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Coexistence and Coprosperity

-Venerable Master Hsing Yun, 2023, Year of the Rabbit

目錄 Contents

總會長的話 心保和尚

署理會長的話 慈容法師

秘書長的話 覺培法師

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Words from President Most Venerable Hsin Bau

Words from Acting President Venerable Tzu Jung

A message from Secretary General Venerable Chueh Pei




國際佛光會世界會員代表大會 「第五屆三好微電影」頒獎典禮





法身慧命之家 落成啟用


各洲佛學會考 與法相會




悉達多太子音樂劇 南非公演

閱讀博覽 推廣書香社會

法寶結緣 宣揚人間佛教




路跑捐贈 回饋社會

森林復育 植樹與環保



佛化婚禮 菩提眷屬祝福禮









天災人禍 急難救助

慈善捐贈 敦親睦鄰

捐血義診 弱勢關懷

Buddha’s Light Honor and Achievements

Coexistence and Coprosperity.Consensus and Openness

Remembering Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun

BLIA General Conference

The 5th Three Acts of Goodness International Microfilm Contest Award Ceremony

United Nations Commission on the Status of Women CSW68

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change COP28

United Nations Civil Society Conference

Joy and Harmony.Wisdom and Innovation

Inauguration of Dharma Body and Wisdom Life Abode

BLIA Fellowship Meetings on Each Continent

Buddhism Exams Across the Continents – Encountering the Dharma Sounds of the Human World Choir Competition

To Resolve and To Develop.Self-awareness and Practicing the Buddha’s Way

National Buddha's Birthday ~ Celebrations Worldwide

“Siddhartha The Musical” Performs in South Africa

Reading Expo: A Literary Society

Gifts of Dharma Treasure Propagating Humanistic Buddhism

Humanistic Buddhism Speakers Training – Facilitating Exchanges

Environmental and Spiritual Preservation.Nature and Life

VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run

Running for Donations – Giving Back to Society

Forest Restoration & Vegetarianism to Preserve the Environment

Chan and Pure Land Cultivation

Buddhist Wedding and Bodhi Couples Blessing Ceremony

International Buddha’s Light Young Adult Executive Conference

Australia & New Zealand Buddhist Youth Conference

BLIA Young Adult Division Asia Fellowship Meeting

BLIA World Scout Leader Consensus Meeting

BLIA World Scout Jamboree

Change the World and Benefit Humanity.Oneness and Coexistence

Hualien Earthquake Relief

Tree-planting for Environmental

Manmade and Natural Disasters ~ Emergency Rescue Relief

Charitable Donations Bring Warmth in the Winter Cold Blood


Clinic ~ Care for the Underprivileged



國際佛光會全球各協分會,遵循國際佛光會 世界大會各項決議案,在文化、教育、慈善、共修 方面,皆同心協力,全力以赴,來達成慈悲濟世、 化世益人的任務。

VegRun 公益路跑活動,每一洲各協會一棒接一 棒,將環保與慈善救濟結合;植樹、淨灘、清淨公園,推廣 素食,簽署「蔬食 A 計畫」,佛光人將「環保與心保」落實在日常生活中,更積 極接引更多人士參與。在慈善方面,幾乎動員所能發揮的機制與機緣,包括各種 慈善義舉、急難救助,都能與教育相結合,不僅僅只在物質上的救助,其中的教 育功能更具深遠意義。並以此特色,參與聯合國婦女委員會議 CSW 等,每每獲 得好評。

要成就任何一項活動,需要各組別分工合作,團結一致,為共同目標而努 力。團結對於個人修行和團體乃至社會,皆具有相當的重要性,團結的核心在於 「和合」。佛教僧團非常重視和合、六和敬,正如創會會長星雲大師所言:「一 個團體若能共同行持六和敬,就能發揮團體的力量。」團結不僅僅是人與人之間 的合作,更是心手相連的邁進。「團結就是力量」,一個和諧的團隊更能夠發揮 出比個體更大的力量,真正的團結需要建立在互相理解、尊重包容和無私奉獻的 基礎上,通過溝通與共識來達成共同的目標。

談到團結,「人我一如、自他不二」的理念非常重要,即個人與他人、個體 與整體之間的和合關係,團結共同建立發展人間佛教理念,就如〈惜別歌〉歌詞 「興教創業,全始全終,且喜志和道同」;通過團結,我們能夠擴大視野,從而 達到自我提升和開展胸懷與其他人交流互鑒。星雲大師曾說到團結:「容納異己 才能團結、分工合作才能團結、充實力量才能團結、犧牲奉獻才能團結」。

團結是「以大我和大局為重」,在團隊和福利社會活動中,理解他人的需 求、包容自他不足之處,達成共識,建立和諧默契迅速補位,是圓滿活動的重要 基石。而在此基礎上,團隊更能體認到,團結是一種修行,奮力磨去個人習氣, 更為契入四攝六度,讓自我與團體更加完善,從而為團結注入更深層次的意義。

Most Venerable Hsin Bau


Sinceancient times, successes resulting from unity are too many to count. BLIA chapters worldwide abide by the various resolutions reached at the General Conference in culture, education, charity, and cultivation. They collaborate with the same mind in progressing with full effort to fulfill the mission of providing society with compassion, and to change the world and benefit humanity.

With the VegRun Charity Run, chapters on each continent pass the baton from one to another, consolidating environmental preservation with charity by undertaking tree planting, beach cleaning, park cleanup, and promoting vegetarianism with pledges for Veg Plan A. BLIA members have actualized environmental and spiritual preservation in daily living, and are proactive in bringing more people to participate in the endeavor. In charity, almost all mechanisms and opportunities have been mobilized, including various charity activities and emergency rescue efforts, all of which are integrated with education. As such, not only material resources are provided in giving support, the significance of education within the relief effort is even more far-reaching. By participating with this unique characteristic in the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) Meeting, favorable reviews are often received.

In order to accomplish any activity, it takes the collaboration of different groups coming together in unity to work toward the common goal. Unity is of considerable importance for individual cultivation as well as for organizations and society. The core of unity lies in harmony; Buddhist sangha is very focused on harmony, the Six Points of Reverent Harmony. As stated by Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun, “If an organization can jointly uphold the Six Points of Reverent Harmony, then it can bring forth the strength of the organization.” Unity is not only the cooperation between individuals, it is more the progress made with the joining of hands and minds. “Unity is strength,” a harmonious team can bring forth even greater strength than an individual. True unity has to be based on mutual understanding, respect, and tolerance as well as selfless contribution; it is through communication and consensus that a shared goal can be reached.

Speaking of unity, the concept of “other and self are one; self and other are non-dual” is very important. It signifies the cooperative relationship between the individual self and another, and between the individual unit and the whole organization. Unity is to establish and develop the concepts of Humanistic Buddhism, as the lyrics of the Farewell Song indicated, “Prosper Buddhism with new undertakings, seeing it through to the end, rejoicing as like-minded hearts taking the same path.” Through unity, we can broaden our vista to sublimate ourselves and open our mind to have exchanges in learning from others. Venerable Master Hsing Yun had spoken about unity, “Unity can only be reached by embracing those who are different from us, by working together in cooperation, by fortifying our strength, and by making sacrifices and contributions.”

Unity is “taking the greater self and the bigger picture as focus.” Within the team and the activities for social well-being, we need to understand the needs of other people, and tolerate the inadequacies between self and other in order to reach consensus. Building harmony and connection to fill in any missing position is the cornerstone for fulfilling any activity. On this foundation, the team can further realize that unity is a form of cultivation; in the determination to reduce personal habitual tendencies, we connect deeper with the Four Means of Embracing and Six Perfections for perfecting both the self and the team. Hence, an even more profound significance can be instilled into unity.




水寺召開,這是非常殊勝難得的因緣, 記得過去世界理事會議,創會會長星雲大師也 曾經在 1994 年及 2002 年帶領全球佛光人到日本

東京召開,透過會議討論佛光會的未來展望與發 展,同時也藉由文化之旅,認識日本當地的風土民 情,開闊佛光人的視野,非常的有意義。

創會會長星雲大師,是一位非常有遠見的當代一位大師,大師創立了「國 際佛光會」這個國際性的組織,帶領佛光人在全球推展「人間佛教」理念,讓 「人間佛教」走入家庭、社會,更引導佛光人將佛法運用於日常生活當中,讓 生活更為幸福美滿。佛光人透過服務大眾,廣結善緣;對於天災人禍及需要幫 助的弱勢,給於關懷與物資的救助;大自然氣候變遷,佛光人積極參與植樹復 育森林、環保淨灘、推廣素食等,以盡棉薄之力保護地球。

時代科技不斷的進步,在這日新月異的時代,佛光人在與時俱進,學習 許多新科技的同時,也重視心靈佛法的指引,不但積極參與讀書會、禪淨共修 獻燈祈福法會、佛誕浴佛等淨化心靈的活動,更將星雲大師的「三好」、「四 給」、「五和」等理念落實於生活及活動當中,展現「人間佛教」的慈悲與智

慧,讓佛法成為生命重要的一部分。在傳唱「人間音緣」歌曲的同時,也將佛 教的美好,傳遞給社會大眾,以正能量影響更多的人。


期許我們都能延續創會會長星雲大師的精神理念,為人間佛法的弘揚,及社會 的和諧、世界的和平,作出更多的貢獻;以廣結善緣和行菩薩道的精神,造福 人間,共創美好的人間淨土!再次感謝大家!

Words of the Acting President

Establishing a Humanistic Pure Land Together

All BLIA members, auspicious greetings!

This year, extraordinary and precious conditions have come together for us to host the BLIA World Headquarters Board of Directors Meeting at Hosuiji Temple in Japan. I remember that back in 1994 and 2002, Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun was also in Tokyo, Japan with BLIA members worldwide for the General Conference. At these meaningful gatherings, we discussed BLIA’s vision and prospects for the future. Through the cultural tours, we learned about Japan’s social customs and expanded our horizons.

Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun was a great visionary of our era. With his establishment of the Buddha’s Light International Association, he led BLIA members across the world in the propagation of Humanistic Buddhism, bringing it into families and communities. He also guided BLIA members in applying the Dharma to bring more joy and fulfillment to daily life. BLIA members broadly form affinities with the community through acts of service. In the face of natural and man-made disasters, as well as the needy and underprivileged, they show concern and offer relief supplies. Amid climate change, they proactively participate in tree planting, reforestation, beach cleanups, and the promotion of vegetarianism, doing what little they can to protect the Earth.

Continuous technological advancements have brought about rapid change in this age. While BLIA members keep up with the times by learning new technologies, they have also followed the spiritual guidance of the Dharma. They proactively participate in study groups, Chan and Pure Land Light Offering Dharma Services, bathing the Buddha in celebration of the Buddha’s Birthday, and other events that purify the human mind. They actualize the Venerable Master’s teachings such as the Three Acts of Goodness, Four Givings, and Five Harmonies in daily life and at BLIA events. By demonstrating the compassion and wisdom of Humanistic Buddhism, they have made the Dharma an integral component of life. Through singing Sounds of the Human World songs, they spread the beauty and positivity of Buddhism to even more people.

Thank you, BLIA members around the world; it is due to your collective effort and dedication that BLIA’s contributions are recognized by many in society. I hope that we can carry Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s spirit and vision forward. Let us make more contributions to the propagation of Humanistic Buddhism, societal harmony, and world peace. By broadly forming affinities and following the bodhisattva path, let us benefit the world and establish a beautiful humanistic Pure Land together! Once again, thank you everyone!


與其說「國際佛光會」是一個佛教信徒的組織, 不如說它更像是創會會長 星雲大師為一群發 菩提心的三寶弟子們成立的一所「菩薩學校」。這 所學校教會我們從「利他」中完成「自利」,以 「佛法的內涵」為設計的課綱,以「眾生的幸福安 樂」為實踐的目標,於「人間的粹鍊」作為考試的 場域,在全球各地展開「服務奉獻」以作為「增上 心」的開展,困難與煩惱成為「出離心」的原動力, 最終體會「自他兩利」的「菩薩道」使人生不虛此行。

作為這所菩薩學校學生的我們,要知道「稟承佛陀教法,虔誠恭敬三寶;弘法 利生,覺世牖民。倡導生活佛教,建設佛光淨土;落實人間,慈悲濟世;恪遵佛法 遺制,融和五乘共法;修持三學,圓滿人格。發揮國際性格,從事文化教育;闊大 心胸,重視群我。」是為學校的「宗旨」。而「提倡人間佛教,建設佛光淨土,淨 化世道人心、實現世界和平」是為學生們努力的「目標」。創會會長 星雲大師勉勵 在這裡學習的每一個人都要有「信仰的根性,普及的特性,現代的適性,國際的廣 性。」之性格。走入人群裡面對各式各樣的因緣,要學習做個「同體的慈悲人,共 生的地球人,明理的智慧人,有力的忍耐人,施捨的結緣人,清淨的修道人,歡喜 的快樂人,以及融和的佛光人。」

在這所學校裡,透過分層負責的組織系統,有同參道友的通力合作,在每個人 自己所屬的國家、城市與道場精進學習,或為淨化心靈而參加「禪淨共修」,或在 「讀書會」的共學中明白經典的道理;我們也為氣候的變遷而推動「蔬食A計劃」, 為地球暖化而展開「 VegRun 公益路跑」。我們發心為窮人翻轉生命而贊助「好苗 子」助學,也透過「合唱團」的歌聲與「宣講員」的講述,分享著對佛法的喜悅。 我們獎勵「三好微電影」的導演們持續透過影片傳遞著人間的善美,更在世界大會 或理事會、各洲聯誼會裡結交諸上善人,聆聽著「人間佛教」在各地的具體行動。

感謝這所學校的輔導法師、督導、會長與所有發心佛光人,大家都以「無給 職」的身份成為神聖的「義工」;在這所學校裡,如朵朵的蓮池海會雲來集,最終 將在「菩薩道」的實踐中體證佛陀的教法而「覺悟有情」。

Buddha’s Light International Association is a School to “Enlighten Sentient Beings”

Instead of calling Buddha’s Light International Association an organization for Buddhist devotees, it is more like what Founding President, Venerable Master Hsing Yun had established for disciples of the Triple Gem who have given rise to the Bodhi mind, a “Bodhisattva School.” This school teaches us to fulfill the benefiting of self through benefiting others; the curriculum is based on the Dharma with the happiness and ease of sentient beings as the goal of application. The place of tests and exams is within being tempered in the world, with serving and contributing around the globe as the initiation of the mind to make progress. Hardships and worries are the motivation of the mind to renounce; in the end, it is the realization of the bodhisattva path of benefiting self and others for living a life that is not in vain.

As students of this bodhisattva school, we need to know the objectives of the school: “Uphold the Buddha’s teachings with respect and devotion to the Triple Gem; propagate the Dharma to benefit sentient beings, awakening the world and its people. Advocate living Buddhism to establish the Buddha’s light pure land; practice in the world by benefitting humanity. Observe the legacy of the Buddha’s teachings, harmonizing the five vehicles within the Dharma; cultivate the three-fold teachings to fulfill our character. Bring forth the international perspective to undertake endeavors in culture and education; broaden our mind and capacity in focusing on the self and community.” The goal for students to strive for is: “Advocate Humanistic Buddhism to establish the Buddha’s light pure land, purify social trends and people’s mind, and actualize world peace.” Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun encouraged every person learning here should have the following characteristics: “The fundamental root of faith, the uniqueness of universality, the adaptability of modernization, and the breadth of internationalization.” In facing various causes and conditions as we go with the multitude, we learn to be: “a compassionate person of oneness, a global citizen of coexistence, a wise person of reasoning, a patient person of strength, a giving person of affinity, a cultivating person of purity, a happy person of joy, and a Buddha’s Light person of harmony.”

In this school, through the organization of layered responsibilities and the collaboration of fellow practitioners of the Way, we learn diligently at the temple in our own country or city. We participate in “Chan and Pure Land Cultivation” for spiritual purification, or learn together in reading groups for understanding the principles in the sutras. We promote Veg Plan A for climate change, and launch the VegRun Charity Run because of global warming. We sponsor Seeds of Hope to support needy students in education so they can turn their lives around. Through singing in choirs and speaking as Humanistic Buddhism Speakers, we share our joy in the Dharma. We encourage directors of the Three Acts of Goodness Microfilms to keep spreading the kindness and beauty in the world through movies. Furthermore, we make friends with various good people at General Conferences, Board of Directors Meetings, and Fellowship Meetings on the different continents, listening to the practical actions taken within Humanistic Buddhism in different parts of the world.

We thank the school’s monastic advisors, elder advisors, presidents, and all BLIA members for their resolve; all of us have become sacred volunteers with the position of a “no-pay job.” In this school, it is the gathering of many lotus flowers and auspicious clouds; in the end, through actualization of the bodhisattva path, we realize the Buddha’s teachings to enlighten all sentient beings.

Buddha’s Light Honor and Achievements

澳洲雪梨協會 為創會會長註冊「星雲大師」星星

BLIA Sydney, Australia Names a Star After Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun


年 2 月 5 日雪梨協會為了紀念創會會長星雲大 師,在國際太空登記處註冊一顆恆星,命名為 「Venerable Master Hsing Yun 星雲大師」星星,並

由雪梨協會會長胡命安、副會長陳林彬,於2023年10 月 8 日世界會員代表大會「緬懷星雲大師」典禮上, 以「一顆永恆的星」命名證書,獻禮尊敬的創會會長 星雲大師。這顆「星雲大師」恆星位於南半球南十字 座( Crux ) 161434338 的範圍內,星星的天文驗證 位置是赤經12時44分18.12秒,赤緯-56°28'35.68", 亮度10.1470000。盼佛光人在緬懷想念星雲大師時, 仰望星空,即能看到「星雲大師」在夜空中閃耀,照 亮大地。

On February 5, 2023, in remembrance of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun, BLIA Sydney named a star with the Star Name Registry with the name “Venerable Master Hsing Yun.”

On October 8, 2023, at the BLIA General Conference, BLIA Sydney President Daniel Wu and Vice President George Chen, presented the “Star Name Deed to the Eternal Star,” to our honorable Founding President Ven. Master Hsing Yun. The star Venerable Master Hsing Yun is located in the boundary of 161434338 in the constellation Crux. Its right ascension is 12h 44m 18.12s, its declination is -56° 28' 35.68", and its magnitude is 10.1470000. BLIA Sydney hopes that when BLIA members remember the Venerable Master, they can raise their heads and see the Venerable Master’s star in the night sky shining across the land.

世界總會理事心定和尚 獲頒「慈善公益最佳貢獻獎」

World Headquarters Director Most Venerable Hsin Ting Receives the Best Contribution to Charity and Philanthropy Award

月 26 日泰國曼谷市政府舉行「 2023 年慈善公益最佳貢獻獎

表揚大會」,世界總會理事暨泰華寺住持心定和尚獲頒「慈 善公益最佳貢獻獎」,由於泰國政府官員尊敬出家人,獎盃由查 察‧西提潘親自送到世界總會理事暨泰華寺住持心定和尚座位。

心定和尚到泰國建寺後,對當地貢獻良多,於 2018 年頒發獎學金 予空三哇區 18 所小學,捐贈輪椅、藥物及病床給市府醫院,為清 道夫做意外保險等。秉持星雲大師「佛教本土化」之理念,幫助 弱勢族群,融入社會。

On December 26, Thailand’s Bangkok Metropolitan Administration hosted the 2023 Recognition Ceremony for the Best Contribution to Charity and Philanthropy Award. At the ceremony, World Headquarters Director and Thaihua Temple Abbot Most Venerable Hsin Ting received the Best Contribution to Charity and Philanthropy Award. In demonstrating the Thai government’s respect for monastics, Governor Chadchart Sittipunt personally brought the trophy to the seat of World Headquarters Director and Thaihua Temple Abbot Most Venerable Hsin Ting. Since arriving in Thailand to oversee the construction of Thaihua Temple, Most Venerable Hsin Ting has made many contributions to the local community. In 2018, he awarded scholarships to 18 primary schools in the district of Khlong Sam Wa; donated wheelchairs, medication, and beds to metropolitan hospitals; and provided accident insurance to street cleaners. His aid to the underprivileged and integration with society are in accordance with Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s vision of the localization of Buddhism.



World Headquarters Director JP Wang Recognized with Outstanding Overseas Taiwanese SME Award from the President and an Honorary Doctorate from National Taiwan Ocean University

On November 7, 2023, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Overseas Community Affairs Council, and National Association of Small and Medium Enterprises R.O.C. jointly hosted the Awards Ceremony of the 32nd National Award of Outstanding SMEs and the 25th Outstanding Overseas Taiwanese SMEs Award. Golden Star Technology, founded by World Headquarters Director JP Wang, has been a leader in global information technology solutions. Director Wang’s outstanding accomplishments earned him the Outstanding Overseas Taiwanese SME Award personally presented by President Tsai Ing-wen.

On June 1, 2024, World Headquarters Director JP Wang was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from National Taiwan Ocean University by President Tai-Wen Hsu. Regarding the honor, President Hsu praised him for his passion for philanthropy, cultivation of students, contributions to fostering academic exchanges between Taiwanese and American universities, and being a bridge between the government and industries at home and abroad.


年 11 月 7 日由經濟部、僑務委員會 及中華民國全國中小企業總會共同舉 辦的「第 32 屆國家磐石獎暨第 25 屆海外 臺商磐石獎」頒獎典禮,世界總會理事王 家培創立的吉星科技公司( Golden Star Technology , GST ),為全球 IT 解決方案 的領航者,其卓越的成就獲選海外台商中 小企業「國家磐石獎」,由總統蔡英文特 別親臨頒獎。 2024 年 6 月 1 日世界總會理事 王家培榮獲國立臺灣海洋大學「名譽博士 學位」,由許泰文校長頒發,表彰其熱心 公益培育學子、促進台灣地區與美國兩地 大學學術交流的貢獻,並扮演政府與海內 外產業間溝通橋樑,獲頒此榮耀。

創會會長星雲大師英文著作 榮獲銀牌

English Translation of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Book Won the Silver Award

創會會長星雲大師著作《佛教管理學》經國際翻譯中心翻譯為英文後,美國佛光出版 社在 2023 年以精裝出版英文版“ Timeless Management ~ Buddhism for Life and Cultivation",榮獲2024年Living Now Awards Enlightenment /Spirituality「活在當下獎」 的「覺悟靈性」項目銀牌獎。 Living Now Awards 活在當下獎,是美國具 30 年評鑑圖書的

Independent Publishers (獨立出版社)其中一獎項,提供大眾對生活品質、心靈建康、 個人身心發展等有幫助的好書。美國佛光出版社書籍歷年屢獲金銀銅牌獎,顯見人間佛教 的學說,已獲美國出版界認同。

In 2023, Buddha's Light Publications USA Corp published Timeless Management: Buddhism for Life and Cultivation , a book by Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun that was translated into English by the FGS International Translation Center. The book won a Silver Medal in the Enlightenment/ Spirituality category of the 2024 Living Now Awards. The Living Now Awards is one of several awards presented by Independent Publishers, an American organization that has presented awards to books for three decades. It is presented to books that contribute to people’s quality of life, spiritual health, and personal development. Buddha's Light Publications USA Corp has received many Gold, Silver, and Bronze medals over the years, a testament to the American publishing industry’s recognition of Humanistic Buddhism.


中華總會 獲頒「社會團體公益貢獻 金質獎」

BLIA Chunghua Recognized with the Social Group Philanthropic Contribution Golden Quality Award

月 15 日「 2023 年全國性社會團體公益貢獻獎及績優


文教會館卓越堂舉行,表揚 10 個社會團體公益貢獻金質 獎團體、 20 個銀質獎團體、 3 個特優職業團體、 10 個優等 職業團體、 7 個甲等職業團體,以及 9 名優良會務工作人

員。中華總會獲頒「社會團體公益貢獻」最高類別「金質 獎」殊榮,總會長趙怡從行政院長陳建仁手裡接下獎牌。

佛光會 2021 年即曾榮獲金質獎肯定,今年再度獲獎,且 為宗教服務類唯一兩度獲獎團體。

On September 15, 2023, the annual National Social Group Philanthropic Contribution Awards and Outstanding Professional Group Recognition Ceremony was held at the Howard Civil Service International House’s Excellence Hall. At the ceremony, ten Golden Quality Award groups, twenty Silver Quality Award groups, three High Distinction professional groups, ten Excellence professional groups, seven First Class professional groups, and nine Outstanding Institute Operations staff were recognized. BLIA Chunghua received the most prestigious Social Group Philanthropic Contribution Golden Award, and President Chao Yi accepted the medal from Executive Yuan Premier Chen Chien-jen. BLIA received the Golden Award in 2021; with the 2023 award, it is the only religious organization with two awards.

BLIA Chunghua Won Second Place in the Carbon Reduction Action Awards 中華總會 獲頒「減碳行動獎」第二名


年 12 月 19 日經濟部國際貿易署舉辦「永續

會展 邁向淨零」成果發表會暨「永續會展獎頒 獎典禮」,國際佛光會中華總會在「世界地球日暨 世界書香日系列活動」中,因以實際行動落實森林 復育、種植千棵樹木,同時蔬食用餐,全無使用一 次性餐具,讓減碳成效高達282.18噸,一舉摘下永 續會展獎「減碳行動獎」第二名佳績,由綠色公益 基金會執行長暨世界總會檀講師戴慶華代表受獎。

On December 19, 2023, the International Trade Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs hosted the Sustainable MICE, Taking Strides Towards Net Zero Sharing Event and the Sustainable MICE Awards Ceremony. At the World Earth Day and Book Fair, BLIA Chunghua planted 1,000 trees to take a concrete step towards reforestation, and provided vegetarian meals without the use of disposable utensils. It achieved a reduction of carbon emissions by 282.18 metric tons, earning it second place in the Carbon Reduction Action Awards category of the Sustainable MICE Awards. Pure Green Foundation CEO and World Headquarters Lay Dharma Lecturer Anderson Tai received the award on behalf of BLIA Chunghua.

新加坡佛光山與佛光會 獲頒「人民協會社區精神表揚獎」

Fo Guang Shan Singapore and BLIA Singapore Recognized with the People's Association Community Spirit Excellence Award


民,每年由人民協會頒發社區服務精神表揚獎於有功的團 體。新加坡佛光山及國際佛光會新加坡協會,多年來為社區及 弱勢團體所付出的努力和貢獻再度獲得肯定,繼 2017 、 2018 、 2019 及 2023 年之後,於今年 2024 年 7 月 18


Ballroom 再度榮獲「人民協會社區精神表揚獎」,由新加坡文 化、社區及青年部長兼律政部第二部長唐振輝頒發,新加坡佛 光山住持妙穆法師及新加坡協會會長蘇政文接受表揚。

In the effort to encourage private enterprises, schools, and charity groups to benefit society, the People's Association of the Government of Singapore presents the Community Spirit Awards annually to groups with major contributions. For many years, FGS Singapore and BLIA Singapore have dedicated their efforts and contributions to the community and the underprivileged. On July 18, 2024, following their recognitions in 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2023, FGS Singapore and BLIA Singapore once again received the People’s Association Community Spirit Award at the Orchard Hotel Ballroom. Minister for Culture, Community and Youth and Second Minister for Law Edwin Tong presented the award. FGS Singapore Abbess Venerable Miao Mu and BLIA Singapore President Saw Cheng Boon received the award.

加拿大多倫多協會義工 獲頒「傳承獎」

BLIA Toronto, Canada Volunteers Receive the Legacy Award


年 6 月 22 日加拿大參議員胡子修於萬錦市政廳,為多倫 多各社區團體義工近350人頒發「Legacy Award傳承獎」,

胡參議員在典禮中表達對所有義工的肯定,並鼓勵所有新移民 共同努力關懷社區,團結力量反對任何種族歧視,在加國打造 美麗家園祥和社會。這個獎項是送給義工們最上的殊榮。多倫 多佛光山共50名資深義工獲此殊榮,住持覺凡法師帶領佛光人 出席頒獎典禮,表示對大家一師一道的精神、對佛光山的護 持、對創會會長星雲大師教導的堅持而感動,這是體現集體 創作的精神,亦是佛光山所提倡的成就歸於大眾。

On June 22, 2024, at the Markham Civic Centre, Senator Victor Oh of Canada presented nearly 350 Legacy Awards to volunteers from various community groups in Toronto. At the ceremony, Senator Oh expressed his recognition for the efforts of all volunteers present. He encouraged new immigrants to care for the community together, combat racial discrimination, and build a beautiful home and harmonious community in Canada. At the ceremony, Abbess Venerable Chueh Fan led 50 senior volunteers from FGS Toronto to receive this utmost honor. Venerable Chueh Fan was moved by the volunteers’ spirit of following one teacher and one path, support of Fo Guang Shan, and commitment to Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s teachings. This is a demonstration of the spirit of collective effort, as well as Fo Guang Shan’s philosophy of “success going to the community.”

加拿大多倫多協會義工 獲頒「自願服務獎」

BLIA Toronto, Canada Volunteers Recognized with the Volunteer Service Award

年 5 月 9 日多倫多協會義工於密西沙加會議中心舉行的 「 2024 年安大略省志願服務獎」表彰典禮中接受表揚,分 別獲得安大略省省議員MPP Rudy Cuzzetto、公民和多元文化 部 / 利害關係人和核心小組關係總監 Mark Pelayo ,頒發徽章及 證書,表彰佛光人作為志願服務者的承諾和奉獻精神。安大略 省省長Doug Ford透過影片,感謝所有志願者的付出,讓安省 成為更美好及適合居住的地方。獲獎的8 位佛光義工皆感謝常 住的肯定,讓自己能在道場種福田、結善緣。

On May 9, 2024, BLIA Toronto volunteers were recognized at the 2024 Ontario Volunteer Service Awards ceremony, held at the Mississauga Convention Centre. They received badges and certificates from Rudy Cuzzetto, MPP and Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism Director of Stakeholder and Caucus Relations Mark Pelayo, demonstrating BLIA members’ promise to the community and spirit of contribution. Ontario Premier Doug Ford recorded a video thanking the volunteer’s efforts towards making Ontario a more beautiful and livable place. The eight BLIA volunteers who received the award expressed their gratitude for the temple’s recognition, allowing them to cultivate their fields of merit and form wholesome affinities.

BLIA Ottawa, Canada Volunteers Receive the Legacy Award 加拿大渥太華協會義工 獲頒「傳承獎」

年 5 月 25 日加拿大聯邦參議員胡子修在國會山莊,為來

自渥太華和蒙特利爾的170名獲獎者頒發「Legacy Award傳 承獎」。渥太華協會共有14位佛光人獲此殊榮,世界總會(美東) 副秘書長永固法師、妙齊法師及獲獎會員應邀出席。該獎項旨 在表彰在社區及加拿大各個領域做出傑出貢獻的人士、逾200人 與會。副秘書長永固法師讚歎渥太華佛光山的義工團隊正在迅 速成長,胡子修藉此向默默耕耘、無私奉獻的人們致敬。

On May 25, 2024, at the Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Senator Victor Oh of Canada presented the Legacy Award to 170 volunteers from Ottawa and Montreal; fourteen BLIA Ottawa members received the honor. World Headquarters Deputy Secretary General America East, Venerable Yung Ku, Venerable Miao Qi, and the awarded members were invited to the ceremony. The award recognizes those who have made outstanding contribution in different areas in society in Canada. Venerable Yung Ku offered kudos to the FGS Ottawa volunteer team for its rapid growth; Senator Oh paid his high respects to the volunteers’ selfless contribution.

美國西方寺獲海軍陸戰隊 頒發「總統義工服務獎」

FGS Hsi Fang Temple, USA Receives the President’s Volunteer Service Award from the United States Marine Corps

2024年4月30日聖地牙哥海軍陸戰隊培訓基地舉辦義工感恩會,佛光 山西方寺監寺妙藏法師、知晴法師及英語弘法義工 Denny 和 David 受 邀參加,約百餘人出席。西方寺自 2021 年由監寺妙藏法師帶領英語 弘法義工團隊,定期到基地弘法佈教、帶領禪修,並舉辦皈依三寶典 禮,撫慰募兵心靈。西方寺在2023年為基地服務超過100小時,法師 及義工的服務受肯定,榮獲「總統義工服務獎」。總司令詹姆斯萊恩 斯準將,致詞感謝並肯定義工的奉獻,讓募兵身心安定,完成艱辛的 訓練,功不可沒,並表示自己也要學習「做義工的義工」。

On April 30, 2024, the San Diego Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) hosted a Volunteer Appreciation Ceremony. FGS Hsi Fang Temple’s Superintendent Venerable Miao Zang, Venerable Zhi Ching, and English Dharma propagation volunteers Denny and David were invited to join more than 100 people at the event. Since 2021, Hsi Fang Temple Superintendent Venerable Miao Zang has led a team of English Dharma propagation volunteers to the MCRD for regular Dharma services, leading meditation sessions and conducting refuge ceremonies; these activities have provided spiritual comfort to the recruits. In 2023, Hsi Fang Temple had exceeded 100 hours of service at the MCRD. In recognition of the efforts of the monastics and volunteers, they were awarded “The President's Volunteer Service Award.” Brigadier General James Ryans thanked the volunteers for their invaluable contributions in putting the recruits’ body and mind at ease, as well as helping them complete their grueling training; he himself wanted to learn to “serve those who serve.”


美國奧斯汀協會 獲頒「蓮花獎」

BLIA Austin, USA Receives the Lotus Award

年 10 月 31 日奧斯汀協會輔導覺繼法師、協會會長劉清等人,受邀出席由 AFSSA 主辦 之「絲綢之路慶祝會-Silk Road Gala」交流活動,會上AFSSA授予香雲寺及奧斯汀協會 年度「蓮花獎」,由 AFSSA 主席 Darlene Lanham 頒贈,協會輔導覺繼法師和劉清代表上台 受獎,以表彰其對於AFSSA公益項目的合作與支持。AFSSA團體長期幫助亞裔弱勢群體走出 家庭暴力的陰影,提供翻譯和法律咨詢服務,協助維護自身合法權益,香雲寺及奧斯汀協會 長期給予該團體支持而表揚。

On October 13, 2023, BLIA Austin monastic advisor Venerable Jue Ji, BLIA Austin President Liu Qing, and others were invited to the Asian Family Support Services of Austin (AFSSA) Silk Road Gala. At the gala, AFSSA Executive Director Darlene Lanham presented the Lotus Award to FGS Xiang Yun Temple and BLIA Austin in recognition of their cooperation and support for AFSSA’s public service initiatives. BLIA Austin monastic advisor Venerable Jue Ji and BLIA Austin President Liu Qing received the award. Since its establishment, AFSSA has assisted underprivileged Asian families dealing with domestic violence, safeguarding victims’ legal rights by providing translation services and legal counseling.

巴西如來寺 再次獲貓途鷹「優等證書」

Templo Zu Lai, Brazil Once Again Receives Tripadvisor Certificate of Excellence

年 7 月 2 日巴西如來寺再次榮獲 Tripadvisor 貓途鷹網站頒發「 2024 年優等證書」。

貓途鷹網站頒發之「優等證書名人堂」獎章,須連續 5 年獲得貓途鷹網站頒發「優等 證書」方能獲得。如來寺自2014年連續5年獲得「優等證書」,並於2018年進入「優等證 書名人堂」,今再次獲得「優等證書」。榮獲此證書被譽為世界前10%首選之旅遊聖地, 據科提亞市旅遊局局長Nelson Broering稱,許多遊客因到訪如來寺而認識了科提亞市,如 來寺帶動了當地旅遊業,提升了該市的知名度。

On July 2, 2024, FGS Templo Zu Lai, Brazil once again received Tripadvisor Certificate of Excellence. For an establishment to be inducted in Tripadvisor Hall of Fame, it has to receive the Certificate of Excellence for five consecutive years. Templo Zu Lai first received the Certificate of Excellence in 2014, and after receiving it for four more years in a row, it was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2018. With this year’s Certificate of Excellence, Templo Zu Lai has established itself as one of the top 10% travel destinations in the world. According to Cotia Secretary of Tourism Nelson Broering, Templo Zu Lai has revitalized Cotia’s tourism industry and raised its popularity; many tourists have gained a deeper understanding of Cotia after visiting Templo Zu Lai.

