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Timely Information for Personal Success

Finding Exercise Time on a Busy Schedule By Tim Lencki

Before You Start... By Tim Lencki



he most common excuse for not being involved in an exercise program is time. High stress, busy lifestyles don’t leave time for exercise. Right? Actually, an exercise program needn’t involve a lot of time. A successful exercise program can be accomplished in less than three hours per week. A program, however, DOES take dedication, desire, and a high level of priority to achieve exercise-related goals. Think of it this way, three hours per week equals approximately 2% of one’s available time, and only 3% of a person’s waking hours. Suddenly, the phrase “not enough time to exercise” seems like a weak excuse. Finding the time to exercise needn’t be difficult, and in turn it can provide a wonderful sense of well-being and increased energy. The following suggestions may help save a little time that can be spent exercising:

ith the Fall season nearly upon us and the kids back in school, many people will think about getting started on an exercise program. That’s great, but before you get started, ask yourself the following questions to determine whether or not you should see a doctor first:

• Group errands — This will reduce the number of trips made into town. • Turn off the TV — This is the biggest waste of time. If it truly is a “can’t miss” program, record it and eliminate the time spent watching commercials. • Use computer time wisely — The Internet can be a valuable tool. However, it also can be time consuming if not used efficiently. • Cut the chit-chat — Reduce “small talk” on the phone, in meetings, or even just standing around. Just a few minutes here and there can add up to a lot over time! • Ask for help — Time-efficient people may be very willing to share their ideas to help you save time. Successful exercise needn’t involve hours upon hours working out. Many people find success while only spending a few hours per week. It’s easy to find that time if time-saving suggestions like these are followed. Remember — the key isn’t spending long hours working out, just be consistent. v


Tim Lencki is a strength and conditioning specialist, and author of “Fitness One Day at a Time.” To subscribe to Tim’s newsletter, “Tips for Fitness Success,” visit

Employee Assistance Report

Lifestyle Tips Insert

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Have you been told you have a heart condition? Do you feel pain (or discomfort) in your chest when you do physical activity? Do you ever become dizzy and lose your balance, or lose consciousness?

continued on Page 2

September 2007

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