000 1146 1276 1407 1559 1686 1972 500 600 800 600 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 250 380 900 1500 2300 3300 4600 5900 7500 10500 14700 220 340 810 1350 2050 2970 4050 5200 6650 9300 13200


Class ANSI 1500 - Reduced Bore size inch A D C Travel H H1 Weight RF (Slab) Kg Weight BW (Slab) Kg

3X2 51 152 85 495 610 115 62

4X3 76 222 120 724 874 211 154

6X4 102 266 146 802 956 344 256

8X6 146 381 196 1160 1320 643 461

10X8 12X10 14X12 16X14 18X16 20X18 194 241 289 318 362 407 483 610 711 787 889 991 244 291 355 395 460 500 1380 1520 1650 1885 2010 2540 1520 1785 1814 2110 2350 2780 1148 1954 2996 4212 5293 6496 851 1484 2402 3315 4099 4998

24 534 1270 647 2975 3920 1943 1972 800 17000 15100


2 51 152 85 495 368 371 400 120 100


size inch A D C Travel H H1 L BW-RF L RTJ V V1 Weight RF (Slab) Kg Weight BW (Slab) Kg

24X20 457 1092 552 3000 3300 8126 6220

2 44 155 82 545 451 454 400 175 130

3 64 212 110 710 578 584 500 365 290

4 89 255 122 640 890 673 683 600 590 470

6 133 330 170 790 1065 914 927 600 1440 1150

8 181 430 220 950 1280 1022 1038 600 2340 1900

10 225 480 275 1170 1610 1270 1292 600 4000 3200

12 267 550 320 1435 1955 1422 1445 800 5800 4800

Ø V1

size inch A D C Travel H H1 L BW-RF L RTJ V V1 Weight RF (Slab) Kg Weight BW (Slab) Kg

size inch A D C Travel H H1 Weight RF (Slab) Kg Weight BW (Slab) Kg

Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation on request


Class ANSI 2500 - Reduced Bore

H1 Closed H1+C Open

Class ANSI 2500 - Full Bore

On request Center Line


VITAS reserves the right to change design without notice

Throught Conduit Gate Valves Slab and Expanding API 6A

1 2 3 4

Design according to API 6A Testing according to API 6A Marking according to API 6A Flanges according to API6A Butt Welding Ends according to API 6A Face to Face according to API 6A Double block & bleed in closed position Anti blow out stem Body cavity self reliving on slab gate Fire safe design (certificate on request) Rising or no rising stem on request Body relief valve on request Grease injector on seats on request

PARTS LIST Item No. 1 2 4 5 5a 6 8 12 13 21 22 25 26 27 35 36 37 49 83 136 140 141

Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation on request


Description Body Bonnet Seat Gate Segment Stem Bonnet seal ring Packing set Gland Bearing Grease fitting Handwheel Handwheel nut Gate guide Bonnet studs Bonnet nuts Body grease fitting Packing injector Gate spring Seat “O�-Ring Bearing spacer sleeve Bearing retainer nut

Qty. 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 8 8 2 1 2 2 1 1

VITAS reserves the right to change design without notice

Gate Valves API 6A - 2000, 3000, 5000, 10000 & 15000 PSI 2000 FLANGED END DIMENSIONS Size (Inch)






2” 1/16

52,3 2,06” 65 2,56” 79,2 3,12” 103,1 4,06” 130.2 5.12” 179.3 7.06”

485 19,1” 514 20,25” 584 23” 676 26,6” 730 28.7” 880 34.6”

295,1 11,62” 333,2 13,12” 358,6 14,12” 434,8 17,12” 562 22.12” 664 26.12”

133 5,25” 155 6,1” 190,5 7,5” 235 9,25” 285 11.2” 390 15.3”

254 10” 330 13” 406 16” 406 16” 508 20” 508 20”


2” /16 1

3” /8 1

4” /16 1

5” /8 1

7” /16

Weight RJ(Kg) 59 80 111 164 270 450







2” 1/16

52.3 2.06” 65 2.56” 79.2 3.12” 103.1 4.06” 130.2 5.12” 179.3 7.06”

498 19.6” 524 20.6” 584 23” 676 26.6” 730 28.7” 880 34.6”

371.3 14.62” 422.1 16.62 434.8 17.12” 511 20.12” 613 24.12” 714 28.12”

150 5.5” 165 6.5” 190.5 7.5” 235 9.25” 290 11.4” 400 15,74”

330 13” 406 16” 406 16” 508 20” 508 20” 610 24”


2” /16 1

3” /8 1

4” /16 1

5” /8 1

7” /16

Weight RJ(Kg) 82 115 127 236 290 480


2” /16 9

2” /16 1

3” /8 1

4” /16

Size (Inch)






Weight RJ(Kg)

1” 13/16

45.97 1.81”

490 19.3”

464 18.25”

145 5.71”

400 15.7”


2” 1/16






2.06” 65 2.56” 77.7 3.06” 103.1 4.06” 130 5.12” 179.3 7.06” 228.6 9” 285.8 11.25”

16.3” 690 27.16 1015 40” 1015 40” 1145 45” 1250 49.2” 1170 55.9” 1757 69.2

20.5” 565 22.25” 619 24.38” 670 26.38” 737 29” 889 35” 1200 47.27” 1181 46.5”

6.9” 230 9” 270 10.6” 270 10.6” 360 14.17” 525 20.7” 615 24.2” 720 28.3”

15.7” 500 19.9” 600 23.6” 600 23.6” 600 23.6” 750 29.5” 750 29.5” 750 26.5”

3” 1/16 4” 1/16 5” 1/8

* * *

7” 1/16





13” /8


Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation on request

5” /8




7” /16


2” 9/16







52.3 2.06” 65 2.56” 79.2 3.12” 103.1 4.06” 130.2 5.12” 179.3 7.06”

498 19.6” 524 20.6” 584 23” 676 26.6” 685 31.3” 980 38.6”

371.3 14.62” 422.1 16.62 473 18.62” 549.1 21.62” 727 28.62” 813 32”

140 5.5” 165 6.5” 197 7.75” 241 9.5” 315 12.2” 400 15.75”

330 13” 406 16” 406 16” 508 20” 610 24” 760 30”

Weight RJ(Kg) 82 115 145 236 520 1430







Weight RJ(Kg)


1” 13/16

45.97 1.81”

520 20.5“

457 18“

160 6.3“

508 20”


2” /16







2.06” 65 2.56” 77.7 3.06” 103.1 4.06”

