Merritt Herald - January 14, 2014

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Nicola Valley’s News Voice Since 1905



More flu vaccines coming to Merritt By Michael Potestio THE HERALD

WEEKEND RETREAT Wanda McConnell works on piecing together an unfinished project at the Nicola Valley Quilters Guild’s Quilters Retreat. From Friday through Sunday at the Civic Centre, quilters got to take some time away from the hustle and bustle of their lives to focus on some of their personal quilting projects. Michael Potestio/Herald

Nicola Valley health-care institutions are getting more flu vaccines to meet the higher than usual demand from Merrittonians. Pharmasave’s pharmacy manager Ken Dyer told the Herald demand for the vaccine right now is above normal. “We’ve been very busy,” Dyer said. “Normally in January we’re starting to taper off on our vaccinations, but we’ve had this burst of activity in the last week or two,” Dyer said. “A lot of people [are] interested in getting the flu shot who haven’t been vaccinated already.” On Jan. 9, about 15 people came to the pharmacy seeking the flu vaccine, Dyer said. However, the store’s supply has run out and it is in the process of ordering more. “We had 30 doses earlier this week and we’ve gone through those already,” Dyer said last week. It’s not usually difficult to receive enough vaccines to meet the demand, he said. “Usually the province has an abundance and it has more vaccine than is called for,” Dyer said, noting the prevalence of the flu in the media has likely stirred a higher demand than usual. Dyer said the provincial government usually buys enough vaccine to immunize about 30 per cent of the population. Local public health nurse Megan Omasta said the hospital’s public health unit has a limited amount of flu vaccine left. She said they have made a request for more. Omasta also said she’s seen a

slight increase in demand for the vaccine at the public health unit. “We normally have a surge of people wanting flu shots in January, so it’s normal, but just a little bit higher than normal,” Omasta said. Dr. Rob Parker, senior medical health officer for the Interior Health Authority, said IH has used up about 95 per cent of its flu vaccine stock — consisting of 190,000 doses — most of which was used in November and December. “We still have it in all of our health unit locations, I’ve checked. But if people are looking at pharmacies, it may be hit and miss,” Parker said. Parker said there isn’t a shortage of the vaccine as health units are carrying it, and it is commonplace to have used most of their stock to immunize people prior to peak flu season in January. “We’re not out yet. We’ve got vaccine. I’m just saying we may not have enough to resupply each and every pharmacy,” Parker said. Parker told the Herald there had been 51 reports of lab-confirmed cases of influenza within IH as of Jan. 9. “That represents only a small portion of all the people out there with influenza,” Parker said, noting not everyone who contracts the flu sees a doctor. They also may never have their illness confirmed to be the flu. “The absolute number of lab confirmed cases in one way is irrelevant. What it does give us is a bit of a trend,” he said. Although not every one of these cases has been defined as a specific strain of the flu yet, Parker said that so far, all of them have come back as H1N1.

See ‘Flu shots’ Page 3




1701 Voght St., Merritt, B.C. (250) 378-4215

2 • TUESDAY, January 14, 2014


Application for LNG station before council Temporary fuelling station to supply commercial trucks By Michael Potestio THE HERALD

Commercial vehicles could be fuelling up with a cleaner alternative to diesel when they stop in Merritt if an application for a temporary fuelling station gets the OK from city council. Council will vote tonight on the application for a one-year temporary use permit for a temporary fuelling station adjacent to the Wagon West Travel Plaza. The company planning to build the station is ENN Canada – a subsidiary of ENN Group, a Chinese multinational corporation that is one of the largest natural gas distributors in China. ENN Canada bought one hectare of land behind the Husky truck stop in 2013 and

filed an application for a development permit last October to use it as a fuelling station for liquified natural gas (LNG). A landscaping plan, which was also submitted, shows plans to add trees, grass and other plant material along Airport Road. The public will have a chance to weigh in on the fuelling station, as anyone who is concerned their property might be affected by the proposed station can address those issues at tonight’s council meeting. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. in council chambers at city hall. The company states the trucking industry stands to observe a fuel cost savings of 30 to 40 per cent compared to diesel with LNG fuel. The fuelling station is said to be a multi-million dollar investment that will bring up to 11

jobs to the community. Aaron Gao, a spokesperson for ENN, told the Herald LNG is a cheaper, safer and cleaner alternative to diesel fuel. “ENN wants to develop clean energy in Canada,” Gao said. ENN is building liquified natural gas stations across Canada and the site in question for Merritt is to be used as a temporary site until a permanent one can be constructed. If approved, the temporary station will allow ENN to operate in the interim while the permanent station – to be built on the same property – is completed. Gao said this temporary station will be a trailer with a large tank and dispenser. How quickly the permanent station will be completed depends on completion of all the

appropriate permits, development of the market and construction time, Gao said. “We are not in a rush,” Gao said, noting a mobile station is sufficient for the time being. He said one reason they chose to develop in Merritt is the city’s convenient location for truck traffic. The company states that liquified natural gas is a low-carbon alternative fuel that is colourless, odourless, non-toxic and noncorrosive. In contrast to propane, LNG is lighter than air, quickly evaporates and dissipates into the air. Unlike petroleum products, any spilled LNG will not leave residue on the ground. Small trucks and passenger vehicles are not anticipated users of this fuel source.

! w o n y l p p A Classes

Application #: FLNR-S-INTERIOR-2014 Applicant: Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Range Branch 441 Columbia Street, Kamloops, BC, V2C 2T3 Agent: SMC Consulting, 1582 Lawrence Avenue, Penticton, BC, V2A 3C1 Tel/Fax: 250-492-6193, email: The purpose of the proposed multi-agency Pest Management Plan (PMP) is to manage invasive alien plants and/or noxious weeds on provincial Crown land in the southern interior of B.C. The PMP applies to areas located within the Thompson Nicola, Cariboo, Central Coast, Squamish Lillooet, Columbia Shuswap, North Okanagan, Central Okanagan, Okanagan Similkameen, Kootenay Boundary, Central Kootenay and East Kootenay Regional Districts. The PMP applies to areas in the vicinity of the communities of Bella Coola, Alexis Creek, Quesnel, Williams Lake, 100 Mile House, Lillooet, Clinton, Cache Creek, Blue River, Clearwater, Kamloops, Salmon Arm, Revelstoke, Golden, Merritt, Vernon, Kelowna, Penticton, Oliver, Osoyoos, Princeton, Grand Forks, Castlegar, Kaslo, Nakusp, Nelson, Trail, Salmo, Creston, Cranbrook, Invermere, Fernie and Sparwood. The pest management methods proposed for use include mechanical, cultural and biological control and the use of herbicides within the area to which the PMP applies. The common name and examples of the trade names of the herbicides proposed for use under this plan include aminopyralid (Milestone), clopyralid (Lontrel), dicamba (Vanquish), diflufenzopyr (Overdrive), glyphosate (Vantage Plus Max), imazapyr (Arsenal), mecoprop-p (Dyvel DX), metsulfuron methyl (Escort), picloram (Tordon 22K), 2,4-D Amine (2,4-D Amine 600) and triclopyr (Garlon XRT). Selective application methods include wick/wipe-on, injection, squirt bottle, cut surface, and foliar applications using backpack or vehicle mounted sprayer. The proposed duration of the PMP is from May 1, 2014 to April 30, 2019. A draft copy of the proposed PMP and map of the proposed treatment area may be examined in detail at: Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, Range Branch, 411 Columbia Street, Kamloops, BC, V2C 2T3, online at or by contacting the Agent listed above. A person wishing to contribute information about a proposed treatment site, relevant to the development of the pest management plan may send copies of the information to the applicant (c/o SMC Consulting, Agent, at the address listed above), within 30 days of the publication of this notice.


