ANNUAL REPORT 2015 - 2016
Mercado Global envisions a wor ld where all women are empowered to reach their full potential.
By par tner ing with the fashion industr y, we seek to mainstream ar tisansourced goods and make women’s economic empower ment par t of ever yday business pr actices.
MISSION We e mpower i ndi gen o u s wo men to break the cycle of poverty by connectin g th em to international markets, foster i ng sustainable livelihoods, an d pi o n e e r i n g a socially responsible business model wi t h i n t h e f ash io n in d u str y.
T H A N K YO U To our donor s, customer s, retailer s, and par tner s, we are excited to share our 2015-2016 Annual Repor t with you.
In its pages you will read about our impact, progress, and, most impor tantly, stor ies of the incredible women we par tner with.
These successes were made possible by you. Together, we are empower ing women to tr ansfor m their lives, and the fashion industr y to increase its social impact.
Thank you for taking this jour ney with us.
The ar tisan sector is a 32 billion dollar industr y and the secondlargest employer in the developing wor ld after agriculture. Employing women ar tisans is a powerful tool to improve the lives of millions around the wor ld. Women comprise 60 percent of people living in pover ty wor ldwide and make up the majority of the ar tisan sector. We are proud of the role we play in providing women with new income-earning oppor tunities to help them recognize their full potential. We are committed to expanding the possibilities of this sector, one ar tisan at a time, while creating a model that can generate oppor tunities for women across the globe.
“The majority of ar tisans are women, who we know are more likely to invest money back into their families’ health and education, and also more likely to hire other women.” C ATHY RUSSELL U.S. Ambassador for Global Women’s Issues
The complex and intricate ar t of weaving involves many components - people, materials, tools, traditions, and master craftsmanship. United, they have the potential to create fabric that is beautiful, strong, and transformative. RUT H D E GO LI A E xe c u tive D ir ec tor
Our networ k of ar tisans, retail par tner s, donor s, staff, and customer s are all key elements that create the fabric of Mercado Global. Together, we make life-changing wor k possible, creating impact for a talented population that continues to face great barrier s. The potential of the ar tisan sector drives our wor k. As a leader in this field, we are just
E L IZ A B E T H B A I LE Y B o ar d Ch air
beginning to tap into the economic potential of the fashion industr y by forging new par tner ships, enabling us to transform the lives of even more ar tisans and communities.
This year, Mercado Global has
As we continue to weave
woven the threads of new exciting
relationships that enhance the
par tner ships, allowing us to achieve
fabr ic of Mercado Global, we
our dual mission: to empower
remain focused on building
women and shift the fashion
women up to be entrepreneur s,
industr y to be a force for good.
leader s, changemaker s, and role models.
We launched new collabor ations with local NGOs to expand our
Against all odds, our par tner
progr ams and maximize our impact,
ar tisans are showing us time
and began wor king closely with
and time again that when given
fashion industr y executives through
the oppor tunity, they can
our newly-established Fashion
overcome incredible obstacles.
Advisor y Board.
Now twelve year s into this jour ney, we have witnessed the
We also took exciting steps to
tr ansfor mation that can occur
fur ther strengthen the fabr ic of
when women living in pover ty
our wor k through a new domestic
have access to oppor tunity.
mar ket access progr am. This pilot progr am teaches ar tisans new cr afts
Thank you for your par tner ship.
and skills, such as embroider y and
We look forward to continuing our
sewing popular items, like aprons,
jour ney of empower ment together.
for the local mar ket. Sincerely, Paired with tailored tr ainings on pr icing and access to microloans for sewing machines, women are growing their small businesses and are facilitating local economic activity. 8
2015-2016 YEAR IN REVIEW
Held hands-on
Established the Fashion
nutr ition tr ainings and
Advisor y Board (FAB), a
cooking classes as par t of
powerhouse advisor y board
our Community-Based
of eight fashion industr y
Education Progr am,
veter ans and executives that
promoting healthier living.
wor k to fur ther Mercado Global’s br and and business.
