Merritt Herald - February 18, 2014

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MUSIC LOVERS Bobby Garcia and Six More Strings crooned some classic country tunes on Valentine’s Day to about 40 people. Some country lovers even hit the dance floor at the Desert Inn during the show. Emily Wessel/Herald

Merritt’s got a brand new tourism direction By Emily Wessel THE HERALD

Merritt has a brand new tagline. “Country with attitude” was adopted by city council at its regular meeting last Tuesday. “The whole concept came up that Merritt is more than country music, but it’s a country living attitude,” City of Merritt economic development manager Jerry Sucharyna told council. “When you take a look at some of the new people who have migrated to Merritt, they come for that quality of life, they come for the tranquillity and being able to do all of these things in

their backyard, whether it’s mountain biking, hiking or fishing.” The brand direction was devised by the Thompson-Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA), which partnered with the City of Merritt to develop a new brand for the city. The process included workshops with stakeholders, a task force, and public online surveys. The brand will replace the Country Music Capital of Canada slogan. It will be featured on city signs, letterheads, business cards and city vehicles. “It’ll be a total immersion in it,” Sucharyna said. Sucharyna said the city will

replace signs with the old slogans “Flourishing under the sun” and “Country Music Capital of Canada” with the new brand. “We’ll make a change so that instead of being fragmented in different areas of the city or in different publications, we’ll have continuity,” he said. Sucharyna said the city would “hit the ground running” with the new brand direction immediately after council adopted it. However, it wasn’t adopted without some discussion, and the condition that implementation of the brand include an open house for people who weren’t involved

in the process to learn more about the branding and give their feedback. Councillors Dave Baker and Kurt Christopherson said they were hesitant to go forward without getting public input first. “I think it would take very little time to find out from the community whether they like it or not,” Christopherson said. “Merritt is usually pretty outspoken in its likes and dislikes. I just don’t want to go down that road where we adopt something that the community doesn’t feel like they’ve had a buyin. I know there was a task force, but a task force doesn’t speak for



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everybody.” “I would hate for us to spend a lot of money and time — Jerry’s already spent a lot of time on this — and have it come back and blow up in our face,” Baker said. Who had a say in the development of the brand and how Merritt residents might react to it were two of the main topics of questions from councillors. Sucharyna noted the consultation process was one of his challenges as he began working for the City of Merritt well after the process got underway in 2012.

2 • TUESDAY, February 18, 2014



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Deere tractor or something that’s different,� he said. Coun. Clara Norgaard said she was hesitant about the brand at first, but came around. “The people of Merritt do have an attitude, and I think we should be proud of it and I think we should go ahead with it,� she said at the meeting. The brand positioning statement included in the Feb. 11 council meeting agenda explains the concept as “earthy and genuine but with attitude� and a “21st century version of country,� where Merritt can be known for its vast grasslands, recreational opportunities and contemporary lifestyle in a heritage community.

2144 Quilchena Avenue 250-378-8828


Sucharyna was hired in September 2013. Sucharyna said the brand is designed to attract people to Merritt, so it is aimed at those outside of the community. He said the perception of the community from within and without can be very different. “The whole idea of any ad campaign is to get attention. We’re looking at those people who are looking at Merritt, investing in Merritt, moving to Merritt. We want to identify with them,� he said. Coun. Mike Goetz amended the motion to adopt the new brand to include an open house once implementation

gets underway. Council voted in favour of that motion, and the open house will take place at the Civic Centre on March 12 from 6 to 8 p.m. “Once we get out with one ad campaign, I think we’re going to get a good feel for where the community is and where we can go next,� Sucharyna said. Several councillors asked about the imagery that will accompany the tagline on signs and in advertisements in visitor guides and other city publications. Sucharyna told council the imagery will be “tasteful.� “Some of the imagery we’ve looked at could be as fancy as a pair of paisley-coloured boots, or a pink John



Open house to feature ad samples From Page 1


MERRITT LUMBER SALES 2152 Douglas Street

THE BUZZ Tekla Mednis takes a vibrating exercise machine for a test drive at Merritt’s B.C. Home Show on Saturday. Mednis, a 101-year-old resident of Nicola Meadows retirement facility, came to the home show with her 61-year-old son Paul Mednis from Quesnel. Michael Potestio/Herald





TUESDAY, February 18, 2014 • 3


Speaker brings a Fleury of activity By Michael Potestio THE HERALD

Former NHL All-Star and author of best-seller Playing with Fire Theo Fleury was welcomed to Merritt Thursday by about 500 people. Fleury was in town for the first time to give his speech Don’t Quit Before the Miracle, which is based on his book. The release of the book in 2009 chronicled his personal ups and downs, including being sexually assaulted at the hands of a former coach. Since then, Fleury has become an advocate for victims of abuse, and has visited 77 communities to share his story — one that’s ultimately a tale of hope. Fleury told the crowd that as a young kid, he had a troubled home life as his father was an alcoholic and his mother was addicted to prescription pills. He said there would be a lot of fighting between his parents and as the oldest, he would often have to wear the referee jersey. When he first started playing hockey, he said he fell in love with the game. Hockey became a source of relief for Fleury. He said feeling the wind on his face and not having to think about his troubles at home were freeing. He also said that as a young hockey player he was sexually molested over 150 times in a two-year span by a former coach, which left him with feelings of shame, guilt, anger and sadness. His personal issues and struggles eventually led to his alcoholism and substance abuse, which ultimately led to him being kicked out of the NHL. He also told the crowd about the three key values he learned as a six-yearold hockey player from his coaches. Those values were to have respect for people;


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Ex-NHL player Theo Fleury spoke to about 500 people at the Civic Centre on Feb. 13 about his personal and public successes and failures. The hockey star went on to sign autographs for fans after delivering his speech Don’t Quit Before the Miracle. Ian Webster/Herald