FGS South America Chief Abbess Venerable Miao You Certified as a Union of Brazilian Scouts Buddhism Instructor 南美洲總住持妙佑法師


年7月13日至19日巴西童軍聯盟舉行巴西國家童軍成立100週 年慶暨國家童軍大露營 Jamboree 。 7 月 14 日巴西童軍聯盟特別

於開幕儀式前,為佛教舉辦一場授證儀式,由聯盟主席 Ivan Alves do Nascimento、第二副主席Carmen Barreira和童軍行政委員會主 任Daniela De Oliveira Rodrigues Gomes共同授予南美洲總住持妙 佑法師「巴西國家童軍團佛教導師」證書,期許未來能為全國 10 萬童軍提供淨化人心的佛教常識和教義。妙佑法師感謝巴西國家 童軍給予機會為巴西童軍服務,並表示創會會長星雲大師積極推 動童軍活動,於全球 14 個國家成立 75 個佛光童軍團,由於童軍與 佛教有很多相同理念,期許在巴西共同創造人間真、善、美。

From July 13 to 19, 2024, União dos Escoteiros do Brasil (Union of Brazilian Scouts, or UEB) hosted its centennial anniversary and jamboree. On July 14, before the event’s opening ceremony, the UEB hosted a special certification ceremony where Director-President Ivan Alves do Nascimento, Director Second Vice President Carmen Barreira, and National Board of Directors President Daniela De Oliveira Rodrigues Gomes jointly certified FGS South America Chief Abbess Venerable Miao You as a UEB Buddhism Instructor. The certification was given with the hopes that Venerable Miao You can purify the minds of the 100,000 Scouts across Brazil with Buddhist fundamentals and teachings. Venerable Miao You thanked the UEB for giving her a chance to serve Brazilian scouts. She indicated that Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun actively promoted scouting; there are currently 75 Buddha's Light Scout Troops across fourteen countries. Through the many shared values between Scouting and Buddhism, Venerable Miao You hopes to bring truth, virtue, and beauty to the land of Brazil.

馬來西亞聯合會秘書長如彬法師 獲聘「柔佛州宗教和諧委員會」成員

BLIA Malaysia Federation Secretary General Venerable Ru Bin Appointed as a Member of the Johor Inter-Faith Harmony Committee


年 10 月 18 日馬來西亞聯合會秘書長如彬法師,被任命為 2023 至 2025 年「柔佛州宗教和諧委員會」成員之一,協助 州政府杜絕以宗教名義造成的問題。在柔佛州衛生與團結事務委 員會主席林添順召集下,同日出席柔佛州宗教和諧委員會 2023 年第一次會議。林添順會後也與道教、馬來西亞佛教總會、新馬 寺等代表,商討近日以宗教名義發生之社會議題,馬來西亞南馬 協會副會長林晉漢陪同出席。

On October 18, 2023, BLIA Malaysia Federation Secretary General Venerable Ru Bin was appointed as a member of the Johor Inter-Faith Harmony Committee from 2023 to 2025. In this role, she will assist the government in resolving issues that arise in the name of religion. On the same day, she attended the first meeting of Johor Inter-Faith Harmony Committee in 2023, led by Johor Health and Unity Committee Chairman Ling Tian Soon. Chairman Ling later met with representatives from Daoism, the Malaysian Buddhist Association, and Hsingma Temple to discuss recent social issues that arose in the name of religion. BLIA BLIA Malaysia South Vice President Lim Chin Hun accompanied Venerable Ru Bin at the meeting.

世界理事Miguel Pereira Neto


World Headquarters Director Miguel Pereira Neto’s Portuguese Translation of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Work is Officially Published


年7月12日世界理事Miguel Pereira Neto翻譯之創會會長星雲大師葡文《人間佛教 何處尋》著作,在如來寺的支持下正式出版。身為律師的 Miguel 理事,常年於如來寺

分享學佛心得,樂於將法律專業知識與佛法結合,在司法領域實踐人間佛教的理念,為民 眾捍衛權益,發揮菩薩救苦救難的精神。工作忙碌之餘,他將所閱讀的英文版星雲大師著 作Where Is The Way《人間佛教何處尋》翻譯成葡萄牙文,經過翻譯中心的潤飾、校對及 排版,終於出版,為星雲大師巴西葡萄牙文系列著作,增添新彩。

On July 12, 2024, World Headquarters Director Miguel Pereira Neto’s Portuguese translation of Founding President Ven. Master Hsing Yun’s Where is the Way? Humanistic Buddhism for Everyday Life was officially published with the support of Templo Zu Lai. Director Neto, who works as a lawyer, has constantly shared his reflections from learning Buddhism at Zu Lai temple, as well as actualizing the values of Humanistic Buddhism by protecting people’s rights in his legal practice. His actions exemplify the bodhisattva’s spirit of helping those undergoing suffering and hardship. He used the limited spare time from his busy schedule to translate Where is the Way? Humanistic Buddhism for Everyday Life , itself an English translation, into Portuguese. After going through editing, proofreading, and layout design from the Translation Center, the translation was finally published, adding to the collection of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s works in Brazilian Portuguese.

紐西蘭佛光山住持滿信法師 獲奧克蘭報刊專訪

Fo Guang Shan New Zealand Abbess Venerable Man Hsin Interviewed by New Zealand Magazine

奧克蘭報刊《 Eastlife 》主編 Farida Master 日


內容《 Times 》、《 Eastlife 》同步於 3 月 27 日刊

登,帶領讀者一探遠從東方台灣佛光山而來的人 間佛教理念,如何在奧克蘭生根,影響著奧克蘭 東區文化面貌。滿信法師講述對人間佛教的熱愛

和信念,並談到成功並非個人的成就,而是社區 集體力量的展現;佛教不是排外的,佛光山希望 將人們聚集在一起,發揮個人的潛能,並產生積 極的態度成為人間生活的實踐者。

The March 27 issues of the Auckland-based Times and Eastlife magazines featured an interview with FGS New Zealand Abbess Venerable Man Hsin, conducted by Eastlife Editor Farida Master. The interview touches on how the values of Humanistic Buddhism coming from Fo Guang Shan in Taiwan took root in Auckland, as well as how Humanistic Buddhism has influenced the cultural landscape of East Auckland. Sharing her passion and faith in Humanistic Buddhism, Venerable Man Hsin stated that “success isn’t about individual accomplishment, but the collective power of the community.” Additionally, she mentioned that “Buddhism is not exclusive; we at Fo Guang Shan hope to bring people together to develop their own potential and generate a positive attitude,” and in turn actualize Humanistic Buddhism in life.



BLIA Chennai, India President Geetha Kumari Interviewed by Indian Magazine


年 7 月 28 日印度清奈協會會長吉達古瑪莉獲印度當地雜誌刊 登專訪,並刊登為封面人物。吉達古瑪莉協會長是當地著名的 詩人、演說家、作家、翻譯員及教師,並曾於2010年榮獲「印度泰 米爾最佳教師獎」。雜誌專訪主題為「在聯合國內響起的泰米爾之 聲音」,闡述如何在貧困不幸的童年,努力學習改變命運;如何將 失去兒子的悲痛轉化為大愛,幫助更多低收入家庭的學生以教育改變命運,乃至於加入國際佛 光會給予的救援及國際的平台,讓其能踏上聯合國婦女委員平行會議現身說法,分享「佛光希 望之村」的教育計劃。

On July 28, 2024, an interview with BLIA Chennai, India President Geetha Kumari was published in an Indian magazine; President Kumari herself was featured on the cover of the magazine. President Geetha Kumari is a renowned poet, speaker, author, translator, and teacher in the region. In 2010, she received the India Tamil Best Teacher Award. The theme of the interview was “The Sounds of Tamil in the United Nations”; Kumari talks about her journey of trying to change her fate during her childhood of poverty and misfortune, transforming the sorrow of losing her son into great love, helping more students from low-income families turn their lives around with education, finding a platform for international aid and exchange in BLIA, and finally sharing the Buddha’s Light Hope Village educational initiative at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women forum.

中華佛光童軍 獲頒「全國績優獎」

Chunghua Buddha's Light Scouts Recognized with the National Excellence Award


年 3 月 3


於教育部陽明山七星苗圃舉行「 113 年童軍節慶 祝大會」,中華佛光童軍團:竹東、永和、員林、彰 化、屏東、日光、大林、福山、豐原、新營、慧慈、 南屏、普賢、小港、金門等 15 個佛光童軍團,獲頒全 國績優童軍團。桃園佛光團鍾宇翔、惠中佛光團陳冠 勇獲童軍最高榮譽國花獎章。總統蔡英文讚許童軍運 動在品德養成、技能提升、人我關係擴展上的貢獻。

On March 3, 2024, under the guidance of the Ministry of Education, the General Association of the Scouts of China (Taiwan) hosted the 2024 Scouts Day Celebration at the Ministry of Education’s Qixing Miaopu Recreation Area at Yangmingshan. Fifteen Buddha’s Light Scout Troops—Zhudong, Yonghe, Yuanlin, Changhua, Pingtung, Riguang, Dalin, Fushan, Fengyan, Xinying, Huici, Nanping, Puxian, Siaogang, and Kinmen—received National Excellence Awards. Chong Yu-xiang from Taoyuan Buddha’s Light Scouts and Chen Guan-yong from Hui Chung Buddha’s Light Scouts received the National Flower Award, the highest honor for Scouts. President Tsai Ing-wen commended the Scout Movement’s contributions toward cultivating morals, developing skills, and expanding interpersonal relationships.

美國西來女童軍 獲頒「美國總統義工服務獎」

Members of Hsi Lai Girl Scouts, USA Receive the President’s Volunteer Service Award


年1月28日佛光西來女童軍共5人於2023年總共積累889小時義工服務,獲得「美國 總統義工服務獎」,青少年組金獎得獎者為 Vienna Koo Wang,Yuhan Wu 和 Evelyn Tse,服務時數滿100小時;青年組金獎得獎者 Molly Huang 和 Allison Chieh,服務時數超

過 250 小時,由童軍輔導知三法師於西來寺為 5 位女童軍頒發獎項及總統祝賀信,勉勵發 揮潛力,自許為社區服務貢獻,近30人與會。

On January 28, 2024, five members of Buddha's Light Hsi Lai Girl Scouts received the President’s Volunteer Service Award, in recognition of their 889 cumulative hours of volunteer service in 2023. The recipients of the Youth Group Gold Award— Vienna Koo Wang, Yuhan Wu, and Evelyn Tse—each achieved 100 hours of volunteer service, and the recipients of the Young Adult Group Gold Award—Molly Huang and Allison Chieh— each surpassed 250 hours of volunteer service. Girl Scouts

Monastic Advisor Venerable Zhi San presented the awards and the President’s congratulatory letters; she encouraged the Scouts members to utilize their potential and serve the community. Nearly 30 people attended the ceremony.

Brazil Buddha’s Light Scouts Receives the Certificate 巴西佛光童軍團 獲頒「環境優良實踐」證書


年 6 月 6 日為慶祝世界環境日, Cotia 市環境

與農業委員會於Cotia市議廳召開Cotia市環境委 員會會議,頒發「環境優良實踐」證書,表揚 30 多 個團體,副市長 Angela Maluf 等 120 人出席。巴西 516 佛光童軍團獲獎,由佛光童軍輔導滿樂法師、 許永隆協會長、佛光童軍總監 Rose Lacerda 代表領 獎。 Rose 表示, 516 佛光童軍本著師父上人教導, 落實三好,未來也會繼續努力推廣環保意識。

On June 6, 2024, to celebrate World Environment Day, the Cotia Environment and Agriculture Committee hosted a Cotia Environment Committee meeting at the Cotia City Council. Cotia Vice Mayor Angela Maluf was among the 120 attendees present. At the meeting, the Outstanding Environmental Implementation Award was given to more than 30 groups, including the Brazil 516 Buddha's Light Scouts. Buddha’s Light Scouts monastic advisor Man Le, Chapter President Xu Yong Long, and Buddha's Light Scouts Director Rose Lacerda received the award on behalf of the Scouts. Director Lacerda noted that Brazil 516 Buddha's Light Scouts practices the Three Acts of Goodness according to Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s teaching, and will continue striving to promote environmentalism in the future.



Coexistence and Coprosperity

Consensus and Openness



日」於 2 月 24 日及 25 日一連兩天, 舉辦追思典禮、「話說星雲大師—談身教與 言教」及〈浩瀚星雲〉音樂劇,各界人士、 佛光人等計 2,600 人次出席,並有海內外逾 40,000 人次線上直播參與。

「大家發心奉行人間佛教、建設人間淨 土,就是對星雲大師最好的懷念。」創會會 長星雲大師以 97 歲的一生為世間留下了無盡 的慧燈及法寶,在 2 月 24 日圓寂一周年的元 宵節裡,由世界總會總會長心保和尚、泰華 寺住持暨世界總會理事心定和尚及世界總會 理事心培和尚主持追思法會,並播放「人間 最永恆的那顆星」星雲大師-行狀影片。

世界總會榮譽總會長吳伯雄、立法院院 長韓國瑜、高雄市長陳其邁等出席並致詞。


我們的實在太多太多了,興建這麼多修行的道 場,讓我們可以安身立命;給我們佛教事業, 讓我們可以為佛教發心。大師希望佛教能夠興 隆,因此我們僧信二眾更要努力將人間佛教的 理念延續及傳揚出去。」

「話說星雲大師—談身教與言教」由世界 總會理事暨泰華寺住持心定和尚帶領讀誦「為 佛光星公祈願文」,僧信互勉為發揚人間佛教 而努力,並由世界總會體育發展委員會副主委 暨菲律賓佛光山總住持永光法師、( 東南亞 ) 副秘書長覺誠法師、港澳深教區總住持永富法 師、中區總住持覺居法師、新媒體發展委員會 副主委妙熙法師等人與談,分享創會會長星雲 大師之身教與言教及啟發。世界總會副總會長 劉招明、署理會長慈容法師、理事依空法師、 理事趙辜懷箴、秘書長覺培法師等與會。



On February 24, 2024, World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, World Headquarters Directors Most Venerable Hsin Ting and Most Venerable Hsin Pei presided over the memorial service, leading the participants in chanting sutras and commemorating the Venerable Master.

Remembering Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun

Memorial Day for the First Anniversary of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Passing Away

On February 24 and 25, to commemorate the Memorial Day for the First Anniversary of Fo Guang Shan Founding Master—Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Passing Away, a memorial service, the session, “Remembering Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Teaching Through His Speech and Self-Examples,” and a performance of Star and Cloud The Musical were held. About 2,600 BLIA members and others from the community attended in person, while 40,000 participants around the world joined via livestream.

“Resolve to practice Humanistic Buddhism and establish a humanistic Pure Land. This is the best way for us to remember Venerable Master Hsing Yun.” Over the course of his 97-year life, Founding Master Venerable Master Hsing Yun has left this world with inexhaustible wisdom lamps and Dharma treasures. On February 24, the day of the Lantern Festival, World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, World Headquarters Director and FGS Thaihua Temple Abbot Most Venerable Hsin Ting, and World Headquarters Director Most Venerable Hsin Pei presided over a memorial service to commemorate the first anniversary of the Venerable Master’s passing away, and playing The Everlasting Star in Humanity, a video on the Venerable Master’s deeds throughout his life.

World Headquarters Honorary President Wu Pohsiung, Legislative Yuan President Han Kuo-yu, Kaohsiung City Mayor Chen Chi-mai, and other distinguished guests attended the event and gave their remarks. World

Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau offered these words of encouragement, “The Venerable Master had given so much to us. He built many temples for us to cultivate and established Buddhist institutions for us to dedicate ourselves to Buddhism. The Venerable Master hoped for the prosperity of Buddhism, thus, we monastic and lay disciples should strive to pass down and promote the vision of Humanistic Buddhism.”

At the “Remembering Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Teaching Through His Speech and Self-Examples,” World Headquarters Director and Thaihua Temple Abbot Most Venerable Hsin Ting led a recitation of the Prayers and Wishes for the Most Venerable Hsing Yun of Fo Guang Shan . Monastic and lay disciples encouraged each other to strive for the propagation of Humanistic Buddhism. Panelists included World Headquarters Sports Committee Deputy Director and FGS Philippines Chief Abbess Ven. Yung Guang; Southeast Asia Vice Secretary General Ven. Chueh Cheng; Hong Kong, Macau, Shenzhen Region Chief Abbess Ven. Yong Fu; Central Region Chief Abbess Ven. Chueh Ju; and New Media Committee Deputy Director Ven. Miao Xi, sharing the teachings and inspirations from Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s speech and self-examples. World Headquarters Vice President Liu Chao-ming, Acting President Venerable Tzu Jung, Director Venerable Yi Kung, Director Lydia Chao, and Secretary General Ven. Chueh Pei were in attendance.


On February 24 and 25, 2024, distinguished guests attended the Memorial Day for the First Anniversary of Fo Guang Shan Founding Master Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Passing Away to commemorate the Venerable Master.


On February 24 and 25, 2024, at the “Remembering Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Teaching Through His Speech and Self-Examples,” the panelists shared Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s actions, conduct, and teachings.

全球佛光人 追思緬懷

年 2 月 24 日創會會長星雲大師圓寂周年

紀念,全球佛光人於線上同步參與,虔誠唱 誦,追思緬懷創會會長星雲大師。法會梵音宣揚, 佛光人憶念星雲大師無盡的恩情,感念大師於人


間度化有情。星雲大師在〈真誠的告白》囑咐: 有心對我懷念者,可以唱誦「人間音緣」的佛曲。

大家心中有人間佛教,時時奉行人間佛教,我想, 這就是對我最好的懷念,也是我所衷心期盼。


歌詠禮讚,透過優美的歌曲旋律,及詞句的唱誦, 以法接心緬懷大師。協會也以論壇、講演分享會, 闡述創會會長星雲大師之身教與言教,透過大師

一生的行儀事跡,緬懷星雲大師之慈悲智慧對佛 光人的影響和改變;有的則透過尋根星雲大師的 恩德與精神,深植每位佛光人的心中,更是影響 了佛光人的下一代。「星雲浩瀚豈有邊,光照五 洲滿三千;今朝緣盡歸彼岸,乘願再來利人天」 佛光人堅信創會會長星雲大師將乘願再來,再續 法緣,普利有情。

On February 24 and 25, 2024, BLIA members around the world participated online the Memorial Service for the First Anniversary of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Passing Away.


On February 24, 2024, the Memorial Day for the First Anniversary of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Passing Away, BLIA Gujarat, India chanted sutras and recited prayers.

OnFebruary 24, 2024, BLIA members worldwide participated in the Memorial Day for the First Anniversary of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Passing Away online. With their sincere chanting, they commemorated the infinite kindness that Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun gave, and appreciation to him for establishing a Pure Land of faith in this world. Throughout his life, the Venerable Master liberated sentient beings by actualizing the bodhisattva path in the world. In An Honest Revelation, he left us with these words, “Buddhist songs chosen from the Sounds of the Human World may be sung by those who miss me. The most fitting way to honor my memory and my sincere wish is for everyone to bear the teachings of Humanistic Buddhism in mind and always practice Humanistic Buddhism.”

2024 年 2 月 24 日葡萄牙里斯本 協會舉辦「星雲大師人間音緣 讚頌會」,佛光人以人間音緣 歌曲,緬懷星雲大師。

In addition to chanting and reciting prayers, BLIA members also built a heart-to-heart connection with the Venerable Master by making a beautiful offering of music and lyrics through Sounds of the Human World songs. Through forums and talks, BLIA shared Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun's teachings through his speech and self-examples, commemorating the influence and change that his compassion and wisdom have brought to all BLIA members by recounting his deeds and accomplishments. Some went on retracing journeys to find the Venerable Master’s kindness and spirit, which have become deeply rooted in the mind of each BLIA member, and influenced their future generations as well. “Stars and clouds so fast they are infinite, shining light on the five continents and the world; today as you bid goodbye and reach the far shore, may your return to benefit the world be swift.” All BLIA members firmly believe Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun will return on the wings of his vow, continuing our Dharma affinities and universally benefiting sentient beings.

On February 24, 2024, BLIA Lisbon, Portugal hosted the Venerable Master Hsing Yun Sounds of the Human World Tribute Concert, where members remembered the Venerable Master with Sounds of the Human World songs.

BLIA Members Worldwide Join in Remembrance


日馬來西亞東馬協會舉辦「人間音緣歌詠禮讚音樂會」,佛光青年及三好兒童以音聲讚頌創會會長星雲 大師,追思緬懷。

On February 24, 2024, BLIA East Malaysia hosted the Sounds of the Human World Tribute Concert, where YAD members and Three Acts of Goodness children performed songs in praise and memory of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun.



On February 24, 2024, the Memorial Day for the First Anniversary of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Passing Away, BLIA Vancouver, Canada dedicated the voices from their songs and hearts in memory of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun.

2023 年 9 月 10

日加拿大多倫多協會舉辦「緬懷 大師―星雲大師對我的影響」座談會,分享 創會會長星雲大師對佛光人的影響和改變。

On September 10, 2023, BLIA Toronto, Canada hosted the “Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Profound Impact on My Life” forum, where panelists shared the impact and change that Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun brought to BLIA members.

2024年2月24日印度清奈協會於創會會長星雲大師圓寂周年 紀念日,在清奈佛光禪淨中心舉辦緬懷活動,由協會長吉 達古馬力帶領分享星雲大師的貢獻及影響。

On February 24, 2024, the Memorial Day for the First Anniversary of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Passing Away, BLIA Chennai, India hosted a memorial event at Chennai Fo Guang Buddhist Center. Chapter President Geetha Kumari led others in sharing stories about the Venerable Master’s contributions and influence.

2023 年 10 月 29 日菲律賓督導委員會舉辦「緬懷星雲 大師」論壇,以「發願跟隨星雲大師的腳步弘揚人間 佛教」為主題,進行分享。

On October 29, 2023, the BLIA Philippines Elder Advisor Committee hosted the “Remembering Venerable Master Hsing Yun” forum. Panelists shared stories of their vow to follow the Venerable Master’s footsteps to propagate Humanistic Buddhism.

2024年5月5日法國巴黎協會舉辦「星雲大師的那一句話」 論壇,以法與創會會長星雲大師接心。

On May 5, 2024, BLIA Paris, France hosted the “A Quote from Venerable Master Hsing Yun” forum, where attendees formed a heart-to-heart connection with the Venerable Master through the Dharma.


On February 24, 2024, BLIA Chicago, USA hosted the An Eternal Star – Story and Music in Memory of Venerable Master Hsing Yun event, where attendees remembered Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun through stories and praises.

2024 年 6 月 6

日阿根廷佛光山及烏拉圭協會聯合於烏拉圭藝術史博物館舉辦「佛光山開山祖師星雲大師一筆字書法展」, 展出星雲大師28幅「一筆字」掛軸,吸引超過400人次參觀。

On June 6, 2024, FGS Argentina and BLIA Uruguay jointly hosted the Fo Guang Shan Founding Master Venerable Master Hsing Yun One-Stroke Calligraphy Exhibition at Uruguay’s Museo de Historia del Arte. More than 400 visitors viewed the 28 scrolls of the Venerable Master’s One-Stroke Calligraphy on exhibit.



On February 25, 2024, BLIA Frankfurt, Germany hosted the Sounds of the Human World Tribute Concert, where the Buddha’s Light Choir dedicated Praise to the Master and other songs to Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun.


日澳洲雪梨協會於創會會長星雲大師誕辰紀念日,以「半碗鹹菜」 為主題,推出「半碗鹹菜三好飯糰」,以感念師恩。

On September 15, 2023, to commemorate Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s birthday, BLIA Sydney, Australia prepared “Three Acts of Goodness half-bowl of pickled vegetable rice balls” to express their gratitude to the Venerable Master.

2023 年10 月4 日澳洲西澳協會前往壽山寺尋根,以追尋 創會會長星雲大師弘揚「人間佛教」之心路歷程。

On October 4, 2023, BLIA Western Australia went on a retracing journey to Shou Shan Temple in Taiwan, where they followed Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s journey to propagate Humanistic Buddhism.


日多倫多協會於多倫多佛光山參觀「星雲大 師一筆字」及「緬懷人間佛教行者星雲大師行誼特展」, 聆聽創會會長星雲大師一生「十個時期」的重要歷程。

On October 21, 2023, BLIA Toronto hosted the “Venerable Master Hsing Yun One-Stroke Calligraphy Exhibition” and the “Compassionate Life of Ven. Master Yun—A Humanistic Buddhism Practitioner Memorial Exhibition” at FGS Toronto Temple. Visitors learned about important events in Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s ten stages of life.


日中華總會為緬懷創會會長星雲大師,與星雲文化教育公益基金會及無錫靈山文化旅遊集團等共同 主辦「佛光人緬懷大師祖庭之旅」,近1,000 位佛光會員幹部千里迢迢,巡禮佛光祖庭宜興大覺寺緬懷大師,並透 過參訪交流,延續創會會長星雲大師兩岸和平交流的心願。

On October 10, 2023, BLIA Chunghua, the Venerable Master Hsing Yun Cultural and Educational Foundation, and Wuxi Lingshan Cultural Tourism Group jointly organized the “BLIA Members’ Homage to FGS Ancestral Monastery in Memory of Venerable Master Hsing Yun.” Nearly 1,000 BLIA members and executives made the long journey to FGS Ancestral Monastery Yixing Dajue Temple to remember the Venerable Master. Through tours and exchanges, they carried on Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s wish for peaceful exchanges between Taiwan and mainland China.



On June 9, 2024, BLIA Queensland hosted a Star and Cloud The Musical study group. Through the musical, attendees learned about Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s legendary life.



On February 24, 2024, Star and Cloud The Musical was performed at FGS Buddha Museum, taking the audience on a recollection of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s storied life.




賓佛光山總住持永光法師,帶領菲律賓光 明大學宿霧藝術學院 2 月 24 日及 25 日於 佛光山佛陀紀念館大覺堂演出《浩瀚星雲》


《浩瀚星雲》音樂劇以星雲大師的傳記 《雲水日月‧星雲大師傳》為藍本,由音樂

家 Jude Gitamondoc 精心製作,透過音樂劇 穿越時空,深入探索創會會長星雲大師以弘 揚「人間佛教」為職志,從宜蘭雷音寺弘法


日世界總會總會長心保和尚感謝《浩瀚星雲》 音樂劇,將創會會長星雲大師的一生,表現的淋漓盡致。

為起點,到開創佛光山,法傳西方,建立西 來寺,傳揚五大洲的歷史發展,並開創全球 300 多家道場及成立國際佛光會,透過音樂劇 呈現星雲大師精采豐富、動人的一生。

世界總會總會長心保和尚致詞,感謝菲 律賓佛光山光明大學的悉達多家族演員以《浩 瀚星雲》音樂劇,將大師一生的心願,與慈 悲智慧,為佛教的付出,表現得淋漓盡致, 讓觀眾看見大師的精神,也看懂大師的心。

大師慈悲無別,為信仰天主教為主的菲律賓, 扎根藝術文化、慈善教育,並在宿霧建立悉

During October 2-9, 2022, over 20,000 participants from 103 chapters in 44 regions on the five continents transcended time and space to attend the virtual meeting together.

達多劇場,傳遞「三好、四給」的真善美世界, 支持青年藝術家、音樂家的培養,如今已開花結 果,成為強而有力的藝術弘法尖兵。體育發展委 員會副主任委員永光法師表示:師父常問「我能 為你們做什麼?」,讓悉達多家族反思「我們能 為師父做什麼?」進而成就〈浩瀚星雲〉音樂劇 誕生,獻給敬愛的師父,回饋佛光山。《浩瀚星雲》 音樂劇精彩動人,全球佛光會員現場及線上透過 音樂劇,追思緬懷創會會長星雲大師。

Star and Cloud The Musical



On February 24, 2024, Star and Cloud The Musical was performed at FGS Buddha Museum, taking the audience on a recollection of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s storied life.

Star and Cloud The Musical from the Philippines

OnFebruary 24 and 25, to commemorate the Memorial Day for the First Anniversary of Fo Guang Shan Founding Master—Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Passing Away, World Headquarters Sports Committee Deputy Director and FGS Philippines Chief Abbess Ven. Yung Guang led Guang Ming Institute of Performing Arts Cebu to the Great Enlightenment Auditorium, FGS Buddha Museum to perform Star and Cloud The Musical. Star and Cloud The Musical is produced by the musician Jude Gitamondoc, using Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s biography Bright Star, Luminous Cloud: The Life of a Simple Monk as a blueprint. The musical takes the audience across time and space to thoroughly explore Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun propagation of Humanistic Buddhism. It follows the Venerable Master’s storied and moving life of Dharma propagation, from his beginnings at Yilan’s Leiyin Temple to founding Fo Guang Shan, spreading the Dharma westward and establishing Hsi Lai Temple; he further expanded across the five continents with more than 300 temples worldwide and founded the Buddha’s Light International Association.

In his remarks, World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau expressed his gratitude to the Siddhartha The Musical family from FGS Philippines Guang Ming College. Through Star and Cloud The Musical , they put on a perfect depiction of the Venerable Master’s lifelong wish, compassion and wisdom, and his dedication to Buddhism. The audience could see the Venerable Master’s spirit as well as his heart. The Venerable Master’s compassion is without differentiation; even in the predominantly Catholic country of the Philippines, he laid strong foundations in art, culture, charity, and education. He established the Siddhartha Theater in Cebu, striving for a world of truth, virtue, and beauty by spreading the Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings. He supported the development of youth artists and musicians, and his efforts have borne fruit as these youths have become talented Dharma propagators through art. Sports Committee Deputy Director Ven. Yung Guang mentioned that the Venerable Master often asked, “What can I do for you?” In turn, the Siddhartha The Musical family thought, “What can we do for the Venerable Master?” This led to the conception of Star and Cloud The Musical as a dedication to their dear Venerable Master and a way to give back to Fo Guang Shan. BLIA members across the world viewed the exciting and moving performance in-person and online to remember Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun.

2024年7月28日印尼蘇北協會於Grand Mercure酒店禮堂, 舉辦「緬懷星雲大師人間音緣讚頌會」,以此緬懷創會會長星雲大師。

On July 28, 2024, in remembrance of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun, BLIA North Sumatera, Indonesia presented the Remembering Venerable Master Hsing Yun—Sounds of the Human World Tribute Concert at the Grand Mercure Hotel’s auditorium.



師,於 2024 年 7 月 28 日在 Grand Mercure 酒店禮堂,舉辦「緬懷星雲大師人 間音緣讚頌會」,以歌舞、話劇的方式,呈 現創會會長星雲大師一生偉大的弘法事蹟, 吸引千餘人前來觀賞。

讚頌會由協會輔導宗如法師指導,協會 幹部 Willson、Julia 及 Jerry 擔任總策劃和 導演,從開始寫劇本、翻譯成印尼文、電腦 設計、甄選演員及角色、準備道具等,不休 不眠的籌備了三個月。最終以歌舞、話劇的 方式,以印尼文呈現星雲大師於 12 歲一諾 千金,在南京棲霞山禮宜興大覺寺志開上人 出家,於宜蘭雷音寺成立念佛會、兒童班、

青年歌詠隊並創建佛光山,致力於佛教文 化、教育、慈善、共修事業等篇幅,將星雲 大師一生所展現的慈悲與弘化的精神,兩個 小時無間斷的演出。

讚頌會以和諧輕快的舞蹈揭開序幕,也 揭開了這場極富內涵的歌舞話劇表演,整場 讚頌會共計 135 位佛光人演出,從兒童、青 年、婦女及金剛,集體創作聯合演出,雖當 中沒有一位是職業演員,但在佛光人三個月 的努力下,練習舞蹈、獨唱、合唱人間音緣, 最終呈現出令人驚歎的讚頌會。「緬懷星雲 大師人間音緣讚頌會」精彩呈現大師偉大的 一生,佛光人以此讚頌會,緬懷人間一顆永 恆的星―星雲大師!

On July 28, 2024, BLIA North Sumatera, Indonesia presented the Remembering Venerable Master Hsing Yun— Sounds of the Human World Tribute Concert. More than 1,000 people attended the musical performances that depicted Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s storied life.

Remembering Venerable Master Hsing Yun Musical

OnJuly 28, 2024, in remembrance of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun, BLIA North Sumatera, Indonesia hosted the Remembering Venerable Master Hsing Yun—Sounds of the Human World Tribute Concert at the Grand Mercure Hotel’s auditorium. More than 1,000 people were present for the musical performances that depicted Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s great deeds of Dharma propagation throughout his life.

BLIA North Sumatera Monastic Advisor Ven. Zong Ru provided guidance for the concert, while chapter executives Wilson, Julia, and Jerry served as coordinators and directors. They worked tirelessly for three months writing the script, translating it into Indonesian, completing the graphics design, casting the roles, and preparing the props. Ultimately, they decided to present the Venerable Master’s life through musical performances in Indonesia. The uninterrupted two-hour-long musical starts with the twelve-year-old Venerable Master’s renunciation at Qixia Mountain, Nanjing under Master Zhi Kai of Dajue Temple in

Yixing. It then moves to the Venerable Master’s time at Yilan’s Leiyin Temple, where he established a chanting group, a children’s class, and a youth choir. When the Venerable Master founded Fo Guang Shan, he set up Buddhist enterprises that focused on culture, education, charity, and cultivation. The Venerable Master’s lifelong spirit of compassion and transformation could be seen throughout the musical.

The concert began with a harmonious and upbeat dance that paved the way for the deeply meaningful musical. A total of 135 BLIA members performed in the concert. None of the children, youths, or adults were professional actors, but after three months of collective effort, the dance, solo, and choral performances of Sounds of the Human World songs finally came together as a breathtaking tribute concert. The Remembering Venerable Master Hsing Yun—Sounds of the Human World Tribute Concert was a wonderful depiction of the Venerable Master’s great life as well as BLIA members’ tribute to the everlasting star in humanity—Venerable Master Hsing Yun!

2024 年 7 月 28

日「緬懷星雲大師人間音緣讚頌會」 以當地印尼文演出,透過歌舞及話劇精彩演出,將 創會會長星雲大師的一生,演繹得淋漓盡致。

On July 28, 2024, the Remembering Venerable Master Hsing Yun—Sounds of the Human World Tribute Concert was staged. The exciting musical performances in Indonesian perfectly depicted Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s life.

On October 5, 2023, BLIA World Headquarters held the 5th Meeting of the Seventh World Board of Directors at the Dharma Transmission Center. President Most Venerable Hsin Bau offered words of encouragement.



2023 年世界會員代表大會」

10 月 5 日至 9 日於佛光山盛大舉行, 為創會會長星雲大師圓寂和疫情後,首次舉 行的實體大會。近 50 國家地區、近 110 個 協會、2,500 人共襄盛舉,創歷年人數最多 的實體大會紀錄,並有中、英、法、粵、 日、韓、德、西 8 種語言同步翻譯。10 月 5 日世界總會於如來殿召開「第七屆第 5 次世 界理事會議」,由世界總會總會長心保和尚 主持,榮譽總會長吳伯雄、署理會長慈容法 師、副總會長劉招明、理事心定和尚、財務 長陳居、法制長吳志揚、秘書長覺培法師、 承辦單位中華總會趙怡總會長等與會。

10 月 6

日升旗典禮因受颱風天影響,於如 來殿大會堂舉行、傳燈樓四樓同步直播,協會 代表穿著各國特色服裝,手持國旗歡喜進場。 會旗、教旗冉冉升起,大眾齊唱〈三寶頌〉、〈國 際佛光會會歌〉,總會長心保和尚帶領恭讀創 會會長星雲大師〈為世界和平祈願文〉。開幕 典禮播放創會會長星雲大師開示影片,總會長心 保和尚開示和平理念,榮譽總會長吳伯雄、副 總會長劉長樂等致詞勉勵。會中授證新成立協 會「阿聯酋迪拜協會」、「印度馬哈拉士達協 會」,授證新成立督導委員會、檀教講師升級及 新聘、協會督導聘任,優秀協會表揚、頒發「智 慧與創意」活動執行企畫案獎項,以及「第五 屆三好微電影國際創作競賽」三好獎、優選獎、 評審推薦獎及前三名獎項。


On October 6, 2023, the Flag-raising Ceremony of the General Conference was held at the Tathagata Auditorium, with chapter representatives wearing traditional attire from their respective countries.