y c a r e t i L r Compute ! now available


Comp 030 ampus NVIT Merritt C 014 Term: 2 g n ri p S e th uring Classes run d ril 2014 January - Ap




Tuition: FREE Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday afternoons

Term: classes run January – April 2014 Also currently available in our Literacy Program: English 030, Math 030, Comp 030

For application / registration or more information call: Amanda Street, Nicola Valley Institute of Technology, 250 378 3300 Amanda Tourand, Nicola Valley Institute of Technology, 250 378 3394 Or Robyn Grebliunas, Literacy Merritt, 250 315 5851

TUESDAY, January 14, 2014 • 3


Mine cuts cheque for pre-trades program

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By Emily Wessel THE HERALD

Highland Valley Copper is supporting a Nicola Valley Institute of Technology trades readiness program with a donation of $25,000. About $15,000 from the donation, which was made Thursday, will be used to bring the Bridging to Trades program back to Merritt. The program is delivered in a mobile classroom that travels around the province. The other $10,000 from the donation will be used for student bursaries, although the exact distribution and applicant qualifications are to be determined. Bridging to Trades gives students 12 weeks of classroom training in essential skills related to employment in the electrical, millwright, piping and welding trades. NVIT president Ken Tourand said the timing was right to bring the Bridging to Trades program back to Merritt after a two or three year absence. The college is starting its first ticketed trade program this term, and will know how successful it is when

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REMEMBER WHEN? From the Herald archives: January, 1997 Officer sweeps owl to safety (From left) Highland Valley Copper community affairs co-ordinator Natasha Fountain, general manager Chris Dechert, NVIT Bridging to Trades student Darren Shackelly, and president Ken Tourand. Emily Wessel/Herald

Bridging to Trades starts up in September. Tourand said he hopes to see the electrician program continue, and a plumbing program start up. “For us, we’re just getting into the trades, and that’s where the need is,” Tourand said.

Chris Dechert, general manager at Highland Valley Copper, said supporting the NVIT program is a win-win scenario. “Our demographics are changing quite rapidly. We’re seeing our baby boomer workforce retiring, so clearly

there’s a great link and opportunity for placement of people in the trades within Highland Valley, the mining side of things and in the industry as a whole,” Dechert said. “NVIT provides a great way of introducing people to and getting them interested in trades, and

hopefully that becomes an interesting career option for them. “It’s clearly a benefit for us, it’s clearly a benefit for the region and this is a wonderful way to support it,” Dechert said. “Homegrown talent is always the best.”

Flu vaccines available; flu season peak pending From Page 1 “I think H1N1 is causing well over 90 per cent of the influenza infections in B.C. right now,” Parker said. Earlier this month, a 55-year-old Okanagan woman died from H1N1. Hers is the only confirmed death from the virus in the IHA. Parker said the 51 flu cases are spread evenly across IH with the Okanagan, the Kootenays and Thompson-Nicola each containing about onethird of the infections. He said he thinks the even distribution of cases and similar scenarios he’s heard of

from other authorities indicates the flu bug has spread throughout the province since the Christmas holidays. Parker said most of the 51 lab-confirmed cases of the flu have come within the last two weeks. “We didn’t see much influenza in B.C. prior to Christmas,” Parker said, adding he thinks people travelling during the holidays to Alberta may have been a factor in the recent surge of cases. As of Jan. 7, nine people in Alberta had died from the flu. Of 1,335 confirmed influenza cases, 1,189 were H1N1, according to

Kamloops This Week. Parker said the peak of influenza activity is still about two weeks away, after which it should take another two weeks to wind down. He said it isn’t unusual to see a strain of influenza dominate the number of infections. However, what is unusual about the flu this year is that it is affecting adults in the 20 to 64 age range more than seniors. “It’s probably because that group doesn’t have as much immunity to this particular strain (H1N1) as, say, seniors,” Parker said. He said seniors are not as susceptible to

H1N1 because they are more likely to have built up an immunity to it having lived through the ’50s, ’60s, and ’70s, when similar strains of the virus were circulating. “H1N1 wasn’t circulating so much in the late ’80s, ’90’s and early 2000s, so they haven’t been exposed to it as much,” Parker said. He added that even if people in that age group were immunized in 2009 — when H1N1 reached pandemic levels — that immunization has likely faded because they haven’t come across the virus or been immunized since. “Seniors also get

the flu shot every year. They’re pretty good at that,” Parker said, noting the annual flu shot, which contains H1N1, builds up immunity. For optimal results, it’s best to get the flu shot in the fall, Parker said. It’s recommended that people still receive their flu shot if they haven’t already, he said. People eligible for the free vaccine — meaning they have a chronic health condition — in the 20 to 64 age range should get the vaccine. He said it’s also recommended for pre-school children. Dyer said it’s still worth getting vaccinated because the peak of flu

activity varies from year to year as flu season lasts until about April. The vaccine is available in a nasal squirt or via the traditional injection needle. Merrittonians can call the local health unit in regards to vaccination at 250-378-3400. The vaccine is also available at doctors’ offices, but not available at the Nicola Valley Hospital and Health Care Centre. People who come down with flu-like symptoms should stay home and rest for about five days until they feel better and are no longer infectious, Parker said.

