August 17 - 2023

Page 1




A Merritt Canada Post employee is calling for a policy review by the national carrier after he says anti-LGBTQ2S+ material was delivered locally.



The Citxw Nlaka’pamux Assembly has purchased the historic court house on Voght Street. Story/Page 16

Merritt will join a new federal electoral riding as of the next election. MP Dan Albas reacts as Merritt will no longer be a part of the riding he represents.



A Merritt mother and long time resident is raising concerns over graffiti she discovered at Central Elementary School early last week.



Rebuilding of the athletic track at Voght Park has begun, with City Council recently instructing staff to explore options for funding a polymer track.

/PAGE 18

THURSDAY, August 17, 2023 • • FREE MERRITT HERALD EST. 1905
On-call 24 Hrs.aday:250-378-2141 or 1-800-668-3379 •www.Mer Mon, Tues,Thurs &Fri.:10:00am -3:00pm •Wednesday1:00pm -6:00pm /2113Granite Ave.,Mer ritt, BC Local &Caring. Proudly supporting our community since 1929. Celebrating each life like no other ADivision of Service Corporation International (Canada) ULC Merritt Funeral Chapel

1611 36-1749 Menzies Street MLS171597 $439,000 PREFERRED COMMUN TY o homes! Wa m r ch tones n h s n e y decorated 3 bed 2 5 bath townhouse Love y wh te k chen fea ur ng a gene ous amoun o cab nets w h break as coun er Ex ra a ea or ofice o p ayroom upsta r Fenced ya d w h bbq pat o to en oy on p easant even ngs Phase 4 Un bu n 2006 Roof 2020 2021 ho wa e tank Leve wa k ng d stance o schoo co ne s o e & pub c rans t



MLS#171495 3313 Boyd Road MLS#173302 $469,000 Amp e oppo tun y awa s! Inve tors o handyman pec a Th s amy home o a ed n a g ea ne ghbourhood eady or you deas Of e ng 4 bed ooms and 3 bathrooms, a you t need s some TLC to make you own! Bonus s he arge a ached doub e ca ga age w h room or sto age 6441 Jagpal Way MLS#173324 $879,000 S UNN NG ANORAM C N COLA AKE V WS r m ev r floo n h b au u 4 bd m me You hen f a r s o d map e ab n w t g an e oun e ops & he t d fl r Ga den pa o doo s ad om d n n oom o uppe ck wh ch can so b c s ed om he gh fi ed v ng m w h 19 e ng oy a ond on n o t wa m ays an u en c wo d r p ac o he c e n gh s F nd u an u r n he pac ous up a s p ma y bed m w h a e v ew

ocated 21-1098 Houston St MLS#173594 $245,000 Ve y n ce 3 bed oom 2 ba hroom upda ed & move- n ready manu au ed home n a qu et pa k The home eatu es an open k chen & v ng a ea g ea fo ente ta n ng you f ends & am y The k hen o fer cent e ea ng s and a app ance oncre e counter ops updated cab nets and e backsp ash The v ng room has a n ce ga fi ep ace o keep you warm n he co d wea he & a bu t- n en er a nmen un 5069 Lauder Rd MLS#173621 $899,900 B ng the ent e fam y to s ay at h e p ece of paradi e House s s ua ed on 2 ac e and s on y teps away om G an s Land ng dock o G mpse ake Home has a n ce open concep ayout w h he k chen open o the ng & d n ng oom La ge mas e u te w/ Jack+J wash oom Basemen a fu y fin shed day gh ba emen w h p en u ght go geou wood beams r p ed a ge Bunk e room w/bu n Mu phy bed, am y/games oom & a med a room o mov e n gh

down a rs! The wa k out basemen has su te potena o poss b y more oom o bed ooms f needed 2241

9997 Crabtree Place


Burgess Ave



MLS#172354 $849,900

MLS# 174241 $479,000 ATTN: NVESTORS – Mo tgage He pe - N ce and nea u dup ex ocated wa k ng d stan e to downtown Me and a amen es Each s de eatu es 2 bedrooms 1 u ba h oom w th soake tub/showe ombo open k chen o v ng oom des gn, separa e aund y a ea and o s of br gh w ndows The ot s enced de ya ds w th ca po t and ex a pa k ng & unde g ound spr nk ng o keep your ya d ook ng g eat! 11337

Th s beau fu sma a reage s set up and ready o go Home has 3 bed ooms 2 5 ba h and s s uated on 2 7 ac es o fla and wh ch s u y enced fo the

e and s fen ed and ross-fenced or pas u e and/o hay and Features a d ng a ena hay barn 2-s a s ab e seve a un- n she ers tack-and- eed her age cab n and a oo shed

463 Morgan Ave MLS#173613 $681,000 Lower N co a! G ea anche w h eve y h ng on one floo B gh spac ous k t hen w th M C eek cab ne s 3 bedrm p us a den/office 2021 a/c & u nace 2023 HWT G ow you am y he e o downs ze o a mp e es yle Savor your morn ng o fee on sunny ba k deck Large 2 ca ga age 8529 Old Kamloops Road MLS# 173562 $1,890,000 LUXURY LAKE L V NG w/ ove 3 ac es o ca you own ea u ng a p va e boa aunch cus om dock hyd au boa Leve akef ont a ea o en er a n fam y & ends nc ed b e des gn g ves pe ta u a ake v ews om eve y floo the 4 bd m & ever y deck 2 gas firep aces Sta nk ate e w fi & new a ond on ng A wonde u add on to h s p oper y he de ached 3 ca ga age w h a 668 sq one bd m ar age house su e above We andscaped a reage w th ma u e ee wa kways and ove y conve sa on a ea

2137 Priest Ave MLS#173693 $499,000 Investor Mor gage He per! Updated home w th ega su te The home features a 3 bedroom 1 ba hroom su e ups a s and a 2 bedroom 1 ba h oom su te downs a s Add onal ea u es nc ude new fu nace 2 new Ho wa e anks new floo ng cab ne s pa nt n bsmnt su e upda ed w ndows, a ge o , n ce backya d deck of ma n su te ots o pa k ng fo you RV, toys, guest veh c es and tenants 1664 Greig Street MLS#173751 $829,900 A e you ook ng o move n o a home ha s move- n ready we h s he home for you The home ha a tota o 6 bed ooms & 4 5 baths No o men on a 2 bed oom n- aw u e w/exce en enan s Th s home i ocated on a qu e t e s reet & on y a ew m nu e wa k ng d stance o downtown e emen a y & h gh hoo P oper y o fers 2 a ga age oof 2015 RV Pa k ng & wo k hop n the back Book a v ew ng oday 8855 Old Kamloops Road MLS#173808 $4,200,000 EX RAVAGAN WATERFRONT RETREAT on enowned S ump Lake Unobs u ted ake v ews f om h on empo ar y o gan c bu d ea u ng pos & beam ons uc on geo he ma heat ta ked ro k wa s p us a ve od and z nc oo Execu ve v ng a ea w h a beau fu en e a n ng k chen and v ew deck T ans on rom your nc ed b e nfin y poo nto a re esh ng ou door showe be o e en e ng he p mar y u te omp e e w th fi ep a e open o ad o n ng s ng o o fice space

A2 THURSDAY, August 17, 2023 #113-1700 Garcia Street Box 2257 Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Your local RE/MAX Legacy Experts - Your Unfair Advantage 250.378.6941 Ray Thompson REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-315-3377 Valerie Kynoch PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 250-280-0994 Sarah Dickie REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-280-0835 Jordyn Chenier REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-280-2353 Brenda Thompson REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-315-8377 Janis Post PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 250-315-3672 Karen Bonneteau PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 250-315-5178 Breanna Ouellet REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL 250-315-5820 100 Golden Quill Trail MLS#172053 $1,375,000 MAGN FICENT LAKEFRONT et ea o es dence a h 3745 sq f Luxuy 4 bd m home Beaut u custom k chen boas s g an te oun er ops ga cook top JennA r dge Ro ng h & b g open sk e we come you o an exc us ve commun y o qua y homes at S ump ake enowned fo w nd surfing wa er sk ng & amaz ng fish ng s o ked w th Kokanee and Ra nbow out En oy w n e pond hockey ce fish ng and cross count y sk ng!
$1,230,000 We
y-kep ranche /modu a home ea
es 3
an open-concep v ng space The open ben
3725 Davidson Road MLS#172227
-ma n a ned 55-acre p oper y
ed 25 m nu es wes o Me r t
n ce
beds, 1 5 ba hs w th
h and measures app ox 10 ac
ho se Th s e p ece of parad e ea ures an ng ound poo w h a newe ner poo house arge fi e p t and ra sed ga den beds P ope y has a d ed we w/ r gat on sp got and mup e ou bu d ng o add onal s o age 1660 Chestnut Ave MLS#172288 $629,000 Ve y n ce, move n eady 3 bedroom p us den 2 ba h oom ancher oca ed n a qu et u -de-sac n a n ce subd v s on w th newer homes The home fea ures an open des gn wi h k chen/d n ng/ v ng room sepa a e den/office 3 good s ze bed ooms a u ma n bathroom aund y oom of he 2-ca at ached ga age P va e enced backya d w th cove ed deck and s o age shed RV pa k ng and mo e 1788 Nicola Avenue MLS#172598 $775,000 Don t m ss out on th s 3 bd m fami y home loca ed on y m nutes f om downtown Mer The floo plan has been wel executed w/an open concep design on the ma n floor 3 bed ooms and aund y up Home has mode n ki chen 204-1703 Menzies Street MLS#172707 $146,500 N ce t e 1 bedroom 1 bath oom apar men un n N co a Apar men s Good e tar e nve ment Home has a g ass pa o doo o a ces he undeck Bu d ng has sha ed aundr y on each floor Apa tment i c ose o bus t anspor a on and corne store Tenant s cu rent y pay ng $776 00 mon h y St a a ee $197 20 month y 3399 Pineridge Drive MLS#172777 $869,000 SUMMER W TH A POO Fantas c 4 bd m 3 bath home n des ab e esden a ne ghbo hood on he bench! New app an e n updated k t hen w h open concept ma n v ng area Fea u ng cent a a cond t on ng a newe oof unde g ound sp nk e s new w red poo shed and ove s zed s ng e ga age 17 x 33 w h secu e s o age o a you oys En oy g ea moun a n v ews f om h beaut u am y re ea to ca home!! 2213 Parker Drive MLS#172010 $630,000 Newly s ed ca hed a en y 4 bd m am y home w h 2 5 baths on 2 ac e lo n des ab e Bench Locat on W h only tep f om he e ementa y hoo enn cou ts d sc go
of ers the utmos
ea u e
chain nk ence Ca oday o book your appo ntmen o
and ou door a ena h s home
conven ence fo you am y and ch d en The home
a a ge p va e backya d w h matu e t ees ceda hedge and
1652 Ponderosa Way
Phillips Street
$499,000 Beaut fu 2020 3 bed oom 3 bathroom home
We come to h s beau fu y des gned and us om zed home w th unobs ructed pano am c v ews of the va ey Th s un que floo p an s not you tandard home En oy the arge luxu ous mas e bedroom w h wa k- n c ose + 4-p ece ensu te ha features cus om t e wo k The ower floo comes comp e e w h 3 add ona bed oom a u 4 pc ba h oom and e ea on/thea re room G eat p ace or the k ds! n a g eat ne ghbo hood The ma n floo nc udes a aund y room and a powder room Upsta rs cons sts of the maste bedroom w th an ensu te and open c oset wo add t ona bedrooms, and a wash oom
MLS#173904 $889,000 11 e c un ng u 2 m n e o M o L ga L ke N c 3 be a h om w pa ue h dwoo nd o n y fi he T e e a c en d n o h p a e a k pa o an a on c a e o o y a
un e ea n a d a e s c w an n m nu s h p a e u n-ke an ev y h ng ou e go s w he ou e n ud ng h g oo oh De e wn c e ay wa m w h e Wo d/O o e u a e w h ha b en m u u y m n n d an p a e e nk he R s 2011 b nd n a an h e p m n s a up a e w h Pe & C pp p w u um ed an s e e 2023 n h e s a oo p o u ng we n s h e a e wo ou u n s - h n ue p pe o e a be u op o n y o he e an s e e o o e
$465,000 Love y ran her w th a fu 2 a garage w h n wa k ng d s ance o downtown Th home of e s 2 bedrooms a u guest ba h and a 4-p e e en u e o he maste w h a wa k- n c oset Cen a AC so d oak cupboa d and n ce b g w ndows The 6000 sq t ot flat and comp e e y andscaped, enced n he back w h ane access and has a n ce wo k shop 1626 Greig Street MLS#174021 $475,000 Cute as a but on Th s 2 bed oom 1 ba h home has been n ce y enova ed f om he ns de out The un que floor p an o fe an open oncep des gn but a so ha some added cha m ea u ng a sunken v ng oom w/gas firep ace Taste u y fin shed th s home w h new am n e floo ng k tchen s a n ess s ee app ance new 4 p ece bathroom 2572 Kinvig Street MLS#173952 $839,900 Are you ook ng fo a am y home w h ura v ng and a hop on y m nu es rom own? Look no u ther h prope ty has a !!! Don t m ss the oppo tun y o ve n h s upda ed 5 bedroom 2 bath am y home on 1 95 a res La ge de ached 24x48 shop w/ u e e t ca upg ade p opane hea and a hot on demand sy tem n wo kshop a ea & he 2 arge bays a e w red o hea and wa e 18-1901 Maxwell Ave MLS#173642 $469,000 Become par o a g ea commun ty End un t o e ng comfor ab e v ng n a 2 bed m 2 bath home Open k tchen d n ng fam y oom des gn w th a gene ous amoun o w ndows br ng ng n he day ght Separa e ron v ng oom to v s w h gues s and am y Doub e garage a/c gas fi ep ace 2021 u nace Fenced comp ex w th we kep andscapng o beau i u awns & h ub bed 306-1701 Menzies MLS#174192 $299,000 A tn n es o s/F s me me buye s! N e and c ean - 2 droom 2 bath oom co ne apa tmen oca ed on he 3 d – op floo o The S mm apa tmen bu d ng The home ea u es a n e a ge k chen w h o o ab ne s and en r s nd and ea ng ba a app an s nc uded op o d n ng and ng oom 2 bed ooms mase edroom n udes an en u e and wa k- h ough c o e re a n ce pa o u of he d n ng ar o en oy he v ew Th mon h y s a a s $225 00 2896 Scott Place MLS#174157 $615,000 A ve y c assy home on a mos 10 000 sq f corne o oca ed on Sco P ace on he sou h eas bench of own h 4 bed 3ba h home mma u a e and ea u es many upda es nc ud ng pa n floo ng k hen and ba h ooms as we as a fu y fin shed basement The k chen s br gh and open w th an and and rench doo s open ng o a ove y o e ed pa o N e 2 ca pa k ng unde ca po he ya d w eas y accommoda e RV pa k ng o a shop 2476 Ir vine Ave MLS#174188 $725,000 Spac ous am y home n g ea fam y ne ghbo hood! Th s 3 bedroom 3 bath home s u nkey eady The a ge k hen of e s p en y of counte and cab ne spa e en oy you mea s n he nook o the k chen or s down to mo e o ma d nne n he d ning room A er wa ds s t back and e ax n he ront o he ga fi ep ace o maybe en oy a mov e n he thea e oom
2249 Coldwater Ave MLS#174043
Th s me cu ou 3 bed oom 2 bath on 6 a e w th s unn ng backya d oas s s eady o you to ca t home! No de a s we e m ssed rom the us om r m wo k h gh end gh fixtures and fauce s o he Pa e Oak hardwood floo ha run hroughout he ma n o o a sw m n the hea ed inground poo , re ax n he hot tub or en oy an even ng fire a he bu n natu a gas fi ep wh e d nne s ook ng on he che s BBQ
MLS#173527 $1,395,000 MLS# 172736 $1,095,000 Ove 7 ac es o man cu ed prope ty tha backs onto crown w h end ess t a to Gu chon C eek and beyond The 3 bed 3 bath home has a new roo furnace wood tove and pressure ank Downs a s has a separa e ent y – easy to b ng n the wood a wo kshop co d oom and huge ecrea on heat e oom 309-2295 Blair Street MLS#174235 $240,000 Supe cu e g ound eve apa men Th s ve y we kept and c ean home has pa k ng gh n f on , a n ce ou doo pa o sea ng area and no sta rs The wa a/c un keeps he who e p a e coo Updates nc ude floo ng gh ng door hardwa e pa nt ce ng fan n mas e and key e en r y system The 2 bed oom a e eas fac ng and ver y qu et w h no road beh nd POOL 1625 Canford Ave MLS#174236 $389,000 Are you ook ng o buy n o he market o a s a te o nve tment home? Or do you s mp y want to downs ze? Th s s he per e t hou e o you! Th s home has over 1000 sq f o v ng space wh ch has been omp ete y enova ed Home has new e ec i a p umb ng k tchen ba h oom and floor ng L v ng oom ea u es a gas /p and arge ron w ndow 2259 Burgess Ave MLS#174308 $1,395,000 s Poo me and h s home w make you ee ke count y n he c ty The ba kya d s he pe ec spa e o ho t ng a ge am y ga he ngs & enter a n ng gues s w th t a ge 47 ac e p va e backyard 20 x 40 hea ed nground poo , and hot ub Th home of ers 3 bed ooms w/3 5 ba hs and a most 3000 sq of v ng spa e NEW 152 Coldwater Road MLS#174310 $1,399,000 Don t m ss th s rare oppo tun y o own you own P va e Pa ad se and on y m nutes om Mer t !!! Th go geou p ope y of e s 12 85 acres wh ch s omp ete y set up for you an ma s Home s a beaut u custom bu 4 Bed oom 3 5 Ba hroom Home featur ng g and en ance map e/s a e floor ng open con ept main floo v ng, g p en fu w ndows and gas f/p NEW NEW NEW 1550 Douglas Street MLS#174359 $245,000 We hought ou ec ect c home deco we come you to h s 3 bedrm 2 ba h es dence Cozy ba beque pat o us of s t ng oom Wood tove o he p w th hea b s Grea sta er home c ose o e ementa y schoo , corner s o e & dayca e 2016 Roo 2016 H gh Effic ency Fu nace updated doors & w ndow P iva e back ya d w h above g ound poo and a ey a ce Beg n you ourney as a homeowner NEW NEW PRICE POOL POOL
A&B-2099 Blair Street
Mamit Lake Road

