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Brown Bagger

This section is set up to provide a ready-made Brown Bag Session for you to use with employees and/or managers. Use as is, or adapt this information for a general employee group. You may reproduce as many copies as needed.

Ergonomics Needs to Play Greater Role in Workplace Wellness Programs By Diane M. Kaufman and Wendy McCubbin ccording to a 2008 report published by Reuters, 57% of employers with 500 or more workers provide some sort of wellness program, such as smoking cessation, exercise planning or cancer screening. In addition, 4 out of 5 employers with wellness programs add incentives — with 40% offering gym memberships, 36% awarding gifts or prizes, and 27% offering a discounted employee contribution to medical plans. Given these statistics, you would think that we’d have a nation full of lean, mean, healthy workers whose high energy positively contributes to not only their own health — but also the financial well-being of the companies they work for. The truth of the matter is this isn’t the case. In fact, obesity is a significant concern and one of our nation’s biggest health crises. Aside from the serious health complications that being overweight presents for employees — the worse we feel, the less we move, and the more likely we are to become tired and less productive in the workplace. It’s easy to see the adverse impacts on not only individuals, but on businesses as well. If more than half of all large U.S employers offer wellness programs and incentives like gym memberships and weight-loss assistance, why is our nation continuing to fight growing health concerns like obesity? The fact is, although many employers encourage health-and-wellness initiatives, the choice to participate in them is controlled by the employee. In a recent PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Health Research Institute study, less than 40% of those surveyed actually enrolled in wellness programs. The question is: Why aren’t they? Providing significant Return on Investment (ROI) for a company and its employees through effective wellness assistance programs is a constant challenge to HR and EA professionals alike. The underlying issue is how to manage and contribute to an


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employee’s physical and mental well-being while holding down costs for healthcare premiums and incentives for underutilized wellness programs. Unfortunately, the same PricewaterhouseCoopers’ study found that, of the 71% of employers offering wellness programs, few said they were effective at lowering costs. In fact, nearly half of employers surveyed said they were ready to push more of the costs of health insurance onto their employees. Just what can be done to engage employees to attain greater health and fitness if current wellness initiatives aren’t addressing this need? Perhaps the costs for wellness programs should be shifted to where so much of an employee’s time is spent…the workstations and workspaces where they’re sitting. According to a survey from the Microsoft Small Business Center, 9 out of 10 employees say that the design set-up of their workstation directly affects their ability to be productive at work. From a scientific perspective, ergonomically designed workspaces have been proven to improve productivity and comfort; and minimize common stresses, strains and injuries associated with working at a computer. That knowledge, combined with employee perception, may be compelling to companies not finding the success they are looking for through traditional wellness programs. This creates a new reality in which “ergonomic workspace design” is seen as an essential component of an EAP. If increased productivity isn’t compelling enough, consider some of the other reasons why adopting ergonomic workstations makes sense in corporate wellness programs: 5 Alleviating inherent risks to employee health: Dr. Alan Hedge, Professor of the Human Factors Laboratory at Cornell University, warns that the risk of musculoskeletal discomfort increases by using the computer as little as one hour a day. Even worse, the risk of musculoskeletal injury is nine times greater when you spend four hours a day at the computer [than it is for a one hour-per-day user] EA Report Brown Bagger 1

Brown Bagger increasing chances of death (Journal of the American Heart Association). A new study conducted by Ipsos Public Affairs shows full-time employees of companies with 1,000 or more workers spend an average of 21 hours per week seated at a desk, nearly three hours per week seated in meetings, and four hours per week seated working at home. This means that 70% of one’s time in a typical 40-hour workweek is spent sitting! Moving more throughout the day with access to adjustable workstations help offset the harmful effects of sedentary workstyles. 5 Costs of absenteeism to employers: The BLS Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses reports that there were 1.1 million cases requiring days away from work in private industry out of 3.7 million total cases. In addition, the percentage of musculoskeletal disorder cases out of total cases (29% in 2008) has not varied greatly since 2005. Similarly, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2007), reported that musculoskeletal disorders led to 29% of all workplace injuries, of which more than 333,000 cases required an average of nine days away from work. Ipsos research reveals that a quarter (24%) of employees report they have sought holistic or professional medical care (such as a doctor, chiropractor, physical therapist, etc.) to alleviate discomfort related to their work environment. Providing ergonomic solutions to employees helps companies manage workplace discomfort, improve morale, and may reduce absenteeism. 5 The cost to American business: After reviewing the 2008 Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index, Ergoweb puts the total cost for ergonomicsrelated injuries at $30.9 billion, or 63.6%. The Index captures only the direct worker’s compensation costs of these disabling injuries. When indirect costs are considered (which are estimated by experts to be anywhere from two to five times direct costs, Ergoweb puts the true cost to USA businesses at $61.8 to $154.5 billion. Providing ergonomic solutions may help reduce the portion of healthcare claims associated with common conditions like back and neck pain according to the 2007 OE Medicine Journal.

