Mercy Mission Magazine Issue 5

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JULY 2012 - ISSUE 5

Peer Support in Light of Islam New Muslim Care:

BBQ Photostory

Attaining Istiqamah The Last Day of Ramadan Divine Liberation

Staying Motivated During Ramadan w ww.m ercymissio n .ca



Message from National Manager Mercy Mission Monthly Magazine 5: July

Coming To A Screen Near You



Global Article On A Mercy Mission

Attaining Istiqamah Especially During Ramadan


Connecting to

08 Allah

Last Day 14 The of Ramadan

How to Attain Love of Allah

10 Pillars of Mercy

12 Program Management Office

16 Shared Service (PMOSS) 20

NMC BBQ Photo Story


LE Summer Day Camp


Peer Support in the Light of Islam


BeingMe: Devine Liberation

Mercy Mission Monthly Magazine 5 Bismillah hir’Rahman ir’Raheem Assalamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,


pray this message finds you in the best of Iman and health insha’Allah.

I am honoured to present this, the fifth edition of the Mercy Mission Magazine. The Mercy Mission team has been fortunate to accomplish many objectives in the past month, alhamdulillah, as you will see throughout this issue. Planning for the Being ME conference is in full swing, and the New Muslim Care team executed a fantastically successful BBQ for more than 600 attendees! Weekly Tafsir Classes for sisters continue to take place, both online and in-person at the Madinah, every Monday. Dhadd - Weekly Arabic Classes, taught by brother Mohammad Arabi began on July 27, 2012 at the Madinah, and will take place every Saturday and Sunday from 11-1pm until the end of Ramadan, and the AlKauthar team hosted two beneficial courses within the month of July, alhamdulillah. To register for these and other Mercy Mission events, please visit As we approach the last ten days of the blessed month of Ramadan, we are reminded to do our best to maintain a strong sense of motivation to do good deeds for the sake of Allah subhana wa’tala. Please spend time with your families, give in charity, and seek repentance with Allah. May Allah ‘azza wa jal purify our intentions and accept all the deeds we do for His Sake, ameen! As always, please support the efforts of Mercy Mission, and remember your fellow Muslim brothers and sisters in your Dua’s during the blessed month of Ramadan. May Allah ‘azza wa jal bestow barakah on all of our efforts, ameen! JazakumAllahu Khayran, Wassalamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Mahmood Qasim

National Manager - Mercy Mission Canada




et there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do and forbidding polytheism and disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden. “... And it is they who are the successful.” (‘Ali Imran [3]: 104) Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world. Over 200 million Muslims live here. The country came to Islam following the Dawah of traders that would pass through the thousands of islands which make up this country. Unfortunately, there are high levels of poverty, tribal and ritualistic beliefs, all obstructing people from worshipping Allah according to His guidance. Moreover, a new phenomenon is seeping through the veil of the unconscious; the country has become the target of missionaries who aspire to transform it into a Muslim minority nation by the year 2035. These two realities make for a bizarre climate in this Island nation where two million people leave Islam every year. However it is a situation that has forced Mercy Mission to take the mantle and work earnestly to turn the tide, and revive the Islamic spirit in a people who have


seemingly fallen out of love with Islam. To this end, Mercy Mission decided to visit the region and establish a programme to respond to the tidal waves against Islam within one generation. Azim Kidwai (Chief Business Development Officer) and Mohammad Waqas (Ramadan TV Producer) went to Jakarta to better understand the situation on the ground and form strategic partnerships to allow Mercy Mission to become an agent for positive change in the country and the wider region. The trip was highly beneficial and allowed the formation of a number of partnerships with the largest Islamic organisations in Java, and the agreement for a Twins of Faith conference in Indonesia in January 2013. This new venture is one of the most important endeavours Mercy Mission has ever taken on, and as such requires every single reader to make a special supplication that Allah accepts it from us and aids us as the people that return the call to Allah in this beautiful country.



amadan TV was the first television channel dedicated to the holy month of Ramadan in the UK. Broadcasting 24 hours a day, this channel focuses on responding to the multi-faceted communities within the Ummah and ultimately bringing Muslims together during Ramadan. The media plays an integral part of our lives today. It can even be argued that it is the most powerful tool of influence in recent times. Whilst television has been used against us with the countless Islamophobic references and programmes, we must in turn ensure that we are the flag bearers of our own identity and not


