Buddha's Light International Association
World Headquarters
Commemorative Journal
-Venerable Master Hsing Yun, 2023, Year of the Rabbit
Coexistence and Coprosperity
目錄 Contents
總會長的話 心保和尚
署理會長的話 慈容法師
秘書長的話 覺培法師
4 6 8
Words from the President ~ Most Venerable Hsin Bau
Words from the Acting President ~ Venerable Tzu Jung
A Message from the Secretary General ~ Venerable Chueh Pei
創會會長星雲大師圓寂 化世圓滿
全球歌詠緬懷 話說星雲大師
創會會長星雲大師 榮獲總統蔡英文頒予「褒揚令」
創會會長星雲大師 榮獲「高雄市榮譽市民證書」
創會會長星雲大師 榮獲國民黨頒「最高榮譽一等獎章」
創會會長星雲大師 榮獲「一等教育專業獎章」
創會會長星雲大師 獲頒菲律賓大雅台「最高教育獎勳」
創會會長星雲大師 總會長心保和尚
創會會長星雲大師 榮獲西澳貝斯沃特市長授予
「社區服務貢獻獎 」
巴西聖保羅州柯蒂亞市重要道路 命名為「星雲大師」
世界總會理事心定和尚 獲頒道德領袖獎
世界總會(美東)副秘書長永固法師 獲頒貢獻勳章
紐西蘭佛光山住持滿信法師 獲頒英雄獎
巴西如來寺住持妙佑法師 獲頒榮譽市民
中華總會獲衛福部疾管署表揚 防疫幕後英雄
澳洲西澳協會 獲頒卓越服務狀
美國洛杉磯協會副督導長黃少芬 獲頒傑出女性獎
美國洛杉磯協會副會長葉玉景 獲頒傑出女性獎
美國洛杉磯佛光童軍 榮獲佳績
紐西蘭北島佛光青年Larry Lin 榮獲全國擊劍冠軍
從地區的佛教 到國際的佛教
從傳統的佛教 到現代的佛教
佛化婚禮 菩提眷屬
三好微電影 宣揚人間真善美
佛光之美攝影比賽 感動的瞬間
從法會的佛教 到活動的佛教
國定佛誕節 全球同歡慶
閱讀博覽 書香社會
法寶推廣 宣揚人間佛教
從山林的佛教 到社會的佛教
森林復育 植樹環保
從遁世的佛教 到救世的佛教
天災人禍 急難救助
寒冬送暖 慈善捐贈
捐血義診 弱勢關懷
從弟子的佛教 到講師的佛教
檀講師培訓 培育弘法人才
從老年的佛教 到青年的佛教
亞洲佛光青年聯誼會 文化交流
菲律賓光明大學 藝術弘法
南非天龍隊 展開國際舞台
印度希望之村 教育扎根
菲律賓光明大學 田徑榮奪金牌
國際佛光會2022年世界理事會議 全球各洲聯誼會 14 32 42 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 68 72 78 86 90 94 98 102 105 108 113 119 122 127 136 144 150 158 161 166 170 172 174 176 178 180
幹部培訓 制度領導
從散漫的佛教 到制度的佛教
金剛知賓講習培訓 大洋洲佛學會考
Founding President Venerable Master Hsing ~ An Eternal Star
Passing of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun ~
Completed the Mission to Teach the World Global Memorializing and Retrospections of Venerable Master Hsing Yun
Chan & Pure Land Cultivation & Commemorative Light-offering Prayer Service for Venerable Master Hsing Yun
Honor and Achievements of Buddha’s Light
Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun Honored with Presidential Citation from President Tsai Ing-wen
Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun Recognized with the Honorary Citizen of Kaohsiung Certificate
Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun Awarded the Kuomintang First Class Medal of the Highest Honor
Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun Honored with the First Class Medal for Educational Excellence
Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun Recognized with the Highest Educational Honor by Tagaytay City, Philippines
Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun and World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau Honored with Brazil
Honorary Peace Award
Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun Honored with the Community Service Contribution Award by Bayswater Mayor
Cr Filomena Piffaretti, Western Australia
A Major Road in Cotia, São Paulo State, Brazil Named “Venerable Master Hsing Yun Road”
BLIA World Headquarters Director Most Venerable Hsin Ting
Honored with the Ashoka Pillar of Moral Leadership Award
BLIA World Headquarters Vice Secretary General America East, Venerable Yung Ku Awarded the Contribution Medal
FGS New Zealand Abbess Venerable Man Hsin Honored as Local Hero
FGS Zu Lai Temple Brazil Abbess Venerable Miao You Recognized as Honorary Citizen
BLIA Chunghua Recognized by Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare’s Centers for Disease Control as the Pandemic Unsung Heroes
BLIA Western Australia Presented with Outstanding Service
FGS Kolkata Buddhist Center, India Abbess Venerable Miao Ru
Received the Maanyata Award
BLIA Los Angeles Vice Elder Advisor General Gena Ooi
Recognized with the Outstanding Women Award
BLIA Los Angeles Vice President Connie Yip Honored with the Outstanding Women Award
Buddha’s Light Scouts Los Angeles, U.S.A. Received
Outstanding Awards
BLIA New Zealand North Island YAD Member Larry Lin Won the National Fencing Championship
BLIA New Zealand North Island YAD Member Sean Chua Won the Auckland City Weightlifting Gold Medal
Guang Ming College, Philippines Received the Gold Medal in Track and Field
From Regional Buddhism to International Buddhism
The 67th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
2022 BLIA Virtual Meeting of the Board of Directors Fellowship Meetings on the Continents
From Disorganized Buddhism to Systemized Buddhism
Executive Training Seminars ~ Leading with Systemization Male Vajra Volunteers and Female Hospitality Volunteers Seminar
Oceana Buddhism Exam
From Traditional Buddhism to Modern Buddhism
Buddhist Weddings and Bodhi Couples
Three Acts of Goodness Microfilms ~ Advocacy of Truth, Kindness, and Beauty of the World
Beauty of Buddha's Light Photo Contest ~ Touching Moments
From Dharma Service Buddhism to Activity Buddhism
Buddha’s Birthday Celebration Around the World Reading Expo: A Literary Society
Spreading Dharma Treasures and Propagating Humanistic Buddhism
From Forest Buddhism to Social Buddhism
Reforestation ~ Tree-planting for Environmental Preservation
VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run
From Reclusion Buddhism to Salvation Buddhism
Natural and Manmade Disasters ~ Emergency Relief Charitable Donations Warm up Winter Blood Drives and Charity Clinics ~ Caring for the Disadvantaged
From Buddhism of Disciples to Buddhism of Lecturers
Lay Dharma Lecturer Training ~ Foster Talents for Dharma Propagation
Humanistic Buddhism Speakers
From Buddhism for the Elderly to Buddhism for the Young
2023 International Buddha’s Light Young Adult Conference
BLIA YAD Asia Fellowship Meeting ~ Cultural Exchange
Buddha’s Light Scouts at the World Scout Jamboree
3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing in New Zealand
Guang Ming College, Philippines ~ Propagating the Dharma through Arts
Nan Hua Performing Arts Group ~ Getting on the International Stage
Hope Village in India ~ Laying Foundation for Education
15 33 43 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 69 73 79 87 91 95 99 103 106 109 114 120 123 129 137 145 151 159 162 167 171 173 175 177 179 181
「〈初心〉就是最初發起的心,是自己對自己的承 諾。修行路上,要有「不忘初心」的熱忱,才有力量
堂,需要苦修、苦學、苦練;但是一見到大眾的要求,一見到寺務繁重,一見到各種 服務,就灰心,覺得學佛怎麼要這麼辛苦,所以很多人就半途而廢。
善才童子不畏艱難,一路努力參訪善知識,都是因為不曾忘記自己初心的緣故, 所以,每回見到善知識,除了表示自己學習的決心,同時還會不斷提醒自己 : 「我是 發了菩提心的人,但我還不知道要如何修學菩薩道,我要對我的『初心』負責任。
星雲大師曾箸文自述,「不忘初心」讓他得到許多難遭難遇的助緣,大師年輕時 隻身到台灣,懷著一顆慈悲的心,一心要辦教育。對他來說,所有教育都有一個內涵 ――「發自內心的初心」:「只要有這份初心,教育就能辦得起來。大師常說『不忘 初心』,這正是『心的教育』。」
大師說,不忘初心,讓他得到許多善因好緣,「例如:我不懂建築,只憑著為佛 教培養人才的信念,就有多少因緣護持,成就了佛光山的開山;我沒有讀過書,但知 道教育的重要,也明白個人的力量有限,發起了『百萬人興學活動』,讓智慧留在人
間;我不會外文,但生起了『要將法水長流五大洲』的心願,再加上各地有心人士的 護持,從此走上國際弘法的道路。」
大師出家以後,念念於心的,就是「為了佛教」,為了佛教,弘法上的辛苦,不 覺得有什麼了不起;為了佛教,有人批評佛教,我要寫文章護法;為了佛教,立志辦 教育、辦文化、辦慈善事業等等。經常有人請教大師 : 「為什麼要創建佛光山 ? 」這當 然是各種因緣和合;也經常有人問 : 「為什麼佛光山後來展開了世界性的傳播?」這 也是因緣的推動。若要歸納來說,一切都是「為了佛教」。
創會會長星雲大師於今年二月五日圓寂,佛光會員更應秉持大師大願,以「不忘 初心」的精神信念,為了佛教,持續精進,弘揚人間佛教。
Most Venerable Hsin Bau
Never Forget the Initial Vow
The initial vow is giving rise to the first resolve, a commitment we have made to ourselves. On the path of cultivation, we must embrace the enthusiasm of “never forget the initial vow” so we can have the strength for unwavering perseverance. Moreover, we should do more than simply looking at the surface in learning Buddhism. It would be a missed opportunity if we regard the “Biography of Shakyamuni Buddha” as a mere story for good reading. Because while we can read about the Buddha practicing six years of asceticism, we cannot understand how the Buddha could subsist on a hemp seed and a grain. Hence, we should delve into the inherent strength of our mind, as afflictions originate from the mind we need to apply effort in cultivating the inner self.
Venerable Master Hsing Yun once taught that entering the gate of Buddhism is not an immediate entrance into paradise; it demands austere practice, diligent learning, and rigorous training. However, on encountering demands of the multitude, burden of temple affairs, and various responsibilities of service, some become disheartened. They wonder why Buddhist practice is so arduous, causing many to abandon the path midway.
The virtuous Sudhana was undeterred by hardships, diligently visited wise mentors on his journey because he never forgot his initial vow. Therefore, every time he encountered a knowledgeable teacher, he expressed his determination to learn and reminded himself continuously, “I am someone who has giving rise to the Bodhi mind, yet I still do not know how to cultivate the Bodhisattva path. I am responsible for my initial vow.”
Venerable Master Hsing Yun once wrote in his reflections, the commitment to “never forget the initial vow” brought him numerous timely opportunities rarely encountered. The Venerable Master embarked on a solitary journey to Taiwan in his young days, driven by a compassionate heart and an unwavering dedication to establishing educational institutions. In his view, all forms of education shared a common core, an initial vow from within the mind. He believed that, “With this initial vow, educational endeavors will succeed.” The Venerable Master often said, “Never forget the initial vow, this is education of the mind.”
The Venerable Master indicated that by never forgetting his initial vows, he encountered numerous favorable circumstances and good connections. For instance, he explained, “I did not know architecture, but driven by my faith in nurturing talent for Buddhism, I received ample support from various sources, leading to the founding of Fo Guang Shan. I may not have had formal education, but I recognized the importance of education and understood the limitations of my personal effort. Therefore, I initiated the ‘Million-Member Fundraising Campaign’ to ensure that wisdom remains in the world. Although I know no foreign languages, I kindled the aspiration to let the Dharma stream flow on the five continents. With the support of dedicated individuals worldwide, I embarked on the path of international Dharma propagation.”
After his renunciation, “for the sake of Buddhism” had always been on the Venerable Master’s mind. For the sake of Buddhism, he never felt that the hardships of propagating the Dharma were anything remarkable. For the sake of Buddhism, when people criticized the faith, he wrote articles to defend it; for the sake of Buddhism, he aspired to establish educational, cultural, and charitable endeavors. People often asked the Venerable Master, “Why did you build Fo Guang Shan?” This is of course the result of various causes and conditions coming together. There were also people asking, “Why did Fo Guang Shan expand its propagation efforts on a global scale?” It was also driven by causal conditions, all in all, everything was for the sake of Buddhism.
On February 5 this year, Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun passed away. As BLIA members, it is our responsibility to uphold the Venerable Master’s profound vows guided by the unwavering spirit of “never forget the initial vow;” for the sake of Buddhism, we should persist with diligence to propagate Humanistic Buddhism.
Words from the World Headquarters President
國際佛光會在創會會長星雲大師的帶領之下,邁入了第 31
隨著時代的變遷,科技的進步,佛光會也因應時代的需求,以各種形式的活動,帶動 著社會善美的力量。近些年來,環保議題受到聯合國的關注,佛光會也重視社會環保 議題,除了舉辦植樹復育森林活動,也透過「蔬食公益路跑」,推廣蔬食,並將「蔬 食公益路跑」的公里數,換算成米糧,捐贈給弱勢團體。「蔬食公益路跑」於全球各 地受到了社會的肯定,尤其加拿大總理賈斯汀‧皮耶‧詹姆士‧杜魯道等政要官員, 頒發賀函,給予表揚及肯定。創會會長星雲大師於 2010 年以「環保與心保」為世界 大會主題,早在那個時候大師就十分重視環保議題,全球佛光人也都持續的在舉辦種 樹、淨灘、推廣素食等環保活動,為地球的環保盡一份棉薄之力。 此外,星雲大師一生倡導平等,對於性別的平等,乃至於僧信平等,都不離釋迦牟 尼佛眾生平等的思想,因此大師首創檀講師制度,讓在家眾也能走入校園、走入社區 宣講。尤其「人間佛教宣講員」的推展,許多海內外佛光人踴躍參與,透過星雲大師 的文章,於不同場合宣揚大師人間佛教之精神理念。
對於性別的平等,星雲大師重視女性的平權,國際佛光會每一年出席聯合國婦女委 員會年會,於平行會議上發表星雲大師之平等觀與實踐,獲得聯合國現場聽眾熱烈的 回響。聯合國秘書長古特雷斯表示「性別平等」將推遲300年才能達成,但佛光山及佛
光會在星雲大師的帶領之下,早在幾十年前就已落實平等與平權,可見星雲大師的帶 領,不但具有前瞻性,更是符合時代人類的需求。
全球佛光會也在世界各地秉持創會會長星雲大師「人間佛教」的精神理念,透過 各種活動推動佛教的發展。例如:舉辦全球佛學會考、人間音緣歌曲創作比賽、讀書 會、佛誕節浴佛、捐血報恩、慈善捐贈、弱勢關懷等,都受到當地的肯定。當面臨天 災人禍,如疫情救援、烏克蘭戰爭、巴基斯坦洪水、阿富汗寒冬救援、土耳其大地震 等災難,佛光人更是義不容辭的伸出援手給予幫助,讓人間多一份溫暖與善美。
非常感謝各位佛光人於世界各地的努力與付出,雖然創會會長星雲大師於今年元宵 節圓寂了,但大師的精神理念永遠與我們同在。希望全球佛光人都能秉持星雲大師的 精神理念,持續推動人間佛教的發展,為人間增添歡喜與快樂,讓人間都能成為一片 淨土,在此祝福大家!
Words of the Acting President Venerable Tzu Jung
There is Warmth in the World
members, auspicious blessings! A warm welcome to BLIA members worldwide coming back to Fo Guang Shan for the in-person 2023 BLIA General Conference. Over the past few years, the pandemic has brought everyone many inconveniences, in particular, many events have changed to be online, reducing personal interaction between one another. The pandemic has eased off this year and BLIA members from across the world enthusiastically registered for the Conference, hoping to come back for an in-person conference for meeting and interacting with each other.
Under the leadership of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun, BLIA has entered its 31st year, like a baby having grown to be a young adult, filled with vitality and hope. With the changing times and advances in technology, BLIA is also keeping up with the times and hosting various events, driving a virtuous and beautiful energy in society. In recent years, environmental issues have become a focus of the United Nations. BLIA also places great importance on environmentalism, holding tree-planting and reforestation events, it has also hosted the VegRun Global Community Run to promote vegetarianism, and converted the mileage from the runs to rice for donation to disadvantaged groups. VegRun has received recognition by society around the world. In particular, Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and other officials have issued certificates of recognition. In 2010, Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun advocated “Environmental and Spiritual Preservation” as the General Conference theme. As early as that time, the Venerable Master already placed great importance on environmentalism. BLIA members worldwide have been continuously holding tree-planting, beach cleaning, vegetarianism promotion, and environmental events, doing what they can for the Earth in environmental preservation.
In addition, Venerable Master Hsing Yun had promoted equality throughout his life. Whether it is gender equality, or equality between monastic and laity, all are within Sakyamuni Buddha’s philosophy of equality among sentient beings. Hence, the Venerable Master established the first Lay Dharma Lecturer system, allowing lay disciples to enter campuses and communities to speak on the Dharma. The development of the Humanistic Buddhism Speaker system has brought many local and overseas BLIA members to participate enthusiastically. Through Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s writings, they can propagate the Venerable Master’s spirit and vision of Humanistic Buddhism at different venues.
Regarding gender equality, Venerable Master Hsing Yun prioritized the equality of women. Every year, BLIA attends the annual sessions for the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. At the parallel meeting, BLIA would speak on Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s view of equality and its practice, earning enthusiastic response from the in-person audience at the United Nations. United Nations Secretary-General Guterres said that gender equality would be delayed for another 300 years, but Fo Guang Shan and BLIA, under Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s leadership, have already achieved equality and equal rights decades ago. We can see that Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s leadership is forward-thinking and in accordance with the needs of people in this age.
BLIA chapters worldwide are also following Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s spirit and vision and promoting the development of Buddhism with various activities. For instance, the Global Buddhism Exam, Sounds of the Human World Global Songwriting Contest, study groups, Buddha’s Birthday celebrations, blood drives, charity donations, caring for the disadvantaged etc. have all received recognition from the local community. When natural and manmade disasters hit, such as pandemic relief, the Ukraine war, flood in Pakistan, winter relief for Afghanistan, and earthquake in Turkiye, BLIA members would not hesitate to lend a hand to people in need, providing more warmth, kindness, and beauty to the world.
I’m very grateful for the efforts and contributions of BLIA members around the world. Even though Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun had passed away on Lantern Festival this year, the spirit and vision of the Venerable Master will always be with us. I hope that BLIA members worldwide can uphold Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s spirit and vision, and continue to promote the development of Humanistic Buddhism, bringing more joy and happiness to the world for it to become a pure land. My blessings to you all!
年,應該是全球佛光人最感傷的一年,因為我們最敬 愛的創會會長 星雲大師圓寂,如人天眼滅,萬籟聲悽, 四眾失怙,痛失皈依…。
角度應該這麼想:「何其有幸,千年難遇的一代的高僧, 我們得遇;能令眾生離苦的人間佛教無量義,我們得以領
多太多:他教會我們以「三好」淨化人心,用「四給」處世做 人,以「五和」創造幸福人生;他鼓勵我們要對自己有信心,「我 是佛」是「自依止」的承諾,「要讀書、明因果」是「法依止」的落實。
一生「為了佛教」的星雲大師,留下了全球五大洲三百個弘法據點,橫跨美、澳、亞 洲五所大學,近百所中小學及中文學校,及一整套令人嘆為觀止的 395 冊《星雲大師全
集》,數百萬會員信眾得到佛法的教化,在生活中淨化身口意三業,繼而實現「三好人 家」、「三好校園」,翻轉無數生命的故事。
疫情期間,我們透過網路不斷的學習,過去三年無論是「線上」佛學會考、線上理事 會議或世界大會,數萬名會員依舊精進的線上相聚,聆聽著佛光會員們豐富多采的會務 報告及各式各樣因應疫情的安頓身心方法。而今,疫情後我們再度回到總本山,這一年 首次沒有創會會長星雲大師的世界大會,大家卻如候鳥歸巢,超過兩千四百位的會員參 加,不得不因食宿空間而截止報名,每一個人用「回家」的行動告訴敬愛的大師:「我 們對您有多麼深的思念。」
大師一生推動「人間佛教」,一輩子的歲月最終讓佛教走出了山林,走向社會,更走 入人群。在寧靜的變革中,領航著僧信二眾,將佛教帶入了現代化、制度化、國際化、 藝文化、書香化、年輕化、本土化、生活化…。他為我們所開拓的學佛道路,豈止一 條,而是可以從聽經聞法、梵唄、法會、文化、教育、閱讀、歌唱、體育、飲食,日常 生活、行住坐臥等,千百萬條,條條契入佛法。大師以「慈悲」、「平等」為軸心,以 「三好」、「四給」淨化三業,以「六度」、「四攝」化導頑強,凡是「利樂有情」, 能令眾生「入佛知見」者,無一不是佛法。
佛光山與佛光會如鳥之雙翼,未來佛教的發展有賴於我們這一代僧信共同承擔,曾經 跟隨過大師的資深佛光人,更要以「善巧方便」的慈心悲願提攜後輩,鼓勵後學,無論 在「佛光會務」的健全上提出有效方法,或接引會員幫助更多佛光人成長向上,或積極 鼓勵兒童、青年加入童軍團、青年團,成立合唱團以傳唱著每一首優美的佛教歌曲,或 不斷培養讀書會帶領人、宣講員、檀講師等,以弘揚星雲大師人間佛教的理念…,總 之,無論在家庭或學校中,在生活或工作裡,請善用大師留給我們的寶藏!
Please Use Wisely the Treasures the Venerable Master Bequeathed Us
should be the most sorrowful year for BLIA members worldwide. With the passing of our beloved Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun, it has felt like, “heavenly and human eyes have extinguished, all of nature is filled with the sound of mourning; the four-fold disciples have lost a fatherly figure we take refuge in.”
However, we know that the Venerable Master would not want us to be dejected; conversely, he would want us to continue to soar high, encouraging us that there is a path ahead. We should reflect from another perspective: “How fortunate for us to have crossed paths with a once-in-a-millennium eminent master; we are able to receive and learn the immeasurable teachings of Humanistic Buddhism for liberating sentient beings from suffering.” Indeed, we are fortunate that the Venerable Master has bequeathed us with so many treasures. He had taught us the Three Acts of Goodness to purify people’s mind, the Four Givings to guide us in dealing with matters and conducting ourselves, and the Five Harmonies to create a life of happiness. He had encouraged us to be confident in ourselves; take refuge in ourselves with the vow that “I am a Buddha,” and by taking refuge in the Dharma is “to read and study, to understand cause and effect.”
Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s lifetime dedication to Buddhism has resulted in 300 locations for Dharma propagation across the five continents; five universities in America, Europe, and Asia; close to 100 elementary, middle, and Chinese schools; and the awe-inspiring 395-volume Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun. With the Dharma, millions of members and devotees have purified their three karmas of action, speech, and thought, turning numerous lives around with Three Acts of Goodness Families and Three Acts of Goodness Schools.
During the past three years of the pandemic, we remained diligent through Buddhism exams, Board of Directors meeting, and General Conference, all of which were conducted online. Tens of thousands of members gathered virtually to listen to each other’s impressive work reports and learn ways to gain ease and peace for body and mind during the pandemic. This year, the General Conference returns to Fo Guang Shan for the first time after the pandemic, but this is also the first time without Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun gracing us with his presence. Nevertheless, members have been like migrant birds flocking home to their nest. Over 2,400 members will be attending the General Conference; we unfortunately had to close off registration due to reaching full capacity. “Returning home” is our way of telling our beloved Venerable Master, “We miss you so deeply.”
Thanks to the Venerable Master’s lifetime propagation of Humanistic Buddhism, after the months and years of his life, Buddhism is finally brought out of seclusion to enter society and into the multitudes. In this silent revolution, the Venerable Master has led monastic and laity to bring a modern, systemized, international, cultural, educational, youthful, localized, and life-engaging Buddhism to the world. He has paved multiple paths in daily life for us to learn Buddhism, including talks, chanting, Dharma services, cultural events, educational programs, reading, singing, sports, and food; so that in our daily living, whether within walking, standing, sitting, or resting, there are hundreds and thousands of ways, with every one of them connecting to the Dharma. The Venerable Master taught us through the two axis of compassion and equality: purify the three karmas with the Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings, and transform stubbornness with the six perfections and four means of embracing. All that can bring benefit and joy to sentient beings, leading them into the insight of buddhas are all Dharma.
Fo Guang Shan and BLIA are like the two wings of a bird; the future of Buddhism is a shared responsibility between our generation of monastics and lay disciples. Senior BLIA members who have learned under the Venerable Master should make a compassionate vow to guide and encourage junior ones with skillful means. Whether it is to give suggestions to improve BLIA’s operations; bring new members to foster mutual growth; encourage children and youths to join the BLIA Scouts or BLIA YAD; form a choir to sing the beauty of Buddhist songs; train study group facilitators, speakers, and Lay Dharma Lecturers for promoting Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s philosophy of Humanistic Buddhism. Overall, whether at home or in school, at work or within daily living, please use wisely the treasures Venerable Master Hsing Yun has bequeathed us!
9 A Message from the Secretary General Venerable Chueh Pei
I. Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun
~ An Eternal Star
享耆壽 97 歲
The Passing of BLIA Founding President –
Venerable Master Hsing Yun at Age 97
年 2 月 5 日創會會長星雲大師於下 午 5 時在莊嚴的佛號聲中,安詳圓寂於 佛光山總本山傳燈樓開山寮,享耆壽 97 歲。
世界總會總會長心保和尚於 2 月 6 日清晨, 在大雄寶殿悲痛為千位僧信二眾,宣布此沉 痛的消息,面對如此佛教一代大師人天眼
會會長星雲大師能乘願再來。總會長保和尚 勉勵:「我們做弟子的要秉承師志,不忘初 心,弘法利生,以人間佛教為宗風,繼續弘 揚正法,為教增光,為己增榮。除了感謝大 師恩德,更要以弘法利生為家業、為事業, 才不會辜負師父對我們的期望。」
創會會長星雲大師法體真身,於佛光 山傳燈樓舉行封龕典禮,僧信二眾在天色拂 曉的清晨列隊跪接,整齊莊嚴的隊伍一路從 傳燈樓綿延至佛光山雲居樓,世界總會總會 長心保和尚、世界總會理事暨退居和尚心定 和尚、心培和尚擔任主法和尚,為大師的法 體真身進行封龕。隨即由總會長心保和尚領 眾,將大師法體真身起龕移靈至雲居樓舉行 奉厝儀式,並連續 7 日開放信眾緬懷弔唁, 各界政要、賢達、海內外佛光會員,絡繹不 絕前來哀悼緬懷。
President Most Venerable Hsin Bau solemnly announced, “Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun has completed his mission to teach the world and passed away peacefully.”
14 永恆
On February 6, 2023, the true Dharma body of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun was enshrined in a consecration ceremony at FGS Dharma Transmission Center. In the early hours of dawn, a procession of monastics and laity knelt in reverent formation to receive it.
Passing of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun Completed the Mission to Teach the World
Master Hsing Yun, Founding President of Buddha’s Light International Association, passed away peacefully at 5 pm on February 5, 2023 amidst the solemn chanting of the Buddha’s name in the Founders Quarters at FGS Dharma Transmission Center. As dawn broke in the morning of February 6, BLIA World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau made the heart-breaking announcement to a thousand monastic and lay members of the Fo Guang Shan Order in FGS Main Shrine with much sorrow. In facing the passing of the great master of our generation, “heavenly and human eyes have extinguished, the ferry of prajna has sunken,” the congregation has endured the loss of their reliance, together they prayed for his swift return to the world on the wings of his vow. Most Venerable Hsin Bau encouraged the congregation, “As disciples, we must uphold Master’s aspirations, stay true to our original intent, propagate the Dharma for the benefit of all beings, and make Humanistic Buddhism our guiding principle. We should continue to promote the right teachings, bring glory to the Buddhist faith and honor to ourselves. In addition to expressing gratitude for the Venerable Master’s benevolence and virtues, we should also take Dharma propagation to benefit sentient beings our life mission and career. Only then can we live up to our Master's expectations.”
True Dharma Body Enshrined in the Cloud Dwelling Building
The true Dharma body of Founding President, Venerable Master Hsing Yun was enshrined in a stupa at FGS Dharma Transmission Center. Monastics and the laity kneeled in orderly lines in the early morning to receive the Venerable Master, stretching from the Dharma Transmission Center to the Cloud Dwelling Building. World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, Directors and Former Abbots Most Venerable Hsin Ting and Most Venerable Hsin Pei presided over the consecration ceremony for the Venerable Master’s true Dharma body. Following the ceremony, led by Most Venerable Hsin Bau, the true Dharma body of Venerable Master Hsing Yun in the stupa was transferred to the Cloud Dwelling Building for enshrinement. The shrine was open for devotees to pay their respects and offer condolences for seven consecutive days; eminent government officers, virtuous social figures, and BLIA members worldwide came in an endless stream to pay their respects during the period.
15 Eternal
2023年2月6日創會會長星雲大師法體真身, 於佛光山傳燈樓舉行封龕典禮,僧信二眾在天色拂曉的清晨列隊跪接。
由世界總會總會長心保和尚、世界總會理事暨退居和 尚心定和尚、心培和尚主持典禮。
On February 6, 2023, the consecration ceremony of the true Dharma body of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun was presided over by the World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, Directors and Retired Abbots Most Venerable Hsin Ting and Most Venerable Hsin Pei.
On February 6, 2023, the true Dharma body of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun was transferred to the Cloud Dwelling Building in a ceremony where monastics and lay devotees formed orderly lines along the way, kneeling in reverence.
On February 6, 2023, the Commemorative Ceremony of Venerable Master Hsing Yun was successfully concluded. Monastics and laity prostrated in paying respects to the Master.
16 永恆
People from All Walks of Life Came to Memorialize
On February 6, 2023, Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s true Dharma body, enshrined in a stupa at the Cloud Dwelling Building as an endless stream of eminent government officials and virtuous figures in society came to mourn and pay their respects.
On February 6, 2023, Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s true Dharma body, enshrined in a stupa at the Cloud Dwelling Building, distinguished guests and devotees from overseas came to mourn and pay respects.
On February 6, 2023, in the Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun memorial shrine, an endless stream of local and overseas monastics and laity came to mourn and pay their respects during the seven-day period.
年 2 月 6 日創會會長星雲大師法體真身坐塔奉厝雲居 樓,海外貴賓及信眾前來哀悼緬懷。
年 2 月 6 日創會會長星雲大師悼念會場,海內外僧信 連續7日絡繹不絕前來悼念緬懷。
17 Eternal
On February 13, 2023, the true Dharma body of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun enshrined in a stupa made a pilgrimage throughout Fo Guang Shan.
