Sacred Garden
Mercy International Centre
In 1994 Mercy International Centre was dedicated as a Heritage Centre and a Home for the entire Mercy Family. Since that day thousands of pilgrims have passed through the doors to be renewed and refreshed in their Mercy journey. To mark the Silver Jubilee Year of Mercy International Centre the Sacred Garden, where our beloved Catherine McAuley is buried, has been redeveloped.
I will come again and will take you to myself, so that where I am, there you may be also. John 14:3
Yesterday My God, I am yours for time and eternity. Suscipe of Catherine McAuley
There are many rooms in my Father’s House. John 14:2
Memory ….will we all meet in Heaven - oh what joy even to think of it.
Catherine McAuley to Teresa White, 3 February 1841
Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy. Matthew 5:7
Today There are things the poor prize more highly than gold, though they cost the donor nothing; among these are the kind word, the gentle, compassionate look, and the patient hearing of their sorrows. Austin Carroll rsm
Praise be to God... who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. 2 Corinthians 1:2-4
Listen [Catherine] was always the same, always ready to listen, to consider and direct. Sr Vincent Harnett
If anyone drinks the living water I give them, they will never thirst again. John 4:14
Water This place is to be a Wellspring of Mercy. Mary Trainer rsm
See I am making something new‌ Write the vision down Hab 2:3
Presence Mercy Global Presence is an organic entity linking congregations/institutes, individual Sisters of Mercy and Associates, partners in Mercy, and Mercy International Association in creative and energising ways.
All gardens are sacred, but this over and above, its grass fed from the bones of goodness, a green enclave for reverence and reverie, where the spirits murmur into the silence and the distant bustle of Dublin days. The primary sound of Ireland is not city but water, as it trickles, flows, pours and lashes; here and now it soothes rocks already smoothed by Ireland’s great waters, carried here to keep this mercy water company. Ancient rocks from perhaps the mighty Shannon that wends through eleven counties, no hard borders in its way; stones are they from the Slaney, the Moy, the Liffey, the Foyle, the Barrow, the Lee, a stone’s throw from the spirit soaked stones of Clonmacnoise and Cashel, Lady’s Island and Kells, rocks that were old when Brigid and Patrick walked on them, rocks of sandstone, granite, and limestone revealing quartz-gleam in the light, layers of time and pressure, patterns of grace and stress, the upheaval of volcano, the sediment of sandstone
compressed with tiny ancient creatures of the oceans, and the water-permeable, welcoming grace of the limestone: the play and power of water engaged with the endurance and amenability of stone. Very much at rights with its origins all this, but called too by the crafted orb to consider the wider earth, the broader waters of the worldthe orb that holds tendrils and leaves and butterflies, gaps to see the sky and feel the airthere- put your hands tenderly through the worldhints of creatures supple and sinuous, but no snakes, that’s certain, a globe that furls and unfurls the spirals of life and today’s tune enticed with that trace of treble clef, as it sends the water flowing past names and memories from many lands laden with mercy stories, all enhanced by the delicate tiled colour of flowers, mercy made one art to another, one stone to another, one person to another, past to present and on it flows. And lest we forget, turn and see, she who began it all sits here at last, the bronzed woman, giving and taking the air, inspiring still. Go sit with her and listen.
Mary Wickham rsm
Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these. Luke 12:27
Love I would like to tell you all the little cheering things that God permits to fall in our way.
Catherine McAuley to de Pazzi Delaney, 3 October 1837
Flowers cover the earth, it is time to sing. Solomon 2:!2
Beauty My Dearest Sister M Elizabeth, we have this moment received your sweet fruit and flowers - I seldom see any so fragrant - to me. The offering of genuine affection has every thing to enhance its value. I am looking at them now, and think the roses have some unusual shade - and such bright purple - and rich yellow flowers. Catherine McAuley to Elizabeth Moore, 24 July 1839
Lead me in the path of your commandments, for I delight in it. Psalm 119:35
Paths Mercy, the principal path pointed out by Jesus Christ to those who are desirous of following Him...
Catherine McAuley in the Rule of the Sisters of Mercy
I thank my God for you every time I think of you; and every time I pray for you all, I pray with joy. Philippians 1:3-4
Memory The Order is God’s work - not mine. It will do just as well without me. Familiar Instructions of Catherine McAuley
Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Matthew 11:29
Learn No work of charity can be more productive of good to society... than the careful instruction of women... Catherine McAuley in the Rule of the Sisters of Mercy
And Mary said: ‘My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.’ Luke 1:46-47
Mary Her dignity is expressed in one title Mother of God.
Familiar instructions of Catherine McAuley
Unity The blessing of unity still dwells amongst us - and oh what a blessing - it should make all things else pass into nothing‌.. This is the Spirit of the order indeed, the true spirit of Mercy flowing on us. Catherine McAuley to Elizabeth Moore, Easter Monday, 1841
Š Mercy International Association, 2019. All rights reserved. Printed on recycled paper.