Upper Nicola Chief Dan Manuel holds a drum with Fleury. Fleury’s speech which was presented by the Nicola Tribal Association. Ian Webster/Herald

love and care for teammates; and understand there are always consequences. Speaking from his own experience, Fleury said selfpity doesn’t solve anything, noting his use of alcohol and cocaine to cope with his problems. He said his pity party only led to his attempted suicide, which took place after he was kicked out of the

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before in his life, so why quit now. Fleury then moved to Calgary to live with his son, but his substance abuse problems lingered until Sept. 18, 2005 – the day he stopped using drugs and alcohol. The crowd at the Civic Centre gave him a fitting round of applause. Fleury, who has Metis heritage, largely aims his

NHL in 2003. While at his home in Santa Fe, he had a loaded pistol in his mouth and almost pulled the trigger. He said he can still remember the taste of the gun as he sat there thinking about his life, gun rattling between his teeth. What saved him was a thought that came over him that said he’d never quit

speech at First Nations. He said love, respect and caring for one another are key to overcoming the lasting effects of residential schools. Fleury said he credits the spirituality, love, respect and caring he received from the First Nations communities he’s visited for giving him the ability to love himself again. He said spiritual leaders in all the communities he’s visited have shown him the way so he could get his life back on track. Fleury told the crowd that having spirituality is the key to First Nations people feeling empowered and strong. He said holding on to anger will only make things worse. He also said people are too obsessed with acquiring material objects, and the most important thing in life to have is relationships. Community leaders must lead without ego, employ humility into their leadership and remember they’re responsible for the people. He said more role models and leaders are needed in First Nations communities. He said adults need to lead by example, and anyone at any age can change. When he wrote his book he was afraid of what people would think of him, but the response was a positive one because people encouraged and supported him. Fleury said he’s proud of being aboriginal, and advised people to seek and listen to a spiritual leader in their community. Fleury also advised the crowd, before leaving the Civic Centre that night, to change one small thing about their lives. The Nicola Tribal Association brought Fleury to the Nicola Valley in particular to speak to students from Nicola Valley Institute of Technology’s Aboriginal Training and Employment Program. Tickets were made available to the public and were almost completely sold out.

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GOOD MORNING! Opinion --------------------- 6-7 Sports ------------------------ 9 Classified ------------------- 16

REMEMBER WHEN? From the Herald archives: February 1975 Council split on new proposal for senior citizens’ housing site The continuing debate on possible sites for proposed senior citizens housing resumed Monday night at Town Hall, and ended with a 3-2 split among councillors in favour of seeking CMHC’s opinion on a new proposal. The most recent site to be considered is a parcel of land on property owned by Jim Rabbitt, directly west of the fire hall. It was one of two sites touched on for the first time in reference to the housing project, and was suggested by Alderman Floyd Brown following inquiries to the respective property owners. The other alternative brought forward Monday evening was a two-acre plot at the hospital, but this was more or less ruled out by its distance from the town centre.

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4 • TUESDAY, February 18, 2014

NOTICE OF ELECTION BY VOTING PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY given to the electors of the City of Merritt that an election by voting is necessary to elect one (1) Councillor and that the persons nominated as candidates and for whom votes will be received are: COUNCILLOR – ONE (1) TO BE ELECTED

Animal control top priority The following is an excerpt from the City of Merritt regular council meeting agenda from Feb. 11. January 2014 bylaw report Animal Control Calls into the bylaw office and complaints on the street continue to be minimal, to say the least. In the month of January, the city impounded four dogs. All four were returned to their owners. In addition, one other dog was taken into protective custody and returned to his/ her owner the same day. Dog-related issues will continue to be a high priority for the bylaw office and the results that have been achieved in our whole community are encour-

aging. Dogs off leash in the city have improved exponentially and it is rare when bylaw finds an owner walking a dog without a leash. The fact remains: in the city, dogs must be leashed and licensed and the message is getting out. Feral cat-related problems and complaints are at low levels for the month of January. Our dog licensing program is off to a great start in the month of January with a total of 343 licences sold. Despite the steady progress, there are still far more unlicensed dogs in the city and we must continue to educate the public as to the value of purchasing a dog licence for the city, and that it is a requirement.


11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Community Room Downstairs at City Hall. Come down and meet the Mayor. This is your opportunity to bring forth ideas on how we can make Merritt a better place to live and do business, ask questions about something you don’t understand or if something has transpired that you have not received a proper resolution with.

Ticketing In the month of January, the bylaw office issued a total of 19 tickets. Eight were parking infractions in our downtown core and 11 were municipal ticket information. All of the MTIs were for more serious infractions of the Animal Control Bylaw. The larger issue that relates to the MTIs is a residence with five dogs which have been disturbing a neighbourhood off and on for over a

year. Just a note, bylaw only recently became aware that the residence housed five dogs and moved quickly to try and mitigate the problems. The city’s Animal Control Bylaw states, “No person shall keep or harbour more than two dogs over the age of six months at any residence.” Once again, this office looks at ticketing as a last resort; education is the primary tool that will continue to be used in order to achieve compliance.


Usual Names Linda Noreen Mike Neil Ginny Julie

Jurisdiction of Residence City of Merritt Thompson-Nicola Regional District City of Merritt City of Merritt City of Merritt City of Merritt

GENERAL VOTING DAY will be open to qualified electors of the City of Merritt on Saturday, February 22, 2014 between the hours of 8:00 am and 8:00 pm at the following location: Lower portion of City Hall – 2185 Voght Street, Merritt, B.C. Advance voting opportunities will be held at City Hall, 2185 Voght Street, Merritt, B.C. on Wednesday, February 12, 2014 from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and on Wednesday, February 19, 2014 from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Carole Fraser Chief Election Officer


A series of meetings are being planned to discuss home based businesses operating in neighbourhoods and what impacts; positive or negative that exist.