2 月 13 日「傳臨濟正宗第四十八世佛光
山開山祖師星雲大師圓寂讚頌典禮」,來自 海內外各界賢達、佛光人逾 5 萬人出席送別。
總統蔡英文親自頒予褒揚令,以「上善若水, 渥惠搖芳」表彰創會會長星雲大師一生的貢 獻,高雄市長陳其邁為創會會長星雲大師頒 發「高雄市榮譽市民證書」,國民黨主席朱 立倫授予最高榮譽一等獎章。現場播放星雲 大師行狀影片、述說大師弘法歷程走過的心
路點滴,並有來自政界、教育界、文化界、 醫學界以及全球各代表,向大師追思致敬。 總會長心保和尚向大眾致謝,並表示「大師 法身雖短暫告別,但發願來世要再當和尚, 相信大師很快將乘願再來、再續法緣。」僧 信二眾於《惜別歌》及頂禮叩謝大師後,夾 道恭送大師法體真身坐塔巡禮佛光山,並移 往台南白河大仙寺舉行「圓寂荼毘大典」。
“Commemorative Ceremony for Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun” was held at FGS Cloud Dwelling Building. Thousands of people gathered to remember and honor the Venerable Master’s legacy of virtue and benevolence.
18 永恆
Commemorative Ceremony
On February 13, the “Commemorative Ceremony for Venerable Master Hsing Yun, 48th Patriarch of the Linji Chan school and Founding Master of Fo Guang Shan,” was held with over 50,000 people from all walks of life as well as Fo Guang members from Taiwan and overseas in attendance. Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen personally presented a Presidential Citation to honor Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s lifetime contributions; Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai recognized the Venerable Master with the “Honorary Citizen of Kaohsiung City Certificate;” Kuomintang
(KMT) Chairperson Eric Chu conferred the “Highest Honor First Class Medal.” During the ceremony, a video of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s life and journey in propagating the Dharma was played. Representatives from political, educational, cultural, and medical fields,
as well as people from around the world paid their respects to the Venerable Master. BLIA President Most Venerable Hsin Bau expressed his gratitude to the congregation and stated, “Though the Venerable Master’s true Dharma body has temporarily bid us farewell, but he had vowed to return to be a monk again in future lives, so we believe he will return soon on the wings of his vows to sustain the Dharma affinity.” After singing the Farewell Song and making prostrations of gratitude to the Venerable Master, monastics and devotees escorted the true Dharma body of the Venerable Master in the stupa to make a pilgrimage throughout Fo Guang Shan before being transported to Baihe Daxian Temple, Tainan for the Cremation Ceremony.
19 Eternal
On February 13, 2023, the true Dharma body of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun enshrined in a stupa was transported out of the memorial shrine after the Commemorative Ceremony.
On February 13, 2023, on completion of the Commemorative Ceremony of Founding President Venerable Master, over 50,000 lay devotees participated simultaneously at Fo Guang Shan and the Buddha Museum through live streaming.
20 永恆
2023 年2 月 13 日創會會長星雲大師圓寂讚頌會圓滿,萬名僧信 沿途恭送創會會長星雲大師法體真身坐塔。
On February 13, 2023, on completion of the Commemorative Ceremony of Founding President Venerable Master, 10,000 monastics and devotees respectfully escorted true Dharma body of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun enshrined in a stupa along the way.
2023年2月13日僧信二眾夾道跪迎、恭送創會會長星雲大師 法體真身坐塔巡禮佛光山。
On February 13, 2023, monastics and devotees knelt along the path to respectfully escort the true Dharma body of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun enshrined in a stupa during its pilgrimage through Fo Guang Shan.
2023 年 2 月 13 日僧信二眾夾道跪迎、恭送創會會長 星雲大師法體真身坐塔巡禮佛光山佛陀紀念館。
On February 13, 2023, monastics and devotees knelt along the path to respectfully escort the true Dharma body of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun enshrined in a stupa during the pilgrimage to FGS Buddha Museum.
2023 年2 月 13 日僧信二眾夾道恭送創會會長星雲大師法體真身 坐塔。
On February 13, 2023, monastics and devotees knelt along the path to respectfully escort the true Dharma body of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun enshrined in a stupa.
21 Eternal
荼毘大典 舍利安奉
2 月 13 日「傳臨濟正宗第四十八世
2023 年 2 月 13 日創會會長星雲大師法體真身 抵達荼毘現場,僧信虔誠頂禮叩首,恭送大 師最後一程。
On February 13, 2023, the true Dharma body of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun arrived at the cremation site. Monastics and devotees knelt in prostration to respectfully see the Venerable Master off on his last journey.
2023 年 2 月 13 日大師的法體真身「涅槃塔」巡山後,隨即前往大仙寺「荼毘」,沿途數以萬計的信眾頂著烈日,夾 道跪迎。
On February 13, 2023, after making a pilgrimage throughout Fo Guang Shan, the stupa carrying the true Dharma body of the Venerable Master proceeded to Daxian Temple for cremation, thousands of devotees knelt in reverence under the hot sun along the way.
22 永恆
Cremation Ceremony and Enshrinement of the Relics
On February 13, 2023, the “Cremation Ceremony for the 48th Patriarch of Linji Chan school and Founder of Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Master Hsing Yun” was held at Baihe Daxian Temple, Tainan. Upon chanting the Incense Praise and the Heart Sutra, World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, Directors Most Venerable Hsin Ting and Most Venerable Hsin Pei, Acting President Venerable Tzu Jung, and other elders covered the stupa for the true Dharma body of Venerable Master Hsing Yun with a sutra blanket embroidered with the gatha: “A mind with the compassionate vow to deliver sentient beings, a body like a boat on the Dharma ocean, unbound. Should you ask what the Venerable Master has achieved in this lifetime? Peace and happiness shine upon the five continents.” President Most Venerable Hsin Bau recited the gatha in teaching: “The four great elements are empty to demonstrate existence, the combination of the five aggregates is not real. Bodhisattva skillfully manifests illness, realizing true form with profound vows.” World Headquarters Director Most Venerable Hsin Ting symbolically ignited the fire as the congregation sang the Farewell Song, respectfully bidding farewell to the true Dharma body of Venerable Master Hsing Yun for cremation. After the cremation, monastics and devotees knelt respectfully in receiving the true relics of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun back to Fo Guang Shan for enshrinement at the Longevity Garden Relic Hall for the public to visit and pay their respects.
On February 13, 2023, BLIA members gathered at Daxian Temple to participate in the cremation ceremony for Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun via livestreaming to bid final farewell to the Venerable Master.
2023 年 2 月 13 日佛光會員齊聚大仙寺,透過 直播參與創會會長星雲大師荼毗大典,恭送 大師最後一程。
23 Eternal
On February 13, 2023, the “Cremation Ceremony for the 48th Patriarch of Linji Chan school and Founder of Fo Guang Shan, Venerable Master Hsing Yun” was held at Baihe Daxian Temple, disciples and devotees gathered to send off the Venerable Master.
2023 年 2 月 13 日荼毘大典,長老們為創會會長星雲大師棺槨覆蓋莊嚴經被,被上繡著詩偈: 「心懷度眾慈悲願,身似法海不繫舟;問我一生何所求,平安幸福照五洲。」
On February 13, 2023, during the cremation ceremony, elders covered the casket of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun with an auspicious sutra blanket embroidered with the gatha: “A mind with the compassionate vow to deliver sentient beings, a body like a boat on the Dharma ocean, unbound. Should you ask what the Venerable Master has achieved in this lifetime? Peace and happiness shine upon the five continents.”
2023年2月13日荼毘大典在「南無本師釋迦牟尼佛」聖號聲中,弟子們齊心將大師法體真身移上 荼毘台。
On February 13, 2023, during the cremation ceremony, disciples reverently placed the true Dharma body of the Venerable Master onto the cremation platform amidst the solemn chanting of “Namo Sakyamuni Buddha.”
24 永恆
On February 13, 2023, BLIA World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau enshrined the true relics of Founding Master Venerable Master Hsing Yun at the Longevity Memorial Park Venerable Master Relic Hall.
On February 13, 2023, the true relics of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun were mainly pure white like Dharma nectar. Others were auspicious round crystal relics of various colors, including red, yellow, blue, and black, symbolizing the fulfillment of cultivation.
On February 13, 2023, after the completion of the cremation ceremony, President Most Venerable Hsin Bau reverently carried the true relics of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun into the Longevity Memorial Park. Monastics and devotees
along the way to pay their respects.
2023年2月13日總會長心保和尚將創會會長星雲大師真 身舍利,供奉於萬壽園大師舍利堂。
年 2 月 13 日創會會長星雲大師舍利子白皙圓潤,
色澤淨白,其他還有紅、黃、藍、黑等琉璃光色的圓 形結晶堅固子,莊嚴無比,象徵著修行的圓滿。
25 Eternal
圓寂百日 話說星雲大師
佛光山於 5 月 15 日舉辦「佛光山開山祖師
星雲大師讚頌會」歌詠禮讚緬懷星雲大師,由佛 光山系統幼兒園獻唱〈歌頌偉大的師公〉及〈點 燈〉,韓國讚頌團獻唱〈往生極樂之歌〉,獻給
星雲大師。世界總會總會長心保和尚以創會會長 星雲大師創作〈三寶頌〉的過程、創《人間福報》、 成立國際佛光會等各種事蹟,闡述星雲大師在做
勉勵大眾。5 月 16 日創會會長星雲大師圓寂百日, 於宗祖殿舉行「話說星雲大師」,由佛光山長老
師、體育發展委員會副主委永光法師及佛光祖庭 宜興大覺寺都監妙士法師,分享與創會會長星雲 大師的點滴與教誨,透過回憶星雲大師的悲願、 師徒情緣,緬懷大師一生行誼。
2023 年5 月 15 日總會長心保和尚述說創會會長星雲大師 創作〈三寶頌〉的過程、成立國際佛光會等各種事蹟。
On May 15, 2023, President Most Venerable Hsin Bau spoke about the life and achievements of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun, including the process of composing the Ode to the Triple Gem and the founding of BLIA.
2023 年 5 月 15 日世界總會副總會長劉招明分享 30 多年來見 證創會會長星雲大師對人事物的慈悲喜捨、犧牲奉獻的精 神,令人感動敬佩。
On May 15, 2023, World Headquarters Vice President Liu Chao-Ming shared his observations of over 30 years in witnessing Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s compassion, loving-kindness, joy, and giving in dealing with people and matters, as well as his spirit of making sacrifice and contribution which were moving and inspiring.
2023 年 5 月 15 日韓國讚頌團獻唱〈往生極樂之歌〉 獻給創會會長星雲大師,優美的旋律與真誠的歌 聲,感動大眾。
On May 15, 2023, the Korean Choir performed “Song of Rebirth in the Pure Land” as a tribute to Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun, captivating the audience with their beautiful melodies and heartfelt singing.
26 永恆
2023年5月16日創會會長星雲大師圓寂百日舉辦「話說星雲大師」,緬懷星雲大師一生行誼,現場逾千人聆聽。 May 16, 2023 marked the one hundredth day after the passing of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun, and a special “Reflections on Venerable Master Hsing Yun” was held in the Patriarch Shrine. Over a thousand attendees gathered to listen to stories and teachings about the Venerable Master.
2023 年 9 月 6 日創會會長星雲大師圓寂後,首次舉辦「星雲大師誕辰紀念日暨供僧法會」,來自海內外僧信、 佛門親家3千人齊聚參加「禮祖祝禱」,由總會長心保和尚主法,帶領眾人祝禱。
On September 6, 2023, Fo Guang Shan commemorated the birthday of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun and held a “Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Birthday & Sangha Day Offering.” Over 3,000 monastics, their families and lay devotees from around the world gathered to pay homage to the Venerable Master with World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau leading the congregation in prayer.
One Hundred Days after Passing – Reflections on Venerable Master Hsing Yun
On May 15, Fo Guang Shan held the “Fo Guang Shan Founder Venerable Master Hsing Yun Tribute Concert” to commemorate Venerable Master Hsing Yun with songs. Children from Fo Guang Shan kindergartens sang “Praises to Our Great Master” and “Light the Lamp.” The Korean Choir performed “Song of Rebirth in the Pure Land” to dedicate to Venerable Master Hsing Yun. World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau described the process of Venerable Master Hsing Yun composed Ode to the Triple Gem as well as how he founded the Merit Times and BLIA, highlighting his meticulous preparation for all his endeavors; he further spoke on the Four Incorruptible Faith to encourage the assembly. May 16 marked the one hundredth day after the passing of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun, and a special “Reflections on Venerable Master Hsing Yun” was held in the Patriarch Shrine. FGS Monastic Elder Venerable Tzu
Chuang, World Headquarters Directors Most Venerable Hsin
Ting and Ven. Hui Kuan, Sports Committee Director Ven. Yung
Guang, and FGS Ancestral Monastery Yixing Da Jue Temple Superintendent Ven. Miao Shi shared their experiences and teachings of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun, reminiscing on their interactions with him and memorializing the Venerable Master’s compassion, life-long contributions, and the master-disciple bond.
On May 15, 2023, children from Fo Guang Shan kindergartens moved the audience with their performance of “Praises to Our Great Master” and “Light the Lamp.”
2023 年 5 月 15 日佛光山系統幼兒園兒童獻唱 〈歌頌偉大的師公〉及〈點燈〉,童稚的聲音 感動大眾。
27 Eternal
創會會長星雲大師 2 月 5 日圓寂後,歷經半年,佛光山依叢林古制, 採現代民主決議,8 月 8 日於宗務委員會中,佛光山長老院的諸位長老和九
名宗務委員一致推舉世界總會總會長暨現任佛光山宗長心保和尚為「依止大 和尚」,是繼星雲大師之後,佛光山教團依止之剃度師及得戒和尚代表。
宗委會在一份公告上表明,「未來在佛光山發心出家入道者,都將依 止『星雲大師推動之人間佛教教法』,學習並且弘揚」。這是「依法」而行 道。總會長心保和尚德學兼備,堪為「佛光山教團依止之剃度師及得戒和尚 代表」的「依止大和尚」,盡形壽以此終身榮譽身分代為發心出家者圓頂剃 度及為入道者授證。而原佛光山宗長改選制度,則維持不變,以制度領導, 唯法所依。
總會長心保和尚傳承 依止大和尚
World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau Inheriting the Legacy as Refuge Master
After the passing of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun on February 5, half a year later, in following the traditional Tsunglin monastery system Fo Guang Shan adapted a modern democratic decision-making process. On August 8, during a Fo Guang Shan Board of Directors meeting, the elders of Fo Guang Shan and nine board members unanimously elected World Headquarters President and the current Abbot of Fo Guang Shan, Most Venerable Hsin Bau as the Refuge Master. He is following Venerable Master Hsing Yun to be the tonsure master and refuge master for the Fo Guang Shan Order. In an official announcement, the Fo Guang Shan Board of Directors stated: “In the future, those who aspire to renounce as monastic in Fo Guang Shan will rely on the ‘Humanistic Buddhist teachings propagated by Venerable Master Hsing Yun,’ for learning and propagating accordingly.” This is practicing the Way in accordance with the Dharma. World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau have both virtue and learning, truly worthy of being “Fo Guang Shan Order Tonsure Master and Precept Master –Refuge Master,” serving this lifelong honorary position as witness for those aspire to tonsure and enter the Way. The existing election system for the Fo Guang Shan Chairperson of the Board of Directors remains unchanged, led by a system that solely relies on the Dharma.
29 Eternal
稽首祈請 乘願再來
創會會長星雲大師一生弘揚「人間佛教」,法傳五大洲、建設佛光淨土,開山 56 年來,
於全球創建 300 餘所寺院、台美澳菲等地創辦 5 所大學、佛光會員數百萬人,利益無數人。 創會會長星雲大師竭盡所能,奉獻佛教與眾生,一生的寫照誠如其撰之詩偈:「心懷度眾慈 悲願,身似法海不繫舟;問我一生何所求,平安幸福照五洲。」星雲大師時刻體現菩薩道、 功圓果滿;今日法身雖短暫告別,他日將乘願再來,行菩薩道、再續法緣;四眾弟子亦將遵 從大師咐囑,荷擔家業、傳承宗風。「星雲浩瀚豈有邊,光照五洲滿三千;今朝緣盡歸彼岸, 乘願再來利人天」,全體佛光會員稽首祈請創會會長星雲大師,早日乘願再來,繼續帶領佛 光人弘揚人間佛教,普利有情。
30 永恆
Praying in Prostration ~ To Return on the Wings of His Vow
Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun devoted his life to the propagation of Humanistic Buddhism, spreading the Dharma on the five continents for establishing the Buddha’s Light Pure Land. In the 56 years since the founding of Fo Guang Shan, he had established over 300 temples worldwide and founded five universities in Taiwan, U.S.A., Australia, and the Philippines, as well as the Buddha’s Light International Association with millions of members for benefitting countless people. Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun had given all he could in his dedication to Buddhism and sentient beings, his life is epitomized in the following gatha he wrote:
A mind with the compassionate vow to deliver sentient beings, a body like a boat on the Dharma ocean, unbound. Should you ask what the Venerable Master has achieved in this lifetime?
Peace and happiness shine upon the five continents.
Venerable Master Hsing Yun had manifested the Bodhisattva path in every moment, his mission had come to fruition; today his Dharma body had bid farewell temporarily, he will return on the wings of his vow to practice the Bodhisattva path and sustain the Dharma affinity. The four-fold disciples will follow the Venerable Master’s bidding to take charge of the mission and inherit the legacy of our Order.
Stars and clouds so vast they are infinite, Shining light on the five continents and the world; Today as you bid goodbye and reach the far shore, May your return to benefit the world be swift.
All BLIA members prostrate in reverence, pleading for Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun to return soon on the wings of his vow to again lead Fo Guang members in spreading Humanistic Buddhism for the benefit of all sentient beings.
31 Eternal
全球緬懷禮讚 話說星雲大師
1992 年 5 月
16 日於美國洛杉磯音樂中心成立「國際佛 光會世界總會」,以「從僧眾到信眾、從寺廟到
社會、從自學到利他、從靜態到動態、從弟子到 教師、從本土到世界」之理念,帶動佛光會於全 球的發展。佛光會在創會會長星雲大師的帶領之
下,全球五大洲近百個國家地區,成立了近 200 個協會,會員數百萬人。星雲大師一代高僧的圓 寂,對於佛光人而言頓覺痛失依怙,猶如人生失 去了一座燈塔,悲痛之心難以言喻。全球佛光會 員分別於線上及實體參與創會會長星雲大師圓寂 讚頌會,恭送星雲大師最後一程,並祈請創會會 長星雲大師能早日乘願再來,繼續帶領佛光人推 動人間佛教的發展。
2023年2月13日加拿大溫哥華協會逾200位佛光人, 於線上參與創會會長星雲大師圓寂讚頌典禮。
On February 13, 2023, over 200 Fo Guang members from BLIA Vancouver attended Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s memorial service remotely.
On February 13, 2023, BLIA Philippines attended Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s cremation ceremony remotely from Mabuhay Temple, sending the Venerable Master on his final journey on their knees.Master Hsing Yun. The beautiful melody and sincere singing moved the public.
32 永恆
Global Memorial Services and Retrospections for Venerable Master Hsing Yun
OnMay 16, 1992, Venerable Master Hsing Yun established the Buddha’s Light International Association World Headquarters at The Music Center in Los Angeles, U.S.A. with the directions: “From monastics to laity; from monasteries to society; from self-cultivation to helping others; from passiveness to involvement; from disciples to teachers; from our country to the world.” Following this vision, BLIA Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun led the growth of BLIA in close to 100 regions across the five continents; today, there are nearly 200 BLIA chapters and millions of BLIA members. The passing of the Venerable Master, an eminent Buddhist master for the generation has brought unspeakable sorrow for Fo Guang members, as if they have lost a lighthouse to rely on in life. In seeing Venerable Master Hsing Yun off on his final journey, BLIA members from across the world attended memorial tributes both online and in-person, praying that he can soon return to this world on the wings of his vows and continue leading them on their mission to propagate Humanistic Buddhism.
2023 年 2 月 13 日西澳協會及各界貴賓近 300 人於線上參加
On February 13, 2023, about 300 BLIA Western Australia members and distinguished guests attended Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s memorial service remotely.
On February 13, 2023, BLIA Sydney attended Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s memorial service at Nan Tien
on his final journey.
33 Eternal
Temple. Distinguished guests gathered for the Venerable Master
2023 年5 月 16 日美國洛杉磯協會於創會會長星雲大師圓 寂百日,獻唱人間音緣,讚頌緬懷大師。
On May 16, 2023, the 100th day since Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s passing, BLIA Los Angeles performed Sounds of the Human World songs in memory of the Venerable Master.
2023 年 4 月 17 日印度拉達克協會舉辦創會會長星雲大師追 思祝禱活動,為星雲大師誦經祝禱。
On April 17, 2023, BLIA Ladakh held a memorial service for Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun, offering prayers and blessings for the Venerable Master.
2023 年 2 月 13 日紐西蘭北島協會於線上參與創會會長 星雲大師圓寂讚頌典禮,合掌向大師致敬。
On February 13, 2023, BLIA New Zealand North Island attended Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s memorial service remotely, paying respects to the Venerable Master with joined palms.
2023年2月13日馬來西亞中馬協會及佛光人計800人,於馬 來西亞東禪寺大雄寶殿參與星雲大師圓寂讚頌典禮直播。
On February 13, 2023, 800 BLIA Central Malaysia and Fo Guang members attended Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s memorial service remotely at Dong Zen Temple.
On February 13, 2023, BLIA New Zealand South Island attended Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s memorial service remotely, joining palms respectfully for the Venerable Master.
34 永恆
2023年2月11日尼泊爾協會於Sulakshan Kirti寺廟,舉辦緬懷創會會長星雲大師追思活動,為大師獻上最高的敬意。
On February 11, 2023, BLIA Nepal held a memorial service for Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun at the Sulakshan Kirti Vihara, showing their utmost respect for the Venerable Master.
2023年3月2日尼泊爾Yawak Bauddha Mandal School 師生追思緬懷創會會長星雲大師,感念大師於2001年 尼泊爾大地震後,捐贈該校4間教室之重建。
On March 2, 2023, faculty and students of Yawak Bauddha Mandal School in Nepal held a memorial service for Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun. They thanked the Venerable Master for funding the reconstruction of four classrooms after the 2001 Nepal earthquake.
35 Eternal
On February 5, 2023, the day of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s passing, distinguished guests issued statements expressing their sadness and recognition for the Venerable Master’s outstanding contributions.
On February 5, 2023, distinguished guests from around the world personally paid respects to Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun on the day of his passing.
36 永恆
話說星雲大師 讚頌緬懷
會」,於 2023 年 3 月 22 日至 30 日在法國
道場展開,歐洲 18 個協會計 700 位佛光人出席
和尚、理事依空法師、( 歐洲 ) 副秘書長滿謙法師
深耕人間佛教之點滴。總會長心保和尚從佛光山 的法脈追溯到禪宗的緣起與發展,談及星雲大師 曾以「拐杖」公案點撥弟子們回歸本來面目,展 現大師禪者之風,並分享親近星雲大師的生活實 例,闡述大師的忍辱、毅力超凡,是大家應該要 效法學習之處。現場獻唱人間音緣〈歌頌偉大的 師父〉等歌曲,並聆聽創會會長星雲大師〈真誠
的告白 - 我最後的囑咐〉。讚頌會於〈惜別歌〉 歌聲中圓滿落幕,大眾皆發願要把佛法興隆,祈 願創會會長星雲大師早日乘願再來。
2023 年 3 月 25 日挪威奧斯陸協會於創會會長星雲大師 圓寂49日舉辦讚頌會,獻唱人間音緣緬懷大師。
On March 25, 2023, the 49th day since Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s passing, BLIA Oslo held a memorial service with Sounds of the Human World performances.
2023 年 3 月 30 日法國法華禪寺「話說星雲大師」禮請世界總會總會長心保和尚、理事依空法師、 ( 歐洲 ) 副秘書長滿謙 法師分享創會會長星雲大師的慈心悲願。
On March 30, 2023, World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, Director Ven. Yi Kung, and Vice Secretary General Europe Ven. Man Chien were invited to talk about Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s compassionate vow at the “Retrospection for Venerable Master Hsing Yun” at Fo Guang Shan Fa Hua Temple, Paris.
37 Eternal
Remembering Venerable Master Hsing Yun ~ Praise and Tributes
FromMarch 22 to 30, 2023, Fo Guang Shan France; Lisbon, Portugal; London, U.K.; and Berlin, Germany held “Memorial Service for Fo Guang Shan Founding Master, Venerable Master Hsing Yun.” 700 Fo Guang members from 18 BLIA Europe chapters were in attendance to pay their respects. At the service, a tribute to the Venerable Master’s outstanding contributions in his life was presented with the video, The Eternal Star of the Human World. At the “Retrospection for Venerable Master Hsing Yun,” BLIA World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, Director Ven. Yi Kung, Vice Secretary General Europe Ven. Man Chien, and chapter executives were invited to share stories of the Venerable Master’s establishment of Fo Guang Shan and spreading Humanistic Buddhism to society.
Most Venerable Hsin Bau traced Fo Guang Shan’s Dharma lineage to the origin and development of the Chan school. He shared that Venerable Master once told a story about a walking stick to remind his disciples to return to their original face, demonstrating the cultivation of a Chan practitioner. He also shared personal observations of the Venerable Master’s life and encouraged attendees to learn from the Venerable Master’s extraordinary patience and perseverance. There was a performance of Praising
On June 11, 2023, BLIA Lisbon held the “Retrospection for Venerable Master Hsing Yun Forum,” where speakers shared their experiences with Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun.
our Great Master and other songs from Sounds of the Human World; the attendees listened to a narration of the Venerable Master’s An Honest Revelation— An Open Letter . As the service drew to a close with the Farewell Song, attendees vowed to continue spreading the Dharma and prayed for the Venerable Master’s early return to this world.
On March 30, 2023, the Memorial Service for Fo Guang Shan Founding Master Venerable Master Hsing Yun was held at FGS Fa Hua Temple, Paris. World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau was present to pay his respects and give an encouraging Dharma talk.
2023年6月11日葡萄牙里斯本協會舉辦「話說星雲大師 論壇」,分享與創會會長星雲大師的因緣。
38 永恆
On February 25, 2023, BLIA Tokyo held a memorial for Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun, attended by 110 members.
On March 17, 2023, BLIA Chicago held the first online “Sounds of the Human World Reading Insights,” thanking Venerable Master Hsing Yun for propagating the Dharma through music.
大師—歷史與傳承」論壇,由協會會長吳家遜與世 界總會青年發展委員會副主委史庭如,分享從佛青 到佛光會承擔重任,及大師給予的啟發。
On May 28, 2023, BLIA Vancouver held the “Retrospection for Venerable Master Hsing Yun— History and Legacy” forum. Chapter President Johnny Ng and World Headquarters Youth Development Committee Deputy Director Julia Shih shared how the Venerable Master inspired them to shoulder responsibilities from being YAD members to be BLIA members.
2023 年 3 月 17 日美國芝加哥協會於線上舉辦首次「人間音緣讀書分
39 Eternal
On March 26, 2023, BLIA London held the Memorial Service for Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Children from the Bodhi Garden performed Praising our Great Master and the English version of Ode to the Stars and Clouds, praising Venerable Master with their voice.
On May 14, 2023, BLIA New Jersey held a memorial service for Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun.
On March 26, 2023, BLIA Netherlands held a “Retrospection for Venerable Master Hsing Yun” memorial service, where speakers shared insights of how the Venerable Master influenced them.
On May 14, 2023, BLIA Los Angeles held the Retrospection for Venerable Master Hsing
Forum. Hosted by World Headquarters
Secretary General America West Ven.
Dong, 300 members attended the event.
2023年3月26日英國倫敦協會舉辦創會會長星雲大師讚頌會,菩提園學童唱頌〈歌頌偉大的師公〉及英語版〈星雲頌〉, 以音聲讚頌師公。
2023 年 5 月 14 日美國紐澤西協會舉辦讚頌會,緬 懷創會會長星雲大師。
2023 年 3 月 26 日荷蘭協會舉辦「話說星雲大師」讚頌會,分享創會 會長星雲大師對自身的影響。
2023年5月14日美國洛杉磯協會舉辦「話說 星雲大師論壇」,由世界總會 ( 美西 ) 副秘書
40 永恆
2023 年 5 月 20 日「話說星雲大師」緬懷論壇於新加坡佛光山舉行, ( 大洋洲 ) 副秘書長滿可法師 分享與大師的因緣,計450人聆聽。
On May 20, 2023, BLIA Singapore held the “Retrospection for Venerable Master Hsing Yun” memorial forum. Vice Secretary General Oceana Ven. Man Ko shared her experiences with the Venerable Master with 450 attendees.
On May 28, 2023, BLIA Chicago held the “Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun Memorial Forum,” remembering the Venerable Master through the Dharma.
On February 19, 2023, BLIA Macau celebrated its 27th anniversary at its New Year Vegetarian Banquet. At the banquet, they offered lamps and prayers for Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun.
41 Eternal
2023 年 禪淨共修暨讚頌星雲大師獻燈祈福法會」,於
3 月 4 日及 5 日在佛光山大雄寶殿成佛大道舉行,全 球五大洲 40 個國家地區,萬人線上參與。法會文疏
以中、英、日、韓、希伯來文、泰米爾文、拉達克文、 馬來文等,總共 18 種語言進行,創下歷年新高。
祖師,同時也是國際佛光會創會會長星雲大師圓寂 後首次舉辦,壇場除了莊嚴的三寶佛像,還特別布
止息,世界和平,並學習創會會長星雲大師做個點 亮心燈的人,共創人間淨土,讓世間平安幸福。
2023 年 3 月 4 日世界總會總會長心保和尚開示勉勵 「禪淨共修」之修行法要。
On March 4, 2023, BLIA World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau spoke on the Chan and Pure Land essence of cultivation.
On March 4, 2023, Chan & Pure Land Cultivation & Commemorative Light Offering Prayer Service for Venerable Master Hsing Yun was held at Fo Guang Shan with 10,000 people joining the service virtually.
42 永恆
Chan & Pure Land Cultivation & Commemorative Light-offering Prayer Service for Venerable Master Hsing Yun
The “2023 Chan & Pure Land Cultivation & Commemorative Light-offering Prayer Service for Venerable Master Hsing Yun” was organized by Fo Guang Shan Monastery and co-organized by BLIA. Held on March 4-5 at Fo Guang Shan Path to Buddhahood Main Shrine with more than 10,000 people across the five continents in 40 countries joining the service virtually. The service’s proclamation was read in 18 languages, including Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, Hebrew, Tamil, Ladakhi, Malay, etc., setting the highest number on record.