JANUARY Hosted a media tr ip in Guatemala that provided an up-close look at life in our ar tisans’ communities with editor s from top magazines and blogs, including Vogue , Ann Street Studio, Honestly WTF, and The Glamour ai.
Er ica Chan Coffman, Executive Editor of Honestly WTF, visiting a MG ar tisan community in Comalapa, Guatemala.
MARCH Continued our long-standing
par tner ship with Anthropologie
Launched a hand-woven
through our Home Collection.
and dip-dye collection with
Began a new par tner ship with
Pamela Love , which was
Gar net Hill to source an exclusive
featured in People , TIME, and
line of handwoven tote bags and
Forbes magazines.
our fir st-ever belts.
APRIL Conducted one of four annual par tner community visits to assess ar tisans’ health and co-create cur r iculum in par tner ship with Case Wester n Reser ve Univer sity School of Medicine doctor s and residents.
WHY MERCADO GLOBAL Home to the ancient Mayan civilization, Guatemala is a countr y r ich in culture and natur al beauty. However, after an almost 40-year long civil war, it remains one of the most unequal and disadvantaged countr ies in the wor ld. Over half of all Guatemalans live in pover ty, with the indigenous population at an even higher r ate of 75 percent living in pover ty. Our model provides an easy way for retailer s to source sustainably and br ing wor k to the communities that need it most, while celebr ating and honor ing the ancient weaving techniques of the women we empower.
DID YOU KNOW? - $360 billion goes to char itable contr ibutions each year, but only In the United States, $360 billion goes to char itable contr ibutions each year, but only 6% goes to inter national
The United Mar kets hold untapped economic potential to dr ive social change .
States GDP is $17 tr illion, with over $2.6 tr illion coming from the retail industr y.
Our three pillar model provides cr ucial development tools for women to break the cycle of pover ty.
C O M M U N I T Y- B A S E D E D U C A T I O N This pillar provides women with a broad offer ing of educational and technical tr ainings centr al to building up their business and leader ship capabilities. The four key areas of our core cur r iculum tr ainings deliver a holistic education for women to improve the lives of their families and communities.
Business Development
and Entrepreneurship
Financial Management
Paired with the core cur r iculum, each cooper ative chooses a technical career tr ack to refine and maximize their skills including: - Floor Loom Techniques with Advanced Designs - Backstr ap Weaving - Advanced Sewing and Embroider y -
C O M M U N I T Y- B A S E D E D U C A T I O N M EET CR IS TOBA L INA Through continued par ticipation in our Community-Based Education Progr am tr ainings, Cr istobalina Colaj Mux has become a respected leader in her community and her cooper ative in Comalapa. She has become an advocate for our progr ams and makes a point to share ever ything she lear ns with all seven of her children. Cr istobalina says she finds the most value in the Women’s Leader ship tr ainings because they instill in her the confidence she never knew she had.
“Ever y day I wake up so thankful for Mercado Global, the work they give me, and the oppor tunity they provided my family. These trainings have taught me about leadership and self-confidence, and I feel more empowered after ever y training.”
MARKET ACCESS Mercado Global takes a unique approach to fighting pover ty through mar ket access by connecting women entrepreneur s in a region with few local mar kets and income-ear ning oppor tunities to the untapped inter national mar ket. We provide ar tisans with the mater ials and suppor t they need throughout the process of creating Mercado Global products, from the highlands of Guatemala to your door step.
R aw Materials
Design Support
Shipping and
Sales, Marketing, and Press
This year, we launched a domestic mar ket access module that teaches ar tisans new cr afts and skills, paired with the financial under standing of costs and pr icing. Ar tisans are now ear ning additional income , becoming more independent, and facilitating local economic activity.