The City of Merritt Council will be holding a Public Hearing pursuant to Section 892 of the Local Government Act, to consider amendments to the City of Merritt Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 2116, 2011 and the City of Merritt Zoning Bylaw No. 1894, 2004 for the lands, shown as “subject properties” on the sketch plan below: The City of Merritt Council will consider amending: r 5IF 0GGJDJBM $PNNVOJUZ 1MBO CZ BNFOEJOH UIF &BTU .FSSJUU %JBNPOE 7BMF 6TF %FTJHOBUJPO NBQ r ;POJOH "NFOENFOU CZ BNFOEJOH UIF .FSSJUU -BOE 6TF %FTJHOBUJPO NBQ CZ DIBOHJOH UIF DVSSFOU [POJOH GSPN $ 4FSWJDF $PNNFSDJBM UP 3 -PX %FOTJUZ Residential. If you feel your property interests may be affected by the proposed amendment and you wish to address City Council on any matters pertaining to this bylaw, please attend the Public Hearing at City Hall on: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 at 7:00 pm

We are looking for representation from those with existing home-based business, those who have businesses in commercial areas, and those that are simply interested in the matter.

:PVS DPNNFOUT DPODFSOT NBZ BMTP CF QSFTFOUFE JO XSJUJOH JO BEWBODF PG UIF meeting by addressing them to the undersigned, or at the public hearing in person, by petition or by attorney. No letter, report or representation from the public will be received by Council after the conclusion of the Public Hearing. Sean O’Flaherty, RPP 1MBOOJOH %FWFMPQNFOU 4FSWJDFT .BOBHFS

BUSINESSES OPERATING IN NEIGHBOURHOODS? ATTENTION those who are interested in participating in the home-based business task force

If you are interested in participating in the discussion and wish to attend 4 to 5 1-hour meetings on the task force please contact Sean O’Flaherty at City Hall at 250-378-8620.

Note: This is the first of two consecutive Public Notices. %BUFE UIJT UI EBZ PG 'FCSVBSZ BU .FSSJUU #$


for the 2014 By-Election will be held on Wednesday, February 12, 2014 and Wednesday, February 19, 2014. Both Advanced Voting Opportunities will be conducted in the Community Room at City Hall from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Next council meeting: Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2014 Council agendas and minutes at

City of Merritt ★ 2185 Voght Street, Box 189 Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 ★ Phone: 250-378-4224

TUESDAY, February 18, 2014 • 5


Schoenborn denied day passes Three youths The man found not criminally responsible for murdering his three children in his Merritt home in 2008 will not be able to apply for escorted day passes. Allan Schoenborn was denied permission to apply for escorted day passes from the Port Coquitlam Forensic Psychiatric Hospital where he resides by the B.C. Review Board on Feb. 12. Schoenborn’s treatment team told the provincial review panel he was not fit to be released. They said he posed too great a risk to public safety to be allowed out. Schoenborn told the review board he deserved a chance to go for a cup of coffee or a swim outside of the facility. He said he’d been in the hospital for four years now and had been waiting patiently over that time. He told board members that he deserves the release because he’s done work such as anger management and relapse prevention. His treating psychiatrist Marcel Hediger told the board that

would provide a new “high risk” designation to offenders like him who are deemed not criminally responsible. The proposed changes would allow these offenders to have hearings every three years as opposed to annually. Last year, Schoenborn requested to be transferred to a facility in Manitoba to live closer to his mother, and the board approved that recommendation. However, the Criminal Justice Branch of B.C. scuttled the transfer. In the spring of 2008, Schoenborn killed his three children: 10-year-old Kaitlynne, eight-year-old Max and five-year-old Cordon. He left them to be discovered by Clarke and fled into the woods. He was found a week later. A judge subsequently determined he was not criminally responsible due to a mental disorder and he was admitted to the forensic hospital in Port Coquitlam where his case is reviewed every year.

over the past three years, Schoenborn hasn’t suffered from delusional symptoms or been involved in a violent incident. He also said Schoenborn’s treatment has been focused on anger management and Schoenborn has had verbal altercations with staff. He has little insight into what triggers these outbursts or what caused him to kill his children, Hediger said. Days before the hearing, Schoenborn spent the night in isolation for verbally lashing out at a nurse. Due to these incidents occurring in the hospital’s environment, Hediger said he was concerned as to what could happen if Schoenborn is released into the unpredictable environment outside the facility. After the hearing, Dave Teixeira, the man who speaks for the family of Schoenborn’s ex-wife Darcie Clarke, said Schoenborn will be kept in custody for another year. Recently, Schoenborn’s case has sparked potential changes to a federal law, which


on Saturday, February 22, 2014


Kamloops RCMP charged three males with distribution of child pornography on Feb. 12. All three of the people charged are youths. The charges stem from an investigation into photos allegedly circulating between youths in the Kamloops area. The RCMP was advised of the situation by School District 73, and announced it would conduct an investigation on Jan. 21.

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The names of the three males charged are under publication ban, as is standard for cases involving youths. RCMP and the school district are continuing the investigation.

Join the staff and board for an evening at the museum. Check out all the wonderful displays, and celebrate Heritage Week in Merritt. Appies and beverages available. EVERYONE WELCOME!


If anyone has information on the whereabouts of this individual please contact the Merritt RCMP at 378-4262 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.