Merritt post office employee seeks policy review after anti-LGBTQ2S+material delivered

One of Merritt’s Canada Post employee called out the mail service after he says anti-LGBTQ2S+ material in the form of a flyer was delivered locally. Laisa Conde/Herald

saved from, nor a fad, and the promotion of such views upholds the systemic discrimination against LGBTQ2S+ people.”

An employee of Merritt’s post office is calling on the national mail service to review their anti-discrimination policies after a publication he said contains anti-LGBTQ2S+ messaging was delivered locally.

Dean Blackskull, postal clerk for Merritt’s Canada Post, said in an email that on June 21, the June edition of a news publication called ‘Druthers’ “was dropped off and paid for as neighbourhood mail to be distributed in and around Merritt.”

The June edition of Druthers has in its front page a story headlined as “I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids –Now I’m Blowing The Whistle”. The story continues on page 8 under the headline “Has Trans Become a Fad?”. Blackskull said over email that “being a member of the LGBTQ2S+ community is neither something to be

According to the email, Blackskull shared his concerns to Canada Post and The Herald about distributing anti-LGBTQ2S+ material to the community.

He said in the email that he had received a call from the acting local area superintendent the following day saying “it had been determined that the mailing was acceptable for delivery.”

Also according to the email, Blackskull was instructed that they were “required to deliver it, an order that comes with implications that noncompliance could result in suspension or termination.”

“I was read a prepared statement that was quite similar to statements that Canada Post provides to the media, with no explanation of who made the determination that Druthers

did not contain hate speech, or any other details,” he told the Herald. “I was told that any concerns I had needed to be directed to the publisher. That was the last I heard from Canada Post.”

Druthers defines itself as an independent Canadian newspaper that offers “honest news, important news and information to Canadians that mainstream media ignores, misrepresents or outright lies about.”

On their website, they also advertise a new subscription feature that allows Druthers to be delivered anonymously in people’s neighbourhoods.

Blackskull said when he noticed that this type of content was being distributed across the community, it made him feel worried.

“It was people within the community that did this. Well, you know, being in a smaller community, people know other people and made me feel uneasy

See ACTION Page 5

Merritt’s Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion is hosting the second iteration of its Family Fun Day, and the organization is looking for both volunteer and participant support. Family Fun Day takes place at the Legion on September 17.

Search ‘FAMILY’

Roger Potter will perform classic rock, country, and Neil Young hits when he hits the stage at the Grand Pub and Grill on August 26 for one night only.

NEIL YOUNG TRIBUTE Search for ‘CONCERT’ Opinion -------------------- 6-7 Sports -----------------------18 Classifieds ---------20-23
THURSDAY, August 17, 2023 A3 NICOLA VALLEY NEWS Monday -Friday: 6am-9pm•Weekends &Holidays: 7am-9pm Located 7kmfrom town on Highway 8West Johnny’s on the Rez Store: 250-378-9557 #154 Hwy 8, Merritt PIZZA &SUB SHOP: PIZZA, SUBS, BAKERY, DELI and DAILY SPECIALS Pizza Orders: 250-315-0087 COME IN TO SEE OUR NEW PRODUCTS! Great Gift Ideas •Gas &Diesel •Snacks •Novelty &Gift Items •Cold Drinks •Ice •Photo Copying• Faxing •Lotto Centre

Merritt postal clerk calls for action by national carrier

From Page 3

that this was what’s happening locally,” he said.

Blackskull said the situation made him feel “completely abandoned and disregarded.”

“I’m experiencing discrimination, and they (Canada Post) don’t care. They just want to get this delivered, get the money and be done with it,” he said.

According to Canada Post AntiRacism and Anti-Discrimination Charter, the company is “committed to ensuring that employees, contractors, and customers are safe and free from racism or discrimination.”

Also in the charter, Canada Post commits to “taking all reported incidents of racism and discrimination seriously, immediately investigating them and taking appropriate follow-up action.”

The company also mentions its commitment to support their employees who have witnessed or experienced any type of discrimination and to work towards breaking down systemic racism and discrimination.

The Herald reached out to Canada Post to comment on the situation, and was given an initial response by email that they are looking into it. On August 11, Canada Post’s media relations representative Janick Cormier said to the

Herald over email that they “can only refuse to deliver mail excluded by the non-mailable matter regulations” and that “the content of this item does not meet the definition of non-mailable matter under the regulations and was accepted for delivery.”

She also added that “anyone concerned about the content of the mail they receive should either contact the publisher or dispose of it.”

Blackskull said that it concerns him that the Toronto-based news tabloid is “sneaking under the radar” in Merritt’s Canada Post office.

“It seems like they (Druthers) are sort of doing a grassroots campaign to sort of sneak it into smaller communities,” he said. “They felt they could sneak this under the radar in our office, because they’re looking at it and then sending it out.”

He said that Canada Post could have handled the situation better and should reevaluate where they stand.

“I think they (Canada Post) need to have a discussion about it, to actually sit down and look at this (Druthers newspaper) and their own anti-racism and anti-discrimination charter and actually follow it or have a discussion about anything, just any sort of thing other than reading a prepared statement.”

THURSDAY, August 17, 2023 A5 NICOLA VALLEY NEWS PROMOS AND PACKA NEVER DONE BEFORE WE OFFER ✤ Botox ✤ Filler ✤ Laser Hair Removal ✤ 3D IPL ✤ Non-Surgical Face-lift ✤ Anti-Aging ✤ Acne Control ✤ Mole, Age Spot Removal ✤ RF Microneedling ✤ Beard Growth BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. NO WALK-INS 1751 Granite Ave www Desertdivasanddonsspa com 250-936-9200 Ask about our “Credit Medical Financing Plans” Follow us on Facebook @desertdivasanddons Instagram @desertdivasanddons Unblemished 5 star rating on Facebook, Google, Yelp & Yabbly 28 years experience as a Medical Aesthetics Educator. Registered Medical Corneotherapist & remedial skin expert SAME DAY MEDICAL FINANCING AT LOW INTEREST RATES AGES E Anniversar y Celebration 3rd Buy one laser hair removal package GET ONE FREE. Buy 6 IPL GET 2 FREE valued at an additional $500 & MANY MORE. Check out our website for more specials. Bring your lil cowpokes and enjoy the Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo—a high quality action-packed family event that honours the ranching and rodeo heritage of the Nicola Valley And get your boot-scoot on, at the adultsonly dance on Saturday night. D ANC E Here’s what to do in Merritt Labour Day Weekend!!! NICOLA VALLEY PRO RODEO 6 3 r d N I C O L A V A L L E Y P R O R O D E O September 2 2023 SATURDAY 19 Event Merr tt Civic Centre 7pm 1950 Mamet e Avenue, Merritt TICKETS ONL NE o at PURITY FEEDS $25 BOBBY GARCIA & 6 MORE STRINGS Par the proc ds il go o th September 2&3, 2023 SATURDAY & SUNDAY Nicola Valley Rodeo Grounds, Me rit TICKETS ONLINE or at PURITY FEEDS: Adults $25 Kids over 6 and Sen ors $15 Family Pass $65 RO DE O DA NCE A D V A N C E T I C K E T S A R E O N S A L E a t P u r i t y F e e d i n M e r r i t t , H o r s e B a r n i n K a m l o o p s o r v i s i t o u r w e b s i t e a t w w w . n i c o l a v a l l e y r o a d e o . c o m
Dean Blackskull said he hopes to see real action taken by Canada Post on his concerns. Photo/ Herald File

ALBAS: proposed changes to federal election ridings

posed riding called Okanagan Lake West-South Kelowna. Merritt and Logan Lake would become part of a new riding called Kamloops-ThompsonNicola.

Other riding changes will affect riding boundaries in the rest of the Okanagan Valley and beyond.

include some revisions based upon input from Members of Parliament.

While these changes would potentially be enacted at different ridings around Canada, my report today will focus on the proposed revised changes for our region.

ed, the current (existing) riding boundaries would be used. My thoughts on these changes?

In February, I reported that the proposed changes to our federal electoral riding boundaries would impact many of our local electoral regions, including Central Okanagan-SimilkameenNicola.

At that time, I pointed out that portions of our existing riding could end up in five different British Columbia ridings.

Princeton, Keremeos, Cawston and Hedley would join the proposed riding of Similkameen-West Kootenay, including the city of Penticton and the Penticton Indian Band.