MARKET ACCESS W EL C O ME OUR N EWES T COOPERATI VE Las Cruces San Andres Semetabaj - Tejiendo Conocimiento -
Par tner ing with Mercado Global allows women to realize their full potential. As we expand our reach in Guatemala, we also continue to strengthen our relationships with longstanding par tner cooper atives by providing new progr ams to meet the evolving needs of our ar tisans. Tejiendo Conocimiento tr anslates to Weaving Knowledge . This cooper ative of 20 women joined Mercado Global in 2016 and will be focusing their technical career tr ack on sewing and embroider y.
“I joined a cooperative with Mercado Global to learn new skills that will help me increase my income. My family encourages me and believes my par ticipation can suppor t the community.� RITA MARINA MATZAR LOPEZ Par tner Ar tisan
MARKET ACCESS MEET AP OL ONIA Apolonia Cecilia Canastuj Canastuj from the town of Totonicapan has wor ked with Mercado Global for over eight year s. As a master weaver specializing
With the income from MG order s,
in str ipes, Apolonia has
Apolonia has been able to expand
contr ibuted to ever y Mercado
her own business - a tr aditional
Global collection to date ,
Mayan clothing business that sells
providing key design input and
blouses and skir ts or huipiles and
weaving suppor t for client order s
cor tes.
from Anthropologie to goop. She tr avels to our office to pick up
Cur rently, Apolonia is in the
yar n to weave , and retur ns the
process of taking out a microloan
finished woven fabr ic that will be
so she can get equipment to wor k
sewn into bags.
more efficiently on Mercado Global order s and grow her own
Although it is a long jour ney,
enter pr ise .
she told us, “The trip is always
We are proud of Apolonia as she
wor th it. I am ver y thankful
makes her way as a master ar tisan,
to Mercado Global for their
thr iving in both the inter national
par tnership. The orders have
and domestic mar kets.
helped me increase my income so I can suppor t my children, grandchild, and husband.�
MARKET ACCESS R ETAIL PA RT NER S Our retail par tner s are integr al to our success. New and continued par tner ships give our ar tisans the chance to expand their skill sets and compete like never before on a global scale . Mercado Global retailer s are leader s in the industr y and tr ailblazer s in ethical sourcing. By incor por ating ar tisans into their supply chains, they are tr ansfor ming and paving the way for other retailer s to source ethically and sustainably, lever aging their purchasing power for good.
This year we were proud to add the following retailer s as par tner s:
We would also like to thank our long-standing retail par tner s:
ASSET DEVELOPMENT For women to succeed they need the r ight skills and tools at their disposal. Through our third pillar, the
Loans come in the for m of foot
Asset Development Progr am,
looms, sewing machines, and other
women are educated on
weaving equipment that allow
per sonal and group savings and
women to wor k more efficiently.
how to obtain microloans. Women make monthly loan Per sonal savings are the key to
payments only when they are
financial secur ity. Our savings
receiving MG order s, making it
progr am teaches women how to
a manageable and r isk-free
budget, save , and open savings
investment. All payments are
accounts. Paired with our quar ter ly
cycled back into the loan fund
incentives progr am, we encour age
to help other women receive
women to monitor and increase
access to loans.
their savings. With increased income and savings, We pair savings education with our
women are cover ing self-identified
low-interest microloan progr am
costs like children’s education and
to help women star t their own
healthcare .
small businesses and increase their income .
ASSET DEVELOPMENT MEET L OR EN A Par tner ing with Mercado Global changed Lorena Chiroy Pixtay’s life . At the age of 10, Lorena had to
Dur ing her fir st year with
suppor t her family and dropped
Mercado Global, she took out a
out of school to wor k for 12
loan through the or ganization’s
hour s a day in a small tor tilla
microloan progr am to purchase
stand two hour s from home . At
a sewing machine . Lorena told us,
the age of 20, Lorena was able to
“This machine allows me
join a Mercado Global cooper ative
to earn extra income and help
alongside her mother and wor k
pay for the school fees of my
in her village .
younger brothers and sisters, an oppor tunity I was never
Joining the cooper ative brought a
reliable income and free tr ainings and skills development, allowing
Lorena’s skill and ambition led
Lorena to lear n about topics like
her to her cur rent position as a
leader ship, entrepreneur ship, and
sample maker at Mercado Global’s
per sonal savings.
headquar ter s.