A Merritt police officer saved the day for one bird. While doing his regular highway patrol early Tuesday morning, Const. Gary Tyrrell found what he thought was a large rock on the road. It turned out to be an injured great grey owl. Tyrrell, concerned for the owl as it was sitting in the middle of the fast lane on Phase III of the Coquihalla Highway, went home immediately after seeing it and retrieved a broom stick and dog kennel. He said the owl went into the kennel with little difficulty. “Once I hearded him behind with the broomstick, he went right in,” Tyrrell said. Conservation officer Dave Crack came to the police station to take the owl to the Kamloops Wildlife Park. He said the hope is the owl can be rehabilitated.

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4 • TUESDAY, January 14, 2014


Three men busted for probation breaches

Car window smashed Sometime between 6 p.m. on Dec. 31, 2013 and 1 a.m. on Jan. 1, 2014, unknown person(s) broke the driver’s side window of a vehicle in the 2500 block of Coutlee Avenue. If anyone has any information about this, they are asked to call the Merritt detachment or Crime Stoppers. Stolen stereo face plate Sometime between 4:30 p.m. on Dec. 31 and 2 a.m. on Jan. 1, unknown person(s)

broke into a vehicle parked in the 1700 block of Coldwater Avenue and stole the face plate to the stereo. If anyone has any information about this, they are asked to call the Merritt detachment or Crime Stoppers. Hallway sleeper arrested On Jan. 1 at approximately 3:30 a.m., Merritt RCMP responded to a citizen’s complaint of a drunk female who had entered an apartment that was not hers in the 1700 block of Menzies Street. Police located a local 18-yearold woman who was sleeping in the hallway of the apartment building. She was extremely intoxicated and unable to care for herself. She was arrested and held in custody until she

sobered up and could actively take care of herself. No permission to come to Merritt On Jan. 1, Merritt RCMP arrested a local 21-year-old man in the 1200 block of Houston Street for breaching his court-imposed conditions. Police were investigating a different matter when it was noted that the man was breaching his probation order, which stated that he was not to go to Merritt, B.C. without prior authorization or permission from his probation officer. He was arrested and held in custody until he appeared in provincial court the following day. Damaged fence at Bench Sometime between

Dec. 23, 2013 and Jan. 1, 2014 unknown person(s) damaged a fence and knocked down a post at the Bench Elementary School. If anyone has any information about this, they are asked to call the Merritt detachment or Crime Stoppers. Driver drunk, truck impounded On Jan. 3 at approximately 2 a.m., Merritt RCMP observed a pickup truck with no tail lights on travelling eastbound in the 2000 block of Quilchena Avenue. The vehicle was stopped and investigation determined that the driver, a local 42-year-old man, had been drinking and his ability to operate a motor vehicle was impaired. Subsequently,

Advance Public Notice Load Restrictions

Pursuant to Section 66 of the Transportation Act, notice is hereby given that load restrictions may be placed on short notice in the near future on all highways within the Thompson Nicola Highways District. The district includes the areas of Kamloops, Savona, Barriere, Clearwater, Merritt, and Merritt south to Portia, Lytton and Logan Lake. Restrictions will be imposed as conditions warrant, normally the most westerly and southerly area to be restricted first. Updated information on restrictions is posted as necessary online at www., under Commercial Vehicle Information. The restrictions will limit vehicles to 100 per cent, 70 per cent or 50 per cent legal axle loading, as allowed under the regulations pursuant to the Commercial Transport Act. Overweight permits will not be granted. All term overweight permits are invalid for the duration of the restrictions. Trucking and transportation companies, as well as the general public, should govern themselves accordingly. Your cooperation in adhering to the above regulations is appreciated. Dated in Kamloops, British Columbia, this 7th day of January, 2014. Paula Cousins, District Manager Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Thompson Nicola District For updated information about load restrictions, contact Area Manager Jeff Saby at 250 371-3856 or by e-mail at, or visit the Load Restrictions section of

his driving privileges were suspended for 90 days and his vehicle was impounded for 30 days. Impaired driver On Jan. 4 at approximately 1 a.m., Merritt RCMP observed a vehicle driving west in the 2700 block of Clapperton Avenue without tail lights. When the vehicle stopped for police, the driver exited the vehicle and initially began to walk away from the officer. How-

ever, the 40-year-old male from West Kelowna changed his mind and walked toward the officer. Investigation determined that the man’s ability to operate a motor vehicle was impaired. He was brought to the detachment where he provided two breath samples. He was subsequently issued a 24-hour driver’s licence suspension, his vehicle was towed and he will appear in provincial court in February on charges of driving while impaired.

Attempted break-in Sometime between 7 and 7:30 p.m. on Jan. 6, unknown person(s) tried to break into a trailer in the 2700 block of Pooley Avenue. Suspect(s) tried prying the office trailer door open. If anyone has any information about this, they are asked to call the Merritt detachment or Crime Stoppers. Merritt detachment: (250) 378-4262 Crime Stoppers: 1-800-222-TIPS

INTERIOR TO LOWER MAINLAND TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT Public Safety Notice – Winter recreationalists and snowmobilers Winter recreationalists and snowmobilers should be aware that construction of the Interior to Lower Mainland (ILM) Transmission Line continues. On-site activities include clearing of the right-of-way; construction of access roads and tower foundations; and tower assembly and erection. The ILM right-of-way continues to be a construction zone with restricted access. Restricted access is required for worker and public safety to avoid risks associated with such things as guy lines, partially constructed foundations, construction materials, or other potential hazards that may be hidden or partially hidden by the snow. Please avoid using the right-of-way for your activities. If you are in the area, use extra care when traveling around the right-of-way. The ILM project is a new 247 kilometre 500 kilovolt transmission line between Merritt and Coquitlam that will expand the electrical system so that BC Hydro can continue to deliver clean and reliable energy to homes and businesses in the Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island. For more information on the project please visit: If you have any questions, please contact BC Hydro Stakeholder Engagement: 1 866 647 3334 or 604 623 4472 or send an email to


Three men caught breaching probations On Jan. 5 at approximately midnight, Merritt RCMP attended a residence in the 2200 block of Blair Street to locate a local 23-yearold man who was reported to be breaching his court-imposed conditions. Investigation resulted in the arrest of three men who were all breaching their courtimposed conditions at the same residence. Local Preston Mort, 18, was arrested for two breaches of probation and on an outstanding warrant from Kelowna. Mort was remanded in custody and appeared before a provincial court judge. He was later released by the courts and will appear in provincial court at a later date. Local Dwight Chillihitzia, 23, was arrested for breaching his probation and appeared before a justice of the peace who released him from custody with a promise to appear in provincial court at a later date. Brandon Rancier, a 20-year-old from Kamloops, was arrested and remanded into custody. He answered to criminal charges of breaching his probation and obstructing a police officer. He pled guilty at his first appearance and was sentenced to monetary fines.