BLIA World Headquarters General Conference


2023 BLIA General Conference was held at Fo Guang Shan Monastery on October 5-9, 2023. This was the first in-person, post-pandemic conference held after the passing of the Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun. There were 2,500 participants representing close to 110 BLIA chapters across 50 countries in attendance, setting a record for the largest in-person conference ever. During the event, simultaneous translation was available in eight different languages, including Chinese, English, French, Cantonese, Japanese, Korean, German, and Spanish. On October 5, the World Headquarters convened the 5th Meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors at the Tathagata Auditorium, presided by BLIA World Headquarters President, Most Venerable Hsin Bau. Honorary President Wu Po-hsiung, Acting President Venerable Tzu Jung, Vice President Liu Changle, Director Most Venerable Hsin Ting, Treasurer Jim Chen, Legal Affairs Officer Wu Chih-yang, Secretary General Venerable Chueh Pei, and President Chao Yi of the host BLIA Chunghua.

Due to the impact of a recent typhoon, the flagraising ceremony on October 6 had to be held indoors at the Tathagata Auditorium and livestreamed at the 4th floor of the Dharma Transmission Center. Dressed

in the traditional attire of their respective countries, BLIA Chapter representatives entered the shrine, proudly waving their national flags. As the BLIA and Buddhist flags were raised, everyone sang Ode to the Triple Gem and the BLIA Anthem. President Most Venerable Hsin Bau further led the recitation of A Prayer for World Peace, written by Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun. The opening ceremony featured a video teaching from Venerable Master Hsing Yun. President Most Venerable Hsin Bau further spoke on the principles of peace, with Honorary President Wu Po-hsiung and Vice President Liu Changle also offering words of encouragement. During the conference, certificates were awarded to newly established chapters, BLIA Dubai and BLIA Maharashtra, as well as new Elder Advisor Committees, newly appointed Dharma Lecturers and chapter Elder Advisors. In addition, outstanding BLIA chapters were recognized, and awards presented to chapters’ “Wisdom and Creativity” projects. The top three prize winners of the “5th Three Acts of Goodness International Microfilm Contest,” including Three Acts of Goodness Award, Excellence Award, and Judges Recommendation were honored with the awards.

2023 年 10 月 6 日開幕典禮,世界總會 榮譽總會長吳伯雄、總會長心保和尚 及副總會長劉長樂分別致詞,勉勵 「共生與共榮」的重要。

At the opening ceremony on October 6, 2023, World Headquarters Honorary President Po-Hsiung Wu, President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, and Vice President Liu Changle all spoke on the importance of Coexistence and Coprosperity.

2023年10月6日開幕典禮署理會長慈容法師 為檀教講師升級及新聘授證。

At the opening ceremony on October 6, 2023, Acting President Venerable Tzu Jung presented certificates to the promoted and newly appointed Lay Dharma Lecturers.

2023年10月6日開幕典禮總會長心保和 尚為新成立協會「阿聯酋迪拜協會」 及「印度馬哈拉士達協會」授證。

At the opening ceremony on October 6, 2023, President Most Venerable Hsin Bau presented certificates to the newly established BLIA Dubai and BLIA Maharashtra chapters.

10 月 6 日議案討論由總會長心保和尚 主持,秘書長覺培法師進行工作報告。會中 討論 21 項議案,鼓勵響應大會主題「共生 與共榮」、推動《星雲大師全集》、聘任「國 際佛光會世界總會佛光翻譯員」、各洲佛光 金剛、婦女聯誼會、舉辦佛光盃合唱暨創曲 大賽、三好微電影國際創作競賽等,並升任 佛光長者賴義明、聘任理事謝明達,由總會 長心保和尚頒發證書。會中角逐明年世界理 事會議承辦權,最終決議 2024 年於日本舉 辦,署理會長慈容法師等 2,500 人出席盛 會。大會主題演說恭請總會長心保和尚主講 「共生與共榮」,闡述共生與共榮之道:1. 發 心服務奉獻,與群我共生共榮。2. 倡導環保 護生,與地球共生共榮。3. 舉辦各種活動, 與大眾共生共榮。4. 參與利生事業,與社會 共生共榮。5. 注重信仰傳承,與家庭共生共 榮。6. 宣揚人間佛教,與普世共生共榮。期


2023 年 10 月 6 日世界總會總會長心保和尚為理事賴義明 升任「佛光長者」授證,理事慧寬法師陪同接受榮耀。

On October 6, 2023, President Most Venerable Hsin Bau presented the certificate for BLIA Elder to Director Lai Yi Ming, who was accompanied by Director Ven. Hui Kuan in accepting the honor.

10 月 7 日「人間佛教工作坊」課程安排: 慈善理念與實踐、山水管理、宣講員培訓、 T-EARTH 森 众 計畫、珍珠瑪瑙下廚房、手機 製作影片、攝影、讀書會帶領、禪修等 14 堂 精彩課程,佛光人受益良多;「閱讀《星雲大 師全集》」課程,於如來殿及傳燈樓舉行,並 於雲居樓 6 樓展開英文場,介紹《星雲大師全 集》12 大類、擬定讀書計畫及心得分享;「會 務探討」分為 6 個場地進行,探討會務之永續


Motion discussion on October 6, 2023 was led by President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, leading the discussion across 21 proposals.

2023 年 10 月 6 日大會主題演說由總會長心保和尚

主講「共生與共榮」,期勉佛光人共生共榮,成 就幸福安樂的人生。

On October 6, 2023, President Most Venerable Hsin Bau delivered the keynote address, “Coexistence and Coprosperity.” He encouraged BLIA members to work towards these ideals to achieve a life of happiness and peace.

2023 年 10 月 6 日總會長心保和尚於如來殿主題演說「共生與共 榮」,佛光人於傳燈樓四樓同步直播聆聽。

On October 6, 2023, President Most Venerable Hsin Bau delivered the keynote address, “Coexistence and Coprosperity” at the Tathagata Auditorium. BLIA members attentively listened to the livestreaming on the fourth floor of the Dharma Transmission Center.

On October 6, President Most Venerable Hsin Bau presided over Motion Discussion; Secretary General Venerable Chueh Pei presented the BLIA work report. During the meeting, 21 motions were discussed, including encouraging responses to the Conference theme, “Coexistence and Coprosperity;” promoting The Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun ; appointing BLIA World Headquarters Translators; conducting BLIA Men and Women Fellowship Meetings; BLIA Cup Choir and Songwriting Contest; the Three Acts of Goodness International Microfilm Contest. In addition, President Most Venerable Hsin Bau presented certificates to newly promoted BLIA Elder Lai Yi-ming and Director Hsieh Mingda. Chapters competed for the right to host the 2024 Board of Directors Meeting, culminating in the decision to hold it in Japan; Acting President Venerable Tzu Jung and 2,500 participants attended the major event. President Most Venerable Hsin Bau delivered the keynote speech, “Coexistence and Coprosperity,” elaborating on the following principles:

1. Aspire to be of service and contribution so as to coexist and coprosper with the community.

2. Advocate environmental preservation so as to coexist and coprosper with the Earth.

3. Organize various activities so as to coexist and coprosper with the public.

4. Participate in the causes of benefiting lives so as to coexist and coprosper with society.

5. Emphasize the legacy of faith so as to coexist and coprosper with the family.

6. Propagate Humanistic Buddhism so as to coexist and coprosper with the world.

He encouraged members and executives to embody Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s vision of coexistence and coprosperity to fulfill a life of happiness and peace.

On October 7, the Humanistic Buddhism Workshops offered fourteen enriching courses, including “Philosophy and Practice of Charity,” “Mountain and Water Management,” “Humanistic Buddhism Speaker Training,” “T-EARTH Forest Project,” “Precious Gems in the Kitchen,” “Cell Phone Videos,” “Photography,” “Reading Association Leader,” and “Meditation.” BLIA members benefited immensely from these sessions. “Reading The Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun” course was held at the Tathagata Auditorium and the Light Transmission Building, with the English session held on the 6th floor of the Cloud Dwelling Building. The course introduced the twelve categories of The Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, and recommended reading plans and insights sharing amongst members. “BLIA Affairs Discussion” was conducted in six venues, exploring sustainable operations and localization development of BLIA.

2023 年 10 月 7 日世界大會課程精采 多元,「人間佛教工作坊」、「閱 讀《星雲大師全集》」及「會務探 討」課程,共計23場,佛光人歡喜 學習,滿載而歸。

On October 7, 2023, the General Conference presented a diverse and engaging array of sessions. Among the 23 sessions offered were “Humanistic Buddhism Workshops,” “Reading The Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun ,” and “BLIA Affairs Discussions.” BLIA members enjoyed a fulfilling and enriching learning experience.

2023 年 10 月 8 日「國際佛光會世界會員代表大會」於 創會會長星雲大師圓寂和疫情後,首次舉行之實體大 會,近 50 國家地區、近 110 個協會、 2,500 人共襄盛 舉,創歷年人數最多的實體大會紀錄。

10 月 8 日佛光人於佛光山宗祖殿禮祖緬懷 創會會長星雲大師,佛光人代表敬獻紀念品, 其中有星雲大師於美國西來寺弘法珍貴照片、

「星雲大師」星星的認證書、21 種語言〈三寶 頌〉等共 30 件紀念品,以表達對星雲大師的懷 念。「緬懷星雲大師—大師對我的影響」課程, 宗祖殿主場由世界總會秘書長覺培法師主持, 理事依空法師、趙辜懷箴、日本法水寺信徒代 表謝明達、南美洲聯誼委員會主任委員斯碧瑤 與談,分享自己如何受星雲大師之身教與言教 的影響,進而翻轉生命。佛光人分別於藏經樓、 法寶堂等 4 區進行,並於晚間舉行「緬懷星雲 大師歌詠禮讚」,共同緬懷創會會長星雲大師。

10 月 9 日閉幕典禮,由總會長心保和尚主 持,秘書長覺培法師宣讀 10 項重要決議案。會 中頒發謝明達候補理事證書、授證「佛光翻譯 師評鑑委員」10 位、「佛光翻譯員」授證 9 位 等,並進行「綜合座談」。三皈五戒典禮於大 雄寶殿舉行,由總會長心保和尚主法,海外會 員幹部近 200 人求受戒法,以戒為明燈。

The “BLIA World Headquarter General Conference” held on October 8, 2023, was the first in-person, postpandemic gathering since the passing of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun. The event set a record for the largest conference attendance in history, with nearly 2,500 participants from around 110 chapters across 50 countries and regions.

2023 年 10 月 8 日「國際佛光會世界會員代表大會」 總會長心保和尚帶領全體佛光人前往宗祖殿禮祖, 並於宗祖殿前留下歷史畫面。

On October 8, 2023, during the General Conference, President Most Venerable Hsin Bau led BLIA members in paying their respects at the Patriarch Shrine. This captured a historic moment with all participants in front of the hall.

2023年10月8日佛光人在總會長心保和尚的帶領下,於宗祖殿禮祖,並於藏經樓及茶禪區連線,共同緬懷創會會長 星雲大師。

On October 8, 2023, President Most Venerable Hsin Bau guided all BLIA members to pay their respects at the Patriarch Shrine. The commemoration of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun was livestreamed at the Sutra Repository and the Tea and Chan area.

On October 8, BLIA members gathered at the Patriarch Shrine at Fo Guang Shan Monastery to pay tribute to Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Representatives presented thirty commemorative items, including cherished photos of the Venerable Master Hsing Yun teaching at Hsi Lai Temple in the United States, a certificate for the star named after him, and the “Ode to the Triple Gem” translated into 21 languages. These offerings expressed their profound remembrance of the Master. The session, “Remembering Venerable Master Hsing Yun—His Influence on Me” was hosted by Secretary General Venerable Chueh Pei at the main venue in the Patriarch Shrine. The discussions included contributions from Director Venerable Yi Kung, Lydia K. Chao, Housuiji Temple devotee representative Hsieh Ming-da, and South America Fellowship Committee Director Pi Yao Szu, sharing how the Master’s teachings profoundly impacted and transformed their lives. BLIA members participated in sessions across

four venues, including the Sutra Repository and the Dharma Hall. In the evening, “Remembrance and Tribute to Venerable Master Hsing Yun” chanting ceremony was held as all members gathered to commemorate the Founding President’s legacy.

On October 9, the closing ceremony was presided over by President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, with Secretary General Venerable Chueh Pei reading the ten major resolutions. Certificates were presented to Reserve Director Hsieh Ming-da, ten members of the BLIA Translator Evaluation Committee, and nine BLIA Translators. The ceremony also included a General Discussion session. President Most Venerable Hsin Bau presided over the Triple Gem and Five Precepts Ceremony at the Main Shrine. Over 200 overseas members and executives took the precepts, vowing to take them as guiding principles in life.

2023 年 10 月 8 日「緬懷星雲大師—大師對我的影響」課程,佛光人分別於宗祖殿、藏經樓、法寶堂及茶禪區,分享創會 會長星雲大師之身教與言教,影響及改變了自己的一生。

On October 8, 2023, during the course “Remembering Master Hsing Yun—The Impact of the Master on My Life,” BLIA members gathered at various locations, including Patriarch Shrine and the Tea and Chan area, to share how Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s teachings have profoundly influenced their lives.

2023 年 10 月 8 日佛光人代表以最 高的敬意,敬獻紀念品予創會會 長星雲大師。

On October 8, 2023, BLIA representatives honored Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun with commemorative gifts to express their highest respect.

2023 年 10 月 8 日「緬懷星雲大師歌詠禮 讚」各洲佛光合唱團,以最虔誠的心歌 詠禮讚,以表達對創會會長星雲大師無 限的思念與緬懷。

On October 8, 2023, during the “Tribute Ceremony in Remembrance of Venerable Master Hsing Yun,” BLIA choirs from various continents sang with the utmost devotion to express their boundless respect and remembrance for Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun.

2023 年 10 月 9 日閉幕典禮, 由總會長心保和尚主持,秘 書長覺培法師宣讀 10 項重要 決議案。

On October 9, 2023, the closing ceremony was presided over by President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, with Secretary General Venerable Chueh Pei reciting the ten major resolutions.

國際佛光會2023年世界會員代表大會 重要決議案

1、 受疫情四年無法召開實體會議之影響,經全體會員代表一致通過,本會第 七屆理事將延任四年至2027年改選,並響應大會主題「共生與共榮」, 以推動世界和平為己任。

2、 全力推廣及閱讀創會會長《星雲大師全集》,並致贈至各國國會或知名大 學圖書館,以傳播「人間佛教」淨化世道人心。

3、 重視佛光會多國語言之翻譯人才,聘任『佛光翻譯員』,並設立翻譯人才 之培訓、考核、評鑑等制度,以各國語言傳播佛法妙義於五大洲。

5、 持續舉辦「2024年禪淨共修獻燈祈福法會」,為動盪不安的時代點一盞希 望之燈,帶動會員們共同精進修持,成就無上菩提。

5、 落實「環保與心保」,持續推動T-EARTH復育森林、蔬食A計劃連署及 VEGRUN公益路跑,達成 12項聯合國SDGs永續目標。

6、 培訓各類弘法人才,加強佛光金剛婦女聯誼,並落實佛光青年「送升迎新 入佛光」等專案,以實現人間佛教之「全人教育」。

7、 響應2024年「三好微電影國際創作競賽」與「佛光盃合唱暨創曲大賽」, 落實「佛教藝文化」,發揚並傳播「三好」之精神。

8、 成立StarCloud Creation INC.,使本會影音藝術及創作版權得到保障與歸屬, 並提供全球佛光會員使用。

9、 通過「阿聯酋迪拜協會」、「印度馬哈拉士協會」、「巴西/英國/葡萄 牙督導委員會」新成立案,及2023年「檀講師」升等暨新聘「協會督導」 案;同時追認通過「2024年國際佛光青年幹部會議」由歐洲佛光青年團聯 合承辦。

10、「國際佛光會2024年第七屆第六次世界理事會」,將在九月上旬於日本 舉辦,屆時邀請全球佛光人踴躍參加。

2023 BLIA General Conference

Major Resolutions

1. To renew the term of service for the Seventh Board of Directors, being unable to conduct in-person meetings for four years due to the pandemic, with the unanimous approval of all members present to be extended to year 2027 for re-election; to respond to the General Conference theme: Coexistence and Coprosperity as the mission to promote world peace.

2. To fully support and promote the reading of Founding President’s “Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun,” and donate the “Complete Works” to national and renowned university libraries for propagation of Humanistic Buddhism to purify the world and people’s mind.

3. To appoint Buddha’s Light Translators in recognition of the translation talent of different languages, establishing a system for their training, assessment, and evaluation for spreading the Dharma essence with different languages on the five continents.

4. To conduct the “2024 Chan and Pure Land Light-offering Prayer Service,” lighting a lamp of hope for the turbulent times by leading members in diligent practice to attain the supreme Bodhi.

5. To maintain the practice of environmental and spiritual preservation, sustaining the promotion of T-Earth Reforestation program, Vege Plan A pledges, and the VegRun Global VegRevival Charity Run for reaching 12 of the United Nations’ SDGs.

6. To nurture various Dharma propagation talents, strengthening projects such as Buddha’s Light Men and Women Fellowship and actualizing the promotion of YAD members to BLIA chapters for whole-person education and deepening of faith for BLIA members.

7. To respond to the 2024 Three Acts of Goodness International Microfilm Contest, Global Buddha’s Light Cup Singing Contest, and the Three Acts of Goodness International Songwriting Contest for the propagation of Buddhism with arts and culture and spreading the Three Acts of Goodness philosophy.

8. To establish the StarCloud Creation Inc. for copyrights protection of BLIA artistic audio and video creations, providing them for the use of BLIA members worldwide.

9. To approve the following proposals: Establishment of the new BLIA Dubai Chapter, UAE and BLIA Maharashtra Chapter, India; BLIA Elder Advisor Committees of Brazil; Manchester, UK and Lisbon, Portugal; new appointments and promotion of 2023 Lay Dharma Lecturers; new appointments of Chapter Elder Advisors; to retroactively approve the hosting of 2024 International Buddha’s Light Young Adults Executive Meeting by BLIA YAD Europe.

10. To conduct the 2024 BLIA 6th Meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors in Japan within early September, to be jointly hosted by BLIA Japan chapters for inviting the active participation of BLIA members worldwide.


On October 6, 2023, BLIA World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau posed for a photo with the top three winners of the 5th Three Acts of Goodness International Microfilm Contest in documentary, drama, and animation categories.



10 月 6 日

在國際佛光會 2023 年世界會員代表 大會開幕典禮同步進行,近 50 個國家地區, 現場與線上直播約 3,000 人,一同在佛光山 如來殿大會堂,見證榮耀時刻。

本次徵選主題「無常的可貴」,創作 競賽來自全球 120 國,3,146 件作品,入圍 決賽有 67 件,最終由紀錄片《Across the Himalaya》與《窒息.未來 A Suffocated Future》同得首獎;劇情片《無常的眼淚》 、 動畫片《Time Killer》勝出,今年更有遠從 法國、丹麥的參賽者出席受獎。

世界總會總會長心保和尚表示,「三好」 是人人都需要的,人人行三好,世界更美好, 這是無庸置疑的。每個人都能做好事、說好話、 存好心,相信社會愈和諧,世界愈和平。透過 三好微電影,相信每個人的心都被打動,更深 刻了解三好意義。

大部分得獎者都是第一次來到佛光山,他 們感謝主辦單位的用心接待,深刻感受到佛光 人的熱情,對於隆重而特殊的頒獎典禮,更留 下深刻的印象。

The 5th Three Acts of Goodness International Microfilm Contest Award Ceremony

The 5th Three Acts of Goodness International Microfilm Contest award ceremony was held on October 6 at the opening ceremony of the 2023 BLIA General Conference. About 3,000 participants, both in person and online, from nearly fifty countries and regions gathered at the Tathagata Auditorium at Fo Guang Shan to witness this moment of honor.

This year’s theme, “Wabi-Sabi” attracted 3,146 entries from 120 countries with sixty-seven of them shortlisted for the finals. The grand prize was awarded to the documentaries, “Across the Himalaya” and “A Suffocated Future.” The drama “Tears of Impermanence” won the top prize, while the animated film “Time Killer” emerged victorious in its category. Notably for this year participants from France and Denmark attended the award ceremony in person.

BLIA World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau remarked, “The Three Acts of Goodness are essential for everyone; the world will certainly be a better place if everyone practices them. Society will become more harmonious and peaceful when we do good deeds, speak good words, and have good thoughts. The microfilms move people’s hearts for all to appreciate the deeper significance of Three Acts of Goodness.”

Most of the award recipients were visiting Fo Guang Shan for the first time. They expressed their gratitude for the thoughtful hospitality of the organizers, and were deeply moved by the warmth of BLIA members. The formal and unique award ceremony left a lasting impression on them.

2023 年 10 月 6

日由世界總會副總會長劉長樂頒發「第五屆三好微電 影」的紀錄片、劇情片、動畫片第一名導演們獎盃、獎狀及獎金。

On October 6, 2023, BLIA World Headquarters Vice President Liu Changle presented certificates and prizes to the directors of the top films in the documentary, drama, and animation categories of the 5th Three Acts of Goodness International Microfilm Contest.

2023 年 10 月 6

日由中華總會趙怡總會長頒發給「第五屆三好微電 影」的劇情片及動畫片第二名導演們獎盃、獎狀及獎金。

On October 6, 2023, BLIA Chunghua President Chao Yi presented trophies, certificates, and prizes to the directors of the second place films in the drama and animation categories of the 5th Three Acts of Goodness International Microfilm Contest.

2023 年 10 月 6

日世界總會法制長吳志揚頒發給「第五屆三好微電 影」的紀錄片、劇情片及動畫片第三名導演們獎盃、獎狀及獎金。

On October 6, 2023, BLIA World Headquarters Legal Affairs Officer Wu Chih Yang presented trophies, certificates, and prizes to the directors of the third place films in the documentary, drama, and animation categories of the 5th Three Acts of Goodness International Microfilm Contest.


On March 13, 2024, BLIA New York held the first parallel forum “Hope through Education – India's Hope Village” at the FGS New York Temple.

聯合國婦女平權會議CSW68 聯合國婦女地位委員會 68 屆年會

(CSW68)2024 年 3 月 11 日至 22 日 在聯合國總部舉行,全球 6,000 名政府和非政 府組織的代表出席商議女性課題;而國際佛光 會自第 62 屆以來從未缺席過年會,佛光山比 丘尼和佛光人再次代表國際佛光會世界總會出 席聯合國開幕禮,持續為改善女性和兒童的平 權、貧窮和教育問題上努力。

國際佛光會世界總會於 3 月 13 日和 3 月 14 日分別於紐約道場及 CSW68 聯合國婦女平 行會議上舉行中文和英文「從教育看見希望― 印度希望之村」論壇,由世界總會 ( 美東 ) 副 秘書長永固法師、( 東南亞 ) 副秘書長覺誠法 師、印度佛光山加爾各答住持妙如法師以及印 度清奈協會會長吉達古瑪麗博士 (Dr Geetha Kumari),和主持人世界總會聯合國發展委員 會主任委員何美寶,向國際展示過去 6 年來 在印度清奈「希望之村」的扶貧和教育計畫, 來提升婦女地位,以及如何讓孩子們得到教 育。世界總會總會長心保和尚於會上透過視頻 表示,在平等的理念下,每個人都有他的權 利;平等的權利讓每一個人可以自由地發揮、

發展,把潛能開發出來。秘書長覺培法師則 肯定「印度希望之村」教育計畫並非僅在救 助,而是希望讓貧困的孩子未來有脫貧的能 力。此教育計畫更獲得紐約州長霍楚(Kathy Hochul)的高度肯定,並頒發表揚信給國際 佛光會世界總會。

為響應此次發表主題,國際佛光會和紐 約協會於 3 月 12 日至 3 月 14 日在亞美尼亞 會議中心大型宴會廳設攤參與今年聯合國活 動中首次增加工匠博覽會。主要透過設攤因 緣來推廣人間佛教,同時把義賣所得捐給佛 光會做為教育基金。佛光山紐約道場為了讓大 眾見證「印度佛光希望之村」的故事,特於 3 月 12 日至 3 月 24 日舉行蔡榮豐「印度希望 之村―照見黝暗中的靈光」攝影展。為響應 「印度希望之村」教育計畫,佛光山紐約道 場及紐約協會於 3 月 12 至 31 日發動募捐兒 童書籍運動,短短兩周募集近 3 千本書及兒 童書包等教育用品,並於聯合國平行會議及 紐約道場攝影展中,進行捐贈儀式,以實際 行動支持「印度佛光希望之村」教育計畫。

United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68)


68th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68) was held from March 11 to 22, 2024 at the UN headquarters, with 6,000 representatives from government and non-government organizations worldwide attending to discuss women issues. Since the 62nd session, the Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) has never missed the annual meeting. Once again, Fo Guang Shan bhikhunis and BLIA members again represented the BLIA World Headquarters at the UN opening ceremony, continuing efforts to address issues of gender equality, poverty, and education for women and children.

On March 13 and 14, BLIA World Headquarters held forums titled, “Hope through Education – India’s Hope Village” in both Chinese and English at the FGS New York Temple and the CSW68 parallel event at the UN Church Center. Speakers included Ven. Yung Ku, World Headquarters Deputy Secretary General America East; Ven. Chueh Cheng, Deputy Secretary-General Southeast Asia; Ven. Miao Ru, FGS Kolkata Abbess; and Dr. Geetha Kumari, BLIA Chennai President. The forums were hosted by Mabel Lam, World Headquarters United Nation Affairs Committee Director, showcasing the past six years of poverty alleviation and educational programs in Chennai's “Hope Village,” aimed at elevating the status of women and providing education for children. Most Venerable Hsin Bau, BLIA World Headquarters President

2024 年 3 月 14

日紐約州長辦公室亞裔美國人事務主任馬 肖恩代表紐約州長霍楚頒發表揚信給國際佛光會世界總 會,並對此教育計劃給予高度肯定。

On March 14, 2024, Shawn Ma, Director of Asian American Affairs from the New York Governor's Office, presented a commendation letter on behalf of Governor Kathy Hochul to BLIA World Headquarters, giving high praise to this educational program.

emphasized via video that under the concept of equality, everyone has their rights, and equal rights allow everyone to freely develop their potential. Secretary General Ven. Chueh Pei affirmed that the Hope Village education program in India not only provides aid but also empowers impoverished children with the ability to lift themselves out of poverty. The program received high praise from New York Governor Kathy Hochul, who issued a commendation letter to the BLIA World Headquarters.

In response to the theme, BLIA and the New York Chapter set up a booth at the Armenian Convention Center’s Grand Ballroom from March 12 to 14 to participate in the UN’s newly added Artisans Fair. The booth was for promoting Humanistic Buddhism, and proceeds from the charity sale would be donated to BLIA as an education fund. In showcasing the story of “India's Hope Village,” FGS New York Temple held the “Light in Darkness – India's Hope Village” photography exhibition by Jung Li Tsai from March 12 to 24. Additionally, in support of the Hope Village education program, FGS New York Temple and BLIA New York launched a children's book drive from March 12 to 31, collecting nearly 3,000 books and school supplies in just two weeks. A donation ceremony was held at both the UN parallel event and the FGS New York Temple photo exhibition, offering practical support to the “India’s Hope Village” education program.


日世界總會出席聯合國婦女地位委員會CSW68平 行會議,發表「從教育看見希望―印度希望之村」英文論壇。

On March 14, 2024, BLIA World Headquarters attended the UN CSW68 parallel event and presented the “Hope through Education – India's Hope Village” English forum

2024年3月13日「從教育看見希望―印度希望之村」中文論壇 採取實體和線上直播的方式進行,逾千人與會。

On March 13, 2024, the “Hope through Education – India's Hope Village” Chinese forum was conducted both in-person and via livestream, with over a thousand participants attending.

2024年3月12日「印度希望之村―照見黝暗中的靈光」由世界 總會影畫藝術發展委員會副主委蔡榮豐攝影, ( 東南亞 ) 副秘書 長覺誠法師和印度清奈協會長吉達古瑪麗,進行導覽解說。

On March 12, 2024, the “Light in Darkness – India's Hope Village” photography exhibition, featuring Jung Li Tsai, BLIA World Headquarters Photography and Printing Art Development Committee Deputy Director was guided by Ven. Chueh Cheng, Southeast Asia Deputy Secretary-General, and Dr. Geetha Kumari, BLIA Chennai President.

2024 年 3 月 12 日國際佛光會出席聯合國婦女地位 委員會CSW68,並首次增加工匠博覽會。

On March 12, 2024, BLIA participated in the UN CSW68 and Artisans Fair.

2024年3月12至31日美國紐約協會及紐約道場發動募捐 兒童書籍運動,短短兩周募集近3千本書及兒童書包。

From March 12 to 31, 2024, BLIA New York and FGS New York Temple launched a book drive, collecting nearly 3,000 books and children's backpacks in just two weeks.


On January 25, 2024, BLIA was recognized by the UNFCCC for the first time and obtained observer status.



28 次締約方


年 11 月 30 日至 12 月 12 日在阿拉伯聯合

大公國杜拜世博城舉行,今年是氣候行動的 歷史性里程碑,估計超過 7 萬多名代表,包 含 198 個締約方、各國家元首、政府領導、

商界領袖、氣候科學家與會。今年一共有 615 個政府和非政府組織申請為 UNFCCCCOP 觀察員組織,國際佛光會今年首次受 《聯合國氣候變化框架公約》UNFCCC 認 可,並以觀察員身份納入非營利組織名單。

COP 是 Conference of the Parties 締 約方大會的縮寫,指承諾採取行動應對氣候 變化的各國政府(締約方)之間的會議。國 際佛光會聯合國辦公室主任有霖法師、世界 總會聯合國發展委員會主任委員何美寶代表 國際佛光會,前往阿拉伯聯合大公國杜拜世 博城藍區 B1 Al Ghafat 出席「COP28 世界 氣候行動峰會」開幕典禮,現場嘉賓雲集座 無虛席。

聯合國氣候峰會 COP28 首次設立「信 仰館」,致力於信仰團體的參與。12 月 4 日在信仰館舉辦「信仰支持地球:跨信仰的 氣候行動觀點」座談會,探討宗教對全球氣 候危機中的角色,以及不同宗教團體如何共 同宣導環境管理和可持續發展實踐。COP28 每天特別規劃不同的主題,讓各地政府與組 織發揮。

12 月 8 日世界總會秘書長覺培法師和 ( 東南亞 ) 副秘書長覺誠法師,出席以「兒 童、青年、教育與技術」為主題的活動與會 議; 秘書長覺培法師表示,我們響應聯合國 氣候峰會的各項主題,藉由這個平臺也讓世 界各地知道國際佛光會在世界各地以實際行 動落實環保愛地球的理念。副秘書長覺誠法 師歡喜分享會後感言,「親臨聯合國氣候峰 會 COP28,不只聽到各方對環保教育與未 來的希望,也唯有親眼目睹,主辦單位規劃 每個會議廳、每個展覽館規格的用心,讓與 會者更方便交流討論,分享經驗。」

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change COP28

The28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC-COP28) was held from November 30 to December 12, 2023 at the Expo City in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. This year marked a historic milestone for climate action, with over 70,000 representatives, including 198 parties, heads of state, government leaders, business leaders, and climate scientists, in attendance. A total of 615 governmental and non-governmental organizations applied to be observer organizations for the UNFCCC-COP. This year, Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) was recognized by the UNFCCC for the first time and was included in the list of non-profit observer organizations.

COP stands for Conference of the Parties, referring to the meetings of governments (parties) committed to taking action to address climate change. Ven. You Lin, BLIA World Headquarters UN NGO Office Director; and Mabel Lam, United Nation Affairs Committee Director represented BLIA at the UNFCCC COP28 opening ceremony held at the Blue Zone B1 Al Ghafat in Dubai. The event was packed with distinguished guests.

For the first time, COP28 established a Faith Pavilion dedicated to the participation of faith groups. On December 4, the pavilion hosted a panel discussion titled “Faiths Supporting Earth: Interfaith Perspectives on Climate Action,” exploring the role of religion in the global climate crisis and how different religious groups can jointly promote environmental stewardship and sustainable development practices. Each day, COP28 featured different themes, allowing governments and organizations worldwide to showcase their efforts.

2023 年 12 月 6 日國際佛光會聯合國辦公室主任有霖法師代表 國際佛光會,於座談會後與阿拉伯南部使徒教區的保羅-馬蒂 內利主教提出,佛教可與各宗教融合,建議未來「信仰館」 可邀請佛教對談,以了解佛教對各項議題所做的努力。

On December 6, 2023, Ven. You Lin, World Headquarters UN NGO Office Director represented BLIA and suggested to Bishop Paolo Martinelli of the Apostolic Vicariate of Southern Arabia that Buddhism could integrate with other religions; she further proposed that in the future, “Faith Pavilion” can invite Buddhists for a dialogue to better understand their efforts on various issues.

On December 8, Ven. Chueh Pei, BLIA World Headquarters Secretary General, and Ven. Chueh Cheng, Deputy Secretary General Southeast Asia attended events and meetings on the theme “Children, Youth, Education, and Technology.” Ven. Chueh Pei stated that they responded to various themes of the UNFCCC and used this platform to show the world how BLIA implements the concept of environmental protection and love for the Earth through concrete actions globally. Ven. Chueh Cheng happily shared her reflections, “Attending COP28 in person not only allowed us to hear about the education and future hopes for environmental protection from various parties but also to witness firsthand the meticulous planning of each conference hall and exhibition pavilion by the organizers, facilitating better exchange, discussion, and experience sharing among participants.”

2023 年 12 月 3 日國際佛光會團隊把握交流時間向哈

利法大學的經理 Mohamed Husian 分享創會會長 星雲大師推動的「環保與心保」理念。

On December 3, 2023, the BLIA team seized the opportunity to share Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s concepts of “Environmental and Spiritual Preservation” with Mohamed Husian, the manager of Khalifa University.

2023年12月4日國際佛光會聯合國辦公室團隊 有霖法師、何美寶和王書華代表出席氣候峰 會,於 COP28 各館參與,了解聯合國推動之 發展議題。

On December 4, 2023, the BLIA UN Office team, including Ven. You Lin, Mabel Lam, and Audrey Wang attended the climate summit and participated in various pavilions at COP28 to understand the UN’s development agenda.


On December 8, 2023, Ven. Chueh Pei, BLIA World Headquarters Secretary General, and Ven. Chueh Cheng, Deputy Secretary General Southeast Asia attended COP28 and were interviewed by the local media.

2024年5月9日至10日「聯合國民間團體會議」 於非洲肯亞內羅畢召開,國際佛光會受邀出席,共同探討5大主題。

The 2024 United Nations Civil Society Conference was held on May 9-10 in Nairobi, Kenya. BLIA was invited to attend and participate in discussions on five major themes.