21.25“ 620 24.4“ 700 27.6“ 840 33.1“

19“ 533 21“ 598 23.56“ 737 29“

6.7“ 190 7.5“ 260 10.2“ 350 13.8“

20” 610 24” 610 24” 610 24”



660 1030


2” /16



3” /16




4” /16

2060 3300

* **



220 350 750 1100

With Epicyclic or Angle Reduction Gear Bore A can be supply at customer request Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation at request

VITAS reserves the right to change design without notice

Gate Valves Expanding API 6A - 2000, 3000, 5000, 10000 & 15000 PSI 2000 FLANGED END DIMENSIONS Size (Inch)






2” 1/16

52,3 2,06” 65 2,56” 79,2 3,12” 103,1 4,06” 130.2 5.12” 179.3 7.06”

485 19,1” 514 20,25” 584 23” 676 26,6” 730 28.7” 880 34.6”

295,1 11,62” 333,2 13,12” 358,6 14,12” 434,8 17,12” 562 22.12” 664 26.12”

133 5,25” 155 6,1” 190,5 7,5” 235 9,25” 285 11.2” 390 15.3”

254 10” 330 13” 406 16” 406 16” 508 20” 508 20”


2” /16 1

3” /8 1

4” /16 1

5” /8 1

7” /16

Weight RJ(Kg) 59 80 111 164 270 450







2” 1/16

52.3 2.06” 65 2.56” 79.2 3.12” 103.1 4.06” 130.2 5.12” 179.3 7.06”

498 19.6” 524 20.6” 584 23” 676 26.6” 730 28.7” 880 34.6”

371.3 14.62” 422.1 16.62 434.8 17.12” 511 20.12” 613 24.12” 714 28.12”

150 5.5” 165 6.5” 190.5 7.5” 235 9.25” 290 11.4” 400 15,74”

330 13” 406 16” 406 16” 508 20” 508 20” 610 24”


2” /16 1

3” /8 1

4” /16 1

5” /8 1

7” /16

Weight RJ(Kg) 82 115 127 236 290 480







2” 1/16

52.3 2.06” 65 2.56” 79.2 3.12” 103.1 4.06” 130.2 5.12” 179.3 7.06”

498 19.6” 524 20.6” 584 23” 676 26.6” 685 31.3” 980 38.6”

371.3 14.62” 422.1 16.62 473 18.62” 549.1 21.62” 727 28.62” 813 32”

140 5.5” 165 6.5” 197 7.75” 241 9.5” 315 12.2” 400 15.75”

330 13” 406 16” 406 16” 508 20” 610 24” 760 30”


2” /16 1

3” /8 1

4” /16






Weight RJ(Kg)


45.97 1.81”

490 19.3”

464 18.25”

145 5.71”

400 15.7”


2” 1/16






2.06” 65 2.56” 77.7 3.06” 103.1 4.06” 130 5.12” 179.3 7.06” 228.6 9” 285.8 11.25”

16.3” 690 27.16 1015 40” 1015 40” 1145 45” 1250 49.2” 1170 55.9” 1757 69.2

20.5” 565 22.25” 619 24.38” 670 26.38” 737 29” 889 35” 1200 47.27” 1181 46.5”

6.9” 230 9” 270 10.6” 270 10.6” 360 14.17” 525 20.7” 615 24.2” 720 28.3”

15.7” 500 19.9” 600 23.6” 600 23.6” 600 23.6” 750 29.5” 750 29.5” 750 26.5”



2” 9/16 3” 1/16 4” 1/16 1

5” /8

* * *

7” /16






13” /8


Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation on request

5” /8




7” /16



Weight RJ(Kg) 82 115 145 254 550 1480








1” 13/16

520 20.5“ 540

457 18“ 483

160 6.3“ 170

508 20” 508


2” 1/16

45.97 1.81” 52.3 2.06” 65 2.56” 77.7 3.06” 103.1 4.06”

21.25“ 620 24.4“ 700 27.6“ 840 33.1“

19“ 533 21“ 598 23.56“ 737 29“

6.7“ 190 7.5“ 260 10.2“ 350 13.8“

20” 610 24” 610 24” 610 24”


660 1030


2” /16



3” /16




4” /16

2060 3300

* **



Weight RJ(Kg) 200 220 350 750 1100

With Epicyclic or Angle Reduction Gear Bore A can be supply at customer request Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation at request

VITAS reserves the right to change design without notice

Gate Valves Expanding API 6A - 2000, 3000, 5000, 10000 & 15000 PSI 2000 THREADED END DIMENSIONS Size (Inch)






2” 1/16

52,3 2,06” 65 2,56” 79,2 3,12” 103,1 4,06” 130.2 5.12” 179.3 7.06”

485 19,1” 514 20,25” 584 23” 676 26,6” 730 28.7” 880 34.6”

235 9.25” 260.3 10.25” 289 11.37” 330.2 13” 562 22.12” 664 26.12”

133 5,25” 155 6,1” 190,5 7,5” 235 9,25” 285 11.2” 390 15.3”

254 10” 330 13” 406 16” 406 16” 508 20” 508 20”


2” /16 1

3” /8 1

4” /16 1

5” /8 1

7” /16

Weight (Kg)


46 64 94 128 220 360







2” 1/16

52.3 2.06” 65 2.56” 79.2 3.12” 103.1 4.06” 130.2 5.12” 179.3 7.06”

498 19.6” 524 20.6” 584 23” 676 26.6” 730 28.7” 880 34.6”

244.5 9.62” 260.3 10.25” 289 11.37” 330.2 13” -

140 5.5” 165 6.5” 190.5 7.5” 235 9.25” 290 11.4” 400 15,74”

330 13” 406 16” 406 16” 508 20” 508 20” 610 24”


2” /16 1

3” /8 1

4” /16 1

5” /8 1

7” /16

Weight (Kg)


56 80 104 191 240 440







2” 1/16

52.3 2.06” 65 2.56” 79.2 3.12” 103.1 4.06” 130.2 5.12” 179.3 7.06”

498 19.6” 524 20.6” 584 23” 676 26.6” 685 31.3” 980 38.6”

244.5 9.62” 260.3 10.25” 289 11.37” 330.2 13” -

140 5.5” 165 6.5” 190.5 7.5” 235 9.25” 315 12.2” 400 15.75”

330 13” 406 16” 406 16” 508 20” 610 24” 760 30”


2” /16 1

3” /8 1

4” /16







45.97 1.81”

490 19.3”


145 5.71”

400 15.7”