Summerland, Peachland, West Kelowna, Westbank First Nation, and parts of Kelowna will become part of a new pro-

After that initial proposal was drafted, there was an opportunity for Members of Parliament to submit feedback and recommendations on these changes to the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission.

From past experience, the input from Members of Parliament does not often result in significant changes, given that it is not uncommon for this input to include political considerations.

Also, it must be recognized that the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission faces a challenge in balancing population growth combined with a long list of other community and geographical considerations.

This time the revised report from the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission did

In Similkameen–South Okanagan–West Kootenay (the proposed new name for this riding), some communities northeast of Castlegar in the Slocan Valley will be re-attached from Columbia–Kootenay–Southern Rockies, while Trail and the communities near it will be exchanged meaning this riding will gain more of Castlegar but will not have Trail within the riding boundary.

Trail instead will be located in the proposed riding of Columbia–Kootenay–Southern Rockies along with some other smaller nearby communities; however, it would not include Revelstoke.

It should also be noted that Parliament must still ratify these final proposed changes. If a snap election were called this Fall before these changes were adopt-

There is seldom a proposed solution to riding boundary changes that will please everyone. Aside from regional considerations that are very important in rural areas, accommodating every point of view is not always possible.

I have also observed that elected officials often suggest removing specific communities or including others that often align with their political objectives.

For this reason, I refrain from commenting on proposed changes and ensure that the voices of affected residents are heard. The information that I hear back from local citizens is then shared with the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission in a non-partisan manner

My question to you this week: Do you think elected officials should have a more decisive say on proposed electoral riding changes, or do you favour the current, largely independent process? Why or why not?

VIEWPOINT Community members, teachers, and students SUBMIT YOUR ARTWORK for a chance to be featured each week! Submit your art to Submissions are printed on a first come, first served basis. ʻA Moment in Timeʼ
2090 GRANITE AVE., PO BOX 9, MERRITT, B.C. PHONE 250-378-4241 MERRITT HERALD Copyright subsists in all display advertising in this edition of the Merritt Herald. Permission to reproduce in any form, must be obtained in writing from the publisher. This Merritt Herald is a member of the National Newsmedia Council, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour. If you have concerns about editorial content, please contact or call (250) 378-4241. If you are not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint, visit the web site at or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163 for additional information. Publisher Theresa Arnold 250-378-4241 Editor Marius Auer 250-378-4241
Reporter Laísa Condé 250-378-4241 Sales Representative/Office Administrator Roger White 250-378-4241
A6 THURSDAY, August 17, 2023

LETTERS to the editor

Picking up where he left off: paying tribute to Ian Ward Sr.

With the recent passing of one of our greatest Merrittonians, Ian Ward Sr., sadly the trash along his daily route is already showing signs of neglect.

My uncle was a lifetime citizen and took great pride in our little city.

Since his retirement, he took on the daily task of cleaning up the endless amounts of trash strewn along Voght Street and many other neighborhoods and areas.

My request to all Merrittonians is please take the time to deposit your trash responsibly, if you see garbage in your neighborhood, workplace or along your walks or travels, please pick it up.

Let’s try to pick up where he left off.

Let’s make him proud like many of you were of his efforts.

TEGART: enjoying all that Merrritt has to offer, together

roundings with loved ones.

That’s not to say there haven’t been challenges on our minds, with some flood survivors still not home and drought conditions and wildfires being the reality not only in our region but throughout British Columbia. We all need to do our part to conserve water and prevent the ignition of new fires, to help support our communities and the firefighters and other workers who are trying to protect people and property.

I hope everyone is having a great summer in Merritt and throughout the Nicola Valley, making memories and taking in our beautiful sur-

As August begins to wind down, there are still a number of opportunities for us to gather together and enjoy the last few weeks of summer


Music in the Park continues to be one of the key highlights of summer — an event that people of all ages can enjoy. You can take in fantastic live music at the Rotary Park Bandshell on each of the remaining Thursdays in August from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

We’ll kick off the month of September with the Nicola Valley Pro Rodeo, which always attracts a big crowd to the Merritt Rodeo Grounds. Take in the Rodeo Parade on the evening of Friday, September 1, and enjoy another action-packed weekend event that honours our ranching and rodeo

#17 - 1098 HOUSTON ST.


And a reminder that the Nicola Valley Arts Council’s Summer Artisan Show and Sale continues until September 10 at the Art Gallery on Voght Street featuring local art, clothing, handcrafted soaps and lotions, honey and other products by more than 30 artists and makers.

Before we know it, a new school year will be upon us and life will get a whole lot busier as we return to our regular routines. Let’s make the most of these summer days, reconnecting with our friends and neighbours and enjoying quality time spent together.

Lovely 3 bedroom plus office that is move in ready with a well designed yard space Inside has open plan for good sized kitchen and living room. Bonus features for home are vinyl windows, new fur nace and hot water tank in 2023 and six appliance come with. Fully fenced back and side yards with plenty of parking and picture per fect landscaping all around

From the Herald archives: August, 1963


The Labour Day weekend is drawing closer with all its store of entertainment and fun. Plan to attend all these exciting events. Saturday there will be a Bar-B-Que supper at the todeo grounds immediately after the rodeo, about 5 o’clock. This supper consists of Bar-B-Qued beef, corn on the cob, home cooked beans, and coffee.


The Merritt Herald welcomes your letters, on any subject, addressed to the editor.

Letters must be signed and include the writer’s name and address.

Letters may be edited for length, taste and clarity. Please keep letters to 300 words or less. Email letters to: newsroom@ merrittherald. com.

OPINION Speak up You can comment on any story you read @
THURSDAY, August 17, 2023 A7 Johnisaac@telus net www realestatemerritt com M E R R I T T John Isaac 250-378-1586 Ph: 250-378-6181 F: 250-378-6184 3499 Voght Street, Merritt, BC

Federal boundaries changing, new MP for Merritt possible

Merritt is shown within the boundaries of its proposed new riding in this map. Photo/Electoral Boundaries Commission

something that they have been advocating for quite a long time,” he said.

Merritt will officially join a new federal electoral district starting the next federal election.

On July 20, the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission concluded its work of redrawing British Columbia’s federal electoral map. The current 42 electoral district boundaries will soon be 43, according to the final report approved by the commission.

Its most significant alterations to boundaries in the Southern Interior were done in order to accommodate the creation of B.C.’s new additional electoral district, to be called Vernon–Lake Country.

According to the final report, Merritt and Logan Lake have incorporated Kamloops’ district, changing its name to Kamloops–Thompson–Nicola, which would mean that MP Dan Albas would no longer represent Merritt and the Nicola Valley.

Albas, who represents the current riding of Central OkanaganSimilkameen-Nicola which Merritt is currently incorporated, said the changes approved caused mixed reactions.

“Logan Lake, they have always considered themselves to be in the catchment area of Kamloops. This is

“In Merritt, you know, it’s not quite the same sense as Logan Lake. But so far, the response I got back was mixed from Merritt.”

Albas has been representing Merritt for the past eight years, and said the change has affected him a lot, as he loves Merritt.

“My biggest con is that I love Merritt,” he said. “The people in Merritt have always had an open for business, very friendly, warm, and hospitable. It’s an area that I take great pride in saying that Merritt is one of my communities.”

Albas said he is glad the commission chose B.C’s interior instead of Vancouver Island, which had the same population growth as the interior.

“They’ve chosen the interior of British Columbia to receive a new riding, which has caused a domino effect for all these changes. That is very positive,” he said. “I’m very supportive of seeing more representation from the interior of British Columbia.”

The changes will become effective on the first dissolution of Parliament, that occurs at least seven months after the representation order is declared to be in force by proclamation of the Governor-in-Council.

REPORTER@MERRITTHERALD.COM A8 THURSDAY, August 17, 2023 NICOLA VALLEY NEWS CAN NABI S STO R E E VE RYDAY F ROM 9 AM TO 1 0 PM OPE N U N IT YCAN NABI S .CA We Deliver #10 4 - 2101 Quilchena Ave 2 50 -378 - 0 450 19+ M u s t b e PASSING SAVINGS ONTO OUR CUSTOMER WE’RE MORE THAN JUST MEAT Cheese – Milk – Yogurt – Pies – Eggs – Spices – Baked Potatoes Local Honey – Jarred Salsa & Pickled Items – Perogies – Party Trays 2051 VOGHT STREET, MERRITT BC •250-378-5817 WANT SOMETHING DIFFERENT - WE CAN CUT ANY SIZE YOU WANT! BEEF TENDERLOIN $35.65/LB NEW YORK STEAK $18.10/LB 6 OZ BURGER PATTIE’S $3.65 EACH CHICKEN BACK ATTACHED LEGS & THIGHS $5.00/LB PRICES IN EFFECT AUGUST 17 -23, 2023• WHILE QUANTITIES LAST PEOPLE’S Merritt Herald 2022 People’s Choice AWARD BEST BUTCHER SHOP
Laísa Condé


Local mother raises concerns over graffiti at Central School

A local resident and mother is calling for more action on tagging and graffiti after her child’s school was defaced early last week.

Taylor Cox, a life long Merritt resident whose daughter is set to attend Central Elementary School this fall, first discovered a number of slurs and other inappropriate language spray painted on the exterior walls of Central while leaving her grandparent’s house on Wednesday (August 9).

“I’m looking at the school every day, and I come down the street, and all I can see in big writing is profanity on the side of the school,” Cox told the Herald.

Cox’s grandparents have lived near the school for more than 60 years, meaning Cox and her family are in the area often. She said the sight of the graffiti, which included racist and homophobic slurs, made her worry for both the students and staff at the school.

“I was just instantly annoyed, mad. This is something that not only families would have to look at, but school is going to be back in soon, and school staff has enough that they have to do. They don’t need to deal with profanity on the side of the school.”

Upon discovering the graffiti, Cox immediately called the RCMP’s local

non-emergency line, but was told the matter was a bylaw issue. The Herald has reached out to the Merritt RCMP for comment, but has not heard back as of the publication of this story.

Cox said she also talked to a School District 58 trustee through Facebook, and that an SD58 employee was later seen working to remove the graffiti. Cox also put in some elbow grease and scrubbed at the paint, adding that schools should be a safe space.

“I have instilled in my child from the day she came out of me to respect others, and that those are awful words, so that’s not something that I want my child to be seeing at school every day,” noted Cox. “She’s supposed to be getting an education, not being exposed to slurs.”

Cox said she connected with the parent of a child allegedly involved in spray painting the school through her online post, and had a productive conversation. She believes it is clear that more action is needed to curb an increase in vandalism.

“Something needs to be done, because it’s being done all over town, and there’s people that already have enough on their plate that don’t need to be dealing with their buildings, schools, and sidewalks covered in spray paint and tagging,” said Cox.

Although schools are closed, school district staff, including maintenance staff, are preparing for the first day of school on Sept. 5, 2023.



We are looking for a person with a positive attitude who is willing to lear n and participate in all activities required Activities include preparing medications, re-stocking supplies, cleaning, administrative tasks, and other duties as deter mined by manager We provide on-the-job training in a friendly and supportive working environment. We offer competitive wage rates, an employee discount, and a health and wellness benefit program We want to start training our new teammate a soon as possible This position is available immediately


in person to Blaine at 2037 Quilchena Ave (preferred) or by email to blacksrx. merritt@gmail com (please follow-up with a phone call to (250) 378-2155 to ensure it was received)

One section of the graffiti discovered at the school by Cox is shown here. Photo/Taylor Cox
THURSDAY, August 17, 2023 A9
SD58 has had other issues with vandalism in Merritt, including a recent case where Diamondvale Elementary was spray painted and had windows broken. Photo/Herald File
Merritt Hospice is inviting you to a Death
time to reflect and share on our experiences surrounding death and dying in a safe and confidential environment with thoughtful and respectful conversation.
17, 2023
0 pm to 7:0 0 p.m. This event is free to attend. Cake and tea will be ser ved.
itt & Distr ict Hospice Societ y 3451 Voght Street -Ring the doorbell on our
to the ambulance station.
Call Hospice at 250-280-1701 for more information. Visit us on Facebook at Merritt Hospice.
Café A
sign next
to 12 noon
Merritt & District Hospice

Local Indigenous author to host book talk at Merritt Library

The Merritt Library and Friends of the Library teamed up to organize the event, which will combine book reading, refreshments, and a meet-and-greet.

The third and final event brought by Friends of the Library volunteers will take place on August 29, from 6 to 7:30 p.m., at the Merritt Library, on 1691 Garcia St.

Nicola Campbell, a Nłe?kepmx, Syílx and Métis book author from the Nicola Valley, will talk about her newest book Spíləxm: A Weaving of Recovery, Resilience and Resurgence. She described it as her “effort to remember the spoken memories and events” shared by her elders about what had taken place for Salish Peoples across the province.

“I felt that in order to heal, I needed to understand the generational layers of trauma caused by genocide, Indian residential schools and loss of land and language,” she said.

Campbell said she is inspired by her travels, readings and experiencing the work of other Indigenous storytellers. Leanne Simpson’s work is also an inspiration for Campbell, as the Anishinabe scholar and writer focuses on the ways her communities are healing.

“She (Leanne) tells stories that are focused on the dynamic and subtle ways people are relearning an existence centred within healing, recovery, joy, love, language and cultural empowered ways of being,” she said.

She said her culture is the reason why she writes and as an Indigenous storyteller, being heard and understood in a non-Indigenous community is quite challenging. However,

their work opens the door for their healing and transformation, which heals their ancestors and well as future generations.