This event was the first Chan and Pure Land Light-offering Service held since the passing of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, Founder of Fo Guang Shan and BLIA Founding President. On the shrine platform were auspicious Buddha images as well as a statue of Venerable Master Hsing Yun; through offering light for blessings, attendees memorialized and prayed. There were performances of songs from Sound of the Human World by Da Ci Children’s Home and Taipei Vihara Choir, expressing their respect and in memory of the Venerable Master. Before the service, BLIA World Headquarters Director Venerable Hui Chuan gave a speech, followed by briefing by BLIA Acting President Venerable Tzu Jung. Upon beating of the Dharma drums, BLIA World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau led Fo Guang members worldwide in offering light and prayers, and commemorating Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Attendees dedicated merits with sincerity, praying for world peace and the ceasing of natural disasters and calamities. Learning from Venerable Master Hsing Yun, they vowed to illuminate everyone’s mind, creating a pure land on earth blessed with peace and happiness.
BLIA Acting President Venerable Tzu Jung gave a briefing of the Dharma service, and BLIA Director & FGS Executive Deputy Abbot Venerable Hui Chuan offered encouragement.
On March 4, 2023, BLIA Executives joined their palms with sincerity at the Chan & Pure Land Cultivation & Commemorative Light Offering Prayer Service for Venerable Master Hsing Yun.
世界總會署理會長慈容法師、世界總會理事暨佛光山寺 常務副住持慧傳法師,法會說明及勉勵。
2023年3月4日「禪淨共修暨讚頌星雲大師獻燈祈福法會」 佛光幹部雙手合十,虔誠唱頌。
43 Eternal
On March 4, 2023, a statue of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun was present at the Chan & Pure Land Cultivation & Commemorative Light-offering Prayer Service for Venerable Master Hsing Yun.
2023 年 3 月 4 日台北佛光合唱團歌詠〈一顆永恆的星〉、 〈禮讚偉大的佛陀〉兩首歌曲,緬懷創會會長星雲大師。
On March 4, 2023, Taipei Vihara Choir presented two songs: “An Eternal Star” and “Praising the Great Buddha” to commemorate Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun.
2023年3月4日大慈育幼院的獻唱〈讚頌師公〉、〈和諧〉、 〈歌頌偉大師公〉三首曲目,緬懷創會會長星雲大師。
On March 4, 2023, Da Ci Children’s Home presented three songs: “A Praise to Venerable Master,” “Harmonize,” and “Praising the Great Venerable Master” to commemorate Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun.
44 永恆
榮耀 佛光榮耀與成就
Buddha’s Light Honors and Achievements
創會會長星雲大師 榮獲總統蔡英文頒予「褒揚令」
2023 年 2 月 13 日總統蔡英文親臨「傳臨濟正宗第四十八世佛光山開山祖師星雲大師圓寂 讚頌典禮」現場,頒贈褒揚令予創會會長星雲大師,由總會長心保和尚代表受贈。褒揚 令以「盡瘁國際、教育、文化交流,力促世界宗教共融合作,上善若水,渥惠搖芳,遺風遐 緒,矩範馨垂。」表彰大師弘揚人間佛教的卓越貢獻,並讚揚曾獲頒國家公益獎、總統文化 獎菩提獎等殊榮的大師,表揚「文化、教育、慈善、共修」宏旨,倡提「做好事、說好話、 存好心」嘉舉,掌握時代脈動需求,踐履人間佛教淨土,佛法真理,醒世流長。字字句句彰 顯出大師一生為佛教、為眾生的慈心悲願,令人敬佩。
On February 13, 2023, President Tsai Ing-wen personally attended the “Commemoration of the 48th Patriarch of the Linji Chan school, Fo Guang Shan Founding Master Venerable Master Hsing Yun” and presented a Presidential Citation to Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun, accepted by World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau. The Presidential Citation lauded Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s distinguished contributions to promoting Humanistic Buddhism with international, educational, and cultural endeavors; advancing global religious harmony and cooperation; extoling his virtuous deeds, benevolent influence, and the enduring legacy he has left behind. It also recognizes Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s previous accolades, including the National Public Welfare Award, the President's Cultural Award, and the Bodhi Award, honoring his dedication to the principles of culture, education, charity, and spiritual cultivation. His advocacy of “Do good deeds, speak good words, and think good thoughts,” embracing needs of the times, actualizing the Pure Land of Humanistic Buddhism by expounding the true teachings of Buddhism to enlighten the generations to come. Every word and sentence vividly convey the Venerable Master's lifelong compassion and altruistic aspirations for Buddhism and all sentient beings in evoking deep admiration.
榮耀 46
Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun Honored with Presidential Citation from President Tsai Ing-wen
創會會長星雲大師 榮獲「高雄市榮譽市民證書」
Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun Recognized with the Honorary Citizen of Kaohsiung Certificate
世佛光山開山祖師星雲大師圓寂讚頌典禮」現場,頒贈 「高雄市榮譽市民」證書予創會會長星雲大師,由總會長心保 和尚代表受贈。榮譽市民證書表揚創會會長星雲大師長期為宗 教、文化、教育及慈善等事業的奉獻及服務,並從事國際交流 活動,傳播「人間佛教」至全球五大洲,貢獻良多。
On February 13, 2023, Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai personally attended the “Commemoration of Fo Guang Shan Founding Patriarch Venerable Master Hsing Yun of the 48th Generation Linji Chan School.” Mayor Chen Chi-mai presented the Honorary Citizen of Kaohsiung Certificate to Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun, accepted by BLIA World Headquarters President, Most Venerable Hsin Bau. The Honorary Citizenship Certificate commends Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun for his long-term dedication and service in religion, culture, education, and charity. It also acknowledges his efforts in international exchange and the dissemination of Humanistic Buddhism across the five continents, making significant contributions to society.
47 Honors
創會會長星雲大師 榮獲國民黨頒「最高榮譽一等獎章」
Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun Awarded the Kuomintang First Class Medal of the Highest Honor
濟正宗第四十八世佛光山開山祖師星雲大 師圓寂讚頌典禮」現場,授予最高榮譽一等獎 章予創會會長星雲大師,由總會長心保和尚代
表受贈。獎章表揚創會會長星雲大師一生奉獻 佛陀及法界眾生,開創佛光山,以四大宗旨及 三好運動,凝聚眾人力量,引導向善,無私無
On February 13, 2023, Kuomintang Chairman Eric Chu attended the “Commemoration of the 48th Patriarch of the Linji Chan school, Fo Guang Shan Founding Master Venerable Master Hsing Yun” and personally awarded Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun with the Nationalist Party's First Class Medal of Highest Honor, accepted by BLIA President, Most Venerable Hsin Bau. The medal recognizes Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s lifelong dedication to Buddha and all sentient beings, establishing Fo Guang Shan, and with collective efforts of the Four Objectives and Three Acts of Goodness to consolidate the strength of the multitudes in guiding them toward benevolence. His selfless contributions towards guiding people towards goodness and benefiting nation and society exemplify exceptional dedication. Hence, the First Class Medal for Exemplary Achievements was conferred in recognition of his outstanding service.
榮耀 48
Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun Honored with the First Class Medal for Educational Excellence
星雲大師一生弘揚「人間佛教」、重視文化教 育及人才的培養,對社會貢獻卓著。教育部長潘文忠
2023 年 2 月 19 日於佛光山如來殿大會堂,代表頒贈國家最高 教育榮譽「一等教育專業獎章」,推崇創會會長 星雲大師在 教育、社會及體育有卓越貢獻,是「最佳教育家的典範」, 由總會長心保和尚代表領獎,2,400人與會。
Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun dedicated his entire life to promoting Humanistic Buddhism, emphasizing cultural education and nurturing talents, making remarkable contributions to society. On February 19, 2023, Minister of Education Pan Wen-chung, in a ceremony held at the auditorium FGS Tathagata Hall, awarded the highest national education honor, the First Class Medal for Educational Excellence, in recognition of the Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun's outstanding contributions to education, society, and sports. He is hailed as an “exemplar of the finest educators.” The award was received by BLIA President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, with 2,400 people in attendance.
49 Honors
創會會長星雲大師 獲頒菲律賓大雅台「最高教育獎勳」
Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun
Recognized with the Highest Educational Honor by Tagaytay City, Philippines
年 6 月 12 日適逢菲律賓光明大學落成典禮,大雅台市長 Hon. Abraham
Tolentino 頒贈「最高教育獎勳」予創會會長暨光明大學創辦人星雲大師, 表彰星雲大師為大雅台推動教育的卓越貢獻,並表示「很榮幸能與光明大學一 起推動三好運動」,由總會長心保和尚代表接受獎勳。
On June 12, 2023, during the inauguration ceremony of Guang Ming College in the Philippines, Tagaytay City Mayor Hon. Abraham Tolentino bestowed the highest educational honor upon Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun and the founder of Guang Ming College. This prestigious award acknowledges Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s exceptional contributions to the advancement of education in Tagaytay City. Mayor Tolentino expressed his deep honor in collaborating with Guang Ming College to promote the Three Acts of Goodness movement. The award was accepted by World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau.
榮耀 50
創會會長星雲大師 總會長心保和尚 獲頒巴西和平榮譽獎
Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun and World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau Honored with Brazil Honorary Peace Award
年 10 月 15 日至 16 日巴西和平大使協
會於巴西 Bahia 州歐舒丹劇院舉辦「 48 小
師一生弘揚人間佛教,倡導宗教交流、融和 與平等。巴西如來寺住持妙佑法師恭讀創會 會長星雲大師〈為世界和平祈願文〉。 10 月
16 日閉幕典禮,主辦單位高度推崇創會會長 星雲大師為世界和平的貢獻,及表彰總會長 心保和尚帶領全球佛光人促進世界真善美,
大會決議特別頒發「和平榮譽狀」予創會會 長星雲大師和總會長心保和尚,由巴西如來 寺住持妙佑法師、世界總會理事 Dr. Miguel 代表受獎。
On October 15-16, 2022, the Brazil Peace Ambassador Association convened the “48-Hour Peace Conference” at Ousada Theater in Bahia, Brazil. The opening ceremony featured a video message from BLIA President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, commending Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun for his lifelong commitment to promoting Humanistic Buddhism and advocating for religious exchange, harmony, and equality. FGS Zu Lai Temple Abbess Ven. Miao You respectfully recited Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun's “A Prayer for World Peace.”
During the closing ceremony on October 16, the organizer expressed deep appreciation for Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun's contributions to global peace. They further acknowledged BLIA President Most Venerable Hsin Bau's leadership in advancing truth, kindness, and beauty in the world. It was resolved to confer a special Peace Honorary Certificate upon Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun and BLIA President, Most Venerable Hsin Bau. The certificates were accepted by Zu Lai Temple Abbess Ven. Miao You and BLIA World Headquarters Director Dr. Miguel.
51 Honors
創會會長星雲大師 榮獲西澳貝斯沃特市長授予「社區服務貢獻獎 」
Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun Honored with the Community Service Contribution Award by Bayswater Mayor Cr Filomena Piffaretti, Western Australia
2023 年 8 月 13 日佛光山西澳 道場及國際佛光會西澳協會
舉辦「佛光山開山祖師星雲大 師誕辰紀念日暨供僧法會」,
Bayswater 市市長 Cr Filomena
Piffaretti 特前來為佛光山開山祖師
教紮根社區 30 年,為社區在教育、慈善及 環保等方面做出的巨大貢獻。世界總會 ( 大 洋洲 ) 副秘書長滿可法師代表大師領獎,感 謝市長對大師的肯定和讚賞,也是對佛光 會的鼓勵、支持和關懷。
On August 13, 2023, FGS Temple of Western Australia and BLIA Western Australia hosted the “Fo Guang Shan Founder Master Hsing Yun's Birthday Commemoration and Sangha Offering.” Bayswater City Mayor Cr Filomena Piffaretti was honored to present the Community Service Contribution Award to Founding President Venerable Master Hsing
Yun. The award recognized the remarkable 30 years of unwavering community service by the FGS Temple of Western Australia and BLIA Western Australia under the compassionate guidance of Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Their outstanding contributions to education, charity, and environmental initiatives within the community were acknowledged and celebrated. BLIA Vice Secretary General Oceana Ven. Man Ko accepted the award, expressing gratitude for the mayor’s recognition and appreciation, which is also encouragement, support, and care for BLIA.
榮耀 52
A Major Road in Cotia, São Paulo State, Brazil Named “Venerable Master Hsing Yun Road”
2 公里,正在發展的重要
道路,在市長 Rogerio Franco 、副市長、議長、局
雲大師對巴西的貢獻。 2023 年 6 月 27 日由副市長 Angela
Maluf 率議長 Marcinho Prates 等重要官員,前來佛光山巴
Luis Gustavo Napolitano表示,當他們得知星雲大師圓寂
In Cotia, São Paulo State, Brazil, a 2-kilometer long road currently under development has been officially designated as “Venerable Master Hsing Yun Road” to honor the contributions of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun to Brazil. This decision received unanimous approval from Mayor Rogério Franco, the Vice Mayor, Council President, and department heads. On June 27, 2023, Deputy Mayor Angela Maluf, accompanied by Council President Marcinho Prates and other distinguished officials visited FGS Zu Lai Temple to personally present the road sign, accepted by BLIA President the Most Venerable Hsin Bau. Council Member Luis Gustavo Napolitano stated that upon learning of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s passing, he had wanted to express gratitude to the Venerable Master. Hence, they chose to bestow the name "Master Hsing Yun Road" upon this major thoroughfare as a profound gesture of the highest respect.
巴西聖保羅州柯蒂亞市重要道路 命名為「星雲大師」
53 Honors
世界總會理事心定和尚 獲頒道德領袖獎
BLIA World Headquarters Director Most Venerable Hsin Ting
Honored with the Ashoka Pillar of Moral Leadership Award
年 3 月 9 日泰華寺住 持暨世界總會理事心定
和尚,榮獲由泰國皇室頒發 的「道德領袖阿育王支柱 獎」,授予對泰國及佛教有 貢獻的人物或機構,褒揚受 獎人成為泰國人民及佛教徒 的好榜樣,理事心定和尚是
2023 年唯一獲得此殊榮的華 裔僧人,由泰國頌莎瓦麗王妃的妹妹 蒙鸞莎麗吉蒂雅功代表頒獎。 2022 年
12 月 14 日理事心定和尚亦獲頒「曼谷 市市長獎」,以表彰其致力於泰國的 慈善和醫療器材之捐贈服務。
On March 9, 2023, Most Venerable Hsin Ting, the Abbot of Thaihua Temple and BLIA World Headquarters director, received the prestigious Ashoka Pillar of Moral Leadership Award from the Thai royal family. This distinguished accolade is granted to individuals or organizations that have made substantial contributions to Thailand and Buddhism, acknowledging them as exemplary role models for both the Thai people and Buddhists worldwide. In 2023, Most Venerable Hsin Ting is the only Chinese Buddhist monk to be honored with this prestigious recognition. Princess Mongkol Savalagi Kitiyakorn presented the award on behalf of Princess Soamsawali of Thailand. Furthermore, on December 14, 2022, Most Venerable Hsin Ting was recognized with the Bangkok Mayor's Award in appreciation of his commitment to charitable endeavors and the generous donation of medical equipment to Thailand.
榮耀 54
世界總會(美東)副秘書長永固法師 獲頒貢獻勳章
BLIA World Headquarters Vice Secretary General America East, Venerable Yung Ku Awarded the Contribution Medal
2023 年 3 月 12 日加拿大聯邦參議員胡
白二世千禧白金勳章」予世界總會 ( 美東 )
發展做出卓越貢獻的人士。胡子修議員 感謝永固法師弘揚人間佛教,注重教育 和輔導年輕人,為社區做出重大貢獻。
永固法師表示此勳章是頒發給佛光山及 所有法師和佛光人,是對大家善心善行 和所有努力的肯定。
On March 12, Senator Victor Oh of Canada attended BLIA Ottawa Directors and Executives Meeting, where he presented the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal to BLIA Vice Secretary General America East, Venerable Yung Ku. This prestigious medal is specifically awarded to individuals who have demonstrated a strong commitment to public welfare, education, cultural promotion, and outstanding contributions to community development. Senator Victor Oh expressed his appreciation to Ven. Yung Ku for her dedication to promoting Humanistic Buddhism, emphasizing education, mentoring young individuals, and making significant contributions to the community. Ven. Yung Ku stated that this medal is recognition for Fo Guang Shan and all the monastics and BLIA members, affirming their acts of kindness and unwavering dedication.
55 Honors
FGS New Zealand Abbess Venerable Man Hsin Honored as Local Hero
年 11 月 28 日紐西蘭享有廣大知 名度的當地銀行 Kiwibank , 18 日
公佈了「 100 位 2023 紐西蘭當地英雄
持滿信法師是得獎者之一,不只是100 位得獎人中唯一的亞裔人士,亦是唯 一的宗教人士。此項肯定是滿信法師
繼 2010 年,成為紐西蘭皇家員警學校 終身心靈輔導師之後,再次以比丘尼 的身分,為佛教在紐西蘭創下全新的 歷史。
On November 28, 2022, FGS New Zealand Abbess Venerable Man Hsin was recognized as a Local Hero of 2023 from Kiwibank, a prominent local bank in New Zealand. Kiwibank unveiled the list of “100 Local Heroes of 2023,” recognizing a hundred individuals chosen from exceptional candidates who have made significant contributions to the nation. Venerable Man Hsin joined the ranks of honorees as the sole Asian and religious figure among them. This accolade adds to her previous achievement in 2010 when she became a lifelong spiritual counselor at the Royal New Zealand Police College, marking another significant milestone for Buddhism in New Zealand.
榮耀 56
巴西如來寺住持妙佑法師 獲頒榮譽市民
FGS Zu Lai Temple Brazil Abbess Venerable Miao You
Recognized as Honorary Citizen
2023 年 1 月 22 日如來寺舉行 Cotia 榮譽
市民授證儀式,由 Cotia 市議員 Edson 為巴西如來寺住持妙佑法師頒發「榮譽市 民證書」,前議長 Celso 頒發「卓越功勳 獎牌」,市長 Rogerio Franco 頒發「榮譽 市民紀念牌匾」。三位頒獎人均盛讚巴 西如來寺的「如來之子教育計畫」,造
福 Cotia 市的兒童及青少年;與會貴賓有
Cotia市長Rogerio Franco等各處局長官員 逾300人與會。
On January 22, 2023, a Honorary Citizen ceremony was held at Zu Lai Temple in Brazil. Cotia City Council Member Edson presented the Honorary Citizen Certificate to Zu Lai Temple Abbess Venerable Miao You. Former Council Chairman Celso presented the Distinguished Merit Medal, while Mayor Rogerio Franco presented the Honorary Citizen Commemorative Plaque to Venerable Miao You. All three presenters commended the “Sons of Zu Lai Education Program” at Zu Lai Temple, acknowledging its positive influence on the children and youth of Cotia City. The event was attended by over 300 distinguished guests, including Cotia City Mayor Rogerio Franco and various department heads.
57 Honors
獲衛福部疾管署表揚 防疫幕後英雄
BLIA Chunghua Recognized by Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare’s Centers for Disease Control as the Pandemic Unsung Heroes
2023 年 5 月 2 日台灣衛福部疾管署為
感謝新冠疫情 3 年多來,捐贈援助
物資及支援防疫團隊的幕後英雄,於 台北喜來登大飯店舉行「COVID-19捐
部手術級口罩,並啟動「佛光防疫救 護專案」展開防疫救援,受到各界肯 定,獲衛福部疾管署頒「COVID-19捐 贈感恩暨表揚勳章」,表揚中華總會 於疫情做出的貢獻。
On May 2, 2023, the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare Center for Disease Control held the “COVID-19 Donation Appreciation and Recognition Gala” at the Taipei Sheraton Hotel, expressing gratitude to the unsung heroes who have generously donated supplies and supported prevention teams during the COVID-19 pandemic over the past three years. BLIA Chunghua was invited, with Vice President Wu Chin Shun and Northern Chapter President Chou Tsung-Fa attending. During the most critical phases of the pandemic, BLIA donated surgical masks to the Ministry of Health and Welfare and launched the Buddha’s Light Pandemic Prevention and Rescue Project to provide vital prevention support. These efforts received recognition from diverse sectors, and the Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare’s Centers for Disease Control presented the COVID-19 Donation Appreciation and Recognition Medal to acknowledge the substantial contributions made by BLIA Chunghua.
榮耀 58
澳洲西澳協會 獲頒卓越服務狀 2023
BLIA Western Australia Presented with Outstanding Service Certificate
年 3 月 11 日國際佛光會西澳協會假美麗的天鵝湖畔舉行
「 2023 佛誕節暨多元文化慶典」,獲移民、公民和多元 文化事務聯邦部長代表 Sam Lim MP ,以及西澳州長和西 澳多元文化部長代表 Yaz Mubarakal MLC ,分別頒發
西澳協會 30 周年「卓越服務」證書,由 ( 大洋洲 ) 副秘 書長滿可法師及西澳協會曾錦源會長代表受贈。 Sam Lim MP代表部長宣讀的信中高度肯定西澳協會為社區 服務的貢獻。
On March 11, 2023, BLIA Western Australia hosted the 2023 Buddha's Birthday and Multicultural Festival at the enchanting Swan Lake Supreme Court Gardens. During this major occasion, Sam Lim MP, representing the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship & Multicultural Interest, and Yaz Mubarakal MLC, representing the Premier and Minister for Finance; Citizenship & Multicultural Interests, presented the prestigious "Outstanding Service" certificates to honor the 30th anniversary of BLIA Western Australia. These certificates were accepted by BLIA Vice Secretary General of Oceana, Ven. Man Ko and BLIA Western Australia President Cheong Kam Yuen. Sam Lim MP read the Minister’s letter, expressing high commendation for BLIA Western Australia’s contributions to community service.
59 Honors
FGS Kolkata Buddhist Center, India Abbess Venerable Miao Ru
Received the Maanyata Award
的銀河廳舉辦 The Maanyata Award ( 優秀獎狀
頒發典禮,為表彰八位來至不同背景的民眾,在各 自的領域中努力奮鬥發光發亮,為社會注入平等、
On July 15, 2023, the Rotary Club of Kolkata, India organized “The Maanyata Award” ceremony at the Park Hotel's Galaxy Hall. This event celebrated the contributions of eight individuals from diverse backgrounds who excelled in their respective fields, bringing equality, love, and hope to society while radiating positivity.
FGS Kolkata Buddhist Center Abbess Venerable Miao Ru was honored for her outstanding leadership in coordinating various relief efforts with BLIA Kolkata during the pandemic.
榮耀 60
美國洛杉磯協會副督導長黃少芬 獲頒傑出女性獎 2023
BLIA Los Angeles Vice Elder Advisor General Gena Ooi Recognized with the Outstanding Women Award
年 3 月 16 日美國洛杉磯協會副督導長黃少芬榮獲加州第
56 選區眾議員頒發
「 2023 傑出女性獎」。眾議員麗莎卡爾德隆於惠提爾市親臨主持頒獎典禮。副督 導長黃少芬長期參與社區服務,表示在活動中體驗到創會會長星雲大師所說「我在眾 中、眾中有我」,希望本著佛光人的工作信條之精神,集體創作,創造美好的未來。
On March 16, 2023 BLIA Los Angeles Vice Elder Advisor General Gena Ooi was recognized with the 2023 Outstanding Women Award by California's 56th District Assemblywoman, Lisa Calderon who personally hosted the award ceremony in Whittier. Vice Elder Advisor General Gena Ooi has been active in community service for an extended period. She stated that her participation in these activities has allowed her to embody the teachings of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun: “I am in the multitude, the multitude has me." She aspires to collaborate with others in accordance with the BLIA work creed to create a brighter future.
61 Honors
BLIA Los Angeles Vice President Connie Yip Honored with the Outstanding Women Award
美國洛杉磯協會副會長葉玉景 獲頒傑出女性獎 2023
玉景當選加州參議員第 30 選區婦女成就
On March 16, 2023, BLIA Los Angeles Vice President Connie Yip received the Women's Achievement Award for California 30th Senate District. Senator Bob Archuleta presented her with this honor in La Puente City. Vice President Connie Yip expressed deep gratitude for the opportunity provided by Hsi Lai Temple and BLIA to serve the public, emphasizing the joy and fulfillment she finds in helping others. She is committed to following in the footsteps of Venerable Master Hsing Yun to promote Humanistic Buddhism and spread the principles of Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings throughout society.
榮耀 62
美國洛杉磯西來童軍 榮獲佳績
Buddha’s Light Scouts Los Angeles, U.S.A. Received Outstanding Awards
年 3 月 4 日美國大洛杉磯童子軍年
度晚宴。西來童軍 Troop8888 男童軍團及
Pack8888 幼童軍團受邀出席,並榮獲頒
贈多項獎狀。幼童軍團長 Bonnie Pei 、童
軍團長 Anton Lin 、童軍晉階主委 Susan
Huang 及童軍家長會會長 Susie Sun ,皆獲
頒創始人貝登堡領袖獎;幼童軍家長 Cara Khuong 獲頒義工成就獎,與會人士對西來 童軍獲獎成績讚譽有加,報以熱烈掌聲。
On March 4, 2023, the annual Boy Scouts of America banquet was held in the grand Los Angeles Event Center in Rosemead, California. The event welcomed the BSA Troop 8888 Boy Scouts and Pack 8888 Cub Scouts, who were recognized with numerous awards. Notably, Pack Leader Bonnie Pei, Troop Leader Anton Lin, Scouts Advancement Chair Susan Huang, and Scouts Parents Association President Susie Sun received the prestigious Founder Baden-Powell Leadership Award. Cara Khuong, a parent of the Cub Scouts, was honored with the Volunteer Achievement Award. Attendees showed their appreciation for the accomplishments of the BSA Scouts with enthusiastic applause and admiration.
63 Honors
紐西蘭北島佛光青年Larry Lin 榮獲全國擊劍冠軍
BLIA New Zealand North Island YAD Member Larry Lin Won the National Fencing
年紐西蘭15歲及以下劍手擊劍大賽 New Zealand U15 & U17 (cadet) Championships」,北島佛光青年Larry Lin 勇奪該年齡組個人和團體雙料冠軍。 Larry 不僅在擊
劍方面表現出色,與妹妹 Lydia 也積極投入道場的服
賽與道場參學中相輔相成, Larry 發願將繼續努力,
On April 23, 2023, Auckland, New Zealand, held the 2023 New Zealand U15 & U17 (cadet) Championships in fencing. BLIA North Island YAD member Larry Lin demonstrated exceptional talent in securing victory for both individual and team championships in his age group. Larry excelled in fencing and also contributed actively to the temple with his sister Lydia, learning various Buddhist etiquette. His unwavering dedication and hard work in both fencing competitions and temple activities, harmoniously complement each other. Larry has pledged to persist in his endeavors to bring honor to himself and his fellow YAD members, aspiring to achieve even greater heights.
「 榮耀 64
紐西蘭北島佛光青年Sean 榮獲奧克蘭市舉重金牌
BLIA New Zealand North Island YAD Member Sean Chua
Won the Auckland City Weightlifting Gold Medal
年 3 月 25 日「第 84 屆奧克蘭市奧林匹克舉重大賽」,紐
西蘭北島佛光青年幹部 Sean Chua ,以抓舉 90 公斤和
挺舉 130 公斤,總重量 220 公斤的成績位列 81 公斤級第一
名,勇奪冠軍。 Sean 今年 27 歲,至今已有 7 年的訓練時
間, 2022 年第一次參賽,今年便在 14 位競爭者中脫穎
向常住報告喜訊,感謝北島佛光山住持滿信法師以及 常住團隊的鼓勵,道場的助緣給了他很大的信心。
On March 25, 2023, at the 84th Auckland City Olympic Weightlifting Championship, BLIA YAD New Zealand North Island executive Sean Chua secured the championship in the 81kg weight category with a total weight of 220kg, achieving through a snatch of 90kg and a clean and jerk of 130kg. At 27 years old, Sean has dedicated seven years to his training. After competing for the first time in 2022, he emerged victorious among 14 competitors this year, earning the top spot in the city. Upon achieving his rank, Sean promptly shared the good news with the temple, expressing gratitude for the encouragement from FGS North Island Abbess Venerable Man Hsin and the rest of the temple whose support gave him great confidence.
65 Honors
菲律賓光明大學 田徑榮奪金牌
Guang Ming College, Philippines Received the Gold Medal in Track and Field
年 6 月 3 日至 4 日菲律賓佛光山光明大學田徑團
隊代表 Cavite 省參加「 2023 私立學校體育協會
省會賽PRISAA Regional Meet」,與Laguna、
創下佳績,獲得 25 個金獎、 6 個銀獎、 3 個銅
獎,並於 7 月 13 日至 18 日代表 Calabarzon
區,赴 Zamboanga 城市 Mindanao 島參加
「私立學校體育協會全國大賽」,榮獲 5 面
金牌, 2 銅牌,成為全場女子組冠軍。光明
大學主教練 Coach Mel Ayon Ayon 榮獲本年
On June 3-4, 2023, the track and field team from Guang Ming College in Cavite province, Philippines, participated in the 2023 Private Schools Athletic Association Provincial Meet (PRISAA Regional Meet), competing against provinces such as Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, and Quezon. Guang Ming College achieved outstanding results, securing 25 gold medals, 6 silver medals, and 3 bronze medals. Furthermore, they represented the Calabarzon region during July 13-18 in Zamboanga City, Mindanao, at the Private Schools Athletic Association National Games, where they earned 5 gold medals and 2 bronze medals, ultimately claiming the championship in the women's category. In recognition of her outstanding coaching, Coach Mel Ayon Ayon of Guang Ming College was recognized as the Outstanding Coach of the Year in the women's category. She expressed her gratitude to the College, in particular, to Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun for his vision of nurturing underprivileged students through sports.
榮耀 66
From Regional Buddhism to International Buddhism
67 Honors
聯合國婦女地位委員會CSW67「信仰與性別平等」平行會議。 United Nations Commission on the Status of Women CSW67 parallel meeting on "Faith and Gender Equality".
聯合國婦女地位委員會CSW67 第
67 屆聯合國婦女地位委員會年會
(CSW67)於 2023 年 3 月 6 日至
17 日在聯合國總部舉行,國際佛光會世界
體參與年會,並於 3 月 8 日婦女節,平行
CSW67 平行論壇由世界總會 ( 美東 )
副秘書長永固法師、( 東南亞 ) 副秘書長覺
的時刻,無畏懼的率領各地佛光人募集物資, 將防疫物資、醫療設備等,送往疫情嚴峻或 遭受天災人禍的國家展開救援,特別是協助 婦女和兒童弱勢群體,更是充份展現出無緣 大慈,同體大悲的精神。
平行會議論壇闡述創會會長星雲大師平 等之理念,賦予女性平權,給予能力與才華 的栽培,讓比丘尼發揮所長,擔任領導和專 業角色的機會,因而帶動了全球佛光人一起 推動人間佛教,更貫徹創會會長星雲大師的 平等和平權理念,於世界各地推動教育和慈 善等工作,讓人心及生活變得更美好。平行 論壇上,再次以光和熱征服現場 300 位聽眾,
同時向國際展示:世界還需要 300 年才可達 到的性別平等,在佛教和佛光山早已做到!