2” /16






2.06” 65 2.56” 77.7 3.06” 103.1 4.06” 130 5.12” 179.3 7.06” 228.6 9” 285.8 11.25”

16.3” 690 27.16 1015 40” 1015 40” 1145 45” 1250 49.2” 1170 55.9” 1757 69.2


6.9” 230 9” 270 10.6” 270 10.6” 360 14.17” 525 20.7” 615 24.2” 720 28.3”

15.7” 500 19.9” 600 23.6” 600 23.6” 600 23.6” 750 29.5” 750 29.5” 750 26.5”


13 1

2” 9/16 3” 1/16 4” 1/16 5” 1/8

* * *

7” 1/16





13” /8


Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation on request

5” /8




7” /16



Weight (Kg)


Weight (Kg)


56 80 104 191 440 1200



Size (Inch)







1” 13/16

520 20.5“ 540


160 6.3“ 170

508 20” 508


2” 1/16

45.97 1.81” 52.3 2.06” 65 2.56” 77.7 3.06” 103.1 4.06”

21.25“ 620 24.4“ 700 27.6“ 840 33.1“


6.7“ 190 7.5“ 260 10.2“ 350 13.8“

20” 610 24” 610 24” 610 24”


460 830


2” /16



3” /16




4” /16


Weight (Kg)


160 180 280 600 900


* **



With Epicyclic or Angle Reduction Gear Bore A can be supply at customer request Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation at request

VITAS reserves the right to change design without notice

Trim Explanation for Vitas Gate Valves VITAS Trim API Spec. 6A DESCRIPTION AND SERVICE TEMPERATURE Code Material Class B-1 AA STANDARD TRIM For essentially no corrosive liquids or gases. Typical examples are crude and refined oils, natural or refined gases and processed hydrocarbons. Typical uses are wellheads, manifolds, flow lines and other similar installations requiring a through conduit valve. The temperature limitations are 0° to 250°F, (-18° to 121°C).



STAINLESS TRIM For substantially the same service as B-1 but where the corrosion resistance of 13 Chrome Stainless Steel internal parts are desirable. Also usable for mildly corrosive fluids and gases when limited corrosion of the internal body surfaces can be tolerated. The temperature limitations are 0° to 250°F, (-18° to 121°C). Recommended when partial pressure of CO2 is greater than 30.





FULL STAINLESS TRIM For only liquid or gaseous product for which the resistance of the 13 Chrome Stainless is adequate. Also used where the resistance of Stainless Steel is desirable from the standpoint of product purity. The temperature limitations are 0° to 250°F (-18° to 121°C). Recommended when partial pressure of CO2 is greater than 30.


Primarily for sour gas and oil where resistance to Hydrogen Sulphide embrittlement is required. Also suitable for other chemicals, products or hydrocarbons when H2S is present. May be used when CO2 is present in smaller amount than H2S. The temperature limitations are 0° to 250°F (-18° to 121°C).



STAINLESS SOUR GAS AND OIL TRIM Primarily for sour gas and oil when the CO2 content exceeds the H2S content. It is intended to provide resistance to the metal loss type of corrosion usually associated with CO2 plus resistance to Hydrogen Sulphide embrittlement. The temperature limitations are 0° to 250°F (18° to 121°C).



LOW TEMPERATURE-STANDARD TRIM-GENERAL OILFIELD For essentially no corrosive liquids or gases. Typical examples are crude and refined oils, natural or refined gases and processed hydrocarbons. Typical uses are wellheads, manifolds, flow lines and other similar installations requiring a through conduit valve. The temperature limitations are -50° to 180°F (-46° to 82°C).



LOW TEMPERATURE-SOUR GAS AND OIL Primarily for sour gas and oil where resistance to Hydrogen Sulphide embrittlement is required. Also suitable for other chemicals, products or hydrocarbons vhen H2S is present. May be used when CO2 is present in smaller amount than H2S. The temperature limitations are -50° to 180°F (-46 to 82°C).

Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation on request


VITAS reserves the right to change design without notice

Materials for Vitas Gate Valves


Trim Code

Body & Bonnet

Bonnet Seal Ring

Gate & Segment



Gate Spring

General Oil Field Oil & Gas


API Type 2 or 3 Steel

C 1020

4130 (2)

4130 (2)

4130 (2)

Inconel 600

410 SS

410 SS

410 SS

General Service Slight Corrosion CO2

Corrosive Service High CO2 no H2S Sour Gas & Oil H2S Meets NACE MR 0175-99 Sour Gas & Oil H2S + CO2 Meets NACE MR 0175-99



API Type 2 or 3 Steel


ASTM A217 AISI 316 CA-15 410 SS

EN55 (1)

EN55 (1)

410 SS

410 SS

EN55 (1)

EN55 (1)


Inconel 600

17-4PH SS Aged Inconel Max. Rc33 600 (2)

Studs & Nuts

Packings Set V-Rings

A193-B7 Teflon A194-2H

A193-B7 Teflon A194-2H

A193-B7 A194-2H

Teflon + 25% Glass


API Type 2 or 3 Steel Max. Rc22

AISI 316

17-4PH 17-4PH 17-4PH A193-B7M SS Aged SS Aged SS Aged Inconel Teflon + 25% Glass Max. Rc33 Max. Rc33 Max. Rc33 X750 A194-2HM (2) (3) (2) (3) (2)


ASTM A217 CA-15 AISI 316 410 SS Max. Rc22

17-4PH 17-4PH 17-4PH A193-B7M Teflon + SS Aged SS Aged SS Aged Inconel 25% Glass Max. Rc33 Max. Rc33 Max. Rc33 X750 A194-2HM (2) (3) (2) (3) (2)

General Oil Field Oil & Gas To –50°F

API Type 2 or 3 Steel B-1.1 Quenched & AISI 316 Tempered Impact Tested

Sour Gas & Oil H2S + CO2 To –50°F Meets NACE MR 0175-99

API Type 2 or 3 Steel B-4.1 Quenched & AISI 316 Tempered Impact Tested

4130 (2)

4130 (2)

4130 (2)

Inconel 600

A320-L7 A194-2H

Teflon + 40% Glass

17-4PH 17-4PH 17-4PH A320-L7M SS Aged SS Aged SS Aged Inconel Teflon + 40% Glass Max. Rc33 Max. Rc33 Max. Rc33 X750 A194-Gr.4 (2) (3) (2) (3) (2)

(1) - Electroless Nickel Plated (2) - MoS2 coating (3) - Hard faced as required

Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation on request


VITAS reserves the right to change design without notice

Full-Bore-Through Conduit

In-Line Reparability

Low Operating Torque

Give a full round bore through the valve, no smaller than that of the pipe. Minimizes pressure drop and turbulence is eliminated.