“To think that just three years ago I was working at a tor tilla stand seems like another life. Now when I look to the future it seems so much brighter.”
S I N C E 2 0 0 4 , W E HAV E P ROVI DED:
$3 million
In sales for indigenous ar tisans in Guatemala
Hour s of wor k to indigenous women in Guatemala
Accessor ies such as clutches, bags, and pillows to consumer s on the inter national mar ket
Sales par tner s with oppor tunities to join the ethical sourcing movement
Community-Based Education and technical tr ainings
CHANGEMAKERS B O N NIE CAS HIN F OUN DATI ON The Bonnie Cashin Foundation, founded in honor of revolutionar y and legendar y designer Bonnie Cashin, is elevating Mercado Global as a manufacturer and a leader in the ethical fashion movement.
With generous suppor t from the Foundation for the Design A Difference Progr am, we created the Bonnie Cashion Fellow Design Associate position, essential to design projects with major retailer s like Anthropologie , Gar net Hill, and Pamela Love . This new capacity also allows for the development of product categor ies including a Home and Men’s Collection. With the Foundation’s suppor t, we can continue to create innovative collections and utilize design as a force for positive social change .
Alejandr a Car r illo-Muñoz, Bonnie Cashin Fellow and Design Associate (r ight), wor king with ar tisan Cecilia Ever ilda (left) from the community of San Jorge.
PIMCO F OUNDAT ION The PIMCO Foundation’s mission is to empower people globally to reach their full potential. Over our three-year par tner ship, the Foundation has suppor ted key initiatives focused on financial liter acy and business development. This year, we implemented a new progr am to teach women how to use mobile technology in r ur al communities, about the for mal banking sector, and how to increase per sonal savings. The Foundation’s investment in this progr am helps women increase savings and gain access to financial ser vices, key to their continued empower ment.
Across the board, MG ar tisans are thr iving in compar ison to the national aver age:
of MG ar tisans’ children
of MG ar tisans have a
are enrolled in school.
per sonal bank account.1
35% of children
Only 27% of
are enrolled in
the indigenous
school in Guatemala’s
population have
rural areas .
bank accounts .
of MG ar tisans have
of MG ar tisans are in a leader ship
access to the food
position despite the inequality faced
and nutr ition they need.
in a male-dominated society.
69% of Guatemala’s
Guatemala has the
indigenous population and
four th highest rate
55% of its rural population faces
of gender-motivated
chronic undernutrition.
violence in the world. 5
Over the past two year s, our par tner ar tisans have made impor tant str ides towards financial independence .
of MG ar tisans
of MG ar tisans have repor ted
have a household
saving or saving more since
star ting with Mercado Global.
Compared to only 40% 1
of ar tisans in 2013. 1
Compared to 60% 1
of ar tisans in 2013.
Mercado Global’s Social Impact Assessment 2015 Inter national Fund for Agr icultur al Development’s Rur al Pover ty in Guatemala Repor t 3 The Wor ld Food Progr am’s Countr y Profile - Guatemala 4 The Wor ld Bank’s Wor ld DataBank 5 The Geneva Declar ation
OUR DESIGN PROCESS The Mercado Global design team wor ks closely with ar tisans to design seasonal collections that are sold inter nationally through major retailer s. Each collection star ts in the highlands of Guatemala, where talented women ar tisans hand weave and sew high-quality and mar ket-ready products.
