Mercy Mission Monthly Newsletter Issue 2 April

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Issue 2

April 2012

Live Your Best Life Sheikh Tawfique Chowdhury AlKauthar Conference: Excellence in Knowledge & Action Little Explorers: Movie Night & Mother and Daughter Tea Party

Annual Gala Dinner Celebrating Our Successes

“We did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me” (Al-Dariyyat:5) Kashif Shabir Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu



llah says: “We did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me” (Al-Dhariyyat:5) With this responsibility Allah has also put the rest of creation at the service of mankind to fulfil the duties laid upon it. It is thus upon us to use the resources at our disposal to fulfil our purpose mentioned in the verse above. Allah, in His Infinite Wisdom and Power, gave me the opportunity to visit the Mercy Mission teams around the world recently to see the work being undertaken across the regions. Canada – On 25th March 2012, Canada hosted the first ever single day Alkauthar Conference, in Ottawa. The conference was well received and included a line-up of some new speakers on the AlKauthar platform including Yousseff Berada and Zijad Delic, amongst some more familiar instructors.


UK – This year Mercy Mission UK will be holding their Sisters Conference - Being ME - in London and Manchester. On the 10th of March Mercy Mission UK held their 2012 first teamhive. They launched a NZF Champions Campaign.

Coming up in Canada:

Malaysia – The Mercy Mission Madinah shelter for women will be accepting applications by the time this newsletter reaches you, the team is also holding a ground breaking vision and leadership course in conjunction with the Malaysian government.

27th - 30th - WRC Staff attending the annual Islamic Social Service Association Four Day Training: Counseling Muslims in North America in Winnipeg

India – The Guardians pre-school programme has completed its intake of students to start classes in the coming months. The Mercy Mission shelter also hosted a Women’s Wellness day where free health and medical advice was offered to the community, and was well attended by over 150 sisters. Australia – the Melbourne team geared up to deliver the Twins of Faith conference, the largest Muslim event in Australia. The Australian team did a great job and the Australian Talent Contest went down a treat with the local community! World House Party, also raised funds for a hospital ward in Somalia!

April 27th - Mercy Mission Annual Gala Fundraiser.

May 5th & 6th - Home Sweet Home - A Proactive Approach to a Happy Family by Sheikh Alaa ElSayed in Ottawa. 12th & 13th - The Victorious One Seerah: Madinah Period - by Sheikh Alaa ElSayed in Toronto. 19th & 20th - Coolness of the Eyes - Fiqh of Salah - by Sheikh Abdurrahmann Murad in Waterloo. 26th & 27th - A-Z of Love & Mercy - Fiqh of Marriage and Divorce - by Sheikh Musleh Khan in Vancouver. Until next time Kashif Shabir Chief Operating Officer


Excellence in Knowledge & Action Conference Review Fadumo Mohammed

Bismillah ar-rahman ar-rahim On March 25th 2012, nearly 1000 Muslims and non-Muslims alike gathered at Algonquin College in Ottawa to gain knowledge in hopes of strengthening their characters, families, and ultimately their communities. What a beautiful initiative by AlKauthar Institute in bringing the community together for a unified cause: to acquire knowledge for the sake of Allah! I had a passion for this conference because I wanted Muslims to stand up, get out of their comfort zones and play a more active role within their communities. We cannot just settle for the minimum, as Muslims, we must perfect ourselves continuously; the first step is to seek knowledge. After the conference, I left with a feeling that I can change the world because I understood the importance of attaining knowledge and acting on what I learn to benefit not only myself but also my family and my larger community. Practicality... “If Muslims were to disappear, what would people miss the most?” Syria, Somalia, Palestine, and America – all are examples of Muslim countries where significant concerning events are currently occurring. The sad reality is that Muslims in all of these places are fighting for basic human rights; freedom, food and subhan Allah, water! I will never forget this question a brother asked: “If Muslims were to disappear, what would people miss the most?” This question sparked my passion for action. I am certainly not alone in my sentiments; a sister at the conference expressed her wish for Muslims in Ottawa to unite; “What an amazing devotion and brotherhood it would be if all 30, 000 Muslims supported each other, loved one another for the sake of Allah and were active in the community!” Community... Knowledge+Action “Don’t expect from us to be able to build that exemplary community or nation if we don’t have the knowledge,” - Sheikh Mohammed Cheppih.