年聯合國民間團體會議」5 月 9 日

至 10 日於非洲肯亞內羅畢召開,國際佛 光會受邀出席,由佛光山南非南華寺覺開法 師、世界總會非洲聯誼會主任委員馮德滿、 協會秘書李雅萍代表參加,並於現場設置攤 位,推廣佛光山、國際佛光會宗旨理念、及 介紹南非天龍隊給 2,750 個團體、3,600 位 與會者。

此次「民間團體會議」主要在聽取民 間的聲音,為 9 月即將在紐約聯合國進行未 來發展的高峰會做準備,期盼藉由高峰會議 的因緣為佛教發聲。議題安排包含:永續發 展和發展籌資;國際和平與安全;科學、技 術和創新以及數位合作;青年和後代;轉變 全球治理等五大主題。出席成員包括民間社 團、青年團體、學術界和研究人員等,會議 期間透過研討會和小組討論,深入探討如何 更好地實施永續發展目標,並由聯合國委員 會整合討論結果,作為未來發展的高峰會內 容,以利未來制訂可持續的目標。

2024年5月9日國際佛光會代表出席「聯合國民間團體 會議」,並設攤推廣4大宗旨理念。

On May 9, 2024, BLIA representatives attended the United Nations Civil Society Conference and set up a booth to promote Fo Guang Shan’s Four Objectives.

跨宗教議題裡,主任委員馮德滿提出佛 教提倡的慈悲、智慧與平等理念,並與眾分 享創會會長星雲大師及國際佛光會,讓更多 人認識國際佛光會所積極從事的慈善與教育 工作,以為該議題盡心力。各非洲組織代表 交流,共同為消除貧窮、暴力、戰爭和不平 等努力,並重視女性議題,期許創造更美好 的社會。

United Nations Civil Society Conference

BLIAwas invited to attend the 2024 United Nations Civil Society Conference in Nairobi, Kenya on May 9-10. BLIA representatives who attended the event were Ven. Jue Kai, BLIA African Fellowship Director Ying Fang Duman, and BLIA Secretary Anny WeiLee. They set up a convention booth to promote Fo Guang Shan and BLIA's mission and philosophy, and to introduce the Nan Hua Performing Arts Group across the 2,750 organizations and 3,600 participants.

The primary objective of the Civil Society Conference was to gather diverse input from the community, in preparation for the September Summit of the Future hosted by the United Nations in New York with hopes of amplifying the voices of the Buddhist community. There were five major themes explored, including sustainable development and financing for development, international peace and security, science, technology and innovation, digital cooperation, youth and future generations, and transforming global governance. Participants

2024年5月9日世界總會非洲聯誼委員會主任委員馮德 滿代表出席「聯合國民間團體會議」,並提出佛教慈 悲、智慧與平等之理念。

On May 9, 2024, BLIA African Fellowship Committee Director Ling Fang Duman represented the organization at the United Nations Civil Society Conference and presented on the Buddhist principles of compassion, wisdom, and equality.

2024 年 5 月 9 日「聯合國民間團體會議」有民間社團、青 年團體、學術界和研究人員等代表出席。

On May 9, 2024, the United Nations Civil Society Conference was attended by representatives from civil society organizations, youth groups, academic members, and researchers.

ranged from civil society organizations to youth groups, academic members and researchers. Through seminars and panel discussions, the conference explored ways to enhance the implementation of sustainable development. The United Nations committee will leverage the consolidated outcomes of the discussions to formulate agenda for the Summit of the Future, as it seeks to facilitate the establishment of sustainable goals for the future.

During the interfaith discussions, Director Fang Duman highlighted the Buddhist principles of compassion, wisdom, and equality. She further shared inspiring insights on BLIA’s founding president, Venerable Master Hsing Yun, and the educational initiatives led by BLIA members. Representatives from various African organizations exchanged views and collaborated on efforts to eliminate poverty, violence, war, and inequality, and in particular, on women's issues, aspiring to create a better society.


Joy and Harmony


and Innovation

Shan Thaihua Temple held its inauguration ceremony in

法身慧命之家 落成啟用


佛光山泰華寺 2024 年 6 月 16 日 於曼谷舉行落成典禮,由佛光

山住持暨世界總會總會長心保和尚親 臨剪綵,泰華寺住持心定和尚率眾接 待來自世界各地貴賓、佛光人計 1,500 人。落成前 7 天,泰華寺舉辦供僧祈福, 共計 1,250 名泰國僧人納受,為落成啟用揭 開序幕,共同見證南、北傳佛教融和的新里程。

啟用儀式由世界總會總會長心保和尚、世界總會理事及 泰華寺住持心定和尚帶領泰國曼谷市長 Chadchart、政 務次長 Wantanee Wattana,蘇拉薩‧甘乍納拉上將、 泰國潮州會館永遠名譽主席陳漢士、主席徐惠深、世界 總會副總會長劉招明等共同剪綵、啟鑰儀式。心保和尚 於會中代表國際佛光會世界總會,致贈泰華寺一幅星雲 大師寶石畫,畫上雋刻「山川異域,日月同天;寄諸佛 子,共結來緣」,象徵菩提種子遠播泰國,將帶來無窮 希望與智慧法益。

2024 年 6 月 16 日心保和尚代表世界總會,將星 雲大師寶石致贈給泰華寺,「山川異域,日月 同天;寄諸佛子,共結來緣」,象徵菩提種子 遠播泰國,將帶來無窮希望與智慧法益。

On June 16, 2024, Most Venerable Hsin Bau presented to Thaihua Temple on behalf of BLIA World Headquarters, a gemstone painting of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, inscribed with the verse, “Across the mountains, streams, and foreign lands, the sun and moon, all beneath the one sky; hope is placed in all children of the Buddha, to create the future altogether.” This symbolized the spread of bodhi seeds to Thailand, bringing endless hope and Dharma benefits of wisdom.

On June 16, 2024, BLIA World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau led 1,500 distinguished guests from around the world in a solemn offering ceremony in the Main Shrine of Thaihua Temple.

2024年6月16日由總會長心保和尚、世界總會理事心定和尚帶領 泰國曼谷市長Chadchart、政務次長Wantanee Wattana,蘇拉薩‧甘乍納拉上將、 泰國潮州會館永遠名譽主席陳漢士、主席徐惠深、世界總會副總會長劉招明等共同剪綵、啟鑰儀式。

Inauguration of Dharma Body and Wisdom Life Abode

Fo Guang Shan Thaihua Temple

OnJune 16, 2024, Fo Guang Shan Thaihua Temple held its inauguration ceremony in Bangkok; Most Venerable Hsin Bau, Fo Guang Shan Abbot and BLIA World Headquarters President presided over the ribboncutting. Most Venerable Hsin Ting, Abbot of Thaihua Temple, led a reception for 1,500 distinguished guests and BLIA members from around the world. Seven days before the inauguration, Thaihua Temple hosted a “Sangha Offering and Blessing Ceremony” with 1,250 Thai monks accepting the offerings, marking the beginning of a new chapter in the integration of Mahayana and Theravada Buddhism.

The inauguration was led by BLIA World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, BLIA Director and Abbot Most Venerable Hsin Ting, along with Bangkok Mayor Chadchart Sittipunt, Deputy Minister of Interior Wantanee Wattana, Former Minister of Natural Resources and Environment H.E. General Surasak Karnjanarat, Permanent Honorary Chairman Kraisorn Chansiri of Tio Chew Association of Thailand, Chairman Chim Chinviriyakul of Tio Chew Association of Thailand, BLIA World Headquarters Vice President Liu Chao Ming, and other dignitaries participated in the ribbon-cutting and key-turning ceremony.

On June 16, 2024, Most Venerable Hsin Bau, President of BLIA World Headquarters; and Most Venerable Hsin Ting, BLIA World Headquarters director; led the ribbon-cutting and key-turning ceremony along with Bangkok Mayor Chadchart Sittipunt, Deputy Minister of Interior Wantanee Wattana, Former Minister of Natural Resources and Environment H.E. General Surasak Karnjanarat, Permanent Honorary Chairman Kraisorn Chansiri and Chairman Chim Chinviriyakul of Tio Chew Association of Thailand, and BLIA World Headquarters Vice President Liu Chao Ming. 2024 年 6 月 9 日至 15 日舉辦 7 天供僧祈福活動,以慶祝泰

From June 9 to 15, 2024, a seven-day Sangha Offering and Blessing Ceremony was held to celebrate the inauguration of Thaihua Temple.

During the ceremony, Most Venerable Hsin Bau presented to Thaihua Temple on behalf of BLIA World Headquarters, a gemstone painting of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, inscribed with the verse, “Across the mountains, streams, and foreign lands, the sun and moon, all beneath the one sky; hope is placed in all children of the Buddha, to create the future altogether.” This symbolized the spread of bodhi seeds to Thailand, bringing endless hope and Dharma benefits of wisdom.

2024 年 6 月 16 日泰華寺落成典禮,世界總會理事暨 泰華寺住持心定和尚、總會長心保和尚、副總會長 劉招明、泰國曼谷市長 Chadchart 等代表致詞,歡 喜見證泰華寺的落成。

At the Thaihua Temple inauguration ceremony on June 16, 2024, Most Venerable Hsin Ting, BLIA World Headquarters director and abbot of Thaihua Temple; Most Venerable Hsin Bau, President of BLIA World Headquarters; Vice President Liu Chao Ming; and Bangkok Mayor Chadchart Sittipunt; offered remarks to share the joy of witnessing the inauguration of Thaihua Temple.

2024年6月23日世界總會總會長心保和尚、副總會長劉招明等人,代表致贈星雲大師寶石畫,意涵著大師的威德 永存每個佛光人心中。

On June 23, 2024, Most Venerable Hsin Bau, BLIA World Headquarters President, and Vice President Chao Ming Liu presented a gemstone painting of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, symbolizing the Master’s enduring virtue in the hearts of all BLIA members.



6 年艱辛重建工程,德國柏林佛光

山於 2024 年 6 月 23 日舉行盛大落 成開光典禮。佛光山住持暨世界總會總會 長心保和尚、佛光山長老慈莊法師、世界

總會 ( 歐洲 ) 副秘書長滿謙法師、柏林佛 光山首任監寺滿徹法師、德國 BramboschSchaelen 比丘尼基金會主席 Carola Roloff 教授、重建工程建築團隊,以及來自大洋 洲、台灣及歐洲各國的佛光人近 1,000 人, 見證歷史的一刻!

世界總會總會長心保和尚帶領諸位引禮 法師薰壇灑淨、開光說法。心保和尚感謝所有 佛光人共同見證這一時千載、千載一時的歷 史時刻。心保和尚期許重建後的柏林佛光山, 與社區互相照應,互相和合,接受肯定;讓道 場在柏林的發展上,更加成就;讓佛日增輝、 正法久住。典禮中,由世界總會副總會長劉招 明等人,代表致贈星雲大師寶石畫,意涵著大 師的威德永存每個佛光人心中,讓法輪常轉, 法水長流。佛光人看到大師法像,皆感念師 恩,感恩大師在全球建立 300 餘道場,讓大 家的法身慧命得以安住,增長福慧。

2024年6月23日柏林佛光山舉行盛大落成開光典禮,總會長心保和尚、佛光山長老慈莊法師等貴賓,以及來自大洋 洲、台灣及歐洲各國的佛光人近1,000人,見證這歷史性的一刻。

On June 23, 2024, Fo Guang Shan Berlin Temple held an inauguration and consecration ceremony. BLIA World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau and Fo Guang Shan Elder Venerable Tzu Chuang, along with nearly 1,000 BLIA members from Oceana, Taiwan, and various European countries, witnessed the historic moment.

2024年6月23日柏林佛光山開光落成,由世界總會總會長心保和尚主持, 副總會長劉招明、理事蔡有娣及功德主一同見證歷史性的一刻。

On June 23, 2024, the inauguration ceremony of Fo Guang Shan Berlin Temple was presided over by Most Venerable Hsin Bau, BLIA World Headquarters President. Vice President Liu Chao Ming, Director Viviane Khamsing, and benefactors also witnessed this historic moment.

Fo Guang Shan Berlin Temple

Aftersix years of challenging reconstruction, the inauguration ceremony of Fo Guang Shan Berlin Temple was held on June 23, 2024. Most Venerable Hsin Bau, Fo Guang Shan Abbot and BLIA World Headquarters President; Venerable Tzu Chuang, Fo Guang Shan Elder; Venerable Man Chien, BLIA Vice Secretary General Europe; Venerable Man Che, first Superintendent of Fo Guang Shan Berlin; Professor Carola Roloff, Chair of the Brambosch-Schaelen Foundation; the reconstruction team, and close to 1,000 BLIA members from Oceana, Taiwan, and various European countries attended the ceremony in witnessing the historic moment.

Most Venerable Hsin Bau, BLIA World Headquarters President, led the purification and inauguration ceremony and spoke the Dharma. He expressed gratitude to all BLIA members for witnessing this historic moment: “Once in a thousand years; a thousand years in a moment.” Most Venerable Hsin Bau hopes that the newly rebuilt Fo Guang Shan Berlin Temple will foster mutual support and harmony with the community, achieve tremendous success in its development, and ensure the continued flourishing of the Buddha's teachings and the lasting abidance of the right Dharma.

2024 年 6 月 23 日「新道場很威武,很莊嚴。」慈莊法師 讚歎,勉勵護法居士繼續護持道場,並要傳承給下一 代,完成大師的心願,讓「佛光普照三千界,法水長流 五大洲」。

On June 23, 2024, Elder Venerable Tzu Chuang offered her praise for the the new temple, “very imposing and auspicious.” She encouraged the Dharma protectors to continue supporting the temple and to pass on the legacy to the next generation, fulfilling the Venerable Master’s wish: “May the Buddha’s light shine universally on the three thousand realms; let the Dharma stream flow across all five continents.”

During the ceremony, BLIA Vice President Liu Chao Ming and others presented on behalf of the World Headquarters a gemstone painting of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, symbolizing the Master’s enduring virtue in the hearts of all BLIA members; may the Dharma wheel keep turning and the Dharma stream flow eternally. On seeing the Master’s image, BLIA members expressed deep gratitude for his establishment of over 300 temples around the world, offering a place of abidance for our Dharma body and wisdom life, enhancing both merit and wisdom.



在 2019 年 10 月 25 日遭逢祝融肆虐,大雄 寶殿全毀。經過 4 年多的努力重建,在蓮華寺住


功德主 Newman Arndt and Johnathon Arndt 及護 法信眾的盡心盡力護持,於 2024 年 1 月 11 日隆 重舉辦落成開光典禮,並禮請佛光山泰華寺住持 暨世界總會理事心定和尚、世界總會 ( 美西 ) 副秘 書長慧東法師及西來寺慧澤法師主持開光典禮。

「蓮華寶剎呈吉祥,諸佛菩薩皆放光,為慶 重建新落成,護法信眾永安康。」蓮花寺開光落 成。心定和尚開示,引用創會會長星雲大師「寺 院就像一所學校、像人生的加油站、像心靈的百 貨公司」勉勵寺院讓我們學習智慧、慈悲和包容。

佛陀證悟的因緣法,讓眾生了解因緣生滅,就能 夠自在灑脫,進而解脫;生命中不如意之事,只 是一段因緣,終將過去,要不斷向前走,寺院給 予心靈的資糧,讓我們找到心靈的快樂。

世界總會 ( 美西 ) 副秘書長暨西來寺住持慧 東法師以英文致詞,當中提到佛光山開山歷史, 同時鼓勵大家共同支持蓮華寺繼續推動開山祖師 星雲大師所提倡的人間佛教。蓮花寺開光落成典 禮,各界貴賓、佛光人等,近 200 多人出席同沾 法喜,並見證歷史性的一刻。

2024 年 1 月 11

日蓮華寺監院印堅法師及滿敬法師接 受典禮司儀 Rachel Skidmore 代表拉斯維加斯市長 Carolyn Goodman所頒發祝賀函。

On January 11, 2024, Lian Hua Temple Superintendent Venerable Yin Kin and Venerable Man Ching received a congratulatory letter from Las Vegas Mayor Carolyn Goodman, presented by the ceremony MC Rachel Skidmore.


日世界總會理事心定和尚、世界總會(美西)副秘書長慧東法師前往佛光山蓮華寺主持開光儀式, 現場200人一同大合照。

On January 11, 2024, Most Venerable Hsin Ting, BLIA World Headquarters director, and Venerable Hui Dong, BLIA Vice Secretary General America West, were at Fo Guang Shan Lian Hua Temple to officiate the inauguration ceremony. A group photo was taken with around 200 attendees present at the event.

Lian Hua Temple in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

FoGuang Shan Lian Hua Temple in Las Vegas, Nevada, was devastated by a fire on October 25, 2019, and the main shrine was destroyed. It has been rebuilt after more than four years of dedicated effort. Under the supervision of Abbess Venerable Hui Guang, Superintendent Venerable Yin Kin, and Venerable Man Ching, and with the wholehearted support of benefactors Newman Arndt and Johnathon Arndt, as well as devotees, the reopening and inauguration ceremony took place on January 11, 2024. The ceremony was presided over by Most Venerable Hsin Ting, FGS Thaihua Temple Abbot and BLIA World Headquarters Director, along with Venerable Hui Dong, BLIA Vice Secretary General America West, and Venerable Hui Ze from His Lai Temple.

2024 年 1 月 11 日蓮華寺監院印堅法師及滿敬法師 接受美國參議員Jacky Rosen代表頒發的感謝狀。

On January 11, 2024, Lian Hua Temple Superintendent Venerable Yin Kin and Venerable Man Ching received a certificate of appreciation presented by the representative of US Senator Jacky Rosen.

2024年1月11日世界總會理事心定和尚、世界 總會(美西)副秘書長慧東法師與西來寺慧 澤法師為蓮華寺佛像進行開光儀式。

On January 11, 2024, Most Venerable Hsin Ting, BLIA World Headquarters Director; Venerable Hui Dong, BLIA Vice Secretary General America West; and Venerable Hui Ze from Hsi Lai Temple presided over the consecration for the Buddha statues at Lian Hua Temple.

At the consecration of the Lian Hua Temple, Most Venerable Hsin Ting recited the gatha: “Lian Hua Temple manifests auspiciousness, buddhas and bodhisattvas radiating light; in celebration of its rebuilding and inauguration, Dharma protectors and devotees are forever in peace and good health.” He further spoke the Dharma, referencing the words of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun: “A temple is like a school, a gas station in life, and a department store for the spirit.” He emphasized the temple's role as a place of learning for wisdom, compassion, and tolerance. The Buddha’s realization of the law of causality help sentient beings understand the arising and ceasing of causes and conditions, so they can be carefree and at ease, further attaining liberation. Challenges in life are merely temporary conditions that will pass; we must continue moving forward. The temple provides spiritual nourishment, helping us find inner happiness.

Venerable Hui Dong, BLIA Vice Secretary General America West and Hsi Lai Temple Abbot, offered remarks in English. He related the history of the founding of Fo Guang Shan and encouraged everyone to continue supporting Lian Hua Temple in advancing the Humanistic Buddhism advocated by Founding Master, Venerable Master Hsing Yun. The inauguration ceremony of Lian Hua Temple was attended by nearly 200 guests and BLIA members, sharing in the Dharma joy in witnessing this historic moment.


國際佛光會各洲聯誼會 2024

年歐洲佛光聯誼會」藉由柏林佛光山 新道場隆重的落成開幕典禮因緣,今年於 6 月 22 日在柏林 Titanic Chausse 酒店盛大舉行, 世界總會總會長心保和尚親臨現場指導,副總 會長劉招明、( 歐洲 ) 副祕書長滿謙法師及佛光 山歐洲教區總住持覺容法師等,逾 500 位來自 歐洲、亞洲及大洋洲的佛光人齊聚柏林,共同 見證這一時千載,千載一時的殊勝因緣,也為 歐洲佛光聯誼會的出席人數創下歷史紀錄。

大會邀請總會長心保和尚主題演講「共生 與共榮」,以「為教爭光、為己爭榮」,與歐 洲佛光人共勉。「人間音緣弘法」由歐洲各協 會暢談如何透過人間音緣,以音樂弘法,讓人 間佛教在歐洲這片擁有悠遠文化的國度遍地開

花。「話說星雲大師」論壇,由滿謙法師主持, 副總會長劉招明、陳秋琴伉儷、大洋洲聯誼委 員會主委蔡素芬、黃明泰伉儷、荷蘭阿姆斯特 丹協會羅劉美珍督導、台南區總住持滿舟法師 等進行與談。

「佛光之夜」由各協會集體創作,精采 的演出贏得熱烈掌聲。柏林協會的〈愛就是 惜〉、里斯本協會的〈讚佛歌〉、法蘭克福協 會的〈星雲詩〉、馬德里協會的〈傳遞幸福〉 接連上演。最後,由心保和尚帶領所有的法師 合唱的〈四海都有佛光人〉、〈我的家鄉在佛 光山〉,帶動全場氣氛,將聯誼會推向高潮。

閉幕典禮上,歐洲聯誼會主任委員蘇秀 琴宣讀會議宣言;「共生共榮闡妙義,群我地 球與大眾;社會家庭及普世,互相尊重和包 容,平安幸福照五洲。」

2024 年歐洲聯誼會

在承辦單位交接禮後圓滿落幕,與會大眾滿懷 法喜及感動,並承諾明年葡萄牙里斯本再見。

2024 年6 月 22 日「歐洲佛光聯誼會」由世界總會主辦、 柏林協會承辦於柏林 Titanic Chaussee 酒店盛大舉行, 總會長心保和尚親臨現場指導。

On June 22, 2024, the BLIA Europe Fellowship Meeting, organized by the BLIA World Headquarters and hosted by BLIA Berlin, was held at the Titanic Chaussee Hotel in Berlin. President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, attended the event and provided guidance.


On June 22, 2024, at the opening ceremony of BLIA Europe Fellowship Meeting, 500 BLIA members from Europe, Oceana, and Taiwan were happy to be meeting each other.

BLIA Fellowship Meetings on Each Continent

Europe Fellowship Meeting

The 2024 BLIA Europe Fellowship Meeting was held on June 22 at the Titanic Chaussee Hotel in Berlin, and in celebrating the momentous inauguration of the new FGS Berlin Temple. BLIA World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau attended the event and offered guidance. Also present were Vice President Chao-Ming Liu, BLIA Deputy Secretary General Europe Ven. Man Chien, and FGS Europe Chief Abbess Ven. Chueh Jung. Over 500 BLIA members from Europe, Asia, and Oceana gathered in Berlin to witness this historic occasion, setting a new attendance record for the BLIA Europe Fellowship Meeting.

The meeting invited President Most Venerable Hsin Bau for the keynote address, “Coexistence and Co-prosperity;” he inspired European BLIA members with the message, “Bring glory to Buddhism, bring honor to ourselves.” The session titled “Dharma Propagation through Sounds of the Human World” highlighted discussions from various BLIA Europe chapters on how Humanistic Buddhism can take root and flourish across Europe’s culturally rich landscape through the power of music. The forum “Speaking of Venerable Master Hsing Yun,” moderated by Ven. Man Chien, included contributions from Vice President Chao-Ming Liu and his wife Chiu Ching Chen, Oceana Fellowship Committee Director Sophie

Tsai and husband Huang Ming-tai, BLIA Amsterdam Elder Advisor Thi Muoi Jang Luu, and FGS Southern Taiwan Chief Abbess Ven. Man Jou, all sharing their perspectives and experiences.

The Night of the Buddha's Light was a collaborative showcase of performances by various BLIA chapters, each receiving a warm round of applause. Highlights included Berlin’s “Love is Cherishing,” Lisbon’s “Praise the Buddha,” Frankfurt’s “Hsing Yun's Poems,” and Madrid’s “Spreading Happiness.” The evening reached its peak when Most Venerable Hsin Bau led all the monastics in a heartfelt chorus of “BLIA Members Around the World” and “My Hometown is Fo Guang Shan,” energizing the entire audience and bringing the fellowship meeting to a triumphant close.

At the closing ceremony, BLIA Europe Fellowship Committee Director Xiu Qin Su read the conference declaration: “Coexistence and coprosperity interpret wondrous significance, enhancing harmony between the Earth and all beings; respect and tolerance within society, family, and the world, bringing peace and happiness across the five continents.” The 2024 BLIA Europe Fellowship Meeting concluded successfully with the handover ceremony to the next host chapter; participants were filled with Dharma joy and inspiration, with a collective promise to reunite in Lisbon, Portugal next year.


On June 22, 2024, at the closing ceremony, participants promised to meet again at the 2025 BLIA Europe Fellowship Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal.

2024年6月22日「話說星雲大師」論壇,由( 歐洲)副秘書長滿謙法師主持,副總會長劉招明、陳秋琴伉儷、大 洋洲聯誼委員會主委蔡素芬、黃明泰伉儷、荷蘭阿姆斯特丹協會羅劉美珍督導、台南區總住持滿舟法師與談。

The forum “Speaking of Venerable Master Hsing Yun,” moderated by Ven. Man Chien, included contributions from Vice President Chao-Ming Liu and wife Chiu Ching Chen, Oceana Fellowship Committee Director Sophie Tsai and husband Mingtai Huang, BLIA Amsterdam Elder Advisor Thi Muoi Jang Luu, and FGS Southern Taiwan Chief Abbess Ven. Man Jou, all sharing their perspectives and experiences.

2024 年 6 月 22 日世界總會 總會長心保和尚等,頒發 「感謝狀」。

On June 22, 2024, BLIA World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, along with distinguished guests, presented certificates of appreciation.

3月30日至31日「國際佛光會2024年非洲聯誼會」世界總會(非洲)副祕書長慧昉法師、檀講師江峰平、佛光山功德 主會執行長覺淳法師,南非與賴索托共7個協會會員、青年團等計有200人出席參加。

From March 30 to 31, the 2024 BLIA Africa Fellowship Meeting was held, with Ven. Hui Fang, Deputy Secretary General Africa, Lay Dharma Lecturer Chiang Feng-ping, and Ven. Chueh Chun, FGS Benefactors Committee Director, as well as BLIA members and YAD subdivisions from seven chapters across South Africa and Lesotho, a total of 200 attendees.



4 年的「國際佛光會 2024 年非

洲聯誼會」,3 月 30 日至 31 日在南華寺 召開,與會貴賓有世界總會(非洲)副祕書長 慧昉法師、檀講師江峰平、佛光山功德主會 執行長覺淳法師,南非與賴索托共 7 個協 會會員、青年團等計有 200 人出席參加。

由非洲聯誼會主任委員馮德滿主持開 幕典禮,總會長心保和尚、署理會長慈容法 師與祕書長覺培法師分別錄製影片勉勵非洲的 佛光人。聯誼會安排主題論壇,由慧昉法師主持 「話說星雲大師―談身教與言教」,邀請四位法師擔 任與談人分享;聯誼會邀請中華總會的江峰平檀講師教授 宣講員三段式演講法,及「創造力―激發團隊生命力的智慧與 創新」分享如何利用創意辦活動,利用對的人做對的事。

佛光山功德主會覺淳法師教授「佛光人的信仰」,佛光人 參與的活動目的就是信仰,信仰會給人目標、給人歡喜。江峰 平檀講師主持「佛光會務面面觀」座談會。普利托利亞協會會 員天杰以天龍隊為例,報告非洲本土化的成果,獲得讚賞與肯 定。聯誼會最後,安排緬懷佛光山開山祖師星雲大師歌詠禮讚, 讚頌圓滿後,會員大眾至法師面前領取象徵法水永流長的菩提 葉書籤,場面莊嚴溫馨。下屆非洲佛光聯誼會將於 2 年後由德 本協會承辦,大家相約再見。

2024年3月30日主題論壇「話說星雲 大師―談身教與言教」由 ( 非洲 ) 副秘 書長慧昉法師主持,並由 4 位法師擔 任與談人分享經驗,分別敘述創會 會長星雲大師的身教與言教。

On March 30, 2024, the forum, “Remembering Venerable Master Hsing Yun—On Leading by Example and Teaching” was conducted by Ven. Hui Fang, Deputy Secretary General Africa. Four monastics served as panelists, sharing insights and discussing the influential teachings and exemplary life of Founding President, Venerable Master Hsing Yun.

Africa Fellowship Meeting

After a four-year hiatus due to the pandemic, the 2024 BLIA Africa Fellowship Meeting reconvened from March 30 to 31 at Nan Hua Temple. Distinguished guests included Ven. Hui Fang, BLIA World Headquarters Deputy Secretary General Africa; Dharma Lecturer Chiang Feng-ping; and Ven. Chueh Chun, FGS Benefactors Committee Executive Director. Representatives from seven BLIA chapters across South Africa and Lesotho, as well as BLIA YAD members brought the total attendance to 200.

The opening ceremony of the Africa Fellowship Meeting was chaired by Fang Duman, BLIA Africa Fellowship Committee Director. BLIA World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, Acting President Venerable Tzu Jung, and Secretary General Venerable Chueh Pei each offered messages of encouragement to BLIA Africa members via video. The fellowship meeting organized a forum moderated by Ven. Hui Fang titled “Remembering Master Hsing Yun—On Leading by Example and Teaching,” featuring discussions with four monastic panelists. The fellowship meeting invited Lay Dharma Lecturer Chiang Feng-ping from BLIA Chunghua to teach the three-part speech technique and share insights on “Creativity - Stimulating Team Vitality with Wisdom and Innovation,” on how to organize creative events and strategically placing the right people in the right roles.


日檀講師江峰平特地從台灣前往 南非南華寺,與非洲佛光人結緣授課,宣講 員三段式演講法及激發團隊生命力等課程。

On March 30, 2024, Lay Dharma Lecturer Chiang Feng-ping from the BLIA Chunghua traveled from Taiwan to Nan Hua Temple in South Africa. He connected with BLIA members in Africa and conducted a course on the threepart speech technique and on invigorating team vitality.

At the fellowship meeting, Ven. Chueh Chun, FGS Benefactors Committee Executive Director taught a session, “The Faith of BLIA Members,” highlighting that faith is the core reason for their engagement in activities, offering both direction and joy. Lay Dharma Lecturer Chiang Feng-ping facilitated a panel discussion on “Various Perspectives on BLIA Affairs.” BLIA Pretoria member Tian Jie reported on the successful localization efforts in Africa with the South African Nan Hua Performing Arts Group as an illustrative example, which has garnered significant praise and recognition.

The fellowship meeting concluded with a solemn and heartfelt chanting service in memory of Fo Guang Shan Founding Master, Venerable Master Hsing Yun. As the service concluded, attendees received bodhi leaf bookmarks from the monastics, symbolizing the eternal flow of the Dharma stream. The next BLIA Africa Fellowship Meeting is set to be hosted by BLIA Durban in two years, and members are looking forward to reuniting.


日「非洲聯誼會」閉幕典禮,佛 光人相約2年後見,並由德本協會發心承辦。

On March 31, 2024, the closing ceremony of the Africa Fellowship Meeting was held, where BLIA members promised to meet again in two years. BLIA Durban is to host the next meeting.

各洲佛學會考 與法相會



2024 年 1 月 13


舉行,北美洲 27 個協會共同積極推廣,近 1,600 人參與盛會。年齡層從 4 歲到 90 多歲,佛光人不 分老少、種族、語言,大家深入經藏、法喜充滿。

考試共使用三種語言,有中英法文。考試內 容,中文分為成人 A、B 二組,A 組出自《成就的 秘訣 - 金剛經》,B 組增加《佛光教科書第 5 冊: 宗派概論》。英文又分成人、青年、青少年組, 考題均出自《佛法真義 3》及《雲水禪》影帶。英 文及法文的兒童組考題出自《三好其實很簡單》。

考生臨時換組,可直接提供新的考卷連結給 考生,是此次一大突破。而考試方式仍採取線上 「開卷考」(Open Book),成績於「提交」後,

立即揭曉。主辦單位並提供豐富的獎項,包括團 體獎的「推廣績優獎」、「佛學水平獎」;個人 獎的「佛光獎」滿分交卷速度前 50 名,「圓滿獎」

滿分者及「精進獎」成功交卷者。獲獎名單於 1 月 20 日在佛學會考官網公布。 「

世界總會(美西)副秘書長慧東法師 表示,感謝中華總會特別錄製《成就的秘 訣 - 金剛經》視頻來協助考生。(美東)副 祕書長永固法師提到,此次題庫及考試方 式不僅多元並融入本土化,有 Zoom、PPT presentation、kahoot、漫畫等,同時得到 許多青年的集體創作。會考總幹事陳居檀講 師指出,這次會考非常重視年輕考生,透過 童軍團、中文學校及佛青等,吸引許多青年 學子的參加,令人鼓舞不已。


On January 13, 2024, members of BLIA Oakland Subchapter, San Francisco gathered at FGS Temple to take part in the Buddhism Exam.

Buddhism Exams Across Continents –Encountering the Dharma

North America Buddhism Exam


North America Buddhism Exam was held online on January 13, 2024 (the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, commemorating the Buddha's enlightenment). Twenty-seven BLIA chapters across North America actively promoted the event, which drew nearly 1,600 participants. They ranged in age from 4 to over 90 years old, embodying the diversity of BLIA members in terms of age, race, and language; everyone delved deeply into the Buddhist teachings and were filled with Dharma joy.

The exam was conducted in three languages: Chinese, English, and French. The contents for the Chinese language exam was divided into two adult groups: Group A – “Four Insights for Finding Fulfillment – the Diamond Sutra,” and Group B – “Fo Guang Essential Guides to Buddhism Volume 5: An Overview of Sects and Schools.” The English exam was further divided into adult, youth, and adolescent categories, with questions drawn from “Buddhadharma Pure and Simple 3” and “Heart of Cloud, Free Water, the Chan Mind” video series. The children’s section in both English and French featured questions from “Three Acts of Goodness: It's Really Simple.”

2024 年 1 月 3 日加拿大溫哥華善童學苑 6

Jayden Wu

On January 3, 2024, six-year-old Jayden Wu, a young participant from the Vancouver Sudhana School, happily took part in the children's category of the “Three Acts of Goodness: It's Really Simple” exam.

2024 年 1 月 13 日美國佛羅里達協會在佛光山光明寺考場 應考,考生不分年齡的將筆電、手機、平板等電子產 品,運用在佛學會考上。

On January 13, 2024, participants from BLIA Florida took the Buddhism Exam at FGS Guang Ming Temple, using various electronic devices such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets, regardless of their age.

This year's significant breakthrough was the ability for participants to switch groups at the last minute, with new exam links provided directly to the candidates. The exam continued to employ an open-book format conducted online, with results revealed immediately upon submission. The organizers also offered a variety of awards, including group awards for Outstanding Promotion and Buddhism Studies Achievement; individual awards were given for the Fo Guang Award to the first 50 participants scoring full marks the fastest, the Completion Award for all who scored full marks, and the Diligence Award for all who successfully submitted their exams. The list of winners was announced on January 20 on the official exam website.

Ven. Hui Dong, Deputy Secretary General America West expressed gratitude to BLIA Chunghua for producing the video “Four Insights for Finding Fulfillment – the Diamond Sutra,” to assist candidates.

Ven. Yung Ku, Deputy Secretary-General America East, remarked that the exam’s test bank and methods were diverse and incorporated local elements such as Zoom, PowerPoint presentations, Kahoot, and comics, all collaboratively created by many youths. North America Buddhism Exam Coordinator, Lay Dharma Lecturer Jim Chan, emphasized the focus on young participants for this session, successfully engaging many youths through scout troops, Chinese schools, and YAD subdivisions, which was highly inspiring.

2024年9月23日馬來西亞聯合會南馬協會, 在佛光山新馬寺舉行佛學會考,共有500人齊聚大雄寶殿參與。

On September 23, 2024, BLIA Southern Malaysia Chapter of the Malaysia Federation held a Buddhism Exam at FGS Hsingma Temple. A total of 500 participants gathered in the Main Shrine to take part in the exam.