Vitas plastic stem packing can be added to the packing box while the valve is under pressure. Internal parts can be replaced without removing the valve from the line.

Upper and lower roller-thrust bearings on the stem are isolated from pressures, thus making operation easier.

Parallel-Expanding-Gates Provide an extraordinarily high seating force against both the upstream and downstream seats.

Protected, Long-Life Seats Seats are fuilly protected from flow in both open and closed positions, allowing exceptionally long service.

Stem & Gate coating A molybdenum disulphide film on the stem and gate reduces the friction coefficient and assures a lubrication for the valve lifetime.

improved packing box

Fatigue resistant stem design Precision-machined, parallel-expanding gates Seat faces fully protected from flow in both open and closed positions

Full-bore-through conduit

Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation on request

Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation on request

VITAS reserves the right to change design without notice


VITAS reserves the right to change design without notice

Throught Conduit Gate Valves Fabricated Square and Round Body

1 2 3 4 5 6

Design construction: API 6D - ANSI B16.34 - Testing according to API 6D Marking according to MSS SP25 - Fire safe design according to API 6FA-BS 6755 part2 Outside Screw and Yoke (OS&Y) - Floating seats with grease injector design ≥ 8” Back seat design - Special packing with lantern ring and double ball grease injector Electroless nickel plated slab gate and seat Vent and Drain valve Full stellited seats and slab on request Body Bonnet seal soft gasket (plus reinforced graphite if required) Special design reinforced graphite for Class 150lbs Valves are Full Bore or Reduced Bore construction Flanges according ANSI B16.5 for size 2” to 24” to ASME B 16.47 for size > 26” Butt Welding Ends according to ANSI B16.25 Face to face according to API 6D Suggested bevel gear operator for: DN ≥ 20” Class 150 - DN ≥ 14” Class 300 DN ≥ 8” Class 600 - DN ≥ 6” Class 900 DN ≥ 4” Class 1500 For pressure and temperature rating see material application

Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation on request


VITAS reserves the right to change design without notice

Throught Conduit Gate Valves Fabricated Square and Round Body Class ANSI 150 size inch øA E D H1 C Travel H Closed L BW L RF øV øV1 Weight BW (kg) Weight RF (kg)

4 102 350 282 138 765 305 229 300 86 104

6 152 420 342 182 920 403 267 400 184 210

8 203 440 422 234 1140 419 292 400 320 360

10 254 530 496 284 1360 457 330 500 445 490

12 305 630 583 342 1540 502 356 500 530 600

14 337 650 620 369 1620 572 381 750 800 890

16 387 730 712 428 1850 610 406 750 910 1015

18 438 800 782 484 2020 660 432 750 1340 1490

20 489 898 875 1656 532 2390 711 457 600 1625 1805

22 540 985 963 1846 588 2630 762 508 750 1985 2205

24 591 1046 1053 2003 643 2850 813 508 750 2345 2605

26 635 1135 1142 2135 696 3030 864 559 750 2710 3010

28 30 686 737 1250 1275 1225 1310 2246 2386 751 805 3200 3390 914 914 610 650 750 750 3160 3620 3510 4020

32 781 1342 1380 2554 842 3650 965 711 750 4160 4660

34 832 1438 1455 2720 901 3870 1016 762 750 4700 5220

36 40 42 876 978 1022 1535 1645 1710 1535 1685 1775 2820 3110 3276 946 1042 1098 4035 4400 4624 1016 1118 1168 800 914 965 750 750 750 5120 6320 6950 5690 7020 7720

46 1118 1890 1935 3680 1185 5115 1270 1118 750 8270 9170

48 1168 2075 2010 3720 1230 5200 1321 1118 750 8930 9920

10 254 600 496 284 1361 457 473 750 369 410

12 305 660 583 342 1554 502 518 750 531 590

14 337 770 620 1182 369 1662 762 778 600 702 780

16 387 860 712 1334 428 1882 838 854 750 990 1100

18 438 830 782 1540 484 2052 914 930 750 1350 1500

20 489 1060 875 1656 532 2341 991 1010 750 1710 1900

22 540 1010 963 1846 588 2505 1092 1114 750 2160 2400

24 591 1250 1053 2003 643 2715 1143 1165 750 2565 2850

26 635 1140 1142 2135 696 2945 1245 1270 750 3060 3400

28 686 1030 1225 2246 751 3136 1346 1372 750 3780 4200

32 781 1170 1380 2554 842 3525 1524 1553 750 5274 5860

34 832 1230 1455 2720 901 3718 1626 1654 750 6030 6700

36 876 1285 1535 2820 946 3901 1727 1756 750 7020 7800

46 1118 1660 1935 3680 1185 4898 2286 2314 750 11340 12600

48 1168 1740 2010 3720 1230 5084 2286 2314 750 14500 16100

Class ANSI 300 size inch øA E D H1 C Travel H Closed L BW-RF L RJ øV øV1 Weight BW (kg) Weight RF (kg)

4 102 350 282 138 775 305 321 400 92 102

6 152 420 342 182 926 403 419 500 135 150

8 203 440 422 234 1142 419 435 750 225 250

30 737 1100 1310 2386 805 3332 1397 1422 750 4500 5000

40 978 1380 1685 3110 1042 4341 1930 1960 750 7920 8800

42 1022 1520 1775 3276 1098 4505 2007 2035 750 9464 10515











Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation on request



VITAS reserves the right to change design without notice

Throught Conduit Gate Valves Fabricated Square and Round Body Class ANSI 400 size inch øA E D H1 C Travel H Closed L BW-RF L RJ øV øV1 Weight BW (kg) Weight RF (kg)