“As Indigenous storytellers and creatives, our voices and our styles are fluid between the ancestral past, to the current with a continuous relationship to the spirit and future generations,” she said.

Campbell hopes that by telling her journey on learning, recovery and understanding about intergenerational trauma and surviving youth and Indigenous people who felt unsupported would be able to see a better path.

“My decision was that if it helped even one person understand and make strategic and courageous changes in order to heal, that is all that mattered to me,” she said.

Friends of the Library – Nicola Campbell book talk

When: Tuesday, August 29 – from 6 to 7:30 p.m.

Where: Merritt Library – 1691 Garcia St., Merritt, B.C. V1K 1B8

Cost: Free admission.

Nicola Campbell, a Nlaka’pamux, Sylix, and Metis author will discuss her memoir during an upcoming book talk at the Merritt Library. Photo/Nicola Campbell
A10 THURSDAY, August 17, 2023 NICOLA VALLEY NEWS Need any Plumbing or Heating work done in your home or busi ness ? Allied Piping Services Inc. is a new Plumbing/Heating company in the Nicola Valley, ready to serve your piping needs! We are: Red Seal Certified Licensed in the Thompson-Nicola Licensed in the Okanagan-Similkameen Fully Insured & Bonded 14+ years experience Locally owned and operated Nlaka’pamux ownership Call APS today! 250-550-6487 Read our reviews! A c ommunit y event to c elebrate the resiliency and strength of this c ommunit y when fac ed with adver sit y TO A FUN FILLED DAY FOR THE WHOLE FAM ILY. Fo r m o re info r mat i o n o r to b e a ven d o r p l ea s e c o nt ac t K i a at 7 8 0 - 5 7 3 - 0 8 61 o r by e - m a il: k i a l td a d a n c e@g m a il c o m

August dubbed ‘Downtown and Main Street Month’ in Canada


Back 2 Scho o l REGISTRATION


For “NEW” Elementary school students, please register your child at the neighbour hood school in your catchment area from Monday to Friday, August 28 to September 1, 2023 Schools will be open from 9:00 - 11 :30 a m and 1 :00 - 2:30 p.m. Please call ahead to make an appointment.

Collettville Elementary School: 250-378-2230

Diamond Vale Elementary: 250-378-2514

Merritt Bench Elementary: 250-378 -2528

Merritt Central Elementary: 250-378-9931

Nicola-Canford Elementary: 250-378-2172


To register, a child must be 5 years old, on or before December 31, 2023 and a birth certificate, immunization record, Care Card and proof of residence should be presented. Kindergarten starting dates will be arranged through the school.

August has been dubbed ‘Downtown and Main Street Month’ by the Canadian chapter of the International Downtown Association (IDA) as the organization looks to raise awareness of the critical economic and social role of the downtown core in communities across the country.

Merritt’s downtown core is host to a number of businesses, services, and non-profits, and has been the target of revitalization efforts for many years. Organizations such as the Merritt and District Chamber of Commerce, Community Futures Nicola Valley, and WorkBC Merritt offer supports to businesses looking to establish themselves in the downtown core, and in the community as a whole.

IDA called downtown cores the “heartbeats of their municipalities and provinces, and vital parts of the Canadian national identity” in a press release, urging people to visit and support their community’s downtown in a number of ways.

“Connect with your local Business Improvement

Association (BIA) and small businesses,” said David Downey, president and CEO of IDA Canada. “Visit downtowns and main streets, shop local, and voice your support, whether that’s around the corner or across the country.”

As businesses begin to recover from the economic downturn and other impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, IDA stressed the importance of the public, the business community, and decisionmakers alike to celebrate Canada’s business districts, and bolster support for their interests and impact.

“Initiatives from the pandemic that supported small businesses and public space were invaluable, and many have shown their permanent value given their revitalizing impact on downtowns and main streets,” added Kate Fenske, IDA Canada’s chair.

IDA urged that people visit their downtown cores, support local businesses, and raise awareness of the overall importance of downtown cores and main streets across the country.


All students in this program attend Collettville Elementary School {Grades K-7), and Merritt Secondary School {Grades 8- 12 )


Phone: 250-378-5131

New students register at the school from August 21 to Sept 1, 2023 Counsellors will be available, and students are to call ahead to schedule an appointment


Phone: 250-378-4245

If you have not completed secondary school the KENGARD LEARNING CENTRE can help

The Community Learning Centre offers courses for Grade 10 to 12 students to complete their Dogwood Diploma Along with academic coursework, students will have the opportunity to participate in an Outdoor land based lear ning program, have access to additional social emotional supports and transition planning into the adult world. New students can register by calling 250-378-2157.

Distance Education: South Central Interior Distance Education S C I D E S 250-378-4245 or 1-800-663-3536

SCIDES is the distance education school operated by the district which offers BC Ministry approved educational programs for students of all ages, anywhere in the province of B C {Kindergarten through Grade 12 and adult lear ners, tuition free) Registration is ongoing. For an appointment call 250-378-4245 or 1-800-663-3536

Many locals refer to the 1900 and 2000 blocks of Quilchena as the heart of downtown Merritt. Marius Auer/Herald
THURSDAY, August 17, 2023 A11

• Full-time Kindergarten – must be 5 yrs by Dec 31, 2023

• Bus Services provided to all areas of Merritt


• 3 & 4 year old Program (K4 must be 4 yrs old by Dec 31, 2023)

• Home Visiting Program

• Transportation provided for all Head Start program

• Mom’s & Tot’s Services 0 to 6 years old


• New BC Curriculum

• Nle?kepmx

• Cultural Studies

• Field Trips

• Learning Assistance Program

• School supplies provided


• Joyful Literacy


• Full-Size Gymnasium

• Library

• Baseball/Soccer Field

A12 THURSDAY, August 17, 2023
To Register for KINDERGARTEN to
Nicola Band School Ph: 250-378-5527 201 Horn Rd., Merritt, BC FOR MORE INFORMATION
Nations/Non First Nations)
Grade 7 Lower
Lower Nicola Band School
THURSDAY, August 17, 2023 A13 m o v i n g r e a l e s t a t e . c 2 1 . c a • 3 7 8 - 6 1 6 6 • m o v i n g r e a l e s t a t e . c 2 1 . c a #3416 $418,900 1376 PARCEL STREE T Fresh y renovated 4 bedrm 2 bath home located close to shopping and nearby amen ties Has ecent upgrades such as new furnace H/W tank fresh pa nt floor ng & roof Amp e room or RV park ng w th a arge fenced back yard w th attached garage #3446 $569,900 2601 IRVINE AVENUE Great 3 eve sp t home on the Bench w th sing e garage, RV parking and n ce y landscaped yard Home has 3 bedrms up country k tchen w th pantry central A/C newer roof and upgraded w ndows 4th bedrm/office down #3448 $2,299,900 6488 MONCK PARK RD Magn ficent water f ont home on N co a Lake Th s beaut fu rancher w th wa kout bsmt offers 5 bed ms 4 baths a ge gou met k tchen w h h gh end app ances vaul ed ce ings fu y fin Bsmt w th un que Tequ a room arge games rm we bar 3 car ga age p us some nego iab e ems #3444 $819,000 3383 WILDROSE WAY New custom bu lt home with 3 bedrms up 3 down 3 baths open concept v ng d ning & k tchen area overlooks the c ty w th spectacular views The basement s eady & p umbed for a suite GST app es #3442 $949,900 2515 ABERDEEN ROAD Pr vate and peacefu 3 bed m 2 bath home on 3 65 acres w th severa outbu ld ngs Shop s app ox 1000 sq ft Has fenced garden a ea ch cken coop and detached bu d ng w th carport & wo kshop area 2 we s #3456 $649,900 125 COYLE ROAD Water front rancher on 0 93 acres on Gu chon Creek Immacu ate 2 bedrm 1248 sq ft home s move- n ready N ce country kitchen w th M Creek cab nets Master bedrm has 3 pce ensu te & W/ c oset Ya d s fenced & n ce y andscaped #3455 $265,000 1686 DOUGL AS STREE T Townhouse w th NO STRATA FEE Great opportuni y for first t me buye s o nvestors 1650 sq f 3 eve townhouse w th 3 bed ooms & 2 baths New am nate floo ng & some updates have been done Ac oss rom the schoo #3404 $499,000 1840 GRANITE AVENUE Charm ng 3 bedroom 2 bath home ocated in pr me ocat on Th s we ma nta ned p operty boasts beaut fu andscap ng & curb appea Has bonus space o enc osed sunroom Has enchant ng pat o area or summer BBQ’s #3449 $449,900 2945 TELEMON PL ACE N ce y enovated 3 bed m 2 bath modu ar home w th a u bsm in qu et area Open floor p an w th new floo ng, pa nt k tchen counter, taps, door, new Pex p umb ng fence n back yard & more G eat p ace fo young fam ly o et ee #3443 $199,900 2437 CL APPERTON AVE Th s modest modular on ts own ot wi h R2 zon ng has up to 3 bedrms w th space o ga den ng and ane access Cou d be n ce front/back dup ex f you choose to bui d wha R2 zon ng a ows Centra oca on Doug Beech (O wner) 250-378-7392 Don Gossoo Managing Broker Bailee Allen 250-315-9648 Brad Yakimchuk Per sonal Real E st ate C orporation 250-315-3043 Jared Thomas 778-694-6804 #102, 2840 Voght Street, Box 236 Merritt, B.C. V1K 1B8 Moving Real E state BC LTD. CEN T U RY 21 ® 250-378-6166 |1-877-841-2100 #3403 $769,900 1531 COWAN WAY Like new 2 storey home n good area with open concept on main floo spacious k tchen w th Quartz coun ers & S/S app iances gas F/P n v ng oom 4 bedrms up 3 baths and master bed m w th 3 pce ensu te & W/ c oset Has EV out et for e ectr c ca RV park ng #3264 $1 ,800,000 2845 NEIL SON STREE T 15 9 acre s te ocated n Merr tt’s c ty l m ts and border ng the Coldwater R ver Amaz ng opportun ty Has c ty water & sewe connect ons Incred b e potentia fo the future w th a zon ng change Cal for more deta s #3397 $525,000 1769 SPRING STREE T Br ght & cheery basement entry home n good a ea & w thin wa k ng d stance to amen t es 3 bedrms up & 1 down Home is n top cond t on & eady to move n o Large v ng room b ght ga ey k tchen covered sundeck & RV park ng #3457 $749,000 1531 COWAN WAY Beaut fu 2 storey home w th open concept style ma n floor w th spacious k tchen & a ge v ng/ d n ng oom Gas F/P n v ng room Has had some upgrades 4 bed ms up 3 baths Doub e garage EV out et Fenced back yard RV park ng #3477 $679,000 2651 COUTLEE AVENUE Large fam y home c ose o schoo & amen t es 3 bedrms above w th spac ous v ng area arge k tchen and am y room Has 2 bed m n aw su te on g ound eve New roof and ho wa e bo der Fenced back yard #3431 $829,000 2770 PEREGRINE WAY Fantast c v ews f om th s two storey h gh end home featur ng open concept sty e v ng 3 arge bedrms 3 baths zeroscape andscape unfin shed basement and 2 car garage Has beaut u k tchen w th Quar z counter tops s and and F ench doors opening to pat o #3454 $649,000 2198 CL ARKE AVE Rare y ava ab e ful dup ex 3 bed m 2 bath a s de 90 s bui d centra locat on ong term tenants Each un t has a a ge fenced back yard & carpo t w th storage C ose to schoo & amen t es #3435 $410,000 SL .23, 6528 WATERSIDE TRAIL In very des rable area th s 9042 sq ft strata lot has fantast c v ews of N co a Lake and mountains Serv ces are to prope ty ne GST s app icab e Ca for more deta ls #3453 $2,646,000 LOT 7, MIDDAY VALLE Y RD Reasonably priced 3 78 Acres zoned M1 L ght Industr al Pr ced affordably at $700 000 per acre Potent al to do bare and ease or bu d to suit ease Ca for more deta s #3299 $275,000 SL .5, 6528 WATERSIDE TRAIL Great place to bu d your dream home n th s st ata ot deve opment on N co a Lake Fantast c v ews and access to wa er A l se v ces are to the property ne GST s app cab e Ca for more deta s #3298 $285,000 SL 4, 6528 WATERSIDE TRAIL Fan ast c v ews from th s strata ot on N co a Lake per fect fo you d eam home or recreat on retreat Grea v ews and access to water A serv ces are o the prope ty ne GST s app cab e #3441 $719,900 1537 COWAN WAY 2 sto ey immacu ate home w th open concept sty e k tchen w th Quartz counters 4 bedrooms up w th very n ce maste bedroom & 3 pce ensu te with wa k- n c oset Back yard s enced & ya d s n cely landscaped #3458 $659,900 2540 CL APPERTON AVENUE Large fami y home w th 4 bedrms up and a 2 bedrm su te at ground leve p us 1 bedrm nlaw su te Huge fami y room & v ng room upsta s Fenced back yard G eat nvestment p operty #3408 $999,999 2201 BURGESS AVENUE Beaut fu 4 bedrm fami y home on 0 64 acre n des rab e area Home features open concept floo p an master bedrm has 5 pce ensu te Open k tchen has arge is and & S/S app iances Bonus room ove garage Has detached shop & RV park ng #3429 $300,000 1413 CANFORD AVENUE Don t be foo ed by the exter or th s charming character home has 2 bedrms, 1 bath and s tastefu y updated ns de C ose to schoo s dog park track & r ver tra ls Zoned R2 a ows for a ca riage house or shop n back #3450 $375,000 Great ha f duplex starter home of 1728 sq ft with 2 bedrooms up and 2 down and a 4 pce bathroom on each floor Fenced yard wired storage shop arge carport Located n n ce ne ghbourhood & close to elementary schoo 2641 JACKSON AVENUE #3413 $249,000 2 bedroom 2 bath home w th oads of potent a on corner ot and centra ocation zoned R2 Needs updated but has good sol d home w th basement Easy wa k to shopping arena post office As s where is 2075 CHAPMAN STREE T #3348 $450,000 LOT 1 , MIDDAY VALLE Y RD Attent on House Bui ders – a Deve opment p operty w th R3 zon ng (Sma l Parce Res dent a ) of approx 5 acres n s ze and p iced to se l at close to assessment va ue #3424 $259,900 2707 PEREGRINE WAY This 9903 sq f ot n Grandv ew He ghts subd v s on o fers fantas c v ews or on Moun a n and N cola Va ey C ose to f eeway access & ocal amen t es Ve y des able Bench area w h south ac ng sunny s ope Approved subd Deve opmen house p ans & wo k ng d aw ngs avai #3409 $195,000 #315, 1703 MENZIES ST Why rent when you can own? Great 2 bed oom apartment great for first t me buye s or as an nvestment property Has balcony & sto eage Strata fees $262 94 per month #3419 $949,900 6377 MONCK PARK RD Spectacu a N co a Lake v ew home on 1 05 acres w h open concept w h a wa kout basement and detached garage Home has 2 bed ms up 2 down 3 baths gourme k chen v ng oom w th F/P A/C p aw ng cove ed deck ra sed garden beds ru rees & RV park ng #3427 $949,900 2760 PEREGRINE WAY Spec acu a 4 bed m Bench home w th panoram c v ews Th s custom bu t home had open des gn p an k chen w th S/S app ances & Quartz counters master bedrm w th 5 pce ensu te fu y fin basement w th fam y rm & bedrm #3434 $399,900 #8, 1717 GRANITE AVE Adu t v ng n this charm ng 2 bedrm 2 bath townhouse nest ed in the sen o -or ented Woodlane V lage comp ex Has upgraded floor ng on the ma n and downsta rs is an unfinished bsmt Strata fees are $400 per month Call us for a Market Evaluation on your home. SOLD #3451 $529,400 IN CACHE CREEK Large fam y home w th 5 bedrms 3 baths and an n- aw su e w th potent a o 6 h bedrm Love y andscaped front ya d w th amp e pa k ng fo RV s Ma n v ng w th open concept Home has cen ra A/C Back yard has moun a n v ews NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW #3445 $299,900 #204, 2799 CL APPERTON AVE Love y 2 bedrm 2 bath apartment in The V be on the 2nd floor Lots of natural ghts & h gh end fin shes Centra ocat on h gh ce l ngs n-su te laundry & wrap around balcony Renta a lowed Strata fees are $220 pe month SOLD