Diversity was definitely not lacking at this conference, and this showed that people of all ages, cultural backgrounds, and even religions understand the role that knowledge plays in implementing a positive change – a change that begins as something personal and then ultimately impacts our communities as a whole. “It’s always easy to go to lectures and conferences, but the challenge certainly lies in action”, says one of the volunteers at the event. Knowledge is ineffective if not executed; the benefit of knowledge comes from putting it into practice! Not only was there a sense of community with regards to the diversity in the attendees, but guests also appreciated how the speakers were both from the local community and from the global community. “The conference was nothing less than amazing, Alhamdulillah. The line-up of speakers addressing the theme of Knowledge and Action was exceptional. I am really impressed how the Sheikhs who are part of Mercy Mission got together with the speakers from Ottawa to benefit the community. The speakers were on point with the theme and gave great lectures based on it, Masha Allah.” Take Aways... The lineup of speakers included Ustadh Youssef Berada, Imam Zijad Deljic, Imam Mohammed Badat, Imam Ahmed Limame, Sheikh Alaa Elsayed, Sheikh Mohammed Cheppih, Sheikh Musleh Khan and Brother Boonaa Mohammed as the host. I’m sure this lineup of speakers is what gained most peoples’ interest; definitely a treat for all our guests! Imam Ahmed Limame gave an insightful presentation prompting us to take risks in acquiring knowledge. Knowledge can be best acquired, he suggests, by: refraining from following our desires, asking Allah to give us intellect, having high determination, and finally devoting time and effort. Sheikh Muslah Khan in his lecture ‘Knowledge and the Tree of Tawqa’ shared a powerful reminder: To fear and know Allah, and that only by doing this would Allah teach us. More importantly practicing

the knowledge helps in the retention of it. He added: Realize you never have enough knowledge! And subhan Allah, this holds true -- the more you learn, the more you realize how little you actually know! Finally, Sheikh Alaa Elsayed, in his talk “Home Sweet Home”, emphasizes the importance of a Muslim household. It all starts within the home! If a Muslim home is not tranquil, how can a positive change be expected elsewhere? Bazaars... But the fun doesn’t end there! With all this knowledge soaking up our hearts and raising our Imaan, we were blessed to have local businesses and organizations in attendance, including: Human Concern International, Nisa Canada, Ottawa Dawah, VOMY and many more. Thus it was an occasion not only for knowledge but also for awareness, fundraising, and shopping! You couldn’t get people to leave the bazaars due to the variety of selections and a chance to network. Likewise, the hall outside the lecture room had quite the traffic and even more so during break! Allahu Akbar! The best was definitely saved for last – Alhamdulillah a young sister took her shahadah that evening. May Allah open the heart of the sister with the precious words of the kalimah and protect her always, ameen! All Good Things Must Come to An End... I hope that the conference will resonate and remain in the hearts of all who attended. I pray that Allah (swt) blesses Ottawa and all those that contributed to the success of this event. Most importantly, May Allah (swt) instill passion in the hearts of all Muslims to aspire towards the acquisition of knowledge; to better both their dunya and their akhira. Allahumma ameen! Boona Mohamed and Ustadh Youssef Berrada put it best: “What have we done to prepare to meet our Lord?”, and “A person who takes a path to go and learn for knowledge, Allah will make that a means to enter Jannah!” Fadumo Mohammed AlKauthar Institute Volunteer


Lessons From Madinah

Saad Haq

Bismillaahi was salaatu was salaam ‘ala Rasoolillaah!


