Impact of the UK BriberyAct for CEE Investors –Managing Local Advisors& Consultants

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Impact of the UK Bribery Act for CEE Investors – Managing Local Advisors & Consultants Last week the UK Government issued its Guidance on the application of the UK Bribery Act 2010, which will come into force on 1 July 2011. Failure to prevent advisors & consultants The Act is particularly relevant for funds, companies and organizations operating in Central & Eastern Europe as it introduces an offence of ‘failing to prevent brib1 ery’ . This offence covers not only the organization 2 itself, but also those entities ‘associated with’ it 3 including local advisors and consultants. As to the natural defence of ‘it’s normal over there’, the Act is clear that the test of what is expected is ‘a test of what a reasonable person in the United King4 dom would expect’ This short report considers the application of the Act to funds and investors operating in Central & Eastern Europe and the steps that those organizations should take to manage their compliance obligations.

reward is promised directly, or through a third par7 ty. I’m not British and I’m not investing in the UK? The Act applies to individuals ‘closely connected’ to the UK. This includes British citizens, foreign citizens who are ordinarily resident in the UK, and firms and enti8 ties incorporated in the UK. If a person or firm falls into these categories an offence will be committed 9 even if it takes place outside of the UK. As regards the corporate offence of failure to prevent bribery, the Act goes even further: The Act applies to funds, partnerships and companies that are either incorporated in the UK or which carry on a business or part of a business in the UK. Although the courts will be ultimately determine whether an entity carries on business in the UK, if an entity has a business presence in the UK, it is likely to be caught. As regards subsidiaries, the Guidelines to the Act published last week state that ‘having a UK subsidiary will not, in itself, mean that a parent company is carrying on business in the UK’ Penalties Where a fund, company or organization commits an offence its directors and senior officers (where they also have a ‘close connection’ to the UK) 10 may be prosecuted.

The Act Public & Private bribery: The Act makes it an offence if a person promises to give, or gives, a financial or other advantage to another to induce that other person to act improperly or to reward im5 proper performance. The Act applies to both private (commercial) bribery, and bribery of public officials. The offence will be committed even if the promise or reward is given to a different person than the in6 tended beneficiary, and it is immaterial whether the

Navigation for funds & investors in CEE This report focuses on the corporate offence in Section 7 of the Act, being the ‘Failure to Prevent Bribery’ within an organization. In the Guidelines the UK Government states that ‘The objective of the Act is not to bring the full force of the criminal law to bear upon well run organiza-


Section 7 Section 7(1) Section 8(1) 4 Section 5(2) 5 Section 1(2) 6 Section 1(4) 2 3


Section 1(5) Section 12(4) Section (5) 10 Section 14(2) 8 9

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