2023年3月6日至17日「第67屆聯合國婦女地位委員會年會」(CSW67)於聯合國總部舉行,世界總會以非政府組 織的身分出席會議。
68 國際
During March 6-17, 2023, the 67th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67) was held at the United Nations Headquarters. BLIA World Headquarters attended as a NGO.
On March 8, 2023, BLIA presented “Faith and Gender Equality: Empowering Girls & Women in a Post-Pandemic World” at the CSW67 parallel meeting.
The 67th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
DuringMarch 6-17, 2023, the 67th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67) was held at the United Nations Headquarters, BLIA again participated as a non-governmental organization (NGO). On March 8, Women’s Day, BLIA presented “Faith and Gender Equality: Empowering Girls & Women in a Post-Pandemic World” at the parallel meeting. At the meeting’s opening, renowned singer Christine Maxwell gave a live performance of Love and Peace , composed by Jenny Chen, Youth Development Committee Director, singing out the wish for world peace through a Sounds of the Human World song.
The panelists at the CSW67 parallel meeting forum were BLIA World Headquarters Vice Secretary General America East Ven. Yung Ku; Vice Secretary General Southeast Asia Ven. Chueh Cheng; Fo Guang Shan Toronto Abbess Ven. Chueh Fan; International Outreach Committee Deputy Director Ven. Miao Guang; and United Nations Committee Director Mabel Lam. They shared how Fo Guang Shan monastics fearlessly rallied BLIA members around the world during the height of the pandemic and global
unrest, gathering resources and medical equipment for distribution to countries heavily affected by the pandemic or natural disasters. Particular emphasis was given to underprivileged women and children groups, demonstrating the spirit of universal loving-kindness and compassion.
At the parallel forum, the panelists explained the vision of equality of BLIA Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun, granting equal rights to women to develop their abilities and talents; allowing female monastics to bring forth their skills in leadership and professionalism, hence inspiring Fo Guang members around the world to spread Humanistic Buddhism. By undertaking educational and charitable endeavors around the world, people’s minds and lives have improved, realizing the Venerable Master’s vision of equality and equal rights.
At the forum, the 300 attendees basked in the light and passion of Buddha’s light, demonstrating to the world that Buddhism and Fo Guang Shan have already achieved a level of gender equality that would take the world 300 years to reach!
2023年3月8日「第67屆聯合國婦女地位委員會年會」(CSW67) 平行會議,國際佛光會發表「信仰與性別平等‧後疫情世界賦權予女性」。
International 69
2023 年3 月8 日「第 67 屆聯合國婦女地位委員會年會」(CSW67 )平行會議,由世界總會( 美東) 副秘書長永固法師、 ( 東南亞 ) 副 秘書長覺誠法師、多倫多佛光山住持覺凡法師、國際發展委員會副主委妙光法師及聯合國發展委員會主委何美寶與談。
On March 8, 2023, BLIA World Headquarters Vice Secretary General America East Ven. Yung Ku; Vice Secretary General Southeast Asia Ven. Chueh Cheng; Fo Guang Shan Toronto Abbess Ven. Chueh Fan; International Outreach Committee Deputy Director Ven. Miao Guang; and United Nations Committee Director Mabel Lam served as panelist for the CSW69 parallel meeting.
On March 8, 2023, audience member Jeff Oppenheim shared his feedback at the CSW69 parallel meeting.
年3月8日「第67屆聯合國婦女地位委員會年會」平行會議,觀眾Jeff Oppenheim 發表回饋。
70 國際
2023 年 3 月 8 日「第 67 屆聯合國婦女地位委員 會年會」平行會議,由世界總會檀講師郝樂 為、陳澄慧擔任司儀。
On March 8, 2023, BLIA World Headquarters Lay Dharma Lecturer Kenneth Holloway and Jenny Chen served as emcees for the CSW69 parallel meeting.
2023年3月8日「第67屆聯合國婦女地 位委員會年會」與聯合國非政府組織 交流互動,分享組織理念與心得。
On March 8, 2023, BLIA shared its organizational visions and reflections with other United Nations NGOs at the CSW69 parallel meeting.
On March 9, 2023, Fo Guang Shan New York hosted the Chinese forum “The Role of Bhiksunis and BLIA,” attracting an in-person and remote audience of 300.
International 71
國際佛光會2022年世界理事線上會議 10
月 2 日至 9 日適逢國際佛光會世界
總會成立 30 周年慶,「國際佛光會
2022 年第七屆第四次世界理事線上會議」由
世界總會主辦、北美洲共同承辦,透過 vFair
網路平臺盛大展開 8 天線上會議,透過 8 大語
言 ( 中 / 英 / 日 / 韓 / 西 / 法 / 葡 / 德 ) 呈現多元
特色;每日首播 9 大主題、145 組圓桌會議、
168 支影片展現佛光會 30 周年成果,並每日
進行抽獎及禮卷獎勵,全球 44 個國家地區、
103 個協會 20,000 人歡喜於線上共襄盛舉。
開幕典禮由總會長心保和尚於美國西來寺 主持,創會會長星雲大師透過影片開示勉勵, 榮譽總會長吳伯雄、副總會長劉長樂及貴賓賀
詞外,亦有 12 位來自美國、加拿大聯邦與州 參眾議員等致贈賀狀。會中進行新舊任協會會 長交接、授證馬來亞聯合會、督導委員會、佛
光童軍團、新聘 6 位檀講師與 29 名協會督導;
議案討論通過 18 項議案,並舉行「2022 年三 好微電影國際創作競賽」頒獎。署理會長慈容 法師、理事依空法師、心培和尚、慧傳法師、 秘書長覺培法師等線上與會。
10 月 2 日至 8 日圓桌會議依各洲時間進 行,主題包含:接引千禧世代青年、佛法中 與疫情共存、e 時代創新弘法、蔬食環保、
健身凈心、學佛行佛體驗等,由主持人帶領 分享,共 145 組熱鬧登場。「每日首播 9 大 主題」除了總會長心保和尚「智慧與創新」
頒獎典禮、佛光普照五大洲、佛光會 30 特 展、「全球人間音緣徵曲創作競賽」頒獎典 禮、走向多元宗教、綠色環保、慈善救濟、 佛光之夜、話說佛光會等,並有各洲弘法影 片 168 支,展現佛光會 30 周年之成果。
閉幕典禮由總會長心保和尚主持,會中 秘書長覺培法師與 ( 美西 ) 副秘書長慧東法師 以中、英文宣讀「重要決議案」,並進行全 球佛學會考頒獎、綜合報告、揭曉「佛光之 夜」最佳人氣獎。2023 年世界會員代表大會 承辦單位交接,由北美各協會交接予中華總 會,全球佛光人歡喜見證,並期待回到實體 會議,相約台灣見!
During October 2-9, the 2022 BLIA Virtual 4th Meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors was hosted online with the platform vFairs.
72 國際
On October 2, 2022, at the opening ceremony of the World Headquarters Board of Directors Meeting, Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun provided encouragements via a video.
On October 2, 2022, the opening ceremony for the 2022 BLIA Virtual 4th Meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors was presided by World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin
2022 BLIA Virtual Meeting of the Board of Directors
DuringOctober 2-9, the 2022 BLIA Virtual 4th Meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors was held to celebrate the 30th anniversary of BLIA World Headquarters. The event was organized by the World Headquarters and hosted by BLIA North America Chapters. The 8-day meeting was conducted online with the vFairs platform in eight languages: Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and German. There were nine major premieres each day, with 145 roundtable meetings, 168 videos showcasing BLIA’s accomplishments over the past 30 years, as well as raffles for prizes and vouchers. The meeting was attended by 20,000 people from 103 chapters in 44 regions.
World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau presided over the opening ceremony at Hsi Lai Temple. Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun gave his encouragement through a video, Honorary President Wu Po-hsiung, Vice President Liu Changle, and other distinguished guests also gave speeches. Certificates of recognition were presented by 12 legislators from the United States and Canada. During the meeting, there were handingover of former to new chapter presidents as well as the certification of BLIA Malaysia Federation, Elder Advisor Committees, Buddha’s Light Scouts, six new Lay Dharma Lecturers, and 29 new Chapter Elder
Advisors. Motion Discussion passed 18 proposals, and the award ceremony for the “2022 Three Acts of Goodness International Microfilm Contest” was also conducted. Acting President Ven. Tzu Jung; Directors Ven. Yi Kung, Most Venerable Hsin Pei, and Ven. Hui Chuan; Secretary General Ven. Chueh Pei participated in the meeting online.
On October 2, 2022, at the opening ceremony of the World Headquarters Board of Directors Meeting, there were speeches by distinguished guests: World Headquarters Honorary President Wu Po-Hsiung, Vice President Liu Changle, and Hilda Solis, Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors for the First District.
2022 年 10 月 2 日世界理事會議開幕典禮,創會會長 星雲大師透過視頻開示勉勵。
2022 年 10 月 2 日國際佛光會 2022 年第七屆第四次世界理事 線上會議,開幕典禮由總會長心保和尚於美國西來寺線上 主持。
Bau at Hsi Lai Temple.
International 73
2022 年 10 月 2 日世界理事會議開幕典禮,世界總會榮
譽總會長吳伯雄、副總會長劉常樂、洛杉磯縣第一區 縣政委員蘇麗絲等貴賓致詞。
During October 2-8, hosts led 145 exciting roundtable meetings according to different time zones of the continents. Topics included attracting millennials, coexisting with the pandemic within the Dharma, innovative Dharma propagation by the Net Generation, vegetarianism and environmentalism, purifying the mind with exercise, and the study and practice of Buddhism. Programs and topics for the nine daily major premieres included the “Wisdom and Innovation” keynote speech by President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, the Three Acts of Goodness International Microfilm Contest award ceremony, Buddha’s light shining across the five continents, BLIA 30th anniversary special exhibition, Sounds of the Human World Global Music Composition Competition award ceremony, progressing toward religious diversity, environmentalism, charity and disaster relief, the Night of Buddha’s Light, and BLIA Stories.
There were 168 videos of Dharma propagation across different continents for viewing, showcasing BLIA’s achievements since its establishment 30 years ago.
The closing ceremony was presided by World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, Secretary General Ven. Chueh Pei and Vice Secretary General America West Ven. Hui Dong recited the meeting’s major resolutions in Chinese and English. During the ceremony, there were the Global Buddhism Exam award ceremony, joint report, and announcement of the Popularity Award winner for the Night of Buddha’s Light. BLIA North America chapters handed over to BLIA Chunghua for hosting the 2023 BLIA General Conference. BLIA members worldwide celebrated the joyous moment and looked forward to meeting each other in-person in Taiwan.
During October 2-9, 2022, over 20,000 participants from 103 chapters in 44 regions on the five continents transcended time and space to attend the virtual meeting together.
74 國際
2022 年 10 月 9 日世界理事會議閉幕典禮,總會長心保和尚、署理會長慈容法師、秘書長覺培法師等,於高雄 佛光山同步線上參與。
On October 9, 2022, at the closing ceremony of the World Headquarters Board of Directors Meeting, President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, Acting President Venerable Tzu Jung, Secretary General Venerable Chueh Pei, and others attended the event simultaneously online at Fo Guang Shan in Kaohsiung.
2022年10月2日世界大會主題曲〈有您真好〉由青年發展委員會主任委員陳澄慧創作,歌曲透過MV讓全球佛 光人互相問好。
On October 2, 2022, the meeting theme song, Good to Have You was unveiled. Composed by Youth Development Committee Director Jenny Chen, the music video allowed Fo Guang Members from across the world to greet each other.
International 75
國際佛光會2022年第七屆第四次世界理事會議 重要決議案
二、響應大會主題「智慧與創新」,以活動執行企劃徵件比賽,帶動各地佛光 會走出去、與當地結合,接引新入會員,共同成就圓滿菩提。
三、持續落實「環保與心保」,積極推動T-EARTH復育森林、蔬食A計劃連署 及VEGRUN蔬食路跑等相關活動,以改善氣候變遷、地球暖化之危機,共 創祥和的人間淨土。
四、為能早日消弭疫情、世界和平,全球佛光會員一同響應並參與「禪淨共修 獻燈線上祈福法會」,以落實福慧雙修、定慧等持之目標。
五、鼓勵研讀創會會長 星雲大師著作,發心成為「檀講師」、「人間佛教宣講 員」,闡揚人間佛教法要,以佛教信仰翻轉生命。
六、響應2023年「三好微電影國際創作競賽」及「佛光之美」攝影比賽,將 世間的真善美以影音、照片呈現,讓人間佛國淨土光耀寰宇。
七、以慈善福利社會,協助世界糧食短缺問題,推動「買一送一」有機稻米專案, 以消弭飢餓,實踐佛光會之人道關懷。
於2023年10月在台灣高雄佛光山由中華總會承辦,邀請全球各地佛光人 回台踴躍參加。
76 國際
2022 BLIA World Headquarters
4th Meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors
Major Resolutions
1. To sustain the promotion of “The Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun” by presenting them to national and major college libraries, conducting book donation ceremonies, book review presentations, and forums to purify people’s mind with the Dharma essence of Humanistic Buddhism.
2. To respond to the Meeting theme, “Wisdom and Innovation” with activity planning and execution contests, leading local BLIA chapters to reach out and integrate with the community and receiving new members for fulfillment of Bodhi
3. To sustain the actualization of “Environmental and Spiritual Preservation” by promoting T-Earth reforestation, Vege Plan A, and VegRun community run to mitigate the crisis of climate change and global warming, creating a harmonious pure land in the world.
4. To actively participate in the “Chan and Pure Land Virtual Light-offering Prayer Service,” praying for the early end of COVID and for world peace to actualize the cultivation of both merit and wisdom and achieving concentration.
5. To encourage the study of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s writings, aspiring to become Lay Dharma Lecturers and Humanistic Buddhism Speakers to propagate the Dharma essence of Humanistic Buddhism to turn lives around with the Buddhist faith.
6. To respond to the “Three Acts of Goodness Microfilm Contest,” and the “Beauty of Buddha’s Light Photo Contest” to demonstrate through videos and photos the kindness and beauty in the world, shining the bright light of a human world pure land in the universe.
7. To benefit society with charity and provide assistance to the world food shortage crisis by promoting the “Buy One, Donate One” organic rice project to eradicate hunger and actualize BLIA humanitarian care.
8. To conduct the 2023 BLIA General Conference and the Re-election of the Eighth Board of Directors to be held in October 2023 hosted by BLIA Chunghua, inviting BLIA members worldwide to Taiwan to participate.
International 77
年 6 月 11 日至 14 日「國際佛光會 2023 年亞 洲聯誼會」於菲律賓萬年寺舉行,來自亞洲 12 個
國家地區,26 個協會計千人共襄盛舉。開幕典禮於菲
律賓馬尼拉佛光山萬年寺對面的世紀餐廳隆重開幕,由 世界總會總會長心保和尚主持。6 月 12 日聯誼會特別
尚帶領貴賓施放象徵著光明與自由的氣球後,於體育 館展開。大眾起立唱〈菲律賓共和國國歌〉、〈三寶 頌〉,並默哀緬懷光明大學創辦人星雲大師。大雅台市
長 Hon. Abraham Tolentino 於典禮上頒贈「最高教育獎 勳」表彰創辦人星雲大師為教育的貢獻,由總會長心保 和尚代表接受。
6 月 13 日聯誼會課程包含:人間佛教在菲律賓、 星雲大師對我的影響、話說星雲大師等精彩課程,並恭
請總會長心保和尚授課,開示慈悲、智慧、精進、行三 好的重要性,勉勵透過菩薩道成就佛道的同時,即是報 答佛恩。署理會長慈容法師、副總會長劉招明、理事依
空法師、秘書長覺培法師、副秘書長依來法師、滿謙法 師等與會。
2023 年 6 月 13 日「人間佛教在菲律賓」頒獎盛 典,為在各個領域積極推動人間佛教的菲律賓在 地人士頒發榮譽獎項。
On June 13, 2023, the “Humanistic Buddhism in the Philippines” Award Ceremony honored local Filipinos who have been active in promoting Humanistic Buddhism in various fields.
2023 年 6 月 12 日聯誼會特別安排前往大雅台參加 光明大學落成典禮,總會長心保和尚帶領貴賓施 放象徵著光明與自由的氣球。
On June 12th, the fellowship meeting made special arrangements to visit Tagaytay City for the inauguration ceremony of Guang Ming College. President Most Venerable Hsin Bau led the dignitaries in releasing balloons at the sports arena, symbolizing light and freedom
78 國際
Fellowship Meetings on the Continents
BLIA Asia Fellowship Meeting
During June 11-14, the 2023 BLIA Asia Fellowship Meeting was held at Mabuhay Temple in the Philippines, with a thousand participants from 26 chapters in 12 countries and regions in Asia. The opening ceremony was held at Century Restaurant across from Mabuhay Temple in Manila, Philippines, presided over by BLIA World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau. On June 12, the fellowship meeting made special arrangements for participants to travel to Tagaytay City for the inauguration ceremony of Guang Ming College. World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau led the dignitaries in releasing balloons at the sports arena, symbolizing light and freedom. Attendees rose to sing the Philippines National Anthem and Ode to the Triple Gem, further observing a moment of silence in remembrance of Guang Ming College Founder, Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Mayor Hon. Abraham Tolentino of Tagaytay City presented the Highest
Education Award in recognition of the contributions of Founder Venerable Master Hsing Yun to education, accepted by President Most Venerable Hsin Bau.
On June 13, the fellowship meeting program included: Humanistic Buddhism in the Philippines, The Influence of Venerable Master Hsing Yun on Me, and Reflections on Veneable Master Hsing Yun. President Most Venerable Hsin Bau gave teachings on the importance of compassion, wisdom, diligence, and the practice of the Three Acts of Goodness, encouraging the attendees to attain Buddhahood through the Bodhisattva path, a way of repaying the blessings of the Buddha. World Headquarters Acting President Venerable Tzu Jung, Vice President Liu Chao Ming, Director Ven. Yi Kung, Secretary General Ven. Chueh Pei, as well as Vice Secretaries General Ven. Yi Lai and Ven. Man Chien were in attendance.
During June 11-14, the 2023 BLIA Asia Fellowship Meeting was held at Mabuhay Temple, Philippines, with a thousand participants from 26 chapters in 12 countries and regions in Asia.
On June 12, 2023, 1,500 people gathered at the inauguration of the Guang Ming College in the Philippines to witness the historic moment.
International 79
2023年6月13日世界總會總會長心保和尚授課,勉勵透過菩薩道成 就佛道的同時,即是報答佛陀的恩德。
On June 13, 2023, President Most Venerable Hsin Bau gave teachings, encouraging the attendees to attain Buddhahood through the Bodhisattva path as a way to repay the blessings of the Buddha.
2023 年 6 月 13 日「星雲大師對我的影響」課程,佛光 人於世紀餐廳分組圓桌討論,由檀講師李雄才主持。
On June 13, 2023, during the “Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Influence on Me” BLIA members divided into groups for roundtable discussion at Century Restaurant, facilitated by Lay Dharma Lecturer Lee Hung Choi.
2023 年 6 月 13 日「話說星雲大師」由秘書長覺培法師 主持,各副秘書長、住持、當家與談,分享與創會會 長星雲大師之身教與言教,感人肺腑,精彩無比。
On June 13, 2023, “Fo Guang Shan Founding Master - Venerable Master Hsing Yun: A Retrospection” was facilitated by Secretary General Venerable Chueh Pei, with the participation of Vice Secretaries General, Abbots/Abbesses, and Superintendents, sharing the personal and verbal teachings of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun, which were most touching.
2023 年 6 月 11 日亞洲聯誼會歡迎晚宴節目精彩,悉達多劇團以優美 的音聲供養大眾。
On June 11, 2023, at the Asia Fellowship Meeting Welcome Dinner, performers of “Siddhartha the Musical” offered their beautiful music and songs for the attendees.
80 國際
來登國際展覽中心酒店會議中心舉辦,來自 26 個協會,
近 700 位佛光人出席盛會。
由 ( 美西 ) 副秘書長慧東法師
及 ( 美東 ) 副秘書長永固法師
及 395 冊《全集》大師法身舍利蘊含的智慧寶藏。「佛
式,2025 年北美聯誼會由德州達拉斯協會、休士頓協
On July 14, the 2023 BLIA North America Fellowship Meeting, organized by the World Headquarters and hosted by BLIA Nevada and Los Angeles Chapters, was held at the Sheraton Fairplex Hotel & Conference Center in Pomona, attended by close to 700 BLIA members from 26 chapters.
儀式,佛光人相約 2025 年北美聯誼會,德
On July 15, 2023, handing-over ceremony for the next meeting host was held during the closing ceremony. BLIA members are to meet again in the 2025 North America Fellowship Meeting. See you in Texas!
月 14 日至 15 日「2023 年北美洲聯誼會」由世
International 81
BLIA North America Fellowship Meeting
The 2023 North America Fellowship Meeting, organized by BLIA World Headquarters and hosted by BLIA Nevada and Los Angeles Chapters, was held at the Sheraton International Exhibition Center Hotel in Pomona, California during July 14-15. About 700 BLIA members from 26 chapters attended the major event. The fellowship meeting invited World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau to give teachings on “Arising and Cessation,” guiding BLIA members to contemplate the origin of life.
The meeting program included a special lecture by FGS Thai Hua Temple Abbot and World Headquarters Director, Most Venerable Hsin Ting; two forums titled, “Remembering and Honoring Master Hsing Yun” and “Report on Reading the Complete Works of Master Hsing Yun.” The forums were facilitated by Vice Secretary General America West, Ven. Hui Dong and Vice Secretary General America East Ven. Yung Ku respectively. They delved into understanding the exemplary qualities of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun, and the wisdom treasures within the 395 volumes of his “Complete Works.”
“Night of Buddha's Light – Tributes to Venerable Master Hsing Yun” featured BLIA members from various chapters coming together to perform songs from Sounds of the Human World and recite poems to honor the Venerable Master. The closing ceremony included a handing-over ceremony to the hosts of the 2025 North America Fellowship Meeting, jointly undertaken by BLIA Dallas, Houston, and Austin Chapters in Texas.
On July 15, 2023, World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau spoke on “Arising and Cessation” to guide BLIA members in contemplating the origins of life.
On July 14, the 2023 BLIA North America Fellowship Meeting Opening Ceremony was presided over by BLIA World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau.
2023 年 7 月 15 日世界總會總會長心保 和尚以「生滅」為主題,引導佛光人 思索生命本源。
82 國際
「2023 年歐洲聯誼會」於 6 月 16
至 18 日在義大利羅馬假日酒店展開,
來自歐洲 12 個國家,18 個協會近
300 位佛光人參加。開幕式在莊嚴的
會主任委員蘇秀琴致詞,世界總會 ( 歐洲 ) 副秘書長滿謙法師錄製視頻開
身教與言教;以及「如何接引新會員及關懷會員、發掘培 養人才」等 10 個主題,進行會務小組研討,透過各組的 討論報告,互相學習;「人間音緣音樂會」各協會盡情地 演出,熱鬧非凡。閉幕典禮由歐洲聯誼會主任委員蘇秀琴 宣讀聯誼會 24 項會議宣言,並由全體法師帶領佛光人高 唱〈國際佛光會會歌〉及〈惜別歌〉,圓滿歐洲聯誼會,
On June 17, 2023, the “BLIA Affairs Seminar” was conducted in small groups on 10 topics, sharing and learning from each other through the group reports.
The 2023 BLIA Europe Fellowship Meeting was held during June 16-18 at the Holiday Inn Rome - Eur Parco Dei Medici, Italy, with nearly 300 BLIA members from 18 chapters in 12 countries in Europe attending.
10 個主題進行小組研討,透過 小組報告,互相學習。
International 83
壇,由輔導法師分享創會會長星雲 大師之身教與言教。
On June 17, at the “Talking about Master Hsing Yun” forum, monastic advisors shared the exemplary teachings and deeds of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun.
BLIA Europe Fellowship Meeting
The 2023 BLIA Europe Fellowship Meeting was held during June 16-18 at the Holiday Inn Rome - Eur Parco Dei Medici, Italy, with nearly 300 BLIA members from 18 chapters in
12 countries in Europe attending. The opening ceremony commenced with the Ode to the Triple Gem, followed by a speech by BLIA Europe Fellowship Committee Director, Su Xiuqin. World Headquarters Vice Secretary General Europe Ven. Man Chien offered an inspiring message through a recorded video, and H.E.
Matthew Shieh-Ming Lee, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary was also in attendance. The meeting program featured diverse courses, including teachings on the “Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun” by four Lay Dharma Lecturers, a forum on “Talking about Venerable Master Hsing Yun” by Monastic Advisors, sharing
the exemplary teachings and deeds of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun. There were also ten workshops on various topics such as “How to Receive New Members, Care for Existing Members, and Develop and Foster Talent.” These workshops facilitated group discussions and learning through shared reports. Sounds of the Human World performance saw enthusiastic presentations by different chapters. At the closing ceremony, BLIA Europe Fellowship Committee Director Su Xiuqin read the 24 declarations of the Fellowship Meeting. All the monastics led in singing the BLIA Anthem and the Farewell Song, bringing the BLIA Europe Fellowship Meeting to a successful conclusion. BLIA members all looked forward to meeting again next year in Berlin.
On June 17, 2023, the handing-over of the next meeting host was held at the
members will meet again next year in Berlin
Closing Ceremony, BLIA
84 國際
從散漫的佛教 到制度的佛教
From Disorganized Buddhism to Systemized Buddhism
世界總會署理會長慈容法師為幹部指導勉勵。 World Headquarters Acting President Ven. Tzu Jung provides guidance and encouragement to executives.
幹部講習 制度領導 佛光幹部就像一艘船隻的領航者,帶領
著船上的成員向前邁進,引領到達目 的地。佛光協會的發展,需要幹部們的帶
領,以及會員的齊心協力,共同來推動會 務,完成使命。一個永續發展的組織,除了
向與目標。「幹部講習」會的舉辦,不管是 對新舊任幹部而言,都是十分重要,尤其透 過「國際佛光會的宗旨與理念」、「怎樣做 個佛光人」、「幹部實務性的會務運作」等 課程,不但釐清角色扮演,更透過「分組討 論」、「經驗分享」等交流達成共識。透過 幹部講習,亦讓新任幹部懂得如何帶領會員 發展會務。
On 29 July 2023, BLIA Malaysia Federation held a “Wisdom and Innovation” Executive Training Seminar at FGS Hsingma Temple. Over 300 executives from across Malaysia attended the training session.
制度 86
On 29 April 2023,
Executive Training Seminars ~ Lead by Systemization
BLIA executives are like navigators of a ship, leading its crew forward and steering them toward their destination. The development of BLIA requires the leadership of executives and the collective efforts of members to achieve its mission. For an organization to develop sustainably, it requires not only a wellestablished organizational structure, but also a shared vision and principles. Executive Training Seminars aim to strengthen the understanding of core values and philosophy of Fo Guang Shan, establishing right perspectives such as do what is in accord with Buddha and servicing others. Moreover, it provides clear guidance on the organization’s development direction and goals. For both incoming and incumbent executives, through sessions on “BLIA Objectives and Ideals,” “How to Be a BLIA Member,” and “An Introduction to the Operation and Affairs of BLIA for Executives,” they can better appreciate their roles and duties. Through “Group Discussions” and “Sharing Sessions,” consensus and understanding can be reached. This seminar equips incoming executives with confidence to steer members towards success.
On 29 July 2023, BLIA Malaysia Federation Executive Training Seminar included a “BLIA Organizational Function Challenge,” aiming to enhance the participants’ understanding of the organization through games.
BLIA Toronto held its first in-person BLIA Executive Training Seminar since the pandemic. A total of 97 participants, including chapter directors and subchapter committee members participated in the training.
2023 年 7 月 29 日馬來西亞聯合會幹部培訓,「佛光會組織 運作大考驗」透過遊戲加強對組織的認識。
2023年6月4日聖地牙哥協會舉辦「佛光幹部會務講習會」,由世界總會美洲秘書處主任覺仲法師授課, 逾30人出席。
On 4 June 2023, BLIA San Diego held the BLIA Executive Training Seminar. The training was conducted by BLIA World Headquarters America Secretarial Office Director Ven. Chueh Chung with over 30 people attending the event.
2022 年 11 月 13 日西澳協會舉辦幹部講習會,邀請世界總會理事曾美雲講授強化幹部能力之道,計 25 位 幹部參與。
On 13 November 2022, BLIA Western Australia conducted an Executive Training Seminar, inviting BLIA World Headquarters director Natasha Tang to impart leadership skills to 25 participants.
制度 88
2023 年 3 月 19 日「大洋洲幹部培訓」紐西蘭南島協會於分組中, 討論「傳承與向心力」,凝聚共識。
On March 19, 2023, BLIA South Island New Zealand organized the Oceana Executive Training Seminar. Participants engaged in group discussion on “Legacy and Cohesiveness” to foster consensus.
2023 年1 月 15 日菲律賓協會舉辦「幹部會員培訓營」, 各組進行討論報告,共有近60位佛光人參加。
On 15 January 2023, BLIA Philippines held an Executive Training Seminar for both members and executives, featuring group discussions and presentations. Close to 60 BLIA members participated in the event.
On September 18, 2022, BLIA Macau held an Executive Training Seminar. A BLIA YAD member shared how he incorporated Buddhist principles in his volunteering work with a hotline during the pandemic.
89 Systemized
2023年6月23日中華總會知賓講師群32人受邀前往韓國 出席「第18 屆佛教善女人大會」,並於開幕典禮上獻唱 創會會長星雲大師作詞之「國際佛光會會歌」,表達佛光人之精神意涵。
On June 23, 2023, a delegation of 32 hospitality lecturers from BLIA Chunghua were invited to attend the “18th Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women Conference” in South Korea. They presented the “BLIA Anthem” written by Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun, showcasing the BLIA spirit.
及韋馱菩薩金剛,佛陀講經說法時,擔任道 場秩序的維護者,阻止外道邪魔的搗亂,讓
每位說法、聽法者,都能專心聽聞佛法、莊 嚴道場。而佛光金剛威儀莊嚴、勇敢無懼,
佛光知賓在寺院道場的接待參訪,扮演 著重要的角色。「知賓」,即是「知」道「賓」
有賓至如歸的歡喜自在。知賓是佛門第一線 的義工菩薩,知賓代表常住接待賓客,如同 國家的外交官。信徒及來賓進入寺院,第一 個接觸的即是知賓,因此知賓需具備莊重的 威儀、優雅的談吐、親切的微笑、及佛法的 內涵等。秉持著「來時歡喜,去時相送」之 精神理念,為大眾服務,亦以此自利利他的 菩薩精神,將「人間佛教」的歡喜散播給更 多的有緣人。全球佛光金剛及知賓於各道場 服務奉獻,並於金剛知賓培訓中,提升專業 技能與佛法涵養,更進一步的與國際接軌交 流,展現佛光知賓的氣質與涵養。
制度 90
Male Vajra Volunteers and Female Hospitality Volunteers Seminar
InBuddhism, male volunteers are called “Vajra” for being pure and strong, signifying characteristics as strong as diamond and steel. Not only are they capable of subduing their own minds, but also able in influencing others to return to the right path. Sangharama and Skanda Bodhisattvas guard the monastery, maintaining order wherever the Buddha teaches the Dharma. They prevent the evil from disrupting the Dharma teachings so that the listeners can maintain their focus in learning as well as upholding the solemnity of the place of practice. Apart from maintaining order and ensuring safety at the temples, BLIA male “Vajra” volunteers are both dignified and fearless. They are knowledgeable in crisis management, ready to serve the public, and accept Dharma protection as their mission.