TUESDAY, January 14, 2014 • 5

NICOLA VALLEY NEWS ENTERTAINMENT USING LIBRARY PAYS OFF Five-year-old Taylor Nyste (centre) won the Friends of the Library’s “It Pays to Use Your Library” draw for $1,000. The contest involved having participants write about a positive experience they’ve had at the library in 100 words or less. The winner’s name was chosen in a draw. Nyste said she was excited to win the contest and the money will go toward her education. Louise Brown won $100 for having the best essay, as judged by staff at the TNRD library head office, Friends of the Library chair Elizabeth Salomon-de-Friedberg said. Pictured, from left: three-year-old Kiera Nyste, contest winner Taylor Nyste and Friends of the Library chair Elizabeth Salomon-deFriedberg. Michael Potestio/Herald


Dangerous dog bylaw takes effect

The Thompson-Nicola Regional District (TNRD) has a new bylaw that defines a dog as dangerous if it kills or seriously injures a person or domestic animal on public property or private property not owned or occupied

by the dog’s owner. A dog can also receive the dangerous designation by way of an animal control authority with a reasonable grounds to believe it is likely to injure or kill a person or pet.

The bylaw, which came into effect Jan. 1, applies to electoral areas M, N, I and P. The bylaw applies to dogs of any breed, but not unlicensed dogs, aggressive dogs or dogs at large.

Country concert to help food bank By Michael Potestio THE HERALD

A local musician’s upcoming concert will give more than entertainment to the community. All proceeds from the concert will go to the Nicola Valley and District Food Bank. The concert will be a tribute to country music star Hank Williams and is slated for the Civic Centre on Jan. 19. Merrittonian John Flottvik organized it and will take to the stage as a performer. “From what I understand, talking to some of the volunteers at the food bank, January [brings] a great need for more funds and donations,” Flottvik said. Flottvik said the

decision to raise money for the food bank was a no-brainer. “I figured, why not? There’s no why, why should a guy do it, it’s just something I’d like to do,” Flottvik said. He said the performance will have at least 30 songs and Gary Cooper will also be joining in on the performance. Flottvik said he intends to sell the 500 tickets he ordered, which will be priced at $20 each. There will also be 50/50 tickets and an area to dance at the concert. Tickets are available at Country Bug Books and Merritt Printing. The City of Merritt will also waive the fee to rent out the Civic Centre. Doors open at 7 p.m.


DEDICATION DAY January 18th at 11:00AM 2190 Granite Avenue Merritt Seventh-day Adventist Church


95.9 FM

Everyone welcome to join in the official opening of the new station. Dedicated to serving the people. There will be snacks and refreshments. For more information contact: Jim 250-378-5130

Apply now for the United Way Community Fund United Way provides funding to strengthen the network of services and the capacity of non-profits in our communities. We are now accepting applications throughout the Thompson Nicola Cariboo Region. Apply now at

6 • TUESDAY, January 14, 2014

HERALD OPINION Supervolcanoes: Yet another thing to worry about By Gwynne Dyer

The good thing about volcanoes is that you know where they are. If you don’t want to get hurt, just stay away from them. The bad thing about supervolcanoes is that you may know where they are, but there’s no getting away from them. They only blow up very rarely but, when they do, the whole world is affected. They can cover an entire continent with ash and lower temperatures sharply worldwide for years. “This is something that, as a species, we will eventually have to deal with. It will happen in the future,” said Wim Malfait of ETH Zurich (the Swiss Federal institute of Technology), lead author of a recent paper in Nature Geoscience that says supervolcano eruptions don’t even need an earthquake as a trigger. “You could compare it to an asteroid impact,” he said. “The risk at any given time is small but, when it happens, the consequences will be catastrophic.” I know you already have enough to worry about, what with climate change and asteroid strikes and the like — but I’m afraid there’s more. Volcanoes and supervolcanoes both involve magma (molten rock deep underground) that breaks through to the surface but, in practice, they are quite different. Volcanoes gradually build themselves into mountains by repeated, relatively modest eruptions of lava. Supervolcanoes are a single massive explosion of magma rising to the surface over a huge area — and blasting at least a thousand cubic kilometres of ash into the atmosphere. How massive?

See ‘Eruption’ Page 7

Publisher Theresa Arnold production@

Caves not just bat habitat these days Emily Wessel Merritt MUSINGS Did you know that some 30 million people in China live in caves? That’s the word from a report from Yanan, China: that nearly the same number of people who call Canada home call caves in rural China home. It might not be quite as gloomy as you think, though. An overwhelming majority of these caves are not naturally occurring caves. They’re homes dug

Production Dan Swedberg production2@

Advertising Sales Katie Ottenbreit sales2@


into exposed, hollowed-out rock plateaus. Some of the caves have brick masonry on the inside to reinforce them or on the front to give them cave appeal. Some have patios on top or spacious front yards. Most have plenty of natural light and natural heating and cooling systems, as they’re half in and half out of the ground. According to the report that showed up in the L.A. Times, even electricity and running water can be brought in. Some, of course, are more basic, possibly harkening back to the time when modern cave-dwellers’ relatives sought the rock homes, presumably out of necessity. Today, however, the report states it’s more of a lifestyle choice, with cheaper bills and closer-knit communities than the near-

by big cities that some of the cave dwellers work in. These cave networks comprise huge communities of troglodytes. Cave dwellings have ancient roots in many parts of the world, including mountainous Cappadocia in central Turkey. The site is a big draw for tourists who come from all over the world to marvel at the modest to elaborate houses that have been carved into odd, pointy protrusions of volcanic rock. In the western part of Wales, couple Jasmine Saville and Simon Dale built a subterranean Hobbit House with about $5,300 and four months of work. They have a website that shares their plans for the house and their rationale for building it. “There is something powerfully alluring in such

Editor Emily Wessel newsroom@

RANITE AVE., PO BOX 9, MERRITT, B.C. PHONE (250) 378-4241

Reporter Michael Potestio reporter@

natural buildings. Their simplicity and cost makes them accessible; their beauty and use of natural materials remind us of our ancestral right and ability to live well as part of the landscape/nature/earth,” the site reads. They also detail how they crafted the house to be low-impact on the environment. Since building the Hobbit House, the couple has moved into another dwelling they built with natural materials, and say they’re on their way to building a bigger, more permanent house for themselves and their two sons — a threebedroom “hobbitat,” if you will. And these homes aren’t unheard of in other parts of Wales. In fact, there’s a whole “eco-village” of them. Lammas is the eco-

Sports writer Ian Webster sports@

village, run as a non-profit organization. Families purchase plots of land for their dwellings and land-based businesses, and water and electricity are managed collectively. The idea was launched in 2009 and villagers are about halfway through construction. It’s pretty amazing what people can do with some hard work, a budget of any size, and a big imagination. It’s also amazing that all the technological advancements supposedly enriching our lives since the time many of our ancestors lived in caves and sod houses are cost-prohibitive and exactly what some of these cave-dwellers cite as factors driving them back to their half-underground way of living. Like many a cave dwelling door, this is one housing style that’s gone full-circle.