Coming to

a Screen Near


pride in showcasing great opportunities for Muslims to get involved within and benefit their communities.

lose sight of the fact that our own community can benefit from such a tool too. Over the last 2 years, the channel has had phenomenal success as thousands of households within the UK have tuned in to our programming, and hundreds of thousands more watching Ramadan TV broadcasted live online around the world. Fusing quality English language religious programming with fun and interesting live shows ensures a quality family viewing experience. This year, we are eager to raise the bar even higher and enable millions of viewers to benefit from Ramadan TV. The channel takes enormous

As the official channel of Mercy Mission, Muslim viewers can expect to learn about Islam, and also how they can implement the teachings of their faith personally and within their localities. Encouraging everyone to maximise their Ramadan is without a doubt one of the key aims of Ramadan TV, and we hope that the channel will go a long way towards bringing viewers closer to Allah ta’ala, insha’Allah. The channel went live on Tuesday 10th July on channel 843 within the UK, and is also being streamed live for our worldwide viewers on Please do spread the word and let all of your family, friends and community know. By directing one person to the channel you could potentially be rewarded for their Ramadan too! Please do continue to assist us in this effort, as it is your support after the grace of Allah that has got us this far!



istiqamah By: Muhasin Shahid


ll praises are for Allah, and may prayers and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah. It is as Allah has willed that we are in the month of Ramadhan and this is a great opportunity to save ourselves from the fire.

Our means of motivation in Ramadhan is the same means we employ to stay motivated outside of Ramadhan, for we as Muslims, refer our motives to Al-Istiqamah. Moreover, we prefer to be steadfast or attain Istiqamah in our lives by following the way our beloved Prophet Muhammed (peace and blessings be upon him). Afterall, we are reminded of our obligation of Alistiqamah in every rakah (unit of prayer) by our recitation of this verse of chapter Al-Fatiha: )٥( ‫إ اَِّيكَ ن َ ْع ُبدُ َوإ اَِّيكَ نَ�سْ َت ِع ُني‬ “You alone we worship, you alone we rely for help.” (Quran, 1:4) Allah says: )١١٢( ٌ‫ون ب َ ِصري‬ َ ُ‫فَا�سْتَ ِق ْم مَاَك ُأ ِم ْر َت َو َم ْن تاَ َب َم َع َك َوال ت َْطغ َْوا ِإن َّ ُه ِب َما ت َ ْع َمل‬



During the Month of Ramadhan

“So stand you (O Muhammad) firm and straight as you are commanded and those who turn in repentance with you, and transgress not. Verily, He is All-Seer of what you do.” (Quran, 11:112) Ibn Abbas (radhiAllahuanhu) said that no other verse from the entire Qur’an was revealed upon the Messenger that was harder upon him than this verse. It was due to this verse that the Prophet said: “Surat Hud and its companions have made my hair white.” Why was this? Because Istiqamah is very difficult to attain. The scholars said that Istiqamah is the hardest thing to hold on to (Means of Steadfastness: Standing Firm in Islam, English Translation Sheikh Muhammed Salih AlMunajjid). “Abu Bakr (radhiAllahuanhu), when asked about the meaning of Istiqamah, replied: ‘That you do not associate partners with Allah.’ Umar ibn al-Khattab (radhiAllahuanhu) said: ‘It is that you should be steadfast on the matters that are obligated, and to abandon the prohibitions.’ Uthman ibn Affan (radhiAllahuanhu) said: ‘To have ikhlas (sincerity) to Allah in doing actions.’ Ibn Abbas (radhiAllahuanhu) said: ‘It means to fulfill your duties to Allah.” (Madaarijis-Salikeen, Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya)