On April 28, 2023, the “Hospitality Volunteers Training” was organized by BLIA Philippines in preparation for BLIA Asia Fellowship Meeting. Lecturers from BLIA Chunghua were invited to give teachings for the training.
2023 年 6 月 23 日中華佛光知賓於「第 18 屆佛教善 女人大會」以茶會友。
BLIA female hospitality volunteers play an important role in receiving visitors to the temple. These volunteers understand the needs of the visitors, providing a warm and cordial reception and making them feel at home. They are frontline volunteers in receiving guests visiting the temple, similar to the diplomats of a country. When devotees and guests come inside a temple, these volunteers are the first people they meet. Hence, they should be dignified in manner and poised in speaking; ready with a warm smile and an appreciation of the meaning of the Dharma. They serve the public by upholding the spirit of “greeting visitors on every occasion,” spreading the joy of Humanistic Buddhism to even more people with the bodhisattva spirit of benefiting self and others. BLIA Vajra and hospitality volunteers worldwide serve and contribute in branch temples, and through the training programs, enhance their professional skills and appreciation of the Dharma in their service. These volunteers display the quality and substance of BLIA hospitality, bridging and elevating international connections.
91 Systemized
2023年4月28日菲律賓協會為迎接亞洲聯誼會,特別舉辦 實體「知賓培訓講習會」,邀請中華佛光知賓蒞臨授課。
On June 23, 2023, a tea ceremony was held by BLIA Chunghua hospitality volunteers at the “18th Sakyadhita International Association of Buddhist Women Conference”
2023年6月4日中華總會「中區佛光金剛培訓」,佛光 金剛用心帶領小組討論。
On June 4, 2023, interactive group discussion session led by BLIA male volunteers during the “Central District Buddha’s Light Vajra Volunteer Training” organized by BLIA Chunghua.
2023 年 5 月 21 日加拿大溫哥華協會舉辦 「知賓組培訓
On May 21, 2023, BLIA Vancouver organized the “Hospitality Volunteers Training.” FGS Vancouver Temple Abbess Venerable Chueh Chu was invited to teach at the training.
On June 5, 2023, BLIA Chunghua organized the “Southern Chapter Remembering the Venerable Master – Vajra and Hospitality Volunteer Training” at Fo Guang Shan monastery with close to 1,000 participants attending.
制度 92
2023 年 7 月 16 日中華總會「北區協會佛光知賓培訓」於金光明寺 舉行,逾500位知賓參加培訓。
On July 17, 2023, BLIA Chunghua organized “Northern District BLIA Hospitality Volunteer Training” at Jin Guang Ming Temple, with about 500 participants attending.
93 Systemized
月 6 日「2023 大洋洲佛學會考」由西
會考共計 542 人參與,以法相會。
2023 年8 月 6 日紐西蘭北島協會佛學會考,紐西蘭佛光山 住持滿信法師耐心指導小朋友作答。
On August 6, 2023, Buddhism Exam was held by BLIA North Island New Zealand where Ven. Man Hsin, FGS New Zealand Abbess patiently guided children to answer the exam questions.
On August 6, 2023, BLIA South Island New Zealand held the Buddhism Exam, BLIA members, executives, and youths all participated with full concentration.
制度 94
Oceana Buddhism Exam
The“2023 Oceana Buddhism Exam” was organized by BLIA Western Australia. Each BLIA chapter across Oceana held the exam in their respective temples. With the aim to deepen the Buddhist knowledge of the attendees, the Buddhist Exam mainly covered contents from Three Acts of Goodness Teaching Materials and Buddha-Dharma: Pure and Simple, books written by Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun. The exam covered a wide range of topics and were available in Chinese, English, and Children categories. The exam offered flexibility with printed copy and online formats, as well as options for both individuals and groups.
The Buddhism exam aimed to elevate Fo Guang members’ level of faith and cultivate right understandings and right views. To help members read and understand Buddha-Dharma: Pure and Simple in greater depth, the host BLIA Western Australia actively promoted reading groups for the book led by monastic advisors, in preparation for
On August 6, 2023, Buddhism Exam was held by BLIA North Island New Zealand. All BLIA YAD members focused on answering the questions online.
different categories of the exam. Materials in English such as a question bank and recordings from reading groups were provided for English speakers so that they could prepare accordingly. A total of 542 people participated in the Oceania Buddhism Exam.
On August 13, 2023, YAD members and scouts of BLIA Sydney joyfully participated in the Buddhism Exam.
95 Systemized
2023年8月6日紐西蘭北島協會佛學會考,佛光青年於線上 認真作答。
On August 6, 2023, BLIA Western Australia held the Buddhism Exam, participating members discussing the open book exam questions.
On August 13, 2023, BLIA Sydney actively participated in the Oceana Buddhism Exam. A total of 200 people achieved selfimprovement through the examination.
On August 6, 2023, at the Buddhism Exam held by BLIA Queensland, Buddha’s Light Scouts diligently discussed and answered the exam questions. Through the exam, seeds of the Dharma were sown.
6, 2023,
制度 96
2023 年 8 月 13 日「大洋洲佛學會考」澳洲 雪梨協會積極響應,計 200 人藉由佛學會 考,自我提升。
2023年8月6日昆士蘭協會佛學會考,佛光童軍認真 討論,進行作答,讓佛法從小扎根。
more than 150 people from BLIA Queensland participated in the Buddhism Exam at Chung Tian Temple or at home.
2023 年 8 月 6 日西澳協會舉辦佛學會考, 會員開卷一同討論試題。
到現代的佛教 From Traditional Buddhism to Modern Buddhism 國際佛光會2022年大洋洲線上聯誼會由紐西蘭承辦。 2022 BLIA Oceana Online FellowshIp Meeting Hosted by New Zealand.
現代 從傳統的佛教
佛化婚禮 菩提眷屬
庭觀,不僅要把生命延續下去,更重視 慈悲、道德及信仰的傳承;以正知正見成就
「十年修得同船渡,百年修得共枕眠」, 夫妻之間的因緣,皆百年所修,難遭難遇。
屬,經常以夫妻之道來勉勵:一個家庭的美 滿,需靠彼此的愛心建立。年輕在拍拖時, 要睜大雙眼看清楚對方;到結婚時,則用單
眼來看,猶如木工量度時都用單眼才能看的 準;但是結了婚之後,不要用眼睛來看,要
創會會長星雲大師提倡佛化家庭,希望 佛法能融入家庭及生活中,以佛法來提升婚 姻的品味。此外,亦將丈夫和妻子分成三種 等級,期勉菩提眷屬都能成為上等夫妻:上 等丈夫可以負起家庭責任,照顧好另一半, 讓妻子不受委屈、感到榮耀;妻子則要能溫 柔、體貼、信賴、常常讚美、盡心盡力幫助 丈夫的事業、忠誠不二心,才能以愛贏得愛。 全球佛光人於五大洲,舉行佛化婚禮及菩提 眷屬祝福禮,讓家庭更幸福美滿。
98 現代
On January
2023, the “2023 Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Wedding Ceremony and Bodhi Couple Blessing Ceremony” was held at the Great Enlightenment Auditorium, FGS Buddha Museum with 36 newly wed and 193 bodhi couples receiving blessings.
January 1, 2023,
Buddhist Wedding and Bodhi Couples
Humanistic Buddhism values the joyous harmony of the family. Hence, the Buddhist perspective of family not only considers family as necessary to sustain life but more so for the legacy of compassion, ethics, and faith. Right views and right thoughts are the foundation for a Bodhi couple to establish a blessed and happy family. As the saying goes, “It takes ten years of cultivation to share a boat with someone; and a hundred years of cultivation to share a pillow.” The relationship between husband and wife is the result of a hundred years of cultivating affinity, a truly rare occurrence. BLIA World Headquarters Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun often encouraged newlyweds and Bodhi couples to learn the way of marriage, which must be nurtured through mutual respect. A happy family can only be built with mutual respect and love. While young and dating, one should look closely at the other with both eyes wide open. When the couple is about to marry, it is time to use just one eye, similar to carpenters using one eye to make precise measurements. However,
after getting married, couples should no longer use their eyes to see but their hearts and love to view their relationship.
Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun encouraged the building of a Buddhist family with the hope that the Dharma can be integrated into family life to elevate the quality of a marriage. He ranked married couples in three tiers and hoped that Bodhi couples can become the highest-quality husband and wife. The top rank husband will be able to take up household responsibilities and care for his other half, so that his wife will not feel neglected but honored. The finest wife will be gentle, thoughtful, trustworthy, staunchly loyal, often complimenting and wholeheartedly supportive of her husband’s career. As such, love like this will only win more love. Fo Guang members on the five continents hold Buddhist Wedding Ceremonies or Bodhi Couple Blessing Ceremonies so families can be filled with happiness.
1月1日「2023年百年好合佛化婚禮暨菩提眷屬祝福禮」, 菩提眷屬代表宣誓。
Modern 99
oath-taking by the representatives of bodhi couples at the “2023 Fo Guang Shan Buddhist Wedding Ceremony and Bodhi Couple Blessing Ceremony.”
On January 1, 2023, BLIA World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, wedding witnessing master, encouraged newly-wed couples to manage their family according to the Buddha’s teaching for long-lasting relationships.
On January 1, 2023, BLIA World Headquarters Vice President Liu Chao Ming and his wife Chen Chiu Chin, the wedding matchmakers, encouraged newly-wed couples to always remember the goodness and strengths of their partner and learn to change their way of thinking.
On January 1, 2023, groom Shih Shao Hua and bride Chen Yu Husan walked down the aisle as a newly-wed couple in traditional costumes of the Paiwan Tribe.
100 現代
2023 年 1 月 1 日世界總會總會長心保和 尚為新人福證,勉勵新人要用佛法經 營家庭,感情才能長長久久。
2023年1月1日介紹人世界總會副總會長劉招明、陳秋琴伉儷,勉 勵新人要將對方的好放在心上,並要懂得轉念。
2023年1月1日佛化婚禮,新郎石劭華與新娘陳昱璇,以傳統排灣 族新人服飾亮相。
十年 修得同船渡 百年 修得共枕眠
2022 年 9 月 9 日多倫多佛光青年 Bonnie Poon ,於多倫多 佛光山舉行佛化婚禮,恭請住持覺凡法師福證。
On September 9, 2022, BLIA YAD Toronto member Bonnie Poon got married at FGS Toronto Temple and Abbess Ven. Chueh Fan served as the witnessing master of the wedding.
2023 年 1 月 1 日佛光歌詠隊偕同新人獻唱人間音緣, 用歌聲傳遞幸福。
On January 1, 2023, the Fo Guang Harmonics together with all the newly-wed couples performed a song from the Sounds of the Human World, spreading happiness through singing.
2023年1月1日主婚人世界總會榮譽總會長吳伯雄勉勵 新人將三好、四給落實於家庭中。
On January 1, 2023, BLIA World Headquarters Honorary President Wu Po-hsiung, wedding officiant, encouraged newly-wed couples to practice the Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings in their family.
2023年4月22日新郎James William Dang及新娘Araceli Sandoval 於西來寺舉行佛化婚禮,由 ( 美西 ) 副秘書長慧 東法師福證。
On April 22, 2023, Groom James William Dang and bride Araceli Sandoval got married at Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple, Vice Secretary General America West Ven. Hui Dong served as the witnessing master of the wedding.
Modern 101
10月2日「2022年三好微電影國際創作競賽」頒獎典禮 於美國西來寺舉行,總會長心保和尚頒獎予第一名得獎導演Pâmela Peregrino及Sifiso Mlungisi Khanyile。
On October 2, 2022, award ceremony for the 2022 Three Acts of Goodness International Microfilm Festival was held at FGS Hsi Lai Temple in the United States. President Most Venerable Hsin Bau presented the award to the first-place winning directors Pâmela Peregrino and Sifiso Mlungisi Khanyile.
三好微電影 宣揚人間真善美
2019 年開始,首屆共 88 件作品參與,10
月於法國 UNESCO 聯合國教科文組織頒獎,
造成廣大回響。2023 年第五屆三好微電影
國際創作競賽《無常的可貴 Wabi-Sabi》,
來自全球 120 個國家,3,146 部微電影參賽,
有 67 部精采作品入選。邁入第五屆的三好
微電影件數,創下了歷年總報名件 20192022 四年總件數 3,092 的紀錄,可見「三
好微電影國際創作競賽」之平台,已受到國 際的認可及重視。
影片的發展形式與科技發展有著緊密的 相關,從過去的「微電影」到現在的「短影 片」,皆能體現人們對於影片態度的轉變, 尤其運用現代科技,拍攝器材不限於攝影 機,人人手持一機,一部手機即能拍攝出精 彩有內涵的短影片。「三好微電影國際創作 競賽」希望透過影片傳遞人間的真善美,更 期許將創會會長星雲大師所倡導的「三好」 理念,散播滿人間。
102 現代
Three Acts of Goodness Microfilms –Advocacy of Truth, Kindness, and Beauty of the World
Founding President Venerable Master Hsing
Yun advocated the Three Acts of Goodness Campaign and the spread of truth, kindness, and beauty of Humanistic Buddhism. In response, BLIA World Headquarters held the Three Acts of Goodness International Microfilm Contest, which is known as the Oscars in the World of Microfilms. Launched in 2019, the first contest received the submission of 88 entries; in October, the winning films received their awards at the UNESCO Headquarters in France, attracting much attention. The 5th Three Acts of Goodness International Microfilm Contest in 2023 has received entries from 120 countries, and out of the 3,146 microfilms submitted 67 were selected.
It could be seen that the Three Acts of Goodness International Microfilm Festival has received attention and recognition internationally.
How films have transformed is closely related to the development of technology. The progression from microfilms in the past to the short videos now reflects the change in people’s attitudes towards films. With modern technology, filming equipment is not limited to cameras. A mobile phone can film a brilliant short video that is so meaningful. The purpose of the Three Acts of Goodness International Microfilm Festival is to spread the truth, kindness, and beauty of this world through films. More importantly,
Modern 103
On October 1, 2022, the 14 awarded directors of the Three Acts of Goodness microfilms arrived at FGS Hsi Lai Temple. They had a heart-to-heart connection with BLIA President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, speaking on the significance of the Three Acts of Goodness.
On October 4, 2022, the Three Act of Goodness Microfilm Study Group was held online, sharing brilliant microfilms from the past contests for discussion of their substance and meaning.
2022 年 10 月 3 日三好微電影受獎導演,在總會長心保和尚的帶領 下,前往華納影城兄弟工作坊參學,增廣見識。
On October 3, 2022, led by BLIA World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, the awarded directors of the Three Acts of Goodness microfilms arrived at Warner Bros Express Tour to broaden their knowledge through attending workshops.
104 現代
佛光之美攝影比賽 感動的瞬間
與創新」,舉辦佛光之美攝影比賽「智慧與創 新‧感動是最美的世界」,秉持淨化人心之理念,透 過鏡頭捕捉人間感動的瞬間,更藉由照片的無聲說法, 傳遞人間的真善美。攝影比賽於 2022 年 6 月 1 日至 2023 年 6 月 30 日徵件,共有手機及相機組 1,180 件 作品參賽,經過初審、複審及決審,選出相機 55 件、
手機 54 件,總共 109 件作品。9 月 1 日於世總官網公
布入選名單,並於 10 月 1 日於世總官網公告獲獎名次。 此外,去年佛光之美「信仰與傳承」攝影比賽作
品,結合 APP Artivive 軟體,由佛光山法寶堂帶領團
隊,將獲獎作品中的 70 件作品製作動態影像,讓靜態
的攝影作品透過影像,還原作品當時的畫面,展現「智 慧與創新」。「佛光之美 AR 攝影動態展」自 2022 年
2 月份在佛光山法寶堂開展,並於南天寺、法水寺、
中美寺、如來寺、溫哥華等 30 所道場陸續展出,至
2023 年 8 月 31 日瀏覽次數超過 35,000 人次,充分展
Beauty of Buddha’s Light “Wisdom
2023年7月31日佛光之美攝影比賽「智慧與創新‧ 感動是最美的世界」,於線上舉行決審評選。 The Beauty of Buddha’s Light Photo Contest with the theme “Being Touched is the Most Beautiful World” held its final judging online on July 31, 2023.
and Innovation
Being Touched is the Most Beautiful World” Photo Contest.
Modern 105
Beauty of Buddha's Light Photo Contest ~ Touching Moments
Inconjunction with the General Conference theme, “Wisdom and Innovation,” BLIA World Headquarters organized the Beauty of Buddha’s Light Photo Contest, with the theme “Wisdom and Innovation - Being Touched is the Most Beautiful World.” In accordance with the principle of purifying people’s mind, the objective of this contest was to demonstrate truth, kindness, and beauty through the camera lens, speaking the Dharma in silence with photos.
The photo contest was open for submission between June 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023. A total of 1,180 entries were received for both the camera and mobile phone categories. After several rounds of evaluation, 109 entries were selected with 55 from the camera category and 54 from the mobile phone category. On the official website of BLIA World Headquarters, shortlisted photos were announced on September 1, 2023, and the award rankings were announced on October 1, 2023.
Led by the FGS Dharma Hall team, the 70 winning entries from the previous Beauty of Buddha’s Light Photo Contest with the theme “Faith & Legacy” were transformed into augmented reality (AR), using the Artivive software to bring the artworks to life and demonstrating the spirit of “Wisdom and Innovation.”
As of August 31, 2023, the Beauty of Buddha’s Light AR Photography Exhibition has been showcased across five continents, with more than 35,000 visitors.
In February 2022, the Beauty of Buddha’s Light AR Photography Exhibition started at FGS Dharma Hall and was further extended to 30 temples, including Nan Tien Temple, Housuiji Temple, Zu Lai Temple, and Vancouver Temple. Up till August 31, 2023, the exhibition attracted more than 35,000 visitors, fully demonstrating the propagation of Humanistic Buddhism with technology.
FGS Vancouver Temple launched the Beauty of Buddha’s Light AR Photography Exhibition on January 22, 2023. Distinguished guests included Wilson Miao MP and other dignitaries attending the ribbon-cutting ceremony.
2023 年 8 月 31 日「佛光之美攝影 AR 動態展」於 五大洲展出,瀏覽次數超過35,000人次。
106 現代
從法會的佛教 到活動的佛教
From Dharma Service Buddhism to Activity Buddhism
On April 30, 2023, World Headquarters Director Ven. Yi Kong, Secretary General Ven. Chueh Pei, and Vice Secretary General Southeast Asia Ven. Chueh Cheng engaged in an enlightening discussion on the wisdom treasure within “The Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun.”
On May 4, 2023, BLIA Malaysia South Chapter celebrated the Buddha's Birthday with a diverse and rich program, attracting 12,000 people to the major event.
國定佛誕節 全球同歡慶 佛誕節又稱浴佛節,經典記載,二千六百多年前,
印度迦毗羅衛國的王后摩耶夫人於四月八日 生下了悉達多太子,當時四天王和九龍以香湯來沐 浴太子,而後世佛教徒為了慶祝教主佛陀誕生, 每年於農曆四月八日舉行浴佛法會。「浴佛」目
悲淨化,提升每一個人的心靈層次。創會會長星雲 大師表示:佛陀是個慈悲、智慧的覺者,就像眾生 的慈母一樣,無我無私的為眾生服務,加持一切群靈
的聖德來清淨我們的身心,讓我們沐浴在佛陀的慈光裏,讓 我們的人生能不斷的更新。
子,舉辦各項佛誕慶典活動,透過雲水浴佛、花車遊行、祈 福法會、佛誕文化展、素食園遊會等,共同傳遞佛誕實質意 義。在全球佛光人共同的努力推動之下,「佛誕節」已漸漸
地受到當地民眾和政府的肯定。政府的支持與民眾熱烈的迴 響,讓佛誕節不但成為當地重要的慶典之一,更是社會一股 正能量,帶動著社會的和諧與善美。
2023 年 5 月 21 多倫多協會慶祝佛誕 浴佛法會,佛光善童歡喜浴佛。
On May 21, 2023, BLIA Toronto celebrated the Buddha's Birthday with a Buddha Bathing Ceremony. Fo Guang children bathed the Buddha joyfully.
108 活動
2023年4月30日澳洲昆士蘭協會佛誕慶典,各 界貴賓雲集,警察官員虔誠浴佛淨化心靈。
On April 30, 2023, BLIA Queensland, Australia celebrated the Buddha's Birthday with a grand ceremony attended by distinguished guests from various sectors, including police officers who devoutly bathed the Buddha to purify their minds.
Buddha’s Birthday Celebration Around the World
TheBuddha's Birthday is also known as the Buddha Bathing Festival. According to the sutras, more than 2,600 years ago, Queen Maya of Kapilavastu, India gave birth to Prince Siddhartha on the 8th day of the fourth Lunar month. At that time, the Four Heavenly Kings and nine nagas bathed the prince with a fragrant spring. Thereafter, Buddhists celebrated the birth of their great teacher by conducting a bathing ceremony on the eighth day of the fourth Lunar month. The purpose of bathing Buddha is to cleanse our body and mind, purifying the inner mind through external bathing elevates our spirituality. Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun expressed that, “The Buddha is the Enlightened One of compassion and wisdom. Like a loving mother to all sentient beings, he serves all sentient beings selflessly, blessing all beings with auspiciousness and happiness. Therefore, the true ‘bathing of the Buddha’ is to purify our body and mind
through the sacred virtues of the Buddha. Hence, we can bathe in the light of the Buddha’s compassion, so that our lives can be constantly renewed.”
The Buddha's birthday is an important festival for Buddhists. In celebrating this special day, BLIA members held various events to commemorate the Buddha’s birthday, such as Cloud and Water Buddha bathing, float parades, blessing ceremonies, Buddha's birthday cultural exhibitions, vegetarian fairs, etc. With the joint efforts of BLIA members worldwide, the Buddha's Birthday Festival has gradually gained recognition by the local people and government. With the government’s support and the public’s enthusiastic response, the Buddha's Birthday Festival has become one of the important local celebrations and a force of positive energy in the community, bringing harmony and goodness to society.
On April 15, 2023,
Activity 109
at the Buddha's Birthday Ceremony in South Island, New Zealand, led by FGS New Zealand Abbess Ven. Man Hsin, over a hundred distinguished guests from the political and civic sectors of Christchurch bathed the Buddha to purify their minds.
2023 年 5 月 20 日葡萄牙里斯本協會於 Martin Moniz廣場,舉行佛誕浴佛及素 食園遊會,推廣人間佛教書籍,吸引當 地人士駐足閱讀。
On May 20, 2023, BLIA Lisbon, Portugal held a Buddha's Birthday Bathing Ceremony and Vegetarian Fair at Martin Moniz Square, promoting Humanistic Buddhist books which attracted local residents to stop and read.
2023 年 5 月 28 日印度加爾各答協會於馬亨達禮堂舉辦佛誕浴佛,印度 飾演佛陀傳知名演員嘎甘馬力先生出席浴佛。
On May 28, 2023, BLIA Kolkata, India held a Buddha's Birthday Bathing Ceremony at Ahindra Mancha, where renowned Indian actor Gagan Malik, known for his role in the Buddha series, attended the event.
2023 年 6 月 11 日加拿大滿地可協會舉辦「慶祝佛誕節浴佛法會暨素食 嘉年華」,民眾逾1,200位共襄盛舉。
On June 11, 2023, BLIA Montreal, Canada hosted the Buddha's Birthday Celebration, Buddha Bathing Ceremony, and Vegetarian Carnival event, attended by over 1,200 people.
2023 年 5 月 26 日印度加爾各答協會舉辦佛誕浴佛,當地民眾雙手合 十,虔誠浴佛。
On May 26, 2023, BLIA Kolkata, India hosted a Buddha's Birthday Bathing Ceremony, where local residents joined their palms in devotion to bathe the Buddha.
110 活動
On March 11, 2023, BLIA Western Australia held the Buddha's Birthday and Multicultural Festival, featuring outdoor meditation, which was much appreciated by local people for purifying their mind.
On May 21, 2023, BLIA Netherlands celebrated the Buddha’s Birthday, attracting residents and their families to come bathe the Buddha.
On June 4, 2023, BLIA Kansas set up a Cloud and Water Buddha Bathing Pavilion at the 888 Supermarket for visitors to participate in bathing the Buddha.
2023 年
On April 1, 2023, BLIA North Island New Zealand held a “Honoring Venerable Master Hsing Yun and Buddha's Birthday, a Multicultural Prayer for World Peace Ceremony.” Representatives from the police department entered the event carrying a statue of Prince Siddhartha.
2023 年6 月4日堪薩斯協會於八八八超市設置雲水浴 佛亭,讓前來超市的民眾一同響應浴佛。
2023 年 5 月 21 日荷蘭協會慶祝佛誕浴佛,吸引民眾攜家帶眷
4 月 1 日紐西蘭北島協會舉行「讚頌星雲大師 暨佛誕節多元文化為世界和平祈福法會」,警署部代
On May 7, 2023, the BLIA Cape Town, South Africa held a Cloud and Water Buddha Bathing Ceremony, where smiling children joyfully bathed the Buddha.
On May 20, 2023, BLIA Durban, South Africa organized a Buddha’s Bathing Ceremony and Winter Relief Distribution event, where children learned to bathe the Buddha under the guidance of BLIA members.
12 日西澳協會佛誕節暨多元文化慶典之「佛光 寶寶暨準媽媽祝福禮」, ( 大洋洲 ) 副秘書長滿可法師為寶 寶灑淨祝福。
On March 12, 2023, BLIA Western Australia celebrated Buddha's Birthday with a Multicultural Festival featuring a Buddha's Light Baby Blessing Ceremony. BLIA Vice Secretary General Oceana, Ven. Man Ko blessed the babies and expecting mothers during the event.
On May 21, 2023, BLIA Edmonton, Canada celebrated Buddha's Birthday, devotees bathed the Buddha after the Dharma service.
On May 26, 2023, BLIA Macau celebrated Buddha's Birthday, attracting 800 people and students to come for sharing in the Buddha’s blessings.
112 活動
2023 年 5 月 20 日南非德本協會舉辦「浴佛法會暨冬令救濟
2023 年 3 月
2023 年 5 月 7 日南非開普敦協會雲水浴佛,小朋友滿臉的
2023 年 5 月 21 日加拿大愛民頓協會慶祝佛誕節,信眾於法
2023 年 5 月 26 日澳門協會慶祝佛誕節,吸引 800 位 民眾及學生前來共沐佛恩。
閱讀博覽 書香社會
並積極推動全民閱讀博覽會等書香活動,希望 藉由閱讀提升內在涵養,更進一步透過閱讀的 正能量,改變社會的風氣,讓人間更善美。《星
冊自 2017 年 5 月 16 日佛光山開山 50 周年圓滿日發布
至今,全球佛光人積極研讀;2023 年 2 月 19 日《星雲
大師全集》發布增訂版 395 冊,讓各界更深入了解創會
會長星雲大師的智慧及廣博的佛學內涵。「全民閱讀博 覽會-浩瀚星雲」在人間佛教讀書會總部的推動下,於 台灣地區及馬來西亞等地盛大舉行,佛光人以法相會, 聆聽世界總會理事依空法師、秘書長覺培法師等講師, 暢談《星雲大師全集》之智慧寶藏,透過聞思修,深入
2023年2月19日《星雲大師全集》發布增 訂版 395 冊,全球佛光人閱讀《星雲大師 全集》,緬懷創會會長星雲大師。
On February 19, 2023, an enhanced edition of “The Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun,” comprising 395 volumes was unveiled. BLIA members worldwide immersed in the reading of this collection as a heartfelt tribute to Founding President, Venerable Master Hsing Yun.
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On July 30, 2023, the “Bright Star Luminous Cloud ~ National Reading Day” northern session was held at Jin Guang Ming Temple, with 2,000 BLIA members enthusiastically participating in the Dharma assembly.
Reading Expo: A Literary Society
Inactualizing BLIA Founding President, Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s philosophy of “a life with the fragrance of books,” BLIA is steadfast in its commitment to propagate a nationwide reading movement. They have established reading associations across diverse locations and diligently orchestrated literary events like the National Reading Expo. The objective is to enrich inner cultivation through reading, harnessing the uplifting power of literature to improve social trends, ultimately fostering a better world. “The Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun” stands as a priceless treasure for humanity, embodying the Dharma relics of Founding President, Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Since its launching on May 16, 2017, commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Fo Guang Shan, this extraordinary 365-volume collection has been diligently studied by BLIA members worldwide. On February 19, 2023, an enhanced edition comprising 395 volumes was unveiled, inviting individuals from all walks of life to delve deeper into the profound wisdom and comprehensive Buddhist teachings of Founding President, Venerable Master Hsing Yun. The “Bright Star Luminous Cloud ~ National Reading Expo” was launched in Taiwan and Malaysia as major events, hosted by the Humanistic Buddhism Reading Association Headquarters. Assembled BLIA members united in the Dharma to engage in teachings given by World Headquarters Director Ven. Yi Kong and Secretary General Ven. Chueh Pei. They explored the profound wisdom within “The Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun.” Through listening, contemplation, and cultivation, participants deepened their understanding of the teachings to develop their inner wisdom and awareness for integrating these insights in their daily lives.
On August 13, 2023, at the “Bright Star Luminous Cloud ~ National Reading Expo,” President Most Venerable Hsin Bau presented appointment certificates to Humanistic Buddhism Reading Association lecturers.
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On August 13, 2023, the southern session of “Bright Star Luminous Cloud ~ National Reading Expo” was held at Fo Guang Shan's Cloud Dwelling Building, with 1,200 people immersed in the joy of reading.
2023 年8 月 13 日「浩瀚星雲 –全民 閱讀博覽會」總會長心保和尚頒 授人間佛教讀書會講師聘書。
2023年7月30日「浩瀚星雲–全民閱讀博覽會」北區場於金光明寺舉行, 分組討論透過大字報分享心得。
On July 30, 2023, the “Bright Star Luminous Cloud ~ National Reading Expo” northern session was held at Jin Guang Ming Temple, where group discussions were held for sharing insights with poster presentations.