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Copyright subsists in all display advertising in this edition of the Merritt Herald. Permission to reproduce in any form, must be obtained in writing from the publisher. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada, through the Canada Periodical Fund (CPF) for our publishing activities.

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TUESDAY, January 14, 2014 • 7


NEW AT THE LIBRARY Fiction Alice McDermott Jodi Picoult John Sandford

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Easy Eric Carle Friends Pete the Cat and his Four Groovy Buttons Miss Mousie’s Blind Date The Dark


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Did you get the flu shot this winter?

USING HIS BRAIN Artist Eric Drane poses with art gallery director Meriel Barber in front of one of his pieces of computer-generated art. In his hands, he holds the first book of his artwork he published, some proceeds of which were donated to charity. The American army veteran’s art show, Brain Drain, will be on display at the Courthouse Art Gallery until Jan. 31. Michael Potestio/Herald


Eruption would devastate civilization From Page 6 The largest recent volcanic eruption was Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines, which blew about 10 cubic kilometres of ash and gas into the upper atmosphere in 1991. The result was a 0.4 C drop in average global temperature for a year or so. But, the eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano 640,000 years ago was 100 times as big. It covered the entire North American continent with ash. Just like an asteroid strike, it threw massive amounts of dust and ash into the stratosphere, where it stayed for years, blocking out much of the sunlight. (It doesn’t rain in the stratosphere, so the debris stays there for a long time.) As a result, the average global temperature fell by as much as 10 C for a number of years. It was temporary but,

while it lasted, there was a steep fall in the amount of plant material growing on the planet and a corresponding collapse in animal populations. There were no mass extinctions, as far as we can tell, and fairly soon the plant and animal species repopulated their former habitats — but, it certainly spoiled the party for the equivalent of several human generations. Homo sapiens was not around 640,000 years ago, but people like us certainly were around when another supervolcano, Toba in northern Sumatra, blew about 73,000 years ago. The event has been tentatively linked with a “bottleneck” in human evolution at that time in which, according to some genetic studies, the human population was squeezed down to only about 1,000. This hypothesis has been challenged by a recent study of the sediments in



‘... In practice, it could happen at any time, with as little as a few weeks’ warning.’ — COLUMNIST GWYNNE DYER

Lake Malawi by an Oxford University-led team. They did not find any layer in the sediments with much reduced vegetation, which you would expect to see if there were a longlasting cooling of the climate. This is puzzling, since Toba was the biggest supervolcanic blast in 2.5-million years. It boosted two to three times as much dust and ash into the air as the Yellowstone eruption. But, only a couple of years of severely diminished sunlight would still cause catastrophic population losses in both the plant and

Phone: 250-378-6181

See our full Real Estate Review inside the Thursday edition of the Merritt Herald.

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Very nice 3 BR 2 Bath Home Located in Lower Nicola Bright open design Move-in ready (0.27 acre)


YES: 58% NO: 42%

LETTERS POLICY The Merritt Herald welcomes your letters, on any subject, addressed to the editor. Letters must be signed and include the writer’s name, address and phone number for verification purposes. Letters may be edited for length, taste and clarity. Please keep letters to 300 words or less. Email letters to: newsroom@ merrittherald. com.

Gwynne Dyer’s columns appear in publications in 45 countries.



• • • • M4056

What Malfait’s team discovered is that the detonation of a supervolcano is entirely dependent on the temperature of the liquid rock in the underground chamber. As it gets hotter, it gets less dense than the solid rock around it. At this point, it will behave just like an air-filled balloon or football that is held underwater, trying to pop up to the surface. Eventually, the magma forces its way to the surface over an area of hundreds of square kilometres, expands and explodes. On average, such an explosion only happens once every 100,000 years but, in practice, it could happen at any time, with as little as a few weeks’ warning. Just thought you’d like to know. Sleep well.


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the animal kingdoms. Even a relatively short “volcanic winter” would be a huge catastrophe for human beings. How many people would die if such a catastrophe happened now? It is unlikely even half of the world’s seven-billion people would survive two or three years of severe hunger — and civilization itself would take a terrible beating. Nor is there anything useful you can do to prepare for such a catastrophe, unless you are able to stockpile two or three years’ worth of food for the entire world. At the moment, our global food reserve will feed the population for only three or four months, so that is not likely to happen. If it does not, then we just have to hope that the calamity doesn’t happen — knowing we probably will not have much warning if it does.

Do you support B.C.’s new liquor law reform, which allows children in pubs?

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8 • TUESDAY, January 14, 2014


A fresh newness all around in 2014 NARAYAN MITRA You Gotta Have FAITH The year 2014 is still very young. My personal desire and prayer for the 350 or so days ahead is to be renewed daily by its freshness and to keep an eternal outlook on it. Time does fly, eternity is always current. I am told that on the three archway entrances to a cathedral in Milan, Italy, are inscribed the following messages: Under the sign of a rose flower, it’s written: “That which pleases us is for a moment.” The sign of a cross bears the inscription underneath: “That

which troubles us is but for moment.” On the central arch are just the words: “Only that which is eternal remains.” Writing to the church at the pagan city of Corinth, the Apostle Paul stated: “…We recognize no one according to the flesh; even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him in this way no longer. “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold new things have come.” Into this realm of radical spiritual newness, each of us can be brought. Jesus expressed this imperatively when he said, “You must be born again.” The words, “in Christ,” or “in union with Christ” might be puzzling to us. To many, the words are meaning-

less, which of course indicates that the new life has never invaded them. Yet the same people apparently know what it means when we say that “you are in politics, in law, in business, or in advertising.” In principle, it is not otherwise with conversion and spiritually changed life. The person who is “in Christ” is the person who has decided for Christ. For him, there are not a dozen saviours, but one – Jesus – crucified and risen. Martin Luther said it vigorously: “The only faith which makes a Christian is that which casts itself on God for life or death.” Such a decision and such a commitment opens the floodgate of the life which flows from Christ, and a new creation begins. In the centre of