Fox farming was once a big Nicola Valley business


While the Nicola Valley is well known for its farms, one of its lesser known farms were that of fox farms.

At one point, the Nicola Valley was a hot bed for fox fur and fox farms, and one of those farms belonged to Albert Axten. Albert and his wife, Clara, moved to Canada sometime before the First World War. Axten made a name for himself as a hotel manager across B.C., first being the manager of the hotel in Walhachin, before managing the Leland Hotel in Kamloops.

In 1919, the Axten’s moved from Kamloops to Merritt to manage the Adelphi Hotel. Axten managed the Adelphi for nearly exactly two years before stepping down in June of 1921 to manage his fox farm full time. This was not the Axten’s first fox farm, as he had started fox farming in Walhachin when he found a fox and her cubs by the Canadian Pacific rail line. When they moved to Lower Nicola, it appears that they moved their fox farm with them.

The Axten’s bred silver foxes, the fur of which was the ideal fox fur for clothes makers, as silver fur could be dyed to match whichever colour of fur they wanted. In 1921, Axten was the first fox farmer in B.C. to have his foxes registered. It was around this

time that a number of other people in the Nicola Valley began to run fox farms as well, the Gillis brothers and the Guichons are two families that also owned fox farms in the Nicola Valley.

The Nicola Valley’s climate suited foxes quite well, so it was seen as an ideal place to raise them. It was estimated in 1923 that the Nicola Valley held the highest concentration of fox farmers than anywhere else in B.C. Because of this, on July 18th, 1923, the B.C. Fox Breeders Association was formed and headquartered out of Merritt, with Albert Axten serving as the first president of the association.

The Axten Fox Farm appears to mainly made their money through the selling of breeding foxes rather than through the furs. In a 1929 Merritt Herald article, it was mentioned that a pelt of silver fox fur went for $12,500 (approx. $225,000 in today’s money), but a breeder fox would sell for between $17,500 and $20,000 ($310,000 – $350,000).

Axten became an award winning fox farmer, winning a number of different awards at international fox farming contests.

Albert Axten passed away on February 8th, 1950 at the age of 78. Only 10 days later, Clara Axten would pass away as well at the age of 80. Unfortunately, we have no photos of the couple.

Silver foxes live wild across North America and many other parts of the world, but were once farmed in the Nicola Valley for their valuable pelt. Photo/Pixabay
A14 THURSDAY, August 17, 2023
NEWS Donations can be to made to The Angel’sAnimal Rescue Society by cheque, etransfer or PayPal. We are aRegisteredCharity -847488269RR0001 VisionQuest Optical & Gift s Q Authentic Native Art Galler y Phone: 250-378-2022 2001 Quilchena Avenue, Merritt, BC Adopt aPet “Breaking the Chain of Abuse” View your fe ature be st friend @ www.angelsani This featurebrought to you by.. To make an app ointmen t to meet yo ur new best friend Phone/text : (250 )3 78-5223 (250) 574-1 316 email: aa m Gifts ◆ Jewelr y ◆ Native Art ◆ Glasses ◆ Contacts Jeanine Gustafson Optician/Contact Lens Fitter/ABO/NCLE Shop One StopLove KAMLOOPS: 743 VICTORIA ST • 250-377-8808 CHILLIWACK: 44310 YALE RD 604-392-9969 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK XL-7XL sizes in stock NEW LINGERIE ARRIVALS & MAGAZINES Looking for work? We canHelp! Helping British ColumbiansFind& Keep Jobs Our Programs andServicesare Free! P: 250-378-5151 E: @workbcmerritt  Job Search Resources  Job Coaching  CareerPlanning  Resumes&CoverLetters  Interview Preparation  1on1 Employment Workshops  Internet /Copy/ Fax  Computer workstations  Skills Training  ShortTerm Certification  WageSubsidyProgram  Self-Employment Program  CareerAssessments  DisabilitySupports  Assistive Technology  WorkClothing& Gear *eligibility conditions apply

Nooaitch Indian Band, TNRD benefit from emergency funding

Folk punk band in town Friday

resent the duality in people, according to Rae.

First Nations’ communities and local governments are receiving additional funding from the B.C. government in order to keep people safe and informed during emergencies.

In a press release published on August 9, the provincial government announced more than $880,000 to be provided to communities across the province through the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund (CEPF).

The funding is being distributed between 19 communities, including First Nations and local governments. Nooaitch Indian Band, located approximately 23 kilometres west of Merritt, is receiving $25,000 for their emergency communication and evacuation route plan.

The Thompson-Nicola Regional

District is also receiving a $27,625 fund for their evacuation route review.

Bowinn Ma, minister of emergency management and climate readiness, said in the release that the recent wildfires in remote regions of the province called attention to the good, advanced and safe evacuation plan.

“We also know that First Nations and local governments have the most up-to-date information to provide to people to keep them safe,” the minister said. “These funds will help ensure British Columbians can leave the area safely when a disaster hits, and will improve emergency notification, alerts and communication to people during emergencies.”

Earlier this year, the Province provided $180 million to CEPF, bringing the total provincial investment in the program to $369 million since it was created in 2017.

Folk and punk lovers, Bastards and the Buzzards is coming to town.

Known for a distinct sound that is a lot fuller than it looks, the Ottawa-based folk punk band will be performing at Merritt’s Grand Pub and Grill on Aug. 18 at 7:00 p.m.

Blending the elements of traditional folk with the primal energy of punk rock and bluegrass like The Goddamn Gallows, Bastards and the Buzzards managed to create a music of their own.

Daniel Rae, lead singer of the band, said the influences he had from different genres made him create a “jigsaw puzzle of a genre, rather than try to go for anything too specific.”

“I always give it some kind of mixture of blues and bluegrass and punk,” he said. “And sort of like gypsy style Eastern European influence as well.”

As for the name Bastards and the Buzzards, it was chosen as a way to rep-

“Sometimes you’re the bastard, sometimes you’re the buzzard. Sometimes you’re, you know, the one eating out, or sometimes you’re the one being eaten,” he said. “It’s all about, you know, your perspective.”

Rae added that what sets Bastards and the Buzzards apart from other bands is their energy while performing.

“We just focus very much on our rhythm and timing, and having a lot of energy in how we perform,” he said. “A lot of it swell to our music so that, you know, it build on people and they can kind of feel it coming.”

He hopes everyone that attends their concert has a great time.

“It’s just been a lot of fun to play for so many different individuals and getting so many different reactions and everything across the country,” he said. “I hope people put their dancing shoes on and want to come on to have a good time.”

Photo/Bastards and Buzzards website Laísa Condé REPORTER@MERRITTHERALD.COM Laísa Condé REPORTER@MERRITTHERALD.COM
THURSDAY, August 17, 2023 A15 NICOLA VALLEY NEWS FREE Deliveryfor Seniors &Those With Restricted Mobility 2037 Quilchena Avenue, Merritt, BC 250-378-2155 “Friendly,
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Climate related weather events are becoming more common, such as the November 2021 flooding event that took place in the Nicola Valley and southern B.C. Photo/Herald File
professional service, from people who care.”

CNA purchases historic City of Merritt courthouse

Looking to connect the community and provide a culturally safe environment, the Citxw Nlaka’pamux Assembly (CNA) has acquired the historic City of Merritt Courthouse and will renovate it to house some of their programming.

CNA said in a release announcing the purchase that the courthouse, once renovated, will be a culturally safe and vibrant space for the community to access. The building will be used for cultural events, workshops, training, and will have a space for Elders. CNA said they hope this new space will bring people together and create a sense of community in the city.

“At Citxw Nlaka’pamux Assembly we are proud to own a space where we can let the roots of our organization and communities grow,” said Cook’s Ferry Chief Christine Walkem, the chair of CNA’s Board of Directors. “Acquiring this building supports the continued growth and success of the Citxw Nlaka’pamux Assembly. Through programs and community engagement, the Citxw Nlaka’pamux Assembly continues to work with our members from our participating Bands and the Nlaka’pamux Nation to reclaim our Nlaka’pamux language and culture.”

CNA was created 10 years ago, but its representatives said its work is rooted in hundreds of years of history and a legacy of protecting the nłeʔképmx people, culture, values, and territory. The not-for-profit organization that was formed in 2013 to manage and administer a number of agreements relating to Teck Highland Valley Copper Mine (HVC) on behalf of Ashcroft Indian Band, Boston Bar First Nation, Coldwater Indian Band, Cook’s Ferry Indian Band, Nicomen Indian Band, Nooaitch Indian Band, Shackan Indian Band and Siska Indian Band.

Renovations will take place in the near future before the building is occupied by CNA, which will use the location to connect with community members from their participating bands and the Nicola Valley.

“The building will quite literally become our Citxw – ‘house’ – where we can gather, learn, teach, and inform,” added Walkem. “This building supports our continued growth, and will provide efficiencies in engagement while also providing a culturally safe environment informed by our Nlaka’pamux identity once renovated.”

CNA’s main office is located in downtown Merritt at 2025 Granite Ave. For more information on CNA and its programming, visit

The historic courthouse on Nicola Avenue now belongs to Citxw Nlaka’pamux Assembly, which will utilize the space for its community programming and Elders. Marius Auer/Herald
A16 THURSDAY, August 17, 2023
Marius Auer


P e o p l e ’ s


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c h a n i c a l r e p r o d u c t i o n s a l l o we d E m p l o y e e s o f M e r r i t t H e r a l d a n d t h e i r i m m e d i a t e f a m i l i e s a r e n o t e l i g i b l e A l l b a l l o t s m u s t b e r e c e i v e d o r e n t e r e d o n l i n e by n o l a t e r t h a n We d n e s d ay, S e p t e m b e r 6 a t n o o n P S T S o m e r e s t r i c t i o n s a n d c o n d i t i o n s a p p l y PEOPLE’S CHOICE 2018 AWARDS MERRITT HERALD PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARDS 2019 2023 Vote for your favourite business. LIMITED TIME TO VOTE!

