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Brown Bagger

This section is set up to provide a ready-made Brown Bag Session for you to use with employees and/or managers. Use as is, or adapt this information for a general employee group. You may reproduce as many copies as needed.

Tips to Make Conflict Work, not Hurt tressed-out? Angry? If so, you’re hardly alone. The uncertain economy seems to be keeping everyone, even those who work for successful companies, slightly “on-edge” these days. Between tight finances, layoffs, and other factors, it’s no wonder so many people are frazzled! Excessive stress can have a domino effect that leads to problems with physical and emotional health — and workplace conflict. Workplace conflict has a substantial effect on the bottom line. A recent study estimated that workplace conflict cost American businesses $359 billion in 2008. The good news is that conflict-management training has been shown to have positive outcomes — meaning this is clearly an area of opportunity for EAPs. Some general guidelines about anger and conflict will be discussed first, while the latter part of this article will focus on examples of some specific conflict-resolution strategies.


The A-B-Cs of Anger Since anger plays a role in many workplace conflicts, let’s touch base on this topic first.  Anger is normal. Everyone experiences anger. It’s a perfectly normal emotion. But while anger is part of life, society hasn’t done a very good job at teaching us how to cope with it. Girls are taught to avoid being angry, while boys often display this emotion in negative ways. Is it any wonder that so many adults don’t know how to deal with anger and conflict?  The body warns us when we’re angry. Physiological signs of anger include building stress or tension, increased adrenaline and breathing, accelerated heartbeat, and rising blood pressure. Teaching people to become more aware of what triggers symptoms like these allows employees to better predict and prepare for events that are likely to evoke anger.  Communication and Coping skills are crucial. Teaching skills to communicate more effectively (and thus nip conflict in the bud) are important. Some communication terms to remember include: May 2009

• Assertiveness — teaches you to stand up for your legitimate rights and express your needs in an appropriate way. (Editor’s note: See also this month’s Lifestyle Tips insert.) • Listening — really paying attention allows you to communicate more effectively. • Negotiation — is a process by which two people work the conflict out by coming to a mutually satisfying agreement. However, getting new behavior started is easier than sustaining it. Therefore, coping strategies need to be reinforced so they work when the going gets rough. (The STOP method in the next section is one example of a coping strategy.) The point is, when setbacks occur, it’s important to reassess and adjust efforts. Assertive Problem Solving Assertive problem solving is clear, direct, and non-threatening. The individual looks to the other person to talk and listen. Remember that words comprise only 10% of communication! As a result: • Facial expressions should convey interest and a caring attitude. • Gestures and other body movements should not be abrupt or distracting, but calmly emphasizing the points you’re making. • One’s tone of voice should also convey interest and concern. If the other individual gets louder or more forceful, stay the course and continue calmly, or state in a pleasant but firm way that you need to end the discussion — at least for the time being. When negotiating differences, problem solving is the means to a win-win situation that both employees can live with. But before this can happen, it’s necessary to fully communicate one’s position. Simply telling someone you’re angry states how you feel, but it doesn’t do much to solve the problem. Blurting something out may make the situation worse. Try the STOP method instead: • Slow down, and take a deep breath (S). EA Report Brown Bagger 1

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