Compiled from: Help Mission Development Services
Challenges of Kenya Development Projects It is a proven fact that executing Kenya Development Projects take more than just finances. There are a lot of things that need to be taken in consideration and there are yet challenges that need to be overcome. This is especially so when these projects are executed from the grassroots level. The challenges there are much more than the challenges faced when the projects are executed in major towns in the country. Managers and several other stakeholders in Kenya development projects can attest to the fact that it is not easy executing such projects. It needs a lot of time, effort and energy right from the planning to the end of the project.
How to overcome challenges of Kenya Development Projects Though the challenges exist, it does not mean that the project can kick off. The knowledge that the projects exist is the first step to having a successful project in the long run. The following are some of the ways that project managers can overcome the challenges that come with Kenya development projects: Hire skill and attitude
Skills are an important part of any project but skill without attitude is next to useless. The project managers must therefore strive to hire skilled personnel who have the right attitude towards work. When the workers are skilled and are positive, then the project will run smoothly, the challenges notwithstanding.
Make accountability a top priority
Many are the times when managers of development projects have been unable to account for the resources that have been driven into the projects. This is because there is lack of accountability. The manager cannot do every other work in the project and therefore needs people around him who will be accountable for the daily activities during and even after the project, when a postmortem is performed. Hire few but dedicated workers
The saying that “many people make work easier” is right but to some extent it isn’t. The challenge of having many people in a project is that most people will lazy around and the few who work will be overburdened. This might in the end slow down the pace of the project. An advice to the project managers therefore, is that, they should hire a few people who are dedicated to the work at hand as this will make work much easier to perform and manage. Fewer people also encourage accountability as everyone will know what is expected of them.
Make communication the basis of the project
Communication mends or breaks relationships, whatever kind of relationship. The working relationship is as vital as the projects at hand. Kenya development projects managers are advise to encourage communication among the workers in any way. The project manager must also have effective communication skills so that any information shared is received as intended. If project managers adhere to the above proposals, then planning, executing and managing development projects would not be as challenging as it is today and project managers together with the workers will have an easy time executing the projects at hand.
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