There is nothing more virtuous than for you to focus on Al-Tawheed, the oneness of Allah and being free from associating partners with Allah, any time and especially in this blessed month of Ramadhan. Allah says in the Qur’an: َ ْ‫) ُأول َ ِئ َك أَ ح‬١٣( ‫ُون‬ ‫ص ُاب‬ ُ َّ‫إ َِّن ذَّ ِال َين قَالُوا َربُّنَا ه‬ َ ‫الل مَُّث ا�سْ َتقَا ُموا فَال خ َْو ٌف عَلَيهْ ِ ْم َوال مُ ْه حَ ْي َ نز‬ ِ ِ‫الْ َجنَّ ِة خ د‬ )١٤( ‫ون‬ َ ُ‫َال َين ِفهيَا َج َزا ًء ِب َما اَكنُوا ي َ ْع َمل‬ “Verily, those who say, ‘Our Rubb is (only) Allah,’ and thereafter stand firm and straight (upon Islam), on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve. Such shall be the dwellers of Jannah, abiding therein (forever), – a reward for what they used to do.” (46:13-14) That is why I encourage all of you to be steadfast this month and stay steadfast in all times by first being free from shirk, and perfecting the belief in Allah with sound understanding of His names and attributes and the effects of those attributes on the creation. I call you to live by putting Allah first and making His pleasure your sole goal by forsaking the desire to please people or idolize His creation, and to instead worship Allah as though you see Him, and if you cannot do that, then to worship Allah as though He sees you. Be sure to purify your deeds and perform secret good deeds for the sake of Allah in this blessed month of Ramadhan.





By: Nazaneen Johri



unya exists to distract us from reality. On a daily basis, we are surrounded by brands, cars, movies, relationships, and status. Allah subhanahu wa ta’alaa tells us in the Qur’an that there is no other pleasure of the soul except His Remembrance. Why are we still chasing them then? Despite how attractive the materialistic items are presented in our lives, these advertisements are merely distractions from life’s real purpose; to worship Allah. This is the act that our hearts desire for ultimate peace. We are engineered to seek purpose and worship our Creator. As any other manufactured thing, our Creator designed us to function routinely and for an ultimate goal. Incorrect functioning is a self-inflicted detriment to the heart and soul. Allah also says in the Qur’an, “Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.”

Me than the obligatory acts. Then (after that) He seeks nearness to Me through recommended acts until I love him. So when I love him I become his hearing through which he hears, and his eyes through which he sees, and his tongue through which he speaks, and his heart through which he understands. If he calls to Me I answer him, and if he asks from Me, I grant him.” Often, one marks their memorable moments in life as an occasion to worldly joy, like the day a child is born, or receiving a prestigious award. These experiences though significant are not permanent. However, experiencing closeness to Allah is never-ending. In a moment of success or tragedy and loss, one’s best moments are marked by their complete dependence and nearness to Allah.

Closeness to Allah is what pleases and comforts the soul. It provides fulfillment and happiness which could not be gained elsewhere. There is no believer except that Allah has made his hearts content only fulfilled by Him.

This is a blessed month with the doors of Jannah open it is a great opportunity to seek a relationship with Allah. We are given the chance to get closer to Allah in endless ways; through fasting, recitation of du’as, seeking forgiveness, and reaching a state of Ehsaan. Banking on our good habits, this heightened awareness gives us another chance to “reset” our journey towards Allah. It increases our spirituality in a world designed to break it. It breaks through any barriers to achieving closeness to Allah.

The rewards of a deep connection with Allah are bountiful. According to the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah has said, “No servant of mine gets closer to Me with anything more beloved to

This month take the opportunity to achieve closeness to Allah subhanahu wa ta'alaa through attaining Love of Allah subhanahu wa ta’alaa [Last 10 Nights Version].

How do we find this rest exactly? Start with establishing closeness with Allah. Closeness to Allah


IBN Q AY Y U M ' S 



LAST 1 0 N I G H TS VE RS I O N By: Nazaneen Johri


Reciting the Qur’an with Its Pure Meaning Without understanding the pure meaning of the Qur’an, one is unable to grasp and fully understand the message. Aside from reading the English translation, one should take steps to learning Arabic to understand the Qur’an in the purest form. In the last 10 nights, make the intention to either read the English translation as you read the Qur'an or begin studying the Arabic language.