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B u t c h e r S h o p

C a n n a b i s D i s p e n s a r y

Ta t t o o S t u d i o

S e n i o r s H o m e

L a n d s c a p i n g C o m p a ny

P l u m b i n g C o m p a ny

A u t o Pa r t s S t o r e

A u t o R e p a i r S h o p

C l o t h i n g S t o r e

C o l d B e e r W i n e / L i q u o r S t o r e

C o nv e n i e n c e S t o r e

D ay c a r e

D o g / C a t G r o o m e r

F i t n e s s Fa c i l i t y

G a s S t a t i o n

G r o c e r y S t o r e

S p a

S a l o n

H o t e l / M o t e l

I n s u r a n c e O f fi c e

L o g g i n g C o m p a ny

U n i q u e B u s i n e s s

B u i l d i n g S u p p l y C o m p a ny

T i r e S h o p

A c c o u n t a n t / B o o k ke e p e r

B a n k S t o r a g e Fa c i l i t y

C a t e r i n g

Te l e p h o n e :

S e l e c t w h o y o u r t o p c h o i c e s a r e i n a t l e a s t 2 5 % o f t h e t o t a l c a t e g o r i e s C o n t e s t c l o s e s



R e s t a u r a n t

P u b

M a s s a g e O f fi c e

P h a r m a c y R e a l E s t a t e C o m p a ny O p t i c a l B u s i n e s s

B u i l d i n g C o n t r a c t o r C o m p a ny

E l e c t r i c a l C o m p a ny

We l d i n g C o m p a ny

C o f f e e S h o p / C a f e

A g r i c u l t u r a l / Fa r m / R a n c h B u s i n e s s H o m e B a s e d B u s i n e s s P E O P L E A N D P L AC E S ( I n c l u d e N a m e & B u s i n e s s N a m e ) L o c a l A r t i s t D e n t i s t D o c t o r C o a c h H a i r D r e s s e r N a i l Te c h n i c i a n C o o k

M e c h a n i c M a n a g e r Pe r s o n a l Tr a i n e r P h o t o g r a p h e r R e a l t o r R e c e p t i o n i s t S e r v e r L o c a l B a n d / M u s i c i a n Te a c h e r / E d u c a t o r ( E l e m e n t a r y S c h o o l )

Te a c h e r / E d u c a t o r ( H i g h S c h o o l )

Ve t e r i n a r i a n ( n a m e o f v e t )

Vo l u n t e e r

C l u b / S p o r t s O r g a n i z a t i o n

N o n P r o fi t O r g a n i z a t i o n

B e s t L o c a l E v e n t


B r e a k f a s t

B u r g e r C h i n e s e Fo o d S t e a k P i z z a S o u p

W i n g s

D e s s e r t S u s h i S a n dw i c h


B u s i n e s s O f T h e Ye a r

B u s i n e s s O v e r a l l ( U n d e r 1 0 E m p l oy e e s )

B u s i n e s s O v e r a l l ( O v e r 1 0 E m p l oy e e s )

N ew B u s i n e s s - 2 y e a r ’s o r l e s s i n b u s i n e s s

B u s i n e s s O w n e r


THURSDAY, August 17, 2023 A17
C h o i c e Aw a r d s 0 2 3
P hy s i c a l b a l l o t s c a n b e d r o p p e d o f f a t t h e M e r r i t t H e r a l d o f f i c e , 2 0 9 0 G r a n i t e Av e n u e , M e r r i t t , B C
We d n e s d ay, S e p t 6 a t n o o n One entr y per household per week
O n l y o r i g i n a l n e w s p a p e r b a l l o t s a n d o n l i n e e n t r i e s w i l l b e a c c e p t e d N o m e

Cents facing Victoria Grizzlies and Chilliwack Chiefs at Showcase

The Cents will take on the Chiefs and the Grizzlies at this year’s British Columbia Hockey League (BCHL) Showcase, set to take place in Seattle, Wash. from October 22 to 26.

The league announced the lineup of games in a press release earlier this week. Each of the BCHL’s 17 teams will see ice time during the event, which usually takes place in B.C., but will take place at the Kraken’s training complex this year.

The Showcase is seen as an opportunity for players to put their talent on full display in front of a variety of scouts.

“In partnership with the Seattle Kraken, this year’s Showcase will take place at the Kraken Community Iceplex in Seattle, which is the practice facility of the NHL team,” said the league in a release.

“Despite the new location, the event format will remain the same with all 17 BCHL teams playing two regular-season games in front of fans, as well as NHL scouts and NCAA coaches.”

Additional information regarding ticket sales will be available in the coming weeks. The Merritt Centennials’ regular season begins on September 22 at home with a 7:05 p.m. game against the Powell River Kings.

Voght Park track rebuild underway, city exploring polymer surface

Rebuilding of Merritt’s athletic track is well underway, with a number of improvements coming for track and field users following the destruction of the original six-lane oblong track during the November 2021 flooding event.

Many have fond memories of the track, located at the corner of Canford and Main, which has been used for community events and school track meets since it was built in the late 1950s. The track did not qualify for provincial track meets due to its oblong shape, but the rebuilt track will feature an oval shape and two additional lanes.

KLL Contractors were pegged by the city to complete the rebuild project, which is now well underway. During the July 25 regular meeting of council, staff presented a number of options for the track’s repair.

“Voght Park was flooded during the November 2021 atmospheric river event,” said Sean Strang, director of recovery and mitigation for the city, in his report at the meeting. “As a result of the flood, the track and field were left with significant damage from the water and silt deposits. The Recovery Operations team has been working with the City and Provincial Disaster Financial Assistance (DFA) team members to determine the best path forward to repair the damages.”

Councillors were faced with three

options: rebuilding the track as-is at a DFA covered cost of $440,000, rebuilding the track in an oval shape with a cinder surface at $503,000, or rebuilding the track as an oval with a polymer surface at a cost of $1,346,000.

Council ultimately settled on the second option, with the contingent that city staff explore other funding options to later install a polymer surface, which could be done over the finished cinder track. The second option also includes a new irrigation system and drainage as the previous track did not have sufficient coverage for watering, and lacked a drainage system entirely. The long jump pits will also be improved with concrete curbing.

Councillor Wendy Charney disagreed with the decision, noting that cinder tracks are uncommon and likely won’t attract many provincial meets. She said records likely won’t be recorded on cinder. Charney also asked staff if School District 58, one of the track’s biggest users, has been asked to contribute any money.

“We have reached out a couple of different times, that is on a city staffer’s desk right now,” said Strang to councillor Charney. “There wasn’t the indication that there was a significant amount of money beyond a fairly token contribution, but we continue to explore that as a possibility.”

Strang also noted that a part of the original request for proposal for the project was to ensure the track is able to accommodate provincial and federal

meets and records.

Peter Lorenz, president of the Nicola Valley Rodeo Association and former professional track athlete, also spoke in support of polymer track. While he applauded the city’s move to go to eight lanes, he warned against another cinder track due to the unfenced nature of Voght Park,

rainfall, and potential ruts from other uses.

City council must choose on the final surface of the track soon if they seek to have the work completed by the same contractor in the same time frame. Staff noted the polymer track can be installed on top of an existing surface.

a sports story tip? Tell us about it by calling 250-378-4241 or emailing
The Cents have two matchups against Victoria and Chilliwack during the 2023 BCHL Showcase in Seattle, Wash. Photo/BCHL The Voght Park track is currently under construction by KLL Contracting. Photo/Herald File
A18 THURSDAY, August 17, 2023

Do you have a community story idea? Tell us about it by calling 250-378-4241 or emailing

Orienteering challenge to take place this month at Lundbom Lake

Grab your compass and join in on this outdoor adventure at Lundbom Lake.

The Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club organized a two-day wayfinding event that is happening on August 26 starting at 10 a.m. and August 27 starting at 12 p.m. Everyone who wishes to participate can still register for the event until August 24.

Bruce Rennie, event director for the Lundbom Lake orienteering event, said his passion for the sport started back when he was in Australia, before the sport even started in Canada back in the 1970s.

“I’ve been competing in this sport for over 50 years,” he said.

From understanding the colours and symbols on the maps to guiding yourself with a compass at an unknown terrain, orienteering is a very unique navigation sport.

Rennie said the idea of the sport is “not to follow somebody, but to navigate your own way.”

“You’re running cross-country, you choose your own route from one point to the next,” he said. “And that’s the real challenge. It’s trying to choose what you think, to yourself, would be the best route for you.”

According to Rennie, some of the challenges people usually face when practicing the sport is reading the map correctly.

“Being able to tell what is up and what is down on a map. To be able to find

what you would think would be the fastest route from one point to another,” he said. “It may not necessarily be a direct route, because that might involve going way up over a hill and down the other side, it might be faster to run around on a very clear track or road, that might be the better way to go.”

He added that anyone who wishes to be a part of orienteering can participate in it.

“It really is a sport for life,” he said. “We have some people that are in their 90s, that go out and walk on an orienteering course, we have some young families that go out and work on an orienteering course.”

Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club – Lundbom Lake

When: August 26 at 10 a.m., and

The Greater Vancouver Orienteering Club is hosting the event this month at Lundbom Lake, located just outside of Merritt in the Nicola Valley. Photo/ Pixabay

August 27 at 12 p.m.

Where: Lundbom Lake – southeast of Merritt

Cost: $10 per adult, $5 per youth + administrative costs; Anyone who wishes to participate can still register online. Registration deadline: August 24 at 11:59 p.m.


1750 Hill Street ■ Phone: 250-315-3000


Crossroads Community Church 2990 Voght St. • 250-378-2911

Ser vice Time: Sundays 10:00 a.m

Merritt Baptist Church

2499 Coutlee Avenue (at Omre)

Sunday ser vice 10 am, Phone (250)378-2464

Merritt Lutheran Fellowship in St. Michael's Anglican Hall • 250-378-9899

Ser vice Time: 3rd Sunday each month 1:00 p m

Sacred Hear t Catholic Church

Corner of Jackson & Blair • 250-378-2919

Mass Time: Sundays 9:00 a.m.

St. Michael’s Anglican Church 1990 Chapman St • 250-378-3772

Ser vice Times: 2nd and 4th Sundays only - 10:00 a m.

Trinity United Church

Corner of Quilchena & Chapman • 250-378-5735

Ser vice Time ever y Sunday - 10 am

Somang Mission Community Church (SMC) 1755 Coldwater Ave ( The Cadet Hall)

Sunday Ser vice Time: 4:00 pm • 250-280-1268

Nicola Valley Evangelical Free Church 1950 Max well St • 250-378-9502

Ser vice Time: Sunday 10:00 am

THURSDAY, August 17, 2023 A19 ■ A p p r o v e d m i n i - s t o r a g e ■ O n - s i t e r e n t a ■ S e c u r e d ■ S a l e o f N e w & U s e d s t o r a g e c o n t a i n e r s


Children also grieve Be honest with the child and give simple clear explanations consistent with the child’s level of understanding

P: 250-280-1701


Don Gray 1934-2023

Don Gray a romantic and devoted spouse to Mary of 68 years, one of the most loved family men on this earth, has recently become Guardian Angel for: Mark & Carolyn, Wayne, Alexis & Sean, Jonathan & Lindsay Great Grandchildren Ceirra, Shelby, Aayla, Jacob, Chloe, Carley Deloyce & John, Nicholas, Andrew, Alexander Pamela & Brooks, Ayva. Sister Jean, Niece & Nephews: Keith & Laurie, Lisa, Grandchildren: Link, Jet, Rowan. Karen & Kerry, Kristine, Kevin. Kathryn, Nicole, Collette, Terry Kevin & Karen, Kye, Koda. Brother Jim & Anne. A very special Aunt Betty, Barbie, Joanne & George, Brenda Niece Audrey & Willie, Todd, Rob Gloria Mark & Family and all the Gray’s. The Girouard, Hanna, Schmidt, & Zimmer Families.

Don, a funny and charismatic guy had many friends, we wish to recognize: John Szabo, Karen Szabo, Moe & Sylvia Johnson, Bernie & Kay Olafson, Roy & Nora Albers, Norm & Mary Hansen, Mickey & Elaine Ohata, Paul & Angie VanHoorn, Joe & Ann Malmsten and Liz Ladyman

Don an avid outdoors kid from Lloydminster, Sask, Yellowknife, NWT, and Kitscoty, Alta, was a true conservationist, a lover of all nature & animals is now roaming his beloved Merritt Swakum Mountain free to travel with his 4-legged companions Gus & Missy; to be with his bears, deer, marmots, beavers, and birds. Don and his bestie John Szabo enjoyed scaling the face of the Stawamus Mountain “Chief” in Squamish, they biked together through the Canadian Rockies from Jasper to Banff several summers carrying their food/gear over several days. Don loved tramping through the Merritt area hills with Norm Hansen & lighting slash piles for pure enjoyment in the winter Don, this Canadian kid, who regularly rode the white-water rapids in Yellowknife as a form of transport and hunting Ptarmigan on his skis and snowshoes, found his people over these wonderful 49 years in Merritt!

Don lived life to the fullest. A weightlifter into his 80’s, and accomplished marathoner & triathlete into his mid 70’s. Don was a volunteer from an early age with the “Save the Wolves Movement” in Edmonton, the Alberta Red Cross instructing swimming to children, youth, and adults, a consummate Red Cross blood donor, Scout Leader, Instructor of the Merritt Sacred Heart Parish 10-week public speaking program the “Christopher Course”, a big supporter of the Merritt Minor Hockey Assoc. as referee & linesman with his dear friend Mickey Ohata. Community Leaders, Don & Mary ran the Merritt Citizen’s Patrol for many years, a crime prevention non-profit to create safer neighborhoods in the Merritt community Don was dedicated to one of his Canadian heroes, Terry Fox. Contributing to Terry’s Cancer Foundation since its inception. Don was the oldest living 42-year consecutive participant, running every year somewhere in Canada no matter where he & Mary were travelling, every September Honoring Terry was a must!