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charged in For Councillor Kamloops pic investigation

With files from the Canadian Press



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6 • TUESDAY, February 18, 2014

HERALD OPINION Watering down of Canada continues under our PM By Dale Bass


If one needs proof the heavy hand wielded by the prime minister is cold, one need only look at the latest crisis to befall our MPs and their staff in Ottawa. The plants must go. Wasting lord knows how much time ferreting out the greenery some of the MPs — in particular, those devilish NDPers — had hidden away, Stephen Harper has decreed all plants are government property if they’re in government offices and far too costly to water on a regular basis. According to the CBC, the Department of Public Works downloaded the cost of watering the plants to various departments, which have to decide by April of 2015 if they will take on this onerous responsibility. Apparently, according to documentation, it costs the Department of National Defence alone $300,000 a year to keep those green things green. The House of Commons, one such “department,” has decided it isn’t going to do this and will instead sell the plants online. Many plants have already been sold in this way and, according to the memo issued by the House’s sergeantat-arms, were “escorted by House of Commons employees” out of their cubbyholes, nooks and window sills — to where? It’s hard to say since one would assume anyone can buy a plant through the online process. I doubt these employees are going to hitch a ride on a plane to ensure the plants make it to their destination — but who knows? Apparently MPs and staff can bring in their own plants, but they have to water them.

See ‘Information’ Page 7

Publisher Theresa Arnold production@

Neknomination a dangerous trend Emily Wessel Merritt MUSINGS The world of drinking games has entered the world of social media. If you haven’t heard of the latest craze Neknomination, consider yourself lucky. That means you haven’t been nominated to guzzle a bunch of booze while performing or just prior to performing some kind of stunt or dare. The “game” is, of course, popular among peo-

Production Dan Swedberg production2@

Advertising Sales Katie Ottenbreit sales2@


ple who are university or college-aged. People upload a video or picture of themselves doing these stunts and tag others, challenging them to one-up their stunts. Predictably, some people perform fairly extreme stunts. The game has been linked to deaths of four people in the U.K. and Ireland. One of those people died by drowning after downing a pint. One died after guzzling a 1.5-litre mixture of wine, vodka, lager and whiskey. While some alarmists are calling it a “new craze” and a “phenomenon,” drinking games of this nature are not new at all. Just a few years ago, “icing” was the craze, where people would hide a Smirnoff Ice during a party, which some unsuspecting sucker would find and “have to” immedi-

ately chug. Anyone who has had a group of friends during their coming-of-drinkingage could probably ramble off half a dozen drinking games involving cards or ping-pong balls. What’s new about this game is that it intersects with social media in a way that has helped it spread like wildfire. That publicity is also implicated in the “peer pressure” factor of the game, which might sound a little juvenile, but likeminded people tend to run together, so it’s probably quite a large factor in this game. Obviously, this is a dangerous way to consume alcohol. In a society where overindulgence is the norm, could these deaths be a wake-up call for other

Editor Emily Wessel newsroom@

RANITE AVE., PO BOX 9, MERRITT, B.C. PHONE (250) 378-4241

Reporter Michael Potestio reporter@

people? I would bet yes, especially for those left reeling from the passing of one of their friends or family members. But for those who are removed from the immediate situation, it still appears to be all fun and games until, well, it isn’t. Those calling the deaths “natural selection” may have a point, but people survive the incredibly stupid things they do all the time. Take the other countless Neknomination players out there, for starters. For some, it is hard not to take pity on these people and the ones they leave behind. Maybe they should have known better, but condemning them after they’re gone is hardly productive. What is more productive is to look at the culture of drinking that these people

Sports writer Ian Webster sports@

were part of. Does it need to be all-or-nothing at the pub? I am no Prohibitionist and I’m certainly not anti-alcohol. However, I am anti-Neknomination. I really do think twentysomethings the world over should know better than to chug as much alcohol as they can stomach (and sometimes can’t) and do a dare. I’d hope that we all know better than believing this thing will be anything more than a fad, and is anything less than a symptom of a larger problem, new or not: the normalization of binge drinking among young people. It’s disappointing that people can be unaware of just how dangerous consumption in this way can be.

Office manager Carol Soames classifieds@

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Copyright subsists in all display advertising in this edition of the Merritt Herald. Permission to reproduce in any form, must be obtained in writing from the publisher. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

This Merritt Herald is a member of the British Columbia Press Council, a self-regulatory body governing the province’s newspaper industry. The council considers complaints from the public about the conduct of member newspapers. Directors oversee the mediation of complaints, with input from both the newspaper and the complaint holder. If talking with the editor or publisher does not resolve your complaint about coverage or story treatment, you may contact the B.C. Press Council. Your written concern, with documentation, should be sent to B.C. Press Council, 201 Selby St., Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2R2. For information, phone 888-687-2213 or go to

TUESDAY, February 18, 2014 • 7

YOUR OPINION Choose adoption Bonuses for Canada Post over puppy mills execs raise more questions Dear Editor,

Dear Editor,

Puppy mills – a nasty little secret. These animals, living and dying in cages, kept hidden behind walls of horror. Locked up with no quality of life – no affection, living in filth and fear. Their sole existence relies on them bringing litter after litter into this world so their ‘person’ can profit from the babies, selling them to any pet store and/ or individual that will buy them. How is it possible we’ve allowed this to happen for so many years in our town? She calls herself a breeder, yet responsible breeders allow their dogs to experience sunshine, grass beneath their paws, affection and a clean environment to reside in. I’m disgusted by legislation, neighbours and buyers for supporting the cruelty these helpless animals are forced to endure and hopeful that our city, one that I am mostly proud of, will take action and create methods of prevention. You can help stop the inhumane treatment of puppy mills and backyard breeders by adopting your pet or at least, before you purchase a puppy (or any animal), research the breeder. Their animals should be clean, happy and obviously well cared for. The seller should be willing to disclose all and any information you request as well as show you the conditions their animals reside in.

