Mercer University Law School

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IN GOOD COMPANY Your success lies in the company you keep—from the classroom to the courtroom to the boardroom


j Your journey to become a Mercer lawyer begins here—getting to know the wonderful people, programs and places that make Mercer Law distinctive among its peers. What distinguishes us from other law schools? The deliberate choice to be smaller than most law schools, the innovative curriculum, the excellent and accessible faculty and staff, and the close-knit culture that makes learning enjoyable and success attainable.

Perhaps these things should be standard among law schools. They aren’t, but we’re nationally recognized for them. This compelling combination of distinguished training, superb teaching, and unmatched support continues to propel Mercer Law School and its students forward. We truly appreciate your interest in Mercer Law School and hope your journey with us through these next few pages compels you to learn more. Get to know us.


your success as a lawyer begins here



people and programs Making the choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 6 the experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 8 redefining success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page13 faculty and staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 16

place living and learning in Macon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 20 student life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 24

practice Mercer law graduates are found here, there and just about everywhere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 27 careers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . page 31

While you’re getting to KnoW us in print, you’ll also haVe MultiMedia indicators throughout these pages that Will direct you to plenty of online inforMation—froM Video interVieWs With students and faculty to a Virtual tour of the caMpus to conVersations on our social netWorKing sites. we hope You Join us online @



people and programs

experienCe anD experienCes


Making the Choice

Most law students have unique factors to weigh when choosing which law school to attend. Often the decision profoundly affects people other than the student. My wife wanted me to attend a school where I had the best chance to succeed and where I would be most comfortable. I naturally wanted to maintain a balance that allowed me to grow professionally but still nurture a strong family. When I visited Mercer the first time, my gut reaction was, “this is where I belong.” The admissions staff, the faculty, and the administration were genuinely committed to my personal success. And Mercer has followed through on its promise to give me what I have needed to be a successful law student. If I had to break it down to three primary factors that influenced my decision to attend Mercer Law, they would be: the nationally recognized and comprehensive Legal Writing Program; my gut reaction and sense of belonging when I visited; and the unwavering support and openness of the faculty and staff. These factors have allowed me to maintain the balance between my professional and personal development that is of paramount importance to me. Law school is a major intellectual, emotional and physical challenge and that is why making sure it is “the right fit” is so important. Mercer, for me, just fit.

By Brian M. Jasper, ’11 George W. Woodruff Scholar



What goes into the decision of which law school to attend?


Approximately 430 students are enrolled at Mercer Law School from across the nation and more than 65 colleges and universities.


By Rizza Palmares ’10 President, Student Bar Association



What really matters once you’re a law student?

Making the connec tion The first year of legal studies is the most rigorous and daunting educational challenge that most of us have ever experienced. Yet, the Mercer legal environment is different, making law school manageable and even enjoyable. This is a law school where you can find students willing to help each other and give moral support. Also, Mercer Law professors continuously offer advice and support, and most even give their cell phone numbers to students. There are always invitations to professors’ homes, offers for home-cooked meals, or just simply a friendly ear for students to talk about their concerns. Another important aspect of law school life is to keep a balance. A student is more productive if he or she is able to take time to relax. The city of Macon is a perfect city to go to law school. Macon does not offer the distractions of a big city but is large enough to provide ample activities. Macon has a nice historic district, outdoor areas, and restaurants for students to enjoy when they need a break.

See and hear more first-person accounts at


j Mercer Law has chosen to be smaller than most law schools. The size creates an educational environment that fosters genuine, meaningful relationships with faculty, staff, fellow students, and Mercer Law alumni.

You will find professors and administrators who consistently keep their doors open, who encourage conversations instead of cutting them off, and who will invite you to their homes. You will find students who respect and challenge one another without being cutthroat. And you will join a vast network of Mercer Law alumni who are bound by common experience and shared success. Get to know us.


Professor Linda Berger is a member of Mercer Law School’s nationally recognized Legal Writing Program, which offers the nation’s only Certificate in Advanced Legal Writing, Research and Drafting.

13 to 1

Student-to-faculty ratio. 32 full-time faculty and 38 adjunct faculty members come from the finest law firms, government agencies and law schools in the nation.