Doing Good Voluntary Deeds During the last 10 days of Ramadhan, do not just focus on doing the fard but going above and beyond through voluntary acts such as volunteering for a food bank, calling others to Allah, and donating for the sake of Allah each night until you are certain you donated on Laylatul Qadr.


Constantly Remember Allah During this month, make a point to remember Allah in all circumstances. When you are blessed say Alhamdulillah, when you are shocked say SubhanAllah, when you are amazed say Allahu Akhbar, when you have transgressed yourself or others say AstaghfirAllah, and when you are being tested say Inna illayhi wa inna elayhi rajuun. Remember that although you do not see Allah, He sees and hears you.

The Prophet Muhammad salAllahu alayhi wa sallam has told us that, the distance between each sama (heaven) compared to the one above it is like a ring inside of a desert. There are 7 samawaat (heavens). Then he tells us that the distance between those samawat at the footstool of Allah is again like a ring in a desert. Lastly, he tells us that the distance between the footstool and the throne of Allah is like another ring in the desert.

Giving Preference to What Allah Loves As we give up food and other things that are normally halal, remind yourself that you are preferring fasting, something that Allah subhanahu wa ta’alaa loves, over your own desires. For example, if you have a job that causes you to miss one of the fard prayers, then it is wrong even though you may receive much benefit from it. To give preference to what Allah loves, would mean to leave that job out of fear of losing a connection with Allah.





Familiarizing Yourself with Names and Attributes of Allah When making du’a use the names and attributes of Allah for what you need. Some of the names which relate to the Mercy of Allah are AlMuhaymin [The Guardian], Al-Mujeeb [The One Who Responds], Al-Wahhab [The Giver of Gifts], Al-Ghafur [The Much Forgiving], Al-Wudud [The All Loving], At-Tawwab [The Acceptor of Repentance], and Al-Jabbar [The Mender of Broken Hearts]. Listen to a moving online series [ F37CD97677E] and get to know Allah subhanahu wa ta'alaa.


Always Realize the Kindness, Caring, and Blessing that Allah Displays in your Life Realize all the blessings you have in your life; those that are apparent and those that are not. The fact that this Ramadhan you have the ability to stand up and pray tarawih with your own legs. You have the ability to put your forehead on the ground to make sujud. The fact that you made it this Ramadhan and did not pass away before the opportunity has come is a great blessing.


Realize Your Place Before Allah and Who You are in Relationship to Allah.

Praying in the Last Third of the Night During this month, all 30 days, Allah subhanahu wa ta’alaa descends to the lowest Heaven and asks “The Lord descends every night to the lowest heaven when one-third of the night remains and says: Who will call upon Me, that I may answer Him? Who will ask of Me, that I may give him? Who will seek My forgiveness, that I may forgive him?” Ensure to not miss this time during Laylatul Qadr by making a habit to pray all 10 days. Sitting Amongst the Beloved of Allah The Sahih Muslim, Abu Hurayra narrates that the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wa sallam says two angels travel about seeking out gatherings of dhikr. When they find a gathering in which there is remembrance of Allah, they sit with them and cover one another with their wings until they fill up the space between them and the lowest heaven. When the gathering is over they ascend to Allah. Allah subhanhu wa ta’alaa forgives them and grants them protection, even for the one who sat amongst them who had just happened to be passing by and sat down. Righteous company who are conscious of Allah. Join halaqaat in the community. When you are surrounded with those who are constantly remembering Allah it will rub off on you too.


Removing the Distractions Finally, remove all distractions and bad habits this Ramadhan. Television, Movies, Facebook, Backbitting, Complaining, Idle Talk leave all bad habits and remove all sources of ghafalah (heedlessness) and replace them with righteous deeds such as reading Qur'an or volunteering to help the needy. End Ramadhan with a new set of priorities and ways to spend your free time.



MERCY By: Asma Khan On the Friday before the anticipated AlKauthar (AK) weekend event in Ottawa, Sheikh Musleh Khan said something which really hit home in explaining my feelings as a fresh AK volunteer. While talking about the fiqh of Ramadan and Zakat, in light of the course Pillars of Mercy that he would be teaching in the next two days, he explained that “one way to really appreciate something is to see how blessed it is...” While he of course talked of this in relation to Ramadan, my thoughts jolted past the previous weeks that had flew in preparations for this event.