4 102 335 282 532 138 780 406 410 400 175 194

6 152 420 342 660 182 945 495 498 500 276 306

8 203 530 422 828 234 1170 597 600 800 463 482

10 254 600 496 969 284 1370 673 676 600 648 715

12 305 670 583 1050 342 1570 762 765 600 840 930

14 337 780 620 1182 369 1665 826 829 600 1085 1200

16 387 850 712 1334 428 1895 902 905 750 1622 1805

18 438 970 782 1540 484 2070 978 981 750 2074 2303

20 489 1020 875 1656 532 2345 1054 1060 600 2225 2470

22 540 1140 963 1837 588 2590 1143 1153 600 3330 3695

24 591 1170 1053 2003 643 2780 1232 1241 750 4031 4475

26 635 1330 1142 2135 696 2990 1308 1321 750 4830 5360

28 686 1420 1225 2246 751 3140 1397 1410 750 5535 6150

30 737 1490 1310 2386 805 3370 1524 1537 750 6543 7266

32 781 1600 1380 2554 842 3580 1651 1667 750 7645 8490

34 36 40 42 46 832 876 978 1022 1118 1690 1795 1980 2010 2100 1455 1535 1685 1775 1935 2720 2820 3110 3276 3680 901 946 1042 1098 1185 3790 3980 4390 4549 5045 1778 1880 2083 2185 2426 1794 1895 750 750 750 750 750 8750 9950 13352 14560 18475 9715 11050 14828 16165 20580

48 1168 2150 2010 3720 1230 5260 2540 750 20500 22770

52 1267 2400 2190 4070 1320 5610 2210 750 24000 27000

54 1314 2600 2250 4150 1370 5740 2260 750 26500 29500

56 1365 2700 2330 4310 1420 5960 2311 750 29800 33200

60 1461 2850 2500 4600 1520 6360 2350 750 33100 39400

6 8 10 12 14 16 152 203 254 305 337 387 390 430 600 660 770 840 342 422 496 583 620 712 969 1050 1182 1334 182 234 284 342 369 428 950 1175 1385 1585 1680 1910 559 660 787 838 889 991 562 664 791 841 892 994 500 800 600 600 750 750 276 318 532 816 1142 1226 304 386 513 907 1205 1365

18 438 870 782 1540 484 2125 1092 1095 750 2036 1260

20 489 950 875 1656 532 2355 1194 1200 750 2612 2920

22 540 1010 963 1837 588 2630 1295 1305 750 3335 3715

24 591 1140 1053 2003 643 2815 1397 1407 750 4065 4510

26 635 1280 1142 2135 696 3040 1448 1461 750 4420 5040

28 686 1340 1225 2246 751 3190 1549 1562 750 5955 6625

30 737 1400 1310 2386 805 3395 1651 1664 750 6756 7515

32 781 1515 1380 2554 842 3620 1778 1794 750 7840 8720

34 36 40 42 46 832 876 978 1022 1118 1520 1580 1780 1850 1960 1455 1535 1685 1775 1935 2720 2820 3110 3276 3680 901 946 1042 1098 1185 3830 4035 4435 4635 5045 1930 2083 2388 2438 2489 1946 2099 750 750 750 750 750 9040 10400 11800 15350 17200 10050 11550 13120 17100 19050

48 52 1168 1267 2180 2320 2010 2120 3720 3980 1230 1318 5260 5510 2540 2667 750 750 21200 23900 23600 26600

54 1314 2450 2250 4150 1370 5740 2743 750 29000 -

56 1365 2540 2350 4310 1420 5960 2794 750 31800 -

60 1461 2810 2500 4600 1520 6360 2845 750 35000 -

Class ANSI 600 size inch øA E D H1 C Travel H Closed L BW-RF L RJ øV øV1 Weight BW (kg) Weight RF (kg)

4 102 320 282 138 780 432 435 400 92 102


With equal pressure throughout the valve and gate in closed position. An initial seal (1) is formed with the raised TFE ring on the faces of the seats. The seat inserts clean both sides of the gate each time the valve is opened or closed. Powerful springs assure sealing independent of high pressure, low pressure, or vacuum providing a constant contact during any type of operation.

➋ As line pressure (2) is applied to the valve, it acts on the gate, forcing it against the seat ring on the downstream seat, a seal is formed (a the beginning a TFE-to-metal seal, then metal-tometal). The O-ring (3) prevents any downsteal flow at this point. An upstream seal is provided when body pressure is bled off. This is caused by the force of line pressure acting against the upstream seat (4) moving the seat against the gate and providing a tight TFE-to-metal seal at this point. At the same time, the O-ring (5) forms a tight seal with the seat and body. ➌ Valve automatically relieves itself of excessive body pressure. When body pressure exceeds line pressure, from such causes as thermal expansion, the upstream seat is forced back into its recess and the excess pressure in the body is bled between the seat and the gate into the line. Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation on request


VITAS reserves the right to change design without notice

Throught Conduit Gate Valves Fabricated Square and Round Body Class ANSI 900 6 152 540 352 671 202 933 610 613 600 585 615

8 203 580 442 824 248 1177 737 740 750 775 820

ØV 10 254 590 514 975 294 1395 838 841 750 1060 1120

12 305 690 588 1149 350 1643 965 968 750 1470 1500

14 324 830 651 1240 362 1784 1029 1038 750 1960 2030

16 375 900 735 1388 415 1971 1130 1140 750 2580 2725

18 425 960 821 1567 465 2234 1219 1232 750 3320 3470

20 473 1020 894 1722 512 2440 1321 1334 750 4295 4540

22 524 1230 998 1878 568 2698 1423 750 5500 5800

24 571 1280 1080 2040 615 2905 1549 1568 750 6850 7250

12 289 830 600 1170 335 1700 1130 1146 750 2035 2145

14 315 930 690 1350 368 1935 1257 1276 750 2305 2425

16 362 1030 770 1480 414 2155 1384 1407 750 3810 4010

18 407 1140 830 1610 453 2310 1537 1559 750 4905 5130

20 457 1210 920 1755 510 2530 1664 1686 750 6250 6580

22 495 1320 1010 1920 547 2815 1943 1971 750 7600 8000

24 534 1420 1100 2100 586 3065 1943 1971 750 8475 8890

26 619 1340 1240 2385 654 3860 1727 750 8270 8710

30 714 1720 1430 2810 758 4060 1727 750 12000 -

32 762 1860 1560 3080 804 4220 2235 750 15000 -


4 102 450 290 130 800 457 460 500 475 500


size inch øA E D H1 C Travel H Closed L BW-RF L RJ øV øV1 Weight BW (kg) Weight RF (kg)

4 102 450 280 570 137 815 546 549 600 510 536

6 146 550 370 720 181 1050 705 711 750 650 685

8 194 640 440 870 234 1260 832 841 750 860 905

10 241 740 530 1015 281 1480 991 1000 750 1525 1605


size inch øA E D H1 C Travel H Closed L BW-RF L RJ øV1 Weight BW (kg) Weight RF (kg)