People It is the people of Mercer Law who both challenge and support each other as students become lawyers. The relationships forged during law school become lifelong professional relationships. The supportive community of people committed to your intellectual and professional development will provide the foundation for a career of service and fulfillment. This unusually supportive culture, coupled with innovative curriculum design, has a transformative impact on our students’ professional success and identity. It helps them answer the seemingly easy yet profoundly difficult question, “What kind of lawyer do I wish to become”? Sure, you may think being a corporate, intellectual property or public service lawyer is all you need to consider. Not so. We train our students to not only be the best technically trained lawyers, but also the best ethically astute ones amid a profession where ethical dilemmas abound. And this is precisely the kind of lawyers employers want to hire.

programs The integration between our supportive environment and our innovative curriculum is seamless and significant. Law school provides a foundation upon which lawyers build successful careers and meaningful lives. At Mercer Law, that foundation includes rigorous intellectual training anchored by nationally recognized programs in legal writing, ethics and professionalism, and public service. These curricular experiences are enhanced by 26 student organizations, superior moot court and mock trial programs, and the Mercer Law Review.


Legal Writing Program Mercer Law’s Legal Writing Program prepares students with the essential legal research and writing skills they need to be prepared to practice right after graduation. Today, we’re proud to have the nation’s preeminent Legal Writing Program and to serve as the host school for the Legal Writing Institute, a national organization for legal writing experts. We offer more courses in the essential skills of legal research and writing than most law schools and the nation’s only Certificate in Advanced Legal Writing, Research, and Drafting. Employers recognize that when they hire a Mercer Law graduate, they are hiring a lawyer who is highly trained in these skills. Mercer Law’s Moot Court program is among the Top 20 in the nation, based on our record of wins in national competition.

Mercer Law’s Legal Writing Program has been ranked first or second in the nation every year. We offer the nation’s only Certificate in Advanced Legal Writing, Research, and Drafting.

Ethics and Professionalism Mercer Law was the first law school in the nation to offer a first-year course in legal ethics and professionalism in addition to the required course in legal ethics taught at every law school. Why? Because our faculty believed that future lawyers needed to understand the ethical and professional obligations of being a lawyer from the beginning of their legal education. Today, we continue to embrace this notion, offering the most progressive ethics and professionalism program in the nation, so that you learn through both classroom and practical experiences how to be an ethical lawyer. Law and Public Service Program Almost half of Mercer Law students participate in clinical training through our Law and Public Service Program, which is ranked No. 6 in the nation. Students work on real cases and gain the practical skills they need once they graduate. For example, students in the Habeas Project help to represent people who have been wrongfully imprisoned, offering a legal lifeline that could lead to a new trial.





transforMatiVe “i am not sure where to begin. the law and public service program has completely transformed and guided my aspirations in the legal field. Were it not for this program i would not know how much joy one can have from working.” — ashley deadwyler, ’10, equal justice Works fellow, 2010-2012

See and hear praCtiCal experienCe “The experience from these programs has been invaluable. There is too little emphasis on the practical experience of law in many academic environments, but with the public service programs available here at Mercer, I was able to learn the basics of the law I want to practice. ” — Adam Younker, ’10

Hear why Brittany Flowe says Mercer Law has the best curriculum. “Mercer trains you to hit the ground running.”

Hear what Bowen Reichert has to say about student life. “…willing to help you grow as an attorney.”



Client-reaDY “Each legal writing course offers multiple opportunities to receive individualized feedback and to revise work. With small classes ranging from six students to 30, students receive personal attention to gain confidence in legal writing so that Mercer Law graduates are client-ready. ” — Karen Sneddon, Associate Professor

what our students are saying about their experience and experiences at Mercer Law school in the video gallery at

a learninG aDVenture “Law can seem abstract, but it plays out in the lives of real people. At Mercer, law’s human side is reflected in the way students and faculty study law together— with mutual respect in a learning adventure together that’s sometimes serious and sometimes playful, but almost always memorable.” — Dave Oedel, Professor


Hear what Courtney Ferrell has to say about professors. “… like a big family …”