Further to my letter to the editor published in the Merritt Herald on Jan. 2, 2014 concerning Canada Post, I would like to add the following. Despite Canada Post claiming they can no longer afford the services they deliver, they made a $1.7 billion profit over 15 years leading up to 2011, the year Canada Post workers were locked out and its operations shut down, resulting in its first deficit in over 15 years. Profits resumed again in 2012 to the tune of $98 million when operations returned to normal. Canada Post would have us believe locked-out workers were the culprits for the deficit in 2011. Granted, business was not running but postal workers were not being paid either. If at this same time the executives of Canada Post received their salary, I would expect to see a deficit. Their combined salaries and bonuses add up to about $10 million a year. One wonders how such a profitable business could so quickly see a deficit in such a short period of time. Mr. Deepak Chopra was

Judanna Dawn Merritt

appointed to the position of CEO of Canada Post in 2011 by the federal cabinet. This order-incouncil appointment stipulated a five-year term, and fixed his annual salary within the range of $422,000 to $497,000 with the possibility of up to 33 per cent of his salary in bonuses. I expect the remaining 21 postal executives would get less but similar amounts in salary plus bonuses. Otherwise, how could the salaries and bonuses add up to approximately $10 million a year? In my letter to the editor on Jan. 2, I was being somewhat facetious when I asked if the exorbitant increase in the price of stamps reflected the executives’ desire to maintain the lifestyle to which they have been accustomed. My question has now stepped into the realm of reality. In my search for answers to the drastic proposed changes to Canada Post, I see no other justification. Mr. Chopra has been a postal executive for over 20 years, much of it spent with Pitney-Bowes. He has spent time in this position in places such as the U.K., Australia, Japan and South America. Yet with him at the helm of Canada

Post, we would be the first G20 country to eliminate home mail delivery. It was stated by Mr. Chopra that 46 communities were consulted about the changes (proposed) to Canada Post. In my letter, I said 46 communities consulted is not a fair representation, considering the vast number of communities in Canada ranging from isolated to urban. I have since found out consultation has been done online and by invitation only. The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives has researched a variety of ways Canada Post could generate new resources. Such resources could include innovation such as e-commerce and financial services, which have shown merit in many countries around the world, and done without resorting to privatization. The Conference Board of Canada admits these solutions were not considered. If you, the readers, have only one reason to protest the changes to Canada Post, I urge you to sign an online petition at Anne Roberts Lower Nicola

Information in federal libraries at risk From Page 6 Which begs the question — why can’t they do that for the plants already there? Just wondering. We shouldn’t be surprised, however, since it became apparent last year that nothing is sacred to Harper. Take his Fahrenheit 451 policy on books. Books are bad, apparently, so bad we must rid our libraries of them. Hence the closure of seven of the 11 Department of Fisheries and Oceans


libraries, which saw books simply tossed into dumpsters. The remaining four DFO libraries are split between B.C. and Nova Scotia. A flatbed truck was required to carry away the history of Canadian water, as had been collected by the Freshwater Institute at the University of Manitoba. While Harper’s helpers have insisted the works are being digitized, late last year, Mike D’Souza, Postmedia News’s former parliamentary reporter on the environment — he was

one of four of the chain’s reporters in its Parliament bureau to be laid off last week — accessed a document marked as “secret” that said the books are to be culled and that the savings would be about $450,000 a year. Let’s be fair — when the Citizenship and Immigration Library was shut down by the Harper government in 2012, the documents were scanned but, because they were all written by third parties, copyright law precluded the government’s right to store those digitized

versions. Instead, the virtual library is now housed in a private facility in Laval, Que. The government says it can still access them online when it needs to — but I wonder what the cost is to do so. Earlier this year, it was revealed even more government departments will be eliminating or consolidating — whatever that means — their libraries. The list includes Health Canada, the Transportation Safety Board, Parks Canada,

the Public Service Commission, the Canadian Revenue Agency, Human Resources and Skills Development Canada and the Canadian Transportation Agency. That’s a lot of information at risk and yet another reason to be concerned about what Canada will be once the Harper regime comes to an end. Unlike a plant, it’s easy to destroy a book — but not so easy to bring it back to life again. Dale Bass is a reporter with Kamloops This Week.

MENARD, NEIL For Councillor

• Honesty • Integrity • Accountability • Transparency • Communication to constituents • Represent the entire community • Healthy, Safe & Wellness of all employees If you have questions or concerns please call me at 250-315-9727



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Do you plan to attend one of the festivals at the old Mountainfest grounds this summer?

PREVIOUS QUESTION Will you tune in to the Winter Olympics in Sochi? YES: 60% NO: 7% MAYBE: 33%

LETTERS POLICY The Merritt Herald welcomes your letters, on any subject, addressed to the editor. Letters must be signed and include the writer’s name, address and phone number for verification purposes. Letters may be edited for length, taste and clarity. Please keep letters to 300 words or less. Email letters to: newsroom@ merrittherald. com.

8 • TUESDAY, February 18, 2014


Needed: faithful, godly Valentines NARAYAN MITRA You Gotta Have FAITH At a time of a growing number of dysfunctional families and failed marriages, our province is to be commended for instituting an annual Family Day. It’s somewhat a coincidence that B.C.’s Family Day and Valentine’s Day 2014 happened to fall in the same week. Real love for family members and friends strengthen ties that bind and stretch married lives. The definitions of family and family values have changed a lot and continue to evolve. Marriage partnerships, succumbing to pressure of pre-nuptial arrangements, speak a lot about the flimsy nature of commitments. By way of contrast, the Old Testament marriage union of Isaac to Rebecca (Genesis 24) is a dream too good to be true to young people today. When and how did Rebecca meet her lover? It was a beautiful beginning for their life together that the first sight she got of her future husband was when Isaac was at his evening meditation

in the field. When we remember the holy household of Abraham that he had been brought up in, we would easily believe that they were holy meditations about God as well as, no doubt, the young bride that God was about to bring into his life. The steward of his household, Eliezer, must have told her a great deal about him. She seemed to know him and love him already. When Isaac first saw her, he turned straight from his thoughts of God to his thoughts of her – or rather, he mingled his thoughts of God with his thoughts of her – the most fitting attitude surely in which any man could meet his bride. I think it is Herbert Spencer who pointed out that the first beauty which attracts us in a woman is her beauty of face and form. Afterwards we notice her beauty of mind. Last of all, on further acquaintance, we find her beauty of character. But as he truly said, their value is in the inverse order. As years go by, the pretty face may change and the cleverness and brightness may degenerate into shrewishness. But right on to old age, the attraction of the beautiful soul remains, and the dear old face grows dearer and lovelier even to