“With our designers and ar tisans working together at the loom, our fabrics and designs are created through an organic par tnership. Ideas come to life and evolve throughout this hands-on process.” MEG KOGLIN Creative Director
“The act of weaving and the fabrics we create represent us. Each pattern tells a stor y about our ancestors.” MARIA VILMA OSORIO Par tner Ar tisan
A CLOSER LOOK D O L OR ES W EEKEN DER SP R I N G / S UMMER 2 0 1 7 COLLECTI ON Each Mercado Global bag touches multiple hands before reaching your s.
2 POUNDS OF STRING provided by MG’s donor-funded r aw mater ials fund
2 FABRIC PATTERNS inspired by ancient Mayan weaving
4 HOURS to weave the product
3 HOURS to sew the bag
3 HOURS to create the tassels Each bag provides a mother with enough income to send her child to school for one month.
EMPOWER THROUGH ACTION Fashion Forward Gala, New York, NY
The 2015 Fashion Forward Annual Gala, our premier New Yor k fundr aising event, was a record-breaking evening, with a total of $150,000 r aised for our progr ams. We honored Padma Lakshmi, Emmy-nominated host and award-winning author with the Fashion Forward Visionar y Award, and The Levi Str auss Foundation and Levi Str auss & Co. with the Global Impact Award.
From left to r ight: Padma Lakshmi, Delia Mendoza, MG Guatemala Programs Director, and Daniel Lee , Executive Director of The Levi Strauss Foundation.
#WomenForward, International
Our annual #WomenForward crowdfunding campaign in celebr ation of Inter national Women’s Day was suppor ted in par t by KIND Snacks. Together we funded our Women’s Rights and Leader ship Progr am for hundreds of Guatemalan women ar tisans. ¡Fiesta! To Support the Women Entrepreneurs of Mercado Global, Portola Valley, CA
This event successfully r aised over $115,000 thanks to our generous suppor ter s. It was an evening of inspir ation and action, r aising funds for business development and entrepreneur ship education and tr aining.
Emilia Tote
Estella Clutch
Matea Weekender
Br and Stor y
Cash Accounts receivable Inventor ies Prepaid expenses Fixed assets Accumulated depreciation Other assets - deposits Total Assets
$55,533 $47,023 $79,920 $24,933 $35,929 (10,075) $3,300 $236,563
$45,082 $91,042 $77,610 $18,367 $28,215 (5,593) $3,300 $258,023
Loans payable - cur rent Accounts payable Accr ued liabilities Fair tr ade sales deposits Total Liabilities
$170,000 $19,161 $5,973 $195,134
Unrestr icted fund balance Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets
$41,429 $41,429 $236,563
$160,000 $14,524 $6,781 $350 $181,655
$76,368 $76,368 $258,023
Contr ibutions and gr ants Progr am ser vice sales Net assets released from tempor ar y restr ictions Total Revenues and Reclassifications
$577,646 $298,131 $875,777
$488,102 $416,269 $10,000 $914,371
Progr am ser vices Suppor ting ser vices Fundr aising ser vices Total Expenditures
$761,638 $69,494 $79,584 $910,716
Total Tempor ar ily Restr icted Net Assets Increase / decrease in net assets Net assets beginning of year Net assets end of year
(34,939) $76,368 $41,429
$776,022 $59,257 $64,913 $900,192
(10,000) $4,179 $72,189 $76,368