2023 年 7 月 29 日紐西蘭南島協會舉辦「人間佛教閱讀 研討會」,分享創會會長星雲大師著作《貧僧有話 要說》。
On July 29, 2023, BLIA South Island New Zealand hosted a “Humanistic Buddhism Reading Seminar,” sharing insights of Founding President, Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s book, “Hear Me Out: Messages from a Humble Monk.”
2023 年 8 月 13 日佛光青年分享閱讀計畫,紮實有深度的計畫, 獲得全場熱烈掌聲。
On August 13, 2023, BLIA YAD members presented their wellstructured and insightful reading project, earning a resounding round of applause from the audience.
2023年8月5日新加坡協會參與「人間佛教 讀書會帶領人培訓」,藉由培訓提升帶領 讀書會的能力。
On August 5, 2023, BLIA Singapore participated in the “Humanistic Buddhism Reading Group Facilitator Training” to enhance their capacity in leading reading groups.
2023年浩瀚星雲 全民閱讀博覽會」於東禪寺舉行,約 500 名佛光 人與法相會。
On April 30, 2023, the “Bright Star Luminous Cloud ~ National Reading Expo” was held at Dong Zen Temple in Malaysia, attracting around 500 BLIA members for a meeting with the Dharma.
2023年3月25日多倫多協會邀請陳淑芬檀講師以「慈悲心 佛光情」 為題,分享生命中永遠的善知識「人間佛教的行者 星雲大師」。
On March 25, 2023, BLIA Toronto invited Lay Dharma Lecturer Shufen Hutchison to speak on “Compassionate Heart, Buddha's Light Sentiment,” sharing insights of life’s eternal Dharma friend, “Venerable Master Hsing Yun, propagator of Humanistic Buddhism."
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依空法師及 ( 東南亞 ) 副秘書長覺誠 法師,為讀書會帶領人授證。
On April 30, 2023, World Headquarters Director Ven. Yi Kong and Vice Secretary General Southeast Asia Ven. Chueh Cheng, presented certificates to Humanistic Buddhism Reading Association Facilitators.
2022 年 9 月 25 日總會長心保和尚法駕西來寺講授「菩提心」 之修行,洛杉磯協會會員幹部及線上佛光人,超過2,000人 聆聽法益。
On September 25, 2022, President Most Venerable Hsin Bau gave enlightening teachings on cultivating the “Bodhi Mind” at Hsi Lai Temple, attended by over 2,000 BLIA Los Angeles executives, members and an online audience, sharing in the Dharma benefits.
On March 5, 2023, BLIA London, U.K. hosted a health and nutrition seminar, exploring the vegetarian philosophy and the connection between nutrition and well-being as advocated by Founding President, Venerable Master Hsing Yun.
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2023 年3 月 5 日英國倫敦協會舉辦健康營養講
座,探討創會會長星雲大師素食理念及營養 與健康。
2022 年 12 月 3 日挪威奧斯陸協會舉辦《不肯 去觀音》電影讀書會,並結合糕點烘焙,讓 讀書會更添增樂趣。
On December 3, 2022, BLIA Oslo organized a film and book reading event featuring the movie “The Not Leaving Guanyin,” and pastry tasting to enhance the enjoyment of reading.
2023 年 3 月 26 日加拿大滿地可協會舉辦 「人間佛教閱讀研討會」,導讀《星雲大 師全集‧成就的秘訣:金剛經》。
On March 26, 2023, BLIA Montreal, Canada held a “Humanistic Buddhism Reading Seminar,” featuring a discussion of “Four Insights for Finding Fulfillment: The Diamond Sutra” from “The Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun.”
2022 年 10 月 26 日澳門協會讀書會在住持 覺仁法師的帶領下,閱讀〈人間福報〉。 On October 26, 2022, led by Abbess Ven. Chueh Ren, BLIA Macau reading association studies the pages of “Merit Times.”
2022 年 9 月 18 日里斯本協會舉辦《星雲
說喻》朗讀比賽,透過朗讀創會會長 星雲大師的文章,學習法益。
On September 18, 2022, BLIA Lisbon held a reading competition featuring “Hsing Yun's Parables.” Participants read excerpts from the writings of Founding President, Venerable Master Hsing Yun to gain insights from his teachings.
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法寶推廣 宣揚人間佛教
Spreading Dharma Treasures and Propagating Humanistic Buddhism
2023年3月1日德國法蘭克福協會在協會輔導覺彥法師的帶領 下,前往德國著名的喬治–奧古斯都–哥廷根大學捐贈《星雲 大師全集》簡體版 108 冊,東亞系主任施耐德教授及該圖書 館館長Johannes Reckel博士,代表接受並致謝。
On March 1, 2023, led by Ven. Chueh Yan, BLIA Frankfurt, Germany made a donation of the 108-volumes “The Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun – Simplified Chinese Edition” to the renowned Georg-Augustus-Göttingen University. The donation was warmly received by Professor Schneider, Head of East Asian Studies Department, and Dr. Johannes Reckel, Library Director, who expressed their sincere gratitude on behalf of the university.
2023年1月15日印度清奈協會在安邦督導的帶領下,於印度清奈國際書展推廣創會會長星雲大師之著作,當中更 有三本著作被納入該書展之推薦簡章內,讓廣大民眾認識星雲大師及人間佛教書籍。
On January 15, 2023, under the leadership of Elder Advisor Anban, BLIA Chennai in India showcased the works of its founding president, Master Hsing Yun, at the Chennai International Book Fair. Three of Master’s books were prominently featured in the recommended brochure at the book fair, allowing the general public to know Master Hsing Yun and Humanistic Buddhism books.
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2023年2月23日德國法蘭克福協會在協會輔導覺彥法師的帶 領下,前往波恩聖奧古斯丁的華裔學志漢學研究中心舉行 「星雲大師全集簡體版贈書儀式」,由該研究中心主編 兼聖言神父魏思齊教授代表受贈。
On February 23, 2023, led by Ven. Chueh Yan, BLIA Frankfurt, Germany visited the Monumenta Serica Institute, a Chinese Studies Research Center at Saint Augustine in Bonn, Germany, for a book donation ceremony for “The Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun – Simplified Chinese Edition.” The donation was graciously received by Professor Zbigniew Wesołowski, the chief editor of the research center and a priest of Saint Augustine.
2023 年 3 月 10 日至 30 日紐西蘭佛光人在住持滿信法師的帶領下, 將260本創會會長星雲大師著作《366 Days with Wisdom 》送到 基督城26家旅館,為旅行者帶來精神糧食。
From March 10 to March 30, 2023, led by Abbess, Venerable Man Hsin, BLIA members in New Zealand distributed 260 copies of the book “366 Days with Wisdom” by Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun to 26 hotels in Christchurch. The objective is of which is to offer spiritual nourishment to travelers.
2023 年 3 月 25 日挪威奧斯陸協會在協會輔導覺心法師的帶領 下,前往挪威最高學府奧斯陸大學代表贈送《世界佛教美術圖 說大辭典》,該大學助理圖書館館長瑪麗 奧特內斯代表受贈。
On March 25, 2023, led by Ven. Chueh Hsin, BLIA Oslo, Norway visited the esteemed University of Oslo to present the “Encyclopedia of Buddhist Arts.” The donation was graciously received by Mari Otnes, Assistant Library Director of the university.
從山林的佛教 到社會的佛教
From Forest Buddhism to Social Buddhism
On April 23, 2023, a “Stories of Venerable Master Hsing Yun Under the Big Tree” forum was held during the “Earth Day and World Book Day” commemorating Founding President, Venerable Master Hsing Yun.
森林復育 植樹環保
「T-Earth 森 众 倡議」森林復育,於 4 月
23 日在花蓮縣玉里神社段林地舉辦「話
說星雲大師 -2023 世界地球日暨世界書香 日活動」,包含植樹、話說星雲大師論壇 及大地蔬食餐等活動,並以蔬食結合在地 人文及食材,展現在地的綠色蔬食。共有 來自全台各地的企業贊助代表、佛光會員 及贊助者 1,200 多人參與。
為緬懷創會會長星雲大師,活動首 先舉行「大樹下話說星雲大師」論壇,由
世界總會秘書長覺培法師主持,世界總會 理事依空法師、花蓮縣長徐榛蔚,及綠色 公益基金會執行長戴慶華檀講師與談,共 同探討「環保與心保」理念及書香生活。
佛光歌詠隊現場獻唱人間音緣歌曲〈星 願〉、〈依靠〉、〈信仰導航〉,表達對 創會會長星雲大師的緬懷。
On April 23, 2023, participants present formed the word 'ZERO' at the event, symbolizing zero carbon emissions for the Earth.
「零碳排」,並由佛光山寺副住持慧開法師帶領 誦《心經》及恭讀創會會長星雲大師〈為自然祈 願文〉,隨後展開植樹行動,參與僧眾一同種下 樹苗,以實際行動響應 T-Earth 森林復育。國際 佛光會、佛光山及綠色公益基金會,將於今年陸 續種下 15,000 棵樹,包括青剛櫟、肖楠、台東石 楠、台灣扁柏、 欅 木及台灣原生茶樹等多樣性樹 種,為林地進行復育。
On April 23, 2023, during the “Earth Day and World Book Day” 1,200 BLIA members held books in hand, promoting a literary lifestyle.
2023 年 4 月 23 日現場大眾排列成「 ZERO 」字樣,象徵地球
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Reforestation ~ Tree-planting for Environmental Preservation
Inpromoting Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun's philosophy, “environmental and spiritual preservation,” and the “T-Earth Reforestation Project," BLIA held the “Stories of Venerable Master Hsing Yun – 2023 Earth Day and World Book Day” on April 23 in the forested area of the Yuli Shrine Section of Hualien County. The event included activities such as tree-planting, “Stories of Venerable Master Hsing Yun Forum,” and a vegetarian meal that combined local humanities and ingredients to showcase the greenness of local vegetables and food. More than 1,200 corporate sponsors, BLIA members, and event sponsors from all of Taiwan participated in the event.
On April 23, 2023,
a literary lifestyle.
To honor the memory Founding President, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the event began with a “Stories of Venerable Master Hsing Yun Under the Big Tree” forum, facilitated by BLIA World Headquarters Secretary General Ven. Chueh Pei. Panelists included World Headquarters Director Ven. Yi Kung, Hualien County Magistrate Hsu Chen-Wei, and Lay Dharma Lecturer Tai Ching Hwa, the CEO of Pure Green Foundation. Together they explored the concepts of environmental and spiritual preservation as well as a life enriched by books. The Fo Guang Choir performed songs of Sounds of the Human World, including “Wish Upon a Star,” “Reliance,” and “Faith Navigator” as a tribute to Founding President, Venerable Master Hsing Yun.
On April 23, 2023, the Great Earth Vegetarian Feast featured local culture and ingredients, showcasing the region's cultural heritage and happily shared by BLIA members.
Participants present formed the shape of the word “ZERO,” symbolizing zero carbon emissions for the Earth. Fo Guang Shan Monastery Vice Abbot, Venerable Hui Kai led the recitation of the Heart Sutra and the sincere reading of A Prayer for Nature written by Founding president, Venerable Master Hsing Yun. A tree-planting activity commenced with monastics and participants, planting tree saplings together. Actively supporting the T-Earth Reforestation Project, BLIA, Fo Guang Shan, and the Pure Green Foundation will have collectively planted 15,000 trees this year, including diverse tree species such as oak, camphor, Taiwan incense cedar, Taiwan red cedar, Japanese zelkova, and native Taiwanese tea trees; all of which contribute to the reforestation efforts in the region.
2023 年 4 月 23 日花蓮縣長徐榛蔚等貴賓,手持書本, 響應書香生活。
Hualien County Magistrate Hsu ChenWei and other dignitaries, holding books in hand to promote
2023 年4 月 23 日「大地蔬食餐」結合在地人文及食材, 展現當地文化特色,佛光人歡喜享用。
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2023 年 4 月 23 日佛光人於花蓮玉里響應森林復育 環保植樹活動, 1,200 人共同種植多樣性樹苗, 讓森林復育及生態平衡。
On April 23, 2023, BLIA members responded to reforestation and environmental preservation treeplanting program in Yuli, Hualien. A total of 1,200 saplings were planted to promote forest restoration and ecological balance.
2023年4月23日佛光歌詠隊現場獻 唱人間音緣歌曲,緬懷創會會長 星雲大師。
On April 23, 2023, the Fo Guang Choir performed songs from Sounds of the World, paying tribute to Founding President, Venerable Master Hsing Yun.
2022 年 10 月 16 日多倫多協會響應「 10,000 Trees for the Rouge」主辦的植樹活動,種植逾60顆樹。
On October 16, 2022, BLIA Toronto participated in a treeplanting event organized by “10,000 Trees for the Rouge,” planting over 60 trees.
On June 10, 2023, BLIA North Island New Zealand conducted a tree-planting event at the Waiata Reserve, attracting over 100 people to plant 1,205 trees.
年 6 月 10 日紐西蘭北島協會於 Waiata 保護區進行植 樹活動,吸引超過100位民眾共同種植1,205棵樹。
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On July 31, 2023, BLIA Sydney, Australia responded to National Tree Day by participating in tree-planting activities. Buddha’s Light Scouts learned earnestly to plant tree saplings, expressing their love for the Earth.
On March 18, 2023, BLIA Vancouver responded to the tree-planting event at Hazelnut Meadows Community Park, BLIA members participating alongside their families.
On June 25, 2023, BLIA Malaysia South Chapter organized a reforestation tree-planting event, 170 BLIA members planted 208 trees.
On June 24, 2023, BLIA Western Australia participated in the annual treeplanting event held at Noranda Lightning Park, planting 2,500 trees together with the public.
年 6 月 24 日西澳協會響應於 Noranda Lightning Park舉辦之年度植 樹活動,與大眾共同種植2,500棵樹。
2023 年 6 月 25 日南馬協會舉辦林地復育植樹活
2023 年 3 月 18 日溫哥華協會響應 Hazelnut Meadows Community Park的植樹活動,佛光人攜家帶眷參與植樹
2023 年 7 月 31 日澳洲雪梨協會響應澳洲全國植樹日, 佛光童軍認真學習種植樹苗,植樹愛地球。
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環保淨灘 Beach Cleaning for Environment Preservation
2022年9月11日剛果協會落實環保愛地球,舉辦淨灘活動,清理 計205公斤拉圾,讓沙灘恢復清潔美觀。
On September 11, 2022, BLIA Congo organized a beach clean-up event to clean up 205 kilograms of garbage, restoring the beach to a cleaner and more beautiful state.
On January 1, 2023, BLIA Brunei went to Maura Beach for a beach cleanup, collecting 50 bags of garbage for a better place to live.
On April 15, 2023, BLIA Dallas, U.S.A. responded to environmental preservation by cleaning up litter at Spring Creek Nature Area Park.
On January 27, 2023, BLIA Pretoria, South Africa participated in a community environmental cleanup event organized by the Tshwane Municipal Government, joining hands in environmental preservation.
2023年4月15日美國紐澤西協會於Raritan Bay Water Front Park 海灘舉辦淨灘活動,撿拾垃圾並彙整數據提供給環保單位。
On April 15, 2023, BLIA New Jersey Chapter, U.S.S. organized a beach cleanup at Raritan Bay Waterfront Park. Participants collected trash and compiled data for environmental organizations.
2023年1月1日汶萊協會前往摩拉海灘淨灘,清理計50袋 垃圾,讓居住環境更臻美好。
2023年 1月 27日南非普利托利亞協會響應由次瓦尼市政 府主辦之社區環保清潔活動,攜手環保愛護環境。
2023 年 4 月 15 日美國達拉斯協會響應環保,於 Spring Creek Nature Area公園清理垃圾。
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2023年7月1日中華總會南區協會舉辦「走向佛陀 走出力量」VegRun全球復蔬公益路跑,
On July 1, 2023, BLIA Chunghua Southern Chapter hosted the “Run to the Buddha, Run for Strength” VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run. 1,400 participants made a pilgrimage from the Non-Duality Gate, passing through the Great Buddha Land, Main Shrine, and the Buddha Museum. They also paid their respects to Founding president, Venerable Master Hsing Yun at the Patriarch Shrine.
VegRun 全球復蔬公益路跑
「VegRun 全球復蔬公益路跑」源自於疫 情期間,國際佛光會及綠色公益基金 會為響應「e 起復蔬‧全民相挺」活動,特 別舉辦「VegRun 復蔬線上公益路跑」,以 「你跑步我捐餐」每跑 1 公里國際佛光會即 幫參與者捐贈 10 元「復蔬餐」,跑完 10 公 里即捐贈一份「復蔬餐」給需要的人,讓愛 流轉。「VegRun 復蔬公益路跑」不僅讓參 與者透過路跑響應捐贈復蔬餐,更透過捐贈 蔬食餐響應蔬食,減緩地球暖化,達到環境 保護的目的。
「VegRun 全球復蔬線上公益路跑」於 2021 年 11 月 25 日由中華總會在國際素食 日當天率先開跑,佛光人在享受路跑運動娛 樂之餘,凝聚會員幹部關注氣候變遷及環境 保護的意識。「2022 年全球復蔬線上公益 路跑」於五大洲盛大展開接力,由南美洲於
2022 年 4 月 22 日起跑,接續北美洲、歐洲、 大洋洲、非洲,並於 2023 年 5 月 16 日在 亞洲及中華地區展開。截至 2023 年 8 月 31 日全球 VegRun 復蔬公益路跑共有 38 個國 家響應,99 場次共計 42,191 人,完成里程 數 461,079.71 公里。
「VegRun 全球復蔬公益路跑」獲得各
界支持及肯定,尤其加拿大總理賈斯汀‧ 杜魯多特別致函肯定活動的意義;加拿大國 會議員蔣振宇、萬錦市市長薛家平、萬錦市 市議員李思韻、紐約市長艾瑞克‧亞當斯 等頒贈賀涵,並頒定當天為 VegRun Day 肯 定活動對當地的貢獻。佛光人更是將活動募 得的善款,分別捐贈給市長公益金、食物銀 行、植樹組織、市政府好苗子、兒童醫院、 捐乾糧予慈善組織等,透過「VegRun 復蔬 公益路跑」活動,讓愛流轉。
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路跑期間 洲別 場次 參與人數 完成里程數 2022/04/22-05/22 南美 5 場 1,403 人 8,927.3km 2022/06/16-07/16 北美 27 場 9,589 人 90,646km 歐洲 12 場 1,696 人 13,233.2km 2022/09/01-09/30 大洋洲 8 場 2,368 人 37,666km 2022/11/16-12/15 非洲 10 場 3,654 人 20,050km 2023/05/16-8/31 亞洲 28 場 22,563 人 282,809km 2023/07/01-8/31 歐 / 美 / 澳洲 9 場 918 人 7748.21km Running Period Continent Number of Races Number of Participants Total Distance Completed 2022/04/22-05/22 South America 5 1,403 8,927.3km 2022/06/16-07/16 North America 27 9,589 90,646km Europe 12 1,696 13,233.2km 2022/09/01-09/30 Oceania 8 2,368 37,666km 2022/11/16-12/15 Africa 10 3,654 20,050km 2023/05/16-8/31 Asia 28 22,563 282,809km 2023/07/01-8/31 Eur/Am/Oce 9 918 7748.21km 128 社會
2023年5月27日馬來西亞南馬協會舉行VegRun全球復蔬公益路跑,吸引1,061人響應,總共完成3835.9公里路程。 On May 27, 2023, BLIA Malaysia South Chapter organized the VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run, attracting 1,061 participants and completed a total distance of 3,835.9 km.
VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run
The“VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run” was launched during the pandemic. In response to the campaign, BLIA and Pure Green Foundation organized the “eVege Revival – All Come Support” project in support of the charity run. Based on the principle, “You run, I donate,” BLIA will donate NT$10 “Vegetarian Meal” to the participants for every kilometer run; after running 10 kilometers, a vegetarian meal would be provided to those in need, so the love can continue to flow. VegRun not only allows participants to donate vegetarian meals through charity run, but also promote vegetarianism, thereby slowing global warming for environmental preservation.
The “VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run” was launched by BLIA Chunghua on International Vegetarian Day, November 25, 2021. While they enjoy the run, BLIA members and executives will be more conscious of climate change and environmental preservation. The 2022 “VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run” started a global relay on the five continents, beginning from South America on April 22, 2022, continuing to North America, Europe,
Oceania, Africa, and finishing the final leg of the relay in Asia and BLIA Chunghua district from May 16, 2023. As of August 31, 2023, a total of 38 countries have responded to the global VegRun, with a total of 42,191 people participating in 99 sessions, and a completed mileage of 461,079.71 kilometers.
The “VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run” received support and recognition from all walks of life: in particular, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sent a letter of recognition for the event; Canadian MP Paul Chiang, Markham City Mayor Frank Scarpitti, and Councilor Lee Si-Wun offered their recognition. New York City Mayor Eric Adams presented congratulatory messages and declared that day as VegRun Day to recognize the event’s contributions to the local community. Funds raised from the events were donated to the Mayor's charity funds, food banks, tree-planting organizations, city government seeds of hope, children hospitals, and food donations to charitable organizations, etc. Through the “VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run,” love continues to flow.
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130 全球五大洲佛光人熱烈響應 VegRun全球復蔬公益路跑,截至 2023年8月31日全球共有38個國 家響應,99場次共計42,191人, 完成里程數461,079.71公里。
BLIA members from the five continents responded enthusiastically to the VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run. As of August 31, 2023, a total of 38 countries worldwide have responded, with 99 events gathering 42,191 participants collectively covered a total distance of 461,079.71 km.
Donation to "Vegrun Global Vegetarian Charity Run"
2023 年 5 月 6 日溫哥華協會舉辦為期 1 個月之 Vegrun 全球復 蔬公益路跑,卑詩省議員Teresa Wat蒞臨宣布,卑詩省已通 過每年 5 月第 1 個周日為「佛教文化日」提案,肯定佛教之 活動與文化。
On May 6, 2023, BLIA Vancouver organized a month-long VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run. Teresa Wat, Member of the Legislature for British Columbia, announced that the Province of British Columbia had passed the proposal to recognize Buddhist activities and culture by designating the first Sunday in May as Buddhist Culture Day.
2023年9月9日菲律賓協會「VegRun全球復蔬公益路跑」累 計跑完 10,824 公里,並將 1,000 公斤米捐贈予颱風災民及海 軍陸戰隊。
On September 9, 2023, BLIA Philippines VegRun Global VegRevival Community Run completed a total mileage of 10,824 km., and made a donation of 1,000 kg. rice to the typhoon victims and the Philippine Marine Corp.
高中舉行 「 VegRun 全球復蔬公益路跑」活動,由副校長 Karen Wheeler 帶領 220 餘位學生參與,並由紐西蘭佛光山住
On September 23, 2022, BLIA South Island New Zealand held the VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run at Hornby High School. Vice Principal Karen Wheeler led more than 220 students to participate in the event, and FGS New Zealand Abbess Ven. Man Hsin donated NZD 1,500 to the charity fund.
2022 年
小學舉辦 「 VegRun 全球復蔬公益路跑」活動,計 250 位師生響應 完成 1,250 公里數,協會換算為 1,250 公斤於米粉,捐贈 予該校貧困家庭。
On December 1, 2022, BLIA Cape Town, South Africa organized the VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run at Zeekoevlei Primary School. A total of 250 teachers and students participated, collectively covering a distance of 1,250 km. The Chapter converted this achievement into 1,250 kg of rice flour and donated it to the school's underprivileged families.
12 月 1 日南非開普敦協會於 Zeekoevlei
年 9 月 23 日紐西蘭南島協會在 Hornby
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2022 年 11 月 15 日非洲各協會舉辦「 VegRun 全球復蔬公 益路跑」活動,共有 1,794 學生響應,累計 8,745 公里, 換算為9,000公斤玉米粉,捐贈給貧困家庭。
On November 15, 2022, BLIA Africa chapters organized the VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run with 1,794 students responding to the event and accumulating 8,745 km. It was converted into 9,000 kg of maize flour for needy families.
跑」將路跑累積的 600 多英哩,換算為 3,100 美金,捐贈給 Mandala Cafe,預計提供1,900份餐點予收容所。
On September 2, 2023, BLIA New York participated in the VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run and completed over 600 miles. The mileage was converted into $3,100 for the Mandala Café to provide 1,900 meals to shelters.
2023 年 8 月 25 日紐西蘭北島協會 Ormiston 小學舉行 VegRun 「你跑步‧我種樹」公益路跑活動,千位師生完成 1,000 公 里,達成捐贈100棵樹之目標。
On August 25, 2023, BLIA North Island New Zealand organized the “You Run, I Plant a Tree” VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run at Ormiston Primary School. Over a thousand teachers and students completed 1,000 km, achieving their goal of donating 100 trees.
2023 年 9 月 2 日美國紐約協會「 VegRun 全球復蔬公益路
134 社會
從遁世的佛教 到救世的佛教
From Reclusion Buddhism to Salvation Buddhism
由Society of St. Vincent de Paul 非營利組織負責人 John Shelly和Keith Gordan-Brown 神父代表接受。
February 17, 2023, BLIA Johannesburg donated relief supplies and educational books for children to the Diepsloot slum. John Shelly and Rev. Keith Gordan-Brown accepted the donation on behalf of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a non-profit organization.
On February 6, 2023, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck southeastern Turkiye, leaving 59,259 people dead. BLIA began conducting relief efforts upon hearing the news.
土耳其大地震救援 天災人禍 急難救濟
年 2 月 6 日土耳其東南部發生 7.8 級強烈地震,造成 59,259 人死亡、
121,704 人受傷,164,300 間房舍坍塌,
土耳其一片困頓。世界總會以及馬來西亞 聯合會皆同馬來西亞星洲日報基金會,立
即展開募集物資救援行動。第一批 20 呎
的貨櫃物資,包括行軍床 100 張、帳篷
100 個、200 條毛毯,總重量達 1,770 公
斤,並於 2 月 11 日由馬來西亞土耳其航
計 5,000 公斤,包括 4,000 件禦寒棉被、
1,000 公斤奶粉、250 張行軍床和 300 張
睡袋,於 2 月 23 日由土耳其駐馬大使館
國際佛光會團體會員中華民國搜救總隊,在 隊長呂正宗的帶領下,一行 23 人,於 2 月 8 日搭 機前往土耳其阿德亞曼省重災區救災,於 Musalla Mah. 挖掘救出生還者 23 歲男子及多位罹難者;另 一地災區則於多處偵測到生命跡象,均交由當地軍 方救援。此外,由於土耳其大地震後造成交通中斷、 物資供應癱瘓,夜間氣溫達到零下十攝氏度,倖存 的民眾飢寒交迫,土耳其駐葡萄牙大使館請求各界 給予救援,葡萄牙里斯本協會立即募集近 300 箱救 援物資,並於 2 月 14 日運送至指定的集貨點,由 土耳其聯絡人 Conar Albeyele 女士代表接收,並深 情感謝佛光會在危難之際,伸出的援助之手,為土 耳其災民獻上溫暖。
136 救世
Natural and Manmade Disasters ~ Emergency Relief
Turkiye Earthquake Relief
OnFebruary 6, 2023, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck southeastern Turkiye, leaving 59,259 people dead, 121,704 people injured, and 164,300 buildings destroyed. Amid the crisis, BLIA World Headquarters and BLIA Malaysia Federation worked with the Yayasan Sin Chew Foundation to collect relief supplies for helping those affected. The first 20foot container included 100 camp beds, 100 tents, and 200 blankets, with a total weight of 1,770 kg; it was shipped to Turkiye on February 11 by Malaysian and Turkish airlines. The second batch of supplies included 4,000 winter blankets, 1,000 kg of milk powder, 250 camp beds, and 300 sleeping bags; it was shipped to Turkiye on February 23 with the assistance of the Turkish Embassy in Malaysia. World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau stated that in accordance with the compassionate vow of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the relief supplies were swiftly delivered to Turkiye, bringing warmth and good wishes to those affected.
On March 21, 2023, World Headquarters Vice Secretary-General Southeast Asia Ven. Chueh Cheng met with Turkish Ambassador to Malaysia Mr. Emir Salim Yuksel. He expressed his deep gratitude for BLIA’s donation of around US$120,000’s worth of supplies for those affected by the earthquake.
On February 23, 2023, BLIA sent out its second batch of relief supplies, weighing 5,000 kg. for the Turkiye earthquake.
On February 8, the International Headquarters S.A.R. Taiwan, a member organization of BLIA, assembled a crew of 23 to conduct rescue operations in Adiyaman Province, Turkiye. Led by Lu Chengchung, they rescued a 23-year-old male survivor and many other casualties in Musalla Mah. In another region, signs of life were detected in many locations, and rescue operations were conducted by the local military. The destruction of transportation routes disrupted the flow of food and other supplies, and survivors had to endure temperatures as low as -10 degrees Celsius at night. Answering the Embassy of Turkey in Portugal’s call for help worldwide, BLIA Lisbon, Portugal prepared nearly 300 boxes of supplies for sending to designated location on February 14. Ms. Conar Albeyele, their point of contact in Turkiye, thanked BLIA for extending help and warmth to the Turkish people during this time of crisis.
2023 年 3 月 21 日世界總會 ( 東南亞 ) 副秘書長覺誠法師
Emir Salim Yuksel 先生,大使感謝國際佛光會為土耳其地震災民運送約 120,000美金之救援物資,深表感謝。
2023 年 2 月 23 日國際佛光 會救援土耳其大地震,展 開第二梯次物資救援,運
Salvation 137
2023 年 2 月 8 日國際佛光會中華民國搜救總隊,前往土耳其 阿德亞曼省重災區救災展開救援。
On February 8, 2023, the International Headquarters S.A.R. Taiwan, represented BLIA to conduct rescue operations in the heavily-affected Adiyaman Province.
2023年2月14日葡萄牙協會救援土耳其大地震,將近300箱 救援物資送往集貨地點。
On February 14, 2023, BLIA Portugal prepared nearly 300 boxes of supplies for the Turkiye earthquake and sent them to the designated location.
2023 年 2 月 14 日葡萄牙協會發揮人溺己溺的精神,為 土耳其大地震災民募集救援物資。
On February 14, 2023, BLIA Portugal gathered relief supplies for the Turkiye earthquake, demonstrating the spirit of treating others as we would ourselves.