‘Marriage is the closest tie on earth, and your influence on each other will be strong and deep.’ — HERALD COLUMNIST

the end. Eliezer, the matchmaker, was not content with prettiness and brightness. He tested her further, and his whole heart warmed to her as with delight he saw his test fulfilled. With glad heart, he gave thanks to God. In his modesty he thought God did it for Abraham’s sake only. I think the prayers of that simple old man would have brought down a blessing if there were no Abraham at all. I do not forget that this married life did not end as beautifully as it began. Thereby hangs another and different lesson. But it does not affect the lesson of the beauty of a religious home life. Here are two old men, master and servant, living together in God’s presence, seeking together God’s guidance. They desired together, above all things, in the young bride that was to be, that she should be one approved by God. The son, who had been brought up in that practical faith, not of religious talk but of religious heroism and


self-sacrifice, whose faith was so much a part of his life that even on the day he was expecting his bride, he did not miss out on his devotions and meditation before God. Blessed is the home where faith is thus real. Blessed is the bride who goes to such a home. It is the fashion of the world now to make light of this. The bride or the groom, brought up in fashions of the world, does not bother to include faith in God in their ideas of a life partner. He is a very usual type, and so is she. They are the type from which come the ordinary careless home and the children following in parents’ footsteps. Christian young people contemplating marriage resolve to be careful for each other’s lives. Marriage is the closest tie on earth, and your influence on each other will be strong and deep. Neither of you can “live unto himself.” A man is taking a woman’s life into his hands, and a woman is taking a man’s life into her

hands. Neither can grow a little better or worse without influencing the other. What a poor thing to have to say in five years or so: “The one that I love best is in some degree worse for having married me.” But what a happy thing to be able to say, “Thank God, we are still walking hand in hand on the path that leads to allround growth in Jesus Christ.”

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Narayan Mitra is a chaplain at Thompson Rivers University and the pastor of Merritt Baptist Church

Custom welding and bending. On radiators and mufflers.

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Max is approx prro rox 2 yrs yrs o old, ld neutered ld male, Coonhound. He will need a breed experienced person. He is house trained, travels well and loves to play.


Juliet is a one and a half year old Black Lab / Border Collie cross. She enjoyings learning new life experiences, is kind and trustworthy.

Donations desperately needed for spay and neuter services. Donations can be to made to The Angel’s Animal Rescue Society at The Interior Savings Credit Union, Account #1193739.


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We’ve got all you need at Purity Feed Horse, Poultry, Livestock & Pet Supplies KAMLOOPS: 471 Okanagan Way 250-372-2233

231 Athletes, 50 Coaches, and 31 Officials from the Thompson - Okanagan (Zone 2) will be at the Mission 2014 BC Winter Games February 20 - 23.


All-make collision repair center approved by & 950 Notre Dame Drive, Kamloops

MERRITT: 1690 Voght Street 250-378-4432

TUESDAY, February 18, 2014 • 9

HERALD SPORTS Have a sports story tip? Tell us about it by calling 250-378-4241 or emailing

Kamloops set to host 2014 Brier By Ian Webster THE HERALD

While the sporting world’s attention is currently fixed on Sochi, Russia and the XXII Olympic Winter Games, local curling fans have another great sports event to look forward to much closer at hand. The 2014 Tim Hortons Brier — the Canadian men’s curling championship — is less than two weeks away. It is scheduled for March 1 to 9 at the Interior Savings Centre in Kamloops. The 2014 Brier will bring together 12 of the best curling teams in the country, each of whom has qualified for the event at their own provincial or territorial championships. This year’s field of outstanding curlers includes well-known

names John Morris (British Columbia), Jeff Stoughton (Manitoba), and Brad Gushue (Newfoundland and Labrador). Both Gushue and Stoughton will be competing in their 11th national championships. One of the big names not as this year’s Brier is Glen Howard from Ontario. His eightyear reign as provincial champion was ended by Hamilton’s Greg Balsdon. Action at this year’s Brier kicks off with the Ford Hot Shots competition on Friday, Feb. 28 and Saturday, March 1. The opening ceremonies also take place on the Saturday along with the first two draws of the six-day, full round robin schedule. Playoffs commence on Friday, March 7 and wrap up with the gold medal game on Sunday,

March 9. This year’s Brier organizers are tremendoulsy excited about the event and have a ton of entertainment lined up at the The Patch — curling’s legendary party place — which will be at nearby Memorial Arena in Kamloops. A large variety of ticket packages are still available for the 2014 Brier, from single draw tickets to combo packs. You can purchase online at or by phoning 1-877-985-2875.

2014 BRIER SCHEDULE Fri., February 28 1:00 p.m. CURLING ROCKS! (Above) Curling fans can really get into the action. (Below) A record crowd of almost 282,000 attended the 2005 Brier in Edmonton. Photos courtesy of

Sat., March 1 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m.

Opening Ceremonies Ford Hot Shots Finals Draw 1 Draw 2

Sun. March 2 8:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m.

Draw 3 Draw 4 Draw 5

Mon., March 3 1:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m.