I had initially hesitated in joining AlKauthar after a friend had pressured me to step-in, thinking about the load that it would be adding to my schedule, as well as because I felt nervous in working with a new crowd. I remembered waiting moodily to connect into my first online meeting with the AK crew, as I tried to uncover God’s wisdom behind why I had ended up spending my Sunday night with these knots of anxiety in my chest, waiting to introduce myself to strangers. Slowly, the other volunteers steamedin live, and the meeting began. A brother started with reminding us to renew our intentions for the sake of Allah (swt) and to remember the ultimate reward that came with the work that we had committed ourselves to. Something about the purpose and desire in his voice tugged and loosen something in my chest...

The meeting continued to talk about techniques and ways to introduce the course to Muslims and non-Muslims in the community; the aim being to encourage as many people to come closer to the barakah that came packaged with it. They figured that it would be unfair to withhold the blessings and so it was important for the word to get out in order that they may be openly shared. The more we talked about the reward the more everyone piped up. Even I began to feel some of the binds of uneasiness undo. Later meetings involved us discussing the many Islamic events and socials happening in the community. Of those of us that were available volunteered to represent Pillars of Mercy to the attendees of the events, in hopes of recruiting more students of knowledge. It was amazing for me to see these youngsters to happily volunteer their time from their busy schedules, with nothing in return except for the firm belief in the reward of the hereafter that awaited the gooddoers. The ikhlaq they had with one another was so drawing; it was as if I had been a long-time friend as the others continuously pulled me in for my input, giving me no choice but to feel uplifted and involved in the thrill of the prize as well. Our meetings involved sharing the success of the promotions of the course that were made. Pillars of Mercy had managed to make its mark in the BBQ’s at the local mosques, Fundraiser’s for Syria, the Sadaqa Food Festival etc; really a true celebration! AK was slowly growing on me, cutting-free the restraints of uncertainty in my chest. As the event had come closer I learned that it had even more goodness jam-packed into it. AK Ottawa had collaborated with Human Concern International to collect clothes for Syria during the event, and had opened its arms to accept donations for the Sadaqa Food Bank, to help replenish their resources for the coming month of Ramadan. Each effort had brought with it a new sense of purpose to the team. The sister’s

in the team soon decided that there was no way better to celebrate a course on Ramadan and Zakat then to have an iftaar-inspired potluck lunch on the Sunday of the event; which as it turned out was a huge success not just with the students, but with Sheikh Musleh himself! Of course, the outcome of the event as a result was the epitome of success, and we ask Allah to accept it from us (Ameen). As I stepped out of the class rejuvenated from Pillars of Mercy, I longed to Allah to grant me the coming month of mercy, for now I had better tools to prepare for the Ramadan of a lifetime Insha’Allah. Many students testified with similar sentiments to mine, one leaving this classroom with this: “Without sounding as though I volunteer for the promotions team marketing, this class was the best experience I’ve had to help me learn about Islam. The Shaykh was straight to the point yet covered the topic in depth. By Sunday afternoon I only wished that there was another class on Monday. It’s easy to dismiss AlKauthar and similar institutions and believe that you can learn the same information on your own. If the classes offered textbook knowledge only then I would agree. The spirit of Islam is missing, the friendships built are missing, and the whole opportunity to learn from the experience of the Shyakhs and enjoy their stories can’t be found in the textbook alone.” While we cleaned up, I couldn’t help but smile as Sheikh’s Musleh words’ once again ran through my head: “one way to really appreciate something is to see how blessed it is...” How could anything that aimed to take you to Jannah, and then push you to drag along as many others as possible with you not be blessed?? And so, all the knots in my chest had untied...