Class ANSI 1500







Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation on request


VITAS reserves the right to change design without notice

Gate Valves Pressure Seal

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Design construction. API 600 - ANSI B16.34 Testing according to API 598 - BS 6755 Marking according to MMS SP25 Outside Screw and Yoke (OS&Y) Self aligning packing gland in two parts Welded seats - Solid or flexible wedge Flanges according to ANSI B 16.5 for DN 2” to 24” to ASME B 16.47 for DN >26” Butt Welding Ends according to ANSI B16.25 Face to face according to ANSI B 16.10 Double ball bearing are assembled on: DN >6” for Classes 600 and 900 DN >4” for Classes 1500 and 2500 Suggested bevel gear operator for DN > 8’’ Classes 600 and 900 DN > 6’’ Class 1500 DN > 3’’ Class 2500 Over pressure safety valve on request Lantern ring on request For pressure temperature rating see technical data

Special design of forged material available for 6”/1500 and larger

Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation on request


VITAS reserves the right to change design without notice

Gate Valves Pressure Seal Class ANSI 600 size

inch mm

2 50

3 80

4 6 100 150

8 200

10 250

12 300

14 350

16 400

18 450

20 500

24 600

30 750

36 900




102 152











C Travel H Closed H1 L BW L RF V V1 Weight RF kg Weight BW kg Figure

68 464 178 292 200 40 36 6P 102

96,5 518 254 356 300 61 53 6P 103

130 672 305 432 400 115 94 6P 104

175 843 457 559 600 230 165 6P 106

234 1125 1480 584 660 600 460 390 6P 108

276 1362 1500711 787 600 550 430 6P 110

330 1380 1560 813 838 600 930 750 6P 112

350 1490 1805 889 889 600 1080 890 6P 114

417 1520 1840 991 991 600 1630 1436 6P 116

460 1774 2400 1092 1092 600 2350 2052 6P 118

506 1920 2520 1194 1194 600 2470 2160 6P 120

607 2200 2850 1397 1397 600 3400 2710 6P 124

775 2800 3650 1651 1651 800 * * 6P 130

920 3400 4400 2083 2083 800 * 10120 6P 136

8 200 191 215 1077 1510 660 737 600 545 430 9P 108

10 250 238 252 1160 1660 787 838 600 870 700 9P 110

12 300 283 306 1377 1930 914 965 800 1210 990 9P 112

14 350 31 350 1467 2075 991 1029 600 1720 1480 9P 114

16 400 356 402 1720 2305 1092 1130 600 2410 2100 9P 116

18 450 400 428 1810 2670 1219 1219 600 2780 2400 9P 118

20 500 445 488 1955 2600 1321 1321 600 3450 2950 9P 120

22 550 460 490 2510 2180 1321 1321 750 3300 9P 122

24 600 534 594 2350 2950 1549 1549 600 * 4800 9P 124

28 700 622 675 3285 1549 1549 800 6900 6080 9P 128

Class ANSI 900 size

inch mm

3 80 A 73 C Travel 88 H Closed 564 H1 L BW 305 L RF 381 V 400 V1 Weight RF kg 95 Weight BW kg 75 Figure 9P 103

4 100 99 118 730 356 457 500 151 118 9P 104

6 150 146 167 830 508 610 800 280 210 9P 106

Class ANSI 1500 inch mm

2 50

2.1/2 65

3 80

4 100

5 130

6 150

8 200

10 250

12 300

14 350

16 400

18 450

20 500

24 600
















C Travel H Closed H1 L BW L RF V V1 Weight RF kg Weight BW kg Figure

57 488 216 368 400 63,2 40 15P 102

90 570 254 419 500 81 60 15P 101

90 570 305 470 500 98 87 15P 103

98 690 406 546 600 209 145 15P 104

143 830,7 483 705 600 380 290 15P 105

143 830 1275 559 705 600 450 309 15P 106

205 1050 1535 71 832 600 830 600 15P 108

243 1291 1730 864 991 600 1240 955 15P 110

310 1504 2100 991 1130 600 2185 1650 15P 112

330 1520 2180 1067 1257 800 2930 2320 15P 114

342 1731 2515 1194 1384 600 4850 3800 15P 116

400 1950 1800 1346 600 15P 118

460 2227 3060 1473 1664 600 7450 6300 15P 120

520 2520 3460 1943 1943 800 9400 7810 15P 124

6 150

8 200

10 250

12 300

14 350

16 400

18 450

20 500

24 600

0 V1


inch mm

2 50

2.1/2 65

3 80

4 100















C Travel H Closed H1 L BW L RF V V1 Weight RF kg Weight BW kg Figure

58 552 279 451 400 98 61 25P 102

90 570 330 508 500 179 124 25P 101

81 668 920 368 578 300 195 138 25P 103

96 743 1230 457 673 600 335 223 25P 104

130 1056 1465 610 914 600 710 460 25P 106

172 1222 1645 762 1022 600 1450 750 25P 108

214 1450 2140 914 1270 600 2730 2096 25P 110

260 1560 2490 1041 1422 800 2580 1650 25P 112

270 1770 2710 1178 800 * 3700 25P 114

314 1820 2310 1245 800 * * 25P 116

352 1880 2480 1397 800 * * 25P 118

385 2080 2650 1524 800 * * 25P 120

450 2470 3180 1676 800 * * 25P 124

Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation on request




H1 - C

Class ANSI 2500


VITAS reserves the right to change design without notice

Gate Valves Bolted Bonnet

1 2 3 4 5 6

Design construction. API 600 - BS 1414 - ANSI B16.34 Testing according to API 598 - BS 6755 Marking according to MMS SP25 Outside Screw and Yoke (OS&Y) Self aligning packing gland in two parts - Soft seats design only on request Spiral-wound gasket for Classes 300 and 600 lbs Oval ring joint for Classes 900,1500 and 2500 lbs Special design reinforced grafite gasket for Class 150 lbs Flanges according to ANSI B 16.5 for size 2” to 24” to ASME B 16.47 for size 1>26” Butt Welding Ends according to ANSI B16.25 Face to face according to ANSI B 16.10 Clamp end only on request Lantern ring only on request For pressure temperature rating see technical data Suggested bevel gear operator for DN >16” Class 150 DN >12’’ Class 300 DN > 8’’ Class 600 and 900 DN > 6’’ Class 1500 DN > 3’’ Class 2500 Double Yoke Nut bearing are assembled on: DN >14’’ Class 150 DN > 12’’ Class 300 DN > 6’’ Class 600 and 900

Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation on request


VITAS reserves the right to change design without notice

Gate Valves Bolted Bonnet Class ANSI 150 size

inch mm


2 50

2.1/2 65

3 80










90 434 241 190 300 34 30 1H 101

125 445 283 203 300 38,7 34 1H 103

150 556 305 229 300 55 48 1H 104

208 703 402 267 400 95 89 1H 106

276 921 419 292 500 164 134 1H 108

351 1065 457 330 600 237 241 1H 110

367 1174 502 356 600 343 331 1H 112

418 1330 572 381 800 352 333 1H 114

4 100

6 150

8 200

10 250

12 300

14 350

16 400

C Travel 65 76 H Closed 401 H1 L BW 216 L RF 178 V 250 V1 Weight RF kg 26 Weight BW kg 23 Figure 1H 102

4 100

6 150

8 200

10 250

12 300

14 350

16 400

18 450

20 500

22 550

24 600

26 650

28 700

30 750

32 800

36 900

40 42 48 54 60 1000 1050 1200 1350 1500





591 641





978 1029 1168 1315 1461

454 1445 610 406 800 450 445 1H 116

510 1630 2300 660 432 600 671 675 1H 118

560 1830 2550 711 457 600 790 776 1H 120

610 2036 2910 813 508 600 1040 1110 1H 122

650 2130 3010 813 508 800 1150 1085 1H 124

740 2285 3165 864 559 800 1509 * 1H 126

760 2635 3465 914 610 800 2084 * 1H 128

820 2592 3610 914 610 800 2413 * 1H 130

915 2940 3950 965 660 800 2787 * 1H 132

1010 3300 4330 1016 711 800 3010 * 1H 136

1050 3510 4830 1168 813 800 4880 * 1H 140

18 450

20 500

24 600

26 650

28 700

30 750

32 800

34 850

36 900

42 46 48 1050 1150 1200

1220 3820 4975 1397 813 800 5302 * 1H 142

1365 4064 5505 1270 864 800 7520 * 1H 148

1498 4400 6430 * 1016 800 10050 * 1H 154

5100 6850 * 1270 800 14800 V 1H 160

Class ANSI 300 size

inch mm

A C Travel 68 H Closed H1 L BW-RT V V1 Weight RF kg Weight BW kg Figure

2 50

2.1/2 65

3 80

51 63.5


102 152















1029 1118 1168

127 493 283 300 56 46 3H 103

162 594 305 400 82 65 3H 104

234 766 403 500 165 140 3H 106

269 971 419 600 273 239 3H 108

319 1182 457 600 388 333 3H 110

350 1280 1855 502 600 555 480 3H 112

420 1370 1915 762 600 740 632 3H 114

452 1575 2285 838 800 930 835 3H 116

530 1770 2460 914 600 1210 990 3H 118

620 1980 2860 991 800 1530 1360 3H 120

660 2070 3150 1143 600 2520 2270 3H 124

720 2460 3285 1245 800 3420 * 3H 126

770 2460 3285 1346 800 3960 * 3H 128

810 2930 4010 1397 800 4160 * 3H 130

880 2930 4104 1524 800 5250 * 3H 132

925 3290 4410 1626 800 6120 * 3H 134

1060 3290 4470 1727 800 7160 * 3H 136

1160 1220 3812 4260 5300 5860 1981 2235 800 800 11100 16700 * * 3H 3H 142 146

71 401 216 250 30 23 3H 102

93 434 241 300 42,2 32 3H 101

4260 6040 2235 800 22500 * 3H 148

Class ANSI 600 size

inch mm


2.1/2 65

3 80

4 100

6 150

8 200

10 250

12 300

14 350

16 400

18 450

24 600

26 650

28 700

30 750

32 800

36 900

42 1050

51 63.5

















127 686 432 435 400 81 72 6H 103

170 220 270 330 815 1052 1087 1248 1430 1470 1790 559 600 787 838 562 664 791 841 400 600 600 800 136 294 509 760 115 255 438 635 6H 6H 6H 6H 104 106 108 110

