20 The area of FL in the curriculum: School Educative Project and School Curricular Project criteria
The area of Foreign Languages in the curriculum ● Criteria to be reflected in the School Educative Project and the School Curricular Project
Introduction ●
Heziberri 2020 pedagogical framework:
Decree 236/2015, of the 22nd December, that establishes and rules the curriculum for Basic Education in the BAC. ●
Bilingualism. Basic education profile: Basque and Spanish language efficient and practical competence + 1st Foreign Language sufficient competence. (and can be also considered a 2nd FL) –
Every school needs to consider it in the School Linguistic Project and in the School Curricular Project.
Curricular integral perspective for language teaching
Competences Approach: cross-curricular and disciplinary compenteces.
FLT directly related to Language and Literary communication
disciplinary competence and to Verbal, Non-verbal and Digital communication cross-curricular compentence. as Basque and Spanish language teaching.
20.1. The area of Foreign Languages in the curriculum ●
Decree 236/2015 states –
In Primary Ed. 14 hours of 1st FL as minimum (Annex I) ●
2 hours a week for 1st and 2nd grades
3 hours a week for the rest
Objectives of the Primary Stage
1) To understand oral, written and audiovisual speeches, coming from the school environment communication situations, related to own experiences and interests, and to interpret them for responding efficiently to different communicative situations. 2) To express and interact orally and in writing with respectful and cooperative attitude for responding with sufficient aproppiateness, coherence and correction to usual communicative necessities about topic already worked in the classroom and with help of models. 3) To reflect about the foreign language system and, in a guided way, to apply the basic rules and knowledge of the language in use to the text production and comprehension, for favouring is aproppiate use, using knowledge transferible between languages. 4) To enjoy simple written, oral and audiovisual literary texts, related to the oral literary tradition for understanding the world's and human's cultural diversity, for enriching linguistically and developing the aesthetic sensitivity. 5) To use the foreign language for discovering other realities and cultures showing a positive attitude for comprehension, respect and collaboration. 6) To employ, in a guided way, the ICT for obtaining information, commucating and cooperating in the foreign language. 7) To start reflection on the own learning processes for transfering the knowledge and communication strategies acquired in other languages and for fostering self-regulation.
Contents 1. Common contents to all key compentences 2. Oral communication: listening, speaking and talking 3. Written communication: writing, reading. 4. Literary education 5. Reflection on language and its use. 6. Social dimension of the language.
Three type of contents in each block: –
Concepts: topics, functions, grammar, vocabulary
Procedures: communicative skills and learning skills practice
Attitudes: standards and values Organizing and sequencing contents:14. gaia
Assessment The aim of the assessment (important: coherence):
Initial: diagnosis of the departing point of the learning process.
Formative: information on the progress of the learning process.
Summative: numerical conclusion of the process.
Assessment contents: all related to the key-competences, based on the resolution of integration situations.
Assessment criteria and achievement indicators for contents 1) to understand and interpret simple, short oral texts related to the student's experience. 2) to produce simple, short oral texts, using verbal and non-verbal communication strategies. 3) to participate in usual communicative interactions 4) to understand and interpret simple,short written texts. 5) to locate and select information for an specific task 6) to produce simple, short written texts, related to usual activities and own experiences or interests. 7) to use the literary text as a source of pleasure and cultural enrichment. 8) to apply, in a guided way, reflections on the language for better comprehension strategies. 9) to use the foreign language between speakers of diverse origin and learning tool 10) to use the foreign language for identifying cultural characteristics with a respectful and positive attitude.
Methodological principles for all subjects and competences –
Approaches that promote inclusive education, so that the wellfare and educative success of every student is guaranteed.
Pedagogy based on competences: ●
Problem solving, with an integrated use of available resources The aim is no longer transferring information and knowledge, but acquiring these key competences. Attitudes, concepts and procedures should be the axis for competence acquisition
Authentic and meaningful situation-problems proposing
Students' active role and participation in problem solving
Teacher's guidance and monitoring role.
Pedagogical theories gathered in Heziberri 2020 All theories have an application field in the comptenteces approach. –
(Socio) Constructivism: processes related to metacognition and self-regulation in learning. Based on: Socialization; Constructing upon prior knowledge; Interaction
Cultural and social dimension. (participation)
Learning based on the context. (not only school application)
Methodology related to FLT –
Contructing upon prior knowledge: not linear, but cyclic way of learning. ●
Meaningful and understandable communication as the key for comprehensible input (Krashen), always contextualized. Aims, contents and assessment integrated in communication situations. Themes or centres of interest, as their experience and learning process departing point.
All skills should be worked on, although understanding does not involve immediate production: there should be silent periods for internalization.
Input first, for early stages; then production; but also production with nonlinguistic communication strategies. ● Teacher's language should be easy to understand. Visual aids recommended. Not severe error correction, fluency search. ● Look for students' autonomous work (also assessment) and cooperation among them. Sequencing is important: integration situation plan lessons schedule: initial, development, communication; transferring and generalizing. ●
Role of the parents – collaboration, coherence.
20.2. Criteria to be reflected in the SEdP and the SCurP 20.2.1. School Educative Project ●
Is the institutional document that states the interdependece with the Education system and the own autonomy grade, as the principle for pedagogic and organization autonomy declares. Contains: –
the integral proposition of the centre and the general guidelines for education intervention
Identity principles: aims, competences to achieve, assessment, priorities... related always to the background context.
The outgoing student's profile is the axis for the definition of the school's identity in the SEP. –
And also for the programming, the teachers' formation, assessment, methodologies...
Scheme: stable and unstable parts of SEP
Analysis of the context
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Legal rules Socio-economic and cultural background of the district The school
LOMCE, Heziberri... ROF
Institutional definition Ways of educating Integral formation Learning styles
Parents assoc., school networks.. Integration, cooperation... Education in values Critical thinking, evaluation criteria..
Aims & Competences
Related to the law, but own.
Attention to diversity measures
Buildings, installations...
Regulations for ROF Organization and Operation
Levels, specific pedagogy...
To learn meaningfully To adecquate ICT to life in a modern society...
20.2.2. School Curricular Project ●
Is the insitutional document that describes how the curriculum is developed, stated by the Decree 236/2015 currently, in the school. Related to the background context and priorities Contains: –
Competences, aims and contents related to all students and school context.
Assessment criteria and achievement indicators of all subjects in all grades and decisions about promotion and repeating a school year.
Curricular aspects of the School Linguistic Project.
Inclusive methodologies principles and pedagogical decisions
Attention to diversity: decisions, measures and resources. Also upon curricular adaptation cases.
Tutors' intervention and orienting guidelines.
Other activities related to the educational project: extracurricular actions.
Done by the Teachers' Meeting.