Program Management Office Shared Service (PMOSS)

The Program Management Office is an internal facing department designed to help General Managers, Shared Service Managers, Program Managers, Project Managers, Amers and Amira’s in running their programs and projects successfully. The core objectives of the PMOSS is to increase the knowledge of team leads, strengthen their skills sets, and to improve the environment in which projects are planned and executed in. 16

By: Sayeem Kibria Training Our Volunteers As a primarily volunteer-based organization, we are faced with varying skill sets and experiences which drive our ability to complete projects. It is essential to be effective in planning and executing our programs and projects as we are accountable to Allah for our time and to our donors for our finances. Project Management Training with a Twist The PMOSS, working together with HR, developed a multi-workshop training program entitled Project Management Concepts for Ansars. The purpose of this training program is to raise the level of knowledge of project concepts, ideas, tools and techniques without getting bogged down by traditional corporate level training and templates. We set the bar sign by enforcing the critical thinking aspect of project management and developed extensive case studies exclusive to Mercy Mission and Al Kauthar. This session, held on Saturday July 14 was open to Stratum (S) 1,2, and select 3 team members. This training was different as we introduced simple project management concepts and a step by step approach of going through the project lifecycle. We received some great feedback from our first workshop, “I honestly learned so much. I felt that the stuff I learned ... is applicable in almost everything I do. This could be for a project I have at school or AlKauthar or anything da'wah related.” This session was presented by two certified Project Management Professionals (PMPs) through the Project Management Institute (PMI), and as such participants were awarded Professional Development Units (PDUs) that they can use towards their certification if they

choose to become PMPs or other professional designations. Participants like the variety of materials we provided. “I really like how Mercy Mission offers these kinds of training to its volunteers and has a network of support available for us.” Our goals is to continue to support the different programs and projects through their leaders by giving them the support they need, and to continue the training program. The Mercy Mission Canada advantage is that we have the shared services model, where we group talent and resources together and provide synergies to increase the success of what we do, inshallah. The best reflect we received came from a participant who said, “I have worked with other organizations in the past and present who expect us to figure things out on our own. And that can be a good thing sometimes but at the same time it›s not always fair to assume we already know everything and can manage an organization. There is always room for development.” The PMOSS would like to thank the HR team for their hard work in helping us plan, prepare and execute this training session. They were the cornerstone of the session and it made our jobs so much easier. We also indebted to the hard work put in by all the volunteers that sacrificed a whole Saturday to acquire this knowledge. Some Final Feedback to reflect on, “I absolutely loved was that at the beginning you talked about project management at the time of the Rasool SAW and how it›s important to us as Muslims. As an Islamic organization I think it is essential for us to relate everything we learn and teach to Islam. This session could have been set up to be completely secular but instead you guys took the time out to relate to it Islam and I›m really glad you did.”


Alhamdulillah the BBQ was a great success! I loved seeing the new reverts connect with so many others on the same level. It allowed them to be themselves instead of fighting giants the old person they used to be. It's so important for new Muslims to get that support in their "new" life and make friends in halal environments. - Louise My Islamic name, Ibrahim, was given to me by a friend because they felt that my path was similar to the prophet Ibrahim, i.e. the fact that a good portion of his journey he was alone. It's been four years since I have converted and I feel that name Ibrahim, or the path that that name originally represents, it does not signify where I stand today. The reason is because I don't feel like my path is alone anymore. This BBQ had upwards of 500 people that came…a large portion being converts but an even larger portion being people from the community that were there to support New Muslims. So when asked what was the best part of this event…it would have to be that our community is taking the steps to do their part and continue what the Prophet (PBUH) had prescribed to us from 1600 years ago…STAND TOGETHER - Ibrahim Allah (swt) says in Surat Al-Hujurat 49:10, “The believers are but brothers...” and alhamdulilah the New Muslim Care Summer BBQ is one of the many programs that enjoin the much needed brotherhood amongst Muslims and new Muslims. We remember the help of the Ansar to the Muhajireen, the ties that brought them together was no other but Islam. Let us follow this path of the companions, may Allah (swt) bring forth its continued success! - Rayyan