By Mercer laW proFessor Chris Wells



rEdEfining SuccESS For Mercer lawyers, law is not simply a way to make a living but rather a way to make a life. If you want a career that demands mastery of knowledge and skills in the service of others, you might have what it takes to become a Mercer lawyer. Mercer Law’s mission is not just to teach students law. It is to teach students the skills and practical sense to become excellent lawyers, and that requires much more than learning a trade or passing exams. It requires students—future lawyers—to develop their knowledge and abilities fully so they may improve the justice system, serve clients selflessly, and advance the ideals of the profession. Many years ago, Mercer decided to chart a new course in legal education. Traditionally, legal education had emphasized legal doctrine and legal theory. Law graduates did not expect to find out where the courthouse was, how to counsel a client or how to write an appellate brief until after law school. Mercer saw over 20 years ago that too many lawyers never really learned how to practice law. Mercer resolved that no Mercer lawyer would enter the profession without a solid grounding in skills, including research, analysis, and communication skills. It is those skills that lawyers draw upon every day of their careers. Mercer’s award-winning Woodruff Curriculum took the lead among law school curricula across the country in implementing skills training for all students. Mercer’s legal writing (research, analysis, written and oral advocacy) and trial practice programs still lead the nation. Justice Sandra Day O’Connor might have had Mercer Law School in mind when she said that as professionals, lawyers must have a “commitment to develop one’s skills to the fullest and to apply that responsibility to the problems at hand.”


20 years

More than 20 years ago, Mercer resolved that no Mercer lawyer would enter the profession without a solid grounding in practical legal skills.

Augustus, quod lascivius matrimo nii incredibiliter libere adquireret vix quinquen nalis rures, etiam chi rographi cirtoam cumgredie.

Mercer Law’s leadership in curricular innovation has continued. Good lawyers hold themselves to the highest standards of conduct. Mercer’s approach to teaching ethics and professionalism was recognized in 2005 by the American Bar Association with a national award for innovation and excellence. Our unique approach to introducing first-year students to the ethical challenges that lawyers face has become a national model and will prepare you to be the kind of lawyer you want to be and that the world needs. In a groundbreaking recent study of legal education, The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching pointed out the importance of integrating the knowledge, skills, and ethical components of becoming a lawyer. Mercer has been leading the way in providing just this kind of legal education and will continue to do so. We agree with the authors of the study that “the calling of legal education is a high one—to prepare future professionals with enough understanding, skills and judgment to support the vast and complicated system of the law needed to sustain the United States as a free society worthy of its citizens’ loyalty.”

Professor Wells has been a member of the Mercer Law School faculty for 20 years. He received his undergraduate degree from Grinnell College and his law degree from the University of Iowa College of Law. He teaches business associations, securities regulation, contracts, introduction to counseling, and corporations law. He is chair of the Admissions Committee.



facult y and staff


Mercer Law faculty continue to rank among the most accessible and effective teachers by the Princeton Review.


Their Experience Becomes Your Expertise


Monica Armstrong, Assistant Professor LL.M., University of Florida College of Law J.D., North Carolina Central University School of Law B.A., University of North Carolina Anthony R. Baldwin, Professor J.D., Harvard University Law School B.A., Boston University Linda Berger, Professor J.D., Case Western Reserve University B.S., University of Colorado Theodore Y. Blumoff, Professor Ph.D., Saint Louis University J.D., Washington University School of Law A.M., Saint Louis University B.S., Saint Louis University Suzanne L. Cassidy, Professor, Director, Law Library J.D., Mercer Law School M.S., Florida State University A.B., University of Georgia Joseph Epps Claxton, Professor J.D., Duke University School of Law A.B., Emory University John O. Cole, Professor J.D., University of Pennsylvania School of Law M.A., Indiana University A.B., Duke University Richard W. Creswell, Professor J.D., Vanderbilt University B.A., Emory University Deryl Dantzler, Tommy Malone Distinguished Chair in Trial Advocacy, Dean of National Criminal Defense College J.D., Mercer Law School A.B., Mercer University James P. Fleissner, Professor J.D., University of Chicago Law School B.A., Marquette University Daisy Hurst Floyd, University Professor of Law and Ethical Formation J.D., University of Georgia Law School M.A., Emory University B.A., Emory University Timothy W. Floyd, Professor, Director of Law & Public Service Program J.D., University of Georgia Law School M.A., Emory University B.A., Emory University Sarah Gerwig-Moore, Associate Professor J.D., Emory University Law School M.T.S., Emory University B.A., Mercer University Oren Griffin, Associate Professor Ph.D., University of Iowa J.D., Washington and Lee M.A.E., University of Northern Iowa B.S., Southern University at New Orleans David Hricik, Professor J.D., Northwestern University School of Law B.A., University of Arizona

