1 minute read
“Dear Nick, officers, and Chief McLaughlin, My grandmother always started her letters with a list of good and bad. First the good - I have enjoyed this citizen’s academy experience immensely. From shooting at the range, to my ride-along with Holly, to going to the jail, my time in this class has been well spent. The thing that stands out the most is the bond and camaraderie your staff has. They are professional and dedicated and extremely well trained. As for the bad, I can’t think of a thing. Thank you so much.” -
Celia Henson
“Dear Officer Daniels, Here at Safehome, we want to thank you for always answering the call to serve our community! We know that you experience challenging situations every day and thank you for helping to save the lives of domestic violence survivors in our community. Thank you for taking care of our communities, keeping our kids safe, and dedicating your life to the safety of others.” - Staff and Clients of Safehome

Out In Our Community

In October, 15 community members graduated from the Merriam Citizens Police Academy. We received a lot of positive feedback, including that it was a wonderful experience and they learned a lot about our police department and our city. Congrats and thank you to all who participated!