3 minute read

Nourishing Neighbors Partner Spotlight Giving Kitchen


Our Sysco family of brands leads the way in foodservice when it comes to value, stewardship, and giving. Recent statistics show one in eight people faces hunger in the United States. As the industry leader, we could not sit back without addressing this issue. Sysco is committed to donating $500 million worth of goods by 2025 through volunteer time, product and monetary donations.

With our signature Nouris hing Neighbor s program, we ’re suppor ting or ganizations in our communities that wor k to eliminate hunger and make nutritious foo d available wher e it’s needed most.


Sysco customers who choose Sysco Brand products are supporting Nourishing Neighbors and helping to fi ght hunger in the communities where they live and work.

A portion of the proceeds from each Sysco Brand case sold in our local communities is donated to local charitable organizations. At least 75% of those donations go toward charities that help feed people.


All Sysco’s U.S. and Canada Broadline sites partner with local hunger relief organizations. With dozens of locations across North America, Nourishing Neighbors can signifi cantly impact the fi ght against hunger.

It’s estimated that one in three seniors and one in six children are food insecure – which means they don’t know where their next meal will come from. We’re going to do something about that.

Join us in the fi ght against hunger! Together, we can make a diff erence, one person and one meal at a time.

To learn more about Sysco Corporate Social Responsibility and Nourishing Neighbors, scan this code or go to sysco.com/csr

Nourishing Neighbors Partner Spotlight: Giving Kitchen

Giving Kitchen is building a foodservice community where crisis is met with compassion and care. The organization provides emergency assistance for foodservice workers, focusing on fi nancial assistance to help cover living expenses such as rent or mortgage, utilities, and funeral expenses during times of crisis. They also run Stability Network, a referral program connecting foodservice workers to community resources. Giving Kitchen has provided over $5.5 million in fi nancial aid while serving over 9,000 foodservice workers in crisis. Sysco has been a leading corporate supporter of Giving Kitchen in Atlanta for a number of years. We’ve been proud to grow our support along with their growth and expanded this partnership to Nashville in 2021. Adding up the time, fi nancial support and contributed product, Sysco has donated over $700,000 to support Giving Kitchen since 2014.

The organization provides emergency fi nancial assistance for foodservice workers to help cover expenses such as rent or mortgage, utilities, and funeral costs during times of crisis.

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