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Good luck from all the teachers
Congratulations girls for making it to the end of year 6! It was an absolute pleasure teaching you up until the birth of my Ollie and I really miss you! I know you’re all going to thrive at senior school; make sure you keep up your positive and hardworking attitudes to everything you do. Keep in touch and best of luck with everything. I know you’ll all be amazing.
- Mrs Gilroy
Good luck year 6, I will miss teaching you. Carry on being brilliant! I look forward to hearing great things about you in the future. Enjoy your time at senior school.
- Mrs Coughlan
Good luck! Have a fantastic time at the senior school and all the best for the future, you are all superstars x
- Mrs Wynne
Best of luck to the whole of year 6. Always remember, aim high, dream big and fly!
- Mrs Owen
To Year 6 – Good luck and enjoy your future senior years – make the most of every opportunity and come back and see us anytime!
- Mrs Thomson (the office lady)