this whole expression of change is a new relationship to God – reconciliation – which has come through our acceptance of His Son as our mediator and saviour. I think of having read of two quite opposing instances of conversion – one that of an influential layman, the other of a university girl. The layman was a friend and helper of D.L. Moody, the famous revivalist preacher. His name was Daniel McWilliams, an elder in a church. Not only did he constantly work to win people to Christ, but he also gave generously to open mission doors in Korea. Yet this man, who saw scores of other men spiritually reborn, had no recollection of his own conversion. Although he did not

terol balance,” says Dr. Mitchell Jones, a microbiome expert based in Montreal. His research resulted in the world’s first heart-health probiotic. Cardioviva is an easyto-swallow supplement

that works naturally with the gut to reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol. For many Canadians, this probiotic supplement may help bridge the gap between diet, exercise and drugs to help lower

high cholesterol, a risk factor for heart disease. Jones says this is the first time that a probiotic has been shown to move a recognized marker of disease. This breakthrough

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Narayan Mitra is a chaplain at Thompson Rivers University.

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Gut research reveals benefits for heart health (NC) — When it comes to advancements in health, the “gut” is getting a lot of international attention. In recent years, scientific and public health leaders around the world have been investing a lot of time and money to probe the mysteries of the human microbiome, otherwise known as the gut. Leading trendspotter Marian Salzman has also taken notice, identifying microbiome research as a top global trend this year. “One of the most promising new pathways to all-around health is found in our gut,” says Salzman. “From prebiotics to probiotics, the field of microbiome research is shaping up as a solid approach to tackling a whole range of health problems.” Canadian scientists are making significant advancements in this field. “There are trillions of bacteria in the gut that aid in digestion, support immunity and now, we’ve found, also play a key role in maintaining a healthy choles-

we find the crucified Jesus and a new relationship to God. This year let us stand no longer condemned, but forgiven; no longer prodigals, but sons and daughters in the Father’s house.

when “the Love that would not let her go,” broke through her resistance, captured her heart, and transformed her life. Through surrender to Christ, the God-centre that every life needs became hers and a new dawn spread across her sky. Let this year bring a new beginning, where

have a recollection that went back to the event of conversion, he did get an assurance of faith that proclaimed the fact of conversion eventually. Instead of growing up as a wanderer from Christ, he grew up as a follower in his later years. The college girl came to me one day after I had taken a Bible study. She said that something in the study had prompted her to relate a chapter from her spiritual experience. The recital that followed was in some respects shocking. For example, there was a period in her middle teens when she had been so self-willed and defiant toward God that more than once, while listening to a preacher’s appeal, she prayed to the devil for strength to resist Christ’s call. But the day came

Adopt a Pet Please make an appointment to visit Ph: (250) 378-5223

E: View other future best friends @

Born: April 19, 1988 HEIGHT: 6’ 2” WEIGHT: 161 lbs HAIR: Brown EYES: Brown

Wanted for: possession of a controlled substance

If anyone has information on the whereabouts of this individual please contact the Merritt RCMP at 378-4262 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS. This message brought to you by



Max is approximately 2 years old, neutered male, Coonhound. He would make a great hobby search and rescue prospect or joggers companion. Max needs a loving active home. He is house trained, travels well and loves to play.


Kumba aka ak ka “ “c “cookie ookie ooki kie mo ki monster’ nste t r’’ iiss an easy going fella. He loves his walks and is very affectionate. He can be tempermental but is very easy to love. As per the breed, he is protective. Knowledge of the breed and patience is required!


Spatch is approximately 4 years old, neutered male, German Sheperd cross. He is kind, easy to manage and low maintenance. Spatch is gentle, loves children and is good with other animals including dogs of all sizes.

Donations desperately needed for spay and neuter services. Donations can be to made to The Angel’s Animal Rescue Society at The Interior Savings Credit Union, Account #1193739. IES D-DAY MEMOR PAGE 3




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HERALD t race MERRITT rs convene for Merrit ’s Nicola Valley merritthera



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of the last He was one when the Kamloops. finish line but Potestio to cross the had amassed back at By Michael crowd, which in Voght Park, saw THE HERALD line MASS the starting to the reporter@merritthera AGE finish, everyoneto PROG back him heading even went RAM R AM SUCC its fourth annual SUCCE cheered. Oborne the event Merritt held PAGE Butcher. ESS Sunday and SS BOWL E in jog a bit with running marathons5 Country Run all ages participate said of ERS NATI Butcher started saw people and half-marathon runs. at age 66 and merritth for ONAL 300 parwhen he retired the 5K, 10K was a big inspiration were about CHAM PAGE his daughter In total, there organizer Mary PS 25 event [triathhim. ticipants, said the Ironman “She’s done the way. [She] said, and Jorgensen. led 157 runners, so I did,” lon] and she The 5K had 100 participants. don’t you run?’ ‘Dad, why the halfthe 10K attracted ran people run as well. said Butcher. Thirty-three bcclassif came out to Families and her eight-yearmarathon. Club of Merritt the 5K Helen Asseltine Former RotaryOborne particiPaige finished old daughter Her husband Graeme n race. The president Darch not half-maratho together. the were THURS having in race pated son Isaac DAY, JUNE , is an avid runner,in 53 and six-year-old her mother-in-law 68-year-old 27, 2013 Even 2 the 5K three marathons • MERRIT far behind. 82, took on completing weeks ago. When asked T NEWSPA in Bernice Asseltine, Run. days just two to run so much Country PERS Oborne race at the her first 5K and it was how he manages time, of Helen period “This was while such a short doing it together,” gotta do it race with her our first time answered, “You running the you’re tomorrow, I’m young,” said about daughter. “Relative Herald. the he told young runner Run’ Page 3 n Another relatively See ‘Country in the half-maratho from to take part Bruce Butcher was 78-year-old

Nico N icola la Vall Valley ey’s ’s New N s

beachcomber HOT TUBS


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Act Reform right s nds NCR ke defe cts victims’ C-54 prote DarcieerClar s says Bill Famerilyofoftriple murd victim

Merritt Country the 5K at the of runners in leads a pack as Ontario. Ian Webster/Herald Calvin Little away from as far RACES Seven-year-old of life and OFF TO THE participants from all walks races attracted

Run on Sunday.