Don started his professional career in the Alberta oilfields, as an electrician wiring complexes of houses in Alberta, at the Alberta Government Telephone wiring & climbing tall towers, at Stelco, and electrical instructor at NAIT, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology Don & Mary moved their family to Merritt in 1974, becoming small town business owners purchasing their beloved Copper Valley Motel. (1974-1979). At the same time Don taught in the electrical program at Cariboo College in Kamloops. Although he was not the electrical math instructor, Don wanted all the electrical students to succeed so he provided a lunch/learn coaching program, open to any electrical students to support their graduation. Meanwhile, on the weekends this industrious man fixed & installed Merritt’s commercial signs and worked at Aspen Planners. Don then worked at Merritt’s Weyerhaeuser sawmill, “Go North!”, for 20+ years becoming electrical charge hand, mentoring his colleagues to become the best team, until Merritt’s Weyerhaeuser’s demise.

The Gray family would like to thank our steadfast doctor, Dr Duncan Ross, his incredible righthand Jackie, the awesome staff of Nicola Meadows Assisted Living, owners Vince & Hannah, Terrance Grams Hospice, everyone at the Nicola Valley Hospital, Homecare & Palliative Teams, who all contributed to Don’s end of life care. Living in Merritt has been an incredible journey for Don & our family, we are so appreciative for everyone who rubbed shoulders with our incredible father, for your friendship and kindness over his lifetime.

In lieu of flowers/donations please listen to John Denver’s “Annie Song”, go walk in nature, and hug your family Canadians are stalwart people, they are impassioned volunteers who make their communities a better place, they give back and honor others. Thank you, Dad, for being such an incredible role model. Go forth and prosper in your new adventures with our ancestors. See you soon, we can’t wait to be with you again!


The more you live abundantly.

The more of everything you share,

The more you laugh, the less you fret.

The more you’ll always have to spare.

@KamThisWeek Follow us @Merr ittHerald A20 THURSDAY, August 17, 2023 PLEAS E RECY
Located at 2101 Quilchena Ave (Old Barber Shop) Winter Hours Monday: 1:00 - 4:00pm Tuesday & Thursday: 10:00am - 4:00pm Friday: By Request Your Recover y Specialists Meghan Blackmore : (250) 574-4574 Sherr y Peterson : (250) 574-4885
: merritthosp ce@shaw ca
2113 Granite Ave.,Mer ritt, BC 250-378-2141 or 1-800-668-3379 REGULAR OFFICE HOURS Mon.,Tues., Thurs.&Fri.: 10:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. Ave , Mer Wednesday: 1:00 p m - 6:00 p m ADivision of Service Corporation International (Canada) ULC Celebrating each life like no other On Call 24 Hours ADay Merritt Funeral Chapel CLASSIFIEDS Deadline for placing a classified ad is 5 p.m. on Monday. To place an ad please call 250-378-4241 or email:
The more you give, the more you get,
more you do unselfishly
The more you love, the more you’ll find
That life is good and friends are kind.
For only what we give away, Enriches us from day to day.
The More You GIVE
Announcements Announcements In Memoriam In Memoriam Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries Obituaries

Coldwater Indian Band Job Posting EDUCATION COORDINATOR

The Coldwater Indian Band is seeking an individual to fill the Education Coordinator position. The Education Coordinator is responsible for the planning , administration and coordination of Coldwater Indian Band Education Programs and Ser vices and repor ts to the Band Administrator This position will be wor king from the Mer ritt Office

Responsibilities and Duties

Planning – Annual and Long-ter m Education Plan for Coldwater Indian Band, member ship and as directed.

Human Resource – Super vises and valuates the perfor mance of anyone with direct repor ting relations to the Depar tment when applicable

th e M ét i s co m m u n it y, a n d th e Co n a y t F r i en d s h i p Soci et y I n

o u r d i s t r i ct, we reco g n i ze th at we l ea r n, tea ch a n d wo r k o n th e

a n ces t ra l t ra d it i o n a l a n d u n ced ed te r r ito r i es of th e N l e?e Kep m x

F inancial

Develops Education Program budgets in consultation with the Band Administrator and administer s the budgets as approved by Chief and Council and all other associated duties.

Policy – Administer s the approved Post-Secondar y Education Policy

Liaison and Representation – Par ticipates as Ex-Officio when required on the Band School SAC; Represents the band in negotiating the Local Education Agreement; Attends School District 58 meetings where applicable; Liaises with Post-Secondar y Institutions/Schools in suppor t of the Coldwater Indian Band Education Policy and programs; Liaises with SD #58 re: L.E.A., F.N.A.C, and staff where applicable; Advocates for Coldwater students within School District 58 & students attending different PostSecondar y Educational Institutions; Liaise with Indian Ser vices Canada in suppor t of the Coldwater Indian Band Education Depar tment programs

Post-Secondar y Program Administration – Administer s the Post-Secondar y program as per Job Description.

General Education Administration – Administer s all per tinent Education Program funding through Xyntax; Develop and maintain individual student confidential files; Maintains records of all Education programs, ser vices and funding associated with this depar tment; Keeps the Band Administrator infor med of sensitive and impor tant issues and events in relation to the operation of the Education Programs; etc.

Position Qualifications:

• Post-Secondar y Diploma (prefer minimum Business or Public Administration diploma)

• OR an equivalent combination of post secondar y education and directly related wor k experience.

• Proposal writing an asset

Lifestyle consistent with the impor tance of the responsibilities of the position

• Strong analytical and decision-making skills, tact, discretion and sound judgement

Demonstrated commitment to fiscal management

• Superior communication skills, written and oral Wor king knowledge of Xyntax an asset

• Knowledge of Nlaka’pamux and Coldwater Community an asset

Ability to organize and manage wor kload

• Good negotiation skills (Local Education Agreements)

• Able to wor k independently and in a team environment

• Satisfactor y Criminal Records check

• Valid Driver’s License and Reliable vehicle

Send your resume with references and cover letter :

Attn: COLDWATER INDIAN BAND H.R. COMMITTEE c/o Band Administrator ( .) or fax 250-378-5351 PO BOX 4600, MERRITT, BC V1K 1B8

Candidates who send in resumes can be trained for the position (capacity building).

Deadline for resumes: August 25, 2023

a n d Sy i l x peo p l e, a n d we a ck n ow l ed g e o u r M ét i s co m m u n it i es a n d th e i r co nt r i b ut i o n s to th e A b o r i g i n a l wa y s of b e i n g, k n ow i n g a n d d o i n g T h e m o u nta i n s, l a kes a n d va l l ey s w ith i n th e d i s t r i ct m a ke it a n at u ra l set t i n g fo r fa b u l o us, yea r- ro u n d o utd oo r a ct i v it i es We of fe r a wa r m s m a l l -tow n atm os p h e re w h e re re l at i o n s h i ps a re f u n d a m enta l to o u r s ucces s M e r r it t, w h e re th e of fi ce i s l ocated, i s i n th e N i co l a Va l l ey a n d i s th e h u b of a h i g hwa y s y s tem th at l i n k s Ka m l oo ps Ke l ow n a a n d th e Lowe r M a i n l a n d Ra n ch i n g, fo res t r y, h ea lth, l oca l g ove r n m ent, a n d to u r i s m a re t h e m a j o r i n d us t r i es i n th e va l l ey O u r St rate g i c Pl a n h a s a “ Succes s fo r A L L Lea r n e r s” focus, s u p po r ted by a d ed i cated s taf f en g a g ed s ta keh o l d e r s a n d pa r tn e r s w h o s h a re a g en u i n e co m m itm ent to th e d i s t r i ct T h e d i s t r i ct of fe r s r i ch p ro g ra m m i n g to j us t ove r 2 075 s t ud ent s, 4 8 % of w h o m a re I n d i g en o us We a re p ro ud of o u r o n g o i n g wo r k towa rd s Tr uth a n d Reco n ci l i at i o n S ch o o l D i s t r i c t N o. 5 8 (N i co l a -S i m i l ka m e e n) i s a cce p t i n g a p p l i ca t i o n s f o r U N CE R T I F I E D Te a ch e r s Te a ch i n g o n Ca l l T h e d i s t r i c t i s se e k i n g h i g h l y s k i l l e d a n d d y n a m i c i n d i v i d u a l s t o j o i n ou r l i s t o f Ca s u a l, U n ce r t i fi e d Te a ch e r s Te a ch i n g o n Ca l l . P re f e re n ce w i l l b e g i ve n t o i n d i v i d u a l s w i t h a d e m o n s t ra t e d wo r k h i s t o r y o r vo l u n t e e r ex p e r i e n ce wo r k i n g w i t h ch i l d re n a n d you t h

Re q u i re d q u a l i fi ca t i o n s a n d t ra i n i n g i n cl u d e:

• B a ch e l o r’s d e g ree o r oth e r pos t- seco n d a r y ed ucat i o n

• Recent s ucces s f u l tea ch i n g ex pe r i en ce a n d/o r t ra i n i n g

p refe r red

• Ef fect i ve i nte r pe r so n a l a n d co m m u n i cat i o n s k i l l s

• D em o n s t rated i nte res t i n wo r k i n g w ith ch i l d ren a n d yo uth Sch oo l D i s t r i ct 5 8 i s wo r k i n g to en s u re a n i n cl us i ve, d i ve r se, a n d rep resentat i ve wo r k fo rce Succes s f u l ca n d i d ates w i l l reco g n i ze th at co n s i s tent w ith th e U N D ecl a rat i o n o n th e Ri g ht s of I n d i g en o us

Peo p l es (U N D R I P), th e BC H u m a n Ri g ht s Cod e a n d th e Ca n a d i a n Ch a r te r of Ri g ht s a n d F reed o m s, e m p l oy m ent p ra ct i ces a n d p roced u res at a l l l eve l s m us t refl ect a n d d e m o n s t rate a n u n d e r s ta n d i n g of a n d res po n se to a d i ve r se po p u l at i o n I nte res ted a p p l i ca nt s s h o u l d g o to o u r d i s t r i ct webs ite at w w w sd 5 8 b c ca, w h i ch p rov i d es g u i d a n ce o n h ow to a p p l y fo r tea ch i n g j o bs i n o u r d i s t r i ct A p p l i cat i o n s m us t i n cl ud e a Cove r l et te r res u m e co p i es of pos t- seco n d a r y t ra n sc r i pt s a n d n a m es of t wo s u pe r v i so r refe ren ces (i n cl ud i n g th e m os t recent s u pe r v i so r) O n l y s h o r t- l i s ted a p p l i ca nt s w i l l b e co nta cted

PL E A S E N OT E: D ue to th e vo l u m e of a p p l i cat i o n s rece i ved, th e d i s t r i ct i s u n a b l e to p rov i d e co m m enta r y o r feed ba ck re g a rd i n g a n a p p l i ca nt’s q ua l i fi cat i o n s/a p p l i cat i o n, n o r a re we a b l e to p rov i d e ca ree r a dv i ce/co n s u ltat i o n

A p p l i cat i o n s w i l l b e rev i ewed, a n d h i r i n g w i l l occu r o n a n o n g o i n g ba s i s

TODAY'S PUZZLE ANSWERS To advertise in Employment call 604-630-3300 Catch your next job in our employment section. To advertise in Employment Call 250-378-4241 THURSDAY, August 17, 2023 A21 UNCE RTI F I E D TE ACHE RS TE ACH I NG ON CALL – M E RRIT T J o b Pos t i n g N o: 3 5 3 8712 Sch oo l D i s t r i ct N o 5 8 (N i co l a - Si m i l ka m een) se r ves th e t wo co m m u n it i es of M e r r it t a n d P r i n ceto n, s i x F i r
t N at i o n s B a n d s,
Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted

Success for ALL Learners, Today and Tomorrow


We are currently inviting applications for the position(s) of:


Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a Sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes.


Relief Bus Driver 3255978 Ongoing

Noon Hour Super visor - 3322609 Open Until F illed Merritt Bench Elementar y; Merritt Central; Diamond Vale

Qualified candidates are invited to apply online at https://www makeafuture ca/bcschools-and-districts/nicola-similkameen-school-district-no-58/.

All applicants must provide a cover letter and resume outlining relevant background and work experience and three (3) professional references for each position they want to be considered .

Only those applicants selected for an inter view will be contacted.







Lots Starts Closing - 9 AM

Partial List Includes: Over 15 Vintage Tractors, 1947 Fargo & 1928 International Trucks, Hit & Miss Motors, Horse Drawn Buggies, Vintage Farm Implements, Antiques & Collectables, Huge John Deere Collection, Signs, Cream Separators, Washing Machine, Wood Stoves, Motors, Anvil & Forges, Primitive Tools, Pumps, Wagon & Implement Wheels, Forge Tools, Stone Grinders, Vices, Axes, Scales, Vintage Forge Hammer, Engine Hoist, Shop Press, Saddles & Pack Saddles, Plus Much More!!