tdrawer op Linda Jellum, Associate Professor J.D., Cornell University School of Law B.A., Cornell University Stephen M. Johnson, Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs LL.M., George Washington Law School J.D., Villanova University School of Law B.S., Villanova University Mark L. Jones, Professor LL.M., University of Michigan Law School M.A., Oxford University B.A., Oxford University Harold S. Lewis Jr., Walter F. George Professor J.D., Stanford University Law School B.A., Columbia University Patrick E. Longan, Professor, William Augustus Bootle Chair in Ethics and Professionalism J.D., University of Chicago Law School M.A., University of Sussex A.B., Washington University David G. Oedel, Professor J.D., Boston University School of Law B.A., Haverford College Suzianne D. Painter-Thorne, Associate Professor J.D., University of California, Davis B.A., University of Maryland David T. Ritchie, Associate Professor Ph.D., University of Oregon J.D., Howard University School of Law LL.M., Beasley School of Law at Temple University B.A., Cleveland State University Michael D. Sabbath, SBLI/W. Homer Drake Jr. Endowed Chair in Bankruptcy Law Professor LL.M., Columbia University School of Law J.D., Emory University School of Law B.A., University of Wisconsin Jack Lee Sammons Jr., Griffin B. Bell Professor J.D., University of Georgia Law School M.A.T., Antioch School of Law B.A., Duke University Jennifer Sheppard, Associate Professor J.D., Capital University Law School B.A., Ohio University Karen Sneddon, Associate Professor J.D., Tulane Law School B.A., Louisiana State University Scott Titshaw , Assistant Professor L.L.M., Universit채t, Hamburg, Germany J.D., University of Georgia B.A., Georgetown University J. Shand Watson, Professor LL.B., University of Edinburgh, Scotland LL.M., University of Illinois D. Christopher Wells, Associate Professor J.D., University of Iowa College of Law B.A., Grinnell College Virginia Redding Williams, Associate Professor LL.M., Boston University School of Law J.D., Hastings College of Law M.Ed., Emory University B.A., Emory University



Gary J. Simson, Dean and Macon Chair in Law J.D., Yale Law School B.A., Yale College

senior administration

Chris Bombardo, Director of Information Technology J.D., Michigan State University College of Law B.A., Michigan State University Patsy Crammer, Registrar B.A., Mercer University Michael S. Dean, Assistant Dean for Administration and Finance Ph.D., Southern Illinois University M.B.A., Southern Illinois University B.S., Southern Illinois University Mary Donovan, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs J.D., Emory University School of Law B.A., Dartmouth College David Hefner, Director of Communications and Marketing M.S., University of Tennessee, Knoxville B.A., Morehouse College Hope Liipfert Martin, Director of Career Services J.D., Mercer Law School B.A., University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Michael Mattox, Director of Law School Development J.D., Emory University School of Law B.A., Stetson University Stephanie D. Powell, Director of Financial Aid, Assistant Director of Admissions J.D., Mercer Law School B.A., Oglethorpe University Marilyn Sutton, Assistant Dean for Admissions and Financial Aid J.D., Mercer Law School B.B.A., Mercer University

professional librarians

Denise M. Gibson, Assistant Law Librarian for Research Services J.D., Nova Southeastern University Law School M.L.S., Florida State University B.A., State University of New York at Buffalo Ismael Gullon, Associate Law Librarian for Collections and Technical Services M.L.S., Florida State University B.A., Bob Jones University John Perkins, Reference Services Librarian J.D., University of North Dakota M.L.S., University of Iowa A.B., University of Chicago James P. Walsh, Reference Services Librarian J.D., Northern Kentucky University M.L.S., Dominican University B.S., University of Minnesota



the CaMpus anD CitY—where learninG anD liVinG are in sYnCh

At Mercer Law, you will find a law school that is self-contained in a beautiful, four-story building that was designed as a reproduction of Independence Hall, the historic location in Philadelphia, Pa., where the Declaration of Independence was debated, adopted and signed. Mercer Law is one of America’s oldest law schools. The law school building sits atop Coleman Hill overlooking downtown Macon and is a picturesque icon of Mercer’s rich tradition.

p the law school facility is totally wireless and houses the newly renovated student lounge and Café. as a student

here, you will take advantage of the facility and amenities provided not only by the law school but also by Mercer university, located just blocks from the law school.