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Ergonomics as a Preventative Measure Creating an environment that is ergonomically safe and encourages healthy movement is important. In fact, the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) proposes that, “Ergonomic principles are most effectively applied to workstations and new designs on a preventive basis, before injuries or illnesses occur. Good design with ergonomics provides the greatest economic benefit for industry.” A stressed body leaves itself open for attack, leading to computer-related fatigue, pain, stiffness or injury, which then may result in lost time, reduced focus, depleted morale and other negative effects. However, by giving employees access to the right ergonomic equipment, tools, and education, companies will empower employees to proactively manage the stresses associated with their computing workspace. Research has shown that even the simple act of just standing periodically throughout the day can dramatically improve health, comfort, and productivity. One report in fact, suggests that an average person can burn an extra 60 calories an hour just by standing. Yet, the fixed workstations that employees are commonly provided do not facilitate the ability to stand while working. Moreover, companies are generally not accustomed or equipped — either by tools, resources, or knowledge, to properly integrate ergonomics or encourage movement in the workplace. As a result, just how can a company inspire their workers to move more? We suggest reallocating the money typically used for some underutilized wellness initiatives — and applying them to the employee workspace instead. After all, “one size does not fit all,” and yet that is exactly how most fixed desktop workstation set-ups are designed. For some companies, the asset investment and upfront costs may be perceived as fiscally unrealistic. However, Return on Investment (ROI), when calculated over the long term can show a dramatic and rapid payback. Dee Edington, a highly respected wellness program ROI expert at the University of Michigan, claims that wellness programs can run, “about $300-$400 per employee if you expect good savings and a positive ROI.” However, if the employees are not taking advantage of the activities included in wellness programs, they can no longer be calculated as a “cost” to the company, but instead should be counted as a “loss.”

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This is not the case with a properly designed workspace that utilizes an ergonomically adjustable workstation. Too often, however, companies interested in creating change in the workspace avoid the investment because of perceivable upfront costs. Who can blame them when adjustable hydraulic desks, and “Treadmill desks” average roughly $4,000 per person? Even a good ergonomic chair could run $700. However, WorkFit sit-stand workstations by Ergotron are less expensive — and still offer the choice of desired movement by the employee. Moreover, there is a psychological as well as a physical benefit to feeling good at work that can ultimately create a “domino effect”: that is, if employees are feeling better in their day-to-day work; and if they regain energy and feel more positive, they will be more inclined to pursue other health options, such as smoking-cessation programs or gym memberships. In addition, ergonomics is a choice that employees appear to want. According to the Ipsos research,

Brown Bagger two-thirds (67%) of U.S. office workers wish their employers offered them desks that could be adjusted so they could work either seated or standing. Over half (about 60%) of employees surveyed were convinced they would be more productive if they had the option to work on their feet. Employers must ask themselves it their wellness program is creating the type of returns they desire. If not, where could improvements be made? We believe that employers can realize the greatest economic gain if ergonomic principles are applied on a preventive basis, before injuries or illnesses occurs. Everyone will reap the benefits. Diane M. Kaufman is senior vice president of global human resources, and Wendy McCubbin is the marketing manager of global training for Ergotron Inc. in St. Paul, MN.

Energize Your Office Space! Q: Like a lot of people, I have an office job in which I sit in front of a computer all day. I know it isn’t good for me. My muscles get tight, and my posture is sometimes poor. What can I do about it? A: First, let’s consider what improvements you can make that don’t involve exercise. First, be sure your workstation — including your computer monitor, keyboard and chair are designed to work well for you. This is referred to as ergonomics. Second, you may wish to occasionally sit on a balance ball while working at your desk. You’ll burn calories stabilizing your core and body on the ball. Third, your back should be straight, your shoulders back, and the top of your monitor level with your eyes. If you have to look down or up, you need to adjust the height of your screen. Fourth, maintain an ergonomic body posture. Be sure your wrists are slightly lower than your elbows. This will help prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Keep your legs bent at the knees so the knees are only slightly higher than your hips. You feet should be flat on the floor. Next, try these exercises: 1) Stretch your neck; flex your head forward and backward, side-to-side, and look right and left. November 2010

Never roll your head around your neck, as this could damage the joints of your neck. 2) Roll your wrists regularly to help prevent carpal tunnel, especially if you do a lot of typing. 3) If you tend to hunch in front of the keyboard, open your arms wide as if you’re going to hug someone, rotate your wrists — thumbs going up and back, and pull your shoulders back. This is moving your body in the opposite direction of being hunched. 4) Get up periodically, take a walk, and get some fresh air. 5) While sitting, lift up your legs on the balls of your feet, then on to our toes, and set them down. 6) Rest your eyes. Optometrists recommend the “20-20-20” rule — for every 20 minutes focusing on your computer screen, spend 20 minutes focusing on something else 20 feet away. The bottom line is to sit perfectly still less and move more! Source: Tim Lencki, MS, CSCS, a strength and conditioning specialist, and author of Fitness One Day at a Time and a new bookette® series for active lifestyles. Visit Tim’s website at

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Brown Bagger H A N D O U T Try These Ergonomic Positions & Exercises

Taking time to properly plan ergonomics at workstations helps alleviate neck, back, and wrist pain.

Alternating between sitting & standing throughout the day energizes & promotes good health.

Above and below are some desk exercises that help alleviate body stress. Take time periodically throughout the day to move.

Source: Ergotron, Inc. 4 EA Report Brown Bagger

November 2010

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