Peer Support in the Light oF By: Nimerah Faruqui & Sabah Kazmi “And hold fast, all of you together, to the Rope of Allah and be not divided among yourselves, and remember Allah’s Favour on you, for you were enemies one to another but He joined your hearts together, so that, by His Grace, you became brethren, and you were on the brink of a pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus Allah makes His Ayat clear to you, that you may be guided.” [Al-Imran, 3:103]


amia is starting her first year at U of T. Her parents are in Bangladesh and sent her abroad to live by herself and get the education she needs to get ahead in life. Coming from a big family, lots of cousins and many friends, moving to T was a huge change. Now she feels more alone than ever, her family being so far away and hardly any friends she



can relate to at school. The girl she shares her room with is not Muslim and does not show any sympathy or understanding at all. She needs someone. She needs your support.* Eman is a newly married. After begging her parents to marry Ali, their families finally agreed. They were engaged for two wonderful, blissful years and finally got married this summer. Unfortunately married life is not the way Eman imagined it. They don’t have enough money as they start off their new life, so Ali is working harder than ever (evenings and weekends!). However, he wishes that Eman be a “stay-at-home wife”. She’s so lonely. She can’t go to her parents now; her marriage with Ali severed her ties with them. Her friends are all busy with their work, their lives and pursuing their Masters degrees. She feels like her every door of support is shutting her out one at a time. She

doesn’t know what to do or who to speak to. She needs your support.* Alia just realized that for twenty five years of her life, she has not known her religion, and her Creator. Growing up in a “Muslim” home, she always knew she was Muslim. That meant not getting serious with guys, not wearing sleeveless tops, fasting in Ramadan and going to the masjid every Eid. After seeing a coworker practicing Islam at work, she suddenly has a new sense of wanting to learn more about this religion – her religion. She doesn’t know if it’s proper for her to ask him to teach her, she doesn’t want to put him in an awkward position with her frank questioning. She doesn’t know who else to ask, or what to read (the internet is full of malicious things!). Who can she turn to? She needs your support. * Islam has defined brotherhood/sisterhood in a new way that is not based on blood relation but on belief. Allah azzawajal revealed: “The believers are nothing else than brothers. So make reconciliation between your brothers, and fear Allah, that you may receive mercy.” [Al-Hujjurat, 49:10] These sisters, they are your sisters in Islam, and if something concerns them, it concerns YOU. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said about brotherhood/ sisterhood: “None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.” [Bukhari & Muslim]. We must show our brothers and sisters in Islam love and understanding; if they are hurting, then we are hurting; if they need support, we must be there to support them in any way we can. The Women’s Resource Centre is working to provide that support and listening-ear these

women need. The WRC Women’s HelpLine is a peer support system that provides help to Muslim women anonymously over the phone. The purpose of the helpline is to support the caller by listening to their issues empathetically. The helpline volunteers are there to listen rather than give advice, and empowering the callers to find the solutions to their everyday problems themselves. This will be the first helpline in Canada focusing on Muslim women and the issues specifically concerning them. We need your help! We need you to stand up and make a difference! Be that listening ear, be that support system for all the women who are in difficult situations! The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "You will not enter paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another. Shall I not guide you to something which if you carry out you will love one another? Spread salaam amongst yourselves." [Muslim] It’s time to make a difference in the lives of those around you. Help us to help you do just that. Here’s what you can do:


Join the Helpline team. Become an overthe-phone volunteer: Fill out the form at

2 3

Tell others: Do you know anyone who will be perfect for this? Spread the word!

Donate or raise money for the cause: Email us at to find out how. The Women’s Resource Centre is a program of Mercy Mission. To contact us, please email

*All people described are fictional. Examples are written to provide a clear understanding of the situations, NOT the people.



oronto, home to over a quarter million Muslims, is known for its variety of Islamic conferences throughout the year. When I heard about Mercy Mission’s Being ME Conference last Ramadan, I’ll be honest with you – I wasn’t too impressed. My first reaction was - big whoop, another social event. This thought didn’t linger for long. After speaking with a conference organizer I became convinced otherwise! The more I learned about the goals and visions of Being ME, the more I became hooked. Excited about the opportunities Being ME would bring for the Muslim community in the GTA, I got on-board right away. This wasn’t just any other conference. Torontonians were quick to realize this as well. With only 4 months of planning, we were able to reach our target audience of 2,000 attendees, alhamdulillah!