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Thu/Fri (Aug 17/18) - 9 am - 5 pm

1. Civil rights organization

5. Calendar month (abbr.)

8. Monetary unit of Burma

11. Twyla __, US dancer

13. Everything included

14. “Antman” actor Rudd

15. Italian city

16. Nowhere to be found

17. Mild yellow Dutch cheese made in balls

1. Defunct US energy company

2. Fellow

3. It’s issued from volcanoes

4. Type of acid

5. Winged nut

6. Arouses

7. Things are served on it

8. San Diego ballplayer

9. Currency and a Chinese dynasty

10. __ mater, one’s school

18. Turkish officer

20. Perform on stage

21. Ribosomal ribonucleic acid

22. Canadian coastal provinces

25. Furnishes anew

30. Edible mollusk

31. No seats available

32. Garden figurine

33. Two-legged support 38. Rest here please (abbr.)

12. Exclamation that denotes disgust

14. Hairstyle

19. Supreme ancient Egyptian god

23. They __

24. Connecting line on a map

25. Mock

26. One point north of due east

27. Chinese philosophical principle

28. Type of tree

41. In a silly way

43. One from the Golden State

45. Photographers

48. Native religionn in parts of China

49. Dickens character

50. Brodway actress Daisy

55. Ancient Greek sophist

56. Undivided

29. Persuade to do something

34. A place for travelers to rest

35. National Gallery of Art designer

36. Panamaniaan province

37. Field force unit (abbr.)

39. Whalers’ tool

40. Simply

41. Nigerian City

42. Not one

57. Daniel __, French composer

59. Nocturnal S. American rodent

60. Rusty

61. Jewish spiritual leader

62. Patti Hearst’s captors

63. Popular global holiday (abbr.)

64. Tall, slender plant

44. Obstruct

45. Political plot

46. Manila hemp plant

47. Dough made from corn flour

48. Fishes by letting the bob fly

51. Swiss river

52. Plant that makes gum

53. A French abbot

54. One point east of northeast

58. Get free of

DOWN ACROSS A22 THURSDAY, August 17, 2023
w w w.d o d d s auc t B i d O n li n e o r A b s e n t e e B i d s A c c e p t e d DO D D S AUCTI O N 2 50 - 54 5 - 32 59 Ph oto s & li n k to s a l e s @ d o d d s a u c t io n .c o m 3 311 - 2 8 Ave n u e, Ve r n o n • S u b j e c t t o a d d i t i o n s & d e l e t i o n s C A L L F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N ★ ★
★ ★
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Relief Clerk Typist 3256003 Ongoing Relief Custodian 3259601 Ongoing
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Until Filled

Sherrie Burechailo

Sherrie Burechailo

Sherrie Burechailo

Sherrie Burechailo

Financial Dream Solutions Inc. 236-766-3636

Sherrie Burechailo

Financial Dream

Sherrie Burechailo

Financial Dream Solutions Inc.

Sherrie Burechailo

Financial Dream Solutions Inc. 236-766-3636

Sherrie Burechailo

Sherrie Burechailo

Financial Dream Solutions Inc. 236-766-3636

Financial Dream Solutions Inc.


Associate Advisor, Sun Life 236-766-3636


Associate Advisor, Sun Life 236-766-3636

Associate Advisor, Sun Life 236-766-3636

THURSDAY, August 17, 2023 A23 Local Business Directory Toll Free: 1-800-665-8711 HERE FOR YOU! @DanAlbas DanAlbas4COSN ELECTED REPRESENTATIVE GET YOUR BUSINESS NOTICED! IF YOU’RE READING THIS, THEN YOU KNOW IT WORKS! Call Ken or Theresa to reserve your spot at 250-378-4241 This is a full colour business card size space on a 1, 3, 6 month or more contract. ADVERTISING JANITORIAL SERVICES Client : Integral Services Group Location : Magazine Ads Document : 300x250px Date : December 16th, 2021 ISG ADVERTISEMENT PEST SERVICES CARPET CLEANING For more Information Contact us today at 1-888-679-2136 PRESSURE WASHING RESTORATION CARPENTRY FLOOD CLEANUP CLEANING SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES EXCAVATING • Small Job Specialist • Dump Trailer Service • Fencing & Post Pounder • Fully Insured Call Gary Sedore for FREE ESTIMATES: 250-378-4312 Gary’s Mini Excavating Service email: Cell: 250-315-3174 LICENSED CANNABIS Quilchena Cannabis Co. Call 250-378-5 420 Unit B-1937 Quilchena Ave., Merritt BC Quilchena Canna Company 19+MUST BE FINANCIAL Sherrie Burechailo Financial Dream Solutions Inc. 236-766-3636 Sherrie Burechailo Associate Advisor, Sun Life 236-766-3636 Sherrie Burechailo Financial Dream Solutions Inc. 236-766-3636
Solutions Inc.
2064 Coutlee Ave. Ph: 250-378-4943 email: FULLY QUALIFIED TRADESMAN IN: Plumbing, Heating, Bonded Gas Fitters. Service work, furnace service and custom sheet metal. Nicola Plumbing & Heating Certified Plumbers & Gas Fitters wanted - apply today! PLUMBING & HEATING Office Buildings | Specialty Residential | High Touch Touch-Ups Post Construction | Hoarding Services and Industrial • 250-525-0262 See you at the Fall Fair SPOTLESS RESULTS JANITORIAL SERVICES 797 Coldwater Rd., Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Contractor license # LEL0212539 Sam Charette 250-378-7465 Certified Master Electrician ELECTRICIAN TREE SERVICE CALL JIM at 250-378-4212 Solutions for your tree problems! ➤Schedule your FREE Estimate JIM POTTER MERRITT TREE SERVICE • Fully insured, certified faller • WSBC covered • Dangerous tree assessment
A24 THURSDAY, August 17, 2023 email: www.royallepag e .ca SERVING MERRITT & AREA FOR 40 YEARS! 3499 Voght Street, Merritt BC, V1K 1C6 250-378-6181 email: Helping you is what we do.™ Visit: www.royallepag e .ca/merritt for a complete list of current listing. Owner/Broker CL AUDETTE EDENOSTE Ph: 250-280-0689 claudetteedenoste@ royallepage ca Managing Broker JOHN ISAAC Ph: 250-378-1586 JENNIFER KIGHTLEY Ph: 250-315-3256 jenniferkightley@ royallepage ca TONY LUC K Ph: 604-217-5825 tjluck@royallepage ca DENISE DESILETS Ph: 250-315-8395 denisedesilets@ royallepage ca KEVIN DUNN Ph: 250-525-0073 1kevindunn@ protonmail com 2125 QUILCHENA AVE. $850,0 0 0 MLS#172662 2049 QUILCHENA AVE $230,0 0 0 MLS #173423 COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES 312-1703 MENZIES ST $214,90 0 A great 3rd-floor 2-bedroom unit for a firsttime buyer investment, or someone looking to downsize Perfect for retirees This building has an elevator for easy access a covered balcony, and storage space for your outdoor gear t f fi t MLS#172467 1434 DOUGLAS STREET $299,0 0 0 A delightful star ter home for the firsttime buyer or a great proper t y to downsize With 3 bedrooms & 1 bath. f h fi MLS#171766 241 BIRCH CRESENT Logan Lake - $459,90 0 Well-located family home is in a quiet culde-sac and has excellent curb appeal. The home has 5 bedrooms and 3 baths. MLS#172023 281 POPLAR DRIVE Logan Lake - $479,90 0 This 3 bed, 3-bath home is situated on a beautiful fenced lot with plent y of room for enter taining i i d MLS#173021 433 DALADON DRIVE Logan Lake - $739,0 0 0 A bright, beautiful and well ma ntained home located in the ver y desirable “Ironstone Ridge subdivision. This home has 3 bedrooms up and 1 bedroom down, and 3 full bathrooms i d h MLS#172604 4472 IRON MOUNTAIN RD $525,0 0 0 If you are looking or a little piece of paradise not too far from own, look no fur ther! This 2-bedroom 2-bathroom mobile home sits on 1.49 acres f d MLS#173130 RURAL 1438 BOSTON BAR TRAIL $599,0 0 0 This beau iful tiny home s ts on 10 pr vate acres located in Co dwater Esta es Ranch The home al ows you to k ck back & re ax mak ng every day ee ke a vacat on 1 bedroom & 1 bath RURAL MLS#172874 2160 ELLIS ROAD $896,0 0 0 This 2-bedroom 1 bathroom home is nestled on flat 8.72 acres located in Sunshine Valley only 15 mins from Merritt. MLS#172688 RURAL 5972 BEECH ROAD $980,0 0 0 This 14.15-acre proper ty consis s of a 3 bed, 2 bath beautiful countr y home that sits west facing with stunning views i f b d MLS#172350 RURAL 5120 STEFFENS ROAD $1,225,0 0 0 12 acres and boasts breathtaking mounta n views and lots of privacy The home is a spacious one-level rancher with 3 bedrooms and t wo baths RURAL ki MLS#173156 2173 TOMKINSON ROAD $1,576,0 0 0 Breathtaking ‘one-of-a-kind find’ pr vate acreage located in the beautiful Sunshine Valley The home is open concept & has 3 bedrooms & 2 baths ’ t MLS#172509 RURAL 6881 OLD NICOLA TRAIL $2,388,888 This beautiful, custom-built luxur y home sits on .95 acres and is situated on the east side o Nicola Lake in the exclusive Old Nicola Trails development. 7 bedrooms, & 5 baths h i MLS#172203 RURAL 2149 NICOLA AVENUE $299,0 0 0 This 3-bedroom home with 1 bathroom sits on its own freehold proper t y ith MLS#172383 32-1749 MENZIES STREET $439,0 0 0 This townhouse unit is located in Sun Valley Cour t There are 3 bedrooms and 21/2 bathrooms and a 2-car garage MLS#173563 1688 COLDWATER AVENUE $335,0 0 0 Don t miss out on this immaculate, beautifully decorated 3-bedroom 1 bath rancher close to schools and shopping This home has had numerous upgrades while maintaining the heritage interior l t b t f l MLS#170783 1776 ORME STREET $499,0 0 0 This 5-bed & 3 bath home w/ vaulted ceilings on the main floor would make a great family home / l d MLS#173592 2556 CORKLE STREET $556,50 0 Beautifully fully updated 3-bedroom 2-bathroom modular home sitting on a 0.33-acre private lot in Lower Nicola. d b d MLS#173228 2669 QUILCHENA AVENUE $699,950 Fantastic Oppor tunity to own a 6-bedroom, 4 full-bath home with a 2 bedroom and 1 bathroom suite with open concep kitchen/ living room. Own private entrance 6 b d MLS#173022 1648 FIR AVENUE $699,90 0 Ranch-style home with a fully finished basement There are 3 bedrooms and 3 baths on the main floor and has a selfcontained LEGAL 2 BEDROOM SUITE on the lower level. f l fi i h d MLS#172562 1550 WILLIAMS CRES $1,280,0 0 0 Beautiful 2,819 SQFT custom-built rancher home located on 1.22 acres This home has been tastefully finished from the inside to the outside With 3 bedrooms & 3 baths l h h MLS#172972 RURAL 17-1098 HOUSTON ST $180,0 0 0 Lovely 3 bedroom plus office that is move in ready with a well-designed yard space ffi th t i MLS#173789 1555 CHESTNUT AVE $585,90 0 2018 open concept rancher boasting 10 ft ceilings, open concept plan with 3 bedrooms & 2 baths h b i MLS#173815 205-1701 MENZIES ST. $289,0 0 0 This home has 2 good size bedrooms master o fers a walk through closet and direct access o 4pc ensuite “Jack and Jill” bathroom. 9’ ceilings throughout. There is a covered balcony/sundeck for BBQ’s t f MLS#173760 5080 STEFFENS ROAD $899,0 0 0 10.77 private acres located on y 15 m nutes nor th of Merritt. 2 bedrooms & 3 baths and a one room guest cabin you have a private space for family & friends 1 MLS#173917 1925 NICOLA AVENUE $665,0 0 0 Fantastic investment oppor tunity presently configured as a triplex with 3 long term enants The original conversion potentially allows or the home o be estored o a 2-level amily dwelling with an attached in-law suite or rental dwelling Lots of wonderful original features fi d MLS#173354 1898 LANGLEY ROAD $575,0 0 0 This 1798 sq. f rancher has tons o w ndows to enjoy the view to the private yard with inground pool and enter aining space outdoors 2 bedroom & 2 bath d t MLS#174240 5265 HIGHWAY 8 $750,0 0 0 Rare RL1 Zoned 44.48 acres under 30 m nutes from Merritt! Live in the 1995 1320 sq. foot manufactured home with 2 and possibly 3 bedrooms f MLS174199 RURAL NEWPRICE REDUCED REDUCED The Inn has been ful y restored to the beautiful proper ty that i s today There are 12 rooms, 2 suites restaurant with a well equipped commercial kitchen, coffee bar, ounge area & outdoor patio area. 3649 MERRITT-SPENCES BRID $997,50 0 MLS#173674 2625 IRVINE STREET $644,90 0 T h s beaut u y updated home prov des a spac ous & moder n l ving w th 4 bedrooms & 2 baths a ong w th a des r able centr a oca on c ose to schoo s, par ks shopping & mor e d MLS#174320 1475 COWLEY STREET $334,90 0 Looking for a nice clean home! This nicely updated ½ duplex has 3 bedrooms with 1 bathroom & it’s located on a quiet cul-da-sac near schools & bus stop n ce y MLS#173126 2737 PEREGRINE WAY $949,0 0 0 This custom-built home is located on a lot with some of the best views in Merritt! There are 3 bedrooms & 2 baths on the main floor with a laundry room with a 1-bedroom legal suite with its own laundry and separate entrance o w h o MLS#172916 NEWPRICE Royal LePage Proper ty Management For all rental inquiries, please contact Kevin Dunn or Cr ystal Chandler. Rental Applications are available at our office AND on our website www merrittrealestateser vices com in the “Proper ty Management” tab Phone: 250-378-1996 or Email:

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