Elizabeth Bailey, Board Chair, LCSW and Wr iter Dina Battipaglia, Board Vice-Chair, Co-Founder at DMBT Consulting Melody Har t, Board Treasurer, CPA, CTP, FP&A and Senior Consultant, Strategic Treasurer LLC Jessica Hoffman, Board Secretar y, Associate Director of Development at Baker Botts LLP Rachel Ber g, Par tner at Pr icewaterhouseCooper s Mar ta Bezoar i, Senior Vice President, PIMCO Ruth DeGolia, Executive Director at Mercado Global Mar ilyn Har r ison, Retail Wholesale Consultant Yaz Her nรกndez, For mer Fashion Industr y Executive and Philanthropist Teresa Hohl, Risk Officer at Mar sh Suzanne Kohlber g, Architect Kar ae Lisle , Nonprofit CEO Mar k Swedlund, Mar keting Consultant FASHION ADVISORY BOARD
Dina Battipaglia, Co-Founder at DMBT Consulting Barbar a Fr iedman, Fashion Industr y Professional Mer r ill Greene , Color & Trend Director, Creative Director at Nordstrom Cindy Kr upp, Owner at Kr upp Group Kelly McCor mick, VP Product Development at Nine West Carolyn Sor kin, VP Design at Juicy Couture & Cole Haan Shir a Sue Car mi, Founder at Launch Collective Ann Watson, Chief Mar keting Officer Consultant at Rebecca Minkoff STAFF
Ruth DeGolia, Executive Director Delia Rosar io Mendoza Mendoza, Guatemala Programs Director Meg Koglin, Creative Director Leah Vinton, Community Outreach Director Susana Aguir re , Press Coordinator Molly Bur ns, Community Outreach Coordinator
Alejandr a Car r illo-Muñoz, Design Associate Becky Chr isman, US Operations Manager Rosa Mar ia Cuc , Accountant Lidia García, Guatemala Operations Manager Meaghan Grewal, Design Manager Gr ace Leong, Mar keting and Graphics Manager Andrea Lopez Ixtacuy, Product Control & Reception Auror a Matzár López, Education & Asset Development Program Coordinator Olga Mor ales, Education & Asset Development Program Coordinator Elmer Hemer son Mor ales Velasquez, Patter n Room Manager Sar a Pressman, Institutional Par tner ships Coordinator Elsa Gr icelda Sajvin Cotzal, Inventor y Coordinator Cr istina Sic , Accountant Lilian Xinico, Textile Coordinator Julio Yaxón Peréz, Head Sample Maker and Sewing Tr ainer Caroline Zawadzki, Accountant ANNUAL REPORT TEAM
Gr ace Leong Sar a Pressman
Pamela Blandon Jason Breedlove Jhazmin Calderon Kathr yn Car lino Wendy Castro Dominique Dubois Mar iana Espinosa Estr ada Shannon Gar vey Guiller mo Gutier rez Rhea Hewitt Natalia Hudziak Catalina Jimenez Pr iya Knudsen Ana Molina
Laur a Palantone Kr ista Peder son Leah Richardson Sar ah Rober ts Ailyn Robles Molly Rockhold Ellen Saville Sar a Sher idan Aisatu Sow Katie Tovar Lynn Tsai Debor a Vier a Aur a Leticia Xep Yaxon
MG SUPPORTERS $50,000+ Suzanne Cole Kohlber g Zegar Family Foundation $25,000-$49,999 The Bonnie Cashin Foundation Dining for Women The PIMCO Foundation $10,000-$24,999 Adventures for the Mind Foundation Anonymous All People Be Happy Foundation Elizabeth Bailey Dina Battipaglia Exec-Comm Hands on Tzedakah KIND Snacks Alison and Steve Kr ausz Levi Str auss Foundation Judy and Br ad O’Br ien Mar k Swedlund and Debbie Dobish Char lotte and Har r y Tur ner Family Fund Judy and Alan Zafr an $5,000-$9,999 Rachel Ber g and Andy Hewett Raul and Emilie de Br igard Sallie DeGolia and Mar ty Bronk Nancy and Mar k Duar te Nancy Heinen and Dennis DeBroeck Mar ilyn and Har r y Har r ison Teresa Hohl Kur t and Sue Jagger s Kathr yn M. and Michael Ladr a Por tola Valley School Distr ict Randa Accessor ies Sam and Angela Schillace Tata Accesor ios Globales
