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One of the fundamental duties of any police department is to investigate motor vehicle crashes. The City of Merriam has 65 miles of roadway within its borders, including approximately three miles of interstate highway. According to data provided by the Kansas Department of Transportation, the portion of I-35 just north of 75th St. is one of the busiest highway sections in Kansas. KDOT estimates more than 132,000 cars drive through Merriam each day.
2022 Crash Facts
There were 496 motor vehicle crashes reported to the Merriam Police Department in 2022 compared to 450 in 2021. These included:
» Injury crashes: 123
» Fatalities: 2
» Crashes over $1,000 in damage: 325

» Crashes under $1,000 in damage: 37
» Alcohol-related crashes: 28
» Non-highway crashes: 341
NOTE: The above statistics don't include crashes reported to and investigated by KHP that occurred on I-35.
Shawnee Mission Parkway has the highest number of crashes in Merriam, not including I-35. Officers have identified it as a primary focus for traffic enforcement.