慧,一年一度由佛光山及國際佛光會舉辦 的佛學會考,2023 年 9 月 23 日及 24 日於馬來 西亞全國同步舉行,共有 2,837 人接受挑戰參加

會考。馬來西亞教育部及柔州教育廳發公函支持 與認證下,凡學生參加佛學會考可獲得課外活動 分數,吸引逾 1,100 名中小學生報名參加。

試題以創會會長星雲大師的《人間佛教佛陀 本懷》作為成人、中學及大專生題庫範圍,《三 好其實很簡單》為小學生的考試教材。題型設有

是非、單選與複選題,考試方式採開卷、線上作答,答題 完畢按下「提交」鍵,成績立即揭曉。


500 名老中青少佛光人齊聚大雄寶殿參加會考,壯觀的場 面吸引家長們駐足殿外久久不離去,有人乾脆拉張椅子 就坐在孩子身旁,幫忙解說試題,一時華語、英語、馬來 語、各種方言都用盡,只為讓應考生了解試題可以作答。 另外,平板、手機、筆電等 3C 工具齊上陣,只為參與網 絡開卷佛學會考。

2024 年 9 月 24 日馬來西亞聯合會中馬協會, 此次馬來西亞佛學會考的教材:《人間佛教 佛陀本懷》。

On September 24, 2024, the Central Malaysia Chapter participated in the Malaysian Buddhism Exam. The material for this exam was “Humanistic Buddhism: Holding True to the Original Intents of Buddha.”

Asia Buddhism Exam

To foster greater self-improvement and deepen understanding of Buddhist wisdom, the annual Buddhism Exam, organized by Fo Guang Shan and BLIA, was conducted simultaneously across Malaysia on September 23 and 24, 2023. A total of 2,837 participants took on the challenge. Endorsed and accredited by the Malaysian Ministry of Education and the Johor State Education Department, the exam offered extracurricular activity points for students, drawing registrations from over 1,100 primary and secondary school students.

The exam questions were based on BLIA Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s “Humanistic Buddhism: Holding True to the Original Intents of Buddha” for adults, high school, and college students, while “Three Acts of Goodness: It's Really Simple” served as the test material for elementary students. Questions include true/false, multiple choice, and multiple responses. The open-book exam was conducted online, allowing participants to submit their answers with a click of the Submit button, and results were provided immediately.

2024 年 9 月 23 日佛光山新馬寺的佛光三好兒童在老師的帶領 下,一起參加佛學會考,歡喜作答。

On September 23, 2024, under the guidance of their teachers, the Three Acts of Goodness children from FGS Hsingma Temple happily participated in the Buddhism Exam.

2024 年 9 月 23 日馬來西亞聯合會南馬協會的佛光人展 現認真研讀的成果,榮獲高分成績!

On September 23, 2024, members of the Southern Malaysia Chapter showcased their diligent study efforts by achieving high scores in the Buddhism Exam!

Before the exam, FGS Hsingma Temple conducted a special blessing ceremony for the participants. The Main Shrine was filled with 500 BLIA members of all ages, creating a spectacular scene that captivated parents, some of whom stayed outside the hall for an extended period. A few parents even pulled up chairs next to their children to help explain the questions in Mandarin, English, Malay, and various dialects to ensure the examinees understood the questions. Additionally, tablets, smartphones, and laptops were all employed in the digital open-book Buddhism Exam to facilitate participation.

中華總會「2024 年線上佛學會考」, 8 月 3 日全台考場在雲端盛大展開。由 佛光會、青年團、童軍團及社會大眾 5 萬多人報名,其中,兒童組逾 2,200 人 報名,有 4 萬 3 千人應試。今年成人組 試題以佛光山開山祖師星雲大師著作《成 就的祕訣.金剛經》為範圍,兒童組考 題出自《三好其實很簡單》。會考方式 透過 Google Forms,同時讓大家「開卷 考」Open book 輕鬆答題。

The “2024 Online Buddhism Exam” organized by BLIA Chunghua was held online across Taiwan on August 3. Over 50,000 individuals registered, including members from BLIA, YAD, scouting troops, and the general public, with more than 43,000 participants taking the exam; among them, over 2,200 children registered. This year, the adult division's questions were based on Venerable Master Hsing Yun's “Four Insights for Finding Fulfillment – the Diamond Sutra,” while the children's division drew from “Three Acts of Goodness: It's Really Simple.” The exam was administered through Google Forms, allowing for an open-book format that facilitated a more relaxed testing experience.

2024年5月18日新加坡協會舉辦「佛光盃合唱大賽」初賽, 由南區分會代表團演唱的《師父頌》獲得冠軍。


On May 18, 2024, BLIA Singapore held the preliminary round of the “BLIA Cup Choir Competition.” The South District Subchapter's performance of “Ode to the Master” won the championship.



間音緣的佛曲。」世界總會為了帶動全球佛 光人一同傳唱人間音緣,以音聲弘法,特舉 辦「2024 年佛光盃合唱大賽」,總決賽訂

於 9 月 16 日在馬來西亞麻六甲舉行。全球 各洲佛光會分別於當地進行初、複賽,並選 出最強的隊伍前往馬來西亞爭取最高榮耀。

中華總會 4 月 13 日假佛光山嘉義會館 進行複賽,全台 14 支佛光合唱團近 2,000 人一同出席比賽,每支隊伍無不使出渾身解 術,展現最好的合唱成果。歷經評審嚴謹評 比,由中華佛光合唱團的普賢分團、金光明 分團、台北分團、南屏分團、圓福分團、台 南分團、鳳山分團等 7 團入圍總決賽。三位 評審高度肯定,讚歎「這是萬分感動的精采 演出!」,評審莊文達表示,此次各分團從 指揮、音準到服裝都搭配得宜,展現和諧之 美。評審林宣甫提及,參賽團體的演出不亞

於專業合唱團,除展現佛教歌曲善美,更挹 注鼓舞人心力量。評審季忠平談到,從各分 團的表演,讓人看到可敬的團隊精神,精湛 唱功不僅動人心弦,更驚豔全場。

新加坡協會於 5 月 18 日晚上在新加坡 佛光山,由 8 個分會及青年團進行比賽,由 白沙榜鵝集選區國會議員兼佛光山顧問楊涴 淩女士擔任合唱比賽的評審,並選出前三名 隊伍組成新加坡佛光合唱團,代表新加坡協 會前進馬來西亞爭取總決賽榮耀。

馬來西亞佛光合唱團於 6 月 29 日在佛 光山新馬寺大覺堂音樂廳舉辦馬來西亞區的 複賽,有來自全馬 7 支合唱團參加比賽。經 過 3 位評審衛燕貞、范青瑞及林穎茜的嚴謹 評比,「人本合唱團」、「東禪合唱團」及「芙 蓉合唱團」脫穎而出,分別獲得佛光獎、般 若獎及福慧獎。其中,「人本合唱團」及「東 禪合唱團」入圍總決賽。

Sounds of the Human World Choir Competition


Master Hsing Yun stated in An Honest Revelation, “Those who wish to remember me can chant the songs from Sounds of the Human World.” To unite BLIA members worldwide and propagate the Dharma through music, BLIA is organizing the “2024 BLIA Cup Choir Competition.” The finals will take place on September 16 in Malacca, Malaysia. BLIA chapters across all continents will hold local preliminary and semifinal rounds, from which the top teams will advance to compete in Malaysia for the ultimate accolade.

2024 年 4 月 13 日中華總會 7 支合唱團(普賢分團、金光明分 團、台北分團、南屏分團、圓福分團、台南分團、鳳山分團) 入圍總決賽,由趙怡總會長、依空法師及慧傳法師頒獎。

On April 13, BLIA Chunghua held the semifinals at Fo Guang Shan Chiayi Hall, drawing nearly 2,000 participants from fourteen BLIA choirs across Taiwan. Each team delivered their best performances, showcasing their choral talents. After thorough evaluation, seven groups—Pu Xian, Jin Guang Ming, Taipei, Nan Ping, Yuan Fu, Tainan, and Feng Shan choirs —advanced to the finals. The judges were highly impressed, commending the performances as profoundly moving. Judge Wen-Ta Juang appreciated the seamless integration of conducting, pitch, and costumes that highlighted the beauty of harmony.

2024 年 4 月 13 日中華佛光合唱團台北分團獻唱人間音緣 曲目〈留〉,優美曲目感動人心。

On April 13, 2024, the Taipei Subchapter of the BLIA Chunghua Choir performed the Sounds of the Human World piece titled “Stay.” Their beautiful rendition moved the audience deeply.

On April 13, 2024, seven choirs from BLIA Chunghua—Pu Xian, Jin Guang Ming, Taipei, Nan Ping, Yuan Fu, Tainan, and Fengshan subchapters—qualified for the finals. Awards were presented by Chao Yi, BLIA Chunghua President, Ven. Yi Kong, and Ven. Hui Chuan.

Judge Huan-Fu Lin equated the choirs’ performances with those of professional ensembles, praising their ability to beautifully render Buddhist songs and inspire audiences. Judge Chi Chong-Ping admired the commendable team spirit and exceptional vocal skills that not only touched hearts but also captivated the entire audience.

On the evening of May 18, BLIA Singapore hosted a choir competition at FGS Singapore Temple, featuring eight subchapters and YAD subdivision. The event was judged by Ms. Yeo Wan Ling, a Member of Parliament for Pasir Ris-Punggol and an advisor to Fo Guang Shan. The top three teams were selected to form the BLIA Singapore Choir, representing BLIA Singapore to compete for honors at the finals in Malaysia.

On June 29, the Malaysia Fo Guang Choir held its regional semifinals in the Great Enlightenment Hall at FGS Hsing Ma Temple, with seven choirs from across Malaysia participating. After rigorous evaluation by judges Wai Yin Ching, Fam Qing Rui, and Chiara Lim, three choirs stood out: Humanistic Choir, Dong Zen Choir, and Seremban Choir, winning the Fo Guang Award, Prajna Award, and Fortune and Wisdom Award, respectively. Humanistic Choir and Dong Zen Choir advanced to the final round.



On June 29, 2024, the Dong Zen Subchapter of the Malaysia Fo Guang Choir delivered a heartfelt rendition of “The West” with their youthful and harmonious voices, deeply moving the audience.


日中華佛光合唱團台南分團則巧妙以木魚聲搭配團員獨白開啟演出序幕,以高昂歌聲演繹歌曲〈禮讚 偉大的佛陀〉。

On April 13, 2024, the Tainan Subchapter of the BLIA Chunghua Choir skillfully began their performance with the sound of a wooden fish paired with a member's monologue, leading into a powerful rendition of the song “Praise to the Great Buddha.”


日馬來西亞佛光合唱團進行「佛光盃合唱大賽」複賽,「人本分團」、「東禪分團」及「芙蓉分團」 脫穎而出,分別獲得佛光獎、般若獎及福慧獎。

On June 29, 2024, the Malaysia Fo Guang Choir held the semifinals of the “BLIA Cup Choir Competition.” The Humanistic, Dong Chan, and Seremban Subchapter stood out, winning the Fo Guang Award, Prajna Award, and Fortune and Wisdom Award, respectively.



To Resolve and To Develop

Self-awareness and Practicing the Buddha’s Way

佛光山南華寺慶祝佛誕節,舉辦系列慶祝公演及相關活動, 5月11 日至12 日由菲律賓悉達多太子音樂劇在南非約堡劇場演出《佛陀傳—悉達多太子》。

FGS Nan Hua Temple celebrated the Buddha's Birthday with a series of public performances and related activities. On May 11 and 12, “Siddhartha The Musical,” performed by the Siddhartha Musical troupe from Philippines, was staged at the Johannesburg Theatre in South Africa.


2024年5月11日中華總會於全台舉辦「慶祝國定佛誕節暨母親節祈福」活動, 總共869場次,計155,778人響應。(

On May 11, 2024, BLIA Chunghua held the “Celebration of the National Buddha's Birthday and Mother's Day Blessing Service” across Taiwan. The diverse and enriching activities attracted many participants. (Photo is the event held by BLIA Chunghua Southern Taipei and Pumen Temple at Rongxing Garden in Taipei.)

國定佛誕節 全球同歡慶


多年前,印度迦毗羅衛國的王后摩耶夫 人於四月八日生下了悉達多太子,當時四天 王和九龍以香湯來沐浴太子,而後世佛教徒 為了慶祝教主佛陀誕生,每年於農曆四月八 日舉行浴佛法會。「浴佛」目的是洗滌身心, 透過外在的浴佛來讓內心更為慈悲淨化,提 升每一個人的心靈層次。創會會長星雲大師 表示:佛陀是個慈悲、智慧的覺者,就像眾 生的慈母一樣,無我無私的為眾生服務,加 持一切群靈含識吉祥安樂,因此真正的「浴 佛」,主要是藉著佛陀的聖德來清淨我們的 身心,讓我們沐浴在佛陀的慈光裏,讓我們 的人生能不斷的更新。

佛誕節是佛教徒重要的節日,佛光人 為慶祝這殊勝的日子,舉辦各項佛誕慶典 活動,透過雲水浴佛、花車遊行、祈福法 會、佛誕文化展、素食園遊會等,共同傳 遞佛誕實質意義。在全球佛光人共同的努 力推動之下,「佛誕節」已漸漸地受到當 地民眾和政府的肯定。政府的支持與民眾 熱烈的迴響,讓佛誕節不但成為當地重要 的慶典之一,更是社會一股正能量,帶動 著社會的和諧與善美。

National Buddha's Birthday ~ Celebrations Worldwide

TheBuddha's Birthday is also known as the Bathing Buddha Festival. According to the sutras, more than 2,600 years ago, Queen Maya of Kapilavastu, India gave birth to Prince Siddhartha on the 8th day of the fourth Lunar month. At that time, the Four Heavenly Kings and nine nagas bathed the prince with a fragrant spring. Thereafter, Buddhists celebrate the birth of their great teacher by conducting a bathing ceremony on the eighth day of the fourth Lunar month. The purpose of bathing Buddha is to cleanse our body and mind, purifying the mind through external bathing elevates our spirituality. Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun stated, “The Buddha is the Enlightened One of compassion and wisdom. Like a loving mother to all sentient beings, he serves all sentient beings selflessly, blessing all beings with auspiciousness and happiness. Therefore, the true ‘bathing of the Buddha’ is to purify our body and mind through the sacred virtues of the Buddha. Hence, we can bathe in the light of the Buddha’s compassion, so that our lives can be constantly renewed.”

The Buddha's birthday is an important festival for Buddhists. In celebrating this special day, BLIA members held various events to commemorate the Buddha’s birthday, such as Cloud and Water Buddha bathing, float parades, blessing ceremonies, Buddha's birthday cultural exhibitions, vegetarian fairs, etc. With the joint efforts of BLIA members worldwide, the Buddha's Birthday Festival has gradually gained recognition by the local people and government. With the government’s support and the public’s enthusiastic response, the Buddha's Birthday Festival has become one of the important local celebrations and a force of positive energy in the community, bringing harmony and goodness to society.

2024年 4月13日至14西澳協會舉辦「佛誕節暨多元文 化慶典—共生與共榮」活動內容多元,「禪茶與樂」 吸引當地民眾前來參與,體驗茶禪文化。

From April 13 to 14, 2024, BLIA Western Australia hosted the “Buddha's Birthday and Multicultural Festival— Coexistence and Coprosperity.” The diverse event featured Tea & Chan and Music, which attracted local residents to experience the tea & Chan culture.

「佛誕節慶典活動」在全球佛光人數十年共同的努 力推動之下,已成為當地重要的節慶之一,不但受 到當地民眾的喜愛,更是受到當地政府的支持,肯 定佛光人對社會淨化世道人心的貢獻。

Buddha's Birthday Celebrations


The “Buddha's Birthday Festival” has become a major local celebration through the dedicated efforts of BLIA members over several decades. It is beloved by the community and supported by local governments, recognizing the contributions of BLIA members to societal purification and purifying people’s minds.

Buddha's Birthday Celebrations


“Siddhartha The Musical” has traveled to fifteen countries over seventeen years, with more than 200 performances.

悉達多太子音樂劇 南非公演


列慶祝公演及相關活動,5 月 11

日至 12 日由菲律賓悉達多太子音樂劇 在南非約堡劇場演出的《佛陀傳—悉達

多太子》;約翰尼斯堡協會、普利托利 亞協會、新堡協會極力支持音樂劇的 演出,發動會員逾 2,000 人前來觀賞,


佛陀傳演出期間,適逢佛誕節,約堡協 會特別於劇院現場設置浴佛區,讓前來 觀賞演出的大眾,都能浴佛淨身心。

世界總會體育發展委員會副主委暨菲律賓總住持永光法師 提及:悉達多音樂劇團,依據佛光山開山祖師星雲大師著作《釋 迦牟尼佛傳》,演出劇名為《佛陀傳—悉達多太子》。此音樂 劇自 2007 年至今 2024 年,歷經 17 年,走遍全球 15 個國家、 演出 200 多場,目前悉達多家族已有 7 代悉達多太子。團員君 瑞,最初只是劇團中扮演「樹」角色的男孩,現已獨當一面, 擔負起佛陀傳的導演。此次南非《佛陀傳—悉達多太子》的公 演,為音樂劇五大洲拼圖圓滿,感謝南華寺住持慧昉法師的邀 請及大力支持。音樂劇的演出深受好評,為佛教於全球的弘揚, 做出巨大的貢獻!

2024 年 5 月 1 日《佛陀傳—悉達多 太子》音樂劇於南非公演,為音 樂劇五大洲的公演,呈現圓滿的 拼圖。

On May 1, 2024, “Siddhartha The Musical” was performed in South Africa, completing its journey of performances across all five continents, bringing the global tour to a fulfilling conclusion.

約翰尼斯堡協會、普利托利亞協會、新堡協會極力支持音樂劇的演出,發動會員逾 2,000 人前來觀賞,透過音樂劇 認識佛教教主釋迦牟尼佛。

With the full support of BLIA Johannesburg, Pretoria, and Newcastle Chapters, over 2,000 members were mobilized in attendance, learning about Sakyamuni Buddham the founder of Buddhism through the performance.

“Siddhartha The Musical” Performs in South Africa

FGS Nan Hua Temple celebrated the Buddha's Birthday with a series of public performances and related activities. On May 11 and 12, “Siddhartha The Musical,” performed by the Siddhartha Musical troupe from Philippines, was staged at the Johannesburg Theatre in South Africa. With the full support of BLIA Johannesburg, Pretoria, and Newcastle Chapters, over 2,000 members were mobilized in attendance, learning about Sakyamuni Buddham the founder of Buddhism through the performance. Coinciding with the Buddha's Birthday, BLIA Johannesburg also set up a Buddha Bathing area at the theater, allowing the audience to purify body and mind through the ritual.

Ven. Yung Guang, BLIA World Headquarters Sports Committee Deputy Director and Abbess of FGS Philippines indicated that the Siddhartha Musical Troupe's performance, titled “Siddhartha” is based on The Biography of Shakyamuni Buddha, written by Fo Guang Shan Founder, Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Since its debut in 2007, the musical has traveled to fifteen countries, with over 200 performances in seventeen years. The Siddhartha family now spans seven generations of performers portraying Prince Siddhartha. One member, Junrey, who initially played the role of a "tree" in the production, has now risen to become the musical director. The recent performance in South Africa marked the completion of the musical’s global journey across the five continents, thanks to the invitation and strong support from Ven, Hui Fang, Nan Hua Temple Abbot. The musical has received widespread acclaim and has made significant contributions to the global propagation of Buddhism.

2024 年 5 月 11

日約堡協會特別於劇 院現場設置浴佛區,讓前來觀賞演 出的大眾,都能浴佛淨身心。

On May 11, 2024, BLIA Johannesburg set up a Buddha Bathing area at the theater, allowing the audience attending the performance to purify body and mind with the ritual.


On April 28, 2024, the Humanistic Buddhism Reading Seminar was held at Hsingma Temple in Malaysia, with “The Lotus Sutra and the Practice of Humanistic Buddhism” as its theme, leading BLIA members into the profound teachings of attaining Buddhahood through the sutra.

閱讀博覽 推廣書香社會 為了落實人間佛教「生活書香化」的理


閱讀運動,希望藉由閱讀擬造一個「書香社 會」,讓閱讀的正能量,改善社會敗壞之風 氣。星雲大師亦期許佛光會員能透過閱讀,

「讀做一個人,讀明一點理,讀悟一些緣, 讀懂一顆心」,進而提升內在涵養、改變氣 質,讓生命變得更有意義。全球佛光人於世

界各地成立讀書會,落實書香生活,將閱讀 視為終生學習的最佳途徑,並積極參與閱讀 博覽會、閱讀研討會、讀書會培訓等課程, 以實際行動落實「生活書香化」。

「人間佛教閱讀研討會」每年於馬來西 亞東禪寺固定舉辦,2024 年 5 月 1 日「人間 佛教閱讀研討會」,再次邀請世界總會秘書 長暨人間佛教讀書會總部執行長覺培法師帶 領讀書會團隊,進行讀書會培訓,課程超過

230 位帶領人參加培訓。培訓課程分成「初 階」與「認證精進班」兩組進行,藉由課程 提升讀書會帶領人的帶領技巧及鼓勵佛光會 成立更多讀書會,同時於研討會中授證 25 位初階人間佛教讀書會帶領人。

2024 年 4 月 27 日及 28 日「人間佛教閱 讀研討會」以「《法華經》與人間佛教實踐」 為主題,於新加坡佛光山及新馬寺舉行,由 秘書長覺培法師導讀《妙法蓮華經》,帶領 佛光人進入法華成佛的堂奧,並於「主題論 壇」邀請 ( 東南亞 ) 副秘書長覺誠法師、人間 佛教讀書會總部滿穆法師等進行分享,逾 600 位佛光人出席聆聽法益。

「2024 全民閱讀博覽會大學裡書香味」 首次於 7 月 14 日在南華大學及 7 月 21 日在 佛光大學盛大舉行,為校園帶來了書香味與 讀書聲。課程內容豐富,「好書面面觀」由 世界總會秘書長覺培法師主持,就《星雲大 師全集》、《星雲大師的身教言教》及《菩 提伽耶那一夜》,由世界總會理事依空法師、 ( 歐洲 ) 副秘書長滿謙法師等與談;並透過「三 好微電影」、「茶香‧讀書香」、「一社區 一蓮花」、「福報‧看世界」、「說唱悅讀」 等內容展開讀書會,計 4,000 位佛光人樂在 閱讀,享受閱讀!

Reading Expo: A Literary Society

In order to actualize the concept of “a life enriched by the fragrance of books” in Humanistic Buddhism, Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun had dedicated himself to promoting a nationwide reading movement. His vision is to create a “literary society” where the joy of reading can help improve social morals. Venerable Master Hsing Yun encouraged BLIA members to achieve through reading: “Read to become a better person, read to comprehend more, read to understand causes and conditions, and read to know the mind.” As such, members can enhance their substance, refine their temperament, and bring greater meaning to life. BLIA members have established reading groups to foster a literary lifestyle, viewing reading as the best path for lifelong learning. They actively participate in reading expos, seminars, and reading group training, taking concrete steps to embody the ideal of “a life enriched by the fragrance of books.”

The “Humanistic Buddhism Reading Seminar” has been held annually at FGS Dong Zen Temple in Malaysia. On May 1, 2024, the seminar invited Venerable Chueh Pei, BLIA World Headquarters Secretary General and Executive Director of the Humanistic Buddhism Reading Association Headquarters, to lead the training for the reading group team with over 230 leaders participated in the training session. The training course is divided into two groups: Beginner Class and Certified Advanced

7 月 21 日「 2024 全民閱讀博覽會大學裡書香味」於佛光大 學盛大舉行,為校園帶來了書香味。

On July 21, the “2024 National Reading Expo: The Fragrance of Books in University” was held at Fo Guang University, bringing the essence of literature to the campus.

Class. The course aimed to enhance the leadership skills of reading group leaders and inspire the establishment of more reading groups within BLIA. Additionally, twentyfive participants in the Beginner Class were certified as beginner-level leaders of Humanistic Buddhism reading groups.

On April 27 and 28, 2024, the Humanistic Buddhism Reading Seminar was held at Singapore and Hsingma Temple in Malaysia. With “The Lotus Sutra and the Practice of Humanistic Buddhism” as its theme, Secretary General Venerable Chueh Pei guided participants through The Lotus Sutra, leading BLIA members into the profound teachings of attaining Buddhahood through the sutra. During the theme forum, Venerable Chueh Cheng, Deputy Secretary General Southeast Asia, and Venerable Man Mu from the Humanistic Buddhism Reading Association Headquarters, were invited to share their insights. Over 600 BLIA members attended to benefit from these Dharma teachings.

2024 年 4 月 27 日人間佛教閱讀研討會「《法華經》與人間佛教實踐」於新加坡佛光山舉行,帶領 400 位 佛光人進入《法華經》的堂奧。

On April 27, 2024, the Humanistic Buddhism Reading Seminar on “The Lotus Sutra and the Practice of Humanistic Buddhism” was held in Fo Guang Shan Singapore, guiding 400 BLIA members into the profound teachings of the Lotus Sutra

2024 年 5 月 1 日「人間佛教閱讀研討會」於東禪寺 舉行,12組初階級讀書會成員,以海報及會歌、 隊呼激勵高昂士氣,上台呈現成果展。

On May 1, 2024, the Humanistic Buddhism Reading Seminar was held at Dong Zen Temple. Twelve beginner-level reading groups showcased their progress through poster presentations, team songs, and chants to boost morale, taking the stage to present their achievements.

The “2024 National Reading Expo – The Fragrance of Books in University” was held on July 14 at Nan Hua University and at Fo Guang University on July 21; the event brought to the campuses the fragrance of books and the sound of reading. The event offered a rich array of activities: the “Good Books Overview” was hosted by BLIA World Headquarters Secretary General Venerable Chueh Pei; discussions were conducted on The Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun, “Remembering Venerable Master Hsing Yun through His Speech and Self-Examples,” and " That Night at Bodhgaya" with insights from BLIA World Headquarters Director Venerable Yi Kong and BLIA Deputy Secretary General Europe Venerable Man Chien. In addition, various reading groups were conducted through subjects such as “Three Acts of Goodness Microfilms,” “The Fragrance of Tea and Books,” “One Community, One Lotus,” “The Merit Times – Seeing the World,” and “Joy of Singing and Reading.” Around 4,000 BLIA members enthusiastically participated, immersing themselves in the joy of reading!




On July 21, 2024, the Northern Region session of the “National Reading Expo: The Fragrance of Books in University” was held at Fo Guang University for the first time. BLIA members participated with great joy and enthusiasm.


On July 21, 2024, the Southern Region session of the “National Reading Expo: The Fragrance of Books in University” was held at Nan Hua University for the first time, instantly filling the campus with the joy of reading.

2024 年 6 月 10 日瑞典斯德哥爾摩協會、挪威奧斯陸協會 及丹麥哥本哈根協會每月舉辦「北歐閱讀研討會」,課 程圓滿總共6場次,計500人參與。

On June 10, 2024, BLIA Stockholm, Sweden; BLIA Oslo Chapter, Norway; and BLIA Copenhagen, Denmark successfully concluded their monthly “Northern Europe Reading Seminar.” A total of six sessions were held with 500 participants attending.

2024年7月14日所羅門群島協會於Henderson Residence 協會總部,首次舉辦讀書會,導讀《迷悟之間‧無常的 真理》,並進行心得分享。

On July 14, 2024, BLIA Solomon Islands held its first reading group meeting at the Henderson Residence chapter headquarters. The session featured a guided reading of "Between Ignorance and Enlaihtenment - The Truth of Impermanance" and participants sharing their insights.

2024年 9月3

日紐西蘭北島協會舉辦讀書會,導讀創會會長星 雲大師著作「我不是呷教的和尚」,佛光幹部積極參與。

On September 3, 2024, a reading group meeting was held at BLIA New Zealand North Island, featuring a guided reading of the book I Am Not a Monk ‘Sponging Off’ Buddhism by Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun. BLIA executives actively participated in the session.

2024 年 5 月 24 日汶萊協會舉辦「人間佛教讀書會帶領人培 訓」, 20位幹部認真參與。

On May 24, 2024, BLIA Brunei held a “Humanistic Buddhism Reading Group Leader Training,” with 20 dedicated BLIA executives actively participating.

2023 年 11 月 8 日至 12 日「第十五屆維也納國際書展」於 維也納第二區展覽館舉行,維也納協會參展,創會會長 星雲大師人間佛教書籍深受民眾喜愛。

From November 8 to 12, 2023, the 15th Vienna International Book Fair was held at the Exhibition Center in Vienna's second district. BLIA Vienna participated in the event, where books on Humanistic Buddhism by Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun were highly appreciated by the public.

2024 年 1 月 20 日洛杉磯協會於法寶節舉辦「讀經讀書 心得發表會」,以慶祝佛陀成道日。

On January 20, 2024, BLIA Los Angeles held a “Sutra Reading and Insight Sharing” on Dharma Day in celebration of the Buddha's Enlightenment.

2024 年 7 月 13

日紐西蘭南島協會出席書院 《維摩詰經》閱讀分享會,遨遊在《維摩 詰經》法海中。

On July 13, 2024, BLIA New Zealand South Island members attended a Vimalakirti Sutra reading and insight sharing session, immersing in the profound teachings of the sutra.

2024年6月13日至16日《獻給旅行者365日》贈書儀式,於泰國曼谷飛躍大酒店、桂河漂流屋渡假村等5家飯店舉行, 由中華古今人文協會理事長劉宗澧、世界總會秘書長覺培法師等代表捐贈,共計800本。

From June 13 to 16, 2024, a donation ceremony for 365 Days for Travelers: Wisdom from Chinese Literary and Buddhist Classics was held at five hotels in Bangkok, Thailand, including The Grand Fourwings Convention Hotel Bangkok and The Float House River Kwai Resort. Association of Ancient and Modern Humanities Chunghua Director General Michael Liu and World Headquarters Secretary General Venerable Chueh Pei presented the donation of 800 copies of the book.

法寶結緣 宣揚人間佛教

星雲大師全集》結集創會會長星雲大師一生的智 慧思想,是一部人類的寶典,亦是當代人間佛 教發展之鉅作,有系統地闡述人間佛教的思想、學 說、理論,以及實踐結果。《星雲大師全集》是人 類至聖的寶典,亦是創會會長星雲大師之「法身舍 利」,《星雲大師全集》365 冊自 2017 年 5 月 16 日 佛光山開山 50 周年圓滿日發布至今,全球佛光人積極研 讀;2023 年 2 月 19 日《星雲大師全集》發布增訂版 395


全球佛光會員不但透過講座、論壇、讀書會、佛學會考等, 深入探討及研讀《星雲大師全集》,更積極的將《星雲大師全集》、

《人間佛教佛陀本懷》、各國語言《獻給旅行者 365 日》等著作, 捐贈給各大圖書館、學校、飯店、佛教寺院等單位,讓創會會長 星雲大師人間佛教思想理念,透過捐贈讓更多人受惠。

《獻給旅行者 365 日—中華文化佛教寶典》是創會會長星雲 大師精心思考,為旅人在旅途中休息的同時,也能獲得心靈撫慰、 人生導航的一本書。《獻給旅行者 365 日》於 2014 年開始推廣, 共出版了中文、英文、法文、葡文、瑞典、阿拉文、印尼文等 16 種語言、18 個版本,並送至全球各大旅館、飯店、渡假村等。《獻 給旅行者們 365 日》在古今人文協會及全球佛光人共同的努力下,

截至 2024 年 7 月 31 日總共於全球發行了 1,900,450 本,為旅者 帶來無限的心靈資糧。

2024 年 5 月 16 日美國華府協會於華 盛頓特區的美國國會圖書館舉行 《星雲大師全集》贈書儀式,由世 界總會(美東)副祕書長永固法師及該 圖書館亞洲部門主任 Ann Roddy 共 同主持。

On May 16, 2024, BLIA Washington D.C. held a donation ceremony for The Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun at the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. Venerable Yung Ku, BLIA Deputy Secretary General America East and Ann Roddy, Head of the Asian Division, Library of Congress cohosted the ceremony.


June 24, 2024, BLIA World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau paid a visit to the Lotus Temple in Oslo, Norway. He presented the temple with the Encyclopedia of World Buddhist Arts and 365 Days for Travelers: Wisdom from Chinese Literary and Buddhist Classics, as well as books on Humanistic Buddhism; Lotus Temple Abbot Venerable Yuan Wu was happy to receive the gift.

Gifts of Dharma Treasure Propagating Humanistic Buddhism


Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun is a comprehensive collection of the lifelong wisdom and philosophy of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun. This monumental work is a treasure for humanity and a masterpiece in the contemporary development of Humanistic Buddhism, systematically elucidating its philosophy, teachings, theories, and practical applications. The collection of 365 volumes was first released on May 16, 2017, marking the 50th anniversary of the founding of Fo Guang Shan. Since then, it has been diligently studied by BLIA members worldwide. On February 19, 2023, an expanded edition of 395 volumes was released, offering an even deeper understanding of Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s wisdom and profundity of Buddhist teachings.

BLIA members worldwide have delved into The Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun through lectures, forums, reading groups, and Buddhism exams; they have also actively donated these volumes, along with other significant works such as Humanistic Buddhism: Holding True to the

Original Intents of Buddha, and 365 Days for Travelers in multiple languages to libraries, schools, hotels, and Buddhist temples. This widespread donation effort in sharing Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s vision of Humanistic Buddhism has benefited an even broader audience.

365 Days for Travelers – Wisdom from Chinese Literary and Buddhist Classics is another significant work by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, designed to provide spiritual comfort and guidance to travelers during their journeys. Since its initial promotion in 2014, the book has been published in 18 editions and 16 languages, including Chinese, English, French, Portuguese, Swedish, Arabic, Indonesian etc., reaching major hotels, resorts, and guesthouses around the world. Thanks to the combined efforts of the Ancient and Modern Humanities Association Chunghua and BLIA members worldwide, as of July 31, 2024, a total of 1,900,450 copies of 365 Days for Travelers have been distributed around the world, offering endless spiritual nourishment to travelers.

2023 年 12 月 25 日《獻給旅行者 365 日》葡英版在南美洲總住持妙佑法師及巴西協會的推動下,於各大飯店展開贈書儀 式,將寶典推廣至40餘個城市,總共贈送了10,971本,計80家旅館受惠。(圖為Bluetree Hotel之贈書)

On December 25, 2023, with the promotion of FGS South America Chief Abbess Venerable Miao You and BLIA Brazil, a donation ceremony for the Portuguese-English edition of 365 Days for Travelers: Wisdom from Chinese Literary and Buddhist Classics was held at various major hotels, a total of 10,971 copies of the book have been distributed to over 40 cities, benefiting 80 hotels. Shown here is a donation ceremony at the Bluetree Hotel.

2023 年 9 月 21 日馬來西亞南馬協會在馬來西亞聯合會秘書長如

彬法師的帶領下,拜訪柔州峇株龍引新文龍中華中學及峇株巴 轄華仁中學董事及校長,并致贈《星雲大師全集》增訂版 395 冊於兩校圖書館。

On September 21, 2023, Venerable Ru Bin, Secretary General of BLIA Southern Malaysia led the chapter executives to visit board members and principals of S.B.R. Chong Hwa High School Chinese and High School Batu Pahat in Johor. The expanded edition of The Complete Works of Venerable Master Hsing Yun (395 volumes) was donated to the libraries of both schools.

2023 年 10 月 4 日及 6 日紐西蘭北島協會再次展開 《 366 Days with Wisdom 》送書活動,前往 30 家 奧克蘭南區的旅館,送出計686本書籍。

On October 4 and 6, 2023, BLIA New Zealand North Island launched a book donation project, distributing 366 Days with Wisdom to 30 hotels in South Auckland, a total of 686 books were donated.