Allah Says:

Would you have done something like this, if you were from amongst the Ansaar? Would you have allowed a stranger in your house, a stranger who had just left his tribe and his people in fear of death/torture/punishment from them?

“And the first forerunners [in the faith]

among the Muhajireen and the Ansar and those who followed them with good conduct - Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him, and He has prepared for them gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever. That is the great attainment.” Ponder upon the situation of the Muhajireen who had come from Makkah – They had essentially left their entire lives behind, including their families that did not accept Islam, their homes, and their wealth. Ponder upon the situation of the Ansaar who were, in actuality, completely unrelated to the Muhajireen with the exception of the ties of the Deen. But, they had clean hearts. They were truthful. They did not want evil for others.


Would you have allowed these people near you who claim to have a new way of life, a new Deen better than yours and your forefathers’? Would you have done something like what the Muhajireen did? Would you have migrated to a new city, left your wife, your children, your house, your people? Would you have followed a person claiming to be the Final Prophet of Allah?

Actions: Let us try to trust others, be kind to others, for the sake of Allah! Let us try to act with others in the way we would want from them! Let us try to clean our hearts by reflecting on Al Quran! One of the first things Prophet Muhammad (alayhi salaatu was salaam) did was that he united these two groups. He made every person from the Muhajireen a brother with the Ansaar. He also united two tribes of Aws and Khazraj who were at war amongst each other for years!

After uniting them, he started to have peace treaties amongst the Jewish tribes of Madinah.

Actions: Try to Purify your intentions.

Lessons: First step – built unity amongst the existing nation! Have a strong base to be prepared for the future! The main cause of many problems if lack of unity.

Actions: Try to unite the Muslim nation first, before even thinking of solving other problems! After uniting the Muslims, build unity and relationships of love and concern amongst all brothers and sisters in humanity. The Muhajireen and Ansaar knew that Allah Alone had created them, and to Only Him is everyone’s return! They had a true sincere intention to please Allah alone. Those people had a true sincere intention to Please Allah Alone! The Muhajireen and Ansar had full understanding of tawheed. The kuffaar did not implant the true meaning of tawheed in their hearts, and that is why evil prevailed within them, and they followed the paths of the shaytan.

Attend circles of knowledge, be it those of AlKauthar or any other authentic Islamic groups’. Let us correct our Salaah. Let us pray our Salaah as it should be prayed, striving to build this strong connection with Allah, and not just exercising. One of the basic way is to start understanding and reflecting on what you are reciting while in your Salaah. Such a strong implication was built in the hearts of the Muhajireen and the Ansaar that they understood what really means “Allahu Akbar”! Allah is Greater than everything else [not Allah is the Greatest]. This is why they sacrificed everything in their life for the sake of Allah, as Allah is Greater than everything else!

Lessons: Islam is very simple. There are just some very basic simple concepts in Islam, which if we take command of them; we can excel in Deen and duniya. The Muhajireen and Ansaar had the correct understanding of Islam.

Actions: Concentrate on the basics of Islam, before moving into the complex issues.


Have firm knowledge on Tawheed of Allah, the different types of tawheed and their implications.

If their intention was to Please Allah alone, then why is it that we are not so much united with our family or friends or neighbors or other people?

Have firm & full understanding of the six pillars of Emaan, and five pillars of Islam

Why is that now mostly fights between nations are happening on the name of Allah, instead of being solved in the name of Allah?!

And this led to one single man, with Allah’s will, conquer hearts of many!

Answer is clear: Our intentions are not pure enough to please Allah alone.


Coming to a city near you.. Sheikh Alaa ElSayed

Sheikh Alaa ElSayed



May 5th & 6th

Home Sweet Home is an essential course for anyone who is looking to get married and start an Islamic home, and also for those who wish to improve or rekindle an existing one.

May 12th & 13th

Spend a special weekend nurturing love of the Prophet by studying, reflecting and sharing ways to implement the lessons of the S朝rah into our daily lives.