people and programs


‘An awesome experience’ “I worked at Georgia Legal Services in Macon the summer after my 2L year as a Dan Bradley Fellow. It was an awesome experience, and I learned a lot. I was able to be admitted to practice under the 3rd Year Practice Act and represent clients in the courtroom and in administrative unemployment hearings. It was truly an unbelievably helpful and informative experience.” — David Gram, ’10


macon a cit y where the living is easy City of Macon Macon is a beautiful and historic southern city located in central Georgia about 80 miles south of Atlanta. It’s home to four postsecondary institutions: Mercer University, a comprehensive university with 11 colleges and schools, including a medical school and Mercer Law School; Macon State College; Wesleyan College, the nation’s first chartered college for women; and Central Georgia Technical College. Macon offers a wide variety of shopping, dining, employment, athletic, and entertainment opportunities. A short trip from Macon are the beautiful Smoky Mountains of north Georgia and the islands and beaches of the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. The quality of life in Macon is reflected in its affordable cost of living, close-knit community, and active lifestyle. Each year, events like Mercer Law’s James Rehberg Golf Tournament, the Cherry Blossom Festival, the Georgia Music Week Festival, First Friday events, the Celebrity Golf Tournament, and the Taste of Downtown attract law students, residents, and visitors nationwide. And venues like the Music City Hall of Fame, Georgia Sports Hall of Fame, the Museum of Arts and Sciences, the Harriet Tubman African American Museum, and the Ocmulgee National Monument are proud reminders of Macon’s place in American history.


Macon offers more than many cities of similar size: from live entertainment to great restaurants and shopping to beautiful recreational venues.


With Atlanta just 80 miles away, Mercer Law students can also enjoy the vast array of activities of a metropolitan city.

Take a tour

with our virtual tour online at

For outdoor enthusiasts, Macon and the surrounding area provide limitless outlets for outdoor recreation and leisure, including the Ocmulgee River Greenway, Lake Tobesofkee, riding stables, mountain bike trails and a dozen golf courses. And Macon offers museums devoted to art, architecture, history, astronomy, music and athletics. With county, state and federal courts, as well as many private law firms, Macon provides Mercer Law students a full-range of opportunities needed to prepare for a career in any field of law, anywhere in America. The vast professional opportunities in Atlanta—one of the nation’s most exciting metropolitan cities and the legal epicenter in the Southeast—offer Mercer Law students and graduates many internships and employment options.



student life


j It’s hard to imagine a law school with a more robust student-life atmosphere.

From the absolutely serious to the downright fun, Mercer Law students work and play with a purpose that feeds both their heads and their hearts. life with purpose And often the work they do benefits people other than themselves. Like the annual auction by Mercer’s Association of Women Law Students that raises thousands of dollars each year for local charities. Or the annual scholarship funds raised each year by Mercer’s Black Law Students Association to support local high school students aspiring to become lawyers. Or the conservation and recycling efforts by the Environmental Law Society to help promote sustainable living. And then there’s the jaw-dropping student Talent Show sponsored by Phi Alpha Delta and BLSA that leaves students amazed by their classmates’ extraordinary versatility. With more than 26 student organizations, the list of student activities is extensive: from guest speakers to golf tournaments to black-tie and gown socials. The Student Bar Association facilitates many of the student activities. SBA officers are the studentelected representatives of the law school. The SBA provides a number of opportunities to work with administrators and faculty to advance Mercer Law, as well as assist the surrounding community. Each year, the SBA works with Habitat for Humanity to build a home for a needy Macon resident. The Mercer Law Review is another signature aspect of student life at Mercer Law. Founded in 1949, the Mercer Law Review is the oldest continually published law review in Georgia. The law review is edited and published by some of Mercer Law School’s top students, who sponsor the annual Law Review Symposium attended by legal scholars from across the country.

The quality of life in Macon is reflected in its affordable cost of living, close-knit community, and active lifestyle. Many Mercer Law students live in the historic downtown Macon district, just blocks from Mercer Law School.


Mercer Law’s Advocacy Program Mercer Law School’s moot court and mock trial advocacy programs are among the best in the nation, providing students with the kind of experiential learning that cannot be replicated. Cemented by our preeminent legal writing program, Mercer Law students participate in as many as 20 advocacy competitions a year: from New York to California, from Delaware to the Carolinas. The advocacy programs—led by the student-run Mercer Advocacy Council—are critical components of our training of future lawyers who are prepared to practice immediately after graduation. Mercer Law students have won moot court national competitions in each of the last four years. And, in 2009, a Mercer team won the prestigious ABA National Criminal Justice Trial Advocacy Competition, beating Harvard Law School in the semi-final round.




our aluMni are here anD there‌ Just aBout eVerYwhere


By Attorney Quentin “Que” Lynch, ’08, George Woodruff Scholar Holland & Knight, Atlanta, Ga.

