Merchistonian Newsletter

December 2024
The School is currently rather quiet, as the boys and staff left for the festive break and the occasion of sharing festive wishes, seems to be the perfect backdrop for the return of our monthly Merchistonian Newsletter
Things have been really busy at Merchiston and we are, as always, grateful to all of you who take the time to get in touch and share with us news and announcements from the Merchistonian world This enables us to continue producing this monthly update and it is truly fascinating to hear your stories and find out more about our Community, which is well and truly spread all over the world Please continue to send your news and updates to the Merchistonian office, by emailing merchistonians@merchiston.co.uk .
We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a joyous festive season and a great start to the New Year.
We hope to see many of you at School Events and Reunions in 2025 and thank you very much for all your continued support.
Merchistonian Magazine
It had been brought to our attention that the original link to this year’s edition of the Merchistonian Magazine is no longer working properly
A second mailshot with the link has been sent, however if you have missed it, here is a refresher of the link to the publication Click here to read
If you are a Merchistonian planning a Class Reunion, please do get in touch with the office at merchistonians@merchiston co uk We can assist with the organisation and communication We can also liaise with the School’s Leadership Team about dates and staffing for your Reunion
Please note that Reunions can often take some time to finalise, especially if you have a lot of class members who currently live abroad. Please consider starting the planning process early to ensure maximum participation, especially if you are planning to hold your event as a particularly busy time in the School calendar.
School News
For the latest round-up of our School News, please visit our School website here
Merchiston finishes Runner-Up in the Schools Rugby Cup Final
Earlier this month our 1XV Rugby faced off against Stewart Melville College for the top spot in this year’s Rugby Schools Cup Final It was a very tough and close game until the very end and ESMS came out on top
Find out more about the match details and post-match commentary from Mr Deans, via our School News Read here

Merchiston Sport Desk
As part of our Saturday Electives some of our pupils take part in a programme called Sport Desk, where they gather hands-on experience in sporting journalistic reporting. The boys, under the guidance of Dr Mechie, have created a Podcast - you can listen to Episode 1 here.
If you would like to share any relevant stories to be featured in this podcast, please complete this form to contact Dr Mechie and the team.
We were very saddened to hear of the passing of the following Merchistonians:
David Alan Craik
At Merchiston: 1974-1980
Sen Prefect, VI, Band, PipeMajor;Farmer
Ronald Fleming Young Smith
At Merchiston: 1949-1955
Sen Prefect, VI, xv, cap, Cadet Ofer ; Edin Univ BSc Agric ; NOA 1960; Leet , Seale Hayne Agric Coll , Devon, 196062; Farm Mgr , Grieff Hydro, Strathallan Estate 1965-71 and 1973-75 Colquhalzie Farms, 1979-81 Fortesque Est , Devon, 1971-73, 1975-79 and 1981