divine liberation

of booths – some to shop for materials and services. Many booths showcased their non-profit organizations and services offered for Muslim women such as the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Being ME recognized the variety of roles we play as Muslim women. Common struggles and successes is what brought us together last year. The presenters reflected on how to benefit humanity in their own unique capacity. The main focus throughout the program was to how we as women can educate, inspire, tackle stereotypes, and develop as conscientious Muslimahs. Being ME offered the keys to reach even greater successes. The bonds of sisterhood resonated throughout the day. We left empowered and aiming for more in life! Our program offered attendees a variety of mediums to benefit from, such as: lectures, workshops, fashion show, talent show, and an awards ceremony – The perfect platform to teach, learn, share, and inspire one another to become empowered Muslimahs. For mothers, we had a children’s program – run entirely by men so the women could have a day off. We set up an exclusive Sister’s Corner for women to relax, get pampered with some henna, and makeup. We also offered sisters therapeutic cupping. And of course, you can’t forget the exhibition area, a must-have in every event! This consisted of a variety

Alhamdulillah, the success of last year’s conference resulted in a global movement! This year alone, Being ME has launched in the UK at 2 locations, and in Malaysia. The original Being ME Conference is back in Toronto and bigger than ever! Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 6th. Spend the weekend in downtown Toronto at the Metro Convention Centre with 5,000 of your sisters. Be inspired, feel the sisterhood, and change the world!



LE Summer Day Camp By: Aasiya Qasim


lhamdulillah, the first Little Explorers (LE) Summer Day Camp, which was held at the Mercy Mission Madinah, July 9-12, 2012, was a big resounding success! We had 27 children attend for the four day program which ran daily from 10am-3pm. Sisters Evangeline, Steffanie and Sadiya were awesome helpers, mashaAllah! Jazakumullahu khairun; the camp would not have been possible without their efforts! On Monday, we welcomed the children and had some ice-breaker activities where we all got to know one another a little bit more. We also made Ramadan wheels, which help the children learn and remember the sequence of events in a fasting day. The highlight of the day was definitely painting the Little Explorers t-shirts with bright, colourful, 3D fabric paint! On Tuesday, we started the day off with circle time and each child brought in something special for show and tell. We had some free time play with puppets, a reading corner, coloring table and play-doh. Our Ramadan activity for the day was to make binoculars out of toilet paper rolls to spot the Ramadan moon! We attached the dua for moon sighting as well. After lunch time we had a special guest, sister Hira Khan, who did a fun and informative session for the kids about Green Living. We spoke about different ways to take care of


the environment and also how we should be thankful for the things that other kids around the world may not have, such as electricity and running water. After the presentation, sister Hira spilt us up into two groups and we each made our own laundry soap. One group made liquid soap and the other made powdered soap. The kids had lots of fun and all got to help out. Wednesday was an exciting day because we went on a fieldtrip to an indoor playground called “Mighty Jungle�. It was also exciting because the kids got to wear the t-shirts that they painted on Monday. We partnered up and walked from the Madinah Centre to the indoor playground. Alhamdulillah, the walk was short, enjoyable and the weather was great. The kids had a blast climbing on the three leveled climber, going down slides, playing in the ball pits and driving the many toy cars. We had our lunches there and walked back to the centre after three hours of fun. When we returned, the children had some quiet time to wind down until their parents came to pick them up. Thursday was our final day of the camp. We had two Ramadan activities to complete since the indoor playgroup took up all our time the day before. We made paper chains with an activity to do on each chain for the month of Ramadan.

We also made shields out of paper plates and tin foil and learned about the hadith “Fasting is a shield.� For lunch we enjoyed a pizza party complete with chips, juice and freezies! After lunch, we played potato sac and egg-onspoon races. We concluded the day with praying dhuhr salah together (which we also did on all of the other days) and the kids were given a folder with all their activities and worksheets to take home to show their families. We all had a great time and enjoyed everyone’s company! We look forward to hosting many more camps to come so stay tuned for updates!


A-Z of Love & Mercy

Heart Therapy

Mercy to the Worlds

The Rightly Guided

September, 22-23

September, 15-16

September, 29-30

October, 13-14

University of Waterloo

Vancouver, CA

Ottawa, CA

University of Toronto

Waterloo, CA

Bahen Centre, Toronto, CA

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