good l awyering I entered Mercer Law School after nearly six years in banking. Because of my work experience, I did not believe I needed the professional primer that many law schools provide. Beyond the technical skills represented by the J.D., I thought I had about three-fourths of the intangibles already in place.

first person

I quickly discovered, however, that particularly good lawyering requires much more than deftness and an understanding of the inter workings of corporate America. I found that excellent lawyers are composed of more refined substance. The great lawyers seem to pursue their careers as though guided by an internal compass, calibrated to the frequency of fundamental fairness yet tempered by practical considerations in the application of the law. The aforementioned attributes are central traits of a Mercer lawyer. Take, for example, Chief Judge Yvette Miller of the Georgia Court of Appeals and the late Griffin Bell, former U.S. Attorney General under the Carter Administration. Some may say, these attributes can be found in most lawyers, Mercer Law grads or otherwise. I disagree. I find it rare that students graduate from law school with such an orientation, though many probably acquire it over time. I was uniquely prepared for the practice of law upon graduation, because Mercer’s culture and curriculum emphasized fundamental fairness and practical application in addition to theory. At Mercer Law, you are not only taught why and what the law is, but how to equitably apply the law in the modern world. Sure, you will be introduced to the core subjects every attorney should know at nearly any law school: the rudiments of contract law, tort law, property law, criminal law and civil practice. However, at Mercer Law, the way you are taught and the spirit of the environment in which you are taught make the difference.


In December 2008, Judge Sara Doyle, a 1994 Mercer Law graduate and former partner with Holland & Knight in Atlanta, Ga., was elected to the Georgia Court of Appeals, becoming one of four women on the 12-member state appellate court. Doyle joined two other Mercer Law School alumni on the court: Chief Judge M. Yvette Miller, ’80, and Judge A. Harris Adams ’71. “I always knew I wanted to pursue a position in the judiciary,” Judge Doyle says. Like so many other Mercer Law graduates, Doyle attributes her success as a lawyer and judge to her legal training at Mercer Law. “Going to Mercer was the key to my success,” Judge Doyle says. “The heavy emphasis Mercer Law School puts on the legal writing program, which is what they do in the court of appeals, is highly valuable. It prepares you to be a great lawyer and a great judge.”

Judge Sara Doyle ’94 Georgia Court of Appeals, Atlanta, Ga.


By aTTorney cullen ShePPard, laW ’01 u.S. dePartMent of hoMeland Security, caStle Point, ny

first person

My moot court experience at Mercer Law School served as my most significant source of preparation for my roles in the U.S. Army as a prosecutor, defense counsel, spokesperson for the Abu Gharib prosecution team, assistant professor at the U.S. Military Academy, and now as an assistant chief counsel with the Department of Homeland Security. During preparation for moot court competition, I, along with my teammates, had the pleasure of being questioned daily by guest judges comprised of local judges, attorneys, professors and fellow law students. This daily challenge sharpened my ability to provide effective oral argument and serves as the foundation of my law career. No doubt this skill, learned and enhanced at Mercer Law, helped me to field tough media questions during the Abu Gharib prison scandal. I definitely drew upon my moot court experience while arguing to military judges and panels. I was able to use the skills I learned at Mercer Law to effectively communicate to my most difficult and challenging audience to date, cadets at West Point. More recently, in my transition to civilian practice, I continue to build upon the strong foundation provided by Mercer Law as I represent the United States during various proceedings. I am thankful for the investment I made in Mercer Law, but I am even more grateful for the investment Mercer Law made in me.



preparing to practice Mercer Law alumni have a national presence in dozens of careers. They serve in political offices and leadership positions. Alumni engage in corporate, litigation, intellectual property, real estate, labor, international, criminal, entertainment, and environmental law practices in a variety of practice settings. They serve as in-house counsel for corporations and as counsel for local, state and federal agencies, including the United States military. Mercer Law alumni are also actively engaged in advocating on behalf of the most vulnerable individuals in our nation. Our Career Services Office is committed to assisting students explore career possibilities and providing resources to help students secure employment opportunities during and after law school. The office provides one-on-one counseling, workshops, seminars, publications, a career resource library, online resources, guest speakers and other resources that help students develop job-search strategies and skills. The Career Services Office is also a resource for employers seeking to recruit candidates for permanent positions, summer jobs and part-time employment throughout the school year. The Office sponsors several events for students to connect with potential employers, including On-Campus Interview (OCI) programs held each fall and spring. Through OCI, legal employers visit the law school to conduct interviews for summer and entry-level associate positions. But our Career Services Office does not wait on employers to come to us. Led by an aggressive team of professionals with Juris Doctor degrees and practice experience, our career staff actively participates in job fairs across the nation, including in the Southeast region and the State of Georgia. And for students seeking unique employment opportunities outside of a law firm environment, our Career Services Office provides information about various internships available locally, regionally and across the nation.