2024 年 6 月 1 日《獻給旅行者 365 日》讀後感言徵文比賽頒獎典禮, 於葡萄牙佛光山隆重舉行,透過徵 文激發寶典的閱讀與推廣。

On June 1, 2024, the award ceremony for the 365 Days for Travelers: Wisdom from Chinese Literary and Buddhist Classics essay contest was held at FGS Portugal Temple. The contest aimed to inspire reading and promote the book through the participants reflections and essays.

培訓宣講 座談交流


船上的成員向前邁進,引領到達目的 地。佛光協會的發展,需要幹部們的帶領, 以及會員的齊心協力,共同來推動會務,完 成使命。一個永續發展的組織,除了健全的 組織架構,亦需要有共同的發展方向及理念, 「幹部講習」除了奠定幹部們的宗門思想、 精神理念,亦建立非佛不做、服務奉獻等正 確觀念,並且給予明確的發展方向與目標。

講習會與培訓對幹部而言至關重要,透 過「國際佛光會的宗旨與理念」、「怎樣做 個佛光人」、「幹部實務性的會務運作」等 課程,不但釐清角色扮演,更藉由「分組討 論」、「經驗分享」、「座談交流」等,達 成共識。因此,全球佛光會於各地定期舉辦 幹部講習會,帶動會務及組織的發展。此外, 佛光人精進奮發,為了自我提升,更是積極 參與「人間佛教宣講員」,透過三段式的演 講法,將「人間佛教」之法益及自身對佛法 的體驗,分享給更多的人。

2024 年 3 月 10 日法國巴黎協會舉辦幹部講習會,禮請佛光 山歐洲教區總住持覺容法師授課,140位幹部出席。

On March 10, 2024, BLIA Paris held an executive seminar, Venerable Jue Rong, FGS Europe Chief Abbess taught a session to the 140 executives attending the event.

2024 年 6 月 16 日泰國曼谷協會把握難得 的因緣求法,由劉涼慶協會長向世界總會總會長 心保和尚請法,邀請副總會長劉招明、秘書長覺 培法師及 ( 東南亞 ) 副秘書長覺誠法師等舉行座 談會,幹部針對如何自我提升等問題進行請法。 總會長心保和尚勉勵佛光人自帶佛光,發慈悲 的光,自當勇猛精進,以佛法入心,生活所做 所想,皆依佛法而行;幹部逾 60 人歡喜信受。

2024 年 6 月 16 日泰國曼谷協會舉辦幹部座談,世界總會會長心保和尚、副總會長劉招明、秘書長覺培法師及 (東南亞)副秘書長覺誠法師總會長等人與會。

On June 16, 2024, BLIA Bangkok held an executive seminar; Most Venerable Hsin Bau, BLIA World Headquarters President, along with Vice President Chao Ming Liu, Secretary General Venerable Chueh Pei, and Vice Secretary General Southeast Asia Venerable Chueh Cheng provided guidance.

2024年4月13日香港協會舉行幹部講習會,佛光 山港澳深教區總住持永富法師、協會會長黃勤 道、督導、分會會長及幹部共計220人參與。

Humanistic Buddhism Speakers Training –Facilitating Exchanges


executives are like navigators of a ship, leading the crew to progress to their destination. The development of BLIA requires executives’ leadership and members’ collective efforts to achieve its mission; for an organization to sustain growth, a well-established organizational structure is essential. The executive seminars strengthen an understanding of core values, philosophy, organizational structure, development, and shared goals. These training seminars affirm the right perspectives, such as only conducting activities in accord with Buddhism, servicing others and contributing to the community.

2024年1月27日美國達拉斯協會舉辦幹部講習會,由督導 委員會承辦,35位幹部出席,協會輔導滿光法師勉勵。

On January 27, 2024, BLIA Dallas in the US held an executive seminar organized by the Elder Advisor Committee, 35 executives were in attendance and Monastic Advisor Venerable Man Kuang offered encouragement.

On April 13, 2024, BLIA Hong Kong held an executive seminar led by Venerable Yong Fu, FGS Hong Kong-Macau-Shenzhen Chief Abbess; Chapter President Wong Kun To, elder advisors, subchapter presidents, and executives participated, totaling 220 people.

Seminars and training are essential for BLIA executives. Through sessions on “BLIA Objectives and Ideals,” “How to Be a BLIA Member,” and “An Introduction to the Operation and Affairs of BLIA for Executives,” new executives gain a deeper understanding of their roles and responsibilities. “Group Discussions” and “Sharing Sessions” further help build consensus. BLIA chapters worldwide regularly organize executive seminars to support the organization’s growth and its activities. In addition, BLIA members are committed to selfimprovement, actively engaging in the “Humanistic Buddhism Speakers” program. This three-stage speaking approach allows them to share the teachings of Humanistic Buddhism and their personal experiences with the Dharma with a broader audience.

On June 16, 2024, BLIA Bangkok, Thailand seized a rare opportunity to seek Dharma guidance; chapter President Liu Liang Ching requested teachings from Most Venerable Hsin Bau, BLIA World Headquarters President, and further invited Vice President Liu Chao-Ming, Secretary General Venerable Chueh Pei, and Vice Secretary General Southeast Asia Venerable Chueh Cheng to a discussion session, during which the executives sought advice on self-improvement and related topics. Most Venerable Hsin Bau encouraged BLIA members to carry the Buddha's light within themselves, to radiate compassion, and to strive with unwavering determination. He emphasized the importance of integrating the Dharma into the mind, ensuring that the Dharma guide their thoughts and actions in daily life. More than 60 BLIA executives joyfully embraced and accepted the guidance.

2024 年 3 月 23 日澳洲雪梨協會假南天講堂舉辦幹部講習

會, ( 大洋洲 ) 副秘書長滿可法師、胡命安協會長及各分


On March 23, 2024, BLIA Sydney, Australia, held an executive seminar at the Nan Tien Buddhist Temple Parramatta. Venerable Man Ko, Vice Secretary General Oceana, Chapter President Daniel Wu, and 51 executives from various subchapters attended the event.

2024年3月2至3日紐西蘭北島協會舉辦「佛光幹 部講習會」禮請紐西蘭佛光山住持滿信法師、 余林濤檀講師為50餘位幹部及會員授課。

On March 2-3, 2024, BLIA North Island, New Zealand held a BLIA Executive Seminar, inviting Venerable Man Hsin, FGS New Zealand Abbess and Lay Dharma Lecturer Yu Lintao to provide training for over 50 executives and members.

2024年4月14日菲律賓協會舉辦新入會員「信仰 的紮根」座談會,逾50位佛光人參與。

On April 14, 2024, BLIA Philippines held a “Rooting in Faith” seminar for new members, with over 50 BLIA members participating.

2023年11月26日中華總會於彰化福山寺舉辦「2024年人間佛教宣講員考核」,共有185位佛光幹部應考,44位評審及66位 榮獲5枚勳章之宣講員見習。

On November 26, 2023, BLIA Chunghua held the “2024 Humanistic Buddhism Speakers Assessment” at FGS Fu Shan Temple in Changhua. A total of 185 BLIA executives participated in the exam, with 44 judges and 66 Humanistic Buddhism Speakers who had earned five medals serving as observers.

2024 年 4 月 21 日德國法蘭克福協會舉辦幹部講習會, 課程安排三好微電影讀書會帶領,有歐洲、迪拜、台 灣等11個國家地區19個協會250位佛光人線上共學。

On April 21, 2024, BLIA Frankfurt, Germany, held an executive seminar, with a session on leading a Three Acts of Goodness Microfilm reading group. The seminar brought together 250 BLIA members from 19 chapters across eleven countries and regions, including Europe, Dubai, and Taiwan.

2024 年 6 月 15 日澳洲昆士蘭協會舉辦「人 間佛教宣講員培訓」,中天寺住持滿望法 師、協會長羅淑灃及 30 位佛光人參與,發 心傳承大師慈心悲願。

On June 15, 2024, BLIA Queensland, Australia, held a “Humanistic Buddhism Speakers” training session. Led by Venerable Man Wang, FGS Chung Tian Temple Abbess and Chapter President Michelle Lo, 30 BLIA members made the vow to carry forward the Venerable Master’s compassionate mission.

2024年3月29日新加坡協會幹部講習會,課程安排「佛 光會和分會組織表拼圖遊戲」,考驗幹部對國際佛光 會組織的認識。

On March 29, 2024, BLIA Singapore held an executive seminar, including a session on “BLIA and Subchapter Organizational Chart Jigsaw Puzzle.” This activity tested the executives’ knowledge of the BLIA organizational structure.



On May 26, 2024, BLIA Fukuoka, Japan held a volunteer training seminar, inviting Lay Dharma Lecturer Hu Li-Hui from BLIA Chunghua to lead the session; nine BLIA executives attended.



Environmental and Spiritual Preservation

Nature and Life

On June 2, 2024, BLIA Southern Malaysia launched the VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run at Hsingma Temple. The event attracted 2,000 participants, including local residents, teachers, and students joining in the initiative.



全球復蔬公益路跑」源自於疫情 期間,國際佛光會及綠色公益基金會為 響應「e 起復蔬‧全民相挺」活動,特別舉

辦「VegRun 復蔬線上公益路跑」,以「你 跑步我捐餐」每跑 1 公里國際佛光會即幫參 與者捐贈 10 元「復蔬餐」,跑完 10 公里即 捐贈一份「復蔬餐」給需要的人,讓愛流轉。

「VegRun 復蔬公益路跑」不僅讓參與者透 過路跑響應捐贈復蔬餐,更透過捐贈蔬食餐 響應蔬食,減緩地球暖化,達到環境保護的 目的。「VegRun 全球復蔬線上公益路跑」 於 2021 年 11 月 25 日由中華總會在國際素 食日當天率先開跑,佛光人在享受路跑運動 娛樂之餘,凝聚會員幹部關注氣候變遷及環 境保護的意識。

「2022 年全球復蔬線上公益路跑」於 五大洲盛大展開接力,由南美洲於 2022 年 4 月 22 日起跑,接續北美洲、歐洲、大洋洲、 非洲,並於 2023 年 5 月 16 日於亞洲圓滿路 跑,並將活動募得的善款,分別捐贈給市長 公益金、食物銀行、植樹組織、市政府好苗 子、兒童醫院、捐乾糧予慈善組織等,透過 「VegRun 復蔬公益路跑」活動,讓愛流轉。

2024 年 6 月 2 日「 VegRun 全球公益路跑」於東禪寺 盛大舉行,藉由活動推廣蔬食減碳及愛地球,2,000 位佛光人熱烈響應。

On June 2, 2024, the VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run was held at Dong Zen Temple. The event promoted vegetarianism, carbon reduction, and love for the Earth, with 2,000 BLIA members enthusiastically participating.

活動獲得當地莫大的肯定,尤其加拿大總理 賈斯汀‧杜魯多特別致函肯定活動的意義; 加拿大國會議員蔣振宇、萬錦市市長薛家平、 萬錦市市議員李思韻、紐約市長艾瑞克‧亞 當斯等頒贈賀函,並頒定當天為 VegRun Day 肯定活動對當地的貢獻。

2023 年疫情得到緩和,全球各協會以 「VegRun 全球公益路跑」持續推動路跑活動, 除了結合物資捐贈,更重視「環保植樹」議 題。佛光人將「VegRun 公益路跑」結合植樹 計畫,除了倡導「你跑步‧我種樹」,將路 跑之里程數,轉換為捐贈植樹之數量;亦有將 「植樹」變成「路跑」的必要項目,在路跑的 過程中,讓參與者親手種植樹苗,為地球環保 盡心力;更有鼓勵「植樹計畫 - 從人人做起」, 鼓勵人人種樹,讓參與者於完跑後,領養小樹 苗回去種植,藉此呼籲大眾關注氣候變遷與地 球暖化議題。2023 年 9 月 1 日「VegRun 全 球公益路跑」截至 2024 年 7 月 31 日,共展 開了 62 場次,計 21,568 人響應。

VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run


VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run was launched during the pandemic. In response to the campaign, BLIA and Pure Green Foundation organized the “Veg Revival - All Come Support” project to support the charity run. Based on the principle, “You run, I donate,” BLIA will donate NT$10 for a vegetarian meal to the participants for every kilometer run; after running 10 kilometers, a vegetarian meal would be provided to those in need, so the love can continue to flow. VegRun allows participants to donate vegetarian meals through the charity run and promotes vegetarianism, thereby slowing global warming and contributing to environmental preservation. The VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run was launched by BLIA Chunghua on International Vegetarian Day, November 25, 2021. In the course of enjoying the run as recreation, BLIA members and executives will be more conscious of climate change and environmental preservation.

The 2022 VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run started a global relay across the five continents, beginning in South America on April 22, 2022, continuing through North America, Europe, Oceana, and Africa, and finishing the final leg of the relay in Asia on May 16, 2023. Funds raised from the events were donated to the mayor’s charity funds, food banks, tree-planting organizations, city government “Seeds of Hope,” children’s hospitals, and food donations to charitable organizations. Through the VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run, love continues to flow. The VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run received support and recognition from all walks of life. In particular, in Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sent a letter of recognition for the event; MP Paul Chiang, Markham City Mayor Frank Scarpitti and Councilor Lee Si-Wun also offered their recognition. In the United States, New York City Mayor Eric Adams presented congratulatory messages and declared that day as “VegRun Day” to acknowledge the event's contributions to the local community.

2024年6月2日馬來西亞中馬協會於適耕莊舉行「VegRun 全球公益路跑」,家長及小朋友全力展開路跑。

On June 2, 2024, BLIA Central Malaysia held the VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run in Sekinchan, where parents and children enthusiastically participated in the run.

In 2023, as the pandemic eased, BLIA chapters worldwide continued to promote the VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run. This year, the event focused on material donations and emphasized tree-planting for environmental preservation. BLIA members integrated the VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run with tree-planting initiatives, advocating, “You run, I plant trees.” The distance covered during the runs was converted into the number of trees donated; in some events, tree-planting became the essential activity, where participants planted saplings during the run to contribute directly to environmental conservation. Additionally, some events advocate the “Tree Planting Initiative—Everyone Can Participate,” where participants were encouraged to adopt and plant a sapling after completing the run, raising awareness of climate change and global warming. As of July 31, 2024, sixty-two VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run events had been held, with 21,568 people participating.

「 VegRun 全球公益路跑」自 2023 年 9 月 1 日至 2024 年 7 月 31日,總共展開了62場次,計21,568人響應。

The VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run held a total of 62 events from September 1, 2023, to July 31, 2024, with 21,568 participants joining the initiative.

路跑捐贈 回饋社會

2024年5月26日葡萄牙斯本協會舉辦「VegRun公益路跑活動」,於終點站EXPO Containente 紛紛拿著食物銀行 專用袋子,購買指定的素食食品,捐贈給食物銀行,以幫助貧困家庭。

On May 26, 2024, BLIA Lisbon, Portugal organized a VegRun Community Run. At the finish line at EXPO Containente, participants eagerly filled special food bank bags with designated vegetarian food items for donating to the food bank to support needy families.

2023 年 9 月 9 日菲律賓協會積極舉辦 VegRun 復蔬公益路跑,並將路跑總公里數 10,824 公里,換算成 1,000 公斤的 米共計66大袋,及日常用品送至菲律賓「聯合日報」辦公室,以捐贈給巴拉灣颱風災民及海軍陸戰隊。

On September 9, 2023, BLIA Philippines conducted the VegRun Veg-Revival Community Run. The total distance of 10,824 kilometers covered during the run was converted into 1,000 kilograms of rice, totaling 66 large bags. Together with daily necessities, the supplies were delivered to the United Daily News office in the Philippines for donation to typhoon victims in Palawan and the Marine Corps.

Running for Donations – Giving Back to Society

2023年10月31日中華總會南區協會舉辦「VegRun全球復 蔬公益路跑」活動,響應零飢餓公益計畫「你跑步‧我捐 糧」:每跑 10 公里,贊助 1 公斤公益米與有需要的人;活 動結合「零飢餓‧買一送一稻米專案」公益計畫,佛光人 從關懷出發,響應捐贈公益米給有需要的團體單位。

On October 31, 2023, BLIA Chunghua Southern District held the VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run to support the Zero Hunger initiative, with “You run, I donate food.” For every 10 km run, 1 kg of rice was donated to needy people. The event also integrated the “Zero HungerDonate Rice Project,” where BLIA members donated rice to support needy organizations to show their care.

2023 年 12 月 6 、 7 日加拿大溫哥華協會響應「 VegRun 全球 復蔬公益路跑」,推廣「您跑步 10km ,我捐米 2kg 」路跑 活動,共累積逾 10,000 公里,由溫哥華協會會長吳家遜等 幹部代表捐贈1,000包米予當地五個慈善團體。

On December 6 and 7, 2023, BLIA Vancouver in Canada participated in the VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run, promoting the “You run 10km, I donate 2kg of rice” initiative. As the event accumulated over 10,000 km, BLIA Vancouver President Jason Wu and executives donated 1,000 bags of rice to five local charitable organizations.

2023年12月12日紐西蘭南北島協會積極響應「VegRun全球復蔬公益路跑」,推廣「你跑步‧我種樹」公益路跑活動,每 跑10公里既捐贈1 棵樹;佛光人及民眾參與,亦有1,700位學生響應,總共募得700棵樹;全國植樹組織Trees That Count 執行長Robyn Haugh首度蒞臨南島佛光山,接受捐贈200棵樹。

On December 12, 2023, BLIA North and South Island New Zealand actively participated in the VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run, promoting the “You run, I plant trees” initiative; for every 10 km run, one tree was donated. The participation of BLIA members, the general public, and 1,700 students resulted in a total of 700 trees being donated. Robyn Haugh, CEO of Trees That Count, the national tree-planting organization, visited FGS South Island Temple to accept the donation of 200 trees.

2024 年 5 月 4 日美國洛杉磯協會於 威廉斯坦梅茨公園,舉行「日日 都是地球日」活動,總會長心保 和尚蒞臨關心,並與 ( 美西 ) 副秘書 長慧東法師共同種下一棵樟樹, 植樹復育園地。

On May 4, 2024, BLIA Los Angeles held the “Every Day is Earth Day” at William Steinmetz Park. Most Venerable Hsin Bau, BLIA World Headquarters President, attended the event to show his support and together with Venerable Hui Dong, Vice Secretary General America West, planted a camphor tree to contribute to the reforestation efforts.

森林復育 素食環保 Forest Restoration & Vegetarianism to Preserve the Environment

創會會長星雲大師於 2010 年世界大會倡 導「環保與心保」,呼籲全體佛光人 重視環保理念。根據聯合國統計,從 2009 年至 2019 年因氣候變遷所加劇的自然災害 事件,搶救氣候危機、復育森林工作已是刻 不容緩。為響應聯合國 11 項 SDGs 永續目 標,國際佛光會率先推動 2030 淨零碳排, 於 2021 年開始響應「T-Earth 森 众 計畫」進 行林地復育行動,讓地球與人類共生共存, 世代間永續平等傳承,創造適合人類與環境 的繁榮經濟。

世界總會總會長心保和尚於地球日植 樹活動上表示,國際佛光會與佛光山在地球 日發起植樹活動,不只是力行保護環境,也 提升空氣品質,帶動全世界重視環保議題, 佛光人響應「植樹救地球」理念,與創會會 長星雲大師提倡的「環保與心保」相應,意 義深遠。全球佛光人於世界各地持續的響應 「T-Earth 植樹活動」,舉辦氣候變遷論壇、 素食推廣、環保淨灘等活動,期許結合眾人 的力量,落實環保、搶救地球!

Atthe 2010 BLIA World Headquarters General Conference, Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun advocated for “Environmental and Spiritual Preservation,” urging all BLIA members to prioritize environmental awareness. According to United Nations statistics, natural disasters intensified by climate change from 2009 to 2019 have made climate crisis mitigation and forest restoration urgent tasks. In response to the United Nations’ 11 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), BLIA promoted the 2030 Net-Zero Carbon initiative and began supporting the “T-Earth Reforestation Project” in 2021. This initiative focuses on forest restoration to ensure the coexistence of the Earth and humanity, fostering sustainable and equitable intergenerational transmission and creating a prosperous economy that benefits society and the environment.

At the Earth Day tree-planting event, Most Venerable Hsin Bau, BLIA World Headquarters President, emphasized that BLIA and Fo Guang Shan’s tree-planting activities on Earth Day are not just about environmental protection but also about improving air quality and raising global awareness of environmental issues. BLIA members’ response to the “Plant Trees to Save the Earth” initiative aligns deeply with “Environmental and Spiritual Preservation” as advocated by Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun, carrying profound significance. BLIA members worldwide continue to support “T-Earth Tree-Planting” by organizing climate change forums, promoting vegetarianism, and conducting beach clean-up activities, hoping the collective efforts of everyone can protect the environment and save the planet!



2024 年 7 月 7 日馬來西亞中馬協會舉辦 「 VegRun 全球公益路跑」,活動規劃參 加者路跑到紅樹林區內種植逾 500 株紅樹 樹苗,150人歡喜植樹愛地球。

On July 7, 2024, BLIA Central Malaysia organized the “VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run.” The event included a special activity where participants ran to a mangrove area and planted over 500 mangrove saplings. A total of 150 people joyfully participated in the tree-planting effort to show their love for the Earth.

2024 年 5 月 11 日加拿大多倫多協會舉辦「城市森林」 植樹活動,祖孫三代齊心合力種植樹苗,讓「植樹愛 地球」行動,從小做起。

On May 11, 2024, BLIA Toronto, Canada, organized the “City Forest” tree-planting activity. Three generations of families worked together to plant saplings, embodying the spirit of “Plant Trees, Love the Earth” from a young age.

2024 年 2 月 17

日比利時安特衛普協會於 Huizebeek 舉辦植樹活動,三代同堂一同種植逾 50 棵樹苗, 以實際行動「植樹愛地球」。

On February 17, 2024, BLIA Antwerp, Belgium, organized a tree-planting event at Huizebeek. Three generations of families came together to plant over 50 saplings, taking action to “Plant Trees, Love the Earth.”

2024 年 7 月 7 日馬來西亞中馬協會舉行「 VegRun 全球復 蔬公益路跑」活動,並於路跑結束讓參與者領養小樹 苗,期許每人都種樹,7,000棵小樹苗將來成長變樹林。

On July 7, 2024, BLIA Central Malaysia held the “VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run.” After the run, participants were encouraged to adopt a sapling with the hope that everyone would plant a tree. The 7,000 saplings distributed are expected to grow into a thriving forest.

2024 年 7 月 21 日加拿大多倫多協會或密西沙加市政府頒發感謝獎狀, 以表揚協會響應市政府「種植百萬棵樹木」植樹計畫,為綠化社區做 出積極並持續的貢獻。

On July 21, 2024, BLIA Toronto received a certificate of appreciation from the Mississauga City Government. This recognition acknowledged the chapter's active and ongoing contributions to the city’s “One Million Trees” planting initiative for greening of the community.

2024 年 4 月 21 日葡萄牙里斯本協會於辛特拉自然公園舉辦「親子森林維護」活動,透過親子森林維護活動, 培養愛護林木與尊重大自然。

On April 21, 2024, BLIA Lisbon, Portugal, held a “Family Forest Conservation” at Sintra Natural Park. This activity encouraged participants to cultivate their love for trees and respect for nature.


Promoting Vegetarianism

2023 年 9 月 16 日南非德本協會於中秋節園遊會推廣 「蔬食 A 計劃」,透過素食義賣宣導「蔬食環保」 理念,吸引當地居民250人響應。

On September 16, 2023, BLIA Durban, South Africa, promoted Vege Plan A during a Mid-Autumn Festival fair. Through a vegetarian food sale, they advocated the concept of vegetarianism for environmental protection, attracting the support of 250 local residents.

2024 年 5 月 19 日美國奧斯汀協會於佛誕節慶祝活動推 廣素食,吸引了近300餘人共襄盛舉。

On May 19, 2024, BLIA Austin promoted vegetarianism during the Buddha’s Birthday celebration, attracting over 300 participants to join in the event.

2024 年 3 月 3 日及 17 日加拿大溫哥華協會舉辦「素食推廣 月」,由 8 個分會共同推出 70 餘項食品, 2天共吸引近 500 人前來響應素食。

On March 3 and 17, 2024, BLIA Vancouver organized a "Vegetarian Promotion Month," with eight subchapters jointly offering over 70 food items. The two-day event attracted nearly 500 people who came to support vegetarianism.

2024 年 3 月 9 日加拿大 溫哥華協會於「素齋 談禪」活動,響應素 食的同時,亦透過茶 飯,領悟禪意。

On March 9, 2024, BLIA Vancouver held a “Vegetarian Meal and Chan Talk.” Participants not only embraced vegetarianism but also sought to understand the essence of Chan through tea and food.

2023 年 6 月 13 日加拿大渥太華協會於 「佛光素食園遊會」記者會上展示豐盛 的素食,期吸引更多人一同響應「蔬食A計 畫」及「VegRun全球復蔬公益路跑」活動。

On June 13, 2023, BLIA Ottawa showcased an array of delicious vegetarian dishes at the “Fo Guang Vegetarian Fair” press conference, aiming to attract more people to join Vege Plan A and the “VegRun Global Veg-Revival Community Run” initiatives.

2024年2月11日日本東京協會舉行「精進料理品評會」,12個 分會推出12道料理,各界貴賓及佛光人近220人歡喜品嚐。

On February 11, 2024, BLIA Tokyo held a “Shojin Ryori Tasting” with 12 subchapters presenting 12 dishes. Nearly 220 guests and BLIA members joyfully participated in the tasting.

月 15 日至 17 日澳門佛光青年團於新橋花園舉辦 「第八屆素食節」活動,藉此推廣「素食護生」的 正確觀念與素食文化,近12,000民眾響應。

From September 15 to 17, 2023, BLIA Macau YAD held the 8th Vegetarian Festival at San Kio Garden to promote the correct concepts of “Vegetarianism for Life Protection” and vegetarian culture. The event attracted nearly 12,000 people from the community.

2023 年 9 月 21

日馬來西亞南馬協會於柔佛州新哥打華小,首度 舉辦「校園無肉日」活動,計500位師生共同體「蔬食文化」。

On September 21, 2023, BLIA Southern Malaysia held its first “Meatless Day on Campus” at Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Cina)

2024 年 5 月 12 日英國倫敦協會舉辦「浴佛節 國際素食園遊會」,提供不同地區和文 化的各式素食料理,為素食主義者和 環保愛好者,提供素食饗宴。

On May 12, 2024, BLIA London hosted the Buddha Bathing Festival International Vegetarian Fair, offering a variety of vegetarian dishes from different regions and cultures. The event provided a feast for vegetarians and environmental enthusiasts alike.

2024 年 3 月 1 日加拿大多倫多協會出席駐多倫多台北經濟文化辦 事處「台灣之夜」,結緣「紅棗桂圓糯米粥」並推廣「蔬食 A 計 劃」,駐多倫多台北經濟文化辦事處陳錦玲處長蒞臨攤位關心。

On March 1, 2024, BLIA Toronto participated in “Taiwan Night,” organized by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Toronto. BLIA members offered red date and longan sticky rice porridge to visitors and promoted Vege Plan A. Director General Jin-Ling Chen of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Toronto visited the booth to show support.

2024 年 7 月 13

日馬來西亞南馬協會「無肉夜市」活動, 佛光青年義賣素食炸物,並以「香蕉葉」作為餐具,與 民眾一起落實環保理念。

On July 13, 2024, during the “Meatless Night Market” organized by BLIA South Malaysia, YAD members sold fried vegetarian snacks and used banana leaves as tableware to promote environmental awareness with the public.

2023 年 11 月 4 日澳洲雪梨協會響應「世界無肉日」, 呼籲大眾簽署「蔬食 A 計劃」以行動關愛地球,共 150位佛光人及朋友參與並簽署。

On November 4, 2023, BLIA Sydney responded to “World Meatless Day” by encouraging the public to sign the pledge for Vege Plan A to show their commitment in caring for the Earth. A total of 150 BLIA members and friends participated and signed the pledge.

2024 年 4 月 19 日美國北卡協會為推動「蔬食 A 計劃」,特舉辦 「世界地球日」戶外社區活動,共有 60 人簽署,近 2,000 名民 眾,逾40個環保團體機關參加。

On April 19, 2024, BLIA North Carolina organized an outdoor community event to celebrate World Earth Day and promote Vege Plan A. Nearly 2,000 people attended the activity with 60 individuals signed the pledge; there are over 40 environmental organizations participating in the event.


Environmental Preservation - Beach Cleanup

2023 年 9 月 16

日德國法蘭克福協會舉辦「世界清潔日」,年齡 從3歲到逾70歲,一同清潔公園,響應環保愛地球。

On September 16, 2023, BLIA Frankfurt organized a “World Cleanup Day.” Participants ranging in age from 3 to over 70 joined together to clean up a local park, promoting environmental care and love for the Earth.

2024 年 4 月 22 日加拿大多倫多協會舉辦「地球日環保行 動」,會員掃除寺前殘枝落葉、撿拾垃圾、清除雜草, 計42人參與。

On April 22, 2024, BLIA Toronto organized an “Earth Day Environmental Action.” BLIA members gathered to clear out fallen branches, pick up litter, and remove weeds in front of the temple, with a total of 42 participants contributing to the effort.

2023年9月22日日本關東協會參與由山梨縣身延町主 辦「第 34 次本栖湖西岸淨灘」活動,會員 12 人與 17 個團體一同響應,共收集170公斤垃圾。

On September 22, 2023, BLIA Kanto in Japan participated in the 34th West Bank Lake Motosu Cleanup organized by Minobu Town in Yamanashi Prefecture. Twelve members joined forces with 17 other groups, collectively collecting 170 kilograms of trash.

2024 年 4 月 20 日美國舊金山協會響應世界地球日,前往 北加卅東灣海灘淨灘,實踐「環保愛地球」。

On April 20, 2024, BLIA San Francisco participated in World Earth Day by heading to Hayward Beach in the East Bay of Northern California for a beach cleanup, embodying the spirit of "Environmental Preservation Love the Earth".

2023 年 9 月 23 日美國洛杉磯 協會舉辦「一起清潔海灘活 動」,近 100 位佛光人聚集長 灘,一起「手」護海灘。

On September 23, 2023, BLIA Los Angeles organized a “Beach Cleanup" with nearly 100 BLIA members gathered at Long Beach to clean the beach together.

2024 年 4 月 20 日加拿大滿地可協會舉辦「佛 光清潔社區活動」,於街頭撿拾垃圾,為社 區的清潔盡一份心力。

On April 20, 2024, BLIA Montreal organized the “Fo Guang Community Cleanup,” where participants took to the streets to pick up litter, contributing to the cleanliness of the community.

2024年 3月2日至3日澳洲雪梨協會響應「澳洲清潔日」, 共有130位會員及佛光童軍參與清潔活動,保護環境。

From March 2 to 3, 2024, BLIA Sydney participated in Australia Clean Up Day, with 130 BLIA members and BLIA Scouts joining the cleanup action to protect the environment.

2024 年 6 月 3 日馬來西亞東馬協會舉辦淨灘活動,共

拾起 63 袋, 493 公升的垃圾;佛光人帶領小朋友一 起參與,讓環保理念從小扎根。

On June 3, 2024, BLIA East Malaysia organized a beach cleanup activity, collecting a total of 63 bags totaling 493 liters of trash. BLIA members led children to participate for fostering environmental awareness from a young age.

2024 年 7 月 20 日加拿大溫哥華協會參 與由本拿比市政府主辦的社區清潔活 動,20位佛光會員沿著街道細心撿拾 大小垃圾,落實「環保與心保」。

On July 20, 2024, BLIA Vancouver, Canada, participated in a community cleanup event organized by the Burnaby City Government. Twenty BLIA members meticulously picked up litter along the streets, embodying the principles of “Environmental and Spiritual Preservation.”



Faith and Legacy Future and Hope

2024年3月2日「禪淨共修獻燈祈福法會」,全球僧信現場、線上連線共修,2天法會凝聚全球5大洲40個國家地區, 逾10萬人跨洋修持,共同為邁向2024年的共生共榮祝禱祈福。

On March 2, 2024, monastic and lay disciples around the world attended the Chan and Pure Land Cultivation and Commemorative Light Offering Prayer Service in-person and online. The two-day service saw more than 100,000 attendees across the five continents and 40 countries and regions cross great distances to join. Together, they prayed for coexistence and coprosperity heading into 2024.


On March 2, 2024, Fo Guang Shan auspicious dragon lantern was flown over the Main Shrine, symbolizing “Heavenly Blessings and Protection.”



月 2 日至 3 日「佛光山 2024 年禪淨共修

獻燈祈福法會」於佛光山大雄寶殿成佛大 道舉行,透過人間衛視、中華總會 YouTube 同步直播。祈福法會禮請世界總會總會長心保 和尚等 12 位和尚主法,帶領大眾祈福祝禱。總

會長心保和尚開示勉勵自我觀照,看到無我的自 在,體悟「性空」就能清淨、解脫。世界總會署理 會長慈容法師期勉,透過這機會好好修持,使身心更 加安定;世界總會理事慧傳法師表示,透過禪淨共修 法會,落實星雲大師的「解在一切佛法,行在禪淨共 修」。心保和尚帶領恭讀星雲大師〈獻燈祈願文〉, 並於法會最後「龍天護佑」環節,安排今年春節特色 花燈「祥龍獻瑞」,祝福與會大眾消災免難、安樂富有, 署理會長慈容法師、秘書長覺培法師、全球 5 大洲 40 個國家地區,逾 10 萬人虔誠參與。

2024 年 3 月 2 日世界總會總會長心保和尚於 法會主法及開示,勉勵大眾自我觀照就能照 見五蘊皆空。

On March 2, 2024, World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau presided over the prayer service and gave a Dharma talk. He encouraged attendees to contemplate on themselves in order to realize the emptiness of the five aggregates.


On March 2, 2024, Acting President Venerable Tzu Jung and World Headquarters Director Venerable Hui Chuan explained the service liturgy and encouraged attendees to remain diligent.

Chan and Pure Land Cultivation and Commemorative Light Offering Prayer Service

On March 2 and 3, the 2024 Fo Guang Shan Chan and Pure Land Cultivation and Commemorative Light Offering Prayer Service was held at Fo Guang Shan’s Path to Buddhahood, in front of the Main Shrine. The service was livestreamed on BLTV and BLIA Chunghua YouTube channel. World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau and twelve presiding monks led the assembly in prayer recitations. In his Dharma talk, President Most Venerable Hsin Bau encouraged attendees to contemplate on themselves, see the ease behind non-existence, and realize that an empty nature brings purity and liberation. World Headquarters Acting President Venerable Tzu Jung stated that by attending the service, attendees were

actualizing Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s teaching that “understanding is obtained in all Dharmas, and practice is completed by cultivating Chan and Pure Land.” Most Venerable Hsin Bau led a recitation of the Prayer for the Offering of Light. In the final part of the service, “Heavenly Blessings and Protection,” the auspicious dragon lantern from the New Year Festival was flown to offer the attendees blessings: protection from calamities, well-being, and wealth. More than 100,000 attendees across the five continents and 40 countries and regions joined the service, including Acting President Venerable Tzu Jung and Secretary General Venerable Chueh Pei.


On March 2, 2024, Nan Ping Choir’s performances of the Song of the Dharma Propagator and Praise the Great Buddha reenacted the Venerable Master’s spirit of Dharma propagation and reverence toward the Buddha.

2024年3月2日壇場供奉星雲大師銅像, 象徵佛光人對大師「平安幸福照五洲」 的心願永誌不忘。

On March 2, 2024, the Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s copper statue was enshrined at the platform, symbolizing that BLIA members will never forget the Venerable Master’s wish to “shine peace and happiness upon the five continents.”