A brief history of the Brier For the 20th consecutive year, the Canadian Brier will include the Ford Hot Shots competition. It will take place on Feb. 28 and March 1. The country’s top curlers will show off their shot-making skills by attempting six different shots: the hit and stay, the draw to the button, the draw to the port, the raise, the hit and roll and the double takeout. Each shot will be awarded points on a scale of 0-5 depending on the end result of the shot. The winner of the Hot Shots competition will win a two-year lease on a 2014 Ford Fusion — a prize with an approximate retail value of $15,304. The second-place finisher will be presented with a cheque for $2,000, while the third-place finisher receives $1,000. Since 1995, the Ford Hot Shots event has provided an exciting start to the Brier as well as the Scotties Tournament of Hearts — the national women’s championship of curling. Past winners of the Hot Shots competition at the Brier have been Greg McAuley and Pat Ryan of British Columbia; Alberta’s Don Bartlett, Randy Ferbey, John Morris and Marc Kennedy; Saskatchewan’s Steve Laycock; Manitoba’s Steve Gould (twice); Northern Ontario’s Glenn Howard, Wayne Middaugh and Mike Coulter; Ontario’s Ed Werenich, Craig Savill and Richard Hart; New Brunswick’s Rick Perron, Jeff Lacey and Marc LeCocq; and Newfoundland and Labrador’s Mark Nichols.

Ford Hot Shots Prelims FREE!

The Brier is probably one of the truest Canadian sporting championships. Twelve teams, representing each of the 10 provinces plus the Yukon/NWT and Northern Ontario, compete for the Brier Tankard — a silver trophy that has been awarded for over 60 years. The Canadian men’s curling championship began in 1927 in Toronto and has been contested every year since, with the exception of the war years (194345). After being held in Toronto from 1927-39, the Brier went ‘national’ in 1940 and was staged in Winnipeg. Since then, it has been held in every province at least once and in 31 cities from coast-to-coast. Manitoba has won a leading 27 Briers, while Alberta is second with 22 victories. Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Yukon/ NWT have yet to win a Brier title.

At the inaugural Brier in 1927, all games were 14 ends in length. Two games that first year actually went to a 15th end. From 1928-76, games were shortened to 12 ends and beginning in 1977, games were further reduced to 10 ends. More than 7,000 curlers attempt to qualify for the Brier each year through club, zone, district and provincial championships. Currently, the 12 Brier teams play a full round robin which concludes on a Thursday. The playoff format is the Page System, whereby, after any tie breakers are played to determine the top four teams, the first and second place teams play in one playoff game and the second and third place teams meet in a second playoff game. The winner of the 1 vs. 2 match goes directly to Sunday’s final while the loser of that game meets the winner of the 3 vs. 4 game in a

Saturday afternoon semi-final for the right to compete in the championship final. The Brier champion each year goes on to represent Canada at the World Men’s Curling Championship. Nineteen of the past 29 Brier winners have won the world title. The list of Brier and world champions includes Randy Ferbey (3), Rick Folk (2), Al Hackner (2), Ed Werenich (2), Russ Howard (2) and Jeff Stoughton (2). The most decorated Brier winner is Ferbey, who has won a record five times, the most recent being in 2003. Throughout its history, 15 teams have gone undefeated in the Brier. The last to do so was Kevin Martin of Alberta in 2008 and 2009. The Brier attendance record is 281,985 — set in Edmonton in 2005. It eclipsed the 248,793 mark established in Saskatoon in 2000.

Draw 6 Draw 7

Tues., March 4 8:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m.

Draw 8 Draw 9 Draw 10

Wed., March 5 8:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m.

Draw 11 Draw 12 Draw 13

Thurs., March 6 8:30 a.m. 1:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m.

Draw 14 Draw 15 Draw 16

Fri., March 7 6:30 p.m.

Page Playoff Game

Sat., March 8 1:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m.

Page Playoff Game Semi-Final Game

Sun., March 9 9:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m.

Bronze Medal Game Championship Game

POSSIBLE TIE BREAKER DRAWS Fri., March 7 1:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m.

Tiebreaker Game 1 Tie Breaker Game 2

Sat., March 8 8:30 a.m.

Tie Breaker Game 3

* Schedule subject to change.

10 • TUESDAY, February 18, 2014

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QUALITY ASSURANCE course for Health Canada’s Commercial Marijuana Program. February 22 & 23 Best Western Hotel, Kelowna, BC. Tickets: or 1-855-860-8611 or 250870-1882.

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MOTHERS OF 6-10 year olds needed for internet study about parenting. Receive $15. Call the UBC Parenting Lab, Psychology Department tollfree: 1-866-558-5581.

Lost & Found Puppy found in the 2800 Petit Creek Rd area. Phone 250378-5683 to identify.


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KITCHEN HELPER Queen India Food 2 Go is hiring 1 permanent kitchen helper for its location 3683 Dewolf Way Merritt, B.C. V1K 1C4. Basic English required. Exp. an asset but not required. Duties: Wash, peel, and cut vegetables and fruits, Clean and sanitize kitchen equip. Sweep and mop floor etc. Salary: $10.30/Hourly, Room and Board provided. Apply at: queenindiafood

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Forestry WANTED: OPERATIONS Forester required to lead team in Alberta. Permanent full-time opportunity for qualified experienced forester with supervisory experience. Email resume to:

Help Wanted A.R.T ENTERPRISES Ltd o/a Subway at A-2190 Vought St, Merritt, BC, V1K-1B8 is hiring five F/T Permanent Kitchen Helpers. $10.29-$11.50/hour. High School graduate. Duties: Wash & Peel vegetables & fruit. Receive, unpack & store supplies. Remove garbage. Drop-off or email resume: North Enderby Timber is looking to hire for various positions including Millwright and/or Fabricator, Heavy Duty Mechanic and Electrician. We offer competitive wages along with a comprehensive benefit package. Please fax resume to 250-838-9637.