Learned So Much “I worked at Georgia Legal Services (GLS) through the public interest practicum during the second semester of my second year. I learned so much in such a short time. … Most importantly, I learned how matters which may seem trivial to some, considering all of the ‘big’ issues that arise in private or corporate practice, are extremely important to real people in their everyday lives.” — Falen O. Cox, ’10

With more than 5,000 living alumni all over the country and in virtually every legal arena, the Mercer Law name has a long and enduring track record for producing excellent lawyers. TO DO

samples of Workshops & Presentations

Career Services 1L Orientation Federal Judicial Clerkship Seminar with professor advisors Federal and State Judicial Clerkship Seminar with local federal and state court clerks Mock Interviews Interview Preparation Panel Seminar with 3Ls Dining Etiquette Seminar Hiring Attorney Seminar

Dress for Success Seminar with 3Ls Resume Workshops Patent Bar Presentation Kimm Walton 1L Seminar “Guerrilla Tactics for Getting the Legal Job of Your Dreams” Careers in the FBI Presentation Employment Law Seminar by the American Bar Association Section of Labor and Employment Law Atlanta Legal Recruitment Association Employment Forum


Career Day - Panel of legal professionals Successful Summer Seminar with 3Ls LLM Programs Seminar with Mercer Tax Law Society Department of Justice Presentation 2L Class Meeting/Symplicity Training U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Legal Honors Program Presentation Career Advice from Mercer Alumni – Mercer Alumni Association Board of Directors

Selective Admissions

Application Requirements


Applicants must have completed a bachelor’s degree prior to law school enrollment. Applicants must take the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT). Mercer Law School accepts test scores for up to 3 years. Although we will accept the February LSAT, we encourage all students to take one of the earlier exams so your application is completed in a timely manner. Applicants must register with the LSAC Credential Assembly Service at You must have a separate transcript sent to LSAC from each undergraduate and graduate institution you have attended. Applicants must electronically complete and certify the application and pay the nonrefundable $50 application fee by credit card through LSAC at Applicants must submit a personal statement. The personal statement provides prospective students an opportunity to share their perspective on a number of specified topics. Please refer to the application for specific information regarding the personal statement requirement and topics to be discussed.


As a top provider of legal education, admission to Mercer Law School is selective. Each year, many highly qualified college graduates apply for a limited number of seats in the first-year class. Our admissions process aims to select from the applicant pool students who will contribute to our academic community during their three years of legal education and, ultimately, to society and the legal profession. At Mercer Law School, we consider the following factors for admissions: • LSAT score • Cumulative undergraduate grade-point average • Letters of recommendation • Personal statement • Contributions to undergraduate campus or community through service and leadership • Military service • Strength of an applicant’s undergraduate or graduate curriculum • Grade trend • Work experience • Significant achievement in extracurricular activities in undergraduate school We accept applications between September 1 and March 15 from prospective students wishing to begin their studies in the fall semester. Acceptance and scholarship decisions begin in December. Applicants are encouraged to complete their application by January 1 in order to receive the timeliest consideration. All transfer and transient applications should be received by July 1.


Applicants must have letters of recommendation. Arrange for at least two professors or employers to write letters of recommendation. Please use the Letter of Recommendation Service provided by LSAC. Mercer Law School requires that foreign transcripts be submitted through LSAC JD Credential Assembly Service. If you completed more than one year of postsecondary work outside the U.S. (including its territories) or Canada, you must use this service for the evaluation of your foreign transcripts. This service is included in the LSDAS subscription fee. A Foreign Credential Evaluation will be completed by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, which will be incorporated into your LSDAS report. Applicants whose native language is not English, and whose undergraduate education is from outside the U.S., are required to submit a Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score. If this applies to you, you must contact the Educational Testing Service (ETS) and request that your TOEFL score be sent to LSAC. Your score will be included in the Foreign Credential Evaluation document that will be included in your LSDAS report.