disorders, with mental than those and becomes the statement says. Review Board royal assent B.C. ing, it gets In 2011, the escorted visits Cordon. the Schoenborn law. five-year-old that reminds from the Port old Max, and Galt have worked boards granted “This is a bill into the community facility where provincial reviewit is Clarke and of victims all psychiatric courts and Minister Stephen Coquitlam held. That permission we – the families– have been asking matter. In fact, Rob with Prime that victims reminder that victims he was being after opposition from Attorney GeneralHeritage across Canada not criminally a By Emily Wessel soon be found more than than Harper, and Canadian was revoked who said she was for: people will hopefully THE HERALD the bill Nicholson get better supports matter — it statement says. Moore on Clarke’s family, responsible in place; the communewsroom@merritthe Minister Jamesyears. They say the the law,” the of a woman addresses imballiving nearby. are currently receives the protecrequest to transfer for nearly fivebring victims’ rights The bill also Family members murdered by Schoenborn’sfacility in Selkirk, nity as a whole were legislation surrounding and the famichanges will with those of people responances in the time whose childrenMerritt in 2008 are tions [it] deserve[s]; by the B.C. not criminallyis no legal to a psychiatric in into balance finally get more responsible. those found their father in support of the Not but has Man. was approved that there lies of victims a statement released found not criminallyits second readsible, includingnotify members of the Review Board in February, famiReform speaking up to heal,” reads her cousin, Stacy The bill passed Commons late out. Clarke’s Responsible obligation to a high-risk offender be carried Criminally well, saying by Clarke andvictims’ advocacy web- ing in the House of if and yet to of 242 to that move as community Act. with a vote from a facility, a change the not ly opposes Galt, on the Selkirk area. by month the escapes would in last or with act The leavesMARCH classifying those now be reviewed she has family site was found for those found on before 34 and will treating and MADNESS release reviews from annual Allan Schoenborn by reason committee and reported historiesThedifferently Merritt Secondary responsible lengthy violent criminally responsibleevery three School class not criminally for the murhearings its third reading. its third readof 2013 hearings to Darcie Clarke’s family children, hit the streets G of mental disorder If the bill basses HOMES and Clarke’s TIN for their years, which will correct an imbalFEATURE eight-yearders of his grand march G LIS Kaitlynne, system. down Voght members say TIN W 10-year-old current review Street on G LIS NE Friday ance in the being proposed is what Frid for TIN commencem W By “What is Michael LIS ent. Full story on Potestio NE W THE HERALD page 3, more photos NE reporter@merrit It was in section 2 bth rancher Manager Financial Services B. Emily Wessel/Herald nice, 2 bed, shop w/addi™ Pat Sibilleau’s •• Very detached Fort 32x18 Merritt ½ McMurra water The City city Duplex Immaculate council including, last tions “It’s fruit trees,y. down two of Merritt Road • before acres w/ a upgrades newmore! Kane Valley is • Many she moves paint. meeting• 51 onmanagers and much adventure M3957 it’s nothing Áooring & position 1.6 acres log home • siding, She said •will to a new feature be working and ; 3 bedroom quiet cul-de-sac in off -grid the job on & against Alberta. level, 3 tank •a will be a $285,000 Privacy, in any way,” through • Located to H/W Merritt M3954 staff shortage After • Seclusion& busy one. there • Upgrades said Sibilleau. with a council “I had a City of two years with -6181 250-378-6184 “I’ll be of living Merritt the summer, for mostM3953 $154,000 more! the great run Merritt, 250-378 9 kms from is quite rewarding time, what doing there, the fullI think I’ve 1B8 • Fax: is moving Sibilleau Chief • 20 acres, here, and more Administr Phone: BC V1K ,” www.realto $195,000 ative on to pursue fencing, Creek contribute M3832 of my desk I do off a corner “Pat’s Ave., Merritt, • All new At the Sibilleau said. Officer d merritt 1988 Quilchena productiv given us some cil gave meeting, coun$199,000 with a,” sh administr inside she said real her Review Herald. ation and and she’s ity improvements www.royall applause a round of Estate Sibilleau council, Merritt when full Real said she time here,”invested a lot of the proud of See our is most her departure discussing of edition Mayor Susan . Merritt ship she’s the good rela “That Noble said. relationthe Thursday Roline opportuni said, she has an thanked council established w ty that’s during her with fit hard workSibilleau for all Merritt. going to time in the andinto her long-rang the city. she has done certainly e plans “To be for compete we couldn’t that kind able to establi Noble establish of relationsh can do is with that, so all departure said Sibilleau’s ip leaves a as she’s really support we to fill. big hole her supported us.”







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Advertising: Publisher: Editorial: Ph: 378-4241 • Fax: 378-6818 2090 Granite Avenue, P.O. Box 9, Merritt, B.C.

TUESDAY, January 14, 2014 • 9

HERALD SPORTS Have a sports story tip? Tell us about it by calling 250-378-4241 or emailing

There’s something fishy going on here! Nicola Valley Fish & Game Club holds its annual ice fishing derby on Mamette Lake

FROZEN FUN Over 100 registered anglers from all regions of southern B.C. took part in the annual Mamette Lake ice fishing derby on Sunday, hosted by the Nicola Valley Fish & Game Club. (Left) Sheila, 4, and Andrew Klop, 6, of Lower Nicola enjoyed their first ice fishing experience of the new year. (Below) Eight-year-old Kelsey Jager and Missy McDonnell, 10, from Merritt proudly display their catch of rainbow trout. (Right) Maple Ridge’s Joel Rideout shows off his snow-covered three-pound, eight-ounce coarse fish. It was his first time ever ice fishing. Official results will be published in Thursday’s Merritt Herald. Ian Webster/Herald

Cents make some moves at the BCHL deadline By Ian Webster THE HERALD

The Merritt Centennials hockey club made a couple of moves in advance of the Jan. 10 BCHL trade deadline. The Cents released 19-year-old goaltender Russell Sanderson. In one and a half seasons with the Centennials, the five-foot, 10-inch, 161-pound Sanderson played in 19 games, recording a 3.28 GAA and 88.4 SV%. A Merritt minor hockey product, Sanderson has since signed on with the Jr. B Campbell River Storm of the Vancouver Island Junior Hockey League, the same team his 17-year-old brother

Zach plays for. The Centennials also sent 19-year-old forward Bennett Huber to the Okotoks Oilers of the Alberta Junior Hockey League for future considerations. A native of Calgary, the five-foot, 10-inch, 165-pound Huber spent two seasons with Merritt. He played in a total of 77 regular season and playoff games, registering six goals and 11 assists for 17 points, to go along with 16 PIM. “In both cases, we thought that a fresh start would help the players,” said Centennials head coach and GM Luke Pierce, who acknowledged that Sanderson had requested a trade before Christmas, while