Sheikh Abdurrahmann Murad

Sheikh Musleh Khan



May 19th & 20th

Learn about the greatest act of worship that your limbs will perform in this life - Salah. The most oft-performed act of worship, hence the most important fiqh course for every Muslim.

May 26th & 27th

Learn all about the fiqh of Marriage, the rights of and responsibilities of the husband and wife and everything about the rules of divorce - one of the most misunderstood topics.

Live your best life Sheikh Tawfique Chowdhury Click to Play


Click to Play


Celebrating Our Successes Mercy Mission has been founded on a vision inspired by that of RasulAllah Sallallahu Allaihi Wassalaam: ‘A world where every Muslim is able to live faithfully to their belief, building an exemplary community that benefits humanity’. The Mercy Mission Canada team has been dedicated towards this vision and working tirelessly every day since our Canadian launch in 2009. Right from the initial stages, our focus has always been ‘excellence in knowledge and action’. Many programs have been unveiled by Mercy Mission Canada within just the past few years, and alhamdulillah – with the blessing of Allah, these programs have made a grassroots impact within our community. Mercy Mission Canada blossomed with the launch of AlKauthar Institute, which now spans across Toronto, Waterloo, Ottawa and Vancouver. Then, in 2011, Mercy Mission Canada launched its first infrastructure project known as Mercy Mission Madinah. The Madinah is now the hub for all of our dedicated teams as we develop and bring to life some of the most instrumental projects our community has seen. Of the programs that Mercy Mission Canada has launched includes ‘New Muslim Care’ – An Education, Mentorship and Empowerment program that is providing the critical support our convert brothers and sisters needs when they embrace Islam. The ‘Women’s Resource Centre’, which is based on the motto of ‘Empowering, Supporting and Achieving Excellence’, is a program aiming to enable women to be successful in all facets of their lives. Currently, regular seminars on a variety of topics pertinent to our sisters are offered on a weekly and monthly basis. Some


of the services in the planning stage, which the team is currently working earnestly towards, include: in-person counselling services, a telephone helpline, and an awareness campaign against domestic violence. The Being Me Conference, the largest sistersonly conference ever held, is an annual Mercy Mission conference that provides a platform for our sisters to learn, teach, and share, and ultimately inspire them to be leaders across the globe. Alhamdulillah, Allah has blessed us with many great successes in our work. However, biithnillahi ta’ala (with the Help of Allah), this is just the beginning, and with your continuous help and support, together we will translate our vision into reality. On Friday April 27th, 6:00pm, Mercy Mission Canada is holding our Annual Gala Dinner, at Maple Banquet Hall. We welcome you to join us on this special evening, as we reveal the progress and plans for two programs: ‘New Muslim Care’ and the ‘Women’s Resource Centre’. We encourage you to attend our Annual Gala Dinner on April 27th 2012 to learn about the successes that Mercy Mission Canada has been blessed with as we continue to pursue the vision of the Final Messenger, salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, through ‘excellence in knowledge and action’. Tickets are sold for $30 for adults, and $20 for students and children aged 7-12. To purchase tickets please visit events. If you would like more information, contact

Review: Birthing Trends Assalaamualaikum wa rahmatullah,

Movie Night: The Movie night that Little Explorers held on February 3rd 6-9pm at Mercy Mission Madinah welcomed both mothers and fathers, along with their children, to encourage families to spend quality time together. Alhamdulillah, with the blessing of Allah, the evening was a resounding success, with over 50 people in attendance. Children came in their pajamas and brought blankets and pillows to lie down comfortably and watch the movie. To cater to their platter, popcorn and apple juice was served for children while the parents enjoyed tea or coffee along with other light refreshments, as well as the company of other parents while the kids watched the movie. All of this was provided for the nominal cost of just $2 per child.