Permanent, full time Indian ethnic food cook specializing in preparing and cooking vegetarian curries, soups, sauces, poultry, rice, pulses, grains & desserts. Duties: Schedule and supervise kitchen staff, oversee kitchen operations, maintain inventory records of food, supplies & equipment and train kitchen staff. High school education and 3 years exp. required. $12.00/hourly.

Apply with resume to:

Starz Indian Cuisine 2063 Quilchena Ave Merritt, BC V1K 1B8

KITCHEN HELPER Permanent kitchen helper required. Need basic English skills, education and experience not required. Duties: Wash, peel, and cut vegetables and fruits, clean and sanitize kitchen equipment, sweep and mop floors & assist cook etc. $10.25/hr. Apply with resume to:

Starz Indian Cuisine 2063 Quilchena Ave Merritt, BC V1K 1B8

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Legal Services

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Help Wanted

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Reporting to the lead turf technician this individual will be responsible for assisting the lead technician in daily duties. The candidate should have a strong mechanical background but does not require a trade ticket

Professional/ Management SUTCO requires a dispatcher for flat deck division, position is based in Salmon Arm BC. Working knowledge of highway logistics is a must. Experience with Qualcomm and Tailwinds Programs would be definite asset. Sutco is an equal opportunity employer and offers employees great pay, extended health benefits, and a pension plan. Submit resumes on line / fax to 250 357 2009 or email


This is currently a seasonal position from March 15th to Nov 15th and will have a starting wage of $18.00/hr. Please submit CV and resume by Friday, February 28th to the Golf Course Superintendent, Norley Calder by email at

Coldwater Indian Band

Box 4600 Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Ph: 250-378-6174 • Fx: 250-378-5351


Gordon Thomas McPhail Gordon Thomas McPhail passed away peacefully in the the Royal Inland Hospital on February 4, 2014 at the age of 84. Tom was born in Belmont, Manitoba, on January 17, 1930. After farming in Manitoba and working in the forests of Northern Ontario, Tom worked his way across Canada at various jobs, including dairying in the B.C. Lower Mainland; building a retaining wall at Hell’s Gate, in the rugged Fraser Canyon; and putting up telegraph lines on the for CN Rail. In 1954, Tom started work for the BC Telephone Company in Kamloops, B.C. In 1958, Tom met Myrna in Merritt and the two were married in September, 1959. After a few years residing in Kamloops, Tom and Myrna moved to Merritt in 1962 where he continued to work with BC Tel and where he and Myrna owned and operated the Cottonwood Trailer Park in Lower Nicola until 2002. Tom and Myrna also ran the Cottonwood Store until the mid 1960s. Tom retired from BC Tel in 1985. During his retirement, Tom and Myrna traveled extensively throughout North America and would often spend winter months in Arizona. Tom enjoyed many activities including curling and golf; he continued to golf even last year. Tom will be lovingly remembered for his kind, gentle nature, his dry wit and wonderful sense of humor, his horsemanship, his entertaining rhymes and songs, his unwavering generosity and helpfulness. Tom is survived by his wife, Myrna, daughter, Linda Murray, son, Lowell McPhail, brother, Bob McPhail, and numerous cousins, nieces and nephews. Tom was a hardworking and devoted family man who will be greatly missed. At his request, rather than a service there will be a celebration of his life later this year. In lieu of Áowers please donate to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of BC.

Social Development Coordinator Coldwater Indian Band has an opening for an individual to head up its Social Development Department fulltime @ 70 hours bi-weekly. The successful candidate would provide overall direction for the management of Coldwater Band social programs. The candidate should also have education in a related Àeld such as a BSW, or equivalent experience and education. The candidate should have practical work experience, minimum three (3) years equivalent experience. A detailed job description is available by contacting Coldwater Band ofÀce. Resumes and covering letters and personal references may be sent by e-mail to: We also ask that the applicants state salary expectations in the cover letter, , however salary shall be subject to available funding Or mailed to:

Personnel Committee Coldwater Indian Band Box 4600 Merritt BC, V1K 1B8

Or hand delivered to:

Coldwater Indian Band OfÀce 2249 Quilchena Avenue, Merritt BC.

Closing Date: February 19, 2014 at 4:00 pm, We thank all applicants and advise that only those shortlisted will be contacted for an interview. Remuneration will be based on qualiÀcations and experience.

TUESDAY, February 18, 2014 • 11

Merchandise for Sale



Misc. for Sale

Homes for Rent

Auto Financing

24” electric start snowblower with snow chains. Excellent condition $300 firm. 250-3786382

3 bdrm, 2 bath rancher with 6 appliances. $1050/mon. plus util. Ref req. N/s, small pet considered. Call 604-781-2804 for viewing. Avail Mar. 1st. 3 bedroom house for rent. available March 1. 250-3786788 5 bdrm & den 3 1/2 bath, c/vac, 7 appls, c/air and much more. Avail immed. $1250 plus UTIL. N/p, n/s, ref and credit check required. 778228-6378. Craigs List - Kamloops for pics

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Rooms for Rent Looking for boarders, furnished rooms available March 1st. Beautiful home. Must be working, prefer contract workers, close to down town core. Not for permanent residence. Basement for 600 hundred, or upstairs room for 500 hundred. Includes utilities, but does not include food. Call Tracey at 250-378-8852 Room for rent in large house on golf course. Cable, internet, furnished. $450/mon. 250-378-7154

Suites, Upper 2 bdrm suite, laminate floors, recently reno’d, shared laundry $650 incl. util. Avail immed. N/s, N/p, ref. and credit check req. 778-228-6378


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Houses For Sale

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12 • TUESDAY, February 18, 2014








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