Okotoks had shown an interest in acquiring Huber since last summer. To bring their roster back up to the 22-player limit, the Cents acquired 20-year-old defenceman Jason Bird from the Vernon Vipers in exchange for the playing rights to 18-year-old former Centennials blueliner Dylan Chanter. Bird, originally from Toronto, had played over 100 regular season games in the BCHL with the Vipers and the Coquitlam Express prior to coming to Merritt. Over his three seasons in the BCHL, the six-foot, one-inch, 195pound Bird has scored 10 goals and added 32 assists for 42 points. He

Russell Sanderson

Bennett Huber

Jason Bird

Jarrod Schamerhorn

has accrued 60 penalty minutes. After playing for two seasons with Merritt, the six-foot, threeinch Chanter left the Centennials to play in the United States Hockey League for the Dubuque Fighting Saints. He has a scholarship to the University of New Hampshire beginning in 2014-15.

A former Cents’ rookie of the year in 2011-12, Chanter was the subject of international news attention this fall after he went into convulsions following a fight while playing for the Fighting Saints. He has since made a full recovery. To fill the void in net, the Cents have acquired 18-year-old goaltender

Jarrod Schamerhorn from the Lethbridge Broncos of the Western Hockey League. A native of Kelowna, the six-foot, two-inch, 190-pound Schamerhorn has played most recently for the Portland Winterhawks of the WHL prior to being traded to the Hurricanes after Christmas.

In six games with the Winterhawks, Schamerhorn had a 3.91 GAA and 87.2 SV%. Before joining the Western League, Schamerhorn played for the Golden Rockets and Beaver Valley Nitehawks of the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League and for the Nanaimo Clippers of the BCHL.

10 • TUESDAY, January 14, 2014

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Help Wanted A.R.T ENTERPRISES Ltd o/a Subway at A-2190 Vought St, Merritt, BC, V1K-1B8 is hiring five F/T Permanent Kitchen Helpers. $10.29-$11.50/hour. High School graduate. Duties: Wash & Peel vegetables & fruit. Receive, unpack & store supplies. Remove garbage. Drop-off or email resume:

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MERRITT HERALD Ph: 378-4241 Fax: 378-6818 Advertising: Publisher: Editorial: Production: 2090 Granite Avenue, P.O. Box 9, Merritt, B.C.

Mary Bulak

On January 2, 2014, peacefully at the Nicola Valley Health Center after a short illness. Mary, in her 99th year, is predeceased by her loving husband Paul. Survived by her son Wayne, in Kingston, and daughter Yvonne, in Toronto. Will be fondly remembered by grandchildren and great grandchildren, along with other relatives and friends. Resident of Merritt since 1966, and a member of the Trinity United Church. As expressions of sympathy, donations may be made to the Trinity United Church, in Mary’s memory. A celebration of her life will be held on January 15th, 2014 at the Trinity United Church at 11 am.


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Merchandise for Sale

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TUESDAY, January 14, 2014 • 11

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Legal Notices

Legal Notices

NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Re: Estate of Helen Eleanor Rule, deceased, formerly of #21 - 1401 Nicola Ave, Merritt, B.C., V1K 1L8. Creditors and others having claims are hereby required to send the particulars thereof to the undersigned executor, C/O Nick Weiser, Webber Weiser MCKinley and Kay, 285 Seymour St., Kamloops, BC, V2C 2E7 on or before February 4th 2014, after which the estate’s assets will be distributed, having regard only to the claims that have been received.


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Homes for Rent

3 bdrm dble wide w/basement, lge yard in Lower Nicola. Avail Feb 5/14. $900/mth Call 250378-5268 5 bdrm & den 3 1/2 bath, c/vac, 7 appls, c/air and much more. Avail immed. $1250 plus UTIL. 2 bdrm, laminate oors, recently reno’d, share laundry, $650 includes UTIL. n/p, n/s, ref and credit check required. 778-228-6378. Craigs List - Kamloops for pics


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Electrician – Pre-Apprenticeship Program Start Date: February 3, 2014


This 24-week program provides students with the necessary skills to seek employment as an apprentice electrician. The program exposes the student to aspects of residential, commercial and industrial systems in this trade with a focus on developing practical skills. The curriculum follows the B.C. Ministry of Advanced Education guidelines for the first-year in-class components of the Electrician Apprenticeship, which includes installation procedures in compliance with the Canadian Electrical Code for residential, commercial and industrial systems. For more information on the curriculum and learning outcomes, please see the Industry Training Authority’s website, Level 1 program information: Graduates of this program receive credit for Level 1 apprenticeship technical training and may also be granted practical credit by the Industry Training Authority.

Individuals who complete the ITA Construction Electrician Foundation program, with a minimum of 70% on the Level One Technician Exam, will receive the following credit toward completion of the Construction Electrician apprenticeship program: • Technical Training: Level 1 • Work-Based Training: 350 hours



• B.C. secondary school graduation or equivalent, or 19 years of age and out of secondary school for at least one year as of the first day of classes. • One of: English 12, English 12 First Peoples, Technical and Professional Communications (TPC) 12, an equivalent Provincial Level Adult Basic Education English course, or equivalent assessment. • Math requirement: Students graduating from secondary school in or prior to 2012: Mathematics 11 or an equivalent Advanced Level Adult Basic Education Mathematics course, or an equivalent assessment. Students entering Grade 10 in or after 2010 and/or completing the new mathematics curriculum: One of: Apprenticeship and Workplace Mathematics 11, Foundations of Mathematics 11 or, Pre-Calculus 11, or an equivalent Advanced Level Adult Basic Education Mathematics course or an equivalent assessment.

Course #

Course Name


ELEC 101 ELEC 102 ELEC 103 ELEC 104 ELEC 105 ELEC 106 ELEC 107 ELEC 108 ELEC 109 ELEC 110 ELEC 111 ELEC 112 ELEC 113 ELEC 114 ELEC 115

Trades Math Trades Science Components Safe Work Practices Rigging & Hoisting Equipment Hand Tools Portable Power Tools Principles of Electricity Electrical Circuits Conductors & Raceways Test Equipment AC Motor Controls Prints & Drawings Canadian Electrical Code Solid State Devices Level One Technical Exam Program Total Hours

60.0 72.0 36.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 90.0 90.0 60.0 30.0 60.0 18.0 60.0 30.0 60.0 720.0

For more information, please contact Enrolment Services at (250) 378-3300

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