$1,000-$4,999 Altr um Honor s Laur a Bachr ach-Prober Jane Balanoff and Jean Emond Jack Battipaglia Jer r y Blake and Susie Kaeser Ginny Borelli Gar y and Clare Brown Ter r i Bullock Cynthia Carey Kelly Chesney Constellation Br ands Joi Deaser Peter and Rachel DeGolia Sar a Dillon Sar ah Dor ahy and Geoff Crouse Holly and Edmond Eger Karen Eicher Kathy and Rober t Feldman Susie Fox Sally Freudenber g Barbar a J. Fr iedman Mar k and Mar ia Geenen Google Global G.L.O.W. Mer r ill Greene Michael and Janet Hanley Ryan Har t Yaz Her nĂĄndez Jessica and Chr istopher Hoffman Iver son Family Fund Samir a Jabbar John Hardy Jack Jor genson and Sallie DeGolia Jor genson
Bob and Laur a Kavanaugh and Family Lucia Kellar Tr acy King and Gar y Magnus Megan Koch
$1,000-$4,999 Steffie Kir schner Br ad Kovaly Cindy Kr upp Lanvin Patti Lee-Hoffmann Shidume Lozada Ellen and Jim Lussier MAC Presents Mar ie Kennedy Foundation Anne McClintock Patti McClung Kelly McCor mick Char les E. Mer r ill, Jr. Michter’s Whiskey Mikel Welch Designs Buff and Cindy Miller Carol Mills and John Eichhor n Nor thwest Geor gia Der matology Peek Family Foundation Ginger Pittman Pistilli Alison L. Poetsch Rosemar y Pr itzker PwC Char itable Foundation Ron Ramies RHE Char itable Foundation Roles-Fleder Fund Elizabeth B . Ross Pat and Jack Royak Kylie Schuyler Cindy and Greg Shove Dr. Jason and Mr s. Chr istin Smith Carolyn Sor kin Jennifer Heyneman Sousae and Will Sousae Stoli Vodka Br andy Stroh Testa Wines of the Wor ld Tamar a Tur ner Jeanne Van Atta and Bill Meckler Stefan K. Lai and Winnie Wan We See Beauty Foundation Henr y and Ivette Webb
$500-$999 Susan and Lar r y Ach Mike and Helen Ar kes Mar y Bar ker Bear Creek Far m Suzanne Becker Bronk and James Bronk Linda and Mike Benevento Lisa Bottom Chr istine Boyd Susan Breyer Alexandr a Bronk Laur ie Chase Shaokao and Niki Cheng The Chew Tr acy Cowper thwaite Bob Culley Elizabeth Capdevielle Dressel Fr ank Dwyer and Janet Corcor an Edwards Ever ything Tr avel Suellen Epstein Susan and Gr ant Evans Allie Fleder Sandy Freudenber g Carol and Victor Gallo Gener al Atlantic Foundation Char lotte Greenough and Alex Kania Michael Havens Chr istine Healey de Casanova Henr i Bendel Mar got Her rer a and Jamie Lawrence Andrew and Karen Hill Bob and Laur ie Hodr ick David and Jessica Hunter I Know the Chef Nancy Isaac Matt Jackson Kate Kavanaugh Patr icia Kavanaugh Elizabeth Marcuse Jessie McClintock Kelly Casey Kohlber g Jane Kores Rober t Ku
$500-$999 Allyson Kume and Tad Uchtman Padma Lakshmi Daniel Lee Sylvia Lichtenger LIM College Laur a Lobdell Jasmine Madavi Make Up Forever Pamela M. McCar thy Paul and Lisa Metselaar Mina D Jewelr y William Mince and Carol Jor genson Mince Jayne and Mar k Mordell Brenda and Greg Munks Mur ad Susan Or r and Fr anklin M. Or r, Jr. Pam Perez Peroni Nastro Azzur ro Denise Petit and Rober t Caplan Michelle and Laurent Philonenko Michelle Phua Mar nie Quinn Laur a Rampe Women Who Whiskey Jessica Sage Kather ine Sanbor n and Philip Hellmuth Mar k and Maureen Sander s Pear l Anne Seipp Gregor y Socha Mar garet Spencer Lisa Stapr ans (Stapr ans Design) Ann Stockwell Dan and Jocelyn Swisher Karen Grove and Julian Cor tella Elizabeth and Roger Toguchi Nancy and Natalie Tuck Sar ah Valdovinos Linda Watanabe Ann Watson Jessica and David Weil Jeffr y Weisman Mir iam Wysoker