350 1595 2115 889 892 600 1035 920 6H 112

420 1720 2380 991 994 600 1440 1310 6H 114

470 1975 2660 1092 1095 600 1787 1510 6H 116

600 2375 3270 1397 1407 600 2430 2160 6H 118

650 2466 3360 1448 1460 800 4620 3920 6H 124

685 2580 3570 1549 1562 800 5120 * 6H 126

780 3070 4230 1651 1664 800 7420 * 6H 128

805 3150 4320 1778 1794 800 7914 * 6H 130

930 3275 4590 2083 2099 800 9150 * 6H 132

1020 H 3850 H1 5250 L BW2438 L RTJ 2454 800 800 10400 24100 * * 6H 6H 136 142

78 480 330 333 300 44 36 6H 102

96 590 356 359 300 51 43 6H 101




H1 - C

0 V1


C Travel 62 Closed 465 RF 292 295 V V1 Weight RF kg Weight BW kg Figure

2 50

L Flex Wedge Solid Wedge


Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation on request


VITAS reserves the right to change design without notice

Gate Valves Bolted Bonnet V

Class ANSI 900 size

inch mm


3 80

4 100

73 99 95 615 381 384 400 116 97 9R 103

120 760 457 460 500 204 178 9R 104

12 300

14 350

16 400

18 450

20 500

24 600

146 191 238





4445 534

175 960 610 613 800 415 367 9R 106

260 1335 1710 838 841 600 1050 915 9R 110

310 1390 1980 965 968 600 1520 980 9R 112

330 1545 2090 1029 1038 600 1760 1410 9R 114

395 1840 2390 1130 1140 600 2627 2160 9R 116

430 1840 2560 1219 1232 600 3200 2520 9R 118

447 2065 2963 1321 1334 600 5500 4650 9R 120

580 2320 3366 1549 1568 600 7350 6020 9R 124

8 200

10 250

12 300

14 350

16 400

20 500

24 600

30 750



220 1194 1550 737 740 800 766 665 9R 108


C travel H Closed H1 L BW-RF L RTJ V V1 Weight RF kg Weight BW kg Figure

6 8 10 150 200 250

Class ANSI 1500 inch mm


2 50

3 80

48 69

C Travel 75 Closed 555 H1 L BW-RF L RTJ V V1 Weight RF kg Weight BW kg Figure

97 655 368 371 400 97 76 15R 102

125 766 470 473 500 178 146 15R 103

4 6 100 150 92


150 215 1003 1170 - 1370 546 705 549 711 600 800 288 691 254 588 15R 15R 104 106







245 1400 1550 832 841 600 1220 1030 15R 108

285 1463 1800 991 1000 800 1831 1590 15R 110

330 1677 2010 1130 1146 800 2790 2370 15R 112

360 1610 2159 1257 1276 800 4420 3610 15R 114

486 2376 2380 1384 1407 800 5250 4250 15R 116

520 2615 3300 1664 1686 800 10100 8600 15R 120

728 3186 3490 1943 1971 800 18000 15800 15R 124

H 3688 2500 2500 800 25900 * 15R 130



L Flex Wedge

inch mm


3 80

4 6 100 150




95 630 451 454 400 181 140 25R 102

97 736 992 578 584 300 334 280 25R 103

160 175.5 765 1140 1036 1550 673 914 683 927 600 600 520 1285 390 990 25R 25R 104 106


8 200

10 250

12 300




215 1380 2680 1022 1038 600 2050 1610 25R 108

225 1690 2163 1270 1292 600 3210 2370 25R 110

1950 2544 1422 1445 800 4900 3740 25R 112


C Travel 68 H Closed H1 L BW-RF L RTJ V V1 Weight RF kg Weight BW kg Figure

2 50

H1 - C


Solid Wedge

0 V1

Class ANSI 2500


Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation on request


VITAS reserves the right to change design without notice

Gate Valves Cryogenic

1 2 3 4

Design construction: API 600 - BS 1873 - BS 6364 Testing according to API 598 - BS 6755 Marking according to MMS SP25 Outside Screw and Yoke (OS&Y) Self aligning gland in two parts Soft seats design on request Welded seats - Flexible wedge Pressure relief hole on wedge Flanges according to: ANSI B16.5 for size 2” to 24” - ASME B16.47 for size >26” Butt Welding Ends according to ANSI B16.25 Lantern ring only on request Suggested bevel gear operator for Gate: DN > 18” Classes 150 - DN > 12” Classes 300 DN > 8” Classes 600 and 900 - DN > 6” Class 1500 DN > 3” Class 2500

Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation on request


VITAS reserves the right to change design without notice

Gate Valves Cryogenic Class ANSI 150 inch mm

2 50

3 80

4 6 100 150

8 200

10 250

12 300

14 350

16 400

18 450

20 500

24 600

30 750




102 152










C travel Hclosed H1 L BW L RF V V1 Weight RF kg Weight BW kg Figure

65 641 216 178 250 31 28 1C 102

90 722 283 203 300 45 40 1C 103

120 824 305 229 300 62 55 1C 104

167 934 403 267 400 103 97 1C 106

223 1099 419 292 500 173 143 1C 108

284 1235 457 330 600 247 251 1C 110

322 1420 502 356 600 355 343 1C 112

367 1630 572 381 800 366 347 1C 114

418 1745 610 406 800 466 461 1C 116

454 1930 2930 660 432 600 689 693 1C 118

510 2130 3210 711 457 600 810 796 1C 120

610 2430 3730 813 508 800 1175 1110 1C 124

740 2892 4390 914 610 80 2433 1C 130

6 150 152 162 1020 403 500 173 148 3C 106

8 200 203 234 1225 419 600 282 248 3C 108

10 250 254 269 1436 457 600 398 343 3C 110

12 300 305 319 1590 2290 502 600 567 492 3C 112

14 350 337 350 1680 2405 762 600 754 646 3C 114

16 400 388 420 1885 2785 838 800 946 841 3C 116

18 450 432 452 2020 2930 914 600 1230 1010 3C 118

20 500 483 530 2230 3230 991 800 1550 1380 3C 120

24 600 584 620 2380 3680 1143 800 2550 2300 3C 124




inch mm

2 50 51 A C Travel 68 Hclosed 655 H1 L BW-RF 216 V 250 V1 Weight RF kg 35 Weight BW kg 28 Figure 3C 102

3 80 76 93 747 283 300 61 52 3C 103

4 100 102 127 848 305 400 89 72 3C 104

Flex Wedge

Class ANSI 600 2 50 51 A C Travel 62 H Closed 719 H1 L BW-RF 292 L RTJ 295 V 300 V1 Weight RF kg 49 Weight BW kg 41 Figure 6C 102

3 80 76 96 844 356 359 400 87 78 6C 103

4 100 102 127 940 432 435 400 143 118 6C 104

6 150 152 170 1065 559 562 600 303 263 6C 106

8 200 200 220 1306 1760 660 664 600 520 436 6C 108

10 250 248 270 1341 1395 787 791 800 860 735 6C 110

12 300 299 330 1548 2220 838 841 600 1048 933 6C 112

14 350 327 350 1840 2590 889 892 600 1455 1325 6C 114

16 400 375 433 1950 2850 991 994 60 1527 1011 6C 116

18 450 419 480 2275 3280 1092 1095 60 2180 1115 6C 118

20 500 464 470 2440 3440 1194 1200 800 2675 1225 6C 120


24 600 559 600 2620 3920 1397 1407 80 4650 3950 6C 124


inch mm

0 V1


Solid Wedge

H1 - C



Class ANSI 300


Class ANSI 900 size

inch mm

2 50

3 80

4 100

6 150

8 200








C Travel 75 Closed 809 H1 L BW-RF L RTJ V V1 Weight RF kg Weight BW kg Figure

97 909 368 371 400 103 82 15D 102

125 1020 470 473 500 185 153 15D 103

150 210 H 1257 1420 - 1490 1670 546 705 832 549 711 841 600 800 600 298 703 1240 264 601 1050 15D 15D 15D 104 106 108

3 80

4 100

6 8 150 200

10 250





146 191


C Travel 95 Closed 869 H1 L BW-RF L RTJ V V1 Weight RF kg Weight BW kg Figure

120 1014 381 384 400 123 114 9D 103

175 1214 457 460 500 212 186 9D 104

220 260 1265 1585 - 1750 610 737 613 740 800 800 425 778 377 677 9D 9D 106 108

Hydraulic, pneumatic or electric actuation on request

Class ANSI 2500

Class ANSI 1500

H 2130 778 841 600 1065 930 9D 110

inch mm


inch mm

2 50

3 80

4 100

6 150






C Travel 68 Closed 880 H1 L BW-RF L RTJ V V1 Weight RF kg Weight BW kg Figure

95 986 491 454 400 188 147 25D 102

97 1015 1230 578 584 300 344 290 25D 103

160 H 1390 1260 1630 673 914 683 927 600 600 530 1305 405 1100 25D 25D 104 106

VITAS reserves the right to change design without notice

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