138 救世
馬來西亞水災救援 2023
年 3 月 1 日馬來西亞半島南部持續降豪雨、河 水上漲,導致 10 個鄉鎮近 3 萬人受災,國際佛光 會、馬來西亞佛光山及星洲日報基金會聯合發動賑災,
在世界總會 ( 東南亞 ) 副秘書長覺誠法師的帶領下,啟 動「柔佛州水災救援」」機制,迅速運送數以千噸的賑 災物資到災區。3 月 1 日至 12 日馬來西亞南馬協會南部
長林培傳擔任總指揮,帶領佛光人前往居鑾、峇株巴轄、昔加 末、永平等 12 個受災鄉鎮展開救援,捐贈二手衣、床墊、平 安米、礦泉水、太陽能燈等共 29 項物資,計 43,578 件。
馬來西亞東禪寺與新馬寺結合社區的力量,除了籌集物資 送至災區,佛光人亦聯合當地佛教組織,齊力為災區烹煮熱食 予災民享用。3 月 12 日南馬協會更發起「守護柔佛州災後社區 服務」活動,招募社區義工、佛光會、佛光青年共同為災民清 理家園,給予災民莫大的幫助,尤其對於長者家庭的協助,更 是表達無限的感激。
2023 年 3 月 2 日馬來西亞南馬協會 將救援物資,捐贈烏魯地南水災 臨時疏散中心,救援災民。
On March 2, 2023, BLIA Malaysia South Chapter donated relief supplies for those affected to the Ulu Tilam Flood Temporary Evacuation Centre.
On March 1, 2023, the southern Malaysian peninsula experienced heavy rain, affecting nearly 30,000 people in 10 townships.
Salvation 139
2023 年 3 月 1 日馬來西亞南馬協會啟動 「柔佛州水災救援」」機制,將千噸的賑 災物資送到災民手中。
On March 1, 2023, BLIA Malaysia South Chapter initiated the Johor Flood Relief operation. Thousands of tons of supplies were delivered to those affected.
2023年3月4馬來西亞南馬協會捐贈救援物資予永平國小水災臨時疏散中心救援災 民,由柔佛州務大臣拿督翁哈菲茲接受捐贈,並通過臉書表達謝意。
On March 4, 2023, BLIA Malaysia South Chapter donated relief supplies to the Sekolah Kebangsaan Yong Peng Flood Temporary Evacuation Centre. Chief Minister of Johor Datuk Onn Hafiz bin Dato' Ghazi accepted the donation and expressed his gratitude on Facebook.
140 救世
Malaysia Flood Relief
OnMarch 1, the southern Malaysian peninsula experienced heavy rain and rising water levels, affecting nearly 30,000 people in 10 townships. BLIA, Fo Guang Shan Malaysia, and the Yayasan Sin Chew Foundation jointly initiated the Johor Flood Relief operation. Under the leadership of World Headquarters Vice Secretary General Southeast Asia Ven. Chueh Cheng, thousands of tons of supplies were swiftly delivered to affected areas. From March 1 to March 12, BLIA Southern Malaysia engaged in flood relief efforts. Under the direction of Federation Secretary General Ven. Ru Bin and BLIA Malaysia South Chapter President Lim Poy Tuang, Buddha’s Light members provided relief to 12 townships including Kluang, Batu Pahat, Segamat, and Yong Peng. A total of 43,578 units were donated; among the 29 types of supplies were second-hand clothes, mattresses, blessed rice, mineral water, and solar lamps.
FGS Dong Zen Temple and Hsingma Temple rallied the community to collect supplies for the affected areas, and also joined hands with local Buddhist organizations to prepare hot food for those affected. On March 12, BLIA Malaysia South Chapter hosted the “Protect and Serve the Post-Disaster Johor,” calling on community volunteers, BLIA members, and YAD members to help clean the affected areas, and in particular assist elderly families; those affected received invaluable assistance and expressed their deep gratitude.
From March 2 to12, 2023, BLIA Malaysia South Chapter prepared 300 meal boxes for those affected by the disaster.
On March 12, 2023, BLIA Malaysia South Chapter initiated “Protect and Serve the Post-Disaster Johor” to clean the homes of affected victims.
2023 年 3 月 2 日至 12 日馬來西亞 南馬協會總共備辦 3,000 份便當 予災民享用。
Salvation 141
美國夏威夷火災救援 2023
年 8 月 8 日美國夏威夷州茂宜島爆發 嚴重山火災情,火勢迅速蔓延全島,因受
部分地區延燒,造成至少 115 人喪生、上千人
下落不明及超過 2,000 棟建築物被毀。8 月 23 日夏威夷協會在夏威夷佛光山住持依宏法師及
會員譚小梅的帶領下,搭機前往茂宜島關懷慰 問。首先慰問當地重要歷史古蹟,日本淨土宗
佛教寺院 Jodo Mission,這座興建於 1912 年 已有逾百年的歷史,火災將寺院燒一灰燼,高
齡的住持 Rev. Gensho Hara 萬般悲痛,體悟
堂,依宏法師肯定教會及民眾即時救助的善行 義舉,並承諾 Craig 牧師會表達救援的支持。
前任市長的助理 Rod Antone 先生,感謝佛光
2023 年 8 月 23 日夏威夷協會捐贈善款予食物銀行及依 姆瓦家庭服務機構。
On August 23, 2023, BLIA Hawaii made monetary donations to Maui Food Bank and IMUA Family Services.
2023年8月23日夏威夷協會慰問日本淨土宗佛教寺院高齡的 住持Rev. Gensho Hara,安撫其寺院被大火吞噬的悲痛。
On August 23, 2023, BLIA Hawaii visited the elderly Rev. Gensho Hara of the Jodo Shu Buddhist temple Jodo Mission, comforting him through the pain of losing his temple to the firestorm.
On August 8, 2023, a deadly firestorm broke out in Maui, Hawaii, destroying 2,000 buildings.
142 救世
On August 23, 2023, BLIA Hawaii visited the Citizen Church, where food was provided to those affected, showing Buddhism’s concern for other religions.
Hawaii Firestorm Relief
OnAugust 8, 2023, a deadly firestorm broke out in Maui, Hawaii. Aided by winds, the firestorm swept across the entire island, prompting a large-scale evacuation and leading to widespread destruction; the State of Hawaii immediately declared a state of emergency. In Lahaina, the firestorm led to 115 deaths, thousands missing, and over 2,000 buildings destroyed. On August 23, FGS Hawaii Temple Abbess Ven. Yi Hong and Xiaomei Lam led BLIA Hawaii on a flight to Maui to show their care and concern. Their first stop was Jodo Mission, a Jodo Shu Buddhist temple built in 1912 and was completely destroyed by the firestorm; the elderly Rev. Gensho Hara underwent a painful realization about the impermanence of this world. At Citizen Church, where hot food was provided to those affected, Ven. Yi Hong showed support for the church and the residents’ kind provision of immediate assistance, promising Pastor Craig to support his relief efforts. Rod Antone, assistant to the former mayor, expressed his gratitude to BLIA members’ timely and helpful monetary donations to the Maui Food Bank and IMUA Family Services.
On August 23, 2023, BLIA Hawaii visited those affected by the firestorm, helping them through their fear and helplessness.
On August 23, 2023, BLIA Hawaii interviewed BLIA member Xiaomei Lam. While her home was in a heavily affected area, it remained unscathed. Lam attributes the survival of her home to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva’s protection.
2023 年 8 月 23 日夏威夷協會慰問受災民眾, 撫慰其恐懼及無助的心靈。
2023 年 8 月 23 日夏威夷協會前往發放食物給災民的 城市教堂關懷慰問,表達佛教對其他宗教的關懷。
2023 年 8 月 23 日夏威夷協會採訪雖位於重災區,但其
房舍毫髮無損的佛光會員譚小梅,表示所供奉的觀世 音菩薩給予庇佑,度過火難。
Salvation 143
寒冬送暖 慈善捐贈
國際佛光會創會會長星雲大師於 1992
年 5 月 16 日在美國洛杉磯正式成立
手給予救援,為他們帶來光明與希望。對於 慈善理念,國際佛光會重視「救急不救貧」,
一時間募集物資及善款,前往關懷慰問及發 放救援物資;對於偏鄉貧困民眾及弱勢群
族,面對物資匱乏,寒酷冬天,生活困頓, 佛光人更是伸出援手,將毛毯等物資送到他 們手上,為弱勢群族帶來人間的溫暖。
2023 年 5 月 5 日多倫都協會將募集的 1,350 磅食物,整理、裝 箱並捐贈予「北約克豐收食物銀行」,以幫助需要的家庭。 On May 5, 2023, BLIA Toronto collected, sorted, boxed, and distributed 1,350 tons of food to the North York Harvest Food Bank, helping out families in need.
On March 14, 2023, heavy rains ravaged the 21-kilometer slum in Cotia, Sao Paulo, Brazil. BLIA Brazil immediately visited the area and distributed supplies.
144 救世
Charitable Donations Warm up Winter
WhenBLIA Founding President Venerable Master
Hsing Yun established the World Headquarters in Los Angeles on May 16, 1992, he wrote its guiding principle: “Advocate the practice of Buddhism in daily life to establish a Buddha’s light pure land; actualize the teachings in the world by providing relief for society with compassion.” It is hoped that BLIA not only play the role of establishing a Buddha’s light pure land, but also have the spirit of unconditional loving-kindness and universal compassion. When sentient beings face hardships, BLIA can provide relief to bring them light and hope. Regarding charity, BLIA adheres to the principle of saving emergencies instead of poverty, providing aid with the spirit of unconditional loving-kindness and universal compassion. In the case of disasters such as floods and fires, BLIA members are the first to visit affected areas to care for the victims and distribute relief supplies and donations collected. For the needy and disadvantaged groups in rural areas who lack the necessary supplies to brave the harsh winter, BLIA members bring them warmth by providing them with blankets and other supplies.
2023 年 7 月 8 日西澳協會友愛服務隊於冬季之際,捐 贈食物、棉被、睡袋、衣物等計 42 箱予救世軍,由 其代表William Bockelman代表接收。
On July 8, 2023, the BLIA Western Australia Loving Care Group donated 42 boxes of winter supplies including food, blankets, sleeping bags, and clothes to the Salvation Army. Representative William Bockelman accepted the donation on behalf of the organization.
11 個弱勢團體及市府巡邏警衛隊。
On December 8, 2022, BLIA Brazil held its Year-end Relief Supply Charity Distribution. A total of 2,688 units of supplies, including food baskets, were distributed to 11 organizations including children’s homes, drug rehabilitation centers, organizations for the disadvantaged, and patrol stations.
2022 年 12 月 8 日巴西協會舉辦歲末慈善物資發放救濟活動,將食物藍等
2,688 件物資,發放給兒童之家、戒毒所等
Salvation 145
2023 年 5 月 1 日非洲約翰尼斯堡協會在寒冷的初冬, 前往Ga-Maria村莊發放100份物資予長者家庭。
On May 1, 2023, BLIA Johannesburg delivered 100 units of supplies to the village of Ga-Maria, helping elderly families through the onset of the cold winter.
2023年4月11日美國紐澤西協會前往南平原市社會福利部所設置的「食物櫥櫃」捐贈食品和日用物品,由福 利部主任Heather Barry代表接受。
On April 11, 2023, BLIA New Jersey donated food and supplies to South Plainfield Social Services’ food pantry. Director Heather Barry accepted the donation on behalf of the organization.
146 救世
On December 3, 2022, BLIA London donated 1,200 pounds’ worth of food and supplies to the Hammersmith and Fulham Foodbank, helping out families in need.
2023 年 8 月 8 日斯里蘭卡協會前往馬杜拉分醫
On August 8, 2023, BLIA Sri Lanka donated face masks and medicine worth US$800 to Madulla Divisional Hospital. Resident Doctor Dr. Sampath accepted the donation on behalf of the hospital.
On July 11, 2023, BLIA Dallas donated 120 items of clothes to the Network of Community Ministries in Richardson, alleviating its shortage of summer clothes.
院,捐贈口罩及價值 800 美金之藥品,由主 治醫師桑帕特醫生代表接受。
年7月11日美國達拉斯協會捐贈 120 件衣物予里查遜聯合救濟會, 以解決其夏季衣服之短缺。
Salvation 147
2022年12月17日美國洛杉磯協會響應Foothill Unity Center非營利組織慈善活動,協助打包1,000箱食品,以幫 助需要的家庭歡慶佳節。
On December 17, 2022, BLIA Los Angeles helped pack 1,000 boxes of food in a charity event by Foothill Unity Center, allowing families in need to celebrate the end-of-year festivities.
2022年12月15日奧地利維也納協會前往烏克蘭教堂Familien Kirche 捐贈冬令救濟物品,以幫助戰火中的烏克蘭 西部Lemberg 區域之孤兒院孩童度過嚴冬。
On December 15, 2022, BLIA Vienna donated relief supplies to the Ukrainian church Familien Kirche, helping orphans in the war-torn western Ukrainian city of Lemberg brave the harsh winter.
148 救世
2023 年 3 月 7 日斯里蘭卡協會前往恩比利皮蒂 鄉鎮的地區總醫院,捐贈 4 台病人監護儀, 為該醫院增添醫療設備。
On March 7, 2023, BLIA Sri Lanka donated 4 patient monitors to Embilipitiya District General Hospital, increasing the availability of the hospital’s medical equipment.
2023 年 8 月 24 日印度大吉嶺協會於健身俱樂部 Gymkhana Club舉辦輪椅捐贈活動,為6位受捐贈 者帶來生活的便利。
On August 24, 2023, BLIA Darjeeling donated wheelchairs at a Gymkhana Club, bringing convenience to six recipients.
On March 17, 2023, BLIA Brazil donated 366 wheelchairs to four states and 18 cities, benefiting 40 charity organizations.
Salvation 149
捐血義診 弱勢關懷
理念,給予社會關懷慰問,並將慈悲 的種子遍灑世界每個角落。全球佛光人在
有的慰問長者,有的慈悲救濟,有的支持弱 勢族群,響應社會慈善活動,有的捐贈輪椅
讓社會上許多需要幫助的人,得到身心靈的幫助,更 讓人間到處充滿愛,充滿溫暖與和諧。國際佛光會在 關懷貧困地區及社會慈善的當下,更重視教育上的給 予及救援。所謂「十年樹木百年樹人」,教育雖是長 遠的工作,但也唯有教育才能改變一個人的一生。因 此,國際佛光會於世界各地給予教育關懷,除了關心 好苗子、清寒學童之獎助學金,亦發放書包、課本、 文具等,給予孩童教育所需,幫助孩童於學習上無有 匱乏。亦於偏鄉舉辦教育活動,將衛生教育及三好理 念,帶給父母和孩童,讓三好理念從小扎根。
2023 年 10 月 23 日馬來西亞南馬協會於新山 佰樂泰廣場舉辦「第 50 次捐血報恩活動」, 為血庫增添了104包血漿。
On October 23, 2023, BLIA Malaysia South Chapter hosted its 50th blood drive at Paradigm Mall Johor Bahru, donating 104 bags of plasma to the blood bank.
2022 年 10 月 16 日美國洛杉磯協會和南加州大學亞凱迪亞醫院, 聯合舉辦第20屆義診活動,計24項檢查,嘉惠近400名民眾。
On October 16, 2022, BLIA Los Angeles and USC Arcadia Hospital jointly hosted their 20th charity clinic, where 24 checkups were offered to nearly 400 citizens.
2023 年 6 月 4 日美國達拉斯協會舉辦捐血活動,募得 了30袋血,近一半的捐血者皆是第一次捐血。
On June 4, 2023, BLIA Dallas collected 30 bags of blood at its blood drive. Nearly half of the donors donated blood for the first time.
150 救世
Blood Drives and Charity Clinics ~ Caring for the Disadvantaged BLIA
upholds the spirit of bodhisattva and volunteer, providing care and comfort to society and spreading the seeds of compassion to every corner of the world. BLIA members worldwide show compassion in different ways. Some care for the widowed, orphaned, and disadvantaged; some participate in charity and relief events; some donate wheelchairs for the physically challenged; some host charity clinics and blood drives. In accordance with the spirit of the Bodhisattva Way of Humanistic Buddhism, BLIA members provide physical, mental, and spiritual support to those in need, filling the world with love, warmth, and harmony. While providing assistance to needy regions and engaging in charitable activities, BLIA also places great emphasis on the provision of education. As the saying goes, “It takes ten years to grow a tree, but a hundred years to develop a person.” While education is a long-term endeavor, it is the only way to transform a person’s life. Thus, BLIA provides educational support to all corners of the world, including the Seeds of Hope Project, scholarships and financial aid to those in need, and the distribution of backpacks, textbooks, and stationery. With these resources, children will have everything they need throughout their journey of learning. BLIA also organizes educational events in remote villages, teaching parents and children about good hygiene and the Three Acts of Goodness so that these concepts can take root early on.
2022 年 12 月 11 日印度大吉嶺協會幫助土石流災民,由協會長 詹布拉瑪捐贈善款8,600美金予3戶受災戶。
On December 11, 2022, BLIA Darjeeling President Jambu Lama donated US$8,600 to three families affected by a landslide.
East Plano Islamic Center 參與「拯救全球飢 餓兒童計劃」活動,共同包裝 100,000 袋 食品,並捐助2,000美金於該計畫。
On September 11, 2022, BLIA Dallas participated in the Feeding Children Everywhere event at East Plano Islamic Center, where they helped pack 100,000 bags of food and donated US$2,000.
2023年6月3日瑞士日內瓦協會前往Migros Charmilles 超市響應「分享星期六」公益活動,為弱勢家庭募集 食物及衛生用品。
On June 3, 2023, BLIA Geneva participated in the Sharing Saturday charity event at Migros Charmilles supermarket, collecting food and hygiene supplies for disadvantaged families.
年 9 月 11 日美國達拉斯協會於
to celebrate the Buddha’s Birthday by bathing the Buddha.
2023年4月28日尼泊爾協會前往 Dyo Maa 老人院 關懷長者,由資深護理師講授照顧長者健康的 方法,並發送營養品予長者。
On April 28, BLIA Nepal visited the Dyo Maa elderly home. They invited an experienced nurse to give a talk on elderly care and health, and also distributed nutritional supplements to elders.
2023 年 4 月 16 日法國巴黎協會前往碧西 花園老人院探訪,為院舍內逾 60 位長者 送上慰問與祝福。
On April 16, 2023, BLIA Paris visited the Les Jardins de Bussy elderly home, giving comfort and blessings to more than 60 elders.volunteers.
152 救世
2023 年 5 月 21 日美國芝加哥協會舉辦首屆「芝加哥 佛光傑出青年獎學金」頒獎典禮,8位就讀美國 最高學府之佛光青年獲頒獎學金。
On May 21, 2023, BLIA Chicago hosted the first Buddha's Light Chicago Excellence Scholarship Awards Presentation. Scholarships were presented to eight YAD members enrolled in prestigious universities in the United States.
On July 16, 2023,
2022年11月17日美國佛州協會響應聯合國「零饑 餓」發展目標,攜手天主教慈善會前往佛州南部 威尼斯市低收入戶社區,發放 600 份大禮包,嘉 惠近300戶家庭。
On November 17, 2022, BLIA Florida and Catholic Charities USA jointly visited a lowincome community in the southern City of Venice. In accordance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal of Zero Hunger, they distributed 600 large gift bags to nearly 300 families.
BLIA London participated in the London Bridges Walk hosted by Kidney Research UK, raising over 3,000 Pounds for the organization.
Salvation 153
2022 年 10 月 13 日溫哥華協會捐贈 300 包大米予大 溫哥華食物銀行,由食物銀行代表 Ivan 蒞臨接受 捐贈,並頒贈感謝狀,以表謝意。
On October 13, 2022, BLIA Vancouver donated 300 bags of rice to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank. Ivan from the organization accepted the donation and presented a certificate of appreciation.
On November 13, 2022, BLIA Montreal visited the Montreal Chinese Hospital, providing comfort and blessings to the elders.
為小朋友講授「三好」理念, 及食物營養對自身健康的重要。
On November 20, 2022, BLIA Nepal hosted an educational event in a remote village. Kathmandu Subchapter Elder Advisor Karuna Shakya taught children about the Three Acts of Goodness and the health benefits of nutritious food.
Karuna Shakya
2022年11月13日加拿大滿地可協會前往中華 醫院關懷長者,並祝福長者健康平安。
154 救世
2022 年 12 月 7 日加拿大滿地可協會將籌集之善款 2,000 美金捐贈予中華醫院,圓滿了年度「回饋 社會愛心捐助活動」。
On December 7, 2022, BLIA Montreal raised US$2,000 for the Montreal Chinese Hospital, completing their annual donation drive for the community.
2022 年 11 月 20 日尼泊爾協會於偏鄉舉 辦健康講座,由加德滿都分會督導 Karuna Shakya 為婦女講授「更年 期」之健康教育。
On November 20, 2022, BLIA Nepal held a health seminar in a remote village. Kathmandu Subchapter Elder Advisor Karuna Shakya gave a talk about menopause to the women present.
On July 21, 2023, BLIA Congo started its summer short-term computer class. Cherishing the learning opportunity, 25 children and 38 youths paid great attention to the instructor’s Excel demonstration.
Salvation 155
巴基斯坦交流捐贈 Exchanges and Donations in Pakistan
2023 年 3 月 15 日佛教村民以傳統樂器,獻上當地語言 之〈讚佛歌〉供養(東南亞)副秘書長覺誠法師一行。
On March 15, 2023, the Buddhist villagers performed a local version of Praise the Buddha with traditional instruments as a sendoff for World Headquarters Vice Secretary General Southeast Asia Ven. Chueh Cheng.
2023 年 3 月 14 日世界總會 ( 東南亞 ) 副秘書長覺誠法師, 為大眾簡介佛陀、五戒、三好等內容。在英語、烏都 語、信德語翻譯下,世代僅因祖輩傳承下來的信仰,首 次聆聽僧侶宣說佛法。極具佛教歷史意義。
On March 14, 2023, World Headquarters Vice Secretary General Southeast Asia Ven. Chueh Cheng introduced the Buddha, Five Precepts, Three Acts of Goodness, and other Buddhist concepts to the audience. With English, Urdu, and Sindhi interpreters, the talk had historical significance as those whose knowledge of Buddhism was solely passed down from their ancestors could now hear the Dharma from a monastic.
2023 年 3 月 14 日至 17 日國際佛光會延
續 2022 年巴基斯坦水災送暖之因緣,世
界總會 ( 東南亞 ) 副秘書長覺誠法師前往巴基斯坦
From March 14 to 17, 2023, World Headquarters Vice Secretary General Southeast Asia Ven. Chueh Cheng visited Sindh, Pakistan to meet the small yet historic Bhil Buddhist community. This trip was a continuation of BLIA’s relief efforts for the community during the 2022 Pakistan floods.
2023 年 3 月 14 日世界總會 ( 東南亞 ) 副秘書長覺誠法師備辦 500 份物資予村 長,由村長代為分發給村民。
On March 14, 2023, World Headquarters Vice Secretary General Southeast Asia Ven. Chueh Cheng prepared 500 sets of supplies for the village chief, who then distributed them to the villages.
156 救世
From Buddhism of Disciples to Buddhism of Lecturers
講師 從弟子的佛教
國際佛光會創會會長星雲大師為檀講師授證。 BLIA Founding President Ven. Master Hsing Yun certifies Lay Dharma Lecturers.
檀講師培訓 培養弘法人才
之理念,6 月 24 日於線上舉行「2023 年預
備檀講師研習」,全球 150 人參與。世界總
爭榮。課程安排 6 位檀講師以創會會長星雲
空法師、秘書長覺培法師、( 歐洲 ) 副秘書
長滿謙法師、( 美東 ) 副秘書長永固法師、( 東 南亞 ) 副秘書長覺誠法師、佛光山港澳總住
於大師文章主題」、「從三間—空間、時間、 人間,來闡釋及印證佛法的運用」、「為聽眾 量身打造講座內容,契理契機」等弘講優點。
秘書長覺培法師勉勵預備檀講師,把握 一期一會因緣參加研習,透過考核,突破以往 模式、框架,形塑個人風格,讓講說變得更 好,更有力量。預備檀講師筆試及實體演說考 核,分別於 6/25 金光明寺;6/30 多倫多佛光 山、溫哥華佛光山、紐約道場、歐洲法華禪寺; 7/1 澳洲南天寺、香港佛光道場及馬來西亞東 禪寺進行,共計 77 人出席考核。
2023 年 6 月 24 日線上預備檀講師研習,安排 6 位檀講師示範講演,並由世界總會理事依空法師、秘書長覺培法師 等回饋講評。
On June 24, 2023, six Lay Dharma Lecturers gave demonstration lectures at the Online Preparatory Lay Dharma Lecturer Training. World Headquarters Director Ven. Yi Kung, Secretary General Ven. Chueh Pei, and others provided their feedback.
158 講師
Lay Dharma Lecturer Training ~ Foster Talents for Dharma Propagation
In accordance with BLIA Founding President Ven. Master Hsing Yun’s vision of fostering lay Dharma propagation talents: “from disciples into lecturers,” BLIA held the 2023 Preparatory Lay Dharma Lecturer Training on June 24 with 150 participants from around the world joining the seminar online. BLIA World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau encouraged the participants to have the resolve to sustain the Dharma and Humanistic Buddhism over time, bringing glory to Buddhism and honor to themselves. During the training, six Lay Dharma Lecturers gave demonstration lectures based on Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s books, The Human World and Practice and Buddhism and Life. The review panel consisted of World Headquarters Director Ven. Yi Kung, Secretary General Ven. Chueh Pei, Vice Secretary General Europe Ven. Man Chien, Vice Secretary General America East Ven. Yung Ku, Vice Secretary General Southeast Asia Ven. Chueh Cheng, and FGS Hong Kong and Macau Chief Abbess
Ven. Yung Fu. They noted that the lecturers’ strengths in their presentations: faithful to the subject of the Venerable Master’s writings; explained and affirmed the application of the Dharma through space, time, and people; the lectures’ contents were in accordance with principles and the audience’s characteristics.
Ven. Chueh Pei encouraged all the Preparatory Lay Dharma Lecturers to make good use of the opportunity to join the training. Through the assessment, each individual could break the mold of the past to find their own style in speaking even better and stronger. The Preparatory Lay Dharma Lecturers written and oral assessment was held on June 25 at Jin Guang Ming Temple; on June 30 at FGS Toronto, Vancouver, New York, and Fa Hua Temple in France; on July 1 at Nan Tien Temple in Australia, FGS Hong Kong Vihara, and Dong Zen Temple in Malaysia, totaling 77 candidates participated in the assessment.
Lecturers 159
2023年6月24日線上預備檀講師研習,全球150人參與。 On June 24, 2023, a total of 150 participants from around the world joined the online Preparatory Lay Dharma Lecturer Training Seminar.
2023年6月25日預備檀講師筆試及實體演說考 核,中華總會副總會長吳欽杉致詞勉勵。
On June 25, 2023, BLIA Chunghua Vice President Wu Chin-shun gave encouraging advice at the Preparatory Lay Dharma Lecturer written and oral assessment.
2023 年 6 月 30 日溫哥華協會「預備檀講師考核」,由 美洲秘書處主任覺仲法師,為考核作說明。
On June 30, 2023, BLIA Secretarial Office America Director Ven. Chueh Chung explained the instructions for BLIA Vancouver’s Preparatory Lay Dharma Lecturer Assessment.
2023 年 6 月 30 日多倫多協會「預備檀講師考核」, (美東)副秘書長永固法師開示勉勵。
On June 30, 2023, Vice Secretary General America East Ven. Yung Ku gave teachings at BLIA Toronto’s Preparatory Lay Dharma Lecturer Assessment.
習」,佛光山港澳教區總住持永富法師叮 嚀勉勵。
On April 7, 2023, FGS Hong Kong and Macau Chief Abbess Ven. Yung Fu gave advice and encouragement at BLIA Hong Kong’s Preparatory Lay Dharma Lecturer Training.
On June 25, 2023, a total of 37 candidates from across Taiwan participated in the Preparatory Lay Dharma Lecturer written and oral assessment at Jin Guang Ming Temple.
2023 年 4 月 7 日香港協會「預備檀講師研
160 講師
人間佛教宣講員 2022
年 11 月 19 日及 20 日中華總會於
佛光山福山寺舉辦「人間佛教宣講員考 核」,來自全台的菁英幹部超過 600 人應考,
其中有逾 200 人第一次應考,百位評審與陪
審員審核。今年特別安排榮獲五顆勳章的宣 講員擔任「陪審團」,與評審一起共學,佛
教寫下歷史的新頁。中華總會副總會長吳欽 杉表示,透過宣講員考核,相互觀摩演說技 巧,並感謝佛光人發心宣講佛法。綜合座談
由世界總會理事依空法師及秘書長覺培法師 主持,並由資深檀講師給予預備宣講員精要
「北美洲人間佛教宣講員培訓」於 2023
年 3 月 25 日舉辦,禮請世界總會秘書長覺 培法師線上授課,傳授宣講員「三段式演講 法」,並由中華總會 2 位檀講師宣講示範,
透過 3 個步驟,理解大師文章內容,將文字 般若與個人經驗連結,進而分享佛法對自己 生命的啟發與收穫。4 月 14 日北美洲預備
宣講員舉行複試,由 3 位參與培訓的學員演
練示範,秘書長覺培法師針對優缺點仔細點 評。4 月 29 日北美洲人間佛教宣講員考核, 於美加地區 8 個考區進行,近 40 位法師監 考,並誕生北美洲首批人間佛教宣講員共 30 位,為人間佛教在美洲弘法更添助力。
Lecturers 161
The joint discussion for “Humanistic Buddhism Speakers Assessment” was presided over by World Headquarters Director Ven. Yi Kung and Secretary General Ven. Chueh Pei.
Humanistic Buddhism Speakers
OnNovember 19-20, 2022, BLIA Chunghua held a “Humanistic Buddhism Speaker Assessment” at FGS Fu Shan Temple. More than 600 people, the best BLIA executives in Taiwan took the examination, with over 200 of which taking the examination for the first time; there were also one hundred judges and jurors participating in the review. This year, speakers who have won five medals were especially arranged to be the “Jury,” learning together with the judges. BLIA has evidently become a learning-oriented organization, writing a new chapter in the history of Humanistic Buddhism. BLIA Chunghua Vice President Wu Chin-Shun expressed that through the speaker assessment, we could review and emulate the speaking skills of one another, he further thanked BLIA members for their resolve to speak and spread the Dharma. Joint discussion was hosted by World Headquarters Director Ven. Yi Kung and Secretary General Ven. Chueh Pei, with senior Lay Dharma Lecturers providing concise feedback to the Preparatory Speakers.
On March 25, 2023, the North America Humanistic Buddhism Speakers Training was held online. World Headquarters Secretary General Ven. Chueh Pei was invited to teach the “three-step lecture method” to the participants. Two Lay Dharma Lecturers from BLIA Chunghua gave lecture demonstrations with three steps: thoroughly understand the contents of the Venerable Master’s articles, connect the written prajna with personal experiences, and further share how the Dharma inspires and enriches their personal lives.
On November 19, 2022, more than 600 people took the Humanistic Buddhism Speakers Assessment.