2024 年 3 月 2 日佛光敦煌舞蹈團以清 淨曼妙舞姿,禮敬供養諸佛。

On March 2, 2024, the Fo Guang Dunhuang Dance Group made an offering to the buddhas with their pure and graceful moves.

2024 年 3 月 3 日全球佛光僧信二眾,透過人間 衛視線上直播,同步修持,虔誠參與「禪淨共 修獻燈祈福法會」。

On March 3, 2024, Fo Guang Shan’s monastic and lay disciples around the world faithfully joined the Chan and Pure Land Cultivation and Commemorative Light Offering Prayer Service via BLTV’s livestream.

佛化婚禮 菩提眷屬祝福禮


不僅要把生命延續下去,更重視慈悲、道 德及信仰的傳承;以正知正見成就菩提眷屬, 共同建立一個幸福美滿的家庭。

「十年修得同船渡,百年修得共枕眠」,夫妻 之間的因緣,皆百年所修,難遭難遇。創會會 長星雲大師對於新婚夫妻及菩提眷屬,經常以夫 妻之道來勉勵:一個家庭的美滿,需靠彼此的愛心 建立。年輕在拍拖時,要睜大雙眼看清楚對方;到結 婚時,則用單眼來看,猶如木工量度時都用單眼才能看的 準;但是結了婚之後,不要用眼睛來看,要用心、用愛來看。

創會會長星雲大師提倡佛化家庭,希望佛法能融入家庭及生活 中,以佛法來提升婚姻的品味。此外,亦將丈夫和妻子分成三 種等級,期勉菩提眷屬都能成為上等夫妻:上等丈夫可以負起 家庭責任,照顧好另一半,讓妻子不受委屈、感到榮耀;妻子 則要能溫柔、體貼、信賴、常常讚美、盡心盡力幫助丈夫的事 業、忠誠不二心,才能以愛贏得愛。全球佛光人於五大洲,舉 行佛化婚禮及菩提眷屬祝福禮,讓家庭更幸福美滿。

2024年1月1日「百年好合佛化婚禮 暨菩提眷屬祝福禮」,新人在佛前 許下諾言,永結同心,白頭偕老。

On January 1, 2024, during the “A Hundred Years of Harmony Buddhist Wedding and Bodhi Couple Blessing Ceremony,” newlywed couples made a vow to the Buddha to be one in heart and mind, and stay together until their hairs gray.

2024年1月1日「百年好合佛化婚禮暨菩提眷屬祝福禮」於佛光山佛陀紀念館大覺堂舉行,38對新人、201對菩提 眷屬在佛陀座下,接受三寶的祝福。

On January 1, 2024, “A Hundred Years of Harmony Buddhist Wedding and Bodhi Couple Blessing Ceremony” was held at FGS Buddha Museum’s Great Enlightenment Auditorium. There were 38 newlywed couples and 201 bodhi couples receiving the blessing of the Triple Gem under the Buddha’s watch.

Buddhist Wedding and Bodhi Couples Blessing Ceremony


Buddhism values the joyous harmony of the family. Hence, the Buddhist perspective of family not only considers family as necessary to sustain life but more so for the legacy of compassion, ethics, and faith. Right views and right thoughts are the foundation for a Bodhi couple to establish a blessed and happy family. As the saying goes, “It takes ten years of cultivation to share a boat with someone; and a hundred years of cultivation to share a pillow.” The relationship between husband and wife is the result of a hundred years of cultivating affinity, a truly rare occurrence. BLIA World Headquarters Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun often encouraged newlyweds and Bodhi couples to learn the way of marriage, which must be nurtured through mutual respect. A happy family can only be built with mutual respect and love. While young and dating, one should look closely at the other with both eyes wide open. When the couple is about to marry, it is time to use just one eye, similar to carpenters using one eye to make precise measurements. However, after getting married, couples should no longer use their eyes to see but their hearts and love to view their relationship.

2024 年 1 月 1 日「百年好合佛化婚禮 暨菩提眷屬祝福禮」,世界總會榮譽 總會長吳伯雄伉儷擔任主婚人,彼此 牽手相伴一甲子,步入「鑽石婚」, 一家三代同堂,歡喜獻唱「愛的禮 物」祝福新人。

Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun encouraged the building of a Buddhist family with the hope that the Dharma can be integrated into family life to elevate the quality of a marriage. He ranked married couples in three tiers and hoped that Bodhi couples can become the highest-quality husband and wife. The top rank husband will be able to take up household responsibilities and care for his other half, so that his wife will not feel neglected but honored. The finest wife will be gentle, thoughtful, trustworthy, staunchly loyal, often complimenting and wholeheartedly supportive of her husband’s career. As such, love like this will only win more love. Fo Guang members on the five continents hold Buddhist Wedding Ceremonies or Bodhi Couple Blessing Ceremonies so families can be filled with happiness.

On January 1, 2024, the “A Hundred Years of Harmony Buddhist Wedding and Bodhi Couple Blessing Ceremony” was held. World Headquarters Honorary President Wu Po-hsiung and his wife served as the ceremony’s guardians. This year, the couple will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary—their diamond jubilee; they were joined by their children and grandchildren as they joyfully sang The Gift of Love to bless the newlyweds.

2024年1月1日「百年好合佛化婚禮暨菩提眷屬祝福禮」,菩提眷屬代表宣誓,發願夫妻彼此扶持,相敬互愛, 家庭和諧美滿。

On May 4, 2024, at the “A Hundred Years of Harmony Buddhist Wedding and Bodhi Couple Blessing Ceremony,” representatives of Bodhi couples made the vow to support each other with mutual respect and love for happiness and harmony in the family.

2024 年 1 月

「百年好合佛化婚禮 暨菩提眷屬祝福禮」,介 紹人世界總會副總會長劉招明 伉儷,結褵50年「金婚」,分享婚姻經營之道。

On January 1, 2024, at the “A Hundred Years of Harmony Buddhist Wedding and Bodhi Couple Blessing Ceremony,” BLIA World Headquarters Vice President, Liu Chao-Ming and his wife served as match-makers. They will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary—their gold jubilee, and they are pleased to share the way to a happy marriage.

2024 年 1 月 1 日


禮暨菩提眷屬祝福禮」, 38 對新人步入婚姻殿堂,喜結連理。

On January 1, 2024, at the “A Hundred Years of Harmony Buddhist Wedding and Bodhi Couple Blessing Ceremony,” 38 newlywed couples stepped into the auditorium and joyfully forged their bond.

十年修得同船渡 百年修得共枕眠

2024年1月1日「百年好合佛化婚禮暨菩提眷屬祝福禮」,由 世界總會總會長心保和尚證婚、世界總會理事慧傳法師、副 住持慧倫法師,帶領宣讀佛化婚禮結婚證書。

On January 1, 2024, the “A Hundred Years of Harmony Buddhist Wedding and Bodhi Couple Blessing Ceremony,” was held. World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau served as the officiating master, while World Headquarters Director Venerable Hui Chuan and Deputy Abbot Venerable Hui Lun led the recitation of the marriage certificate.



2024 年 5 月 4 日世界總會總會長心保和尚為美國洛杉磯 佛光青年劉憲章、中華佛光青年吳亞蓁新婚祝福。

On May 4, 2024, World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau gave his blessings to the newlywed BLIA YAD Los Angeles, USA member Vincent Liu and BLIA YAD Chunghua member Ricole Wu.

2024 年 6 月 26 日在澳洲中天寺住持滿望法師見證下, 昆士蘭佛光青年楊博勝與徐懌心,於佛前共結連理。

On November 6, 2023, with FGS Chung Tian Temple, Australia Abbess Venerable Man Wang officiating, BLIAYAD Queensland members Belinda Hsueh and Anderson Cheung forged their bond of marriage.

2024 年 5 月 4 日世界總會 ( 美西 ) 副秘書長慧東法師為洛 杉磯佛光青年劉憲章、中華佛光青年吳亞蓁證婚。

On May 4, 2024, World Headquarters Vice Secretary General America West Venerable Hui Dong officiated the wedding of BLIA YAD Los Angeles member Vincent Liu and BLIA YAD Chunghua member Ricole Wu.

2024年3月16日西澳佛光青年步上西澳道場的紅毯, 接受佛光山澳紐總住持滿可法師及親友的祝福。

On March 16, 2024, newlywed BLIA YAD Western Australia members walked on the red carpet at FGS Buddhist Temple Western Australia. FGS Australia and New Zealand Chief Abbess Venerable Man Ko, together with the couple’s family and friends, offered their blessings.

2024 年 3 月 9 日葡萄牙佛光山首場佛化婚禮,新郎簡 祥祐、新娘桑如雅在佛前許下承諾,里斯本佛光人送 上深厚祝福。

On March 9, 2024, Fo Guang Shan Portugal hosted its first Buddhist wedding. With the many blessings from BLIA Lisbon members, groom Shyan Yow Chien and bride Jerusha Nicole Sanchez Carrera made their vows before the Buddha.


年 7 月 17 日至 20 日「國際佛光青年幹

部會議」於柏林佛光山揭開序幕,來自全球 5 大洲 24 個國家地區,45 個青年分團,近 300 位佛光青年幹部歡聚德國。4 天課程包含主題演

說、文化體驗、城市探索、文化報告等等,促進 青年與環境「共生」,與團隊「共榮」。

揭幕儀式為全球白象幹部一級、二級及善財講 師授證,並特別頒發「歐洲專員證書」給來自倫敦的 妙慧講師彭寶珊。世界青年總團執行長慧傳法師主題 演說「從萬象萬物看『共生與共榮』」,分享佛光會 創會會長星雲大師訂定大會主題的慈悲與智慧,從各 個方向分享物我、人我、法界的共生與共榮。

2024 年 7 月 17 日世界青年總團執行長慧傳法師 頒發「歐洲專員證書」予妙慧講師彭寶珊。

「人間佛教在歐洲」論壇,由佛光山歐洲教區總 住持覺容法師、副總住持妙祥法師,在德國柏林泰坦 尼克會議中心,為青年講述超過 30 年的弘法之旅。閉

幕典禮宣布下屆會議回到台灣總本山舉行,歐洲佛光 青年將承辦旗交給中華佛光青年,大家相約 2025 年佛 光山上見。

On July 17, 2024, BLIA-YAD World Headquarters Chief Executive Venerable Hui Chuan awarded Sumagadhi Lecturer Roxanna Pang the certification of European Commissioner.

2024 年 7 月 17 日「國際佛光青年幹部會議」於柏林泰坦尼克會議中心舉行,來自全球 5 大洲 24 個國家, 45 個青年 分團,近300位佛光青年幹部歡喜參與。

On July 20, 2024, the International Buddha’s Light Young Adult Executive Conference was held at the Titanic Convention Center, Berlin. Nearly 300 BLIA-YAD executives from 45 BLIA-YAD subdivisions in 24 countries and regions across the five continents attended with joy.


On July 20, 2024, BLIA-YAD Europe members handed over the conference flag to BLIA-YAD Chunghua members. The 2025 conference will be held in Taiwan, and everyone made a promise to meet again at Fo Guang Shan.

International Buddha’s Light Young Adult Executive Conference

From July 17 to 20, 2024, the International Buddha’s Light Young Adult Executive Conference was held at FGS Berlin Temple. Nearly 300 BLIA-YAD executives from 45 BLIA-YAD subdivisions in 24 countries and regions across the five continents gathered joyfully in Europe. The four-day conference included a keynote speech, cultural experience classes, a city tour, and a cultural report, with a theme of promoting coexistence with the environment and coprosperity as a team.

In the opening ceremony, new White Elephant Staff Level I executives, White Elephant Staff Level II executivess, and Sudhana Lecturers were certified, and BLIA-YAD London Sumagadhi Lecturer Roxanna Pang was awarded the special certification of European Commissioner. In his keynote speech, “Seeing Coexistence and Coprosperity from All Phenomena and Things,” BLIA-YAD World Headquarters Executive Director Venerable Hui Chuan shared the compassion and wisdom behind the conference themes that Venerable Master Hsing Yun designated, as well as how coexistence and coprosperity between things, people, and the Dharma realm can be achieved in different ways.

2024年 7月18

說「從萬象萬物看共生與共榮」擔 任中、英文主持人。

In the “Humanistic Buddhism in Europe” forum at the Titanic Convention Center, FGS Europe Chief Abbess Ven. Jue Rong and Deputy Chief Abbess Ven. Miao Hsiang related to BLIA-YAD members the Dharma propagation journey in Europe for more than three decades. In the closing ceremony, it was announced that next year’s conference would return to Fo Guang Shan in Taiwan. As the BLIAYAD Europe members handed over the conference flag to the BLIA-YAD Chunghua members, everyone made a promise to meet again at Fo Guang Shan in 2025.

On July 18, 2024, BLIA-YAD members served as Chinese and English emcees for the keynote speech, “Seeing Coexistence and Coprosperity from All Phenomena and Things.”

2024年7月17日世界青年總團執行長慧傳 法師於開幕典禮上,為全球白象幹部二 級、善財講師授證。

On July 17, 2024, BLIA-YAD World Headquarters Executive Director Venerable Hui Chuan certified new White Elephant Staff Level II executives and Sudhana Lecturers worldwide at the opening ceremony.

2024 年 7 月 20 日「人間佛教在歐洲」 課程,由歐洲教區總住持覺容法 師、副總住持妙祥法師為青年講述 超過30年的弘法之旅。

On July 20, 2024, in the “Humanistic Buddhism in Europe” forum, FGS Europe Chief Abbess Ven. Jue Rong and Deputy Chief Abbess Ven. Miao Hsiang related to BLIA-YAD members the Dharma propagation journey in Europe for more than three decades.

2024 年 7 月 18 日世界青年總團執行 長慧傳法師主題演說「從萬象萬 物看共生與共榮」,青年幹部聆 聽法益。

On July 18, 2024, BLIA-YAD executives listened to BLIA-YAD World Headquarters Executive Director Venerable Hui Chuan’s keynote speech, “Seeing Coexistence and Coprosperity from All Phenomena and Things.”

2024 年「共生與共榮」國際佛光青年幹部會議 大會宣言

一、我們緣聚德國柏林,以歡喜心交流聯誼 二、我們體驗本土文化,以包容心探索人文 三、我們倡導共生共榮,以和合心放眼世界 四、我們奉行人間佛教,以不退心莊嚴福慧 五、我們樹立佛青品牌,以智慧力健全組織 六、我們積極接引團員,以創新力拓展團務 七、我們攜手開創未來,以實踐力延續法脈 八、我們誓願佛教靠我,以信仰力共建淨土

2024 “Coexistence and Coprosperity” International Buddha’s Light Young Adult Executive Conference

Conference Proclamation

1. We gather joyfully in Berlin, Germany, to exchange ideas and foster fellowship.

2. We embrace local culture with receptiveness and magnanimity, exploring the richness of humanity.

3. We advocate for coexistence and coprosperity with a harmonious outlook on the world.

4. We uphold Humanistic Buddhism with unwavering commitment to enhance both merit and wisdom.

5. We establish and strengthen the brand of Buddha’s Light Young Adults through wisdom and organizational integrity.

6. We actively recruit and engage members, utilizing innovation to expand our organizational activities.

7. We join hands to forge a promising future, perpetuating the Buddhist lineage through dedicated practice.

8. We solemnly vow to uphold and promote Buddhism through our faith, collaboratively building a pure and enlightened world.

澳紐佛光青年會議 第

26 屆「澳紐佛光青年會議 ANZBYC」

2024 年 7 月 5 日至 7 日紐西蘭佛 光山住持滿信法師、大奧克蘭市副市長

Desley Simpson、警署部馬努考區行政首長

Superintendent Shanan Gray 警司、市議員 Maurice Williamson、Sharon Stewart 等貴 賓親蒞典禮。世界總會總會長心保和尚透過 視頻開示勉勵、佛光青年總團執行長慧傳法 師線上與佛光青年相會,來自澳紐佛光青年、 佛光人、社會各界人士近 230 人與會,以「不 忘初心 共生與共榮」為主題,展開為期 3 天 的生命課題探索。

首日由滿信法師、紐西蘭北島協會督導余 林濤、檀教師曾廣志博士、奧克蘭市議員 Hon Maurice Williamson、紐西蘭警署部 Superintendent Scott Gemmell 警司、Anson Lin 高級警官、《Small Business Hero》雜 誌主編 Farida Master 分別以互動問答、主題 演講、思維遊戲方式,開啟尋找初心之旅。

2024年7月5日紐西蘭佛光山住持滿信法師期許青年成為佛教 的叢林,實踐共生共榮的生活準則,為佛教帶來叢林之光。

On July 5, 2024, Venerable Man Hsin, FGS New Zealand Abbess encouraged the young members to become the forest of Buddhism, practicing the principles of coexistence and coprosperity, and bringing the light of the forest to Buddhism.

翌日邀請紐西蘭殘奧金牌射擊傳奇、世界紀錄 保持者 Michael Johnson MNZM 與紐西蘭警署 部社區警官 Sen Const Matt Green 主題分享; 大洋洲各青年團幹部分享星雲大師智慧法語帶 給自己的力量。閉幕典禮由滿信法師為各州佛 光青年團頒發證書,柏斯青年分團接棒下一屆 會議主辦任務。

2024 年 7 月 5 日第 26 屆「澳紐佛光青年會議 ANZBYC 」於紐西蘭 北島佛光山開幕,紐澳佛光青年及各界貴賓230人出席盛會。

On July 5, 2024, the 26th Australia New Zealand Buddhist Youth Conference (ANZBYC) opened at FGS New Zealand North Island Temple with 230 attendees, including Buddha's Light youths from Australia and New Zealand and various distinguished guests.

2024年7月5日紐西蘭原住民毛利長老與校長,帶領 54位小學師生表演震撼人心的毛利歌舞。

On July 5, 2024, a Maori elder and principal from New Zealand led 54 primary school teachers and students in a powerful Maori song and dance performance.

2024 年 7 月 7 日「澳紐佛光青年會議」閉幕典禮,紐西蘭 佛光山住持滿信法師為各州佛光青年團頒發證書。

On July 7, 2024, during the closing ceremony of the Australia New Zealand Buddhist Youth Conference, Venerable Man Hsin, FGS New Zealand Abbess presented certificates to the young adults of BLIA YAD from each state.

2024 年 7 月 7 日「澳紐佛光青年會議 ANZBYC 」圓滿閉幕, 西澳柏斯青年分團接棒下屆會議主辦任務。

On July 7, 2024, the Australia New Zealand Buddhist Youth Conference (ANZBYC) concluded successfully. BLIA YAD Perth will be the host the next conference.

Australia & New Zealand Buddhist Youth Conference

The26th Australia & New Zealand Buddhist Youth Conference (ANZBYC) was held during July 5-7, 2024. Venerable Man Hsin, FGS New Zealand Abbess; Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson of Auckland; Superintendent Shanan Gray, Administrative Head of Manukau District Police; City Councilors Hon. Maurice Williamson and Sharon Stewart, as well as other distinguished guests were at the opening ceremony. Most Venerable Hsin Bau, BLIA World Headquarters President offered words of encouragement via video, while Venerable Hui Chuan, BLIA Young Adult Division Executive Director joined the event online. Nearly 230 YAD members, Fo Guang members, and representatives from the community in Australia and New Zealand gathered under the theme, “Never Forget One’s Initial Aspirations: Coexistence and Mutual Prosperity,” to explore the subject of life over three days.

2024 年 7 月 5

日奧克蘭市議員 Hon

On the first day, Venerable Man Hsin; Lintao Yu, BLIA New Zealand North Island Elder Advisor; Dr. Kwong Djee Chan, Lay Dharma Teacher; Auckland City Councilor Hon. Maurice Williamson; Superintendent Scott Gemmell, New Zealand Police; Senior Police Officer Anson Lin; and Farida Master, Editor of Small Business Hero magazine, led the participants on a journey to rediscover their initial aspirations through interactive Q&A sessions, keynote speeches, and thoughtprovoking games. On the following day, for exploring the conference theme, Michael Johnson MNZM, a legendary Paralympic gold medalist and world record holder in shooting, and Senior Constable Matt Green, a community police officer in New Zealand shared their experiences. YAD executives from Oceana also shared how Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Dharma words of wisdom empowered them. During the closing ceremony, Venerable Man Hsin presented certificates to the BLIA YAD Subdivisions from each state, with BLIA-YAD Perth taking over the responsibility of hosting the next conference.

Maurice Williamson ,在課程中為 青年解讀信息時代的變化與機遇, 分享對未來科技進步的展望。

On July 5, 2024, Auckland City Councilor, Hon. Maurice Williamson explained the changes and opportunities in the information age to the young members during the program, sharing his outlook on future technological advancements.



大覺寺召開,4 月 5 日至 7 日,來自馬來西亞、 新加坡、印尼、菲律賓、日本、韓國、香港、台灣、 澳門及大陸優世代,近 300 位佛光青年齊聚一堂。

聯誼會以「共生與共榮」 主題,安排豐富精采的 課程,結合亞洲各區佛光青年團務報告及青年接 力表演,展現各地青年分團特色文化。

課程中,世界青年總團執行長慧傳法師分 享其首部著作《奮起飛揚在人間》,以及星雲大 師新春墨寶的智慧。佛光祖庭大覺寺都監妙士法 師,勉勵青年除了信仰,更要有肩膀承擔,為世 界和平一起努力;「人間佛教在大陸的發展」由 祖庭、北京、南京、上海、揚州、蘇州等各地區 輔導法師,說明當地的文化和教育等弘法發展; 「人間佛教的亞洲之光」由各地佛光青年簡介團 務運作,展現大家從服務中成就人我,共生與共 榮的精神。

閉幕典禮上,宣布下屆「亞洲佛光青年聯誼 會」移師韓國舉行,承辦單位韓國佛光青年歡喜 接棒。佛光青年於會後安排參觀中國宜興陶瓷博 物館,體驗中華歷史獨特的陶文化。

2024 年 4 月 5 日世界青年總團執行長慧傳法師於專題 講座,分享其首部著作《奮起飛揚在人間》,闡述星 雲大師新春墨寶的智慧與意涵。

On April 5, 2024, Venerable Hui Chuan, BLIA YAD Headquarters Executive Director shared insights from his first book, Soar High in the Human World in a special lecture, explaining the wisdom and significance behind Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Chinese New Year calligraphy.

2024 年 4 月 7 日下屆亞洲佛光青年聯誼會移師韓國舉 行,承辦單位韓國佛光青年正式接棒。

On April 7, 2024, it was resolved that the next BLIA YAD Asia Fellowship Meeting would be held in South Korea, with BLIA YAD South Korea officially taking over the responsibilities of hosting.

On April 5, 2024, the BLIA YAD Asia Fellowship Meeting was held at FGS Ancestral Monastery Da Jue Temple, with nearly 300 YAD members from ten Asian countries and regions gathering for the event.

2024 年 4 月 7 日「佛青之夜」佛光青年透過〈信仰〉、 〈一顆永恆的星〉等表演,表達對星雲大師的緬懷與感恩。

On April 7, 2024, during the “Night of YAD” young members expressed their remembrance and gratitude for Venerable Master Hsing Yun through performances of “Faith” and “An Eternal Star.”

2024 年 4 月 7 日會後旅遊,佛光青年參觀中國宜興 陶瓷博物館,體驗中華歷史獨特的陶文化。

On April 7, 2024, during the post-meeting tour, BLIA YAD members visited the China Yixing Ceramics Museum, experiencing the unique pottery culture of Chinese history.

BLIA Young Adult Division Asia Fellowship Meeting

The 2024 BLIA YAD Asia Fellowship Meeting was held for the first time at Fo Guang Shan Ancestral Monastery Da Jue Temple during April 5-7. Nearly 300 BLIA YAD members from Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, and China gathered for the event. Based on the theme, “Coexistence and Coprosperity,” the Fellowship Meeting offered a variety of rich and exciting programs, including reports on BLIA YAD subdivisions activities across Asia and relay performances by the young members, showcasing the unique cultural characteristics of the youth groups in each region.

During the program, Venerable Hui Chuan, BLIA YAD Headquarters Executive Director, shared insights from his first book, Soar High in the Human World, and the wisdom within Venerable Master Hsing Yun's Chinese New Year calligraphy. Venerable Miao Shi, Supervisor of FGS Ancestral Monastery Da Jue Temple, encouraged the youth besides having faith, they need to take on responsibilities and work together for world peace. The session on “The Development of Humanistic Buddhism in Mainland China” was presented by monastic advisors from the ancestral monastery as well as Beijing, Nanjing, Shanghai, Yangzhou, and Suzhou, explaining the development of Dharma propagation in the local culture and education. The session, “Humanistic Buddhism Light of Asia” featured BLIA YAD from various regions on the operations of their groups, demonstrating the spirit of achieving coexistence and coprosperity through service.

At the closing ceremony, it was announced that the next BLIA YAD Asia Fellowship Meeting would be held in South Korea, with YAD South Korea Subdivision happily taking over the responsibility of hosting. After the meeting, a visit to the China Yixing Ceramics Museum was arranged for the young members, where they experienced the unique pottery culture of Chinese history.

2024 年 4 月 6 日青年體驗採茶、 殺菁、揉捻、品茗,透過「茶」 體會「茶心禪語」。

On April 6, 2024, young members participated in tea-picking, blanching, rolling, and tasting to experience “Tea Mind, Chan Words” through the process of making and appreciating tea.

世界佛光童軍領袖共識會 首屆「世界佛光童軍領袖共識會議」7

1 日至 2 日於南天寺舉行,來自美 國、加拿大、巴西、日本、台灣、馬來 西亞、菲律賓及澳洲逾 100 位佛光童 軍領袖與代表,通過線上及蒞臨現場共 襄盛事。會中播放創會會長星雲大師為 童軍的開示影片,以及世界總會總會長 心保和尚、署理會長慈容法師及秘書長覺 培法師,透過視頻及線上開示勉勵。

「佛光童軍共識營」探討佛光童軍的核心價值 觀,加強領袖的領導力與組織能力,並培育更多未來領袖;透過 「佛光童軍的使命」、「佛光童軍品牌策略與管理」、「如何永續 發展世界和諧—行動目標」及「佛光童軍與三好精神」等課程,落 實管理及策劃未來發展方向。共識會議促進全球佛光童軍領袖合 作、交流,凝聚共識,提升各國組織的運營能力及效率;探討佛光 童軍的核心價值觀,包括誠實、尊重、責任感和社會服務等,將其 落實在全球佛光童軍組織的普及化,加強領袖們的領導力與組織能 力,幫助領袖們培育更多未來的童軍領袖。

2024年7月1日首屆「世界佛光 童軍領袖共識會議」於南天寺 舉行,開幕典禮,佛光領袖雙 手合十,齊唱三寶頌。

世界總會秘書長覺培法師、( 大洋洲 ) 副秘書長滿可法師、佛光童 軍聯誼委員會主任委員李耀淳、佛光童軍總團輔導覺多法師等指導 勉勵,佛光童軍領袖透過兩天的會議,擬定目標,獲益良多。

On July 1, 2024, the first BLIA World Scout Leader Consensus Meeting was held at Nan Tien Temple; during the opening ceremony, BLIA scout leaders joined their palms in singing the Ode to Triple Gem. 2024

On July 1, 2024, at the BLIA World Scout Leader Consensus Meeting, over 100 BLIA scout leaders and representatives from around the world attended the opening ceremony in person and online.

2024 年 7 月 1 日「世界佛光童軍領袖共識會議」播放創會會長星雲大師為童軍的開示影片,以及總會長心保和 尚、署理會長慈容法師及秘書長覺培法師,透過視頻及線上,開示勉勵。

On July 1, 2024, BLIA World Scout Leader Consensus Meeting presented a video of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Dharma teachings for scouts. President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, Acting President Venerable Tzu Jung, and Secretary General Venerable Chueh Pei offered their encouragements online.

BLIA World Scout Leader Consensus Meeting

The first “BLIA World Scout Leader Consensus Meeting” was held at FGS Nan Tien Temple on July 1-2; over 100 BLIA Scout Leaders and representatives from the USA, Canada, Brazil, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, Philippines, and Australia attended the major event both in person and online. Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun’s Dharma teachings for scouts were presented in video; World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, Acting President Venerable Tzu Jung, and Secretary General Venerable Chueh Pei also offered their remarks of encouragement online.

The BLIA Scout Consensus Meeting explored the core values of BLIA scouts, enhancing the leadership and organizational capacity of scout leaders, and fostering more future leaders. Through sessions such as “BLIA Scout Mission,” “BLIA Scout Brand Strategy and Management,” “How to Sustain the Fostering of World Harmony – Action Objective,” and “BLIA Scout and the Three Acts of Goodness Spirit,” participants

sought to actualize management and draft future development guidelines. The consensus meeting enhanced cooperation, exchanges, and consolidation for BLIA scout worldwide, increasing the operation skills and effects of the different organizations. It further explored the core values of BLIA scout, including integrity, respect, responsibility, and social service; by actualizing these values and popularizing them within BLIA scout groups to enhance the leadership and organizational skills of the leaders, helping them to foster more future scout leaders.

World Headquarters Secretary General Ven. Chueh Pei, Oceana Vice Secretary General Ven. Man Ko, BLIA Scouts Fellowship Committee Director Lee Yao-Chun, and Buddha’s Light Scouts Headquarters Monastic Advisor Ven. Jue Duo offered guidance and encouragements. Through the two-day meetings, BLIA scout leaders established goals and reaped much benefits.


年世界佛光童軍大露營」7 月 3 日至 7

日於澳洲南天大學登場,來自美國、加拿 大、台灣、馬來西亞、菲律賓、日本、巴西及 澳洲,逾 230 位佛光童軍領袖及代表共襄盛事。

6 個國家的國旗陳列在星雲大師銅像旁,勉勵 佛光童軍們傳承大師「智仁勇」的慈心悲願。

開營典禮於南天寺大雄寶殿舉行,創會會長星 雲大師、世界總會總會長心保和尚、署理會長 慈容法師等,透過視頻開示勉勵。

會中世界總會 ( 大洋洲 ) 副秘書長滿可法 師代表世界總會頒發聘書予佛光童軍聯誼委員 會副主任委員蔡堅宜證書;佛光童軍聯誼委員 會主任委員李耀淳頒發感謝狀給成就大露營的 各代表。澳洲佛光童軍獻唱由青年發展委員會 主任委員陳澄慧,創作之首支佛光童軍主題曲 〈Buddha´s Light Scout〉,帶動現場氣氛。

佛光童軍課程活動安排:認識星雲大師、 南天寺巡禮、雪梨城市探索、澳洲原住民傳統 文化體驗、虔敬聚會、禪修、童軍技能闖關活

2024 年 7 月 3 日「世界佛光童軍大露營」開營典禮,佛光 童軍透過視頻,聆聽創會會長星雲大師、世界總會總會長 心保和尚、署理會長慈容法師開示勉勵。

On July 3, 2024, during the BLIA World Scout Jamboree opening ceremony, scout members listened to the teachings and words of encouragement from Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun, World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, and Acting President Venerable Tzu Jung.

動、探索教育、定向挑戰、工程繩結運用及結 合 SDGs 環境保護的體驗活動等;佛光童軍集 體創作,「與大師一起用餐」烹煮星雲大師的 食譜—番茄麵,以此緬懷追思大師;而營火之 夜「永恆的一顆星」,佛光童軍以敬心向大師 獻燈及恭讀〈為佛光童軍祈願文〉,緬懷及感 恩星雲大師創立全球佛光童軍。



On July 3, 2024, BLIA World Scout Jamboree opened at Nan

with 230


leaders and representatives attending the opening ceremony at Nan

Tien Temple
Tien Temple Main Shrine.



On July 6, 2024, during “An Eternal Star” campfire night, BLIA scouts respectfully offered lights to the Venerable Master and recited “A Prayer for Buddha’s Light Scouts.”

BLIA World Scout Jamboree

The2024 BLIA World Scout Jamboree opened at Nan Tien Institute in Australia July 3-7, over 230 BLIA scout leaders and representatives from the USA, Canada, Taiwan, Malaysia, Philippines, Japan, Brazil, and Australia participated in the major event. The national flags of six countries displayed by the side of the bronze statue of Venerable Master Hsing Yun served as reminders for the BLIA Scout members to pass down the Venerable Master’s compassionate vow of wisdom, benevolence, and courage. The opening ceremony was held in the Main Shrine of Nan Tien Temple, teachings and words of encouragement were offered via videos of Founding President Venerable Master Hsing Yun, World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, and Acting President Venerable Tzu Jung.

World Headquarters Oceana Vice Secretary General Ven. Man Ko presented the appointment certificate for BLIA Scouts Fellowship Committee Vice Director to Kenneth K. Choi; BLIA Scouts Fellowship Committee Director Lee Yao-Chun presented appreciation certificates to the various representatives at the Jamboree. BLIA

Scouts, Australia sang the Buddha’s Light Scout theme song composed by Youth Development Committee Director Jenny Chen, charging up the atmosphere of the event.

BLIA scout program included: getting to know Venerable Master Hsing Yun, tour of Nan Tien Temple, Sydney city adventure, experience of Australian aboriginal culture, respect meeting, meditation, scouting skills race, exploration education, orienteering challenge, hitch knotting function, and SDGs environmental preservation. In commemorating the Venerable Master, BLIA scouts collaborated in “Dining with the Venerable Master,” preparing tomato noodles with a recipe by the Venerable Master. During “An Eternal Star” campfire night, BLIA scouts respectfully offered lights to the Venerable Master and recited “A Prayer for Buddha’s Light Scouts,” commemorating and giving thanks to Venerable Master Hsing Yun for establishing the Buddha’s Light Scout worldwide.

2024 年 7 月 5 日至 7 日佛光童軍大露營精心策劃各種 文化體驗活動,內容豐富多元。

July 5-7, 2024, BLIA World Scout Jamboree crafted a diverse cultural experience program for the participants.



Change the World and Benefit Humanity Oneness and Coexistence

BLIA Hope Village, India


2024 年 4 月 3 日花蓮地區發生芮氏

規模 7.2 強震,在世界總會總會長心保 和尚及署理會長慈容法師、理事暨佛光山 常務副住持慧傳法師的指導下,月光寺監 寺妙勳法師率領檀講師戴慶華等幹部,成 立指揮中心及免費提供逾百人的臨時安住 中心;秘書長覺培法師率領輔導法師前往 現場關懷,了解災情與需求。同時,中華 總會第一時間撥款 100 萬元協助災情救援。

2024年 4月5日「花蓮0403地震罹難者助念法會」佛光山 月光寺監寺妙勳法師帶領百位佛光人誦經回向。

On April 5, 2024, at the Prayer Service for Victims of the April 3 Hualien Earthquake, FGS Moonlight Temple Superintendent Venerable Miao Hsun led around 100 BLIA members in sutra chanting and the dedication of merits.

花蓮地震災情嚴重,月光寺緊急為無 家可歸的災民,提供暫時安住場所,中華 總會花蓮 2 個督導區合計 15 個分會,接續 24 小時輪值排班,料理三餐,陪伴民眾話 家常、說佛教故事,至大雄寶殿禮佛參拜, 或是聆聽陪伴,讓災民在佛陀的加被護佑 下,身心安頓。12 天的安置,服務逾 100 人次受災民,完成階段性救援。

為撫慰花蓮地震地區之民眾及災民, 5 月 5 日中華人間佛教聯合總會與天主教會花蓮教 區,於福華國際文教會館舉辦「為 0403 地震宗 教祈福音樂會:太平洋左岸的音樂祝禱」,透 過音樂會撫慰花蓮地震災民,並為花蓮祈福祝 禱。佛光會及北區道場法師,特別於音樂會中, 以花蓮原住民語獻唱「希望之光」,表達無限 的祝福;中華總會於音樂會中捐贈 500 萬元善 款予花蓮縣政府,由總會長趙怡、署理會長慈 容法師及法制長吳志揚代表捐贈,盼早日修復 花蓮美麗容顏。

2024 年 5 月 5 日人間佛教聯合總會舉辦「為 0403 地震宗教祈福音樂會:太平洋左岸的音樂祝禱」,透過音樂及 祝禱,撫慰花蓮地震災民。

On May 5, 2024, the United Association of Humanistic Buddhism, Chunghua hosted the Religious Prayer Concert for the April 3 Earthquake: Musical Prayers from Westernmost Pacific to console victims of the Hualien earthquake with music and prayers.