Transfer and Transient Students

The application deadline to apply as a transfer applicant is July 1. Applications will be reviewed as received, and applicants will be considered for acceptance based on their credentials and seat availability. Applicants completing their application after July 1 will be considered only if there is seat availability. Transfer applicants should be in the top half of their class. Mercer Law School will only accept credit earned at another ABA-accredited law school. We will accept credit for courses when the grades received equal or exceed the graduation average required by the school where the student has taken the courses. When we accept credit for courses taken at another school, the grades will be recorded as “S” and will not be computed into a student’s grade-point average at Mercer Law School. In addition to meeting the other requirements for graduation, transfer students must complete at least four semesters at Mercer Law School. No more than two semesters of academic credit can be transferred from schools that are not members of the Association of American Law Schools.

Transfer candidates must submit the following:

• Application for admission. The application is available online at • $50 non-refundable application fee. Please submit through LSAC at • An updated LSDAS report. You must be currently registered with LSAC Credential Assembly Service. • Class rank from your current law school • Two letters of recommendation • Personal statement, including a statement of the reason for the proposed transfer

• A letter of good standing from the academic dean at your current law school • An official transcript, sent directly to our Office of Admissions, reflecting law courses/grades received •

If accepted as a transfer student, an official undergraduate transcript must be sent directly to our Office of Admissions, confirming your undergraduate degree.

Transient (Visiting) candidates must submit the following:

• Application for admission. The application is available at • $50 non-refundable application fee. Please submit through LSAC at • An updated LSDAS report. You must be currently registered with LSAC Credential Assembly Service. • A letter approving visiting status from your academic dean • A letter of good standing from the academic dean at your current law school • An official transcript, sent directly to the Office of Admissions, reflecting law courses/grades received • Two letters of recommendation • Personal statement, including a statement of the reason for the proposed transient status

Financial Aid

More than 80 percent of Mercer Law students receive some amount of financial assistance. We will make every effort to assist students with obtaining the aid they need to attend law school. The aid may be in the form of


merit scholarships, Direct Subsidized or Direct Unsubsidized Stafford loans, Direct Graduate PLUS loans, alternative private loans, workstudy assignments, vocational-rehabilitation benefits, and other programs. Mercer Law School’s priority deadline for receipt of financial aid applications is April 1. Applicants should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) after January 1. For more information, please go to

George W. Woodruff Scholarship Four members of the entering class are designated George W. Woodruff Scholars. This prestigious scholarship covers tuition as well as a $5,000 annual stipend for books and living expenses. To be considered for this scholarship, your Woodruff Scholarship and admissions applications must be completed and received by February 1. For more information and to obtain a copy of the scholarship application, visit our Web site at

We encourage you to contact the Admissions Office if you have questions or would like to arrange a visit. Mercer Law School Office of Admissions 1021 Georgia Avenue Macon, Georgia 31207 478-301-2605 1-800-342-0841, ext. 2605 inside Georgia 1-800-637-2378, ext. 2605 outside Georgia

fast facts

some essentials about Mercer law school at a glance

profiLE founded: 1873; one of

america’s oldest law schools

Location: Macon, georgia university affiliation: Mercer university

School name:

walter f. george School of Law


nationally accredited by the american bar association; first aba-accredited law school in the State of georgia

nationally recognized programs:

Legal writing; Ethics and professionalism; Moot court and Mock trial advocacy; public Service Law

host Law School for:

Legal writing institute; national criminal defense college


approximately 430 students

acadEMic profiLE degree granted:

J.d. (doctor of Jurisprudence)

dual degree program:

J.d./Mba (Master of business administration)


advanced Legal writing, research, and drafting corporate finance practice Management

clinical programs:

habeas project Judicial field placement public defender clinic public interest practicum Summer Externship


j Your journey to become a Mercer lawyer begins here—getting to know the wonderful people, programs and places that make Mercer Law distinctive among its peers. What distinguishes us from other law schools? The deliberate choice to be smaller than most law schools, the innovative curriculum, the excellent and accessible faculty and staff, and the close-knit culture that makes learning enjoyable and success attainable.

Perhaps these things should be standard among law schools. They aren’t, but we’re nationally recognized for them. This compelling combination of distinguished training, superb teaching, and unmatched support continues to propel Mercer Law School and its students forward. We truly appreciate your interest in Mercer Law School and hope your journey with us through these next few pages compels you to learn more. Get to know us.


1021 Georgia Avenue | Macon, GA 31207








Ready for more? Go to: 478-301-2605 1-800-342-0841 inside ga 1-800-637-2378 outside ga
















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