and I’m the program manager for the Women’s Resource Center. Resource and Friends”. AsThe theWomen’s title suggests, the movie Centre focuses on empowering women to be the centred around children from around successful in all facets of their lives. By facilitating world learning the Quran. After the movie, the knowledge, awareness acquisition kids were able to playand around in theofMadinah necessary skills, the Women’s Resource Centre Centre, and everyone had a really enjoyable enables women to harness the reigns of personal evening alhamdulillah. In fact, many growth, success and empowerment. This parents inquired if a similar type of event could be past weekend, the Women`s Resource Centre organized again soon! hosted one such educational event titled: the Birthing Trends. This event, which was our third empowerment seminar was held at Overall, the event wastoa date, fantastic opportunity Mercy Mission Alhumdulillah, for kids (and Madinah parents)and to was, come together toa resounding learn aboutsuccess. our deen in a fun and exciting way.

The movie for the evening was the new Zaky movie titled “Let’s Learn Quran with Zaky My name is Sabah Kazmi As a program manager, my role was to conduct the seminar and ensure that everything was in order. However, as a mother of a two year old child (and a future mother of more insha’Allah), I also had the pleasure of benefitting from the event by being one of the many attendees. Sister Hira Khan did an absolutely wonderful job! She was enthusiastic and very informative, and provided detailed information to the numerous sisters that attended about the different aspects of labour and various alternative ways and resources that women can use during that difficult stage.


in Islam was discussed, and one young girl even stood up in front of the crowd to share the hadith of Rasoolullah Sallallahu Allaihi Wassalaam advising that the mother is deserving of kindness three times more so than the father. A storybook about wearing the hijab was also read.

Mother & Daughter Lunch and Tea Party: On March 31 at 1pm, the Mercy Mission Madinah transformed into an elegant venue to host over 75 mothers and daughters for the Mother & Daughter Lunch and Tea Party. Pink and purple curtains, flowered table cloths, and adorable flower teapot centerpieces welcomed mothers and daughters of all ages; even some adorable baby girls attended the event! Finger foods such as sandwiches, fruits, veggies, dips, pastries and cupcakes were served, along with a variety of teas. The charge was only $5 per family and was used to cover expenses including the activities as well as the food. During circle time, the importance of mothers

Then it was craft-time, and the mothers and daughters made hats out of paper plates and decorated them with flowers, feathers and beads which the daughters then wore during lunch. A photo booth had been set-up and various accessories such as sunglasses, hats and boas were provided. A professional photographer was available to take pictures for anyone who did not have a camera. A group picture of all of the adorable little girls was also taken. The last activity consisted of a questionnaire for each mother and daughter pair to complete. The questionnaire was designed to promote intimate bonding, with questions like: ‘What is your favorite activity to do with me?’ Alhumdulillah, with the mercy of Allah, this event served as an opportunity for both mothers and daughters to really enjoy each other’s company!


World House Party Builds Hospital Ward in Somalia Mercy Mission wishes to thank everyone who participated in the World House Party campaign in 2011. World House Party is an innovative campaign designed to help raise funds to sponsor and support various community needs.

We pray that Allah alleviates the suffering of our brothers and sisters, no matter where they are in the world and unites us all as one ummah in His Jannah. Ameen. Look forward to your ongoing support in our future initiatives.

This year our aim was to support the famine struck horn of Africa, specifically our brothers and sisters in Somalia. With your support we were able to fund the reconstruction of a HOSPITAL WARD at the Arafat Hospital in Somalia. Allahu Akbar! We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Al Imdaad Foundation for facilitating the construction of the hospital ward on our behalf. SubhanAllah! We have so much to be thankful for. Allah allowed us to have a good time ‘partying’ and at the same time afforded us the opportunity to earn eternal rewards. How beautiful is this Deen of Islam. We pray that Allah accepts from one and all.


Join Us On A Mercy Mission Ultimately great things are achieved with great people, and every single one of us has the innate ability to achieve a level of greatness in something. Mercy Mission is hungry to harness the skills, experience and passion of people who are inspired by the pursuit of the vision of the final Messenger ‘alayhi wa-salatu wa-salam. We are always eager to meet sincere people and therefore if you would like to join us, please send us an email with your CV attached to:


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