Hualien Earthquake Relief

OnApril 3, 2024, Hualien, Taiwan was struck by a magnitude 7.2 earthquake. World Headquarters President Most Venerable Hsin Bau, Acting President Venerable Tzu Jung, and Director and FGS Executive Deputy Abbot Venerable Hui Chuan guided Fo Guang Shan’s relief efforts. Moonlight Temple Superintendent Venerable Miao Hsun led Lay Dharma Lecturer Anderson Tai and other executives to set up a command center and a temporary shelter that housed more than 100 people at no charge. Secretary General Venerable Chueh Pei led monastic advisors to impacted areas to show their concern, survey the extent of damage, and learn about the people’s needs. At the same time, BLIA Chunghua made an immediate allocation of 1,000,000 NTD to aid disaster relief efforts.

The earthquake caused significant damage to Hualien; Moonlight Temple provided an emergency temporary shelter for victims displaced from their homes. BLIA Chunghua’s fifteen subchapters under two Hualien elder advisory regions rotated shifts to provide round-the-clock support to the victims; their work included preparing meals, chatting with victims, telling Buddhist stories, leading prostrations at the Main Shrine, or simply lending an ear. Under the Buddha’s protection, the victims received bodily and spiritual reprieve. This preliminary relief effort ended with more than 100 victims sheltered for twelve days.

2024年4月3日佛光山月光寺監寺妙勳法師帶領佛光幹部成立救 災中心,並關心災民的需求;花蓮縣縣長徐榛蔚蒞臨大樓傾斜 現場慰問。

On April 3, 2024, under the leadership of FGS Moonlight Temple Superintendent Venerable Miao Hsun, BLIA executives set up a relief center and surveyed victims’ needs. Hualien County Mayor Hsu Chen-wei visited the site of a collapsed building to show her concern.

2024年5月5日中華總會於「為0403地震宗教祈福音樂會: 太平洋左岸的音樂祝禱」捐贈500萬元善款予花蓮縣政府, 由中華總會總會長趙怡等代表捐贈。

On May 5, 2024, at the Religious Prayer Concert for the April 3 Earthquake: Musical Prayers from Westernmost Pacific, BLIA Chunghua President Chao Yi and other representatives donated 5,000,000 NTD of relief funds to Hualien County Government on behalf of BLIA Chunghua.

On May 5, to console Hualien’s population and the earthquake victims, the United Association of Humanistic Buddhism, Chunghua and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Hualien jointly hosted the Religious Prayer Concert for the April 3 Earthquake: Musical Prayers from Westernmost Pacific at the Howard Civil Service International House. The performances served as a consolation for Hualien Earthquake victims, and as a prayer for Hualien. BLIA and monastics from Northern Region temples gave their infinite blessings with a special performance of The Light of Hope in the language of Hualien’s indigenous peoples. At the concert, BLIA Chunghua President Chao Yi, World Headquarters Acting President Venerable Tzu Jung and Legal Affairs Officer John Wu donated 5,000,000 NTD to Hualien County Government on behalf of BLIA Chunghua, with the hope of a swift restoration of Hualien’s beautiful scenery.

2024 年 4 月 3

日世界總會秘書長覺培法師第一時間前往 災區,關心災情並了解災民狀況與需求。

On April 3, 2024, World Headquarters Secretary General Venerable Chueh Pei visited the disaster-stricken areas as soon as she received the news; she showed concern to the victims and surveyed their situation and needs.


巴西最南端的南大河州自 4 月 29 日至 5 月初,因連續暴雨 造成河水倒灌、水壩洩洪,引發近 百年來最嚴重的大水災。持續的暴雨 和老舊的排水系統讓洪水一發不可收 拾,截至 5 月中旬,該州 497 個城鎮當中 有 464 個城鎮遭大水淹沒,水災覆蓋面超 過 90%。據統計,此次天災至少造成 人死亡、64 人失蹤、806 人受傷、65.7 萬 人無家可歸,逾 2 百萬人受到影響,這是 巴西史無前例所遭受的巨大天災。所有商業 活動癱瘓,不斷傳出災區斷電、缺飲用水、 缺糧的新聞,巴西協會、巴西各州團體及個 人紛紛發動「S.O.S 拯救南大河州」行動。

2024 年 5 月 14 日巴西協會在南美洲總住持妙佑法師及 Rita Reche等佛光幹部的帶領下,再次將物資逾700箱運送災區。

On May 14, 2024, under the leadership of FGS South America Chief Abbess Venerable Miao You and Subchapter President Rita Reche, BLIA Brazil prepared more than 700 boxes of relief supplies for affected areas.

2024 年 4 月 29 日巴西最南端的南大河州,因連續暴雨造成 河水倒灌、水壩洩洪,引發近百年來最嚴重的大水災,國 際佛光會第一時間展開救援。

On April 29, 2024, Brazil’s southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul was hit with consecutive storms; the overflow of rivers and discharge of dam water caused the worst flood in nearly a century. BLIA immediately initiated relief efforts.

5 月 14 日南大河州再度遭暴風雨襲擊, 首府愉港的瓜伊巴河及塔誇里河水位繼續上漲 氾濫,寒流來襲,氣溫降至攝氏 10 度以下, 使災情雪上加霜。國際佛光會世界總會、巴拉 圭協會及巴西華僑慈善基金會等,第一時間捐 贈善款予巴西協會採購逾 32 噸物資救援。巴 西協會在南美洲總住持妙佑法師及 Rita Reche 分會長的帶領下,募集食物、水、毛毯、保暖 衣物、衛生用品等救援物資,並將物資裝上大 貨車運往災區;15 日及 22 日持續運送大卡車 的救援物資前往災區,全力展開救援。

5 月 28 日巴西協會收到南大河州偏遠鄉 鎮 Faxinal do Soturno 市的求助訊息,得知警 察局在水災中損毀,需要重新安置。佛光會感 謝人民保姆為社會做出的貢獻,匯款 10,000 巴西幣善款捐贈,該市市長 Clovis Alberto Montagner 親自錄製影片和寫信感謝協會的善 款救援。

Brazil Flood Relief

From April 29 to early May, Brazil’s southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul was hit with consecutive storms; the overflow of rivers and discharge of dam water caused the worst flood in nearly a century. The continuous storms and aging drainage system made it difficult to control the flood. By the middle of May, 464 of the 497 towns in the state had been completely flooded; the flood covered more than 90% of the state’s entire landmass. According to statistics, the disaster led to 163 deaths, 64 missing, 806 injured, and 657,000 displaced. More than two million Brazilians were affected in this unprecedented disaster. All commercial activities were halted, and there were constant reports on affected areas losing access to electricity, drinking water, and food. BLIA Brazil, as well as individuals and organizations across Brazil, launched the SOS for Rio Grande do Sul efforts.

On May 14, Rio Grande do Sul was once again struck by a storm. The Guaíba River and Taquari River, which pass the capital of Porto Alegre, continued to rise and flood the area. The disaster was exacerbated by a cold wave that brought the temperature below 10 degrees Celsius. BLIA World Headquarters, BLIA Paraguay, and the Brazil Overseas Chinese Charity Foundation swiftly donated funds to BLIA Brazil to purchase 32 metric tons of relief supplies. Under the leadership of FGS South America Chief Abbess

2024 年 5 月 28 日巴西協會捐贈善款 10,000 巴西幣予南大河 州偏遠鄉鎮Faxinal do Soturno 市,該市市長Clovis Alberto Montagner錄製影片和寫信感謝協會的善款救援。

On May 28, 2024, BLIA Brazil donated 10,000 Brazilian reals in relief funds to Faxinal do Soturno, a remote town in Rio Grande do Sul. Mayor Clovis Alberto Montagner recorded a video and presented a letter thanking BLIA Brazil for its donation.

Venerable Miao You and Subchapter President Rita Reche, BLIA Brazil loaded trucks with food, water, blankets, warm clothes, hygiene products, and other relief supplies for affected areas. The trucks headed off on May 15 and 22 to fully engage in relief efforts.

On May 28, BLIA Brazil received a call for help from Faxinal do Soturno, a remote town in Rio Grande do Sul; their police station was ruined by the flood and had to be reestablished. To show its gratitude to the “people’s guardians” for protecting society, BLIA transferred 10,000 Brazilian reals in relief funds. Mayor Clovis Alberto Montagner personally recorded a video thanking BLIA Brazil for its donation.

On May 15, 2024, 32 metric tons of flood relief supplies prepared by BLIA Brazil headed off to southern Brazil in three waves.

天災人禍 慈善救援

地球的暖化,造成了災難的頻繁及世界的 動盪與不安。地震的摧毀、洪水的淹沒、 野火的焚燒等,對人類造成了生存的威脅, 由此人類不得不面對全球暖化所帶來的的嚴 峻考驗。當各種災難來臨之際,國際佛光會 秉持「慈悲濟世」的菩薩情懷,總是第一時 間展開慈善救援,幫助災民度過難關,為災 民帶來希望與力量。

2024 年 1 月 1 日日本石川縣能登半島發生了 7.6 級 大地震,地震造成房屋倒塌、發生大規模火災、觸發海 嘯等災情,在寒冬中累積 2 萬 8 千餘人失去了家園、103 人失蹤及 161 人失去了生命。日本東京協會及 NPO 法人 國際 BLIA 第一時間展開救援,將 100 張防水鋪墊等物資, 包裝並運送及捐贈到富山縣冰見市市役所,透過市政府 的力量將物資送給所需要的災民。

2024 年1 月 1 日日本石川縣能登半島 發生了7.6級大地震,地震造成房屋 嚴重倒塌。

On January 1, 2024, a magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, resulting in many collapsed houses.

Charitable Relief for Natural and Manmade Disasters

Global warming has caused frequent disasters and global instability; the destruction caused by earthquakes, floods, and fires have threatened people’s survival. Thus, people have no choice but to face the harsh trials brought by global warming. In accordance with the bodhisattva spirit of “aiding the world with compassion,” BLIA always immediately initiates charitable relief efforts, helping victims through their hardship and bringing them hope and strength.

On January 1, 2024, a magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, resulting in collapsed houses, large fires, and a tsunami. In the harsh winter, there were more than 28,000 missing, 103 missing, and 161 deaths. BLIA Tokyo and NPO Hojin Kokusai BLIA immediately initiated relief efforts, packing 100 waterproof mats and other relief supplies to deliver to Toyama Prefecture’s Himi City Hall as a donation. With the help of the city government, the supplies will be delivered to those in need.

2024 年 1 月 7 日日本東京協會及 NPO 法人國際 BLIA

On January 7, 2024, BLIA Tokyo and NPO Hojin Kokusai BLIA gathered relief supplies for Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, which was struck by a magnitude 7.6 earthquake.

2024 年 1 月日 5 日本關東協會在協會輔導覺勝法師的帶領下, 備辦救援物資,並聯絡日本郵政,將物資運送至地震避難所。

On January 5, 2024, under the leadership of monastic advisor Venerable Chueh Sheng, BLIA Kanto, Japan gathered relief supplies and contacted Japan’s postal service to help with their delivery to earthquake shelters.


On October 24, 2023, a serious flood struck the border between Darjeeling and Sikkim in India, destroying and submerging large areas of housing.

22023 年 10 月 24 日印度大吉嶺及錫 金交界處,發生嚴重的洪水氾濫,大面積的 房舍被沖毀淹沒,一片汪洋,尤其 Teesta 和 Gail Khola 地區,56 個家庭在洪災強力 的沖刷下,樓房倒塌、房舍沖毀,有的房子 甚至被洪水沖走,村民瞬間失去了一切。國 際佛光會世界總會聞訊,第一時間撥款美金 10,000 給與救援;印度大吉嶺協會在世界 總會上座部發展委員會副主委法忍法師的帶 領下,前往災區展開物資救援,捐贈米糧等 物資,並發放慰問金予災民及給予心靈的撫 慰。

On October 24, 2023, a serious flood struck the border between Darjeeling and Sikkim in India, destroying and submerging large areas of housing. In particular, 56 families in the regions of Teesta and Gail Khola saw their houses destroyed and ruined. Some houses were even fully swept away by the flood; the families lost everything in a flash. Hearing the news, BLIA World Headquarters immediately donated 10,000 USD towards relief efforts. Under the leadership of World Headquarters Theravada Affairs Deputy Committee Director, Venerable Dhamma Dhiroo, BLIA Darjeeling, India headed to the affected areas to donate rice and other relief supplies, distribute relief funds to victims, and provide spiritual consolation.

2023年11月23日印度大吉嶺協會關懷Teesta和Gail Khola


年 10 月 24

日印度大吉嶺及錫金交界處,發生嚴重水 災,大吉嶺協會代表世界總會發放慰問金予災民,幫助 災民度過困境。

On October 24, 2023, a serious flood struck the border between Darjeeling and Sikkim in India. On behalf of the World Headquarters, BLIA Darjeeling distributed relief funds to victims to help them through their hardship.


On November 23, 2023, in response to the storms and flood that struck Teesta and Gail Khola, BLIA Darjeeling, India initiated relief efforts by purchasing rice and other relief supplies for victims of the disaster

慈善捐贈 寒冬送暖

國際佛光會創會會長星雲大師於 1992

年 5 月 16 日在美國洛杉磯正式成立 佛光會時,立下了「倡導生活佛教化,建設

佛光淨土;落實人間,慈悲濟世」等宗旨,希 望佛光會不但要扮演建設佛光淨土的角色,更要 有無緣大慈,同體大悲的精神,救濟苦難的眾生, 在眾生受到苦難時,伸出援手給予救援,為他們 帶來光明與希望。對於慈善理念,國際佛光會重 視「救急不救貧」,以「無緣大慈,同體大悲」 的精神給予救濟。如遇到水災、火災等天災人禍,

2023 年 12 月 7 日非洲約堡翰尼斯堡協會走進約堡東 郊的 Goza 小學,發放米、食物及文具用品予家境 貧困的學生。

佛光人便第一時間募集物資及善款,前往關懷慰 問及發放救援物資;對於偏鄉貧困民眾及弱勢群 族,面對物資匱乏,寒酷冬天,生活困頓,佛光 人更是伸出援手,將毛毯等物資送到他們手上, 為弱勢族群帶來人間的溫暖。

On December 7, 2023, BLIA Johannesburg, South Africa visited Goza Primary School, located in Johannesburg’s east suburb. They donated rice, food, and stationery to students with economic hardship.

2024 年 7 月 27 日澳洲西澳協會舉辦「冬季募捐活 動」,將募集的民生用品及食物,捐贈給救世軍, 以幫助貧困及無家可歸的流浪者。

On July 27, 2024, BLIA Western Australia hosted a Winter Donation Appeal. The supplies and food received were donated to the Salvation Army to aid

Charitable Donations Bring Warmth in the Winter Cold

WhenBLIA Founding President Venerable Master

Hsing Yun established the World Headquarters in Los Angeles on May 16, 1992, he wrote its guiding principle: “Advocate the practice of Buddhism in daily life to establish a Buddha’s light pure land; actualize the teachings in the world by providing relief for society with compassion.” It is hoped that BLIA not only play the role of establishing a Buddha’s light pure land, but also have the spirit of unconditional loving-kindness and universal compassion. When sentient beings face hardships, BLIA can provide relief to bring them light and hope. Regarding charity, BLIA adheres to the principle of saving emergencies instead of poverty, providing aid with the spirit of unconditional loving-kindness and universal compassion. In the case of disasters such as floods and fires, BLIA members are the first to visit affected areas to care for the victims and distribute relief supplies and donations collected. For the needy and disadvantaged groups in rural areas who lack the necessary supplies to brave the harsh winter, BLIA members bring them warmth by providing them with blankets and other supplies.

2023 年 12 月 8 日南非開普敦協會前往貧民區的 Trinity Children's CentreChildren's Center 小學,推廣三好校園 及捐贈文具用品,將三好四給理念從小扎根。

On December 8, 2023, BLIA Cape Town, South Africa visited Trinity Children’s Centre, located in the ghetto. They promoted the Three Acts of Goodness and donated stationery, with the hopes of planting the roots of the Three Acts of Goodness and Four Givings in the children.


日菲律賓協會 舉辦「歲末敦親 睦鄰慈善活動」, 將民生物資發放給 719 個社區,為近300戶貧困家 庭帶來溫暖。

On December 10, 2023, BLIA Philippines hosted the Bundles of Joy End-of-year Community Outreach event. Daily necessities were distributed to 719 communities, bringing warmth to nearly 300 families living in poverty.

2023年12月9日美國洛杉磯協會舉辦「佛光送 愛心衣物募捐」活動,募集 600 餘袋衣物送往 加州New Hope Shelter,以幫助有需要的家庭 及孩子們。

On December 9, 2023, BLIA Los Angeles, USA hosted the Love from BLIA Clothing Drive. More than 600 bags of clothes were sent to California’s New Hope Shelter for families and children in need.

2024 年 2 月 21 日印度加爾各答協會舉辦輪 椅捐贈活動,將 20 輛輪椅捐贈給慈善機 構,以幫助行動不便者。

On February 21, 2024, BLIA Calcutta, India hosted a wheelchair donation event, 20 wheelchairs were donated to the Mission of Charity to help those with mobility issues.

2024 年 1 月 27 日新加坡協會舉辦「送福 到您家」活動,將1,250份福袋以及530 對吉祥橘和春聯,與低收入家庭及民眾 結緣。

On January 27, 2024, BLIA Singapore hosted the Blessings for Your Home event. 1,250 gift bags and 530 sets of lucky oranges and spring festival couplets were distributed to low-income families and community members to form affinities.

2024 年 6 月 9 日加拿大多倫多協會於「宗教聯合祈 福法會暨佛光園遊會」,將園遊會義賣所得,捐 助給密西沙加食物銀行。

On June 9, 2024, at the World Religion Prayers for Peace and Buddha's Light Vegetarian Food Fair, BLIA Toronto, Canada donated their fundraising proceeds to Food Banks Mississauga.

2024年3月6日汶萊協會募集食品、日用品等物資,捐贈 給當地老人院及殘智障兒童孤兒中心,為弱勢獻上溫暖 與關懷。

On March 6, 2024, to show warmth and care to the underprivileged, BLIA Brunei collected food and daily necessities to donate to local elderly homes and orphanages for children with disabilities.

2024年3月24日印尼蘇北協會舉辦伊斯蘭教開齋節獻愛心 活動,將食品物資送到貧民手中,以幫助其度過溫馨的開齋節。

On March 24, 2024, BLIA North Sumatera, Indonesia hosted the Sending Love for Eid al-Fitr event. Food and supplies were given to those in poverty, allowing them to celebrate a warm Eid al-Fitr.


日馬來西亞東馬協會為沙巴豪雨水災募集物資 展開救援,並將近100份糧食及民生用品送到災區。

On June 30, 2024, BLIA East Malaysia initiated a material supplies drive in response to the storms and flood in Sabah. Nearly 100 sets of food and daily necessities were delivered to affected areas.

2024 年 5 月 5 日多倫多協會與佛光兒童攜手發起「 The Shoebox Project for Women」,將募集的女性生活 必需品,捐贈給收容中心的弱勢婦女。

On May 5, 2024, BLIA Toronto and Buddha’s Light children jointly initiated “The Shoebox Project for Women.” The project collects women’s daily necessities and donates them to underprivileged women in shelters.

2024 年 4 月 4

日智利協會於塔拉帕卡伊基克市舉行 輪椅捐贈活動,由塔拉帕卡省長代表接受捐贈,並 代表省長辦公室致贈感謝函。

On April 4, 2024, BLIA Chile held a wheelchair donation event in Iquique, Tarapacá Region. On behalf of the provincial government, Señor Delegado Presidencial Daniel Quintero Rojas accepted the donation and presented a letter of appreciation.

2024 年 5 月 3

日澳洲昆士蘭協會於佛誕慶典活動 中,將募集的善款捐贈給5個慈善團體,以慈善 福利社會。

On May 3, 2024, at the Buddha Day Festival, BLIA Queensland, Australia donated the funds they received to five charities. The donation was made in accordance with the objective of benefiting society through charity.


日南非德本協會於鳳凰城工業學校 禮堂,舉辦浴佛法會暨冬令救濟物資發放,小朋 友懷著感恩的心領取物資。

On May 10, 2024, BLIA Durban, South Africa held a Buddha bathing Dharma service and a winter relief supplies distribution at Phoenix Technical Secondary School’s auditorium. The children accepted the supplies with a grateful heart.

2024年3月17日堪薩斯協會將募來的民生物品共240份運至帕克大 學,由該扶輪社代為轉贈給無家可歸的民眾。

On December 19, 2023, in accordance with the objective of benefiting society through charity, BLIA Dallas, USA donated their collected food and daily necessities to the GLOWS shelter.

2024 年 6 月 8 日孟加拉協會關懷弱勢,將大米等物資捐贈給育有 150位孤兒的BABWO佛教育幼院,關懷弱勢。

On June 8, 2024, to help the underprivileged, BLIA Bangladesh donated rice and other supplies to the Bangalhalia Agapara Buddhist Welfare Orphanage to support 150 orphans.

捐血義診 弱勢關懷


念,給予社會關懷慰問,並將慈悲的種 子遍灑世界每個角落。全球佛光人在世界各 地施予慈悲,有的關懷鰥寡孤獨,有的慰問 長者,有的慈悲救濟,有的支持弱勢族群, 響應社會慈善活動,有的捐贈輪椅關懷身障 人士,以及舉辦義診、慈善捐血活動等,希 望藉由人間佛教「菩薩道」的精神理念,讓 社會上許多需要幫助的人,得到身心靈的幫 助,更讓人間到處充滿愛,充滿溫暖與和諧。

國際佛光會在關懷貧困地區及社會慈善 的當下,更重視教育上的給予及救援。所謂 「十年樹木百年樹人」,教育雖是長遠的工 作,但也唯有教育才能改變一個人的一生。

因此,國際佛光會於世界各地給予教育關懷, 除了關心好苗子、清寒學童之獎助學金,亦 發放書包、課本、文具等,給予孩童教育所 需,幫助孩童於學習上無有匱乏。亦於偏鄉 舉辦教育活動,將衛生教育及三好理念,帶 給父母和孩童,讓三好理念從小扎根。

2023 年 11 月 18 日美國達拉斯協會與美國紅十字會聯合 舉辦捐血活動,共有21人報名響應。

On November 18, 2023, BLIA Dallas, USA, in collaboration with the American Red Cross, organized a blood drive with 21 participants signing up to contribute.

Blood Drive & Free Clinic ~ Care for the Underprivileged

In upholding the spirit of bodhisattvas and volunteers, BLIA has been providing care for society and spreading the seeds of compassion to every corner in the world. BLIA members worldwide have been spreading compassion and lovingkindness in different places; some care for the widowed and orphaned, some console the elderly, some provide compassionate relief, and others support the underprivileged. In responding to charitable activities in society, some donate wheelchairs to the physically-challenged, and conduct free clinics and blood drive. It is in the hopes that through the spirit of the bodhisattva path within Humanistic Buddhism, more needy people in society receive support for their body and mind, filling the world with love, warmth, and harmony.

In the course of caring for needy communities and charity work in society, BLIA pays even more attention to giving and supporting education. It is said, “It takes ten years to nurture a tree; it takes a hundred years to nurture a person.” Though education is a long-term endeavor, it is only education that can transform a person’s life. Hence, BLIA has been providing support for education around the world, besides nurturing Seeds of Hope with scholarships and grants for needy students, there are also distribution of book bags, textbooks, and stationery items for their education needs, helping these children to have sufficient resources for learning. In addition, educational activities are held in remote regions, bringing hygiene education and Three Acts of Goodness principles to parents and children, so that the concepts of Three Acts of Goodness can take root in them from a young age.


Blood Drive & Free Clinic

2024年3月15日汶萊協會於中央醫院舉辦把愛傳下去捐血 活動,協會長洪建清帶領會員響應捐血,為缺血的齋戒 月,增添102包血漿。

On March 15, 2024, BLIA Brunei organized a blood drive titled “Pass on the Love” at the Central Hospital. Chapter President Ang Kian Ching led members in participating, contributing 102 units of plasma to help alleviate the blood shortage during Ramadan.

2024年1月1日中華總會於全台舉辦「捐血報恩」活動, 截至 7 月 31 日共有 47,250 人響應,成功募集近 70,000 包 血漿,為醫院增添大量的血庫。

On January 1, 2024, BLIA Chunghua launched the “Donate Blood to Repay Kindness” campaign across Taiwan. By July 31, a total of 47,250 people had participated, successfully collecting nearly 70,000 units of plasma, significantly boosting hospitals’ blood bank.


On May 19, 2024, during the “Vesak Buddha Bathing Ceremony,” BLIA East Malaysia organized a “Loving Blood Drive,” contributing 41 units of blood to the local blood bank.

2023 年 11 月 5 日美國洛杉磯協會 與南加州大學亞凱迪亞醫院,於 院內聯合舉辦第 21 年慈善義診活 動,逾300人受惠。

On November 5, 2023, BLIA Los Angeles, in collaboration with USC Arcadia Hospital, held their 21st annual charity clinic at the hospital, benefiting over 300 people.

2024 年 5 月 5 日巴西協會佛誕浴佛活動結合慈善義診,來自 Inacio 醫院附屬的 2 所醫學院醫護人員共 20 人,歡喜 為306位民眾進行健康檢查。

On May 5, 2024, BLIA Brazil combined the Buddha Bathing Ceremony with a charity clinic. Twenty healthcare professionals from two medical schools affiliated with Inacio Hospital were pleased to conduct health check-ups for 306 community members.


Care for the Underprivileged

2023年9月17日加拿大多倫多協會參與年度Terry Fox Run 路跑籌款活動,共有 36 位佛光人參與,為癌症治 療研究籌備善款。

On September 17, 2023, BLIA Toronto participated in the annual Terry Fox Run, with 36 BLIA members joining to raise funds for cancer research.

2023 年 9 月 8 日南非普利托利亞協會幹部前往 Zithobeni 與 Thokoza,進行輪椅捐贈,受贈的女孩感激佛光會的善舉。

On September 8, 2023, executives from BLIA Pretoria visited Zithobeni and Thokoza to donate wheelchairs. The recipients, including a young girl, expressed deep gratitude for BLIA's kindness.

2023 年 9 月 2 日南非約堡協會與南非杜省中華公會及康寧老人院聯手舉辦「康寧安老院慈善募款園遊會」, 吸引1,000人共襄盛舉。

On September 2, 2023, BLIA Johannesburg, in collaboration with the Chinese Association of KwaZulu-Natal and Hong Ning Chinese Aged Home in South Africa, jointly organized the “Hong Ning Chinese Aged Home Chinese Aged Home Fundraising Fair,” attracting 1,000 participants.


On October 20, 2023, in observance of the Double Ninth Festival, BLIA Kolkata visited elderly residents from door to door, distributing food and essential supplies. 53 seniors were grateful for the benefit from this compassionate initiative.

2023年11月10日南非德本協會舉辦輪椅捐贈活動,將14台 輪椅捐贈給行動不便者,受贈者感謝佛光人的幫助。

On November 10, 2023, BLIA Durban in South Africa held a wheelchair donation, providing 14 wheelchairs to those with mobility challenges. The recipients expressed their gratitude for the assistance from the BLIA members.

2023 年 10 月 1 日美國達拉斯協會參加年度「拯救 全球飢餓兒童計劃」活動,共計 24 人包裝了 100,000 袋食物,並現場烹煮食品,讓前來參 與的義工品嚐。

On October 1, 2023, BLIA Dallas participated in the annual “Feeding Children Everywhere.” A total of 24 members helped package 100,000 meals and prepared food on-site for volunteers to taste.

2023 年 10 月 10 日南非約翰尼斯堡協會舉辦輪椅捐贈 活動,受贈者感謝佛光會的愛心捐贈,為10位行動不 便者,帶來生活的便利。

On October 10, 2023, BLIA Johannesburg held a wheelchair donation. The recipients expressed their gratitude for the compassionate donation, significantly improving the quality of life for ten individuals with mobility challenges.

2024 年 5 月 1 日馬來西亞東馬協會舉辦「人間有愛慈善 義剪」活動,透過義剪關懷弱勢。

On May 1, 2024, BLIA East Malaysia organized the “Caring Through Charity Haircuts,” offering free haircuts to support and care for the underprivileged.

2024年6月2日美國舊金山協會於老人公寓舉辦 「愛心義剪活動」,透過義剪關懷長者。

On June 2, 2024, BLIA San Francisco in the US organized a “Loving Care Charity Haircut” at a senior apartment, providing haircuts as a way to show care and concern for the elderly residents.

2024 年 5 月 23 日葡萄牙里斯本協會受食品銀行之邀請,協助將食品進行分類包裝及入庫儲存,近50 位會員、青年及 善童,以慈善福利社會。

On May 25, 2024, BLIA Lisbon, Portugal was invited by the local food bank to assist in sorting, packaging, and storing food. Nearly 50 BLIA members, youth, and children participated, contributing to the welfare of the community through charitable efforts.

2024年3月6日汶萊協會關懷弱勢,前往老人 院、殘智障兒童孤兒中心,捐贈善款汶弊 三千(台幣七萬元),並發送食品、日 用品及紅包給兒童及長者。

On March 6, 2024, BLIA Brunei showed care for the underprivileged by visiting an elderly home and an orphanage for children with disabilities. They donated BND 3,000 (TWD 70,000) and distributed food, daily necessities, and red envelopes to the children and elderly residents.

2024 年 5 月 15 日澳洲雪梨協會舉辦「慶祝佛誕 - 關懷 弱勢傳遞溫暖」活動,前往流浪者之家烹煮美味素 食菜餚,為160位流浪者帶來溫飽。

On May 15, 2024, BLIA Sydney, Australia organized the “Celebrating Buddha's Birthday - Caring for the Underprivileged and Spreading Warmth,” visiting a homeless shelter to cook and serve delicious vegetarian meals, providing nourishment to 160 homeless individuals.

2024年7月19日澳門協會舉辦「佛心獻關懷」活動,前往 醫院康寧中心為病友送上問候與祝福。

On July 19, 2024, BLIA Macau organized the “Caring with a Buddha's Heart,” visiting hospice centers in hospitals to offer greetings and blessings to the patients.

2023 年 12 月 2 日美國休士頓協會響應「麥當勞叔叔之家」

公益路跑活動,並捐贈善款以幫助該機構照顧更多弱勢病 童,逾30人參與。

On December 2, 2023, BLIA Houston participated in the Ronald McDonald House charity run, donating funds to help the organization in caring for more disadvantaged children. Over 30 members took part in the event.

2024 年 6 月 16 日巴西協會舉辦玉米豐收節慶典,邀請貴賓及 小學、老人院、孤兒院及殘疾人士等團體,前來共襄盛舉, 計4,000人歡喜享受充滿喜悅和感恩的節日。

On June 16, 2024, BLIA Brazil held a Corn Harvest Festival celebration, inviting guests and groups from elementary schools, nursing homes, orphanages, and centers for people with disabilities to join in the festivities. A total of 4,000 participants enjoyed the festival, filled with happiness and gratitude.

2024 年 4 月 7 日法國巴黎協會幹部、會員及青年 55 人 前往探訪 Les Jardins de Bussy 碧西花園養老院,為 50位長者送上慰問與祝福。

On April 7, 2024, a total of 55 BLIA Paris executives, members, and youth visited the Les Jardins de Bussy nursing home, offering care and blessings to 50 elderly residents.


On July 21, 2024, BLIA Austin provided care for the elderly, organizing a performance by the "Lucky Dharma Band," featuring popular classic songs and other entertainment, bringing joy to the seniors.


Educational Support

2024 年 6 月 9

日美國芝加哥協會舉辦「佛光傑出青年 獎學金頒獎典禮」,計 12 位傑出佛光青年受頒贈獎 學金,肯定青年們學習上的努力。

On June 9, 2024, BLIA Chicago held the “Buddha’s Light Chicago Excellence Scholarship Award Ceremony,” during which twelve outstanding Fo Guang youths were awarded scholarships in recognition of their academic efforts and achievements.

2024年1月1日印度古笈拉協會為幫助孤兒院女孩 能有一技之長,設立縫紉班培訓中心,免費為 55 位女孩教授縫紉課程,期許未來能有一技之長, 自力更生。

On January 1, 2024, BLIA Gujarat, India, established a sewing class training center to help orphaned girls develop vocational skills. The center offers free sewing courses to 55 girls in the hopes that they can acquire skills for self-reliance and independence in the future.

2024年7月6日尼泊爾協會在克利提普佛寺舉行獎學金 頒獎典禮,表揚及祝賀辛勤努力的學生。

On July 6, 2024, BLIA Nepal held a scholarship award ceremony at Kirtipur Sulakshan Kirti Vihar, recognizing and congratulating the hard-working students for their dedication and efforts.

2023 年 12 月 20 日斯里蘭卡協會於偏鄉舉辦 「教育關懷活動」,為 328 位低收入戶孩童, 發放練習本,勉勵精進學習。

On December 20, 2023, BLIA Sri Lanka held an “Educational Care” in rural areas, distributing exercise books to 328 children from low-income families, encouraging them to diligently pursue their studies.

2024年5月19日馬來西亞東馬協會頒發年度「佛光好苗子教育助學金」,以鼓勵品學兼優、家境清寒的孩子,有更好 的學習。

On May 19, 2024, BLIA East Malaysia awarded the annual “Buddha’s Light Seeds of Hope Education Grant” to encourage academically outstanding children from underprivileged families to pursue better educational opportunities.

2024 年 1 月 6 日至 7 月 31 日印度清奈協會「希望之村」教育計畫, 每週安排老師前往 10 個希望之村為 225 偏鄉孩童上課,共計 21 場總 計2,818人次受惠。

From January 6 to July 31, 2024, BLIA Chennai conducted the Village of Hope educational program in India. Each week, teachers were sent to ten villages to provide classes for 225 underprivileged children. Over the course of 21 sessions, a total of 2,818 participants benefited from the program.

2024 年國際佛光會世界總會特刊

Buddha’s Light International Association

World Headquarters Commemorative Journal











Chief Advisor: Most Venerable Hsin Bau

Publisher: Venerable Tzu Jung

Editor-in-Chief: Venerable Chueh Pei

Edited by: BLIA World Headquarters Secretarial Office

English Translators: Yen Ting Low, Yifan Wang, I-kai Lee

English Editor: Ven. Miao Hsi

Articles by: Merit Times, Life News Agency, and BLIA Chapters worldwide

Artistic Editor & Printer: Mary Koai Visual Design

Published by: BLIA World Headquarters

Published on: August 20, 2024


Buddha’s Light International Association World Headquarters America Secretarial Office

3456 S. Glenmark Drive, Hacienda Heights, CA 91745, USA

TEL: 1(626)968-4675∼77 FAX: 1(626)968-1255 http: //www.blia.org

Email: info@blia.org


Buddha’s Light International Association World Headquarters Asia Secretarial Office 11087台北市信義區松隆路327號8樓 8F, 327 Sung Lung Road, Taipei, Taiwan

TEL: 886-2-2762-0112 Ext. 2330.2534 Fax: 886-2-2760-8623

Email: bliataipei@blia.org

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