$250-$499 Anonymous Nancy Alexander and Phil Ber nstein Mar y Helen Ar mstrong Anna Chr istina Ar vanitis Alessandr a Baker Ar tisan Connect Bank of Amer ica Dr. and Mr s. J. Sumner Bell III Mar y Bellack Lisa C . Ber r y Laur a Bozoian Br ight Funds Foundation Mar ilee Brooks Ryan Byr ne Sharon Casdin Jeanne Choi Mar gie Connelly Nanci Conniff Char les and Kr isti Cor ley Michael Espir itu Patty and Jer r y Evans Sonja Far ley Patr icia Fili Kr ushel Benton Fisher Cr aig and Pam Flower Kit Gage and Steven Metalitz Chantal Gagnon Amy Gallo Gofton Anne-Flore Goldsber r y Jamie Gould and Dale Goffigon Melody Har t and Gar y Benjamin John Paul Hennessy Elizabeth Janopaul Jay Godfrey Eugene Johnson Mar ilyn Ker n Allyson Kume and Tad Uchtman Valer ie Lettan Levi Str auss & Co. Fr ances Lukas Valentina MacKenzie Susan and Mike McLaughlin
$250-$499 Seneida Medina Faye Mellos Melinda Mendelson Nicki Michaels Mor gan Stanley Casper and Helen Offutt Pisco Por ton Ashley Putnam Beatr ice and Kent Putnam Thomas and Linda Putnam Ileana Quinones Judy and Alex Quintana Bill Radin John Rampe Kai Rose Car l Rosen and Josie Yanguas Ron and Carol Ruth Lauren Ryan Victor and Janet Schachter
Heidi and Ellie Schley Meredith Schneider Kate Schneider man Rebecca Simmons Mar yann Smith Bill and Dana Star ling David Stein Ron and Becky Str adiotto Glenn Sutton Sue Ten and Douglas Farber Susan Thomas Tr afalgar Todd Tweedy Katsunor i Ueda Olga Viakhireva Victor ia L. Vinton Thomas Vinton Jane Walker Laur a Webb Marcia Wilson
Donor Spotlight - Laura R ampe -
Mercado Global would like to thank one of our outstanding suppor ter s, Laur a Rampe . Over the past six year s, Laur a has taken incredible steps to suppor t our ar tisans. She attended two insight tr ips to visit our oper ations in Guatemala in 2010 and 2012, seeing fir st-hand the impact of her suppor t. This year, Laur a was instr umental to our 2016 #WomenForward campaign, star ting her own crowdfunding platfor m. She also hosted a special event in her home for suppor ter s in Cleveland, OH. Thank you for your generosity and unwaver ing suppor t!
Mail donations to the address below, or give online at: Mercado Global 254 36th Street Suite C-308, Unit 41 Brooklyn, NY 11232 DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT
Does your company or place of wor k match char itable contr ibutions? Please contact MAKE A PURCHASE
Buy our hand-woven products and suppor t the ar tisans who made them. Shop at FOLLOW US
On social media and sign up for our newsletter. Facebook – /mercadoglobal.or g Twitter – @MercadoGlob Instagr am - @mercadoglobal Pinterest – /mercadoglobal YouTube - /MercadoGlobal1
MERC ADO GLOB AL 254 36th Street, Suite C-308, Unit 41, Brooklyn, NY 11232 www.mercadoglobal.or g