2022 年 11 月 19 日中華總會人間 佛教宣講員考核,超過 600 人 應考。
162 講師
On April 14, the Preparatory Speakers in North America conducted a re-evaluation with three trainees who participated in the program giving demonstrations; Secretary General Ven. Chueh Pei carefully evaluated their strengths and weaknesses. On April 29, the Assessment for Humanistic Buddhism Speaker in North America took place in eight examination areas across the United States and Canada with close to 40 monastics serving as exam supervisors. The result gave birth to the first group of 30 Humanistic Buddhism Speakers in North America, providing additional impetus for the propagation of Humanistic Buddhism in the Americas.
2023 年 5 月 23 日美國芝加哥協會輔導永嘉法師,代表頒贈「人間佛教 宣講員」徽章予協會督導周邁平、協會副會長郭雲,成為北美洲首批 人間佛教宣講員之一。
On May 23, 2023, BLIA Chicago Monastic Advisor Ven. Yung Chia presented the Humanistic Buddhist Speaker badge to BLIA Chicago Elder Advisor Andrew Chou and Vice President Vanessa Kwok to become the first Humanistic Buddhism Speakers in North America.
On November 19-20, 2022, BLIA Chunghua held a “Humanistic Buddhism Speaker Assessment” at FGS Fu Shan Temple. More than 600 people took the examination, aspiring to become a leading force in propagating Humanistic Buddhism.
Lecturers 163
On April 29, 2023, a total of 58 people took the Humanistic Buddhism Speaker Assessment in North America, and 30 of them passed the evaluation.
164 講師
從老年的佛教 到青年的佛教
From Buddhism for the Elderly to Buddhism for the Young
July 14, 2023, World Headquarters Acting President Venerable Tzu Jung conferred certificates on the newly established Stockholm, Sweden, and Chicago, U.S.A. Subdivisions.
On July 14, 2023, the opening ceremony of the International Buddha's Light Young Adult Conference was held at the Tathagatha Hall, with nearly 1,000 YAD members from 23 countries attending the event.
年國際佛光青年會議 7 月 13 日至 7 月 16 日於佛光山舉行,來自全球 5 大洲、23 個國家近千位佛光青年共聚佛光山,運用「智 慧與創新」設計出打破框架的沉浸式體驗, 提供各國特色互動交流課程,以 4 天 3 夜的 時間感受佛陀的智慧,並向創會會長星雲大師 致敬。
7 月 14 日舉行開幕典禮,主席世界佛光青
年總團執行長慧傳法師表示勉勵。開幕典禮以點 亮心燈盛大展開,恭請世界總會署理會長慈容法 師為新成立的瑞典斯德哥爾摩分團、美國芝加哥 分團授證,以及授證全球 48 位佛光青年白象幹 部、善財/妙慧講師。為期 4 天豐富多元的課程 包含,主題演說「星雲大師三不朽的人生」、「星 燈不滅」各洲團務報告、話說星雲大師論壇、雲 水工作坊、緬懷星雲大師人間音緣音樂會、雲遊 佛光山、蔬食好市集、繞塔、提案討論綜合報告 等。各洲團務報告以沉浸式互動體驗,設計信、 願、行三大主題,既展現地方特色,亦打破以往 制式化的報告方式。相隔 5 年,全球佛光青年終
於實體相聚,青年皆把握難得的因緣交流互動, 並把所學帶回各國,繼續推動青年團的發展。
2023 年 7 月 14 日世界佛光青年總團執行長慧傳法師, 授證4位白象三級幹部。
On July 14, 2023, BLIA YAD Headquarters Executive Director Ven. Hui Chuan certified four White Elephant Third Level Executives.
2023年7月15日「雲水工作坊-傳燈的人」課程以活潑的 方式,分享加入佛光會的重要性。
On July 15, 2023, the “Cloud and Water Workshop –Handing Down the Light” was held in a lively way for sharing the importance of joining BLIA
166 青年
2023 International Buddha’s Light Young Adult Conference
The2023 International Buddha's Light Young Adult Conference was held at Fo Guang Shan during July 13-16. Nearly 1,000 BLIA YAD members from the five continents and 23 countries gathered at Fo Guang Shan, using “Wisdom and Innovation” to design a framework-breaking immersive experience, providing interactive exchange programs with special features from various countries. They experienced the wisdom of the Buddha for four days and three nights and paid tribute to the Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun.
On July 14 during the opening ceremony, BLIA YAD Headquarter Executive Director Venerable Hui Chuan delivered an inspiring message. The opening ceremony began with light-offering, inviting World Headquarters Acting President Ven. Tzu Jung to officiate the certification of newly established subdivisions in Stockholm, Sweden, and Chicago, U.S.A. Certifications were also conferred upon 48 YAD White Elephant Executive and Sudhana/Sumati Lecturers worldwide. The 4-day program was rich and diverse, including keynote speech: The Three Incorruptibles of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Life, An Eternal Star, reports on regional subdivisions, a forum on Venerable Master Hsing Yun's teachings, cloud and water workshops, a tribute concert to Venerable Master Hsing Yun, Fo Guang Shan tour, a vegetarian market place, circumambulation of the pagoda, and motion discussions. The reports from regional divisions were designed as immersive interactive experiences, focusing on the themes of faith, vow, and practice. This format not only showcased the unique characteristics of each region but also broke away from the conventional reporting style. After a gap of five years, YAD members from around the world finally came together in person. They seized this rare opportunity for exchange and interaction, taking back what they learned to their respective countries and continuing to promote the development of YAD subdivisions.
On July 15, 2023, a special English session was held for the “Encountering the Extraordinary: Meeting Venerable Master Hsing Yun,” where Englishspeaking YAD members enthusiastically shared their thoughts and experiences.
On July 13, 2023, YAD members paid their respects to Founding President, Venerable Master Hsing Yun at Fo Guang Shan Sutra Repository and captured the beautiful moments.
2023 年 7 月 15 日「話說星雲大師論 壇」特別安排英文場次,英語系佛光 青年歡喜分享。
Youth 167
2023 年「智慧與創新」國際佛光青年會議
八、我們力行三好四給,解行並重深植信仰 九、我們運用佛法智慧,多元創新光大佛教
168 青年
2023 “Wisdom and Innovation”
International Buddha’s Light Young Adult Conference
Conference Proclamation
1. We reverently commemorate the benevolence and virtues of the Venerable Master, embarking on a pilgrimage to deeply reflect on our roots and unwaveringly uphold our initial aspirations.
2. We promote a vegetarian culture, advocating energy conservation and carbon reduction as a collective effort to safeguard our planet.
3. We strive to benefit ourselves and others through the words of prajna, perpetuating the enlightened path of wisdom.
4. We broaden the YAD organization affairs, engaging in immersive experiences that foster the exploration and development of our inherent capabilities.
5. We actualize Humanistic Buddhism, ensuring our compassionate vows persist eternally, leaving an enduring legacy.
6. We appreciate the virtuous efforts of Humanistic Buddhism practitioner, establishing exemplary practices through Dharma propagation with arts and culture.
7. We follow the admirable footsteps of Sudhana, dedicating ourselves to the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom to attain eloquence through extensive learning and attentive receptiveness.
8. We diligently practice the Three Acts of Goodness and the Four Givings, emphasizing the equal importance of understanding and practice, while deeply rooting our faith.
9. We harness the Dharma wisdom, fostering diversity and innovation to elevate the essence of Buddhism.
10. We vow to uphold the Dharma lineage, acknowledging that the flourishing of Buddhism depends on us for the benefit of others.
Youth 169
亞洲佛光青年聯誼會 文化交流
4 月 28 日在日本佛光山法水寺揭開序幕,
南韓及中國香港等 8 個亞洲國家地區之青
年,躬逢盛會。4 月 28 日開營典禮,世
經》之「三輪體空」勉勵佛光青年。亞洲佛 光青年聯誼會課程精采豐富,包括主題演說、
日本文化體驗、VegRun 路跑活動、人間佛教在日
月 1 日閉幕典禮於佛光山法水寺丹墀舉行,佛光青年 依照國別揮舞國旗依序入場,貴賓致詞勉勵,佛光青 年齊唱〈惜別歌〉,並由值星官以中日文雙語宣讀大 會宣言,圓滿「2023 年亞洲佛光青年聯誼會」。
2023 年 4 月 28 日開營典禮,世界佛光青年總 團執行長慧傳法師致詞勉勵。
On April 28, 2023, BLIA YAD Headquarters Executive Director Ven. Hui Chuan gave a speech at the opening ceremony.
On 28 April, 2023, BLIA YAD Asia Fellowship Meeting opened with close to 100 young members in Housuiji Temple, Japan.
170 青年
2023 年 4 月 30 日青年透過人間音緣的唱誦,緬 懷創會會長星雲大師。
On April 30, 2023, through singing songs from Sounds of the Human World, young members paid tribute to Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun.
BLIA YAD Asia Fellowship Meeting ~ Cultural Exchange
The2023 “Wisdom and Innovation” BLIA YAD Asia Fellowship Meeting commenced on April 28, 2023 at FGS Housuiji Temple, Japan. Nearly a hundred BLIA YAD members from eight Asian countries and regions, including Japan, Taiwan, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, and Hong Kong attended the meeting. At the opening ceremony on April 28, BLIA YAD Headquarters Executive Director Venerable Hui Chuan encouraged the young members with the concept of “threefold emptiness in giving” from the Diamond Sutra. The BLIA YAD Asia Fellowship Meeting offered a rich and exciting program, including the keynote speech, Japanese cultural experiences, VegRun, and sustainable development of Humanistic Buddhism in Japan. The program also held a special Tribute Concert for BLIA Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Venerable Hui Chuan led the concert in paying tribute to the Venerable Master through chanting and songs from Sounds of Human World. The closing ceremony was held on May 1 in the courtyard of FGS Housuiji Temple as YAD members waved national flags when making their entry according to the order of their countries. Distinguished guests gave speeches of encouragement, YAD members sang the Farewell Song together, and the Duty Officers read out the Conference Proclamation in both Chinese and Japanese, successfully concluding the 2023 BLIA YAD Asia Fellowship Meeting.
On April 29, 2023, monastics serving locally in Japan shared their experiences in “Sustainable Development of Humanistic Buddhism in Japan.”
On April 30, 2023, young members joined group discussion for “Encountering the Power of Faith.”
2023 年4 月 30 日佛光青年穿著日本服飾, 體驗日本文化。
On 30 April, 2023, BLIA YAD members wore the Japanese kimono to experience Japanese culture.
2023 年4 月 29 日「人間佛教在日本之永續 經營」課程,由日本地區法師進行分享。
2023 年 4 月 30 日「遇見信仰的力量」課 程,青年進行分組討論。
Youth 171
25 屆世界童軍大露營」2023 年 8 月 1 至 12 日 於南韓全羅北道新萬金營區登場,來自全球 155
個國家及地區,4 萬多名介於 14 至 18 歲童軍出席盛
會,佛光童軍共計 116 名露營團團員及 31 名工作人員
參與。露營期間正值韓國熱浪來襲, 8 月 4 日世界佛
思考,積極樂觀的態度,面對各種氣候及環境嚴苛的 挑戰。
8 月 6 日「文化交流日」為童軍大露營重點活動之
一,全球童軍展現各國文化特色,佛光童軍分為三團, 分別以創會會長星雲大師「人間佛教」為主題,宣揚
人間佛教的善美。第 27 團以「過年」為主題,將華人
過年的元素融入其中,透過掃描 QRcode,讓各國童軍 認識星雲大師新春墨寶及該年生肖,其中三好四給娃 娃是各國童軍歡喜來打卡拍照的熱點;第 28 團準備台 灣美食、鳳梨酥、奶茶、乖乖等,團員們以英文介紹 美食的故事,行銷台灣飲食;第 29 團設計玫瑰領巾圈
手工藝編織,及在菩提葉脈書籤上書寫自己英語名字, 文化活動皆吸引不少國外童軍駐足體驗。
On August 6, 2023, scouts from various countries came to taste Taiwanese food on Cultural Exchange Day.
On August 6, 2023, Cultural Exchange Day, Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Chinese New Year posters were part of the exchange.
2023 年 8 月 6 日「文化交流日」各國童軍體驗台 灣飲食。
2023 年 8 月 6 日「文化交流日」以創會會長星雲 大師新春墨寶交流互動。
The 25th World Scout Jamboree opened on August 2, 2023 at Sinmanjin Campsite in Jeollabuk-do, South Korea.
「 172 青年
Buddha’s Light Scouts at the World Scout Jamboree
The25 th World Scout Jamboree was held during August 1-12, 2023 at the Sinmanjin Campsite in Jeollabuk-do, South Korea. More than 40,000 scouts aged between 14 and 18 from 155 countries and regions attended the event. The Buddha’s Light Scouts had a total of 116 campers and 31 staff members participating. During the camping period, South Korea was hit by a major heat wave. On August 4, Buddha’s Light Scouts Headquarters Monastic Advisor Venerable Jue Duo and FGS Seoul Temple Abbess Venerable Yi En visited the campsite to encourage Buddha’s Light Scouts. BLIA Scouts Fellowship Committee Director Lee Yao-Chun indicated that Buddha’s Light Scouts had always maintained a positive and optimistic attitude towards various harsh challenges in climate and environment.
On August 6, the Cultural Exchange Day was one of the highlights of the Scout Jamboree. Scouts from around the world showcased their respective cultural characteristics. The Buddha’s Light Scouts were divided into three Troops, with each using Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s teachings on Humanistic Buddhism as the theme for spreading its kindness and beauty. Troop 27’s subject was Chinese New Year, incorporating elements of Chinese New Year celebrations. By scanning QR codes, scouts from different countries could learn about Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s New Year calligraphy and zodiac signs for that year. The Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings mascots were favorites for scouts to check in. Troop 28 prepared Taiwanese delicacies such as pineapple cakes, bubble tea, and guaiguai snacks; members introduced the food with stories in English to promote Taiwanese cuisine. Troop 29 designed rose neckerchief knitting art and bookmarks with their English names written on Bodhi leaves. The cultural exchange activities attracted many scouts from other countries coming by to learn and experience.
2023年8月4日世界佛光童軍總團輔導覺多法師, 協同首爾佛光山寺住持依恩法師蒞臨營地關心。
On August 4, 2023, Buddha’s Light Scouts Headquarters Monastic Advisor, Venerable Jue Duo and FGS Seoul Temple Abbess Venerable Yi En visited the campsite.
2023年8月6日香港佛光童軍歡喜參與世界童軍大 露營。
On August 6, 2023, Buddha’s Light Scouts Hong Kong happily participated in the 25th World Scout Jamboree.
Youth 173
紐西蘭「三好四給3G4G」 2023
動,自 2023 年 5 月 2 日啟動至 6
日圓滿落幕,動員近 60 位法師及會員幹
部共同成就,南北島 24 所中小學超過
4,000 名學生參與。期間適逢佛光山開
「三好四給人間佛教文化節 」自
2014 年由紐西蘭佛光山啟動,在住持滿信法
師的帶領下,從第一年的 4 所學校至今突破
校的參與,2 萬 9 千餘位師生及家長走進道場,累積 189 場次。佛光人努力耕耘社區,學生參與人數逐年增長, 活動獲得紐西蘭警署部大力支持。「三好四給人間佛教 文化節 」活動內容豐富又精彩,包括觀賞《佛陀的一生》
影片、靜坐、書法體驗、獻燈祈願、正規的上香法及與 警察互動環節等。「三好四給人間佛教文化節」教學方 式生動有趣,是紐西蘭警署部、學校及道場三方聯合的
2023年5月8日「三好四給人間佛教文化節 」 Sunnyhills School學生體驗禪修。
On May 8, 2023, at the “3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing,” Sunnyhills School students experienced meditation.
2023年5月16日適逢創會會長星雲大師圓寂 百日,好幾所學校特別獻唱讚頌星雲大師, 圖為Flat Bush Primary School之獻唱。
On May 16, 2023, the 100th day of passing of BLIA Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun, many schools especially came to offer praises with songs to the Venerable Master. Photo is performance by Flat Bush Primary School.
174 青年
2023 年 5 月 24 日新上任三天的奧克
蘭 Manukau East 局長 Inspector Rodney Honan督察,與學生互動。
On May 24, 2023, newly appointed Inspector Rodney Honan of the Counties Manukau East interacted with students.
“3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing” in New Zealand
The9th 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing held from May 2 to June 1, 2023 was a joint effort of close to 60 people, including monastics as well as BLIA members and executives. More than 4,000 students from 24 primary and secondary schools in the North and South Islands of New Zealand participated. The festival coincided with the 100th day passing of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, the Founding Master of Fo Guang Shan. Several schools sang in offering praises to the Venerable Master, and some students paid tribute to him with traditional Maori war dances.
The 9th 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing was launched by Fo Guang Shan New Zealand in 2014 under the leadership of Abbess Venerable Man Hsin. Starting from four schools in the first year to the present participation of 55 schools, it is a major breakthrough with an accumulation of 189 sessions and more than 29,000 teachers, students, and parents entering the temple for the event. BLIA members have worked with much diligence in the community, resulting in the number of students increasing year by year, and the festival also receives strong support
2023年 5月4日Otahuhu Primary School 學生觀賞 《佛陀的一生》影片,認識佛教教主釋迦牟尼佛。
On May 4, 2023, Otahuhu Primary School students learned about Sakyamuni Buddha through the video, “Life of the Buddha.”
from the New Zealand Police Department. The 9th 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing is rich and exciting in content, including watching the video “Life of the Buddha,” meditation, calligraphy experience, lightoffering, incense-offering, and interaction with police officers. The educational activity of the 3G4G Festival of Cultural Sharing is lively and interesting. It is a joint educational project of the New Zealand Police Department, schools, and the temples, which has received attention and recognition from all walks of life.
On May 19, 2023, young children learned to use calligraphy brush for writing Chinese characters: “Three Acts of Goodness” and “Four Givings.”
On May 16, 2023, young children attentively read the Dharma words at the Light-offering and Vows Zone.
2023 年 5 月 19 日小朋友體驗抄經,用毛筆認真書寫中文 「三好」、「四給」。
Youth 175
December 17, 2022 marked the 15th anniversary of the Siddhartha family, celebrating with two special anniversary performances.
菲律賓光明大學 藝術弘法
陀傳,自 2007 年至 2022 年歷經 15 年,
走遍全球 13 個國家、演出 180 場,觀
眾人次達 12 萬 5 千多,每一場都爆滿 並深獲好評。近年因新冠病毒疫情侵襲,
際,菲律賓宿霧藝術學院於 2022 年 12 月
適逢悉達多家族成立 15 週年,特舉辦了
表演。15 週年慶集合了三代演員共同表演,演員們將《悉
述描繪得更加精采,當螢幕上播出歷屆同一角色的演員 名單,台下觀眾感動不已。歷經 15 年的悉達多家族,超
過千人參與《悉達多音樂劇》的台前、幕後工作。其中 有些人從最初至今依然參與演出,有些人有了更好的就 業發展,甚至培養出自己的名聲。飾演佛陀的 Benjie 提 到,感謝星雲大師給予這麼美好因緣,感謝總住持永光 法師慈母般的照顧。每次唱〈八正道〉都讓自己很有感 觸和成長,這是一首終身最愛的歌。
2022 年12 月17 日《釋迦牟尼佛傳》於菲律賓 宿霧藝術學院開展,世界總會體育發展委員 會副主委永光法師為幕後主要推手,全力的 給予支持。
On December 17, 2022, the “Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha” was launched at the Cebu Arts Academy in the Philippines. BLIA World Headquarters Sports Development Committee Deputy Director Ven. Yung Guang has been the primary driving force behind the scenes in providing full support.
176 青年
Guang Ming College, Philippines ~ Propagating the Dharma through Arts
The Philippines is a country gifted in the arts. In upholding the philosophy of propagating the Dharma through arts, Siddhartha the Musical was created by the Cebu Arts Academy in the Philippines based on the “Biography of Sakyamuni Buddha” written by Venerable Master Hsing Yun. From 2007 to 2022, a period of 15 years, the musical has traveled to 13 countries and staged 180 performances, attracting over 125,000 people with each sold out performance and receiving rave reviews. In recent years, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been no opportunities for performance; as the situation has improved, the Cebu Arts Academy celebrated its 15th anniversary on December 17, 2022 with two special presentations. They brought together three generations of performers who portrayed classic scenes from the Siddhartha Musical in even better crafted narrations. The audience was deeply moved when names of the same characters from previous years were shown onscreen. Over the course of 15 years, “Siddhartha the Musical” has involved more than a thousand people in both on-stage and behind-thescenes roles. Some have been part of the production since the beginning, while others have found better career opportunities and even built their own reputations. Benjie, who portrayed Buddha, expressed gratitude to Venerable Master Hsing Yun for the wonderful opportunity and to Ven. Yung Guang for her motherly care. Singing “The Noble Eightfold Path” in every performance has been a deeply touching experience for his personal growth, making it his all-time favorite song.
On December 17, 2022, Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun advocated propagating the Dharma through arts, which propelled the development of “Siddhartha the Musical.”
On December 17, 2022,
2022年12月17日創會會長星雲大師倡導「以 藝術弘揚佛法」,推動了《悉達多音樂劇》 的發展。
2022 年 12 月 17 日《悉達多音樂劇》透過音聲傳遞 佛法的歡喜與喜悅。
“Siddhartha the Musical” conveyed the joy and delight of Buddhism through the sound of music.
Youth 177
On December 17, 2022, the Siddhartha family delivered a splendid performance and received thunderous applause from the audience.
南非天龍隊 展開國際舞台
少年來自低收入家庭,高中畢業便被迫 中斷學業,鮮少有機會接受高等教育。有鑑
年,2013 年指示南華寺成立「南非天龍隊」,
等。天龍隊成立至今 2023 年,共開辦了六學
期,栽培計 180 位學員。2023 年疫情緩和,
天龍隊於 1 月 25 日開啟實體教學,由原優秀
家演出共計 210 場次。2017 年天龍隊獲邀
參加南非達人秀節目,榮獲佳績;2019 年參
加南非國家藝術節,獲得「卓越創意和創新 獎」,肯定天龍隊卓越的演出。並於 2018 年,
委員會 CSW62」平行論壇,透過自身講演及
尤其於 2023 年 8 月 22 日受邀於南非總統
On August 22, 2023, Nan Hua Performing Arts Group was invited to perform at Bryntirion Estate, South Africa’s presidential residence and received the recognition of China President Xi Jinping.
官邸 Bryntirion Estate 舉行的「第十五屆金磚五 國高峰會議」歡迎午宴演出,獲得中國大陸國家 主席習近平及南非總統拉馬福薩的肯定與讚賞。 此外,疫情期間,天龍隊成功建立了 Youtube、 TiKTOK、中國抖音、中國西瓜等社教平台,尤 其 YouTube 總訂閱人數計 1.04 萬,觀看次數達 2,045,430,成果卓越。
On August 22, 2023,
and praise.
China President Xi Jinping and South Africa President Cyril Ramaphosa gave Nan Hua Performing Arts Group their approval
2023年8月22日天龍隊受邀於南非總統官邸Bryntirion Estate 表演,獲得中國大陸國家主席習近平的讚賞。
178 青年
Nan Hua Performing Arts Group ~ Getting on the International Stage
Amajority of South African teenagers come from low-income families; many are forced to end their studies after high school, and very few make it to tertiary education. In light of this, Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun instructed Nan Hua Temple to form the Nan Hua Performing Arts Group in 2013, giving South African girls from low-income or single-parent families the opportunity to learn Chinese performing arts, dragon dancing, singing, and drums. As of 2023, 180 performers have been trained over six semesters. As
the pandemic winded down, in-person courses started on January 25, 2023 with former outstanding graduates serving as instructors to pass down their experience.
On January 25, 2023, Nan Hua Performing Arts Group started in-person courses. Former outstanding graduates have become instructors to pass down their experience.
Nan Hua Performing Arts Group started off as a local group, and have gradually taken the international stage. The group has since presented 210 performances in Taiwan, Mainland China, Malaysia, the Philippines, and other regions. In 2017, the group was invited to a South African talent show and achieved outstanding results. In 2019, their excellent performance at South Africa’s National Arts Festival earned them the Outstanding Creativity and Innovation award. In 2018, the group was invited to a Parallel Forum for the sixty-second session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW62), demonstrating the confidence and equality of female youths through their talks and performance. On August 22, 2023, the group was invited to perform at the welcome lunch for the 15th BRICS Summit, hosted at Bryntirion Estate, the residence of South Africa president. Their performance won the approval and praise of China’s President Xi Jinping and South Africa President Cyril Ramaphosa. During the pandemic, Nan Hua Performing Arts Group established a social media presence on YouTube, TikTok, Douyin, and Xigua. Their YouTube channel boasts an impressive 10.4 thousand subscribers and 2,045,430 views.
Nan Hua Performing Arts Group started off as a local group, but they have since taken the international stage. Their spectacular performances have earned them applause from the audience.
2023 年 1 月 25 日天龍隊開啟實體教學,由原優秀畢業生 擔任天龍隊老師,傳承所學。
Youth 179
印度希望之村 教育扎根 教育是貧苦孩童的一道曙光,教育是翻轉
生命更有希望。印度清奈協會自 2012 年開始
育關懷。世界總會 ( 東南亞 ) 副秘書長覺誠法
師於 2017 年 7 月 8 日,首度前往印度關懷,
村民們透過努力,能改變貧困的命運。2018 年「佛光希望之村」計畫正式啟動,世界總 會及印度清奈協會於 Pazhaveli、Sithandi、P.
V. Kalathur、Vallipuram、Oragadam 等 9 個 村莊相續揭牌,並將希望之村老師組織起來, 形成一個教育團隊。清奈協會安排老師每周 前往村莊,為孩童講授基本衛生教育、三好 理念、語文、繪畫、遊戲等。
「希望之村」經過數年的發展,為讓 教育計畫更為組織化,2023 年 7 月 9 日世 界總會首次舉辦「希望之村教師培訓」,來 自 9 個希望之村、20 位老師出席。課程安排 希望之村老師進行工作報告,由清奈協會長 Geetha Kumari 主持,針對教學內容、教材、 孩童學習狀況、遇到之困難、需求等事項進 行匯報,由 ( 東南亞 ) 副秘書長覺誠法師給予 指導,並教導老師們禪修、禪繞畫、佛教故 事、歌曲等各種教材之運用,老師們皆受益 良多。創會會長星雲大師曾表示「印度的希 望在教育」,相信唯有教育能改變希望之村 孩童貧困的命運。
2023 年 7 月 8 日佛光希望之村小朋友以印度泰米爾文宣 講「三好-做好事、說好話、存好心」。
On July 8, 2023, children from the Buddha’s Light Hope Villages used Tamil in saying the Three Acts of Goodness: “Do good deeds, speak good words, think good thoughts.”
180 青年
On July 8, 2023, World Headquarters Vice Secretary General Southeast Asia
the first
Hope Village in India ~ Laying Foundation for Education
Education is a ray of light that shines upon children in poverty, and a foundation on which a new life can be built; only education can lift children out of poverty and bring hope to their lives. Since 2012, BLIA Chennai has visited remote Dalit villages, offering food, clothes, stationery, and education in accordance with the vision of benefiting society through charity.
On July 8, 2017, World Headquarters Vice Secretary General Southeast Asia Ven. Chueh Cheng made her first visit to India, showing support for BLIA Chennai’s assistance to the poor, and naming Dalit villages at the time as Buddha’s Light Hope Villages. With the belief that Buddha nature exists equally within all and that one’s station in life is not determined at birth, she hoped that the villagers could turn their lives around through hard work. In 2018, the Buddha’s Light Hope Village initiative officially began. The World Headquarters and BLIA Chennai inaugurated nine villages including Pazhaveli, Sithandi, P. V. Kalathur, Vallipuram, and Oragadam; teachers in the villages also joined together as an organized educational
group. BLIA Chennai made arrangements for teachers to visit the villages weekly to teach hygiene, the Three Acts of Goodness, language, arts, and games.
On July 9, 2023, in an effort to better organize the educational plans of the Hope Villages since its initiation, the World Headquarters held the first Hope Village Teacher Training, attended by 20 teachers from nine Hope Villages. During the training, BLIA Chennai President Geetha Kumari held a work report session, where teachers shared information about their curriculum, educational resources, learning outcomes, challenges, and needs. Vice Secretary General Southeast Asia Ven. Chueh Cheng also gave useful guidance on the application of meditation, Zentangles, Buddhist stories, and songs in their classes. Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun once stated, “India’s hope lies in education,” believing that only education could lift children out of poverty.
Youth 181
Ven. Chueh Cheng visited the children of Pazhaveli,
Hope Village, to speak on the five precepts and the Three Acts of Goodness.
On July 8, 2023, after receiving patient guidance from their teachers, children from the Hope Villages began to realize the importance of a neat appearance and good hygiene.
On April 11, 2023, a Hope Village teacher taught the children in a scheduled class, including topics such as English, mathematics, hygiene etc.
2023 年 7 月 26 日印度清奈協會長 Geetha Kumari 對於孩童的教育不遺餘力,耐心 教導。
On July 26, 2023, BLIA Chennai President Geetha Kumari patiently instructed the children, showing her dedication towards their education.
2023 年 7 月 8 日希望之村小朋友經過老師們的
2023 年 4 月 11 日希望之村定期安排老師 前往為小朋友授課,課程包含英文、
182 青年
On July 8, 2023, children smiled happily after receiving colored pencils and collapsible water bags.
On July 9, 2023, the World Headquarters hosted the first Hope Villages Teacher Training with 20 teachers from nine Hope Villages happily attended the training.
2023 年 7 月 8 日小朋友收到彩色筆及環保水袋, 表露出歡喜滿足的笑容。
Youth 183
2023 年國際佛光會世界總會特刊
Buddha’s Light International Association
World Headquarters Commemorative Journal
Chief Advisor: Most Venerable Hsin Bau
Publisher: Venerable Tzu Jung
Editor-in-Chief: Venerable Chueh Pei
Edited by: BLIA World Headquarters Secretarial Office
English Translators: Ven. Miao Ze, Yifan Wang, Yen Ting Low, Kaixiang Lim, Jason Chin Chuan Liu, Roxanna Pang, and Marlene Lao
English Editor: Ven. Miao Hsi
Articles by: Museum of Fo Guang Shan History, Merit Times, Life News Agency, and BLIA Chapters Worldwide
Artistic Editor & Printer: Mary Koai Visual Design
Published by: BLIA World Headquarters
Published on: September 25, 2023
Buddha’s Light International Association World Headquarters
America Secretarial O ce
3456 S. Glenmark Drive, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745, USA
TEL: 1(626)968-4675∼77 FAX: 1(626)968-1255
http: //www.blia.org E-mail: info@blia.org
Buddha’s Light International Association World Headquarters Asia Secretarial O ce 11087台北市信義區松隆路327號8樓
8F, 327 Sung Lung Road, Taipei, Taiwan
TEL: 886-2-2762-0112 Ext. 2330.2534 Fax: 886-2-2760-8623
E-mail: bliataipei@blia.org
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